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May 13, 2008 9:21 AM

Jan 2008
"W-wait!" Grace says to Shadow, before turning to Arariel. "Would you like to escape with us?"

May 13, 2008 7:26 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel gave Grace a look of admonishment, telling her that leaving the city was not in the best of her interests. The very thought disgusted the Seraph... Leaving her own city? She wouldn't ever do such a thing until she shed the last drop of angelic blood from her body.

Though... Speaking of blood, the evil workings of the infernal and poison tainted blade had began to do their caustic work, the wound slowly opening wider again, surging pain through her body and making her somewhat dizzy. A poisoned AND hell tainted blade was all the woman needed... Despite this hideous turn of events for her and the city, the Seraph still could not help but laugh, "Go with you? Why should I go with you and abandon the city I have sworn myself and my devotion to filthy like you," she pointed at Shadow, "and humans like the cowards that just ran right now?"

Arariel calmed herself down a bit, sighing then speaking up again, her compusure regaining itself and her temporary bout of irrationality ending, her grip on the actual situation coming to fruition. The city was falling, the counter-offensive failing and her own power as well as her consciousness slipping away. An eerie wind swept through the alleyway, signalling the war was not going to end well for any of the sides and foreshadowing the trials and tribulations for the Angelic race that were to come. Celestia may very well fall that day or in a few days or even years, only time would tell the Seraph and the group before her. For now though... It seemed fate told her she was more use to the Angelic race alive than dying now to the Demons and Humans, Arariel looked up with sternness and intensity written accross her face, "I'll go with you.. That is if you do not mind.. Hellion. What is your names?"

May 13, 2008 7:33 PM

Jan 2008
"I'm Grace... and this is my sister, Sarah," Grace says, nodding towards Sarah. "What's your name?"

May 21, 2008 6:04 PM

Jan 2008
"I'm David...I think we've met before?" David questions Arariel.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 23, 2008 12:23 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow rolled his eyes, his back still to the Seraph. "What an annoying little pest..." He thought to himself. He closed his eyes as he listened to Grace and Arariel talk. Suddenly he stiffened and sniffed, sensing the poison in Arariel's body. He knew the poison well, because his blade was coated in it as well. He had the antidote in his pocket, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to give it to someone who despised his kind so. He turned, when she spoke to him, his face expressionless. "You may come, as long as you do not become a bother to me. If that happens, I will take care of you myself." At this, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the antidote, before turning back around and walking off.
May 23, 2008 7:57 PM

Jul 2007
"Charmed~" the seraph replied to Grace, "My name is Arariel. As for you David, we have not met before, not on any personal basis at least. Ever since... Eh.. Well, ever since a certain incident I've mostly stayed in the background of the military, but I do know nearly everyone remotely attatched to it."

After the quick introduction, Arariel once again turned to Shadow, giving a slight bow of respect and greeting, her eyes narrowing as she spoted the vial of antidote, "You may have the proper leverage, but it does not mean you are allowed to command me." After her short stint of rebelliousness she looked away and said no more, following, not wanting to look at the demonic lord, of whom reminded her so much of another demon she once knew, one she was very fond of.

May 23, 2008 8:57 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow smirked at the little Seraph's rebellion, finding it ironic, seeing the situation they were currently in, and continued walking. He put his arms up behind his head, a habit he done often when he was human. Realizing what he was doing, after not doing so for such a long time, he immediately stopped, and dropped his arms down to his side. He closed his eyes, thinking back to the last time he had done so.....

..."Rociel! Rociel!! It's almost time! Are you ready?" A human Rociel turned towards the voice that was calling him. It was his best friend, Antionne. He smiled, straightening his bow-tie one last time. "Of course. How do I look?" He said, holding out his arms and twirling around for the full effect. Antionne grinned. "She's going to love it." Rociel blushed and smiled. "Thanks, Antionne. I don't know what I'd do without you." Antionne smiled and clapped him on the back as they headed out the door towards the chapel. Rociel sighed and looked up towards the sky. "I don't know what I'd do with out you or Kirie.." "Okay. You wait here. I'm going to make sure everything else is ready, okay?" Antionne said, squeezing Rociel's shoulder before running off. Rociel stood there, his hands clasped behind his back, rocking back and forth on his heels. His mind began to drift off when he heard a scream. Instantly, he was running towards the chapel. He was a few yards away from the chapel steps when he was suddenly tackled by Antionne. "Antionne! What are you doing?!? Get off me!! I have to see what's wrong!! Did you not hear the scream?" He struggled to push Antionne off of him, only to be pinned tighter. Only when he stopped struggling, did he see Antionne's face. There was a look of complete anguish, swallowed by tears contorting his face. "Listen to me...You can't go over there...I won't let you..Something's happened...It's Kirie..."......
May 24, 2008 2:45 AM

Feb 2008
A small girl stood in a pool of blood, breathing heavily. A long silver katana that was clutched tightly in her hand was now dripping with blood. Her dark black hair streaked with red had drops of blood in it and some of it was dripping onto the ground, echoing in a dark emty chamber. She was an angel, small but quite talented for her age. Her usually bright blue eyes were filled with fear and surprise. She was only supposed to stop the demon that had surpised her from attacking her, she didn't mean to kill it. The dreadful smell of blood filled the room and she hastily shook off as much blood from the katana as she possibly could. She retreated out of the room and ran off down the corridors, running blindly. She was lost. The sound of her feet pounding on the uneven earth echoed around the corridor and she sped up. There was a small light coming from the end of the corridor and as she reached it she realised that there were people there. She leaned against the wall trying to recover her lost breath, hoping that the people there wouldn't attack.
May 24, 2008 9:51 AM

Jan 2008
"Wait!" Grace says, stopping suddenly. She stays silent, hearing someone -- or something -- she thought so, anyway, thought that she could hear breathing of something that'd stopped running. She looks behind herself, seeing if anyone had come up behind them -- which there wasn't, but of course, there could always be someone around the corner...

((I'm assuming Aya is in the same corridor/alley as us. If that's not so, just say. :P))

May 25, 2008 9:30 AM

May 2008
Hikari was looking for some 'fun', so she had been walking around to try and see if she could get a fight started. Hikari's razor sharp senses felt the presence of an angel around in the area. She started to search for it and saw a girl looking around. Hikari materialized her scythe and lunged at the angel when the angel's guard was down.

((The angel is Grace,by the way))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 25, 2008 9:58 AM

Mar 2008
Sarah sees Hikari coming, and casts a shield around Grace, since Grace was looking the other way and hadn't noticed.

((I think that's what's going on but if I'm wrong just say so, sorry for not posting in a while))

May 25, 2008 1:04 PM

Mar 2008
((...Too many Cookies!! @.@;;...))
May 25, 2008 1:44 PM

May 2008
"Crap,"muttered Hiari as she skidded backwards. Hikari smirked and began to chant,"Shadows of Requiem, gather in this scythe of darkness!",and the scythe began to cast a dark circle around Sara. Suddenly, black shadows rose from the circle and binded Sarah. "Hm, not so quick no are you?",laughed Hikari.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 25, 2008 3:05 PM

Jan 2008
"Sarah!" Grace says, spinning around to see the dark spell cast on her sister. Crap crap, she's not going to take extra damage from that dark spell because she's not really an angel, and they're going to find out, crap, crap... Maybe she can fake it...

Grace holds her staff up, "Photon!" And a beam of light emits from it, shining into the darkness of the spell Hikari cast. "Someone take her down!" She says, referring to this new Demon that had come into the alley.

May 25, 2008 5:54 PM

May 2008
Hikari nearly missed the attack and jumped backwards. Hikari noticed Sarah adn't taken any damage. "What the hell, how dare you interfere with my spell!", and with that, Hikari ran at Grace,ready to attack.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 25, 2008 7:57 PM

Jan 2008
Dammit! Grace turns quickly to face Hikari, making a split-second decision as whether to simply put up a shied and try to block the oncoming Demon or try and deflect her back with an attack. In the end, a blue magic circle appears under Grace as she points her staff at Hikari. "Divine Shooter!" Around five magic orbs of the same light blue appear around Grace, which shoot at Hikari in different angles. I need that to at least make her stop so I have time to do a follow-up spell. It'd be better if it damaged her, but I shouldn't hope for too much... if I underestimated and she can just blow through that, I'm doomed.

May 25, 2008 9:32 PM

Feb 2008
<<Sorry, yes, I'm in the same corridor,BTW, I changed my bio a little>>

Aya leaned against the wall, breathing carefully. There was a new fight going on, between three other people. She watched them, carefully. One was a demon and the other two were either angels or humans. The dark spell that was cast on one of the girls made her shiver remembering the bad memories. She shook that away and manouvered around the fight carefully towards the rest of the group. A girl had now shot up a bunch of glowing blue orbs. Aya had a sinkng feeling that the demon would break through it if the girl didn't do another back-up spell.
May 25, 2008 9:52 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel silently looked at the new, incredibly sudden, situation at hand, her eyes darting around and looking at the combatants. Fully analyzing the situation, she was faced with two choices: risk further damage to her body from the poison by absolutely destroying the demon or she could disable the demon, take no damage herself and buy time for Grace and Sarah. Of course, the latter choice was so much better and less riskier, so she took it.

The Seraph's staff glinted from an unknown light source as she brought it up, pointing at the demon that ailed Sarah, Arariel whispered her incantation, "Fatifer Attrahotraxi"

The staff glowed a brilliant red for a split second before a similarly red aura surrounded Hikari, the power of gravity magnified by magic crushed down on the demon, the ground beneath her instantly compressing and cracking as she was pushed down with nearly 50 times the gravity of the planet.

(Is this leaning a bit on the godmodding side? If it is I can change it =x)

May 26, 2008 7:39 AM

May 2008
Hikari screamed out as she was forced down and hit with orbs in different angles. Crap! If I don't get out of this soon, i'll be in huge trouble!. Hikari's scythe was knocked out of her hands by one of the blue orbs and Hikari couldn't reach it. Hikari tried to find her enemies weakpoints. If I could cast a spell that would counterattack this one,I could reverse te effects on them,but how?

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 8:41 AM

Jan 2008
((Nope, it's all cool with me :3))

Grace did a backflip to put a little more distance between her and Hikari, just in case. A blue magic ring appeared under her and she began to cast. I just have to pull this off in time...

May 26, 2008 9:17 AM

Mar 2008
Sarah begins her own spell, a bright white magic circle under her. "I'll cover you guys!" She says, referring to Grace and Arariel, hoping they can take care of Hikari.

May 26, 2008 9:48 AM

May 2008
A black circie with strange writing appeared below Hikari to start her on incantation. Suddenly, Hikari broke free from the angels (and/or humans) bind. "You'll have to have stronger magic than that!",said Hikari with a smirk and did a backflip to have more distance. " Dark Lightening!",exclaimed Hikari as she summoned her scythe. Ater she said that,a black lightening bolt struck Sarah,Grace and Arariel's magic circles, coutering their attack and sending them flying backwards. "Ha! Don't underestimate me!",said Hikari as she regained her strength.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 12:06 PM

Jan 2008
Grace does a backflip to avoid the lightning, having to stop her spell in the process. She begins a new one as soon as she lands. Dammit!

May 26, 2008 12:23 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow sniffed, sensing the other little demon, but not really caring. A Hellion of his strength preferred not to mess with those of ranks below him. He leaned back against the alley wall, watching as the fight unfolded infront of his eyes. He nearly stepped in a few times, seeing that Grace might have been in danger, but she was able to handle her self in the end. His attention was caught on this new demon girl, and he focused on the way she used her sythe. She had natural talent, but she seemed to lack the perfection that came with hard training. He smirked, remembering his own training with the sythe. If she was this good without training, then with it, she may even be able to match his strength.
May 26, 2008 12:43 PM

May 2008
Hikari ran at Grace when she was about to land and placed her scythe almost all the way on Grace's neck. "If you move even one inch,your dead!",said Hikari with an evil grin.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 1:31 PM

Jan 2008
"As if!" Grace says she she shoots a quick shot from her staff at Hikari; definitely not powerful enough to damage her since it only took her a split second to cast, but strong enough to make her recoil backwards.

May 26, 2008 5:06 PM

Jan 2008
Jeez...Every time it looks like we can keep moving, someone else comes along. David watches the fight, looking for an opening where he can get in without hurting anyone on his side. He pauses at Hikari threatening Grace, he grimaces until he sees Grace pushing her back. He sees his chance, jumping partway in the air as he slices his sword down at Hikari as she recoils.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 26, 2008 5:11 PM

May 2008
"Aaaahhh!!!",screamed Hikari as she was suddenly attacked. Hikari gritted her teeth while trying to sit up but was shook up by the attack. "Damn you!",muttered Hikari under her breath trying to recover.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 5:18 PM

Jan 2008
Grace begins a new spell, aiming to finish off Hikari with this one. I just need the time to pull it off.

May 26, 2008 5:22 PM

Jan 2008
David lands and then turns around to face her. He shrugs, "Meh...that's what they all say." He runs and aims a spinning kick at her, hoping just to keep her down for now.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 26, 2008 5:25 PM

May 2008
Hikari struggled to grab hold of her scythe and tried to begin a spell. "Darkness from the Netherworld,please give me strength to attack this angel",and then black shadows appeared around Hikari and her eyes turned red. Hikari's strength had return,but the strength would only las for 5 minutes,so Hikari had no time to waste. "Dark Requiem!",screamed Hikari and 10 orbs the shade of black bursted with speed towards Grace. When the orbs reached Grace, they circled around her before Grace could begin her spell. Hikari grinned,"If these orbs touch you, they take your energy,they are almost indestructable,unless you have amazingly strong magic",said Hikari with a grin.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 5:46 PM

Jan 2008
Grace glances around her for a very brief moment, then changes her casting pattern, doing a new spell. "Ray!!" A larger magic orb appears above her and the dark ones Hikari cast, and it shoots multiple rays down at the dark orbs, shattering through them. Grace stumbles forward, almost falling due to the amount of energy it took her to cast a ray that strong to break them, but manages to keep on her feet. Dammit. I can't go on for too much longer if I have to keep pulling stuff like that. She does a backflip and starts another spell.

May 26, 2008 5:54 PM

Jan 2008
David gasps as Hikari launches her attack but quickly regains his composure and runs straight at her, hoping to slam into her and knock her down. I've got to give Grace some time, she can't afford to have to fend off another attack like that.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 26, 2008 6:45 PM

May 2008
Crap,another enemy! I need some help if i'm going to get out of here alive! Hikari tried to break free from David's grasp,but it was no use. Hikari bit David's arm to see if he would let go. Suddenly, Hikari's 5 minutes of strength had dissapeared and Hikari lay there, defenseless. I underestimated them, what will I do? I have no strength left to fight...

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 26, 2008 7:52 PM

Jul 2007
((OOC: Omg, I posted like hours ago but it didn't get through T_T There goes my continuity. Sorry if I make no sense in this post))

Arariel scoffed when her spell was broken and side stepped away from the lightning bolt, watching events slowly unfold until Hikari had fell down. The seraphim turned and walked to Shadow, the fight was over, and she was not able to do a single thing, it was up to the others to decide what happened to that demon now...

Continuing to walk, Arariel gripped her side, the wound was still bleeding, despite her efforts to heal it though magic. For a moment her vision blurred, the poison working ever so maliciously to kill her, Arariel's body doing everything it could to both treat the wound and slow the poison. She would need an antidote soon... As she came up closer to Shadow her vision blurred again and her mind raced to days of old, her times with her own friends before they had died, her lover, her sister and her supporter. Though as soon as her flashback had started it had dissapeared, and she looked around, shaking her head to rid her of her temporary lapse of conscious.

The seraph's vision stopped as she looked at Shadow's face and she could almost see another person, a familiar face from her past... "Shane?" she asked.

May 27, 2008 12:48 AM

Feb 2008
After regaining her breath, Aya watched the fight progress. The person was... good at fighting but she wasn't sure if it was fair to have so many people fighting one person. But she was always like that. Like Luna always said, "Too polite for your own good, that's your weakness, now go change it." She decided not to interfere.

<<Shadow, is the other little demon me? coz i'm an angel>>
May 27, 2008 7:27 AM

May 2008
"What are you going to do with me?",asked Hikari as she struggled to get the words out.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 27, 2008 2:46 PM

Mar 2008
((Uh..No. I was talking about CookieChan's Hikari...))

Shadow's gaze shifted from the fight to the Seraph stumbling towards him. His eyebrow raised when she neared him, sensing her weakening state. He blinked when she stared intently into his face and called out, "Shane?" Shadow shook his head at her, reaching out and supporting her with his arms. He pulled out the vial of antidote and, tilting her head back, poured it into her mouth. "You need to rest." He whispered into her ear, and placing his palm over her eyes, he whispered a sleeping spell, supporting her full weight with his hands. Lifting her up completely off the the ground, he turned to the rest of the group. Making eye contact with Grace he said, "Tie up the little demon, or knock her out, and bring her with us. I have use for her."
May 27, 2008 4:03 PM

May 2008
Hikari decided to just give up and let them take her with them. Crap, I ran out of energy to quickly, I wish I was strong enough to attack them!. Hikari tried her best to sit up and to grab hold of her scythe the best she could. If Hikari was to lose her scythe, she wouldn't be able to avenge her parents death after humans had killed them during a battle years ago. Hikari kept her scythe close by to protect it from harm.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 27, 2008 6:56 PM

Jul 2007
"Yeah.. You loo-" the Seraphim's words were cut off as the antidote trickled down her throat, she really did not have time to figure what was just put down her throat, it was bitter and very distasteful, but her body for some reason swallowed it reflexively. Not soon after the demon supporting her had whispered into her ear, and she attempted to step back in a failed retaliation. Why must I be so weak now?... she asked herself in her mind before the last thing she saw, a hand comning to her face, and then the darkness of sleep.

As her body slumped over and was picked up by Shadow, Arariel's wings folded into her back, dissapearing from sight. The antidote already began its work, and relieved her unconscious magic of having to fight the poison too much and her wound began to close, sinews and skin literally beginning to rebuild themselves. For the while, Arariel found herself within her own mind, the blackness of sleep and the nothingness of being idle.

May 28, 2008 1:33 PM

May 2008
Hikari felt very weak. I shouldn't have used that power, it takes to much of my magic up in one use. Hikari tried to stand up and refocus herself to what was going on. Hikari used the last of her strength and when no one was looking, she strarted to run the other way. They don't even know I just left, idiots...

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 28, 2008 1:44 PM

Jan 2008
David watches Hikari carefully, wary of any sudden movements but seeing that she seems drained. He stands up and rubs his arm a bit where Hikari bit him, it still throbbing a little bit. He turns to Grace to see what she wants to do.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 28, 2008 3:22 PM

May 2008
When Hikari had finally thought she had gotten far enough away, she collapsed. I might as well wait until they catch up to me,now. No use running away while i'm tried....

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 28, 2008 8:45 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow sighed, watching the little demon run off and then promptly collapse after only running a few feet. "Would someone go get her, please?" he said, turning back around with Arariel in his arms. He was getting tired of this "stop and go" game, and was eager to get out of the city. Getting out before darkness was already ruined. The sun had already set behind the city buildings, and the blackness of night was upon them. Streets lamps in the streets surrounding the alley were beggining to turn on, casting an eerie glow on the war torn roads.
May 31, 2008 8:32 AM

May 2008
((What happend to everyone ^^; No one has posted since 5-28-08....

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 31, 2008 1:40 PM

Jul 2007
((Well my character fainted and so did yours, and David is waiting for grace and Shadow is waiting for someone to pick your character up))

May 31, 2008 2:43 PM

Mar 2008
(( Hey!! I posted 5-29, thank you very much!!! xD))
Jun 1, 2008 11:16 AM

Jul 2007
((Well it seems people haven't dissapeared, so why not post? =< Please?))

Jun 1, 2008 8:11 PM

Feb 2008
<<Oops... sorry>>

Aya watched the demon collapse after running away and ran to her side and shook her lightly by the shoulders. "You okay?" she asked feeling the demon's pulse. She had no idea why she was doing this and it was confusing her a little. She turned back to look at the group then turned her attention back to the demon. "Hey wake up!" she felt helpless sitting beside the exhausted demon. "Can someone help?" she said to the group. She was way to small to be carrying this demon, unless she dragged her but that would take a long time too.
Jun 2, 2008 3:10 PM

Jan 2008
((Gomen minna... ><;))

"Huh?" Says Grace, looking at Aya. "She'll attack us, don't wake her up!"

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