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Oct 19, 2010 3:25 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: hears everything, that alice is now a immortal, an apprentice, and i to me is nothing, decides to leave the palace and do something else. *packs her things together, and leaves a note on her bed* well i have no point staying here, so im leaving. *walks out of the castle, and leaving everything behind and going to look for what she needs to find for her destiny. He can have her. *smark and leaves the castle, turning into her wolf form and leaves* no one will miss me im better off on my own.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Oct 19, 2010 9:28 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri smiles then pets the wolf and says
"Estelle my love you are quite the actor why when things go good do you leave this has becom increasingly tiresome I do not wish to do this but I must"
Yuri stands in front of estelle and says latin words a flash of light surrounds estelle as she turns back into a human
"I'm sorry estelle but it had to be done I had to take away your powers and now I must leave you hopefully you will return but as I said I am sorry and you must always bear the mark of the wolf family"
Yuri points to her back where the family crest now lies in black ink forever burned
"I Love you estelle but now we must part ways my love"
Yuri kisses estelle full on the lips then looks at alice then back to estelle
"The reason you could not become my apprentice is because it is against the law of the ranger to have someone of family to be your apprentice I tried for years to fight this but got you demi god hood we would have lived our days out forever never aging as for the children once they reach a nice young age they will not age for they are the children of a god and so now we part my love"
Yuri opens another portal to the world inbetween the gods and human a place reserved for the dead Yuri looks at alice sad and says
"Are you ready for your first lesson"
Then grabs her and jumps in"
Oct 20, 2010 12:31 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice feels like everything is a dream. So many things are happening, but she's not afraid. Not when she's with Yuri. He has always given her a feeling of security. But when she sees Estelle, she feels a bit guilty. Even when he explained it to her, Alice's got the feeling that Estelle feels like she's been left behind. Suddenly, Yuri and she jump into an other portal*
"Where are we going? I mean... Where are we?"
Oct 20, 2010 2:23 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *lays on the floor, and gets up* what the im a human..... my power is gone..... YURI.. *Reaches behind her back and it burns so bad* the mark i see. *puts some huntrees clothes on like gloves, make her hair wavy, boots, daggers* *runs off* how dare he do that to me. *she is walking and got on a horse and rides off to join a hunting club, or mercenaries*

*rode for 3 days, and found a nice place and enters, and is looking for someone* Hello is this where the best of becoming a mercenary? or hunting...
bar manager: yes it is, but have to wait for a while, talking to someone.
Thanks. *walks and sits on a couch, and then see them coming, and gets up* hello im estelle and i will like to join ur little hunting mercenary group.
Group of Mercenary: okay but have to ask questions and tell me back *sits down somewhere and ask the women questions, and then realize she is pretty good, and nice weapons she has.
Estelle *smiles* thank u im glad to help u, but i must take a nap.
Right go ahead, there is a room upstairs and we will leave and go to another town.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Oct 20, 2010 9:19 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri laughs all around is darkness yuri smiles then looks at alice
"This my dear is where we take spirits that don't wish to leave the human realm as a good and the ranger it is my duty to bring restless spirits here as well as guard the world"
Yuri grabs his sword and it lights up he leads her down the path until they reach a pool all around is darkness but the water seems to glow a misty blue yuri looks at alice close to the water and says
"I'm sorry about this it's the only way to become a demigod oh and try to swim across as fast as you can the hydra seems to be a bit cranky"
Yuri pushes alice into the water and watches her swim to the other side a giant snake come out of he water behind her yuri sighs then goes into the water as a god the water has no effect yuri grabs his sword and stabs the giant snake then has it lunge at him he laughs and slices the snakes head off then drinks its blood and heads for shore he waits for alice to get to the other end
Oct 22, 2010 10:45 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice listens well to Yuri and nods. So that is his duty... She walks with him to a pools and looks at color. Before she knows it, Yuri pushes her into the water. She's surprised, but she immediately begins to swim, like he told her. When she's finally on the other end, she sees that he's already there. She comes out of the water and mumbels*
"What was that good for? I hate to swim..."
Oct 22, 2010 1:42 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *is in there group, and has all her weapons, and checks the burned mark on her back, and hids it so no one knows who she was. goes downstairs and realize getting ready to go to next town and everyone is already.*
Leader: well everyone ready, well lets mount up and go *everyone mounts up and rides away from the Inn* *looks at estelle* so what are u doing here?
Estelle: well something happened in my family and decided i was not needed so i left. so yah. umm by the way whats ur name?
Leader: oh excuse me i forgot to mentioned, the name is Kyler. *smiles* nice to meet u Estelle.
Estelle: *smiles* glad to meet u too *feels like she has feelings to him already*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Oct 22, 2010 3:18 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Gives alice his cloak then looks sad
"Sorry I had to do that but well you had to be in the water in order to harnass the power of the gods"
Yuri smiles then gestures for alice to follow him he opens a portal back to the gods world but instead of the king of gods palace it is diffrent smaller but beautiful surrounded by forest
Yuri jumps through the portal with alice he looks at her and smiles then says
"This is my home alice hold the medallion I gave you and says three times Safety with all your heart and you will be transported here now lets take your room"
Yuri has alice follow him and he takes her to a room huge filled with alkinds of ornate decorations yuri smiles then says
"This will be your room a place you can always come your stuff from my human palace has been brought here if you have need of everything just ask a servant any trouble and there is a guard at you call when you are ready ask the guard to escort you to my room and we'll head to dinner"
Yuri hugs then kisses her forhead and leaves he heads for his room then smiles although big with his own bathroom it is plain almost spartan there is a bed,rug,cupboard and desk with chair and that is all yuri changes into his ranger cloak and pulls out an outfit that is alices apprentice outfit yuri falls on his bed and sleeps until dinner
Oct 22, 2010 5:08 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *smiles at Kyler* so where are we going?
Kyler: we are going to a town far north from here to fight some ppl who messed the wrong guys alright, and maybe we can enjoy each other, should we?
Estelle: i thought u wouldn't ask.... *smiles, and rides next to him until we reach the town*
*rode for 2 days, and eventually got there*
Kyler and Estelle: wow what a town, its a dump. haha *gets to the inn, and goes in shoot couple ppl and take control the inn and then shoots other people, and shoot some ppl who begged not to die*
Kyler: lets go to a room okay *takes estelle, and puts on the bed, and starts loving her, and kissing everywhere, and even made love to her*
estelle: ur great kyler i do enjoy u make my heart pound wonderful *lays under him and enjoys it soo much, and falls asleep*
Kyler: night my precious, *smooch u and falls a sleep too*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 2, 2010 7:00 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri wakes up changes into his suit then heads to Alices room he knocks until she answers
"Hello my lady shall we go to dinner"
Yuri bows and brings his hat to his chest then holds his hand out
Nov 5, 2010 4:39 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice opens her eyes when she hears someone knocking on her door. The fact that she didn't hear the person coming, would indicate that she was really tired. She looks at the door*
"Come in."
*She sees Yuri entering the room and smiles*
"My, you are a gentleman as always."
*She stands up en walks to him. Then she lays her hand in his*
Nov 5, 2010 1:28 PM

Sep 2008
E: *still sleeping peacefully n happy with Kyler, but she still angry at Yuri, but wonders what he is doing, and if he evers thinks about her anymore, which why u wont, cuz have alice who is a trainee. it makes her sick of it, and turned her into a human, but still has the brand mark of the royal wolf family.*
K: *is happy with estelle, and thinks may ask her a question soon, and see if she agrees for it. and then goes on fighting something huge they nevered come to counter with before. Wishes that him and her stay together, and not her leaving over stupid or disrespectful.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 6, 2010 12:57 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri holding alices hand walks her to the dining hall and seats her next to him the whole table is filled with people and Yuri's father sist at the other end of the table Alice sits next to yuri on his right side he looks at everyone at the table and says
"I would like to thank all of you for coming to my apprentice coronation I have often thought of you as family and I'm glad to see you support me like a family and to those who as a gift have offered to train my apprentice I thank you very much and may take you up on that offer soon now let us enjoy this wonderful feast"
Yuri snaps his fingers and the flames on the candle light up and the lights on the ceiling dim and trays of food are brought out yuri looks to alice and says
"When were done with the feast I have to give you my gift and remember to thank all the gods here an allie can turn into an enemy quickely when not satisfied"
Yuri walks around the table talking to anyone until its late then he gives his farewell to all his guest then goes to alice and says
"Now come with me my lady"
Yuri leads alice to his chambers and hands her and outfit all in green and a sword enscribed with the crest of the ranger in it yuri smiles and says
"The sword is silver and blessed by the gods it will kill anything like my sword the cloak I wove my self with fibers from the veil cover your self in it and you will become invisible and it will keep you warmer then any other cloak around so what do you think"
Yuri hugs her then looks at her
Nov 6, 2010 2:25 PM

Sep 2008
E: *wakes up* hey Kyler good morning :D
K: good morning u ready to go to the kill the person we need to
E: yes i am *looks into the skies and curse the gods for making her like this*
K: *gets into the truck, and rides with the group and his lover, and they got there safe, and gets there guns and swords out*
your ready estelle its going to be one hell of a fight, and plus we dont know what we are dealing with and i hope the gods wont get angry haha *laughs maliciously*
E: funny they wont just lets go im tired and i want to kill something and be avengeful. *takes out the sword she had when she was queen for a long time*
K and E: lets get started *marchs to the demon or whatever they see and attacks it from behind, front, sides and up*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 7, 2010 8:18 AM

Nov 2008
A servant comes up and addresses Yuri he looks at alice then says
"I'm sorry but I must leave"
Yuri leaves and summons a portal to estelle he walks through the portal estelle is struggling fighting a demon Yuri slices the demon then loooks at estelle and says
"I may have taken your powers but I still love you"
Yuri Hugs Estelle
Nov 7, 2010 8:36 AM

Sep 2008
E: *shakes head* yuri i cant forgive u, im sorry but u hurt me soo much. *backs away* i cant be with u anymore *takes Kyler and runs away*
K: what is that? who was that man? and why was he hugging and saying loving u?
E: *sighs* kyler, he is my husband, and im not actually a human, im a wolf actually but he took my powers and i cant forgive me for doing that, and causing me pain. so i dont want him anymore and to me he betrayed my love to alice so srry i couldnt tell whom i was
K: so ur a wolf? why didnt u tell me this?
E: i was afraid u would run away and enough okay lets get moving i dont want to see his face again im very upset.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 9, 2010 4:30 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri runs after Estelle then looks at her and says
"I gave my life for you no matter what I alway stood by you It pained me that it had to come to taking your powers away and I'm sorry but it was the only resort I had left"
Yuri looks at estelle
Nov 9, 2010 4:34 PM

Sep 2008
E: really u gave to me u give ur life too... Alice.. has everything, im only with a human, and a brand mark that burns. thats all wow
K: *confused and wont get himself involve with this quarrel *still has her hand in his*
E: if u actually love me we do what we did before this happening loving and awesomeness, i cant take it
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 9, 2010 4:47 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri grabs Estelles hand and looks into her eyes
"Your not just human your my wife and as my wife you are by all rights a god almost like me so tell me now is this love truly over"
Yuri stares at her sadden
Nov 9, 2010 4:49 PM

Sep 2008
E: if im a god, where is the power, where is my light, where is anything that i feel safe. look at me what i do l look like. a killer, a mercenary, no one. i feel to human, and just disgusting. TO me im nothing, when u left, i was alone forever, felt betrayed and no one cared.
K: *looks down* Estelle if u want to go, just go i understand everyone does this to me.. alright..
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 9, 2010 4:55 PM

Nov 2008
"As long as you have the darkness of the other you inside of you cannot be a god but you yourself can't become a god since well your a human but you will be an angel or part of the gods realm and so I bestow this angelic new life to you"
Yuri's hand glow white and he touches estelles head and she glows white all and all sense of evil is burned from her being when she falls back to the ground she has wings and halo Yuri smiles and says
"I'll teach you how to hide your angelice powers later but for now come back to me my love"
Nov 9, 2010 4:59 PM

Sep 2008
K: bye estelle *leaves her and goes back to the mercenary group*
E: *Feels courgeous, and holy, and wonderful, and looks at her glow wongs, and her halo* oh my god, i looks so pretty and gorgeous * looks at the robe she is wearing and its soo wonderful and doesnt feel any hatred, and herself just a minute ago, and feels herself in love back again with Yuri* *smiles and jumps at him and hugs him*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 9, 2010 5:03 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Kisses estelle then hugs her he opens a portal back to his realm of heaven he looks at estelle and says
"Come on lets go home"
They jump through the portal and yuri takes estelle to there room and he says
"So what would you like to do first as the Arch angel of the wolf family"
Nov 9, 2010 5:09 PM

Sep 2008
E: *enjoys this day* whatever u want to do Yuri. *smiles and kiss u*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 9, 2010 5:20 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Hugs estelle and kisses her then says
"Being in your presence is enough for me my love and I want nothing more then to do what ever you wish"
Yuri goes down on his knees and says
"Your wish is my command my lady"
Nov 9, 2010 5:26 PM

Sep 2008
E: lay with me now okay
i want that and just to love u and kiss u everywhere, plus my darling yuri, i feel very happy for once *hugs u*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 10, 2010 6:31 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sits at her room with closed eyes. She's breathing slowly in and out. Then, suudenly, she opens her eyes. Yuri is back, with Estelle. She sighs relieved and smiles. You got us worried there, my Lady. Alice stands up and walks to the bookcase. She opens a music box, winds it up and listens to it. The beautiful sound makes her smile. She's so far away with her thoughts, that she didn't hear the knock on her door. But the second time, she does hear it. She closes the music box and turns around*
"Come in."
*A young man -at least, he doesn't look older than 25- walks in the room and goes standing against the wall*
"You are Alice, the apprentice of Yuri-sama right? My name is Luka."
*Alice nods en looks interested at Luka. He was the first one who really came to meet her. She remembers that she saw him when they had diner, but he didn't sat at the table and didn't stay long*
"Want to spar?"
*She looks up surprised when he askes her that question. Then she smiles at him*
"You can ask me that question any time. But don't cry when you lose."
*Luka grins and turns around*
"Like I'll lose..."
*He walks out of the room and Alice follows him, curious about his skills*
Nov 10, 2010 8:33 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri gets up and goes to alices room bored an see's luka who bows then enters alices room ad says
"I hope you weren't hoping on fighting the god of warriors"
Yuri raises his Eybrow and smiles then say
"Save it your training starts today we have to get you ready fore the apprentice competion any gods protectr has an apprentice and they show there skills at the competition you know nothing of magic so today were going to be workin on it today meet me in my study wen your ready"
Yuri goes to his study and waits for alice
Nov 11, 2010 6:33 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks surprised at Yuri when she sees him. She thought he would spend his time with Estelle today. But appearantly, he wants to start her training. Magic.. She nods and bows for Yuri. Then she stares at Luka, who grins*
"What? Scared to fight me now."
*Alice smiles*
"It makes it only more interesting. But I guess I have no time today. Another time?"
*Luka turns around an walks slowly away*
"I'm looking forward to it."
*Alice looks at him until she doesn't see him anymore, then she goes to Yuri. She knocks on the door and enters the room*
"So, what were you saying about magic, my Lord?"
Nov 11, 2010 11:08 AM

Sep 2008
*Estelle still sleeping and folds her wings and relax more, n got the terrible dream of her and kyler together, and she goes back to see kyler and he furiously betrays her, and kills her with dark magic and sucks her into a dark abyss*
*sits up frightened* what was that *thinks* that wasnt normal maybe if i was there later on maybe that was it... maybe. *gets up and washes her body, and her wings, *unfurl her wings and brush it, and her halo too*
*walks out of the room and goes to see anybody, or just wonder the hall or eat food*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 11, 2010 2:27 PM

Nov 2008
Yur sends a paralyzing spell at Alice then walks toward her then says
"A simple magiician could block that spell now your dead I'm not going to teach you how to do magic your going to learn how block it"
Yuri calls off the Paralyzing spell then hands alice a book and says
"Read this and meet me in the training area tommorow its time you got some real life training"
Yuri walks off then goes to estelle and smiles then hugs her and kisses her then says
"What now my lady"
Nov 11, 2010 3:48 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle eating breakfast, and then sees Yuri coming, and turns around and smiles* hey yuri. *smiles and kiss and hugs u back* well my love i soon have to work my power okay, and healing powers of my hands okay *touches ur face* but not to worry ill be back, someone is calling for healing and protectness so i might go, but i have to be invisible thoguh to them. protect my heart, and my soul my love work with alice still
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 12, 2010 3:18 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice stares at Yuri when she is in that paralysed state. She doesn't like the feeling to not be able to move. When he calls off the spell and gives her a huge book, she bows*
"Yes, my Lord."
*He walks out the room and Alice sighs. She goes to her room and begins to read*
Nov 12, 2010 5:29 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri goes to alice and watches her study then goes to bed the next day he heads for the training room then sits down he sets up a med station then alice walks in
"Alice good of you to join me now have you read the book I gave you?"
Nov 13, 2010 6:41 AM

Sep 2008
*Estelle saw him leave to go to Alice, and then she went to bed, and heard the door open and yuri climbed into bed, and she snuggle with him. IN the morning, she checks the alice and yuri training went, then she has a flying training, so un-furls her wings and takes off, and flies around, and feels incredible*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 15, 2010 10:02 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice walks in the training room with the book in her hands. She's still tired of all the reading and remembering she had to do. She just finished it and didn't have much sleep. Well, it's not like she needs much anyway. When she sees Yuri, she bows*
"Yes, my Lord."
*She looks up and waits patiently for what he'll do, veen thoug she's very nervous on the inside*
Nov 18, 2010 6:18 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri takes the book from her and looks at her then says
"Now this is going to hurt but its the only way you can have any magical protection during the tournament"
Yuri puts the book up againste her chest and says the words to transfer the books power once done he looks at alice and says
"Now grab that sword and attack me with full force"
Nov 18, 2010 1:38 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle flies around the building, and then goes to the training room and sits on the corner and watches alice, and Yuri practice while she is taking notes of her powers, and to control them* *thinks to herself and talking to herself* Alright, the powers i need to know what i have is i have to practice so much, and see how long my wings can let me glide and fly. Take extra notes of it and see how to activate or work
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Dec 2, 2010 6:29 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri walks to estelle who is sitting on the roof he jumps up and smiles at her and says
"What is it my love"
Yuri looks at her and waits for a response
Dec 3, 2010 7:33 PM

Sep 2008
" she sees Yuri toward her and smiles* nothing is it my love, just practicing my spells, fighting, and light ablities thats all sweetness. but u were hot down there, it made me want u more... u know.... what i meant *giggles, and kisses ur lips*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Dec 4, 2010 7:16 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri Looks at Estelle then starts to feel something he looks at her then says
"I of course felt the same way my love who could resist a beautiful angel like you"
Yuri smiles at estelle
Dec 4, 2010 7:16 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri Looks at Estelle then starts to feel something he looks at her then says
"I of course felt the same way my love who could resist a beautiful angel like you"
Yuri smiles at estelle
Dec 4, 2010 10:02 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle puts her hand around him, and hugs him* im glad u feel the same way, Yuri. Ur my lover, and a good guy. but soon u need to train Alice okay. depends if she is ready..
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Dec 20, 2010 4:48 PM

Nov 2008
"She is ready I know it"
Yuri lookd at estelle
"Estelle there's something i have to tell you... its just well I will have to go with her for a long time and since others are not aloud until the show for all apprentices battle it out i just want you to know I never meant any of the mean things i said and i love you "
Yuri Kisses Estelle then jumps back down to where alice is then smiles at her
"Now lets begin Training shall we now attack me full force"
Dec 22, 2010 9:45 AM

Sep 2008
*estelle looks at u* its okay i understand soon i have to leave, and do my business, i have a see to a client who needs help. so i have to go soon to see how they are the doing, and i will always send u a message or something to make sure ur okay. i love u more then anything. *pats and kiss u* good luck. ill tell u soon when i leave
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Dec 22, 2010 10:17 AM

Sep 2008
*estelle looks at him* i understand sweet. i have to find a client and help them, i been chosen from the council. so i have to do it alright :D thanks for everything my love. *looks at him when he goes back and start to work out again.* *she takes off and heads to get ready and descend to earth to do it.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 9, 2011 11:53 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice waits patiencely for Yuri to return and recalls all the spells that she could use if she had to fight. When he's back and asks her to attack him, she smiles and nods. Then she starts to make symbols in the air and mumbels something. Lighting shoots out of it and goes toward Yuri. Alice is surprised by the power and needs to step back a little*
Jan 10, 2011 2:34 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri casts a simple shield spell and is impressed much with alice but watches as she back away he runs forward and puts his blade to her throat and says
"Do not be afraid of the magic use it as you would a bow or sword never stop if you have no more energy for magic then go back to your weapons is that clear alice?"
Yuri stares at alice with the blade to her throat still
Jan 10, 2011 11:46 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sees a glimp of Yuri before he stand right before her with his blade against her throat. She blinks to let him know that she understands what he means. Then a small circle is suddenly on her finger and when she touches the blade, ice starts to spread and makes the sword suddenly heavier. Alice uses this chance to get away from Yrui and to prepare for her next spell. Magic is more difficult then she thought, but she kind of enjoys using it. She looks at her tagert and shoots fire. Right now, she's best at controlling the elements and such. But she should use some combat skills soon, because she won't stand a chance against Yuri in magic alone*
Jan 10, 2011 3:27 PM

Sep 2008
"Estelle goes to earth, and hids her wings, and goes to sidewalk. Walks off and tries to find her client, if she actually has one. She manages try to listen to anyone, but no one so she decides to stay at the park and wait anything if not, she cant return until she is able to go up again. Sits on a bench and relaxes and a person came to her.*
hello. i have a question to ask u.
Estelle: yes?
Guy: if someone steals u, that i know of ur true identity will ur lover find u again. *smiles*
Estelle: wait i know u! ur that guy i was back at the lercenary and i left... oh shoot *stands up* and walks back
Guy: oh so u have forgot my name, what a pity, well im going to have fun *uses a tranq on her, and takes her away* this will be fun, and gonna have my revenage.
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