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A Sign of Affection
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Mar 2, 11:31 AM
Jun 2021
Is it just me or anyone else feels Yuki is making her life just revolve around Itsuomi. Binding your life to just a person can take an emotional toll over you. Also Yuki doesn't seem to be in good relations with anyone else apart from those 3
Considering if they have a breakup in future, she would end up alone nobody by her side.

I am liking the anime overall, but Yuki's course of actions is what bugging me a lot.
Ps: I hate such couples in real life too, when there doesn't seem to be a boundary.
Mar 2, 11:48 AM
May 2022
In every other shoujo romance series protagonists act this way. It's female fantasy you know 🙂
adesh17Mar 2, 11:54 AM
My mal account is not working properly. In the last 24 hours, there isn't showing any forum discussion.  What should I do?! 
Mar 2, 11:58 AM
Jul 2023
yeah ive felt the same way like it could all very well come crashing down on her but sometimes that happens and you just have to learn from it
Mar 2, 1:05 PM
May 2017
Yuki is not being naive. She is naive -- this can be even worse --, and such is a trait of hers and makes her enchanting.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Mar 2, 1:39 PM

Jun 2012
hmmm do we even know what she is studying at university?

also worth taking into account it is expected for women in japan (and even Asia in generl) once they marry that they become housewives so in a way this way of thinking is to be expected culture wise (and even with the feminism wave pushing for better working conditions for women, women tend to not be given jobs because they expect them to leave soon once they get married/have kids and why a lot of them don't get promotions unlike their male coworkers for example)

in this case I feel like it is Itsuomi's job with his more "westernised view" to push yuki to find her own hobbies, keep looking for jobs, studies etc or even maybe try living abroad where they might be more open with her disability and thus more opportunities for her (then again the problem is again the language. she knows JSL only, not ASL or any other sign language and we don't even know if she can read or write english)

considering how people over there see people with disabilities, it is actually not that strange she doesn't have that many people around her

i think step by step she does go outside her comfort zone and and probably with yuki she is pretty much still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship (and if it happens to be her first love/big crush on someone... we alll know how deep those can be lol, which is why they also tend to be one of the worst break ups if it happens lol), so she needs a bit of time, especially they really went fast when it comes to falling in love and starting to go out together

just my two cents

- I only draw freestyle! -
Mar 2, 1:51 PM

Apr 2014
I don't think it's that bad? It's not like she's being isolated in a toxic way. I can see she's quite an introvert. I'm one too and I rarely have friends around me because I don't bother to socialize. I don't really care either because I like being by my lonesome and it's not lonely at all. Also Yuki has a disability. Not just anyone would want to socialize with her because even if she's a pretty girl, learning sign language or typing on a phone might annoy a person. I think I'd be way more annoyed if the story just threw people at her to be her friend because "she's the main character and she's hella pretty and nice she could do no wrong!!!" It's so much more relatable for a person to only have a few friends that truly do care.
Mar 2, 1:56 PM

Jun 2012
Reply to Alhaithams
I don't think it's that bad? It's not like she's being isolated in a toxic way. I can see she's quite an introvert. I'm one too and I rarely have friends around me because I don't bother to socialize. I don't really care either because I like being by my lonesome and it's not lonely at all. Also Yuki has a disability. Not just anyone would want to socialize with her because even if she's a pretty girl, learning sign language or typing on a phone might annoy a person. I think I'd be way more annoyed if the story just threw people at her to be her friend because "she's the main character and she's hella pretty and nice she could do no wrong!!!" It's so much more relatable for a person to only have a few friends that truly do care.
@Alhaithams in all honesty same thoughts

people are judging her way too fast

I think people forget she is barely 19 too

like she isn't even close to finish university yet, let her have her romance, and just act naive as long as she can, especially when taking into accunt how horrid the working culture is over there which is why university in asia once you enter is more like vacation post HS hell and right before corporate hell (it's not like she is dropping uni, not searching for jobs, not meeting her friends anymore or is stopping doing stuff she likes because they are dating)

- I only draw freestyle! -
Mar 2, 4:24 PM
Jan 2024
Besides what the 2 commets above have said, why would Yuki be alone if she broke up with itsu? She had Rin before him and even Madoka. She also has her family.

Can we stop with these unnecessary and weird threads
Mar 2, 5:34 PM

Dec 2007
she's not making her life all about itsuomi. she literally had no one close besides Rin before... now she has Itsuomi too. she isn't close to a lot of people to begin with... Oushi didn't even had her contact, he had to ask her mother...

so I wouldn't say she's making all her life around itsuomi, she just has free time and wants to spend it with him. I think when you want to spend time with someone and they are free and you have nothing else to do, there's no point on not doing it for the sake of not doing it.

Also it's her first boyfriend of course she'll be naive...

But also, not everyone needs to follow the same relationship formula, for some, being closer to their partner works, other people need more independence. it's fine as long as all the involved parties are getting everything they need out of life and no unhealthy co-dependence is present.

In this particular case, from what we are seeing, both Yuki and Itsuomi are still keeping their agency and there's no unhealthy behaviour regarding attachment. I guess it depends on how it'll progress.
Mar 2, 7:24 PM
Jul 2021

i will partially agree with this only because it seemed like she didn’t want to be kissed or found it inappropriate at the time but couldn’t verbally express that?… i’m not sure but seeing the expression on her face made me uncomfortable. it’s as if it may be common for her to not express what she thinks and feels fully because she’s afraid of itsuomi’s reaction in a sense. but i say partially because it shocked me how it never occurred to her to wonder if itsuomi could have been one of those older students simply because of the age gap. her only doubts seem to be whether she can afford to travel with him unless she gets a job in-time. i still have faith both of their flaws will improve as they grow together and enter out of this awkward phase haha
Mar 2, 9:08 PM
Mar 2022
Yuki IS naive that's the whole point of her wanting to go out of her comfort zone because she doesn't want to be envelope in “safety” That's why she was attracted to Itsuomi, he's kinda the definition of going out to broaden his horizon, which is also what she wants. And her life isn't revolving around him, she was attracted TO him because he’s the One that broadened her horizon the most, the fact that she tries hard to get a job proves that she wants to go abroad to learn more about the outside world, and Itsuomi is the perfect person to guide her there because he has a lot of experience.

TLDR: her world doesn't revolve around him, it's trying it's best to expand and give her more experience that she want, and Itsuomi can help her with that. And he's also her bf so it makes things easier
Mar 2, 9:38 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to Dayan
she's not making her life all about itsuomi. she literally had no one close besides Rin before... now she has Itsuomi too. she isn't close to a lot of people to begin with... Oushi didn't even had her contact, he had to ask her mother...

so I wouldn't say she's making all her life around itsuomi, she just has free time and wants to spend it with him. I think when you want to spend time with someone and they are free and you have nothing else to do, there's no point on not doing it for the sake of not doing it.

Also it's her first boyfriend of course she'll be naive...

But also, not everyone needs to follow the same relationship formula, for some, being closer to their partner works, other people need more independence. it's fine as long as all the involved parties are getting everything they need out of life and no unhealthy co-dependence is present.

In this particular case, from what we are seeing, both Yuki and Itsuomi are still keeping their agency and there's no unhealthy behaviour regarding attachment. I guess it depends on how it'll progress.
@Dayan not having contact doesn't equate to not being close. Even I don't have contacts of some of my childhood friends.

I said revolving her world around Itsuomi as in her interactions out of the group of 4 are so rarely shown. And Oushi who is trying to be a bit protective of her being a disabled girl, Yuki acts so coldly with him. She should at least treat Oushi (or any other people with whom interactions are not shown) with some warmth, so as in worst cases the world won't come down crashing and she would have people to cherish with.

Personally if I was in Oushi's shoes, I would just stop caring about Yuki after such cold reaction from her side.
Mar 2, 9:45 PM

Jul 2021
Yes, I would get slightly concerned if I witnessed this in real life. But I've seen much worse.

This anime is a fairy tale, a dream-come-true kind of story (at least so far). Let people dream and live vicariously.

As for Yuki only having 3 or so friends, I don't think that's a bad number to have in real life. And in the romance stories I've seen, the main character almost always has no more than 5 friend characters anyway. Any more would be distracting and water down the story.
perseiiMar 3, 12:19 AM
Mar 2, 10:09 PM

Apr 2021
NemuriNezumi said:
hmmm do we even know what she is studying at university?

also worth taking into account it is expected for women in japan (and even Asia in generl) once they marry that they become housewives so in a way this way of thinking is to be expected culture wise (and even with the feminism wave pushing for better working conditions for women, women tend to not be given jobs because they expect them to leave soon once they get married/have kids and why a lot of them don't get promotions unlike their male coworkers for example)

in this case I feel like it is Itsuomi's job with his more "westernised view" to push yuki to find her own hobbies, keep looking for jobs, studies etc or even maybe try living abroad where they might be more open with her disability and thus more opportunities for her (then again the problem is again the language. she knows JSL only, not ASL or any other sign language and we don't even know if she can read or write english)

considering how people over there see people with disabilities, it is actually not that strange she doesn't have that many people around her

i think step by step she does go outside her comfort zone and and probably with yuki she is pretty much still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship (and if it happens to be her first love/big crush on someone... we alll know how deep those can be lol, which is why they also tend to be one of the worst break ups if it happens lol), so she needs a bit of time, especially they really went fast when it comes to falling in love and starting to go out together

just my two cents

Your ideas are not western, they are modern, and have ruined society.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 2, 10:14 PM

Apr 2021
gauravb28 said:
Is it just me or anyone else feels Yuki is making her life just revolve around Itsuomi. Binding your life to just a person can take an emotional toll over you. Also Yuki doesn't seem to be in good relations with anyone else apart from those 3
Considering if they have a breakup in future, she would end up alone nobody by her side.

I am liking the anime overall, but Yuki's course of actions is what bugging me a lot.
Ps: I hate such couples in real life too, when there doesn't seem to be a boundary.

She is fine with not having a lot of friends, she is close with a few people, quality over quantity.

She is not changing her life to be all about him, she is inexperienced with love and is exploring with someone she genuinely likes, and wants to get closer to him.

I don’t get what annoying about there relationship.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 2, 10:53 PM
Jul 2017
No. Yuki is not naive. She is in love. I'm the same way with my boyfriend. I can relate to her having butterflies every time she is around Itsu. I'm with my boyfriend for years, and I still get butterflies when I'm around him.
Mar 3, 1:02 AM

Dec 2007
gauravb28 said:
Is it just me or anyone else feels Yuki is making her life just revolve around Itsuomi. Binding your life to just a person can take an emotional toll over you. Also Yuki doesn't seem to be in good relations with anyone else apart from those 3
Considering if they have a breakup in future, she would end up alone nobody by her side.

I am liking the anime overall, but Yuki's course of actions is what bugging me a lot.
Ps: I hate such couples in real life too, when there doesn't seem to be a boundary.

So I never got this feeling, though I guess I can see where you're coming from. But going on only what we've seen in the story so far, since meeting Itsuomi her life as only opened up more. Sure she's got it real bad for him, but it's her first crush / boyfriend / love and she's super excited experiencing all of these things for the first time that are giving her a lot of joy. Plus it's only been like, a month (?), it's the start of a new relationship. Give her time to adjust.

Where I don't really see anything bad though, is that she hasn't shut anyone or anything out of her life. Before meeting Itsuomi all we really knew is that she attends classes, Rin is her best friend and she gets along with her family. None of that has changed, she still maintains all of her current friendships and goes to her classes, has hung out and become acquainted with more people and is trying new things, like getting a job and wanting to travel. Sure those last two are because of Itsuomi, but it's her opening up more and experiencing more. I mean something has to be front and center in her life and before Itsuomi it seemed like there wasn't really anything and if it's become him, that isn't necessarily bad. Especially since she's still doing all she was before and he isn't forcing or pressuring her for anything.
Mar 3, 1:28 AM

May 2021
As I said in my review, this is a traditional fantasy, ie the woman is supposed to leave her interests (Basically nothing because the series didn't expand on that) and devout herself to her boyfriend and provide him with whatever the role says. So yes, this is how it is supposed to be. To be honest, if you are for some reason a male (Assuming by your favorites), you will probably not get this aspect of the series. It is a shoujo for a reason, this is an extremely common fantasy in women-oriented media. Also, assume that nothing wrong will happen either, this is a romance, not a drama

Mar 3, 2:28 AM
Jan 2024
Reply to gauravb28
@Dayan not having contact doesn't equate to not being close. Even I don't have contacts of some of my childhood friends.

I said revolving her world around Itsuomi as in her interactions out of the group of 4 are so rarely shown. And Oushi who is trying to be a bit protective of her being a disabled girl, Yuki acts so coldly with him. She should at least treat Oushi (or any other people with whom interactions are not shown) with some warmth, so as in worst cases the world won't come down crashing and she would have people to cherish with.

Personally if I was in Oushi's shoes, I would just stop caring about Yuki after such cold reaction from her side.
@gauravb28 oh wow so you are Oushi fan, your comment make a lot sense now lmao. Do you even know the reason Yuki acts cold to him? Ig not
Mar 3, 2:41 AM
Jan 2024
Reply to whereswisteria

i will partially agree with this only because it seemed like she didn’t want to be kissed or found it inappropriate at the time but couldn’t verbally express that?… i’m not sure but seeing the expression on her face made me uncomfortable. it’s as if it may be common for her to not express what she thinks and feels fully because she’s afraid of itsuomi’s reaction in a sense. but i say partially because it shocked me how it never occurred to her to wonder if itsuomi could have been one of those older students simply because of the age gap. her only doubts seem to be whether she can afford to travel with him unless she gets a job in-time. i still have faith both of their flaws will improve as they grow together and enter out of this awkward phase haha
@whereswisteria she was just being shy holyshit
Mar 3, 3:04 AM

Jun 2012
Reply to ejleon
NemuriNezumi said:
hmmm do we even know what she is studying at university?

also worth taking into account it is expected for women in japan (and even Asia in generl) once they marry that they become housewives so in a way this way of thinking is to be expected culture wise (and even with the feminism wave pushing for better working conditions for women, women tend to not be given jobs because they expect them to leave soon once they get married/have kids and why a lot of them don't get promotions unlike their male coworkers for example)

in this case I feel like it is Itsuomi's job with his more "westernised view" to push yuki to find her own hobbies, keep looking for jobs, studies etc or even maybe try living abroad where they might be more open with her disability and thus more opportunities for her (then again the problem is again the language. she knows JSL only, not ASL or any other sign language and we don't even know if she can read or write english)

considering how people over there see people with disabilities, it is actually not that strange she doesn't have that many people around her

i think step by step she does go outside her comfort zone and and probably with yuki she is pretty much still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship (and if it happens to be her first love/big crush on someone... we alll know how deep those can be lol, which is why they also tend to be one of the worst break ups if it happens lol), so she needs a bit of time, especially they really went fast when it comes to falling in love and starting to go out together

just my two cents

Your ideas are not western, they are modern, and have ruined society.
@ejleon .... ok ngl, I'm confused

I genuinely can't tell if it's sarcasm, or what part of my comment you understood wrong (or by "modern ideas that ruined society" is the fact that we want better working conditions for women and general better life condiions for people with disabilities? because in that case my question is instead: are you stupid?)

- I only draw freestyle! -
Mar 3, 3:10 AM

Dec 2007
gauravb28 said:
@Dayan not having contact doesn't equate to not being close. Even I don't have contacts of some of my childhood friends.

I said revolving her world around Itsuomi as in her interactions out of the group of 4 are so rarely shown. And Oushi who is trying to be a bit protective of her being a disabled girl, Yuki acts so coldly with him. She should at least treat Oushi (or any other people with whom interactions are not shown) with some warmth, so as in worst cases the world won't come down crashing and she would have people to cherish with.

Personally if I was in Oushi's shoes, I would just stop caring about Yuki after such cold reaction from her side.

I think we just don't see her interactions with the others on screen because the focus of the anime is their romance, like the time itsuomi spent abroad, we were barely shown anything.

Regarding Oushi, I don't know how it's portrayed in the manga, but the feeling I get is that they are childhood friends who are not that close anymore. In earlier episodes Yuki mentions how his signs always feels rough, and how he is always slightly "rude" towards her. And if I analyse most of the on screen interactions between the two, I get what she means. Oushi is mostly distant, only talking to Yuki to "helicopter parent" her.
The only candid scene we get is the one in the train, and only happens because Oushi feels like he is loosing ground and wants to kinda reel her in. And even that it's so one sided that it must feel weird for her.

He has that attitude like he is the only one who cares about Yuki. He even questions her friendship with Rin. All the while being very absent. I definitely don't call that close.
Mar 3, 6:01 AM
Jul 2021
MewZura said:
@whereswisteria she was just being shy holyshit

“holyshit” its almost as if i slightly grasped that and used the term awkward phase for a reason ?!?!
Mar 3, 6:33 AM
Jan 2024
Reply to whereswisteria
MewZura said:
@whereswisteria she was just being shy holyshit

“holyshit” its almost as if i slightly grasped that and used the term awkward phase for a reason ?!?!
@whereswisteria yeah go correct my English bcs that’s the only thing you can do after making weird ass comment about something so simple as her just being nervous like many other shoujo girls are
Mar 3, 6:57 AM
Jul 2021
when did i imply i was “correcting your english”… you need to take several seats down i mean that quite literally. why are you getting your blood vessels going for a comment i left that wasn’t even directed to you in the first place. i was quoting what you said not correcting you. find something better do honestly. i literally said at the end of my post that i am hopeful for their relationship.
Mar 3, 6:18 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to Dayan
gauravb28 said:
@Dayan not having contact doesn't equate to not being close. Even I don't have contacts of some of my childhood friends.

I said revolving her world around Itsuomi as in her interactions out of the group of 4 are so rarely shown. And Oushi who is trying to be a bit protective of her being a disabled girl, Yuki acts so coldly with him. She should at least treat Oushi (or any other people with whom interactions are not shown) with some warmth, so as in worst cases the world won't come down crashing and she would have people to cherish with.

Personally if I was in Oushi's shoes, I would just stop caring about Yuki after such cold reaction from her side.

I think we just don't see her interactions with the others on screen because the focus of the anime is their romance, like the time itsuomi spent abroad, we were barely shown anything.

Regarding Oushi, I don't know how it's portrayed in the manga, but the feeling I get is that they are childhood friends who are not that close anymore. In earlier episodes Yuki mentions how his signs always feels rough, and how he is always slightly "rude" towards her. And if I analyse most of the on screen interactions between the two, I get what she means. Oushi is mostly distant, only talking to Yuki to "helicopter parent" her.
The only candid scene we get is the one in the train, and only happens because Oushi feels like he is loosing ground and wants to kinda reel her in. And even that it's so one sided that it must feel weird for her.

He has that attitude like he is the only one who cares about Yuki. He even questions her friendship with Rin. All the while being very absent. I definitely don't call that close.
@Dayan okay, yeah agreed with that. But I really wish the show expanded on Yuki's relations a bit more. This is where I feel A Silent Voice did a better job establishing its characters in the world.
Mar 3, 11:59 PM

Apr 2021
NemuriNezumi said:
@ejleon .... ok ngl, I'm confused

I genuinely can't tell if it's sarcasm, or what part of my comment you understood wrong (or by "modern ideas that ruined society" is the fact that we want better working conditions for women and general better life condiions for people with disabilities? because in that case my question is instead: are you stupid?)

Hm… Do you seriously think I’m speaking against “better work conditions / situations for women and people with disabilities”?

Are you naive, ignorant, and clueless?

Reading your comments, you obviously don’t know History.

For example, the difference between pre-1950s Feminism and Post-1950s Feminism.

Pre-50s Feminism worked to protect women from abuse at home, provide women with rights and better situations in society, to open opportunities for education and work, to fight for better work conditions and equal pay for equal work, but was not against the Western Tradition, which includes marriage, husbands providing for the household, stay at home wives and/or mothers raising children.

Post-50s Feminism — along with the Pill, 1960s Sexual Revolution, Abortion, Modern Psychology, Leftism (communism in disguise), etc — which is fundamentally against the Western Tradition, hates men of all ages, ruined marriage and the family, encouraged promiscuity, increased adultery and divorce, increased crime by children in broken families, and tricked women into being “independent”, which really meant becoming slaves for businesses to take advantage of and pay men less money, resulting in increased tensions between males and females.

Or how in the recent decades, Japan has had a major population decline and has actually been pushing for increased marriage and childbearing, even giving monitory incentives for those who have children, all in an effort to increase their population.

So saying modern feminism is “western”, is not accurate to history and claiming that the male character should push the female character to be “independent” and be against becoming a stay at home wife and mother, is basically agreeing with those who hate the west and disagree with Japan’s efforts to increase their population.

By the way, what she is “studying at university” is also completely irrelevant to the anime’s story.
ejleonMar 4, 4:02 AM
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 4, 10:56 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Gween_Gween
As I said in my review, this is a traditional fantasy, ie the woman is supposed to leave her interests (Basically nothing because the series didn't expand on that) and devout herself to her boyfriend and provide him with whatever the role says. So yes, this is how it is supposed to be. To be honest, if you are for some reason a male (Assuming by your favorites), you will probably not get this aspect of the series. It is a shoujo for a reason, this is an extremely common fantasy in women-oriented media. Also, assume that nothing wrong will happen either, this is a romance, not a drama
@Gween_Gween yeah i guess, shoujo romances are not for me. Though I liked karekano a lot.
Mar 4, 11:20 AM
Nov 2023
gauravb28 said:
@Dayan not having contact doesn't equate to not being close. Even I don't have contacts of some of my childhood friends.

I said revolving her world around Itsuomi as in her interactions out of the group of 4 are so rarely shown. And Oushi who is trying to be a bit protective of her being a disabled girl, Yuki acts so coldly with him. She should at least treat Oushi (or any other people with whom interactions are not shown) with some warmth, so as in worst cases the world won't come down crashing and she would have people to cherish with.

Personally if I was in Oushi's shoes, I would just stop caring about Yuki after such cold reaction from her side.

1. itsoumi's and yuki's relationship is literally the main focus of the show, so ofcourse it's going to be the most seen thing.

2. even Yuki herself has stated that she doesn't like Oushi, and that is because he keeps being demeaning to her.

3. Oushi is not being helpful. he is not afraid to insult Yuki any chance he gets, he is overprotective, and he throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. you apparently don't see his behavior for what it is, which is infantalization. it is probably the most disrespectful thing you can do to someone with a disability. his behavior is rooted in ableism, which even lines up to what he says. revealing that Yuki is deaf so people will stay away, and even stating "people like that should be kept away from society", although I believe he tried to have good intentions with the last statement, it still is ableistic in nature.
Mar 4, 1:25 PM
Oct 2023
gauravb28 said:
Is it just me or anyone else feels Yuki is making her life just revolve around Itsuomi. Binding your life to just a person can take an emotional toll over you. Also Yuki doesn't seem to be in good relations with anyone else apart from those 3
Considering if they have a breakup in future, she would end up alone nobody by her side.

I am liking the anime overall, but Yuki's course of actions is what bugging me a lot.
Ps: I hate such couples in real life too, when there doesn't seem to be a boundary.

Some people are willing to do anything for their loved ones- That's a part of what happy relationships consist of many times. Plus she's not only doing what she's doing for him, she's doing it cause she WANTS to, it makes her happy, why does that upset you?
Mar 5, 6:35 AM

Jun 2021
I get where you're coming from, but remember, the show IS about their relationship more or less, not about just Yuki herself. We are shown interactions that happen either between them, or in some way related. Doesn't mean that's all she's been doing 24x7

ıllıllı 𝘚𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘺 : Cozii ıllıllı | ᑕᗩᖇᗪ ᑕOᒪᒪEᑕTIOᑎ | • • ᗪEᒪIᐯEᖇY • •
Mar 5, 11:59 AM
Sep 2021
she has friends who are by her side. to be honest, we haven't seen much of where she came from, nor do we really know much about her personal life only that she must've struggled growing being deaf but that's an obvious assumption to make.

I think she'd be totally fine if they broke up. She's an incredibly strong person to be able to grow up the way she did and to live in such a noisy world being unable to hear any of it.

she's got loads of people who care about her. A boyfriend isn't going to disregard any of that.
Mar 5, 12:55 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to Fenyy
she has friends who are by her side. to be honest, we haven't seen much of where she came from, nor do we really know much about her personal life only that she must've struggled growing being deaf but that's an obvious assumption to make.

I think she'd be totally fine if they broke up. She's an incredibly strong person to be able to grow up the way she did and to live in such a noisy world being unable to hear any of it.

she's got loads of people who care about her. A boyfriend isn't going to disregard any of that.
@Fenyy pretty bold assumption to be made. I would have liked if they fleshed out the characters more.
Mar 7, 3:59 PM

Apr 2019
yes, she is naive. Overall, I don't like this main couple. I have the impression that he could do whatever he wants with her because she is in love and allows him to do anything. Sometimes when he suddenly touches her or comes close to her face, she makes faces as if she feels uncomfortable, but then immediately thinks 'oh, he can do that'. How much do they even know each other? Their whole relationship seems forced to me and at the same time is so ''sweet'' that I feel like vomiting. This relationship is not very realistic. In general, she is also quite stupid. This friend of hers often said what he thought about this boy, then they met and it was immediately obvious what was going on, and she still has no idea that she is the reason for the tension between them. The moment the white-haired man covered her view so that she couldn't see what her friend was saying (it was so rude towards both her and the boy that I still have a bad taste in my mouth) he should have made her understand the situation. In general, I have the impression that if she were hearing, this boy would not be interested in her

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