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Dec 8, 2011 10:59 AM

Oct 2009
No... no roleplaying, please.
Dec 8, 2011 11:04 AM

Apr 2007
Azathoth said:
No... no roleplaying, please.

Who in their right mind would do something that embarassing?
Dec 8, 2011 11:18 AM

Aug 2010
... you are a tyger
Dec 8, 2011 11:30 AM

Oct 2009
tyger said:
Azathoth said:
No... no roleplaying, please.

Who in their right mind would do something that embarassing?
Not you, hopefully. Anyway, please get back on topic.
Dec 8, 2011 11:56 AM

Apr 2007
There are still many unanswered question waiting to be answered in the last few pages. For one, why do I remind Itou Makoto? I want those questions answered since we haven't made any progress lately.
Dec 8, 2011 11:59 AM

Aug 2010
i also wants to know kiririn .
Dec 8, 2011 12:18 PM

Oct 2009
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Aizawa Yuuichi: Two for deletion (OrochiPL, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).

tyger said:
Makoto. I don't know. Somebody give me a summary of his character. I'd also like to ask the person who told us not to ask why I was like him why I'm like him.

OneManArmy said:
As for myself...I don't know about that princess starla thingy. I can't see myself in her so someone better explain me the reason for posting her.

Both suggestions were made by WStar and he said that it was the first impressions so it could be wrong, so we'll taunt him until he gives the explanation on why he thinks like he does.
Dec 8, 2011 1:39 PM

Sep 2009
I don't think that Cyndi Campbell fits me at all. She's too loud, pushy and makes too much of a commotion. It's quite far from my calm and quiet personality. Besides, she and her group want to experiment on a loli tentacle monster, instead of helping in her world conquest, that just makes no sense. :P

Orochi is nothing like Yuuichi, count me in for that.

And I can't picture tyger as a horny jerk who screws everything that looks slightly female, so Makoto seems rather off. Also, he's not randomly violent and unstable enough for Asuka.
Dec 8, 2011 4:57 PM

Mar 2009
It would be quicker and more effective to delete all of my suggestions than waiting til I explain them properly. And as they're just a first thoughts they don't have any proper basis on which they would be made. Lol, I thought this is just a stupid topic so I went with the flow and posted what was in my mind atm, didn't think it would develop into such srsbiz.

But if you want explanation than okay:

For OMA's Starla - she was kinda bossy, noisy nad demanding. From this club I know that when OMA's getting annoyed about something he don't hesitate for a single minute before bashing something clear out. I also kinda got "princess-like" vibes from him.

For tyger's Makoto - It was just a stray thought. I remembered as he (meaning tyger) showed up and then some talk about cutting me in part or smth like that appeared and I associated Makoto who also got wrap up in bloody things with him. Don't read too much into it and as I said before just go and delete it if you feel like it.
For tyger's Asuka - I have visual memory. If I see, in this particular case tyger and his avatar I'm starting to consider him through his avatar's character behaviour. So everytime tyger's making any comment I have "real" Asuka before my eyes. Rape her too if you want.

For Ferios' and Yukimura - When I hear anything about Ferios I automatically associate him with any kind of traps and shemales. And Yukimura is male. In a maid outfit. It's not like I actually managed to spot proper similiarities to Ferios in this particular character, like before feel free to delete it, burn it or rape it. Pick one for yourself.

Anyway, lol, if it's gonna be like this just throw out all of my propositions. It's too much of a hassle to explain every single idea which pops out in my head here so just forget about my guesses and have fun \o/.
Dec 9, 2011 3:05 AM
Jul 2018
From this club I know that when OMA's getting annoyed about something he don't hesitate for a single minute before bashing something clear out.

You can say that about nearly everyone here though. Well anyway I don't see myself as starla but what the heck, if guys think so then I don't care. Hey wait. Is there a char who don't care about anything?! THAT'S ME FOR SURE!!!
Dec 9, 2011 5:01 AM

Mar 2009
OneManArmy said:
You can say that about nearly everyone here though. Well anyway I don't see myself as starla but what the heck, if guys think so then I don't care. Hey wait. Is there a char who don't care about anything?! THAT'S ME FOR SURE!!!

Well, maybe that's so, but you came to my mind as the first person so whatever.
Character who don't care about anything? Maybe Yadomi Jinta as he was at the beginning of AnoHana? But that would cover only him in first episodes so it wouldn't be a good choice. I searched through my list of anime but didn't find anything better for now ;/.

And Aza, Pabloc said that I'm resembling Sasuke from Shinobuden a little bit. I really like this comparison so please put it by my nick \o.
Dec 9, 2011 5:23 AM

Oct 2009
WStar said:
It would be quicker and more effective to delete all of my suggestions than waiting til I explain them properly.
No way dude. We're keeping your suggestions. And well, turning all this into "srsbiz", I hope you don't mind.

Cyndi Campbell added to the investigation list, with my name signed on it as well. She's too "good" for you. You're warped and evil so she doesn't really fit you.
Three votes for Master's Yuuhei, so removed.

Agreed with Makoto too, I don't think there's anyone in the club who are even somewhat like him, because I hate him and I don't hate anyone of you. So I'm going to agree on him being removed. After all, he was the victim and not the perpetuator iirc. So two votes against him.

As for Princess Starla, it sounds quite a bit like Granny, so at least I'm not going say anything about that other than it sounds like a good match. WHen it comes to tyger and Asuka, I'm not going to object there actually. As Pabloc says, "he's not randomly violent and unstable enough for Asuka", I disagree with that because I see him as quite unstable, but he just keeps it off VNPC but I still believe that I can see some behavior like that behind his words. I'm probably wrong, but that's how I see him.

I don't disagree with Ferios and Yukimura either. So no, your suggestions weren't disregarded, it was just that two of us didn't know about the characters they were likened with). Also, it's probably just the "first thought" ideas that are going to be questioned a bit, because once you think a little of it first I'm sure that there are others understanding why it was done (Like I did for at least half of your first idea suggestions). This is quite a long post, but oh well, you'll just have to read it. But it you've read this you're almost finished, os just a little more!

And sure, Sasuke added. I must've missed it somehow.

Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).
tyger - Itou Makoto: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
tyger - Asuka Langley Soryu: One for deletion (Pabloc).
Dec 9, 2011 5:30 AM

Mar 2009
Well, no problem for me. I was just quite surprised when I got to see that you're actually voting on proposed characters as if it was some kind of contest or anything with real prizes at the end ^^'. If you like to keep it that way then it's fine by me I just didn't know about it before so I didn't put much thought into choosing character.

And as it might sound weird coming from me who actually proposed them - I'd vote against Orochi's Gilbert and tyger's Makoto too right now. Well, after thinking a little about these ones I come to think that they maybe really aren't the best choices. Also if someone has watched Planatese tell me your opinion about comparing Chen-shin to Aza.
Dec 9, 2011 5:32 AM

Jun 2008
WStar said:
When I hear anything about Ferios I automatically associate him with any kind of traps and shemales.
Traps is fine, but shemales? Notsureifwant.jpg
Then again, I did wind up being the expert on futanari anatomy somehow, so maybe it's not far off after all. ( ̄~ ̄;)

And I agree that I can see tyger being violent and unstable in his non-VNPC life (people have those?), but I don't know a damned thing about Asuka to know how similar they are due to my hatred of mecha.
Dec 9, 2011 5:52 AM

Oct 2009
The whole voting this is so that someone can't just say that they want to remove someone without any particular reason, then someone wants to add it again and on and on. It's just to ascertain that people actually want it removed. It may be a bit much, but I think it's necessary if we want anything that means something.

Nope, it doesn't sound too weird actually since you said that you didn't think of it too seriously back then, and then there's always the arguments people come with and you might've been convinced. Since both those characters had two votes against them before, they're both removed.

Ferios said:
Traps is fine, but shemales? Notsureifwant.jpg
You're fine o this end though, it's only traps and the males who likes them.

Even if you hate mecha (I kinda do too, I did at least, now I only have a slight dislike for them. So things like Gundam is completely out of the picture) you got to see Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22. Preferably with 1080p + FLAC and good speakeres. Those are a two of the best movies I've seen, second only to Kara no Kyoukai.
Dec 9, 2011 6:58 AM

Apr 2007
Aza said:
WHen it comes to tyger and Asuka, I'm not going to object there actually. As Pabloc says, "he's not randomly violent and unstable enough for Asuka", I disagree with that because I see him as quite unstable, but he just keeps it off VNPC but I still believe that I can see some behavior like that behind his words. I'm probably wrong, but that's how I see him.

Depends on how you interpret "unstable". It holds true that I have mood swings but as to whether they are move severe than that of a normal person I don't know. Anyway let me make an example. One day I might wake up, ride a bus to school and think about the joy of living and looking forward to the day. Then again another day(like it was today, probably because I'm sick) I might curse everyone who dares to pass by me.
You probably assumed I'm unstable judging from my writing style which differs a lot between the posts. I think I've acquired that by commuting with both the gaming world and some more serious communities. Also, it's fun to be a jack of all trades rather than a master of one.
Violence-wise I'm not as soft as I used to be years ago. I was a perfect epitome of calmness. Still, I'm nowhere as crazy as a certain classmate of mine who literally goes (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ when you annoy him a bit. Had this happen a few weeks ago during art class.
Still, I view myself as a composed person. There isn't much that can make me rage. For an example I'm pretty much immune to harsh/abusive words. That's a reason for me to believe I'm bit like Makoto. If I recall correctly he also was the calm type. Then again I only watched ~4 episodes of SDs and even that was years ago.
Dec 9, 2011 7:54 AM

Oct 2009
Unstable doesn't have to be what you show externally. You could just be really good at putting on a mask and not showing your inner Armageddon of thoughts and feelings. Because we all know that if the masked person doesn't find a way to relieve those feelings, it's going to burst like a dam and completely bury anything close. But unlike a dam, it's not finished then, but that mood will resurface every now and then.
Basically being really unstable. Maybe not for having a lot of mood swings, but rather when the mood does swing, it swings so big it's just scary. And calm people who suddenly have a mood swing are much more scary than the opposite.

Anyway, I'm not voting either for or against you and Asuka, I'll abstain from that one as it looks right now. And well, Makoto might have that thing for him, but there's so much negative things it gets completely buried beneath the filth. "Be happy that he's gone from your list" is my opinion of it.
Dec 9, 2011 9:35 AM

Apr 2007
Yeah, it's hard to piss me off but when you do you better run for your life. I vividly remember a few times I've raged for real during my lifetime. One of them was me fighting with 4 of my classmates or something like that. Can't remember the details.
Anyway, all you need to avoid such outbursts are hobbies. People without such activities are the ones you could call really scary. Take my father for an example. A hobbyless fella. Whenever he drinks too much he shows his inner self or his true self. Basically negative emotions. A lot of them. Unfortunately I have seen that sight at least thrice in the last half a year.
I myself have a bunch of hobbies though ranging from gaming to gym. So I think I'm fairly safe. The only time I could outburst like that would probably be when I'm extremely tired and in a bad mood. The latter is quite a rare occurrence though. So you could call me relatively safe to commute with I guess.
Also I guess your calm people outburst theory holds true. Since they're mostly introverts after all, keeping everything to themselves. Extroverts can't have such a collection of emotions anyway since they let everything out at all times.

I still can't see myself as Asuka no matter what. Neither can I think of myself having the same personality as Kirino. Nor do I know what kind of mask have I developed here; how do you bunch perceive the person behind the name "tyger". I can say that it is quite close to the original though.
Dec 9, 2011 12:23 PM

Jun 2009
>Nor do I know what kind of mask have I developed here; how do you bunch perceive the person behind the name "tyger".

Just a troll with above average intelligence, for a troll that is. I'm against taiga as Asuka.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 9, 2011 12:46 PM
Jul 2018
Count me in for counting taiga out.
Dec 9, 2011 12:55 PM

Oct 2009
Taiga's out already, so I have no idea what you're aiming for with that post.

But there are three votes against Asuka so she's gone as well. Left are the ones below.
Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).

Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts on my characters? Except for Kho Cheng-Shin (whom I don't know anything of) I don't really have anything to say against either of them, so it's up to you.
Dec 9, 2011 12:57 PM
Jul 2018
Delete that wait I meant that sakurada mohawk dude because besides this there isn't anything in common with the master.
Dec 9, 2011 12:59 PM

Apr 2007
OneManArmy said:
Delete that OrochiPl...

Dec 9, 2011 1:04 PM

Oct 2009
OneManArmy said:
Delete that wait I meant that sakurada mohawk dude because besides this there isn't anything in common with the master.
Since you haven't seen Nichijou, I don't give you the right to vote on that character.
Dec 9, 2011 1:08 PM
Jul 2018
Since you haven't seen Nichijou, I don't give you the right to vote on that character.

Fuck that. You just created this thread to bully me because I don't watch animes anymore and obviously don't know most of the chars.
Dec 9, 2011 1:10 PM

Apr 2007
Let's try Aza then. Only the ones I know.

Hasegawa Kobato - this one was proposed by me. Sometimes I just get the feeling that Aza badly wants to believe in some fiction and acts according to it. Something like that. That's the only reason, feel free to start a petition of removing her if you see the need.
Sakisaka Fumori - actually I believe we shouldn't use that guy at all. Since he's already quite mad. So he's had quite a persona change. Don't really think anyone here has gone through something as shocking as he has. Well I hope you get the gist of what I wanted to say. I'd say remove.
Lelouch Lamperouge - fits Aza I guess.
Ayasaki Hayate - again suggested by me. Guess there's only one common trait of personality between him and Aza, which is cheapness. Another petition if you want to.
Matsurika - guess that was given to him because of the master and maid play in this club. Guess it's ok if granny can take all the granny chars as well.
Kohaku - remove. Mask or not, Aza is nowhere as joyful as her.
Dec 9, 2011 1:27 PM

Jun 2009
tyger said:
OneManArmy said:
Delete that OrochiPl...


レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 9, 2011 1:38 PM

Mar 2010
Dec 9, 2011 1:53 PM

Apr 2007
OrochiPL said:
tyger said:
OneManArmy said:
Delete that OrochiPl...


I'm an innocent tsundere after all.
Dec 9, 2011 6:45 PM

Oct 2010
Aza= Harunobe Madarame from Genshiken?
Dec 9, 2011 6:50 PM

Oct 2010
and tthammy= Watari from Death note because

Dec 10, 2011 3:21 AM

Aug 2010
who is watari? :;D i rather to be kud-chan ^_^
Dec 10, 2011 5:34 AM

Jun 2008
tyger said:
I vividly remember [...] Can't remember the details.

So to focus on Aza... I'll pick out the ones I know.

Suiseiseki: I'm torn. I can see how they'd fit each other in some ways with the violent and sometimes sadistic behavior. But at the same time, Desu was pretty tsundere for Jun. Azanyan is plenty tsuntsun but not really deredere at all. I'll have to stay neutral on this one.

Lelouch: The only problem I see here is that Lelouch isn't a maid.

Hayate: I'm pro-deletion on this one because, while it's targetting only one of Aza's stereotypes like we've done for Granny, Hayate is poor and Aza is just cheap. No other similarities there besides being a servant.

Kohaku: Agreeing with tyger here. The two of them bear several other similarities, but Kohaku's joyful behavior is very out of character for Aza.

Matsurika: My own suggestion. Maid, sadist, backtalking, constant barrage of insults... Well, she might be more insult-based than Aza. Maybe. And she's lacking his take over the world scheme. Still, I think she's a surprisingly good match for a character I threw out there without really meaning it.

The rest of those I'm unfamiliar with, so you guys are on your own there.
Dec 10, 2011 6:27 AM

Apr 2007
Ferios said:
tyger said:
I vividly remember [...] Can't remember the details.

Fail. Didn't even notice myself until you pointed it out. Anyway the latter holds true.
Dec 10, 2011 6:42 AM
Jul 2018
Another hint for tyger beeing a two faced person.
Dec 10, 2011 6:53 AM

Oct 2009
I'll add Madarame to the list but I'll vote against it right away since he's as otaku as you could possibly be, something I'm not. And unless the Watari person has a similar personality to tthammy (which I don't think he has), it's not really up for consideration. It's pretty much another Taiga - tyger case.

So, tyger and Ferios, what you said about Kohaku and Hayate, are they votes against or just some talk around it? I don't know if I should add them to the list or not.
Also, I don't have a "take over the world" scheme, at least not in the way you're probably thinking.

Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).
Azathoth - Harunobu Madarame One for deletion (Azathoth).
Dec 10, 2011 7:02 AM

Apr 2007
I'm against the otaku as well. Also against Kohaku. And I guess against Hayate as well.

Another hint for tyger beeing a two faced person.

Actually I have two asses.
Dec 10, 2011 7:08 AM

Oct 2009
Then as soon as Ferios answers, the list below will be completely up to date.

Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).
Azathoth - Harunobu Madarame: Two for deletion (Azathoth, tyger).
Azathoth - Kohaku: One for deletion (tyger).
Azathoth - Hayate: One for deletion (tyger).
Dec 10, 2011 7:20 AM

Jun 2008
Yeah, I'm for the deletion of Kohaku and whatever the other one I said was. Probably Hayate. It's been two hours since then, I can't be expected to remember what I wrote. ( ̄~ ̄)
Dec 10, 2011 7:23 AM

Oct 2009
Of course you're not supposed to have to remember what you wrote two hours ago, it's just mean to expect something like that.

Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).
Azathoth - Harunobu Madarame: Two for deletion (Azathoth, tyger).
Azathoth - Kohaku: Two for deletion (tyger, Ferios).
Azathoth - Hayate: Two for deletion (tyger, Ferios).
Dec 13, 2011 1:54 PM
Jul 2018
Hmmm... thinking about it now, I'm most akin to Sunohara from Clannad.
Damn. I need to start that up again. I've heard the true ending in the visual novel is more satisfying than the anime.
Dec 14, 2011 11:43 AM

Mar 2009
Okay, I'm almost the only guy who propose something for himself, so I probably wouldn't mind embarassing myself more than I did til now so I'll propose another character for me. And I will even include proper explanation why I did that, so it wouldn't be in that much of a bad taste.

Chizuru Tachibana from Kimi to Boku.
Why? I will put it into the spoiler so if you guys aren't watching Kimi to Boku (which is quite interesting, even if very slowpaced) didn't get spoilered.

And that would be it. Sorry for putting that in spoiler but it has some major spoiler for KtB and especially ep 10 of this show. And I just couldn't help myself when I started to feel like I had known this situation from somewhere.
Dec 14, 2011 12:19 PM

Jun 2009
I agree, WStar really seems to be a lot like Chizuru. I thought that he resembles someone but forgot to mention it.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 14, 2011 1:36 PM

Oct 2009
I don't know who it is and I won't spoil it for me. But added.

Pabloc - Cyndi Campbell: Two for deletion (Pabloc, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Gilbert Nightray (Adult): Two for deletion (Azathoth, OrochiPL).
Ferios - Sakurada Jun: Two for deletion (Ferios, Azathoth).
OrochiPL - Nakanojou Tsuyoshi: One for deletion (OrochiPL).
Azathoth - Harunobu Madarame: Two for deletion (Azathoth, tyger).
Azathoth - Kohaku: Two for deletion (tyger, Ferios).
Azathoth - Hayate: Two for deletion (tyger, Ferios).
Dec 14, 2011 2:24 PM

Apr 2007
Are we still at it?
Dec 14, 2011 2:32 PM

Oct 2009
We always are.
Dec 16, 2011 2:07 PM

Oct 2010
Ferios said:

Lelouch: The only problem I see here is that Lelouch isn't a maid.

Dec 16, 2011 3:23 PM

Jun 2008
It's decided. Azanyan is a mound of jpeg artifacts Lelouch.
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