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Game v2: Attorneys VS Prosecutors | The verdict has been announced!

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Sep 6, 2015 3:34 PM

Jul 2014
You may have been late to the party
But you were still the life of it
Sep 6, 2015 9:50 PM

Dec 2013
"Very well, Your honor. Today the prosecution finds Mr. Lupadim guilty of murder on the grounds he was found close to the victim's body after everyone had fled; also, an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim."

Sep 7, 2015 4:24 AM

May 2014
Zymf said:
Nah, Ace Attorney is a kids game ya'know. We can't just give death penalties like that..

The accused will surrender to the court immediately, to be held pending trial at a higher court within a month.

Hmmm I like the idea of this happening
I've been here way too long...
Sep 7, 2015 4:27 AM

Dec 2012
Make sure to post at least once per phase! So far, it seems there will be a lot of players that need to be replaced...

Also, I would advice both the Attorneys and the Prosecutors to move the discussion from the Secret Clubs to here, so that we can get some discussions started.

The argumentation and evidence presented by the Prosecution is not even close to being conclusive and there is no way I can declare a Guilty verdict on that one statement alone.
Sep 7, 2015 5:00 AM

Apr 2014
Astros said:
"Very well, Your honor. Today the prosecution finds Mr. Lupadim guilty of murder on the grounds he was found close to the victim's body after everyone had fled; also, an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim."

Ok I will respond to this since no one else has. Just because our our cilent was found in the area of the crime it does not mean they are part of the crime. Once the crime has been commited which it sounds like in your statement since everyone had fled the scene. Why would the murderer stay in the area. They would leave the area just as quickly they is no benefit to stay in the area it just makes you look more suspect. I find this been used as a point aganist my cilent to prove them guilty pretty weak.

To move onto my next point I would like to take issue with the witness account I find the phaseing of this strange if I had seen a murder I would not say I saw the guilty party pull the trigger a person would just say they saw a murder commited. So I would like to hear the actual witness account in more detail and in thier own words if possible. So I would like them to give a testimony.

These are my thoughts so far my colleagues can feel free to add to them.
Sep 7, 2015 5:23 AM

Jan 2014
Can the attorneys and the prosecutors move their conversations onto this thread. We side characters can't really do much until you do so.
Sep 7, 2015 5:28 AM

Jul 2014
Thanks Transience
Sep 7, 2015 5:29 AM

Dec 2012
Transience said:
Can the attorneys and the prosecutors move their conversations onto this thread. We side characters can't really do much until you do so.
Sodalicious_ just asked me about this too. The attorneys and the prosecutors have a reason to keep the discussion going, because it is part of their win condition. However, when the Side Characters are not filling out their role, they can do whatever they want and even help solving the case ^^
Sep 7, 2015 7:24 AM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:
Ok I will respond to this since no one else has. Just because our our cilent was found in the area of the crime it does not mean they are part of the crime. Once the crime has been commited which it sounds like in your statement since everyone had fled the scene. Why would the murderer stay in the area. They would leave the area just as quickly they is no benefit to stay in the area it just makes you look more suspect. I find this been used as a point aganist my cilent to prove them guilty pretty weak.
While it may be a weak point to prove their guilt it stands to be proven that they weren't near the victim during and after the crime. While you're true to say just being present doesn't make you a criminal, it does put you physically at the scene. Together with our eye witness report I believe it fair to state.

Jackrito said:
To move onto my next point I would like to take issue with the witness account I find the phaseing of this strange if I had seen a murder I would not say I saw the guilty party pull the trigger a person would just say they saw a murder commited. So I would like to hear the actual witness account in more detail and in thier own words if possible. So I would like them to give a testimony.
While I find your reasons trivial, the prosecution would also like to hear Mr. Mkim's testimony. If you would Mr. Mkim, take the stand and deliver your testimony to the court.

Now, for the validity of your claim I ask that you first answer this question.

"Do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
Sep 7, 2015 7:46 AM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:

Ok I will respond to this since no one else has. Just because our our cilent was found in the area of the crime it does not mean they are part of the crime.
This still put's said person at the crime scene, so it's safe to assume the possibility of him being part of the crime is there.

Sep 7, 2015 7:56 AM

Apr 2014
KaitoKid said:
Jackrito said:

Ok I will respond to this since no one else has. Just because our our cilent was found in the area of the crime it does not mean they are part of the crime.
This still put's said person at the crime scene, so it's safe to assume the possibility of him being part of the crime is there.

I could agrue that the witness was also at the crime scene so they could of done it if been there is the basis to be guilty. As said before I want to hear more from the witness in question and also the defendant. Since both are at the scene it would be good to know both of thier tale of events.
Sep 7, 2015 8:05 AM
Jan 2013
Jackrito said:
So I would like to hear the actual witness account in more detail and in thier own words if possible. So I would like them to give a testimony.

Oh hai, that's me

Astros said:
While I find your reasons trivial, the prosecution would also like to hear Mr. Mkim's testimony. If you would Mr. Mkim, take the stand and deliver your testimony to the court.

Oh hai, that's me too.

Astros said:
"Do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

Yes, I affirm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and so help me god

Dunno if that's correct, never heard that last part before. ^

"What I Witnessed"

Hello, I am Mkim, the witness. I was getting on the changing room when I saw a person with a red mantle walking around as if dizzy, I thought the person was sick or feeling bad so I followed him to see if I could help, but then he stopped walking after he got to a "closed space with two entrances", a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground, but weird enough, the person with the red mantle almost immediately fell too, into a fancy "flop" on the ground.

Now baby, put this game on the road. I mean it, you guys are getting into this so cute, talking all nicey nicey as if in a real (Ace Attorney) court.
gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 8:17 AM

Apr 2014
Mkim said:
Jackrito said:
So I would like to hear the actual witness account in more detail and in thier own words if possible. So I would like them to give a testimony.

Oh hai, that's me

Astros said:
While I find your reasons trivial, the prosecution would also like to hear Mr. Mkim's testimony. If you would Mr. Mkim, take the stand and deliver your testimony to the court.

Oh hai, that's me too.

Astros said:
"Do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

Yes, I affirm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and so help me god

Dunno if that's correct, never heard that last part before. ^

"What I Witnessed"

Hello, I am Mkim, the witness. I was getting on the changing room when I saw a person with a red mantle walking around as if dizzy, I thought the person was sick or feeling bad so I followed him to see if I could help, but then he stopped walking after he got to a "closed space with two entrances", a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground, but weird enough, the person with the red mantle almost immediately fell too, into a fancy "flop" on the ground.

Now baby, put this game on the road. I mean it, you guys are getting into this so cute, talking all nicey nicey as if in a real (Ace Attorney) court.

Thank you for your testimony this helps a lot with the case. I would like to point out a clear error in this account to that of the one presented by the Prosecution. In thier words "an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim." Based off the account of the witness they did not even see them with a gun so I have no idea how proscecution claim you saw the defendant pull the trigger.

This also makes me want to hear more from my cilent the defendant "Lupadim" because it appears clear off the witness testimony that my cilent had some sort of problem before the event and them falling to the floor after the event shows this more so.
Sep 7, 2015 8:36 AM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:
Thank you for your testimony this helps a lot with the case. I would like to point out a clear error in this account to that of the one presented by the Prosecution. In thier words "an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim." Based off the account of the witness they did not even see them with a gun so I have no idea how proscecution claim you saw the defendant pull the trigger.
I object to the error in light of what the eye witness stated in their testimony.

Mr. said:
a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground

Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear a POW and see someone fall my first assumption is they've been shot. Now to fire a gun you have to pull the trigger first right? So it's safe to assume without seeing the gun that Mr. Mkim was able to witness the defendant pull the trigger. He heard the sound a gun usually makes "POW" and saw the victim fall. Now, unless you can prove the POW was from something else or the victim did not indeed die from some other cause then I believe our statement was valid.

Jackrito said:
This also makes me want to hear more from my cilent the defendant "Lupadim" because it appears clear off the witness testimony that my cilent had some sort of problem before the event and them falling to the floor after the event shows this more so.
Before that I would like to ask the witness a few more questions.

"Mr. Mkim, you claim you saw a person with a red mantle, was there anything else you noticed about them such as items they were carrying?"
Sep 7, 2015 8:37 AM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:
Mkim said:

Oh hai, that's me

Oh hai, that's me too.

Yes, I affirm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and so help me god

Dunno if that's correct, never heard that last part before. ^

"What I Witnessed"

Hello, I am Mkim, the witness. I was getting on the changing room when I saw a person with a red mantle walking around as if dizzy, I thought the person was sick or feeling bad so I followed him to see if I could help, but then he stopped walking after he got to a "closed space with two entrances", a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground, but weird enough, the person with the red mantle almost immediately fell too, into a fancy "flop" on the ground.

Now baby, put this game on the road. I mean it, you guys are getting into this so cute, talking all nicey nicey as if in a real (Ace Attorney) court.

Thank you for your testimony this helps a lot with the case. I would like to point out a clear error in this account to that of the one presented by the Prosecution. In thier words "an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim." Based off the account of the witness they did not even see them with a gun so I have no idea how proscecution claim you saw the defendant pull the trigger.

This also makes me want to hear more from my cilent the defendant "Lupadim" because it appears clear off the witness testimony that my cilent had some sort of problem before the event and them falling to the floor after the event shows this more so.

Even if he did not "See the trigger being pulled the sound of a gunshot was heard near him", safe to say a gun was most likely used by your defendant when he close to the victim.

Depends what kind of problems there could have been alcohol or drug is your defendants system, or he could have been sick which why would someone whois sick be out and about?

Sep 7, 2015 8:50 AM

Jun 2015
Astros said:

Mr. said:
a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground

Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear a POW and see someone fall my first assumption is they've been shot. Now to fire a gun you have to pull the trigger first right? So it's safe to assume without seeing the gun that Mr. Mkim was able to witness the defendant pull the trigger. He heard the sound a gun usually makes "POW" and saw the victim fall. Now, unless you can prove the POW was from something else or the victim did not indeed die from some other cause then I believe our statement was valid.

A POW not only implies a gunshot, when you punch someone you will hear POW.
If we go by this train of thought, there is no gun.
Also it's not known to us whether, Elwin Gerald was shot. This could simply be a quarrel between two people.
It's also possible that Elwin Gerald is the person with red mantle and could be poisoned, which is more likely as he was acting strange before.
Sep 7, 2015 8:52 AM

Aug 2012
Astros said:
Very well, Your honor. Today the prosecution finds Mr. Lupadim guilty of murder
Holy shit the prosecutor is also the judge, I call bias on this trial

Astros said:
on the grounds he was found close to the victim's body
You were not the smart kid in your school, were you?

Astros said:
also, an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim
But wait, I also saw that same witness smoke marijuana and get high, so they are obviously unreliable. Wait, neither me nor the witness got evidence of what we saw, it almost looks like our claims are unfounded!

*gets held in contempt of court*
Sep 7, 2015 8:55 AM

Dec 2013
El-Psy_Congroo said:
A POW not only implies a gunshot, when you punch someone you will hear POW.
If we go by this train of thought, there is no gun.
Also it's not known to us whether, Elwin Gerald was shot. This could simply be a quarrel between two people.
It's also possible that Elwin Gerald is the person with red mantle and could be poisoned, which is more likely as he was acting strange before.
Considering the witness said he heard a POW and then the victim fell, not that the person with a red mantle punched the victim and he fell, can rule out your assumption of a quarrel. I fail to see how Elwin Gerald was the person in the red mantle when the defendant was found wearing it.
Sep 7, 2015 9:02 AM

Jun 2015
Astros said:
El-Psy_Congroo said:
A POW not only implies a gunshot, when you punch someone you will hear POW.
If we go by this train of thought, there is no gun.
Also it's not known to us whether, Elwin Gerald was shot. This could simply be a quarrel between two people.
It's also possible that Elwin Gerald is the person with red mantle and could be poisoned, which is more likely as he was acting strange before.
Considering the witness said he heard a POW and then the victim fell, not that the person with a red mantle punched the victim and he fell, can rule out your assumption of a quarrel. I fail to see how Elwin Gerald was the person in the red mantle when the defendant was found wearing it.
How can you be sure that the defendant was wearing the red mantle ? Is there any evidence to back your claim. From what I infer, the person wearing the red mantle is the victim here.
Sep 7, 2015 9:04 AM

Dec 2013
El-Psy_Congroo said:
How can you be sure that the defendant was wearing the red mantle ? Is there any evidence to back your claim. From what I infer, the person wearing the red mantle is the victim here.
Yes, but I would like to finish with my questions to the witness if you don't mind.
Sep 7, 2015 9:06 AM

Apr 2014
Astros said:
Jackrito said:
Thank you for your testimony this helps a lot with the case. I would like to point out a clear error in this account to that of the one presented by the Prosecution. In thier words "an eye witness saw the defendant pull the trigger of the gun that killed the victim." Based off the account of the witness they did not even see them with a gun so I have no idea how proscecution claim you saw the defendant pull the trigger.
I object to the error in light of what the eye witness stated in their testimony.

Mr. said:
a "POW" could be heard and a person that was in front of him fell on the ground

Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear a POW and see someone fall my first assumption is they've been shot. Now to fire a gun you have to pull the trigger first right? So it's safe to assume without seeing the gun that Mr. Mkim was able to witness the defendant pull the trigger. He heard the sound a gun usually makes "POW" and saw the victim fall. Now, unless you can prove the POW was from something else or the victim did not indeed die from some other cause then I believe our statement was valid.

Your statement is not valid they is a big differance seeing someone shoot someone with a gun and hearing a gun been fired. By saying the first one that is clear intent to use false facts to get a verdict. You can not use assumptions in a court of law and if you do at least have the courtsey to say it is assumption in the first place and not state it as fact and as a main point in your case aganist the defendent.

I would also like to point out since this crime happened in a expo they is a chance that the gunshot noise was from a fake gun off another person . Espically since my cilent was not seen with a gun by the witness I refuse to see this as valid evidence unless my cilent can be proved to be in possession of said gun. Also at this point in time we do not even know what the victim died from unless I missed something so a gun may not be the murder weapon.
Sep 7, 2015 9:50 AM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:
Your statement is not valid they is a big differance seeing someone shoot someone with a gun and hearing a gun been fired. By saying the first one that is clear intent to use false facts to get a verdict. You can not use assumptions in a court of law and if you do at least have the courtsey to say it is assumption in the first place and not state it as fact and as a main point in your case aganist the defendent.

I would also like to point out since this crime happened in a expo they is a chance that the gunshot noise was from a fake gun off another person . Espically since my cilent was not seen with a gun by the witness I refuse to see this as valid evidence unless my cilent can be proved to be in possession of said gun. Also at this point in time we do not even know what the victim died from unless I missed something so a gun may not be the murder weapon.
While there is a distinction between seeing someone shoot someone and hearing a gun being fired the witnesses testimony is in the middle ground. They not only heard the gun, but saw the victim fall afterward while in front of the culprit matching the defendant's description. To see someone shoot someone with a gun I assume you would need to witness the victim fall, hear the gunshot, and see the gun. With the witness both seeing the victim fall and hearing the gunshot I do not believe he simply only heard the gun.

As for using assumptions I thought most claims without evidence would be assumptions by default. The prosecution was not aware of the witnesses full testimony prior to this trial otherwise we would not have claimed assumption as a main point.

I'll agree with all of those presently due to the lack of overall evidence. I will also modify our opening statement to be more clear.

"Very well, Your honor. Today the prosecution finds Mr. Lupadim guilty of murder on the grounds he was found close to the victim's body after everyone had fled; also, an eye witness saw the culprit matching the defendant's description as they pulled the trigger of the gun that killed the victim."

From the testimony the "POW" is in support of a gun being used, while not definite it can't be totally dismissed either. The witness did see the supposed culprit with the red mantle that matched the defendant's description which I will share evidence supporting this after I hear more from the witness.
AstrosSep 7, 2015 10:03 AM
Sep 7, 2015 10:38 AM

May 2014
Btw can side characters just add in pieces of dialogue like

Hmm, this is quite a puzzle

For some depth :D
I've been here way too long...
Sep 7, 2015 10:48 AM

Dec 2013
Well it seems the eye witness has nothing further to say or refuses to answer. That being the case the prosecution has no further questions.
AstrosSep 7, 2015 11:12 AM
Sep 7, 2015 11:09 AM
Jan 2013
Soz, I was eating, dad made Sukiyaki

I'll be answering the question now
gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 11:19 AM
Jan 2013
Astros said:
"Mr. Mkim, you claim you saw a person with a red mantle, was there anything else you noticed about them such as items they were carrying?"

I do not believe I saw him carrying any object, but I did mention the person with the red mantle "Flop-ed". The gun was visible after he fell.

Also, I might have chosen a bad Onomatopeia, but ya, I don't quite meant a punch when I said "POW", maybe a "BANG" would been more helpful? .-. Did I missed any other question directed to me?

gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 11:31 AM

Dec 2013
Mkim said:
I do not believe I saw him carrying any object, but I did mention the person with the red mantle "Flop-ed". The gun was visible after he fell.

Also, I might have chosen a bad Onomatopeia, but ya, I don't quite meant a punch when I said "POW", maybe a "BANG" would been more helpful? .-. Did I missed any other question directed to me?

"I see, so the gun appeared only after the suspected culprit fell. What happened afterward?"
Sep 7, 2015 11:42 AM
Jan 2013
Astros said:
"I see, so the gun appeared only after the suspected culprit fell. What happened afterward?"[/i]

I became momentarily confused on the situation. I thought that it couldn't have been that I just witnessed a shooting, but the two parties were not moving and the gun just seemed to be too realistic to be fake. That's when I freaked out on the situation and left the place.
gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 11:58 AM

Dec 2013
Mkim said:
I became momentarily confused on the situation. I thought that it couldn't have been that I just witnessed a shooting, but the two parties were not moving and the gun just seemed to be too realistic to be fake. That's when I freaked out on the situation and left the place.

"Hmm, an understandable reaction. It's not everyday you witness a possible shooting after all. I have two more questions I'd like ask. Did you ever see the victim and the defendant together before the incident and did you know either prior to the event?"
Sep 7, 2015 12:11 PM

Aug 2012
Hey, defense attorney, I just realized something... They keep talking about how I was holding a gun, but said gun was never found, right? Curious, because I supposedly never left the crime scene.
Sep 7, 2015 12:25 PM
Jan 2013
Astros said:
"Hmm, an understandable reaction. It's not everyday you witness a possible shooting after all. I have two more questions I'd like ask. Did you ever see the victim and the defendant together before the incident and did you know either prior to the event?"[/i]

About the first question, I don't believe I saw the defendant before, nor the two of them together. Now to the second question, yes I knew the victim, we went to the same High School, I only heard that he was the victim some time after the incident though.
gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 12:30 PM

Dec 2013
Mkim said:
About the first question, I don't believe I saw the defendant before, nor the two of them together. Now to the second question, yes I knew the victim, we went to the same High School, I only heard that he was the victim some time after the incident though.

"Hmm, very well, that is all for the prosecution."

Sep 7, 2015 12:35 PM
Jan 2013
And I was the only one to testimony -3- b

Neat-o, I wanna know what is a "Dealer" and what is a "Friend"
gone bai bai
Sep 7, 2015 12:46 PM

Apr 2014
lupadim said:
Hey, defense attorney, I just realized something... They keep talking about how I was holding a gun, but said gun was never found, right? Curious, because I supposedly never left the crime scene.

Well the witness says you dropped the gun when you fell so this is a valid point. Since you were not awake at the scene after the crime and dropped the gun from the witness's statement it seems the gun should of been at the crime scene. But if the weapon has not been found someone must have removed it.
Sep 7, 2015 12:47 PM

Apr 2014
Astros said:
Mkim said:
About the first question, I don't believe I saw the defendant before, nor the two of them together. Now to the second question, yes I knew the victim, we went to the same High School, I only heard that he was the victim some time after the incident though.

"Hmm, very well, that is all for the prosecution."

who knows I agree we leave it for now until the next phase.
Sep 7, 2015 1:04 PM

Aug 2012
Jackrito said:
lupadim said:
Hey, defense attorney, I just realized something... They keep talking about how I was holding a gun, but said gun was never found, right? Curious, because I supposedly never left the crime scene.

Well the witness says you dropped the gun when you fell so this is a valid point. Since you were not awake at the scene after the crime and dropped the gun from the witness's statement it seems the gun should of been at the crime scene. But if the weapon has not been found someone must have removed it.
This should at the very least prove a third party
Sep 7, 2015 1:05 PM

May 2014
It actually ends in about 2 hours. 10pm GMT: = 6pm EDT
Sep 7, 2015 1:14 PM

Dec 2013
14leblanck said:
It actually ends in about 2 hours. 10pm GMT: = 6pm EDT
I don't know about you, but I'm going by the opening post.

Sep 7, 2015 2:29 PM

Dec 2012
Investigation phase 1

June 1, 5:00 PM
Japan Expo in Paris
Security Room

The Judge didn't seem very convinced that lupadim was the murderer. We better look for more evidence. Maybe the security footage can show us something of importance. Now what time was it again...

*Walks in the door to the Security Room* ... Whooa! What are you doing in here? We came here to investigate! Er.. I mean, Don't tamper with any of the evidence, ok!?

Don't you worry, we allready have all the evidence we need. We are looking forward to see you again in court tomorrow >:D

How to investigate?
Above, you can see a picture of the Security Room. To investigate something, simply choose an action (Search/Inspect, Use fingerprint powder or Spray luminol), choose something that can be seen on the picture and then send me a PM with your choices.

Any evidence that has been presented either in this thread or has found it's way to attorneys/prosecutors can ALSO be investigated! This is usefull, if you want more information from a given piece of information as long as there is any more information to find.

Only attorneys and prosecutors can investigate.
Sep 7, 2015 4:21 PM

Jul 2014
Can i still add things or do I need to wait for the next phase?
Sep 7, 2015 5:47 PM

Oct 2011
So we can search actual footage?

Sep 7, 2015 10:11 PM

Dec 2012
Sodalicious_ said:
Can i still add things or do I need to wait for the next phase?
You can add things now too, if you have some information you'd like to share :) - However, I can only declare verdict durring trial phases.

MaiTai said:
So we can search actual footage?
You can try, but I won't promise anything ;D
Sep 8, 2015 4:39 AM

Dec 2012
I will look for replacements for Soren333 (Prosecutor) and send a warning to coromandel (Friend).

If a Side Character haven't posted in +24 hours, then I might decide to act as a stand in for that role in order to keep the discussion going.
ZymfSep 8, 2015 4:46 AM
Sep 8, 2015 4:43 AM

Jul 2014
Friend sounds like an interesting role
Sep 8, 2015 5:59 AM

Dec 2012
xanic will replace Soren333
Sep 8, 2015 6:07 AM

Jan 2014
Astros said:
Jackrito said:
Your statement is not valid they is a big differance seeing someone shoot someone with a gun and hearing a gun been fired. By saying the first one that is clear intent to use false facts to get a verdict. You can not use assumptions in a court of law and if you do at least have the courtsey to say it is assumption in the first place and not state it as fact and as a main point in your case aganist the defendent.

I would also like to point out since this crime happened in a expo they is a chance that the gunshot noise was from a fake gun off another person . Espically since my cilent was not seen with a gun by the witness I refuse to see this as valid evidence unless my cilent can be proved to be in possession of said gun. Also at this point in time we do not even know what the victim died from unless I missed something so a gun may not be the murder weapon.
While there is a distinction between seeing someone shoot someone and hearing a gun being fired the witnesses testimony is in
Astros said:
While there is a distinction between seeing someone shoot someone and hearing a gun being fired the witnesses testimony is in the middle ground.
Sure, your witness saw the victim and the 'defendant' together, heard the gun shot and then saw the victim fall to the ground. As Jack pointed out before, your witness never saw the defendent actually pull the trigger and without that you don't really have any solid evidence against Lupa. You're also excluding the possibility of the presence of another attacker - which seems to me to be the most likely if you look at other possibilities.
Sep 8, 2015 9:31 AM

May 2014
Don't replace me. >.>

I think the Security Guard should be questioned tomorrow, he was standing near the crime scene after all.

Sep 8, 2015 9:38 AM

May 2014
If its not obvious already scan the potato chips, there might be a death note hidden within
I've been here way too long...
Sep 8, 2015 10:02 AM

Dec 2013
TheConquerer said:
If its not obvious already scan the potato chips, there might be a death note hidden within

Lmao this is priceless.

Sep 8, 2015 10:11 AM

Apr 2014
coromandel said:
Don't replace me. >.>

I think the Security Guard should be questioned tomorrow, he was standing near the crime scene after all.

That is what I was planning to do wanted to check the security room first though luckily that was the first room we got to check.
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» [GAME] (* ̄・ ̄)ノ Count to 30 Before a Slightly Inebriated Staff Member Posts! v4 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Togs - Jul 2, 2017

2867 by Serafos »»
Aug 17, 9:41 PM

» Count To 7777 V3 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Lambtron - May 15, 2018

1160 by Serafos »»
Aug 17, 9:41 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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