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Apr 17, 2009 1:20 PM

Dec 2007
Name: (male italian names/female italian names)
Gender: (If the name doesn't clear that out)

Family: (Zenten/Kurashigo/some minor family)
Family Rank: (Guardian/Captain/Soldier/Tech guy)
Mafia Nickname: (What are you known for?)

Flame Attribute: (We don't use flames yet, except of bosses of course)
Special Bullet: (Read the Bullets rules. You can also use pills.)

Appearance: (If you can't find a picture, a description will be fine)
Bio: (Tell about the background of the character)
Personality: (What makes your character who she/he is)
LamboApr 24, 2009 1:31 AM
is what we make it to be.

Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 18, 2009 1:26 AM

Dec 2007
Name: Giovanni
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Family: Zenten
Family Rank: Boss
Mafia Nickname: "Sky Shooter"

Weapon: duel guns (similiar to Xanxus's)
skills: Exellent shooter, strong street fighter as well. Can shoot flames out of his gun at times.
Flame Attribute: Sky
Special Bullet: "Hyper Dying Will" bullet

Bio: Jovanni, The Zenten V (5th). He is a man of honor and pride. He was raised by the fourth,
his dad, until he passed away, leaving him the title of the boss at the age of 17. Not all
of the family members accepted him at first, but eventually, Jovanni recived recognition from all members.
LamboApr 24, 2009 7:28 AM
is what we make it to be.

Apr 18, 2009 4:25 AM

Jun 2008
Name: Raul
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Family: Zenten
Family Rank: Storm guardian
Mafia Nickname: "Wolfed"

Weapon: Bare hands.
Storm greaves - tibia and feet armor with blades in spur place.

Storm protectors.
Those forearm protectors are used only to defense.

Skills: Martial art user (teakwondo), he can use any kind of range weapon, bombs and short melee weapon (part of training for Special Ops).

Flame Attribute: Storm

Special Pills: "Werewolf Will" - after using those pills Raul shapeshift into Werewolf. His speed and agile increase, also his sense of smell and hear improve. In werewolf's form he looks some like this

He has special uniform (black jeans, gray vest) which doesn't tear apart.
P.S. Silver, holy water and other craps doesn't work.


Bio: Raul's family is in Zenten from the third. He knew the fourth and now is under the fifth,Jovanni, command. Raul is usually calm and concentrated on his objectives.
IceLevianApr 28, 2009 5:21 AM
92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% who still listens to real music, copy and paste this into your signature....
Apr 18, 2009 6:06 AM

Aug 2007
Name: Mimi
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Family: Kurashigo
Family Rank: Boss
Mafia Nickname: "Deadly Shadow of the West"

Weapon: scythe called Cielo Miete (Sky Reaper)
Skills: Best close-range fighter in the mafia.
Flame Attribute: Sky
Special Bullet: Hyper Dying Will Pills

Appearance: She has short black hair and purple eyes. She always wears manly clothes, so people often thinks she is male.

Bio: Mimi became the Kurashigo V boss, because her brother was killed right after he was chosen to be the leader of the family. She became the boss recently, so not everyone in the family has accepted her yet.
Personality: Mimi is very responsible, but very short-tempered sometimes.
HiragaMay 30, 2009 11:27 AM
Apr 18, 2009 8:30 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Aldo Marino
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Family: Kurashigo
Family Rank: Thunder Guardian
Mafia Nickname: "Bloody Shadow"

Weapon: Twin white guns
Skills: A master sniper
Flame Attribute: Thunder
Special Bullet: "Channel Shot"- Channels most of the energy in a person's body into the area that is shot, leaving only the bare minimum in all other areas.

Appearance: Click Here
Bio: Aldo was helped by the Fourth boss of the Kurashigo family and has sworn loyalty to the family. He is still loyal to the current boss and is willing to do anything to defend her.
Personality: Calm and calculating most of the time, he has no problems with killing people who insult or threaten Mimi. This extends to anybody who insults his friends or family.
Lobo_BlancoApr 25, 2009 6:24 PM
Apr 20, 2009 11:57 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Celino Curator
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Family: Kurashigo
Family Rank: Storm (can use other flames but not yet)
Mafia Nickname: "Guardian Devil"

Weapon: The Slasher Gauntlet (can have 2 if he want) -
"Tempesta Artigli"

Skills: Tiger Style kungfu (add more later)
Flame Attribute: Storm (and other flame types just like Gokudera won't use until the box weapons are in play)
Special Pill(s): Moeagaru (Burst into flames) - this pill cover his intire body in to his dying will flames. His speed and strength gose up by 100x.


KilzMay 2, 2009 1:33 PM
Apr 22, 2009 9:59 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Bianca
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Family: Zenten
Family Rank: Mist Guardian
Mafia Nickname: "Nightshade Illusion"

Weapon: Chain whip(here& here)
Skills: Martial arts(Hsing and Capoeira),overly defensive style of fighting, using her opponent's strength to throw them off balance;Very good illusionist,she's a spy and also a hacker.
Flame Attribute: Mist
Special Pills: "Omni Subjugation"-As long as the user is conscious it allows him/her to continue fighting to death,ignoring the pain,even after their body broke.They are very dangerous pills and should only be taken in desperate situations,being fully aware of the consequences(fighting with a broken body already means death and if not death,then horrible pain).

(<-well,she's not wearing a kimono,but her face is what I have in mind)
Bio: She was 7 years old when she woke up in a hospital,without memories.She was found by an assasin organisation and trained to become a hitman.When she desagreed with a job she was threatened.Few years later she was caught by the 4th Zenten boss's men.He found the girl's skills interesting and decided to take care of her.She came to respect the 4th and after his death she's still in the Zenten family,under the 5th's command.Currently she still hadn't found out anything about her past.
Personality:As the mist guardian,her personality is very versatile.She's not very reliable because she does a job only when she's passionate about it.She's confident,charismatic,usually talks big and likes to finish her projects.She has multiple interests,which makes her a very good spy.She is also very lucky and she likes gambling.She uses her good luck in missions.She owns a motorbike.She usually looks calm but she is very headstrong.
EruineApr 26, 2009 11:32 AM
Apr 22, 2009 3:04 PM

Dec 2007
Name: Angelio Orfeo
Gender: Male
Age:16 - 21 (unknown)

Family: Kurashigo
Family Rank: Rain Guardian & Mimi'd right hand man
Mafia Nickname:" Phantom"

Weapon: Sword and Pistol.
Skill: Mixed ranged combat; Can be in a sword clash, then move back and ranged fight at quick pace with deadly combinations of area to fight in, making a good advantage in battle. A trained assasin, At mimi's order, will take out a target without any notice.....well....hopefully...if things dont fuck up.. XD
Flame Attribute: Rain
Special Bullet: " Time down " , Allows the person hit by the bullet to slow time down for all people in the area, apart from the person hit by the bullet, making them all move in slow motion, and allowing the user to move at normall speed, gaining the advantage to attack the opponent for a really short time.

LamboApr 24, 2009 4:42 AM

Apr 23, 2009 9:29 AM
Nov 2007
First of all, sorry for my english, feel free to fix me :D

Name: Kiyochimaru (Kiyochi)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Family: Zenten

Family Rank: Cloud Guardian

Mafia Nickname: "Solo Slayer"

Weapon: 2 spears

Skills: Stabbing FAST.

Flame Attribute: Cloud

Special Bullet: Mercenary Will (couldn't find a better name) - this pill was created for the rain guardians, witch used sword and blades. Kiyochimaru using them too. The Mercenery Will gives the user great sword skill. Its makes your hand move x2 faster, and also gives you a little of sword-fighting skill.


1. His hair is brown and a little longer
2. He is taller than Oz
3. Pretend that this watch is a necklace XD
4. He holds 2 long spears.

Bio: When he was 7, his big brother gave him his necklace. Later on the day, he saw on TV that his brother murdered 8 people, and now he wanted. From this day on Kiyochi became cold and quiet, and started new life in Italy. In Italy he trained spear fighting, and now he is professional fighter. (Sorry for the lame bio XD)

Personality: He is cold and cruel. If he wants to, he can kill his enemy, any possible (and impossible) way. He is also calm and clever, and a good strategist.

TY ^-^
LamboApr 24, 2009 4:41 AM
Apr 23, 2009 8:33 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Dante Nero
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Family: Kurashigo
Family Rank: Cloud Guardian
Mafia Nickname: "The Black Dragon of the East"

Weapon: A pair of kodachi (shorter than a katana, longer than a wakizashi) and a Bo staff.
Skills: Excels at street fighting and defensive and offensive sword stances. Knows the one fighting style not 'crushed' and the opposite of Shigure Souen, Hebi Kouetsu Style.
Flame Attribute: Cloud
Special Bullet: They are called the dragon bullets, giving him a specific skillset and set of moves, the final of which turns him into a human sized humanoid dragon.

Appearance: X Just make the right arm normal
Bio: Trained in japan since age fifteen before moving back to italy at nineteen. He then joined the Kurashigo
Personality: He has a slight honor complex.
BlazrSamaApr 25, 2009 11:01 PM

Apr 24, 2009 6:34 AM

Nov 2007
Sorry for the bad english ^^"

Name: Marcello
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Family: Zenten
Family Rank: Guardian of The Rain
Mafia Nickname: The Shark

Weapon: Long Sword, like Squalo's or Adult Yamamoto's.

Skills: All the Shigure Sounen Style, breathing 7 minuts underwater without breathing( That's y he called the fish)
He can swim at the water really fast, and when he's fightning in a area with water, its really helps him. If the water is high, he will just deep in, swim, and attack from the water. He can attack in the water, too. He will jump on the enemy from the water , attack, and return to the water.
Flame Attribute: Rain o:
Special Pills: Sea Pills, they give Marcello another 10 minuts to be underwater( Explain at the bio


Bio: Marcello was born in Venecia. His father was a fisherman, so he called him " Marcello" which means " of the sea". "Marcello" also means defense, and beacuse Marcello's mother died when he was born, his father always took him to the sea with him and Marcello always was safe, thanks to his father. At the age of 3, his father learned him to swin like a fish, to breath a long time under the water, and to fish. Preety fast, Marcello learned everything about the sea, and he helped his father fishing until the age of 7, then he went to school, and after school he helped his father. At the age of 12 he fishinsed the elementary schhol, he got a long sword from his dad. he started to practice, until the age of 14. He practiced with his father in the morning on the Shigure Sounen Style, and in the afternoon he fished with his father. In age 14 his father died. it was in a fishing trip, none-buisness one, and a shark swalloed the ship. Marcello killed the shark, but did not managed to rescue his father. He was in venice, 4 years, fishing, and then he decided to join the Zenten Family.
Personality: He's very nice,optimistic and happy, he's friendly,he protect a lot of things that important to him , he can be serious when needed, knows how to read people( feelings) , and knows when a thing is a trick or not.
BlackWiddowApr 30, 2009 5:58 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines!
Apr 25, 2009 7:58 AM

Mar 2008
Zenten Family
Name: Amelia (Mia)
Amelia (english name means "work")
country: spain
Gender: Female

Family: Zenten family

Family Rank: thunder Guardian (Giovanni´s right hand girl)

Mafia Nickname: blood ruby

Flame Attribute: thunder

Weapon: lunar Scythe

Skills:martial arts,(elegant and fast movements)
"moves like a cat", place others in front of her,
she is able to use and materilize thunder itself and that´s one of her special skills, the master of he thunder, able to produce thunderstorms, or materialize thunder on her scythe or hands or any part of her body.
water (rainy days) makes her more powerful.

abilities useful for the family:spy, silent killer,can cooperate in group

Special Bullet: kikô bullet (makes weather change around her depending on situation, to change it on her advantage (eg. into rain to make her power grow stronger)

Appearance:she has long and black hair, red eyes like rubies as u see in teh pic
  • she is brown skin colour!!

    Bio: Mia was born in Spain in a small island called "canary islands" she was grown there , she had 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister, her mother was kind and so his father , thay both where from teh mafia.
    but his fatehr wasn´t as everyone thought, he was evil who´s only ambition was power, he married her mother due to her granfather´s rank in the mafia, he was one of the biggest ranked bosses from all spain ,as he was old he needed soemone to replace him, Mia´s father already had his plans, he waited so much years to take her granpa´s place.
    but mia´s granpa saw all her courage , heart and intelligence,she was very powerful for her age, so he decided that Mia mas the chosen one toreplace him, Mia´s father couldn´t take it anymor, all his plans, all his non-loved family he created for his own abition and all his time was wasted and the worst of all, he created the person who defeated him, that was too mux for him, so one night he masacred motly the entire city wich where oposed to him including his family (yes i know he is mad but he was acting for many years)
    he wanted to kill mia and her granpa to replace him and reestore his honor.
    but all his family oposed to it, mia´s father was one of the most powerful fighters from the mafia family and he already had some peoplebeside him, he killed all his family including granpa, it was a tough battle but he made it, so mia and her mother where the only ones left, mia´s granpa wanted to kill her due to her potential, she could be dangerous in a future but her mother oposed to it, and he killed her in front of mia´s eyes, her mother before dying told her that she still had to be strong and always smile so people wrn´t worried about her and told her to run away and never turn back, she runed as fast as she could, even thouht it was mrly imposible,
    well i will exlain breafly now,
    lots of things happened, she say her brothers dead and so, all was in fire and she n away, now her only aim s to kill her father who now was the boss of that mafia, and everyday she tried to be stronger.

    she trained along with lot of mafia guardians and bosses she knew little by little, and becomed a killing machine whith little hesitation when killin somenone, but the only thing she needs is someone to be by her side and take her from the darkness

    she left her family at the age of 9 she was taken by Chao-Ming in hong-komg, he was from the mafia and a thunder guardian aswell just as all his anthestors, he treated Mia as a daughter despite her past, and shoed her all the abbilities he knew including martial arts and the mateerialization of thunder itself all aorund her body.
    and at the age of 19 she leaved to search for a new family

    why bloody ruby?
    Mia at battle times, she has no pitty for others and always end up killling everyone as a masacre, leaving blood everywhere , it makes her feel better due to her past experience with his dad, she thinks that doing it that way she will little by little forget abut what she saw that night (read bio)
    ruby are because of her eyes, at night her eyes shine as two rubies.

    Personality: she always tries to be happy and smile even if she is not in the mood, she is always doing silly things and messing around everywhere,runing, fighting and breaking all she wants whenever she can, andshe really makes people laugh with her silly nonsense, also she has a bad temper, and by anything she can get really angry and destroy everything around her, if she has any problem with anyone she will say it out loud.
    she has a great heart and treats people as they sould, and always try to help others and if she has something on her mind she won´t stop until she succeeds.
    she has a great heart and is gentle except when she is ngry wich looks like a gorilla

    though the rain gives her mux power, she hates it, brings back memories
  • AaYaMay 1, 2009 12:26 PM

    Apr 26, 2009 10:23 AM
    Apr 2009
    sorry for the bed english

    Name: ADRIANO
    Gender: male
    Age: 21

    Family: zenten
    Family Rank: sun gurdien
    Mafia Nickname: bloody flash

    Weapon:bat sword

    Skills: talaport,high speed movemants,very strong hits (with his weapon),martial artist
    Flame Attribute: sun
    Special Bullet: dynamic pills. incrase my speed and my weapon strangh

    Bio: i was born in sicily. my family has alot of money. our dad never tells us from where all this money.i live in sicily untill age age 13 i started to like bloody things like: death, blood,and alot of torturing stuff. i have alot love for deadly weapons,and my favoret weapon was scythe. i was kind of emo.
    in age 14,one of the nights,my mom wake me up.
    she was all crying and full of inguris. "what heppend?" i ask her.
    she didnt ansawr back. she pull my hand and guid me to the living room.
    when we arived,four people wait for us. i saw my dad,lay down on the floor,cover in blood... dead.
    i was angry,but also scared. with out think much,i charge on one of the people.
    the man punch me in the face,and lough.
    "leave now." my mom guid me to the car,and we travel to the air port.
    we fly to rome,and my mom explain me what heppend. my dad was in the mafia.
    he take alot of money,and never gave it back. thats why they kill him.
    we live in rome another 2 years. i practice my martial art,and my control in weapon (so i can protect my family.) someday,i come home,and i saw my mother hanging from the stairs. the moment i saw thet,i start crying. three hours pass,and the cry switch with laugh. such laugh... a laugh of a psycopath.
    i swear thet i reveng those people,and desroy the one who kill my perents.
    after 3 years,i joynd the zenten family. a very powerful mafia.
    they impressed of my skills and gat me in to the family.
    Personality: calm,smiley, psychopath (evil laugth),and strategist.
    he is smart and nice,but can be cruel and evil. he is always preaper to help people
    DeSTroeMay 5, 2009 6:52 AM
    Apr 29, 2009 10:00 AM

    Mar 2009
    Name: Kagome
    Gender: female
    Age: 16

    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Gaurdian of Sun
    Mafia Nickname:Dark Killer

    Weapon:bow and arrows (miaka)
    Skills:martial arts and archy
    Flame Attribute:anger
    Special Bullet:blood bullets

    Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes
    Bio:I lost my family in a fire but know I help with the black knights and I am still a little shy. I also write with swords and fighting fans but don't miss with me. I was the only daughter to inheir my family's riches and I hate kids who call me a rich kid all the time.I went to train as a guardian to protect others and now I can get revenage on the person who killed my family.
    Personality: plays piano, sings, dance, write stories and draws but hates when people make me mad.
    Kagome_620May 3, 2009 7:30 PM
    Apr 30, 2009 4:13 PM

    Oct 2008
    Name: Dovan

    Gender: male

    Family Rank:soldier
    Mafia Nickname: Gassy

    Weapon:blades on end of each finger
    Skills:Vision in the dark,
    Flame Attribute: (We don't use flames yet, except of bosses of course)
    Special Bullet: (Read the Bullets rules. You can also use pills.)

    Appearance: blue hair ,boy of height of 5.1feet,weight 43 kilograms,has yellow snkae like eyes.weasr a jacket most of the time.
    Bio: a boy orpahned due to a war outbreak with mafias. not much his known about him,his parents worked at company.
    Personality: doesnt talk alot,is very loyalto his master,but when needed he can stick his neck out out for his friends,but is usually very cold.
    May 2, 2009 3:34 AM

    Mar 2008
    Name: Fiore
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23

    Family: Zenten
    Family Rank: Mist Guardian
    Mafia Nickname: Aphrodisia

    Weapon: Two fans with knifes embedded in them
    Skills: Very good fighter, fast moving with her fans, able to seduce most men so she can get away, good at making poisons so she put them on the blades of her fans
    Flame Attribute: Mist
    Special pill: Mistic flog - Creates an intense fog lowering the visablely of her opponent. She is able to guide herself though the fog while keeping herself hidden in the fog. She is still trying to perfect it. She is weakened by the sun.


    Bio: Italy is my home. The only place I know and I LOVE it here. I was rised my mom and her sister. I soon realizeed all of the people that came around were all women. A mafia full of women. Cool huh? Anyway.....I started my training at a early age. About 6....and took to my training quite quickly. I had master almost everything by age 10. At the age of 13 my mom told me the secret of our small mafia. We seemed to have a certain effect on men. With my excitible nature I ran out and tried it out on the first man I saw. It worked! My mom trained me with that for years untiled I mastered it at 17. It was hard and got into a lot of trouble but I loved every minute. My fans and my eyes were my new weapon and then I realised I could create illisions with my eyes and fans. The sun however made it diffcult to keep my illisions from looking fake. I am still working on it though. Being in the spotlight was great but highlighting my oppnent was better. I toruted most of the men I met hanging out but never killed them. Only if I was told to that is. That is what made it fun. My mom liked that about I did quick wit......but soon it all came to a end. Our little family was massarced and I wasnt there at the time. When I return everyone was dead except mom. She was just barely hanging on and she told me about the families secret pills. Then I ran and grabbed them but when I returned she was dead. I have no idea why they were killed like that.....maybe because of the mafia war. I heard around about the big mafias looking for new people. I think I will look into it. But unitl then I will at least try to stay low.
    Personality: Hyper, excitible, always serious even when smiling or laughing, loves sweets.

    <<Let me know if this is good>>
    VampricScarAug 7, 2009 7:50 PM
    Jun 15, 2009 8:41 PM

    Mar 2009
    Name: Alexander Ambrogio
    Gender: Male
    Age: 36

    Family: Zenten
    Family Rank: Captain (Can i be the leader of the Zenten Varia?)
    Mafia Nickname: "Bayonet Priest"

    Weapon: Dual Bayonets
    Skills: Extremely high speed, current sword emperor, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, advanced human regeneration, other superhuman atributes, zealot
    Flame Attribute: Storm (Flame)
    Special Bullet: None

    Bio: Orphan, picked up by Zenten family, most feared man in the United Kingdom, extreme zealot
    Personality: cocky extremely holy, battle loving, intelligent (to some degree), crazy
    R0loJun 16, 2009 7:58 AM
    Jun 16, 2009 7:31 AM

    May 2009
    Gender: female

    Family: Zenten
    Family Rank:Captain
    Mafia Nickname:"stone of darkness"

    click her to see
    the weapon only

    Skills:fighting with weapons and without weapons
    Flame Attribute: soon
    Special Bullet:dark bullet(give me more energy and better me in my fighting)


    Bio: An adopted child.when she was 4 years old her parents where killed by very strong unknown people she was the one only survive she left her home while the police is investigating when she was walking an zenten family member an adopt here but she was an zenten blood from his father.she train and train and get revenge to her family someday

    Personality: friendly does to I want to be friend ^_^ ,mysterious,snapping at others in brutal ways I snap only to the one do bad things to meet ^_^
    kattie-chanJun 23, 2009 7:21 AM
    are you a katekyo hitman reborn! lover???

    Aug 3, 2009 10:12 PM
    Sep 2008
    Name:Andrea Hironomo ( most of the time goes by last name or nick)

    Gender: male

    Family: Bellini (loose ties to Kurashigo Family)
    Family Rank:soldier/ tech

    Mafia Nickname: owl

    Weapon: staff and bokken
    but any melee will do those are just what i carry

    Skills: considerable hand to hand combat skills and stave's/spears and swords
    Flame Attribute: main flame is mist
    but i have a second flame that is weaker and of the sun attribute
    Special Bullet: logic pill - this pill increases my brain functions



    Personality: avoids work but gets it done when needed doesnt worry about anything just going with the flow

    patratAug 4, 2009 12:14 AM
    Aug 4, 2009 2:03 AM
    Jul 2018
    Name: Megumi Tsugura
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22

    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Captain
    Mafia Nickname: Crimson Princess

    Weapon: Sai (A type of dagger- Pic: She only uses one though)
    Skills: Seductive, good at close range/ hand-to-hand combat, knows capoeira.
    Flame Attribute: (Bosses only)
    Special Bullet: Half Bullet- Increases the person's chance of defending themselves, but lowers their strength.

    Appearance: Mid length dark brown curly hair, wears a white ankle-length dress with a slit up the middle (Think Aerith's from FF7 but white). She wears black boots and a black ribbon in memoriam for her ties with the Tsugura family. Brown eyes, olive skin and an hourglass figure to match. She stands at 5'6".

    Bio: Megumi was born into the Tsugura family, which was mostly known for being descended from Italian royalty. She had a good childhood, apart from the Mafia lifestyle, and many people expected her to succeed the title of boss of the Tsugura family. However, when Megumi turned 18, the Tsugura family was destroyed in what came to be known as "The Tsugura Family Massacre", when several family members did not want Megumi to inherit the title, and a war between the members began. Unsure of what to do, Megumi took what little things she owned, and joined a much larger mafia family affiliated with Tsugura- The Kurashigo.

    Personality: Megumi is sarcastic at times, but behind her rather fiery demeanor, an overall nice and honest person. She prefers to keep peace within the family, although this is rather contradictory with her being in the mafia. Megumi knows her family is strong, but she does tends to worry about them.
    Aug 4, 2009 10:14 AM
    Mar 2009
    Hello everyone!
    I hope for it yet it is possible to get in.

    Name: My name is Key (my real name considering Natasha Ivanov)
    Gender: Female
    Age: I am 22 year one

    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Captain/computer specialist.
    Mafia Nickname: „Gemini”

    Weapon: Two weapons are at my disposal
    A Glavié (what I got from my chief as my original family's fighter yet)
    and two daggers
    skills: later
    Flame Attribute: Cloud
    Special Bullet: "The word of the blood" This a little tablette multiplies the strength and the velocity.And the body furthers his faster regeneration. But, as his name may denote it his usage has the danger.

    Bio: I was born in Russia, and until 16 years, I was the member of one of the strongest Russian families. But an inner war destroyed my family totally quasi. decided because of this, some that I lose Russia. With the leaving of my homeland, I gave up my name, and I assumed the name: Key. I joined the family Kurashigo so.
    Personality: later
    BlackPoetAug 9, 2009 1:22 AM

    Aug 7, 2009 6:42 PM
    May 2009
    Name: Angelica Night
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Tech Girl / Boy
    Mafia Nickname: Blood-Eyed Black Rabbit (Sometimes Blood-Eyed Deadly Rabbit)

    Weapon: A Crimsom Red Sycthe & Chains
    Skills: She can control her Chains to attack and summon many Chains. She can also read minds.

    Special Bullet: "Bloody Rabbit" It allows her to transform into a black rabbit and increase her speed of her Chains when attacking. This last only for an hour.


    Black Rabbit Form

    (And Angelica's not that huge when she's in her rabbit form. She's much much smaller, almost the same height as her!)

    Bio: She is a reincarnation of a rabbit who was killed by a hunter 2 centuries ago. When she 10 years old, her father left her family in a huge amount of debt. Her mother then went crazy and kill all her slibings. Her mother tried to kill her. In the process, she accidentally killed her mother instead. She set an adventure and move to Italy and then joined Kurashigo at the age of 12.

    Personality: Hot-head but kind & caring. She is bad-mouthed when it comes to face enemies or nemises (Not going as far as call them F or son of a *** or whatever that it bad)

    This is okay, right?
    DarkRabbitReaperAug 7, 2009 10:37 PM
    Aug 26, 2009 12:43 AM

    Aug 2009
    I want to join too please!

    Name: Ralen
    Gender: Male
    Age: 13
    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Tech Girl/Boy
    Mafia Nickname: "Silence Arrow"

    Weapon: Bow and arrow
    Skills: He is an amazing strategist and can think of the best way to win a battle in a few seconds.
    Flame Attribute: Mist
    Special Bullet: "Element Arrow" It allows him to shoot arrows of many elements eg. fire, thunder, water etc. Each element gives the arrow a different ability.


    Bio: He was born in China. When he was three his poor parents in desperation sold him as a slave for a large amount of money. He was rescued by a lady who taught him to defend himself with a bow and arrow. The lady was murdered by the slave traders when he was seven and he fled to Europe, taking up a job with a kind shopkeeper while keeping up his training. The shopkeeper introduced him to Kurashigo when he was 11. He is still not fully trusted by the members of the Kurashigo family and is usually not allowed to fight due to his young age, but the family greatly values his ability as a strategist. Has a rather cold personality and does not easily open up to others but will do anything for the ones he holds dear.
    rainbow_mushroomAug 26, 2009 1:23 AM
    Oct 11, 2009 12:17 AM

    Aug 2009
    Hello ^^,may I join?? Sorry for my bad english ><

    Name: Luca
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14

    Family: Kurashigo
    Family Rank: Tech girl (I actually want a spy if there's one xD)
    Mafia Nickname: The Innocence Singer

    Weapon: A staff with blade on the edge (just like in the picture)
    Skills: high agility,long range fight specialist,a quick healing ability.
    Flame Attribute: Mist
    Special Bullet: The Renge bullet,bullet that allows her to make her healing ability to the max or even off the limit,but cost her own lifespan.


    Bio: A half japanese and italian,and raised in japan.When she was little,she didn't have any friend and always stayed in her room.And because of their jobs,her parents rarely ever show any attention to her.When she was 9,her parents were killed in front of her by some criminals that escaped from prison and ran into their house.But a guy she didn't know saved her and killed those criminal,and gone,leaving the only the word that he was a mafia who passed by while on a mission,she can only remember that this person have beautiful violet eyes.

    After the accident,she was adopted by a kind mowan who taught her how to fight (or protect herself) and sing.And at age 13,she decided to find her savior,want to show at least her gratitude.Her adopter gave her permission to go,saying that that she can choose her own path.She then went to italia and join the kurashigo family,with hope to be able to meet that savior again.

    Easy to give up at something,but if it comes to someone she holds dear,she won't give up at any cost.Always pretend to be a nice person and sweet talker to people she just know because she doesn't want to be hated.But at people she already close to,she will show her real self.She likes to sing,especially lullaby and hymn.Even though her main reason to join kurashigo family is to find her savior,she will do anything to be useful in the family. this okay? ><;
    Jessie21Oct 11, 2009 1:26 AM
    Feb 1, 2010 4:23 AM

    Aug 2009

    Family Rank:Boss
    Mafia Nickname:Swift Assasin

    Weapon:Guns w/ Blades Attached to it (click at the link below to see it)
    Skills:Can Shoot Homing Bullets Infused w/ the Sky Flame When at Full Power
    Flame Attribute:Sky
    Special Pill:DG-X Pills

    Appearance:It's hard to explain (Sorry)
    Bio:One day when he was 7 he was found by the 1st boss of the Beretta family. Then the 1st trained him for2 years, he was trained how to fight and to defend himself.After 1 year he became the succesor of the Beretta Family since the 1st died of battle. (Not the best bio I know :(. )

    Feb 4, 2010 11:30 AM

    Jul 2009
    Name: Mike Kosuke (does it have to be a italian name)
    Gender: male

    Family: Zenten
    Family Rank: Boss
    Mafia Nickname: ''drako''


    Skills: fighting, close combat, aiming
    Flame Attribute: Sky
    Special Bullet:.



    Personality: fun, kind, protective, nice.
    Dragon360Apr 9, 2010 3:33 PM
    Feb 25, 2010 3:33 AM

    May 2009
    Name: Yuki 'Cielo' Satoru (Yuki)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Family Rank:Tech Girl
    Mafia Nickname: Kumoyuki (Snow-cloud)

    Skills:Close-range combat
    Flame attribute: Cloud
    Special bullet:" Regeneration bullet" as it allows her to heal quickly and regenerate.

    Bio: Yuki was half-Japanese and half-Italian.She has a twin sister named Akane and a brother named Hiro.Rare flames called the 'light flame' was forced into her and the 'darkness flame was forced into her twin sister.The light flame represents hope,love,happy and things like that.While the darkness flame represents sorrow,sad,and other uneasy emotions.
    When Yuki and Akane were 5 years old,their parents were killed by their own brother as he joins the enemy.Before that they were also forbid to have friends,as they both are alone.
    They had run from their home,as their home was destroyed by the enemy and the enemy was tracking them down as both of the flames in them are very useful to Mafias.After that,they managed to escape from the enemies as they were adopted by a well-known,powerful mafia family (whatever the mafia name it is).They were trained to protect themselves and to be a proper mafia family member.

    Yuki then left the family at the age of 14 and she went back to Italy to join the Kurashigo mafioso.Her twin sister was left at her former mafia family.By joining the Kurashigo,Yuki might find some clues abput her brother to take revenge on their parent's death and for making her sister suffer.

    Personality: cute,childish,stubborn,naive,don't easily give up on things,protective,loyal and easy to be-friends.

    is this ok?

    yuukisatoruFeb 25, 2010 6:27 AM

    Please feed my pets

    Aug 15, 2010 11:32 AM
    Aug 2010
    Name: Adolfo Makinel
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16

    Family: Zenten
    Family Rank: Soldier
    Mafia Nickname: Silver Striker

    Weapon: Nodachi
    Skills: Sword and hand-to-hand specialist, enhanced speed, manipulate his flames.
    Flame Attribute: Storm
    Special Bullet: Wolf Enhancer Pills- Increases his speed and physical strength to that of a wolf and his hair color becomes silver.

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