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Jun 1, 2010 1:32 PM

Feb 2009
That looks pretty nice.
If i were to contribute with anything, i'd advice adding padding on the left side of the td1 and td2 (the areas where the title is.) I'm not exactly sure if that's where the padding should be, but the titles are very close to the border of your list.

If i were to put my honest opinion on it, i'd say that it's to sad that the list itself doesn't blend very well, due to the simple white background, in contrast with your background :3.
Jun 1, 2010 10:34 PM

Feb 2009
@SZ- I agree with AsianLucas. The list looks great, but the white stands out rather alot. Maybe if you tried a slightly darker colour it would blend better?? Other than that I think it looks excellent.
Jun 1, 2010 11:41 PM

Aug 2008
ohokok, i'll go edit it. thanks for the advices. =D
YeonaJun 1, 2010 11:44 PM
Jun 2, 2010 8:55 AM

Apr 2009
Update anime list. Go Go =p

I'm going to change it sometime over the next few days as I don't really like how it came out. Started out wanting to do a Spice & Wolf design but the colours didn't look right so went B&W...

Eh...Don't hate the whole list, but the background feels tacked on to an otherwise okay list.
HonarisJun 2, 2010 11:32 AM
Jun 2, 2010 1:03 PM
Apr 2009
@ MajorJoseph:

A black/white background would make your list look much much better. :)
Jun 2, 2010 1:30 PM

Apr 2009
Ack, in the middle of editing too so I don't know what it is you're seeing. xD
Gonna edit this post when i'm done editing.^^

Okay i've change my anime list now and it's finished, opinions appreciated. ^^

Also, is it worth hosting my css files externally? Reasons I can think of for doing so are
-When I hit update the css on MAL too often it rolls back. >.<
-Prevent too many people seeing your code, though not hard to follow url.
HonarisJun 2, 2010 2:06 PM
Jun 2, 2010 7:12 PM
Apr 2009
It looks somewhat better now.

I just save the code on Word Pad just in case I screw it up in the browser editing thing. I don't think many people will bother looking at your code unless your list has something really cool on it. :P
Jun 2, 2010 7:36 PM

May 2008
Wordpad? ...kill me now.

Get a text editor with syntax highlighting that cares about encoding... I like Notepad++ or InType but there are many others. You can even find editors specialized for css, but I've found they're usually as intrusive as they are helpful.

MajorJoseph said:
Also, is it worth hosting my css files externally? Reasons I can think of for doing so are
-When I hit update the css on MAL too often it rolls back. >.<
-Prevent too many people seeing your code, though not hard to follow url.
Also, not only does mal roll back your code but it filters it to remove things that it doesn't like.... and they're generally random and harmless things so it's very frustrating when bits of your code get replaced and broken. And yeah, you can use a lot of tricks to hide your code, like hex-encoding the @import url and hex-encoding the css itself (in a format like \FF for each letter); that makes decoding difficult for non-techies but older or non-standard browsers will not be able to see your css (pretty much just IE and very old versions of other browsers).

I am a banana.
Jun 2, 2010 8:47 PM
Apr 2009
saka said:
Wordpad? ...kill me now.

Get a text editor with syntax highlighting that cares about encoding...

Haha. You make it seem like making a list design is such a big deal. It's not like we're trying to program an entire website here. What's wrong with just copying the code some place else just in case the original gets messed up? ^^
Jun 2, 2010 8:59 PM

May 2008
well, if you're writing some css as an advanced user it really helps.... and if you're writing css as a novice learner it really helps..... plus a good text editor is extremely useful to have for reasons other than a list design.

Installing them is really simple so I don't see the harm. You'd be surprised how many people ask me questions about scripting and stuff only to find that the culprit is wordpad putting invisible control and formatting codes into the beginning of the document. It doesn't matter as much for css unless you're stupid and save as RTF or something, but bad habits are bad habits.

I am a banana.
Jun 2, 2010 9:09 PM
Apr 2009
I normally wouldn't touch this programming stuff with a 10-foot pole, but the css for list designs is so easy that even I can do it. Wordpad has been a handy back-up for the few times that I accidentally screwed up the code in the browser. Other than that, everything is a piece of cake. If I ever decide to do other types of coding, then I'll look into those programs that you've recommended. :) It just seems a bit like overkill using them with list designs (the simple ones I do), but that's my opinion anyway.
Jun 3, 2010 3:40 AM

Apr 2009
saka said:

And yeah, you can use a lot of tricks to hide your code, like hex-encoding the @import url and hex-encoding the css itself (in a format like FF for each letter); that makes decoding difficult for non-techies but older or non-standard browsers will not be able to see your css (pretty much just IE and very old versions of other browsers).

I don't know if I'd call it difficult, as long as you can realise it's hex there are charts for people who don't know it already. More boring sifting through the hex than difficult, but I only know to decode it manually letter by letter.

Back to lists, is there a way to put a border around each category?(cw,completed, ptw, oh, dropped). Could try to border the headers and the category footers but bordering the sides of .td1 and .td2 will produce borders inside.
Jun 4, 2010 2:41 AM

May 2008
MajorJoseph said:
I don't know if I'd call it difficult, as long as you can realise it's hex there are charts for people who don't know it already. More boring sifting through the hex than difficult, but I only know to decode it manually letter by letter.
That's exactly why it works... you can easily convert them by automated means, but not everyone knows that (including yourself apparently). It's not great security by any means, but it does make it more difficult.


MajorJoseph said:
Back to lists, is there a way to put a border around each category?(cw,completed, ptw, oh, dropped). Could try to border the headers and the category footers but bordering the sides of .td1 and .td2 will produce borders inside.
The best way is to make your own borders in photoshop and set the images as backgrounds to the headers and .category_totals which I think is what you're going for. The tricky part is the inner cells, since I assume you only want an outside border.... I think the only way to style just the cells and not the headers is to use a "style them all then ignore the headers" approach like I did in the row hover css a couple pages back. Something like this:

/* style all rows -- each row is a table for some reason*/
#list_surround table
border-left: 1px solid #0f0;
border-right: 1px solid #0f0;
/* ...but not the category headers or top links */
#list_surround table[align=center]
border: 0;

/* some really basic styles on the headers and category totals, you'll probably have image backgrounds instead */
.header_title { border-bottom: 1px solid #0f0; }
.category_totals { border-bottom: 1px solid #0f0; }

...that'll put a green border around each category. Of course, you can substitute images for the table borders instead by using background: url(...) repeat-y; in the cells and a carefully sized slice from photoshop or your image editor of choice.

I am a banana.
Jun 4, 2010 4:31 AM

Apr 2009
saka said:
The best way is to make your own borders in photoshop and set the images as backgrounds to the headers and .category_totals which I think is what you're going for. The tricky part is the inner cells, since I assume you only want an outside border.... I think the only way to style just the cells and not the headers is to use a "style them all then ignore the headers" approach like I did in the row hover css a couple pages back. Something like this:

/* style all rows -- each row is a table for some reason*/
#list_surround table
border-left: 1px solid #0f0;
border-right: 1px solid #0f0;
/* ...but not the category headers or top links */
#list_surround table[align=center]
border: 0;

/* some really basic styles on the headers and category totals, you'll probably have image backgrounds instead */
.header_title { border-bottom: 1px solid #0f0; }
.category_totals { border-bottom: 1px solid #0f0; }

...that'll put a green border around each category. Of course, you can substitute images for the table borders instead by using background: url(...) repeat-y; in the cells and a carefully sized slice from photoshop or your image editor of choice.
I managed to get the borders how I wanted but using
#list_surround table
border-left: 1px solid #0f0;
border-right: 1px solid #0f0;
bordered the category footer without accounting for the rounded corners so I had to border that seperately in .category_totals and then for the bulk of the table use the following adjusted code.
#list_surround table tbody tr td[width="30"]
border-left: 1px solid #fbba3c;

#list_surround table tbody tr td[width="70"]
border-right: 1px solid #fbba3c;
Thanks for the help on that, much appreciated. I know barely anything about using the table, tbody, tr and td from the html but I can see how to by looking.
Jun 4, 2010 8:01 AM

Jan 2009
Urgh..I've done..what..2 lists, and i puke everytime i try. Results up up not being what i wanted due to coding errors/deficiencies here and there. Should I learn basic css, or continue using the simple mal 'css list tutorials'? I find that not understanding everything often turns up multiple errors.
Jun 5, 2010 1:02 PM

May 2008
Finally updated:

Nothing complicated, first try with CSS.
Jun 5, 2010 1:34 PM

Apr 2009
Learning css is not needed to make a decent looking list, but sort of required to do some of the more advanced things you might see around. I quite like your list only I don't know where the background is from. =p You can try and pick up bits from other people's lists and see what works and does what.

I think the list is held down by it being difficult to read the text, if that was fixed it would be better. Might be worth having the list only partially transparent or maybe even full white. I'd say it's definitely good for the first time using css.
Jun 5, 2010 10:13 PM

Feb 2009
@Passimus - I'm by no means an expert in CSS, but I'm starting to catch on, just from practice and looking at other peoples' coding. Before reading the tutorial here on MAL I had absolutely no experience at all. I'm still not great at it, but I think I'm making progress. So my recommendation is just to keep trying things. If you see something you like on someone else's list, check their code to see how they did it and you might be able to use something similar on your own list.
Jun 6, 2010 11:05 AM
Apr 2009
@ valtizar:

That's an awesome FF13 list!
Unfortunately I've given up on the game after 25 unrewarding hours. ;_;
Jun 6, 2010 1:55 PM

Feb 2009
Thank you Yves, I'm glad you like it. I think your dango list is really cute ^^

I'm enjoying the game rather alot. It's too bad you're finding it unrewarding. Perhaps sometime in the future you can go back to it and enjoy it a little more :)
Jun 7, 2010 8:26 PM
Apr 2009
Perhaps... I'll probably try to finish it when I'm bored just to get the Achievements (Xbox 360). Supposedly, the ending is very good. I'll be looking forward to that. Some of the boss battles are very entertaining, actually, like the one at the end of disc 2 of the Xbox 360 version. I won't say anymore to avoid spoilers. :D
Jun 9, 2010 1:30 PM

Feb 2009
I play it on PS3, so it's all one disc for me. I'll be looking forward to the ending as well though. But with that, I'm going to stop talking about it on this thread. I don't want to spam xD If you still want to chat about it feel free to send me a comment though ^^
Jun 10, 2010 12:40 PM
Apr 2009
Haha. Yeah. It seems like no one has posted a list design in a while now. Everyone probably thought this is the FF13 thread instead. jk

*starts working on a new list design*
Jun 11, 2010 6:31 PM

Mar 2010
@Yves - Yeah.. I haven't seen very many new list designs being posted here anymore.. I would do a new one, but right now I'm lazy.. xD
Jun 11, 2010 11:35 PM

Mar 2008
Yay for laziness~ :3
Jun 12, 2010 12:27 AM

May 2008
Probably going to see more new list designs..... with the list markup changing a bit and statuses removed. The changes aren't big, but people are going to be looking at their lists a bit more than usual. My anime list was only a one-line fix, but I'll have to do something else with my manga list since grand totals is gone.... *sigh*

I am a banana.
Jun 12, 2010 3:54 AM

Apr 2009
Both my lists suffered minor damage due to the changes. Only thing bugging me is the large black area on my anime list now because the list doesn't cover the whole page. I'm going to need to edit the code for some of my old list designs however.

They've removed the grand totals from the html but if you look at somebodies code who has never altered it the #grand_totals is still included. Is this due to the time at which that code was generated? So anyone who joins post-update will not see #grand_totals in the css.

Other than the pagination and the removal of #grand_totals I cannot notice any other changes.
Jun 13, 2010 10:41 AM

Feb 2009
Mine was changed a little bit too. Currently watching, completed and all other categories are now separate instead of all on one page. I suppose I'll have to sort through the code later and fix it *sigh*
Jun 14, 2010 8:29 AM

Apr 2009

I'm not sure why the header does not appear right away. One thing you might try but i'm not sure if it will change anything. Instead of



height: 60px;
background-position: top;

Actually looks like they've moved the page changing text up to the MAL bar so that's no issue. To hide the rest use the following.

display: none;

This will hide both bits of text. There are ways of only hiding the 'Completed' text or only hiding the 'Add Anime' text.

.header_title div
display: none;

That will only hide the 'Add Anime' text.

Not sure about only hiding 'Completed' text, something like this MIGHT work...

display: none;

.header_title div
display: inline;

On a side note, if you're going to use z-index like that, putting -1 on a image will always send it to the back, not the front.
HonarisJun 14, 2010 8:32 AM
Jun 14, 2010 12:08 PM

Apr 2009
I'm sort of annoyed that the lists have reverted back to before the changes, except for some minor details that don't alter the list design much like the search box. Grand Totals is coming back at some point too.

For any who want to style the search box and don't know how...

background-color: #000000;
color: #fbdd1d;
border: 1px solid #fbba3c;

Other css should work fine like text-decoration, etc...

Can use #searchListButton to apply css to the magnifying glass part but I don't believe it's possible to remove the magnifying glass but feel free to border it and whatever else you might want.
Jun 14, 2010 12:31 PM

May 2008
MajorJoseph said:
Can use #searchListButton to apply css to the magnifying glass part but I don't believe it's possible to remove the magnifying glass but feel free to border it and whatever else you might want.
huh? can hide the button no problem with a display:none and the form still works (using Enter). Still, I think it's fine the way it is and should stay there for usability. You can probably even change the image if you're clever.

I am a banana.
Jun 14, 2010 1:07 PM

Apr 2009
saka said:
MajorJoseph said:
Can use #searchListButton to apply css to the magnifying glass part but I don't believe it's possible to remove the magnifying glass but feel free to border it and whatever else you might want.
huh? can hide the button no problem with a display:none and the form still works (using Enter). Still, I think it's fine the way it is and should stay there for usability. You can probably even change the image if you're clever.

Oh, that's my bad wording. You can remove the magnifying glass that way but I don't know a way to change the magnifying glass to something else, is what I meant to say. I don't know if this is 100% concrete due to lacking knowledge but I searched around and couldn't find a way to change an img element's src attribute from css.
Jun 14, 2010 4:37 PM

May 2008
Looking at it again, replacing the image link really is not possible, since he used just an image with an id tied to some javascript. If he'd used a link around the image (the standard way), it would be trivial. *facepalm*

I tried using :before and absolute positioning to put another image over the magnifying glass. It worked, but you lose the link which is the whole point.

I am a banana.
Jun 14, 2010 7:42 PM
Apr 2009
I love these new list changes.... Not!

I'm glad to see that an "All Anime" status was added, but that messed up my anime list status bar. The text isn't completely in the box. Does anyone know how to fix that? Or do I just make the box bigger? >_<

And also, I can't completely scroll through my manga list. So lame. I think I'll screw it up horribly if I try to fix it myself.

[edit] nvm. I fixed the status thing.
YvesJun 14, 2010 8:08 PM
Jun 14, 2010 10:09 PM

May 2008
Well, there was a "Show All" before, though it's been changed slightly. It used to be you could control which statuses showed in the navigation at the top, and you could also choose a custom combination of statuses for when it first loaded. Those were removed so now all lists have the same top links.

I used to have Dropped status hidden by default, but you can't hide them anymore so after the redesign my top nav stuck off the edge...

I didn't want to make my list wider so I just decreased the font size. :-/

I am a banana.
Jun 14, 2010 10:43 PM

Mar 2010
saka said:
Looking at it again, replacing the image link really is not possible, since he used just an image with an id tied to some javascript. If he'd used a link around the image (the standard way), it would be trivial. *facepalm*

I tried using :before and absolute positioning to put another image over the magnifying glass. It worked, but you lose the link which is the whole point.

It's possible, here is the trick xD :

background:transparent url( bottom right no-repeat;

See it working on my list:

Jun 14, 2010 10:54 PM

May 2008
oho... didn't even think to try opacity; nice catch!

I am a banana.
Jun 14, 2010 11:59 PM

Oct 2006
@Yves: without the grand totals to help push your manga list up, one of the ways to push your list up is adding:

#inlineContent {
display: block !important;
height: 550px;

I had to make use of inlineContent for my overlay since I was using grand_totals previously.

@kwizatz: nice opacity trick :) also, I like how you put the # of entries for each status.
Jun 15, 2010 9:06 AM

May 2008
...or a more straightforward alternative:

#copyright { padding-top: 550px; }

If you prefer the copyright info close to the list, you can put a padding-bottom on the #list_surround instead.

I am a banana.
Jun 15, 2010 10:36 AM

Oct 2006
hmm, but he's got the copyright fixed as an overlay.
Though padding-bottom on list_surround should work, I wasn't sure if more padding needed to be added as the list grew.

off-topic, but nice sig/avy you got there saka.
Jun 15, 2010 12:39 PM

Jul 2009
Hey guys, I just updated my anime & manga list design but I have a question.
* How can I remove the gaps that are between the "Currently watching", "Completed", etc sections in "All anime"

Thanks you :}

Jun 15, 2010 12:47 PM

Apr 2009

Couple of ways.

background-color: #ffffff;

I'm guessing you don't want that though.

Other way probably better.

.header_completed, .header_onhold, .header_dropped, .header_ptw
margin-top: -12px;

Might need more than 12 though, not sure. There are other ways of doing it i'm sure but there are a couple.
HonarisJun 15, 2010 1:01 PM
Jun 15, 2010 1:10 PM

May 2008
here's another solution:
#list_surround>br {display: none;}

I blame Xinil for using <br /> for spacing in the first place.

I am a banana.
Jun 15, 2010 2:05 PM

Jul 2009
Thanks a lot, it worked ^^

Jun 15, 2010 4:17 PM
Apr 2009
@ kwizatz: That's pretty cool. I'll definitely use that on my next list.

@ scorpedo and saka: Thanks, I succeeded in pushing up my list. But now that the Grand Totals is gone, so is the image I had at the bottom of my list. What can I attach it to or do to put if back on my list?
Jun 15, 2010 4:33 PM

May 2008
I'm not sure what you had there previously, but you can certainly put it as the background to the #copyright div...
#copyright {
background: url( no-repeat top center;
padding-top: 250px; /* the height of your image, whatever it is */
padding-bottom: 550px; /* if you want space underneath still */
... just adjust the paddings to your liking.

I am a banana.
Jun 15, 2010 4:47 PM
Apr 2009
Well, I'm already using the copyright for the overlay. How can I do it with the bar at the very top, since I don't use it anyway?
Jun 15, 2010 4:49 PM

Oct 2006
you can go ahead and add what you had in the grand_totals to the inlineContent Yves, ie:

you might be looking at the anime instead of manga list saka :X
Jun 15, 2010 5:53 PM

May 2008
scorpedo said:
you might be looking at the anime instead of manga list saka :X

I am a banana.
Jun 15, 2010 6:10 PM
Apr 2009
@ scorpedo: Wow. You can use the inlineContent for so much. It's so convenient! Thanks!

@ saka: Sorry for the confusion! :(
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