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Aug 10, 2010 1:52 PM

Sep 2008
* has her head on Alice's lap, and sleeps, and then couples hours later, she was awoken and see this man and another guy, telling her savior what to do and he gave her a type of herb, and then she is laying in the mans lap, while telling her stories of someone past.*

estelle: *sighs* i wish i can come out,,, *walking around then suddenly she hears a voice, realize it was Yuri, and talking about the lovely past and her children..... feels in her heart that she is has finally been saved.* Yuri, darling, im coming, but i wont see u at night, but in morning ill be in my human form again* *smiles* ill c u soon, and thanks

*realize have to say thanks to Han's son.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 10, 2010 8:49 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri eventually falls asleep when he wakes up instead of a wolf he finds women next to him he looks at her and see's it's estelle
"Estelle your back in your human form does that mean you remember me"
Yuri looks at estelle she is still asleep he lets her sleep he wakes up hansel and goes with hansel down stairs to gets something to eat and says to hansel
"Thank you so much I can never thank you enough now I know I promised you I would help you right away but I want to be with estelle"
hansel looks at yuri and says
"I understand but tonight we must go and save her We can't waste anymore time she could be killed or sold into slavery then I'll never see her"
Yuri looks at hansel and says
"Yes I promise"
Yuri finishes his meal and takes some food up to estelles room and sets it on the night stand then grabs a chair next to estelle and sits then waits for her to wake up
Aug 11, 2010 4:07 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice wakes up and realizes she's still in her wolf form. She looks a while at Yuri and Hansel who are awake for some time now. Then she transforms back into her human form. She looks at her clothes and sees that they are loose. She blushes, turns around and clothes herself again. Alice looks over her shoulder at them and hopes that they didn't see her. In that aspect, she can be very shy*
Aug 11, 2010 1:45 PM

Sep 2008
*sleeping peacefully and enjoying her night*
Estelle: *wakes up, and sees Yuri* *smiles* hey Yuri. i missed u. *looks down, and looks at u* how r the chidlren? *goes to u and kisses u* my dear Yuri. I waited....waited...waited forever, thought u never show up, BUT u did so good finding me.
*sighs* well i can help u with anything now, i have strength, and my power returned. But i did to stay away from turing my wolf form for about 4 days.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 11, 2010 6:49 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri hugs estellle and smiles
"I'm glad your back there is... Nothing wait here I'll go get the children"
Yuri gets up and goes to his sons rooms he looks in Hans is sharpening his blade Yuri Jr. Is reading a book the youngest is meditating Yuri Jr. looks up and says
"Father where have you been"
Yuri looks at his son and says
"Please come with my I want to introduce you to your mother"
All three of his sons get up quickely and follow him to his mothers room
"My sons I would like to introduce you to your mother I'll leave you alone alice would you mind getting my daughters Hansel come with me"
Yuri leaves the room and goes with hansel outside yuri looks at hansel
"We'll go save your mother now it's best to let them get aquainted since they've never offficeially met now lets go "
Hansel looks yuri sadly
"I thank you uncle and I'm sorry you had to leave your wife to save her"
Yuri says
"No thanks required your family of course it would be my pleasure to save your mother"
Yuri heads to the stable and saddles two of his fastest horses hansel sits on the hay while yuri fixes the saddles and packs there supplys
Aug 11, 2010 7:46 PM

Sep 2008
-smiles- hello my wonderful children I'm so happy happy to meet my angels I birthed.
Well kids glad to finally c u also tell me ur adventure and growing up. -sits on bed and listens to them-
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 13, 2010 9:28 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice nods and gets up. She goes back to her room and sees that the girls are chatting with eachother*
"Yuna, Risa, come with me. There's someone in the other room that I've always told you about."
*She brings the girls to the room and smiles at Estelle*
"They finally meet their mother. I envy them."
*She bows and walks to the door again to leave*
Aug 14, 2010 6:47 PM

Sep 2008
*looks at her beautiful daughters and shocked that alice raised really well and very happy :D*

great work alice, did a nice job
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 16, 2010 10:42 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri leaves once Hansel arrives they both head towards the barg boarder once there a few miles away from the barg raiders camp they stop to rest for the night once the camp is set up yuri sits across from hansel and says
"Hansel I want you to stay here alright I'm going to try to sneak in and find your mom I plan on saving all the slaves and taking out there leader of the raiding party no matter what do not come after me if you see I'm in trouble then go back to the inn and get my sons this you must promise me"
Hansel looks at yuri and says
"This I promise you"
Yuri gets up and leaves with his weapons leaving the horse he lays on a ledge with a telescope watching the routines of the barg patrols of the camp he then goes in and while the patrols rotate he stays in the shadows and heads for the barrack tents even though he's not one for being cold blooded yuri knows what evil these bargs commited so he slits every sleeping bargs throat while they slept he then heads for the officers tent but all the officers are awake and having a drink at the head of the table he see's the leader yuri leaves and heads for the slave cages two guards guard each cage yuri takes his bow and takes out all the guards guarding the cages in the center yuri then uses his speed to snap the rest of the guards necks he looks though the cages until he finds a cage full of wolf soldiers the leader of the soldiers looks at yuri in surprise and starts to weep and says
"My king you have returned to save us this is the most glorious day of my life"
Yuri hushes the man and says
"Captain can you take the weapons from these guards release the other slaves and make your way with them to the edge of the camp and comback over to the north is a weapons depot take all willing men and overrun arm yourselves with anything there go through this whole camp take out any barg resitace i mean to make this a temporary refugee camp until we can get these people back to there homes"
The captian looks at yuri and says
"On my life as a soldier i will do as you ask my lord"
Yuri frees the soldiers and they free the rest of the slaves yuri then heads for the officers tent he runs in and takes out the two guards at the door the officers get up there is about ten officers and the leader the leader raises his hand and says to yuri
"What is you want stranger"
Yuri looks at the leader and says
"I Mean to take you and your men prisoner"
All the officers and the leaders laugh an officer closest says to yuri
"You are a fool look at you whoever heard of one man taking over an entire camp"
Yuri gets angry he uses his super speed to cut the mans head clean of he does the same to officer sitting across yuri kills all the officers one of them manages to throw a dagger into yuri's shoulder yuri was clumsy he kills him all except the leader who falls to his knees soiling himself the leader says
"Who are you"
Yuri laughs and says
"I am the King of the wolf kingdom and Emperor of Barg lands and on my honor I shall give you fair trial"
The leader bows before yuri and says thank you
"Thank you wise and powerful king"
Yuri smiles and says
"And so for your crimes I sentence you to death"
Yuri slices the leaders head off then heads out the tent the captain and his men have cleared all barg resistance and have already assigned refugees to rooms and patrols yuri walks to the captain and says
"I thank you sir you are a truly great leader and so for your daring deed i wish to bestow the rank of general on to thee"
The captain says
"James Alson your majesty "
Yuri looks at the man and smiles and says
"And so you are general James and so I leave this camp to you good day"
James says
"No thank you your majesty I will see that everyone is taken home"
Yuri looks disappointed it seems the blarg wizard must of left a while ago yuri finds hansels mother she looks just like him yuri walks up to her and says
"Are you the mother of hansel von wolf"
The women looks at him and says
"Yes you know of my son where is he is he alright"
Yuri says
"Hansel is very safe lady..."
The women says
"Oh forgive me kind Sir I am Ellen Von Wolf wife to Hans Von Wolf and you"
Yuri bows and says
"Yuri Von Wolf at your service my lady"
Ellen starts to cry and falls to her knees
"Your majesty i did not know it was you "
Yuri smiles and says
"Rises you have no need to bow after all you are my sister in law"
Ellen rises and smiles
"Thank you my lord now if you could please take me to my son"
Yuri grabs her hand and says
"Hop on my back and I will take you to him"
Ellen hops on his back and yuri runs back to his camp where hansel and his mother reunite in the morning yuri takes them back to the inn on the way yuri looks at hansel and says
"Hansel as my nephew and as a scholar would you accept my request for you to join my advisors and be bestowed the rank of Earl"
Hansel looks at yuri and says
"Nothing would make me happier uncle and so I humbly accept but I have nowhere to live they destroyed my mothers home"
Yuri laughs and says
"You forget you are my nephew I would not have you living in the streets and so I offer you and your mother of course your own spacious suites in my castle"
Hansel starts to cry
"Thank you uncle you have done so much for me and I have no way to repay you"
Yuri laughs and says
"You truly are my nephew think nothing of it my boy after all we are family now come I wish to see my wife"
Hansel ,Yuri and Hansels mother head to the inn Yuri,his nephew and sister in law head into the inn Yuri's shoulder is still bleeding but he does not notice he quickely heads for estelles room and enter he looks at estelle and says
"I'm sorry for the intrusion but I wished to be in your presence again my lady sorry I was gone for so long"
Yuri sits in a chair while Ellen and Hansel sit at the table in the corner
WolftigerkingAug 16, 2010 10:57 PM
Aug 17, 2010 1:37 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *smiles and chats with her children and hears alot of fun stories and how strong they got from alice and her husband*
kids, my dear thats amazing. i cant believe how wonderful and grew up to find young men and young ladies, im so proud of u.
*kiss there heads and hugs them dearly*
i want u guys be very careful okay, and someday, i might even let u come with me on a trip.
*smiles delightly, and sighs*
Well i think Yuri will be here soon, i know its been a while but going to save someone. well my kids go back to your rooms and ill give u a proper way of my wolf style and my girls ill show you how to tempt some cuties. But dont use them for greed, but try for something else.
*sits on the bed still, and hears the door open, waits for him to come in*
Yuri, my dear, how was it? its okay u were late and took long. understandable.
*looks to see at Ellen and Hansel* come here u too. come sit with us, dont be away from us okay.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 17, 2010 4:38 PM

Nov 2008
yuri looks at estelle and says
"My lady we must leave quickely the wolf kingdom is in dire need of restoring there is talk of unrest in the barg kingdom and a great bargon wizard that threatens to crumble our empire"
Ellen and hansel stand beside yuri and bow before estelle
Aug 17, 2010 5:03 PM

Sep 2008
*looks at Yuri*
alright lets get prepared alright, get the horses ready, we leave tomorrow at dawn. *stands up and kiss u*
going to get ready.
*smiles at them* u too go and get ready also.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 18, 2010 3:13 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sits on the roof thinking about everything that happened. She's happy that Estelle's safe, but she wonders if she will ever have an easy and quiet life. But do I want that? She lays down and looks at the clear sky. Now that she really thinks about it, she realizes that she has been never in love. She doesn't know about the feeling that Estelle and Yuri have for eachother. Alice closes her eyes and decides that she won't think about such stupid things anymore*
Aug 18, 2010 10:53 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri finishes packing his things then helps his youngest son who like is father very unorganized when he's finished yuri goes and looks for estelle he finds a note worried he goes to his youngest son reading a book of wolf kingdom history and says
"My son would you please accompany your mother on her run I'm quit worried she barely just healed completely I don't want her to get hurt"
Yuri's youngest gets out of his chair and bows then says
"I would love to father like you I am worried and shall return once she is done with her run"
Yuri's youngest goes outside to look for his mother yuri goes down to the common room and finds his sons Hans and Yuri drinking they convinces him to join in there drinking contest as wolfs they can drink a substantial amount of liquor Hans is the first to pass out and soon Yuri Jr. follows Yuri takes them to there rooms and lays them down then still a bit drunk goes outside to the open night air he see's alice on the roof and jumps up to join her she lays there looking at the stars yuri still drunk says to her
"Alice there's something I need to talk to you about it's just... well I think I better get it out there since we've been through so much but I must confess I do have feelings for you and I feel it would be dishonest if I did not tell you"
Yuri feels the beer starts to kick in he falls down on the roof not passing out but just lays there staring at the stars and alice in the night air and starts to notice the wound on his shoulder he completely forgot to treat it when he saved Ellen he feels weak and knows that there was poison on the blade but as a wolf it took a long time for him to feel it the beer weakened him enough that it started to affect him yuri starts to pass out
WolftigerkingAug 18, 2010 5:53 PM
Aug 18, 2010 1:43 PM

Sep 2008
*is packing and everything, and goes to her horse and puts her clothes in a bag and packed on her, and then takes out her night clothes and morning clothes*
*sighs, and thinks if she should do a run*
*write a letter to yuri and tell him where she is will be back in 20mins.*
*takes off clothes and turn into a wolf and runs*
*then while done with her run she comes back and turns back*
nice run *realized she is bleeding on her shoulder* well i know i just ii returned.... this wound will take time to heal i know. anyways back to room
*finished packing, and goes to put on a horse and then goes into her night clothes*
*walks to the other side of the rooftop, and lays their glaring at the stars
and thinks in her mind what happened to her when she lost herself and became a rapid wolf and kills, and wonders if IT still in her*
well i hope it disappeared...
Hime-samaAug 18, 2010 4:56 PM
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 19, 2010 2:37 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice follows Yuri with her eyes when he appears on the roof. She listens to him a bit shocked and is quiet for a long time. Then she goes to him and look him in the eyes*
"My Lord, you're drunk. Please don't say such things. The only thing that I'll allow you to feel for me, is friendship."
*When Yuri starts to pass out, she looks worried at him*
"My Lord, what's wrong?"
*She looks at the wound on his shoulder and frowns*
"It hasn't healed yet. Maybe.. poison?"
*Alice tries to smell the scent of his blood and then she realizes that it isn't normal. She doesn't know this poison*
"What should I do? Yuri.."
Aug 19, 2010 9:05 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri starts to pass out but before he does he whispers to alice
Yuri passes out into complete darkness
Aug 19, 2010 5:08 PM

Sep 2008
*looking happily, and feels awkard*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 20, 2010 4:26 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri when he passes out and then she stands up. She looks one time at him again, then she goes back into the building to search for Hansel. After some searching she finds him*
"Hansel, you have to come. Yuri.. his wound.. poison."
*She takes his hand and makes him follow her. When they are back on the roof, she goes sit next to Yuri. Hansel looks at his uncle*
"Uncle, you have to wake up. You have to tell me what kind of poison it is, because there is no other solution then giving you a medecin."
*He looks at the wound and thinks*
"Alice, get some warm water, towels and a first aid kit."
*Alice nods and stands up to get everything he wants*
Aug 20, 2010 11:10 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri starts to hear a voice his nephew hansel yuri must tell him what king of poison but he can't he can't even feel his body he uses all his strength to whisper
Hansel hears this and grows grim he knows Alvonshade would kill anyone instantly if it is even touched Hansel starts to think nobody has ever lived long enough to need a cure he starts to think Alvonshade is related to an herb AlvanianRoot which is very rare but it could either hurt or help yuri he takes that chance he runs back into his room and grinds the Alvanianroot into a paste then goes back to his uncle and puts it down his mouth massaging his throat to help it go down and he waits yuri's breathing starts to come back deeper and fuller it seems the root helped hansel looks at alice
"We have to get him back to his room he'll need to rest for a few days or hours in my uncle's case this is amazing I never would of thought that Alvanianroot would work it is a poison after all as well but instead of killing your lungs it helps it burst from deep breathing but in minor doses can help children with coughs or hard breathing"
Aug 20, 2010 7:28 PM

Sep 2008
*went to sleep, and into a deep sleep*
hello miss.
Estelle: whos there *looks around and freaking out...*
dont worry, its ur wolf part of you.
E: why are u here, i thought i was free from u
not really m lady, im seduced but i can still fight, like whenever ur in ur wolf form im able to take control and do stuff with it. ur husband is smart about it.
*from the body she is in deep consciousness and her soul has left the body but inside of her mind right now.*
E: what ever, i have to go and see yuri okay.
im afraid i cant do that *grins*
E: why not?
i cant tell u that. hehe....
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 21, 2010 4:52 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks what Hansel does while she cleans the wound and makes sure that it doesn't bleed anymore*
"Poison is often the solution for poison."
*She first brings back everything and then she help Hansel to carry Yuri to his room. They lay him in the bed and Alice sits next to him*
"Thank you, Hansel. Without you, Yuri wouldn't have been alive right now. If there's anything I can do for you one day, just call my name. I'll hear you and come."
*She looks at Yuri and suddenly she wants to hear his heartbeat. She knows it will calm her down. She lays her head on his chest, right where his heart is and she listens quiet to his regular heartbeat. A smile appears on her face and she closes her eyes*
Aug 21, 2010 5:38 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Wakes up looking around he sees alice on his chest sleeping and hansel sitting in a chair reading a book yuri smiles at him and says
"Thank you "
Hansel smiles and says
"It was nothing your family it's what we do for each other I could never repay you enough for saving my life and besides I got alices favor maybe I'll ask her on a date as a favor"
Hansel starts to laugh yuri smiles a bit not finding it funny he looks at alice on his chest and thinks in his mind that he'll ask her what happened when she wakes up all he can remember is drinking with his sons and nothing after that but blackness
Aug 21, 2010 8:23 PM

Sep 2008
*still unconsciousness*
well i have to go estelle. but ill c u later
estelle: *it disappears and she wakes up*
wow... im in trouble shoot... *stands up and thinks* ill hav eto be careful when in wolf form for now. *sighs* this really does sux.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 22, 2010 4:49 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice opens her eyes and sees Yuri. When she finally realizes what happened, she gets up*
"I'm sorry, my Lord."
*She looks at Hansel and then at Yuri again*
"How do you feel?"
Aug 22, 2010 7:38 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri Looks at alice and says
"I'm Fine I just can't remember what happened at all except for drinking with my eldest sons nothing could you tell me what happened"
Yuri starts to get up and can't feel his legs he panics but doesn't show it he just decides to lay in bed
Aug 22, 2010 1:13 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle sits on the roof top, and stares down, and jumps off and lands on her feet on the grass*
What am i going to do with this problem of mine...
if i turn into my wolf form, my wolf has the control of itself now of all these years. this is pretty bad, and i have no idea, if i should tell Yuri this.....
*walks to the entrance of the building and goes inside and lays on the couch*
i have no idea what to do...
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 25, 2010 10:08 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles at Yuri*
"You came to the roof and you said... That doesn't matter, I guess."
*She blushes and looks to the ground*
"Anyway, there was poison on the knife wich wounded you. Because you didn't let it be treated earlier, we almost lost you. Thanks to Hansel, you survived. I'm really sorry that I couldn't do a thing."
*She closes her eyes and hopes that her cheeks aren't red anymore*
Aug 25, 2010 10:31 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri puts his hand to alices cheeck and smiles
"Don't worry about"
Yuri gets up and head out to the horses and saddles his horses then goes to hansel and takes him off to the common room in private and says
"Thank you again for saving my life"
Then yuri heads for Alice and says
"Its time Hansel and I left and headed back to the castle there is unrest throughout the kingdom and I must quarral any of the rebellions I would ask you to come but I think it would be best if we had time apart I feel like I've said something that should not be said and so now I must say goodbye"
Yuri and Hansel head to the stable they saddle there gear and head for the wolf castle
Aug 26, 2010 2:04 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice waits in the room with her hand on her cheek. Since Yuri said he has feelings for her, she finds it hard to look in his eyes. It's not something he should feel for her. He has Estelle and they have wonderfull kids together. It doesn't matter, because he doesn't remember it anyway. When he enters the room again and tells her he'll go back to the castle, she agrees*
"I think it's better too. You've said some stupid things in your drunk state. Be careful, my Lord."
*When he left, she stands up and searches for Estelle. She finds her on the couch, sleeping. Alice sits down on the ground and looks at Estelle*
Aug 26, 2010 5:47 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri and Harnsel arrive at the wolf castle and are shocked at what they find the city and castle are overrun with barg rebels yuri quickely turns to Hansel
"Go back to the inn but do not tell anyone anything I do not wish to put anyone in danger if asked tell them you wished to be with your mother a while longer"
Hansel shakes his head and says
"No I want to be with uncle I can't leave you alone to fight off all these bargs"
Yuri laughs and says
"Who said I was fighting alone"
Out of the trees come a group four women and six men dressed in green to blend in with the trees lead by them is a tall women with brown hair and green they all kneel before the king and there leader says
"My Lord I am Sarah leader of one of your Shadow wolf squads we have come to protect you on your leave"
Yuri laughs and says
"Who ever says I was leaving"
Everyone looks at the king and sarah as well and says
"My lord you can't go into battle we of had reports of the bargon wizard General Zuler in the city and he is quit powerful"
Yuri laughs and says
"This general is nothing more then a pup now lets get into that city Hansel Please leave or I will have you Forcable removed"
Hansel looks at yuri and rides is horse back to the inn with no intention of lying but telling everyone at the inn what has happened as yuri runs into the city sword drawn
Aug 26, 2010 8:09 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when Hansel comes in. She stands up and walks to him*
"Hansel, do I smell Bargs?"
*Hansel tells her everything and Alice swears softly*
"Alright, we're going back there. Get my horse and the ones from the boys ready, please. I'll be right back."
*She looks for the children while Hansel goes to the horses. She finds them outside*
"Everyone, listen to me. The city and castle are under attack. Now, I want the girls to stay with their mother. And don't try to disagree with me, you guys. Guys, we're going to fight. Get your swords. Things you don't need, are to be left here. I expect you within two minutes by the horses."
*She goes to Hansel and sits on her horse. When the young men are ready to go, the leave to the castle. When they finally are at the city, Alice stops her horse and looks with big eyes at the damage. She gets off and laughs creepy, a sign that she's really mad and that she can't wait to see some Bargblood*
"Oh wait, you little insects. You tought you could just go on a rampage here? Wrong. Alice and Alicia are against it."
*She takes five needles and throws them at the five closest Bargs. They fall immediatly dead to the ground*
"Payback time."
Aug 26, 2010 2:38 PM

Sep 2008
"Estelle still doesnt understand at all about whats happening to her, tell her kids to stay here, and be safe, and will check out her way of the castle, that she remembers she hid a secret entrance to get in their. She hurries on her horse, and gets on and races to to the other side of the castle, and carefully gets in there, and looks if any bargs noticed, but thankfully none did. estelle goes to her room, and checks the corners, and no bargs there, and went in goes to her secret department to get a type of drug/formula she hid away.*
I really want to get rid of this beast i developed when i lost myself, if this wolf gets out it might be hard to get me back... *sighs* this will be difficult, but can do this. i know i can.
*shuts the door, and opens the formula, and drinks*
well hope it works when i turn back to my wolf form. if not, that wont be good.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 26, 2010 4:59 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri angry is taken over by his other self Francois an alter ego he developed as a teen in the army Francois helped Yuri get through many battles and Ladies in his army days but yuri senses him in his mind trying to break through for some reason is it because of estelle yuri makes his way to the palace and finds all his guards of the castle dead nobody in the castle is alive yuri only hopes that Hunni-chan managed to get out yuri sees sitting on the throne zuler he says
"Is you master fine with you sitting in his seat"
Zuler Smiles and says
"He doesn't care about what I do to the wolf kingdom I could burn it and he would never even give it a second though Barg kingdom is his Wolf kindom is mine"
Yuri laughs and says
"That is where you are wrong both belong to me and I think its time you left"
Yuri lunges at Zuler with his blade Zuler blocks it with his blade and laughs then says
"Do You think my master would send me to overtake the wolf kindom if he didn't think I could not kill you"
Yuri slashes at him with his sword Zuler stabs at him Yuris bandaged side starst to hurt obviously the stiches are starting to come undone and he starts to bleed out he must end this quick he goes for a quick slash at his feet zuler blocks it then parrys with a slash to yuris hand yuri goes for zulers feet again when zuler goes to block if yuri thoughs a dagger into zulers arm zuler grabs it and looks at it while he does that yuri slices his head off and says to zulers corpse
"You would have been better off with the barg kingdom I will die before I ever let it go "
Yuri sits on the throne all of Zulers men ran away in fear as blood starts to ooze out alot he grabs a cloth and ties it around his wound he sits in the throne unable to move feeling his alter ego taking over bleeding yuri looks to the throne room entrance and sees a figure but yuri can only see a shape he black out completely falling onto the throne room floor Francois takes over
Aug 26, 2010 5:44 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle opens the door, and smell Yuri's blood, and realized the potion she drank only made her wolf part is going nuts to turn, and knows that SHE is coming out, her split personalty, the wolf self she developed when captured, Kairi. She still can control her, if she doesnt go to her wolf form* *she runs to the throne room and sees Yuri on teh floor bleeding badly, so she takes end of her coat and rips it and wraps it around his wounds, and uses her mouth to suck the blood and put it in a cup.*
Yuri....wake up... plz... *smooch u*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 27, 2010 12:27 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when the Bargs give up and run away. She kills the last ones and looks around. She sees Hansel and the boys a few meter standing away from her with the same question on their face: Why did they run away? Alice walks to them*
"This is strange, but they ran in the direction of Barg land, so they probably give up. Let's go to the castle and see what has become of it inside."
*They walk to the castle while looking around in the city. Everywhere is blood and most of the building are burned. Alice looks with pain in her heart at the streets*
"It was so lively back then... Boys, after all this fighting ends, we'll have much to do."
*She sighs and looks at them. Then she smiles a bit*
"Anyway, thanks for watching my back during the fight."
*Alice walks through the gate, or what's left from it, and wonders where to look first. She decdes to go to her room, if it's still here. She goes to the part of the castle where the Royal Guards has their rooms. She has the biggist one, because she's the leader. But when seh looks inside, she's shocked. It seems like they didn't move her things out the last 20 years, but everything has been broken or stolen by the Bargs. She falls down on her knees and start to cry. The boys and Hansel goes sit next to her, but they don't know what to do. At last, Hansel puts his arms around her to comfort her*
Aug 27, 2010 10:31 PM

Nov 2008
Francois Yuris alter ego takes over when estelle kisses him he kisses her hard without any gentleness he gets up and sits on the throne and looks at her
"I think it's time we started to see other people I mean After all I am the most eligible bacholer in all the land"
Yuri is enfuriated and tries to take over Francois pushes yuri back and tells him its his turn Francois gets up and heads for alices room but not before he stops at his room and puts on his best clothes he shaves his beard all except a mustache and finds alice crying in her room Francois sees and oppurtunity he comforts her until she stops crying then tells her
"Would you accompany me to dinner this evening this love"
Aug 28, 2010 5:23 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice tells the boys and Hansel to leave and sits alone in her room crying. When Yuri enters, she looks up. After a while she stops crying and she listens to him*
"There you are saying things like that again. I told you yesterday when you were drunk that I don't want this. Besides, you love Estelle ans she loves you so much."
*She stands up and looks outside*
"I'm okay now. Thank you for comforting me, it helped."
*She looks at Yuri and thinks: Mustache? That's weird.*
Aug 28, 2010 4:10 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle: *looks at him while he tolds her about seeing other ppl*
Yu...Yuri???? *eyes in shocked and sits there for a while*
My heart feels broken... *holds it*
*walks slowly back to her room, and lays on the bed, and in a ball, crying*
what should i do??? *thinks*
*suddenly her other personatly comes out* come on estelle just go back sleeping and let be as a wolf okay, turn to wolf form and let me okay... just do it and it might make u happy plz... *is trying to convince, so far its okay*
u sure that i will be okay?
k: yes u will be fine okay, ill take care of u i promise!
estelle: *thinks for a little bit and thinks she should, cuz she feels soo un love and thought that yuri loved her soo much*
okay ill do it kairi.
K*gets excitied and waits*
E: *turns back to wolf form and feels that she is being pushed, and now in her conscious*
k:*finally took over and turns back* yes i can finally take over *smiles, and walks out of the room*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 29, 2010 4:46 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri smiles and looks at alice
"So is that a yes there are of course other women"
Yuri pretends to walk away then look back
"Your don't have to worry about estelle I've already told her its over"
Aug 29, 2010 7:04 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle is now pushed into her conscious and very upset*
Kairi:*walks out of the room, but before, she braided her hair, and put on dark make-up and enter the throne hallway, and smiles but decides to see alice and Yuri, and what they are doing. walks to alice's room and see them too*
So... am i interrupting now, because you took look about to go on a date correct?
mmm enjoy.. good luck *winks*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 30, 2010 1:43 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice shakes her head hard*
"That's not a yes, Yuri! What's wrong with you? Why would you do such a thing to Estelle?"
*She doesn't know about Francois, so she's shocked by the things Yuri says. When Estelle walks in the room and acts so weird, she doesn't know what to do*
"No my Lady, I don't want to go on a date. And why do you act so indiffernt. You don't care abot the fact that Yuri is not himself?"
*Alice looks at Estelle again and she notices that she's different*
"You're not even yourself. What's going on here?"
Aug 30, 2010 8:00 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at alice
"I think I know whats going on here your just worried Estelle will be upset but she won't"
Francois looks at alice and sees she wont budge
"This is fine I shall go and find someone else that is more caring good day to you alice"
Francois walks out without looking back when he passes a female soldier named Lira Francois smiles at her
"And what would your name be "
Lira says
"Lira my lord "
Francois says
"You wouldn't happen to want to go on a date with your king would you "
Lira looks up shocked
"But my lord you are married "
Francois laughs and says
"Don't worry not anymore I'll meet you in the barracks around seven"
Lira bows confused and francois goes into yuris room and picks his fines clothing yuri still struggles to take control from francois
Aug 30, 2010 1:16 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *watches them talk and then see the king leave*
ooo i want him now. geez hot looking but im going to put some clothes that are hot and might get the kings attention, and let him come to me. *giggles* ill take estelle's king this is soo fun *goes to her room, and put nice elegant dress on, and beautiful make up on and fix her up untio curly, wavy hair, and put a crown on top* whoo i bet he will come to Kairi then estelle now. ill just act myself.
*walks out of her room and just pacing by places, looking at strap men, and their wide eyes staring and wows. Then she just walk past the kings room and let him catch in eye, if doesnt work, ill go to his general or the head of the soldiers and make him take me out and do some FUN things together*
*while Kairi does this, estelle is still crying and wants her life to be gone, and doesnt know what do without Yuri love.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 31, 2010 2:30 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sits in her room, shocked. She tries to orden her thoughts and thinks. Obviously, that man wasn't Yuri, at least his mind wasn't. And Estelle wasn't the same either. How is this possible? Suddenly, she thinks about Alicia. If she has it, why can't the king and queen have it too? It's very common that wolves have two personalities. Alice swears softly anbd stands up. Looks like she will have to help them. She walks out her room and thinks: How can I help them?*
Aug 31, 2010 5:39 AM

Nov 2008
Francois heads to the barracks and picks Lira up she says
"My you look very handsome my lord"
Francois looks at her and smiles
"Of course how else would you have me look"
Lira and francois go to an inn and have dinner when there done the stop at Francois room when lira asks if he wants her to stay yuri manages to to take over and stop him from completely destroying his marriage and they fight
Francois says
"Look kid you had your fun playing hero and ruler and now its my turn to have some fun I've saved you many times before when yu were a rookie in the military"
Yuri says
"I don't care I have a life a life without you Francois now leave or so help me I'll make sure you never come back
Francois laughs and says
"I'd like to see you try kid now watch me get that girl you love so much"
Francois heads for alices room he smiles and says
"Well why is the most beautiful women in all the kingdoms up so late"
Aug 31, 2010 6:46 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when she hears Yuri talking to her*
"I can't sleep. But that doesn't matter, because you're going to tell me something. Who are you and what did you do to Yuri?"
*She stands up and walks with little steps towards him. She gives him a angry look and waits for an answer*
Aug 31, 2010 1:21 PM

Sep 2008
Kairi: *growls and couldnt see the king so went to the soilders room and met with the general.*
hey general, want to have dinner with me or somewhat?
General: uh my lady u okay?
Kairi: yes i am fine just want to get to know you general.
General: umm okay? how about in 30mins?
Kairi: aww come on get out now, and come with me k?
General: but i have a duty? to do and make a plane *gulps*
Kairi: *sad face* plz
General: alright *follows her, and goes to the dinning room and eats food with the general, and being fed by him, and enjoys it*
Kairi: ur soo strong i like that. *kiss ur cheek*
General: *gets red, and jumps up abit* are u sure u okay?
Kairi: *snares* yes i am, and also we are done, go back to ur post, before i send u packing
General: yes my lady, and im srry to ask u that question, and any of them i hurt, and dont though me out *leaves quickly*
Kairi: *returns to her room and put the dress away, and put some work out clothes, and put her hair up in a bun* geez what dump the soldiers are *walks out of the room and goes to the hallway*
*Estelle walks around and cries more, and soon going to disappear*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 31, 2010 3:13 PM

Nov 2008
Francois smiles and and comes closer to alice
"I'm Yuri who else would I be"
Francois caress Alices lips
"But I can also be your love if you would have me"
Francois kisses alice on the lips
Sep 1, 2010 9:39 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri and shakes her head*
"You're not Yuri."
*When he kisses her, she's surprised. She doesn't realize it first, but she's kissing back. But when she knows it, she pushes him back and hits him in the face with all her power*
"Come to your senses, you idiot!"
*She walks backwards while she looks shocked at Yuri*
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to-"
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