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Forums [Life spent on animu; timeline; recommendations]

Feb 15, 2011 2:37 PM

Feb 2009
UPDATE: new version released
See here for more details. Or go to

I like a lot, but I've been missing one feature. I'm talking about a dynamic "time spent on anime" forum signature. Like they have on

Here is an example:

I decided to make one that works here on MAL.

Here it is:

It's still very much a beta version. It might stop working any time and will probably change a lot, so keep that in mind.

As you can see, the graphics suck. It's basically a copy of anime-planet version. The thing is I'm not very good at graphics.

So I'm open for suggestion regarding the design and functionality.
Perhaps, if you are so inclined and feel like it you could post a mock up of the signature in prettier graphics and I would then try to implement them.

I'm thinking about dropping the minutes segment, since virtually everyone has seen more than an hour of anime.

In the meantime here is how to get your own signature:
Just edit this url:

For example if your username is packet and you want your signature 600 pixels wide, this is your URL:

The width must be at least 400 and at most 1024 pixels.

The reason for specifying the width is to allow for attaching the bar to existing signatures.
A demonstration on random signatures I stumbled upon browsing the forums:

This one is 500px long:

It's possible to attach a progress bar like this:

And here is a shorter one:

Well, they don't match very well :D The colors need to be tweaked. Use your imagination.

Anyway, if you're wondering how it works:
It's just a simple PHP script. When you request an image it goes to the users profile page ( and looks at Anime Stats -> Time (Days). It than takes this value and converts it into minutes, hours etc... Finally, it draws the image and sends it to the browser. That's it.

OK, that's it for now. It's almost midnight here. So I'm going to sleep. Hopefully there will be some suggestions tomorrow.
packetMar 24, 2013 6:52 AM
Pages (29) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Feb 15, 2011 9:43 PM

Dec 2010
that's great! Thanks for the contribution i'll be sure to experiment with that.

Feb 15, 2011 10:46 PM

Jan 2009
finally i was waiting for it . now time for me to experiment
mastersquallFeb 15, 2011 10:53 PM
Feb 18, 2011 3:37 AM

Feb 2009
To be honest I was expecting more replies :-/
especially some ideas, how to improve this, etc..

maybe "creative corner" isn't visited as much as general discussion for example
I might try posting there
Feb 20, 2011 3:40 AM

Feb 2009
I think it's a neat idea, but to be honest it looks pretty ugly with that grey etc.

I don't think you should post that in General Discussion since this topic actually belongs to the Creative Corner so mods would probably move it to here anyway.
Feb 20, 2011 1:21 PM

Feb 2009
Luppi said:
I think it's a neat idea, but to be honest it looks pretty ugly with that grey etc.

Indeed, that's why I'm hoping for some suggestions.
Feb 20, 2011 11:12 PM

Nov 2010
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but my stats don't show, they all remain 0 :(
Perhaps light orange and blue would be better colours? Also in my opinion the timeline should be the other way, years > mins
Feb 21, 2011 2:22 AM

Jul 2010
^^ Awesome avatar.

Also thank you! I have been wanting one of these for a while!

I'd suggest transparency over color.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 21, 2011 3:11 AM

Feb 2009
TheResistance said:
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but my stats don't show, they all remain 0 :(

No, you're doing it right. Rather, there seems to be a problem with MAL.
Look at your profile page:

It shows "Days: 0". I don't understand why, since your anime list isn't empty. But even so, it too shows:
TV: 118, OVA: 11, Movies: 15, Spcl.: 4, Eps: 1,684, DL Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 20.0, Score Dev.: -2.83

My script takes the time spent from your profile page, so that's why there are only zeros.
Probably a bug in MAL. If I were you I'd ask an admin about it.

Until they fix it I can't do anything about it :-(
Feb 21, 2011 6:14 AM

Feb 2009
Finally some suggestions :) . Thank you!

TheResistance said:
Perhaps light orange and blue would be better colours?

Is something like this what you have in mind?

I don't like the text color, but can't think of anything that would fit better.

gregory003 said:
I'd suggest transparency over color.

Something like this?

TheResistance said:
Also in my opinion the timeline should be the other way, years > mins

Well that's an interesting idea but what would you do about the progress bar? I think it would look weird if it grew from right to left.
You see, the progress bar matches the labels. For example if you spent more than one day but less than one month on anime, the progress bar will stop somewhere on the label "days".

Anyway, I have a few more ideas:

  • removing the the "minutes section" because virtually every one has seen more than an hour of anime
  • changing the font (perhaps to one used in manga like Wild Words or Anime Ace?)
  • adding a chibi character somewhere (perhaps he/she would move as you watch more anime?)
  • making the image bigger (higher, text size)
  • adding anime completed, planned, watching since, episodes seen etc counter
  • adding a parameter &picture= to allow you to select a custom background
  • generally making the thing more shiny/3D looking (perhaps using a tint) <- but I'm no good at this, if someone sent me some graphics that would be great
  • adding a MAL logo

What do you think about them?
packetApr 5, 2011 3:12 PM
Feb 21, 2011 6:37 AM

Oct 2009
yeah good idea indeed!! :D
but does this take data from your Anime Stats?? Since mine havent updated since november so will be highly inaccurate -.- (wish mal would sort this out already!!)

ilovehajiFeb 21, 2011 6:41 AM
Feb 21, 2011 10:57 AM

Feb 2009
ilovehaji: yes, from anime stats
Are you saying that those stats aren't updated very often? I thought they were updated with every list update.
The problem is I don't know where else to get the data.
Feb 21, 2011 12:23 PM

Oct 2009
well i dont know :S everyone else says it might take a few hours or even a few days to update for them ...but im not joking...mine hasnt updated since november -.- really annoying...but yeah once my stats start woking again then this will work too :D
Feb 21, 2011 12:34 PM

May 2008
about stats not updating, it is a bug related to database consistency due to the massive load lately.... hopefully it will get ironed out when the lag issues get addressed. Most users are not effected but some users have not had it update for 4 months or more.

anyhow, I never really liked the progress bar format from A-P but it's kinda neat from a programmatic standpoint. When it gets up into years how is the bar calculated... out of 10 or something?

I think just switching fonts to a nice antialiased font would probably help your design along.... like verdana/arial. In php you can measure the amount of space the text will take in a custom font using imagettfbbox() and then you aren't restricted to fixed width (are using imagettftext() or imagestring()?). I'm sure you'll still need a fixed minimum length anyway since the numbers are dynamic, but you should be able to calculate the minimum length for any font by finding the longest number-unit combination for each unit (4 is a pretty wide number so you could do 44 minutes/444 years/etc) and multiplying by 6. Not something you want to calculate every load, but it might save time instead of trial and error.

I am a banana.
Feb 21, 2011 1:21 PM

Feb 2009
saka said:
When it gets up into years how is the bar calculated... out of 10 or something?

Yes, it's out of 10. Pretty arbitrary, huh? :)

I'm using imagestring() but will switch to imagettftext(). I hope it does anti-aliasing. Thanks for the tip with imagettfbbox().
Feb 21, 2011 9:33 PM

Nov 2010
packet said:
Finally some suggestions :) . Thank you!

TheResistance said:
Perhaps light orange and blue would be better colours?

Is something like this what you have in mind?

I don't like the text color, but can't think of anything that would fit better.

gregory003 said:
I'd suggest transparency over color.

Something like this?

TheResistance said:
Also in my opinion the timeline should be the other way, years > mins

Well that's an interesting idea but what would you do about the progress bar? I think it would look weird if it grew from right to left.
You see, the progress bar matches the labels. For example if you spent more than one day but less than one month on anime, the progress bar will stop somewhere on the label "days".

Anyway, I have a few more ideas:

  • removing the the "minutes section" because virtually every one has seen more than an hour of anime
  • changing the font (perhaps to one used in manga like Wild Words or Anime Ace?)
  • adding a chibi character somewhere (perhaps he/she would move as you watch more anime?)
  • making the image bigger (higher, text size)
  • adding anime completed, planned, watching since, episodes seen etc counter
  • adding a parameter &picture= to allow you to select a custom background
  • generally making the thing more shiny/3D looking (perhaps using a tint) <- but I'm no good at this, if someone sent me some graphics that would be great
  • adding a MAL logo

What do you think about them?

The peach was bad but I like the blue :)
I don't really care about the bar I'm just used to reading time the other way.
I think you should remove the minutes section since it wouldn't be that accurate and overall, isn't that important.
Also. CHIBI :D instead of moving with the bar, maybe have them pointing their favourite accessory at the bar? Or even better, (although probably too hard) have the chibi version grow into the adult/present version as the bar progresses.
One problem I see is that once the counter reaches years/months the bar will stop for most casual viewers and move extremely slowly even for hard out otakus. Also the chibi thing wouldn't work T^T. Having the bar reset after each month of anime would work though, just have months and years on the side with numbers maybe.
Feb 21, 2011 10:20 PM

May 2008
TheResistance said:
I think you should remove the minutes section since it wouldn't be that accurate and overall, isn't that important.
But it also makes users with less anime on their lists feel like they're a little further along.... do not underestimate the value of e-peen. :D

If you want to do transparency, I recommend putting an opposite-color stroke/glow behind the text.... I have some functions to do that efficiently. I'm still optimizing glow (bounding boxes are hard because php/gd is bugged with initial position)... stroke is relatively easy though:

I am a banana.
Feb 23, 2011 6:37 AM

Feb 2009
invalidlink said:
Offtopic but, May I ask how you got that domain? (

Good question :)
I can only wish I owned such a cool domain. It's not mine. It's part of a service that provides free domains. You can get a too at

TheResistance: I agree with you that the way the progress slows down is no fun. Furthermore the majority of people have their progress in the weeks or months part. I'll try to think of something better. Perhaps levels? With a progressbar until the next level.

saka: Yeah, stroke or glow it pretty much necessary with a transparent background. I think I'll go for glow but thanks for the code anyway.
Feb 23, 2011 12:05 PM

May 2008
I only mentioned it because some users use stylish themes that change the background color... for example your posted mockup above looks like this:
sakaFeb 23, 2011 12:09 PM

I am a banana.
Feb 25, 2011 10:03 AM
Jul 2010
Hmm, great idea, always wanted for this :p

though I wonderhow accurate is this, my anime stats are far behind, so will MAL's lag affect this function?
Feb 25, 2011 10:11 AM

Feb 2009
Unfortunately yes.
Feb 25, 2011 3:26 PM

Feb 2009
Hi. I'm in the process of comming up with a new design.
I need your feedback.

So this is my idea:

Before you close this tab in terror let me assure you I'm not seriously thinking about using this grey monster.
It's just a mockup to get an idea about the placement of the individual parts. Ignore the color, font, progress bar, the red stuff and the values.

OK, now that we got this out of the way let me tell you about the new way of tracking progress.
As we found out the old tracker sucks because the growth keeps slowing down.
Instead of that I'd like to introduce levels. (having the bar reset as TheResistance suggested)
You get a level and a progress bar until the next level.
So far I'm thinking 1.825 days on anime == level up. In other words 1 year on anime == lvl 200. Is that too fast/slow/OK?
When you level up the progress bar resets.

As you noticed there is a chibi (that I shamelessly downloaded somewhere from the net - it's zatsune miku).
I learned chibi hunting is no easy task. Just try typing chibi in google images. There isn't much usable material.
So, Please donate chibis that would look good in the tracker if you can spare some. You can PM me or just post them here in this thread (please use spoiler tags if you have a lot of them).
Depending on how much chibis I find they could change based on the level and/or the username. (it would be pretty boring if everyone had the same chibi, don't you think?)
If by chance someone contributed a set of a chibi growing up, then it grow up based on the level.

I'm practically asleap now so that's it for the moment.
I'd be glad to hear any crazy suggestions as to what to add or change.
packetApr 5, 2011 3:13 PM
Feb 26, 2011 10:26 AM
Jul 2010
I'll share with you the ones I like the most and would be happy if you use them :)

This one is for lulz

Lightyear8684Feb 26, 2011 12:56 PM
Feb 26, 2011 10:39 AM

May 2008
I dislike the idea of making watching time competitive to begin with.

Still, if you're going to make a school days one, it would have to be:

I am a banana.
Feb 26, 2011 11:17 AM
Jul 2010
It's already too late for that since MAL has anime stats and everyone wants to enlarge their E- penises, so this wouldn't make much difference from the situation as it is now..I love the whole idea, it looks nice, but it could have negative effect as well..
Feb 27, 2011 7:26 AM

Feb 2009
Lightyear8684 said:
I'll share with you the ones I like the most and would be happy if you use them :)

Thank you for the chibis! :) Many look usable. I almost missed the pack you added later though.

saka said:
I dislike the idea of making watching time competitive to begin with.

You know, you've got a point there. I didn't realize levels would do this. But I agree. I just love statistics and like to pretend watching anime is useful ;). So I wanted to keep track.
But the whole penis thing is annoying me. I think you should watch anime for fun, not to level up.
So on second though, I'll try to think of something without levels. I'd still like a progress bar though. Hmm, this is gonna be complicated...

How about I keep it simple and forget about the progress bar like this:

Again, graphics are subject to change.
Instead of a level up, the chibi would change after every additional X days watched. But each user would have a different chibi order. So it would be a surprise.
Is that any good? Or maybe the chibi could just change at random?
packetApr 5, 2011 3:13 PM
Feb 27, 2011 10:39 AM

May 2008
Maybe if you provide some disincentive, like giving a title at each major step that sounds increasingly depraved.... like "user is not getting enough exercise" -> "user has no life" -> 'user is a sad lump of NEET flesh' -> 'user masturbates to anime figures'..... perhaps not but something along those lines bwahaha. :D

I am a banana.
Feb 27, 2011 1:05 PM

Feb 2009
:D sounds fun
a chibi doctor/nurse character saying diagnosis:<what you sugested>
as the time progresses the chibi would keep getting a more and more concerned facial expression

just an idea, I'm not serious about this :D
Feb 27, 2011 1:28 PM

Nov 2010
I like the speech bubble idea and imo the chibi should change after every 24 hours of anime watched which is roughly 50ish eps.
Also try this this site for chibis, there's like 50 pages worth I think

Lol Saka, not everyone fits the otaku stereotype. However I think each image change should have a coment or joke related to anime next to the stats.

Maybe it's just because I havn't gone out much into the MAL forums, but most people here don't seem to care about e-penises but a different way to show the progress bar would be to title it "xxx more to next chibi"?
Mar 6, 2011 12:57 PM

Feb 2009
EDIT: Update, see for newest information

This has been a busy week for me. I'm back at school for the moment, so I don't have much time for other stuff :-/
Nevertheless, today I decided to ignore my study duties and worked on the tracker instead.

Here is the result:

I combined some ideas you guys gave me. Thanks.

So, this is how it works:
You can get your own tracker thingy at
The little bar indicates progress to the next chibi and anime quote.
When it reaches the other end, your chibi and quote will change. (Currently, the whole bar is about two days 12 hours of watching anime) The good thing is the bar doesn't slow down like it did in the old version.

Every user has their own sequence of chibis. For instance if you and your friend have both seen 2 days of anime, you will (probably) get different chibis and quotes.

Right now there are 11 chibis that Lightyear8684 gave me. (Thanks again) I will add more later.

I got most of the quotes from some website. Currently, there is about 100 of them. More will be added. Thank you saka for inspiring me with your "disincentive" tip.

This is not quite finished yet. I need add a glow/outline to the text so it will be visible on a dark background for instance.

I wold like to hear from you if there is anything you would like to change. For instance:
Should the quote change more often? (perhaps every day or two, no matter how much anime has been watched)
Is there something you would change about the design?
Did you discover a bug?
Should the chibi change more often.
Is the font readable.
Is the size OK?
etc... etc....

Also, you can keep sending me quotes and chibis that could be added if you have some.
There is a small problem connected with this though. Every time I add/remove a quote or a chibi everyones quote/chibi will change. This problem is caused by the way the script generates a unique sequence for each user, but I might come up with a workaround.
packetApr 11, 2011 2:49 PM
Mar 6, 2011 9:36 PM

Apr 2009
I would be very interested in trying this, however i don't know how you guys got the URL to display anything in the signature. Also, am I able to put my tracker on other forums as well?

sorry for the noob question. XD
Mar 6, 2011 10:21 PM

Feb 2009
RamenPoodle said:
I would be very interested in trying this, however i don't know how you guys got the URL to display anything in the signature. Also, am I able to put my tracker on other forums as well?

Sure, you can use the tracker anywhere on the internet. But what are you talking about?
I see, that your tracker *is* working:
I mean, I see your tracker there, don't you?
This is your picture URL:
Mar 7, 2011 8:55 AM

Apr 2009
yeah, i got it working shortly after i posted. Sorry! :D
Mar 7, 2011 9:16 AM

Jan 2009
i am getting this error
ERROR can't write to cache

its awesome . you are great :)
sakaMar 7, 2011 4:40 PM
Mar 7, 2011 12:53 PM

Feb 2009
mastersquall said:
i am getting this error
ERROR can't write to cache

yeah, I'm sorry about that
that was a bug
It's fixed now, nevertheless

mastersquall said:
its awesome . you are great :)

thanks :)
packetMar 7, 2011 10:11 PM
Mar 7, 2011 1:11 PM
Jul 2010
I'd like to ask for one thing, since I'd like to add that Total time spent signature on other websites as well, is there anyway to generate a different code, since when I use on other websites picture doesn't show, maybe because there scripts aren't supported, is there any way to make [url][/img] code one or something?
Mar 7, 2011 4:19 PM

Jun 2010
looks cool...thanks for doing this :)
Mar 7, 2011 5:02 PM

May 2008
*cleaned up some of the double posts, lag sucks*

@Lightyear8684: the standard way in bbcode would be something like:


some sites use different bbcode for images though.... like [img=http://...] in a single tag. The above is what works on mal, and is the most common on other sites as well.

It's also possible that the other site (incorrectly) assumes the url is not an image because it doesn't end in (.jpg|.gif|.png) or something. It should be possible (for packet) to use apache to put up some redirects/rewrites to fake the extension. What was the other forum you were trying to use it on?

I am a banana.
Mar 7, 2011 6:13 PM

Sep 2010
nice idea and well done. I liked adding chibis and quotes.
about changes, maybe quote should change more often (since you have more quotes than chibis anyway). different fonts/background colors for every user would be cool, but I suppose that's too much work (I know nothing about such things, so don't mind this feedback)
Mar 7, 2011 9:29 PM

Nov 2010
:D I got Fuko on first go! Unfortunately MAL bug still hasn't been fixed T^T
Also do you have any K-On! chibis?
Mar 7, 2011 10:08 PM

Feb 2009
Lightyear8684 said:
I'd like to ask for one thing, since I'd like to add that Total time spent signature on other websites as well, is there anyway to generate a different code, since when I use on other websites picture doesn't show, maybe because there scripts aren't supported, is there any way to make [url][/img] code one or something?

Well that depends on the website. Would you post a link? I'll check what code they use.
If bbcode doesn't work there:
[ img][ /img]
(the spaces in [ img] and [ /img] must be removed)

It probably needs HTML:
<img src="">;
(don't copy the ';')

I didn't think of making a generator of this, because the only thing that ever chages is the usr=XXX part. But if you insist I'll make one...
Mar 8, 2011 4:34 AM
Jul 2010
packet said:
Lightyear8684 said:
I'd like to ask for one thing, since I'd like to add that Total time spent signature on other websites as well, is there anyway to generate a different code, since when I use on other websites picture doesn't show, maybe because there scripts aren't supported, is there any way to make [url][/img] code one or something?

Well that depends on the website. Would you post a link? I'll check what code they use.
If bbcode doesn't work there:
<pre><pre>[ img][ /img]
(the spaces in [ img] and [ /img] must be removed)

It probably needs HTML:
<pre><pre><img src="">;
(don't copy the ';')

I didn't think of making a generator of this, because the only thing that ever chages is the usr=XXX part. But if you insist I'll make one...

I'd like to give you link, but you can't surf through that site without an invitation (it's basically a torrent tracker) , but without invitation all you can do is view main page :x and they allow BBCODE it's just when I use it, it's just shows the whole code, not the picture itself..
Lightyear8684Apr 3, 2011 11:19 AM
Mar 8, 2011 4:51 AM

Mar 2009
Interesting. I tried it out and it looks good.
Mar 8, 2011 7:21 AM

Feb 2009
inspired said:
maybe quote should change more often (since you have more quotes than chibis anyway).

I agree. I'll change that.

inspired said:
different fonts/background colors for every user would be cool

So far I haven't found another font I like so if you know about one, please send it to me (or just the name)
The background is transparent so there is no color to change. However, I might add an option to change the color of the progress bar/quotes.

Lightyear8684 said:
I'd like to give you link, but you can't surf through that site without an invitation (it's basically a torrent tracker) , but without invitation all you can do is view main page :x and they allow BBCODE it's just when I use it, it's just shows the whole code, not the picture itself..

Umm, try putting another picture in your signature. Any ordinary png picture like this one:
Does it work? If it does, then saka is probably right and I'll implement the rewrite thing.
If it does not work I think you shold probably ask around that forum for help.

TheResistance said:
Unfortunately MAL bug still hasn't been fixed T^T

Well that sucks. It doesn't seem they'll fix it any time soon.
However, I noticed that when you click on "more" next to an anime entry in your list it shows correct values.
For instance: Bamboo blade - Time Spent Watching: 10 hours, 37 minutes, and 0 seconds

I could have the script use this as a source of data. But I'm not sure if Xinil would be happy about that. Maybe if I used a persistent HTTP connection (and of course used caching) it wouldn't put so much load on the server. Maybe I'll just try that and let myself be surprised if I get banned for DoSing the server :D
I wish there was an API function for the total time spent. Maybe I'll try posting in the feature request subforum.

TheResistance said:
Also do you have any K-On! chibis?

No, not yet but I have some pending. If you want a particular, send it. (of course you'll have to wait for it to appear)

BTW: I noticed some chibis get cropped. I'll make the tracker wider so they fit.

PS: If you feel like you won't get to see many chibis because they don't change often enough tell me.
Mar 8, 2011 9:35 AM

May 2008
packet said:
I could have the script use this as a source of data. But I'm not sure if Xinil would be happy about that. Maybe if I used a persistent HTTP connection (and of course used caching) it wouldn't put so much load on the server. Maybe I'll just try that and let myself be surprised if I get banned for DoSing the server :D
Don't especially right now.... mal has been really overloaded since the weekend (as you surely noticed). They're working on fixing the database lag atm, and maybe after that Xinil can fix stats up a bit.

I can't even say it will be soon.... but hopefully in the next month or so.

I am a banana.
Mar 8, 2011 10:00 AM

Feb 2009
saka said:
Don't especially right now

OK, I understand, I won't.
Mar 8, 2011 10:31 AM

Jan 2009
one more question . can i use old time spent which you have in you siggy still ?
Mar 8, 2011 11:48 AM

Feb 2009
mastersquall said:
one more question . can i use old time spent which you have in you siggy still ?

Sure, and let me know if you'd like a particular set of colors better.
Mar 8, 2011 1:48 PM
Jul 2010
packet said:
mastersquall said:
one more question . can i use old time spent which you have in you siggy still ?

Sure, and let me know if you'd like a particular set of colors better.

I tried wikpedia.png one and it works just fine, I guess it doesn't show because there is no .png/.jpg ending at the link?
Mar 8, 2011 2:57 PM

Feb 2009
Lightyear8684 said:
I tried wikpedia.png one and it works just fine, I guess it doesn't show because there is no .png/.jpg ending at the link?

OK, it really seems so. Just try one last thing before I add support for .png.
Try putting this picture in your signature:
It's not dynamic - it won't change, I just saved it like this for testing purposes. I just want to make sure once I set up rewrite that forum won't have problems with pics from my domain.
Let me know if it works.

In other news:
Added 15 new chibis mostly from the chibi pack Lightyear8684 sent.
TheResistance: three are from K-On
That makes 27 chibis total. Would you like a list somewhere or rather be surprised?
packetMar 8, 2011 3:00 PM
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