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Mar 10, 2018 1:11 PM

Aug 2015
Now I get it (I didn't see the point in the .5, my bad, sorry for that), still it would be difficult to measure using decimals, could you use only complete numbers, with that clear I think you would be good to go, what do you think?
Mar 10, 2018 1:15 PM

Dec 2012
YFang said:
Now I get it (I didn't see the point in the .5, my bad, sorry for that), still it would be difficult to measure using decimals, could you use only complete numbers, with that clear I think you would be good to go

i can keep it up. this is why I did it as .5 so it is easy lol. if it was 1 then her amour would be of no point. ie lose 2 lp to stop 1..bad traid.
..... :'(
Mar 10, 2018 1:20 PM

Mar 2018
@YFang I changed my post. Tell me if it's fine now
Mar 10, 2018 1:31 PM

Aug 2015
You are quite right, well I think it's okay as it is now then, just be careful with Lem, he might not be okay with it, but hey, life is about taking risk so I APPROVE

Now it's perfect, you are good to go and Rp to your heart content
Mar 10, 2018 9:52 PM
Mar 2018
Ze-Lem said:

Not in this one. We just don't have the correct combat scale to use percentages in.


Your current power is being rejected.
- No limitations to type of powers that can be copied. (This is already extremely questionable.)
- At simple level 3-4, she can destroy anyone that is new by using their own power against them.
- Huge potential to become OP. (The fact that characters gain more abilities or strengthen current one with each level up, there's too much potential for the power to get out of hand.)
- Overall, copy cat type powers will not be allowed in this RP, for the reasons mentioned above.

No use of a power when in cool down. No exceptions. Doesn't matter if a power isn't at full potential till a full cool down happens.

That's ok. I'll think about how to improve and adapt my character's power to the requirements listed.
For now I declare that I'll be spending some time outside rp for personal reasons and issues I have to solve.
Until then expect no rp from my character.
Thank you
Mar 11, 2018 10:48 AM

Mar 2018
I promise it is the last^^
Name: Fudo Kenji
Gender: male
Age: looks like 18 (Is about 130 years old/ he is NOT Immortal he just can't die by old age)
Magic: He can summon foxfire (spriritual fire which burns only the things it should burn/ also burns in water) and manipulate it in any way. He can for example form wings out of it and fly or just throw it at the enemy. When he is at max lvl he can create illusions with his spiritual powers.

Magic Cooldown: lasts 3 posts/ cooldown 5 posts
Other abilities: He has claws and fangs and he is not afraid to use them.
Weapon: Sword
Level: 2
Personality: He is cunning and wise. He doesn't hate or love anyone. He in fact doesn't show any emotions. He is not good nor is he evil, he just trys to always do the right thing. Although he is seemingly emotionless he can warm up to people who he really trusts. Despite beeing so old he behaves like a 18 year old gentleman. He just visits the Institution out of curiosity and he wants to learn how to fight despite being a very peacefull beeing. He spent all of his live in peace an therefore doesn't really know how to fight. He is clumsy.

Bio: He is a fox spirit manifested in a human form because he got kicked out of the spirit world for a crime he didn't didn't commit. He lives for over 130 years on the human world now. He doesn't know his parents so he never experienced true conditionless love. This is one of the reasons why he is quite emoitonless. He just appeared in a hollow tree some day, lacking certain memories of his past and lives on the earth ever since. He lived his live in peace and when there was a war starting in his surrounding he just will travel to another place. He never belonged anywhere so he tries to attend this Magic Istituion to learn how to fight and get his revenge on the one who got him kicked out of his world. (Fox people ftw :3)
Anime_CatgirlDec 20, 2018 6:15 AM
Mar 11, 2018 11:01 AM

Aug 2015
Thats what everybody says, at any rate I don't see any problem so I'd say that Fudo Kenji is APPROVED
Mar 11, 2018 11:02 AM

Mar 2018
Thanks ^^
Mar 11, 2018 4:45 PM
Aug 2014
Name: Riken Sataria
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Magic: Transformation: Metal body
Power explanation: Riken is able to turn his body into iron allowing him to be resistant to most kinds of physical damage. Elemental damage may do a little more but he’s still somewhat resistant. The power can also be used offensively in unarmed combat similar to using gauntlets.
Power duration: Last three of my posts before it wears off. Two of my post cool down.
Power Disadvantage: Iron body is heavy making Riken sink in deep liquids he still requires air there’s no resistance to lack of air.
Iron is heavy: Making Riken move slower then his regular body and his fighting style revolves around. Or he will let hit connect and he will try to trade hits.
Injuries last: Even though he is resistant to damage any damage done will transfer over. Dents will become bruises and scratches will be scratches or small cuts.
Internal organs: Despite Rikens skin becoming iron his organs don't so they can be damaged if they make it through the iron skin
Level: 1
Personality: Cold, cocky, prideful, blunt, brave, will show respect to strong people in order to form alliances and teams. Loves to fight or watch fights to learn peoples powers and plan how counter if needed.
Personality questions:
How does your character deal with anger: They use their anger to fuel their physical abilities and takes it out on others and objects unless they hold it in to not deter partners.
Sadness: They keep it in and not show it once it all builds up to a point they may have breakdown.
Conflict: He will try to win conflicts and only backdown if it suits him.
Change: Riken dosnt like to change he likes to have a set pattern and knows the best way to do it without change.
Loss: Riken has no lost anything yet so he dosnt know how to deal with it.
What does your character want out of life? Fun, enjoyment, pleasure, adventure, power.
What would your character like to change in their life? nothing.
What motivates your character? To prove themselves and show that they are the best.
What frightens this character? He hasn’t found anything that scares him yet.
What makes this character happy? Winning battles, winning bets, things going according to plans.
Is this character judgmental of others? Yes.
Is this character generous or stingy? Stingy.
Is this character polite or rude? A mixture of both.
Is this character ruled by logic or emotion? A combination of the two.
What would embarrass this character? Losing to someone he seemed weaker then himself.
What does your character like to do in their free time? Train, fight, watch fights.

Bio: Riken was born into a military family so his family was always on the move never staying in one place long. Due to this Riken didn’t tend to make friends like others, so he seemed to turn into a loner he was still able to ace all his classes and focus on his power. He was a only child but due to his parents job he never had s relationship so he is really inexperienced when it comes to dating.
Mar 11, 2018 4:52 PM

Aug 2015
Heavy metal!!!!, sorry for that, I couldn't resist, I know, I know.
By the way, I would say that Riken Sataria is APPROVED
Mar 11, 2018 5:57 PM
Aug 2014
Great it is heavy metal time I get the joke lol. Been a while since I last role played on this site.
Mar 12, 2018 4:30 PM

Aug 2015
The problem isn't that, the problem is that you decided to go for illusions, which aren't allowed as they completely modify someone perception and sense, maybe it's me who doesn't have enough experience yet, but I can't allow illusions, maybe @Ze-Lem senpai will have another thoughts, but with me it's a no for now.
Mar 12, 2018 4:47 PM

Dec 2017

Mar 12, 2018 5:12 PM

Aug 2015
The problem comes with the fact that abilities that let you control others will or feelings, or things like that, you get me don't you, aren't allowed, only change those and we'll proceed
Mar 12, 2018 11:31 PM
Jan 2018
Name: Loda Stormbringer
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Magic: Corrupted cry 1 post use. 4 post cooldown
Elemental magic: like swinging a bat, Loda swings his greatsword, filled with all the souls of those who have fallen to him. (Dark magic)
Personality: Kind, open, social, and ready to help anyone in need. But as he gets angry, he becomes someone else...
Bio: Growing up in a highly religous family, Loda was destined to become a knight. Deeming himself worthy by the age of 16, he was given the title Knight of Light by those above him. All he did was train, pray, and sleep. Stepping into the age of 18, he experienced a demon raid. Demon scattered everywhere, raped, tortured, and killed all of those he loved. In anger, he tried stabbing one of them which lead him to knowing the enormous power that God couldn't give him. Cowering in fear, he prayed to God asking for salvation, but all he got was silence. Disdained by his god, he turned himself into the demons, asking them to give him power. Pleased by him leaving his God, the demons turned him into their apprentice and from then on, he bare the nickname the Corrupted knight of light. By the age of 20, he was set free by the demons who gave him the freedom to do what he wanted to do. As a result, he became an adventurer.

Mar 14, 2018 3:12 AM
Feb 2017
Recently i created a character and i was asked a question of my ability, i fixed but um i still havent gotton approved. Can someone review it by any chance.

My character name is Akashi Osamu

Mar 14, 2018 2:12 PM

Mar 2018
@Hoanghuy22 @EagleAssassin Just a tipp from me: If you want this to get through fater tagg the admins ;)
oh and Hoanhuy you satr at level 1 ;)
(So sorry for that teaching post but I just want to help you If you don't want that just tell me ok?)
Mar 14, 2018 3:48 PM

Dec 2013

Pardon delay, I thought Megami had already checked on that before.
Mar 14, 2018 3:50 PM

Dec 2013

can you describe your power a bit more?
Like are there any side effects due to him using the souls or is it just like the way he manages to even move his blade? (can that also be used with other bladed weapons?)
Also everyone starts with dagger, till level 2 when you unlock sword.
Mar 14, 2018 5:38 PM

Dec 2017

_____________Character info__________

Flower child; fair blossom

Name: Hanako Miyamoto

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Magic: Elemental magic

Magic explanation and abilities:
She is a Ongaku kitsune
(music elements kitsune spirit)

Music - This is the control of sound and music. With this, kitsune can sing effects that are very similiar to spells that can make her opponents drowsy for a few posts.
They fall into the spell like manner if they hear her sing her song is like a very effective lullaby
But can be beaten by just not listening to her lullaby

Magic Cooldown: 3 posts 2 magic cooldowns

Level: Level 1

she is a very calm person but very smiley,she mostly keeps to herself she’s not antisocial she does like talking to people but just rather stay alone to have a nice calm atmosphere,is mostly nice if she can and analytical at times but is most of the time just a book worm


She had been living with a drunk father always alone or just left behind a weird child they all called her after being abandon by hr mother nothing ever seemed the same she was around 8 when she started to have her powers appear most kids at her town had elemental powers so they all picked on her for being different and abandoned by her mother this kept going and her father never did a thing always busy drinking,

after sometime when she was old enough she started working to try and move to live on her own as she got enough money she started to look for a house or apartment she was starting to move all behind her fathers back,when he discovered it while she was already packing he got furious he pulled her by her hair and kept her from leaving as she was the one who paid for all the house things,as food and she made the food for both all kinds of cares for the house and if she were to leave he would have to do it all on his own and would have to stop drinking to have enough money she kept going to school hiding the bruises her father left everyday

as time went on she started going to school again when she met a girl who she had never seen before he name was iris she was a very smiley and like a cheery girl but everyone else in the school seemed to ignore her miss treat her hanako saw more and more of this everyday until she had enough of it and took in the girl as a friend they quickly became very good friends and she told her she had been writing books recently and when she told her the title of her books she found out she was a very popular author at the moment...but what she noticed about her friend sometimes she would just disappear at some point and not come back to school until a week or so she became a bit suspicion at what was happening to her and asked but her friend seemed to not want to tell her.

she noticed a guy who seemed to always want to catch her attention and she liked it iris always teased her about it whenever they saw him,as it kept going she found it cute and really liked him they started talking and mostly were together at school but then came the day were he asked her out she was so happy and forgot about what her father was capable of and one night when he went to see her the boy climbed up to her room her room was on the second floor of their house but her father heard and went to see,caught her with him he was furious and beat up the boy who didn’t take it and died,he just started smiling at her telling her,right before he died,that he loved her even with what had happened he wouldn’t blame her

She was devastated as his life slipped away she didn’t go to school for around a week but when she came back they had told her iris had gotten into an “accident” when she was coming home from a vacation on the weekends her and her family had,had,But since iris always told her almost everything her suspicions went so far as to go to her house to ask what had really happened to her

Once she went to ask they didn’t seem to want to tell her either but only gave her a little box with a flower pin for her hair which iris always had on it had red string and the flower on top she looked all around the box little music box desperate to find any clue anything that could lead her on why iris had died when she found a small paper at the bottom of the music box under the felt fabric of the box as she read it was iris telling her about an illness she it followed with the lined

“Je Hey hanako if you’re reading this its cause it seemed like the illness came to me a bit quickly or you my family gave you the box but you couldn’t find this paper soon and a few years have passes but anyways i’m sorry i couldn’t stay with you i’m sorry i couldn’t tell you about this in person,so many things i wish you could just forgive,that i’ve done to you but please take care hanako even without me

P.S. Also take care of you know who ok?

She seemed to now see why all those trips why her disappearances why she could never find her while she had disappeared

Soon the young man’s family found out why he was missing and blamed it on her she was taking that blame for a few years but she couldn’t take it much longer and better much left the place to looked for a another when she found the school she left as fast as she could so her father wouldn’t find out she left she successfully left to the magic institute far away from her home town.never really forgiving herself for everything that had happened.
_Ashie_Mar 27, 2018 2:17 PM
Mar 14, 2018 6:09 PM

Dec 2013

-stamps approval sign on sheet-
Mar 14, 2018 6:48 PM

Dec 2017
Thanks lem nii-chan!
Mar 15, 2018 11:32 AM

Mar 2018
some admin pls tell me do I now get 50 exp for one charakter because I have rped with 10 people or do the people have to confirm it or did I missunderstand the description of the leveling system? pls help)
Mar 15, 2018 10:26 PM

Jan 2018

NPC at the Café de Cupid

BᴀSɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Remhilder "Rem" Hyste
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Male
ᴀɢᴇ: 17
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 5'7"
ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 130
ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Brown
ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Brown

MᴀGɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ: Benedicite (summon)
ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ: 1

ᴇxᴘʟᴀɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Rem can conjure a blessing and imbue that blessing into an object. The blessings can be either beneficial or negative. One or the other and never both at the same time. At first level, these blessings only effect a target's mood, making them either happy or gloomy. The blessings must also be consumed. Although Rem can technically imbue a rock with "content", if no one can eat the rock, no one benefits.

ᴄᴏᴏʟᴅᴏᴡɴ: No cooldown. This ability can only be completed in stage of which there are two. Prep. Bless. Serve. He must prep the consumable he intends to bless, bless the consumable in the next post, and then get that consumable to the intended recipient. His ability is far more effective if he prepares food before hand.

PᴇʀSᴏɴᴀL IɴFᴏ
Your classic hopeless romantic. He swoons for the ladies. Usually does the most when trying to get their attention and quite often suffers for it. The more he has a chance to practice, the more confident in his abilities he becomes. He has lines for days.

This over zealous nature is balanced by his fervent duty to his job as a barista at the Café de Cupid. He has a love for food and drink seeing as how his abilities have steered him to a life of such. He hopes to one day run his own restaurant where he can serve dishes made by hand with love.

Rem enrolled at the Institute a year ago as a prospective student, not to be an adventurer, but to hone his craft so he could eventually serve the very best meals in the kingdom. Although not necessarily a culinary school, Rem figured that if he could improve his skills in the arcane, everything else would fall into place. However the exact opposite is true, especially in the field he aspires to work in. Rem was eventually hired at the Café after being rejected employment at the bar for his age. Although Nadira is constantly finding a reason to yell at him, he finds his work enjoyable... and the ladies that come by beautiful.

This OC conceived for the Institute of Magic (RP).
ExitMar 15, 2018 10:29 PM
Mar 16, 2018 4:14 PM

Feb 2015
Name: The Moonlight Princess Ester Rue and The Nameless Slave
Gender: Females
Age: 17 and 20
Magic: Elemental magic
Magic explanation and abilities: Ester imbues The Slave's blade in ether transforming it into a great-sword without any increase to its overall weight. When the blade has been imbued, The Slave can project a wide arc of ether energy that can pass through any material other than silver, which deflects it straight back onto The Slave.

Low damage, high speed
Magic Cooldown: 1 wave = 2 post cooldown or three waves = five post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: True to the nature of the element she controls, Ester is a desolate soul void of any sense of purpose or meaning. As she views it, life is a meaningless struggle and she a slave to it all. She is constantly burdened by existential anxiety and is often known to lose herself in panic attacks spurred by her nihilistic dread. Her brief respites can be found through asserting her, albeit self admittedly frivolous,superiority over others, whatever way she can. Fortunately, she has a slave bound by oath and magic to offer herself as a sacrificial lamb to Ester's sadistic intent.The Slave has a less defined personality, having never really been offered the opportunity to develop one. If there had ever been a person locked up inside her it had long since starved and faded away. She views herself more so as a marionette hoisted by strings than a human being of flesh and bone. It was a tactical adaptation, one necessary to survive the incessant torments that, when pieced together, sew the pathetic reality of her burdened life.

The Slave

"I wager you've seen my kind walk through those doors a thousand times before; broken people from a broken land, seeking refuge wherever it may be found. Ours was the conquest, forming a legacy one salt sewn and corpse laden field at a time. We were not civilization built upon the merits of morality. We murdered, torturted, and destroyed the lands of enemies, all in the name of fear. It has such a sweet ring to it, don't you think? It's a marvelous thing. Virtue and honour could spawn a statue or perhaps a religion, but fear can do so much more, festering in the darkest parts of a person's mind. A legacy built upon the eliciting of such an erotic sensation can never die.

Or so my father thought. So my mother thought, my brothers, sisters too. Even I. Not any more of course, after all, you have no idea who I am, just a wanderer from a far away land. Mutually assured destruction was what undone our legacy. Magic is such a curious thing. Our mastery of the rarest element, ether, ensured we could destroy any civilization that stood before us a hundred times over. So lost were we in our inebriation of power that we failed to realise that it did not matter that no one else was even half as capable as we, all that mattered was that one was at least a hundredth less. For as we devoured them, they inflicted upon us the same fate.

My family: dead. My subjects: dead. My home: a memory. Only the infernal slave survived, a a guardian plucked from her peasant home as a child to be broken and mangled until she was nothing more than my pretty little doll. It comes with great pain to me to reflect upon the fact that of all the people that could have survived it was she, who could not even be considered human as no shred of humanity lies behind those blood tinged eyes; our torturers had made sure of that. Oh how I miss them, and their many tools.

And so, here I am, forced to live among the common folk in this institute of sorts. Iam no fool, I know many in this world still know the Rue line and wish to cut the snake by the head while she's injured. So I should run, of course. But I won't. If they find me let them do so, nothing matters anymore, least of all my own survival."

WhoremoansMar 26, 2018 6:08 PM

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Mar 16, 2018 5:17 PM

Aug 2015
Sounds delicious, anyway, normally I wouldn't allow no cooldown abilities, but as this one isn't exactly combat oriented I think it could pass, but if it were ever to be used in battle I want you to add a cooldown, ok? (even though it is an NPC, ine needs to be careful)
With nothing more to say Remhilder "Rem" Hyster is APPROVED

Double trouble here we come... Sorry about that, I just wanted to say it.
Just clarify one thing to me, when you say the arc of ether energy that can pass through any material except silver, does it mean that it can't be blocked, or did I misunderstood something?
Mar 16, 2018 5:20 PM

Feb 2015
@YFang I was thinking like, it can be evaded, just not tankable. I mean ether IS the space other elements fill so I kind of considered it like a semi-gaseous force that could pass through things. If that's an issue I can think of something else ^~^"

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Mar 16, 2018 5:29 PM

Jan 2018
@YFang Thanks! shhh... U da best admin :] Unless the school is attacked, I don't expect to play him in a combative scenario. Just in case though I'll go ahead and update the CS to reflect one.
Mar 16, 2018 5:29 PM

Aug 2015
No, it's fine, just tell me what effects it has on the adversary, like the damage or something like that
Now with that cleared out, and with the fact that you won't be cutting anyone limbs, I deem The Moonlight Princess Ester Rue and The Nameless Slave (way too long!!!!) APPROVED
YFangMar 16, 2018 5:41 PM
Mar 16, 2018 5:34 PM

Aug 2015
I like the idea of the ancestor slayer of mages, and I don't see problems either at the moment, I would say that Junco Yasonuri is APPROVED
Mar 16, 2018 8:32 PM

Jun 2017
Name: Kazuya Nahagiiv
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Magic: Mana Manipulation
Weapon: Greatsword (As seen in the character image. In exchange for the head start I'm willing to give up the ability to change weapons as the character levels up.)

Magic explanation, abilities and cooldowns:

Level: 1

Personality: Bad at keeping up a conversation, but friendly. Enjoys making friends. Very adventurous, takes joy in exploring new and possibly dangerous places, and loves to test his mettle in combat. He's fairly positive, even in bad situations. Though his usual expression looks very distant, its only a course of habit as he always carries a smile when talking to someone.


Bio: "A thousand threads of fate we weave through our lives, and on one thousand and one befalls our demise, our body is separated from our soul, and for such a reason we must always be alone."

On the far outskirts, the end of the world itself as many say, stands a lone island that only legends speak of. A place where men live in peace with nature, guarded by the fabled Thousand Thread Dragon, surounded by ethereal mist which allows no outsider to venture upon its soil. It is said that those which were blessed to live on the island where the threads of fate themselves are weaved do not age and are blessed with great magical prowess, but for the sake of balance, they bare a curse, as they may only cross a thousand paths before their death.

Every one thousand years, a festivity is held amost the villagers, as the mighty guardian Dragon takes on a human form, venturing amogst his worshippers, blessing the ones which have finally reached their limit with his presence as the one thousand and first thread of mortality.

These, other worldly humans, even though beings of planet earth, have never made contact with the outside world, as their curse does not allow them to cross paths with so many others as a normal person would do. Though despite it, ever since the dawn of their species, a story considered blasphemy by many has circled through, that one day a crimson haired woman, daughter of a high priest to come, will seduce the Thousand Thread Dragon in his earthly form during the one thousand and first festival of the end, and bare his child, destined to live amongst the humans.

Kazuya never knew his biological parents. One rainy night, a spellsword venturing from town to town found him in a run down alleyway as he was making his way to the local bakery. Enticed by the childs gleaming powerful aura, without a second thought, he'd pick up what he thought was an abandoned child and take him to his home. Having a lot of money, yet never having the time to find himself a woman, the adventurous spellsword going by the name of Kianu commited all of his unspent love to the child, raising him as his own. Even from an early age, the boy showed tremendous, inhuman affinity for all types of magic, so Kianu took it upon himself to push Kazuya to the very boundaries of whats considered human ability as the child grew up.

Around the age of 12, he was able to freely create and control mana weaves, but not in a way most people would consider. Rather than those which took years to learn the basic healing techniques, Kazuya was able to create sharp streams, using the threads as a weapon of his own. As the boy turned 14, being of proper age his now father would always take him out on his dangerous quests of plundering ages old tombs and undead crawling dungeons, shaping the kid into a briliant spellblade as he taught him the ways of the sword with every chance he got. But as time kept moving, Kianu knew there was a limit to how much he can teach Kazuya. Which is why once the boy was old enough, his father enrolled him into the Institute, where he can properly bring out his full potential.
NeonzumiMar 16, 2018 9:04 PM
Mar 16, 2018 8:51 PM

Aug 2015
You sure like fighting maniacs don't you, I think we can accept your terms for the weapon, but are you sure, you won't be able to equip any othet weapon.
Also the cooldown for it's first ability is too low, it's almost as he could use it everyturn, given the nature of your power I would say that at least 2 or 3 posts would work better.
Clear out those two things and we'll talk.
Mar 16, 2018 9:03 PM

Jun 2017
@YFang I was recycling a different concept and forgot to change the cooldown, intended for it to be 3 so there's no problem in changing that. Yeah I don't mind being stuck with a greatsword.
Mar 16, 2018 9:09 PM

Aug 2015
Perfect then, with that clear I would say that Kazuya Nahagiiv is now APPROVED
Mar 17, 2018 4:03 AM
Aug 2014
So is the rule of a sword be used at level 2 changed? I see a lot of level ones having great swords. And I think I remember seeing characters all start at level 1 yet I see level 2 characters.
Mar 17, 2018 6:48 AM

Aug 2015
About that @LoveandHate91, the only character that I authorized the longsword from the beginning was Kazuya Nahagiiv from Neon, and that with the condition of no more weapon change for him, any other character that has a sword must be level 2 at least or have the sword in character image just because it looks cool, there's no other character that I authorized myself to have a sword from the beginning, so they might as could ignored the rules.
As for those Lvl 2 characters, it really doesn't take too much time to become a level 2 in this rp, and right now with the monster hunt event going on is even easier to level up, even if your character doesn't participate if you olay the monsters for other you also obtain exp to use with your characters.
Mar 17, 2018 10:06 AM

Sep 2016
Name: Minoru Wanatabe
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Magic: Showing the flow in me
Magic explanation and abilities: Minoru's blood is mixed with that of a demon. Whoever is to touch it falls into his illusion unless they're aware of its unreality. They feel all pain caused by his powers, damage is halved as it only exists in the head of the receiver. If one falls into his illusions, they must be defeated. If he failed to prove his victory, he won't be able to use his magic. After one is freed from his illusions, they gain a physical boost, doubling their strength and speed for 2 posts.

Bind: By having his blood on them, Minoru can fool an opponent unaware of his powers into thinking they're tied down. The hold is too tight for anyone to move unless their blood is spilled or they are aware of the illusion they're seeing.

Magic Cooldown: Bind: lasts 2 posts, 3 posts cool down after the illusion fades, Minoru must drink the receiver's blood and make a seal on his flesh with it.

Level: 1
Personality: In battle, Minoru is a strategist. In life, Minoru is a strategist. He doesn't usually charge in, he uses the most efficient means, not worrying about time it could take. It's not like he ever has anything to worry him about time. He very rarely has anything on his schedule after all. He prefers to procrastinate and laze around all day instead of having to worry about making it in time for anything. He acts upon logic usually, and very rarely out of emotion. Minoru is an intelligent guy, he probably has planned his life well to be ahead of most those around him. He, however, prefers to accept his place in the back as it would take a lot of effort to advance. In fact, he has planned a lot, that it would be frustrating for him if he ever wanted to achieve something, but didn't have a good plan to. It's not like him to be in such situation after all.

Bio: Since birth, Minoru couldn't do any magic. He had magic power inside him, but he was never able to release it in any form. Not that he cared, it would force responsibility over him after all. And he was allergic to that word, he preferred slacking off all the time. Too much for the son of a church leader. Now to think he'd one day have to inherit his father's church. Minoru really wanted to escape that, but was a too lazy to. He expected a boring and annoying life, but couldn't do a throng about it. Or so he thought...

One fine day, Minoru was turning 7. It was too early, but he had to learn rituals and to fend off against evil spirits as the to be leader of the church. It probably wasn't a wise idea to show a child a summoning of a demon, and how to kill it. Neither was it to summon a greater demon. The rituals were going fine however. The demon was burning down and leaving to the dark space it came from. But one of the exorcists, a newbie being tested, failed. It would be fine under normal circumstances, but this wasn't normal circumstances. The evil spirit rushed towards the closest source of magic power it could use, which wasn't even supposed to be there. And Minoru, unable to fend off himself in anyway, was possessed easily.

A few days passed, Minoru was starting to accept the fact that he'd have to live with a devil inside of him. No one seemed to be able to get it out, but he was able to control himself and the flow of his magic still, even when it attempted to take over his body, it failed. Minoru was a strong one indeed. He was perfectly controlling himself. Until his father took his leave...

A little girl was playing around in the fields one day. She collected flowers to take home, they were beautiful, her family would of course love seeing them. She couldn't wait to watch the happiness in their eyes as she rushed home with a basket full of them. Poor Sakura, however, never got to enjoy that simple pleasure. Her eyes widened in shock, before she dropped her flowers and rushed into heat. She tried to avoid the burning ceiling falling over her head as she looked for her family. Two children's cries could be heard from the other side of the small village they lived in. FATHER!!! Minoru was crying out for help, and Sakura was grieving over her loss. The two lived after it, Minoru swore never to let the evil living within him control.

He took promises from the villagers to protect his little sister as he walked away, banished from his home he was to lead one day. He opened his eyes, letting go of these flashbacks, as he handed in the sheets to enrol into the academy that took him in. He hoped not to repeat his experience from his village. He had better control over his powers after 6 years of practice as he searched for a new home. He had finally found it, he really didn't wish to lose it again.
RaioresMar 17, 2018 11:31 AM
Mar 17, 2018 5:38 PM

Dec 2012
name:Finn Storm
magic:as of know unknown but has been said it is strong
magic explanation and abilities: ???
magic cooldown: ???
level: 1
personality:He is kind, polite and prideful. He always spikes what on his mind even if he knows it will get him in trouble. He almost never turns down a challenge or runs from a fight. He is headstrong


extra info: He is s very skilled in combat, strategy, and hunting.He has a larger pet wolf that follows and fights with him.

frogotenMar 18, 2018 2:06 PM
..... :'(
Mar 18, 2018 9:15 PM

Aug 2015
I actually have nothing to say except, He's cute!!!!!!!!!!
But the power being unkown is actually a problem, let me summon @Ze-Lem senpai so that we can hear his opinion, but with me, right now it's a no, even though he's so cute, I can't believe I rejected him, that's gonna stay within me for a while
Mar 18, 2018 9:17 PM

Aug 2015
Thr same goes for you, I have my doubts about illusion power related, I'm gonna ask you to wait for @Ze-Lem senpai judgement too.
Mar 18, 2018 10:17 PM

Sep 2016
There was a char a while ago Isobel illusions
She was called Rosaline something
She was 66's
But he's not active now >3>
Mar 18, 2018 10:30 PM

Dec 2017
You could of told me to just describe more the illusion weaknesses for Hanako
Mar 18, 2018 11:24 PM

Mar 2018
Name:Alleyn Ranald
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180
Level: 1
Magic: Body Enhancement. (With the power boost my character obtains abilities.)
Ability Explanation:
Enhance: The user's can enhance a body part making it stronger. A normal punch will feel like getting ran over by a bus moving 50 mph, same with a kick. He can also use this to reduce damage.
Enhance cd/drawbacks: 5 post use if on specific body part, 10 post cd for that body part. EX: If he enhances his fist, after the duration is over he has a cd on his fist, but he can then use his leg right after. 10 post use if on entire body, 15 post cd for entire body.

Friendly, loves to make jokes, and likes to tease people. He's overall a good person, not too outgoing, and doesn't really set goals for himself. He just goes with the flow in life.



His father was a noble who worked for a king, so Alleyn grew up in a castle. He was friends with the Princess but doesn't remember her name. He moved when he was 10 because his father was sent as an Ambassador to another country. He remembered he made a promise with the Princess that he would become strong enough to protect her so he would spend his time training. He was gifted with fortify magic that his mother had and when he was 17 he decided to come to the institute instead of returning to the Kingdom. He wanted to master his knew magic to fully fulfill the promise he made.

(btw can the gauntlets in his appearance count as his weapon? It's technically armor and since he fights with his fist I wouldn't see a problem with it. It just wouldn't make to me to see him fight with a dagger).
Split_v1Mar 19, 2018 8:13 PM
Mar 19, 2018 10:21 AM

Dec 2012
YFang said:
I actually have nothing to say except, He's cute!!!!!!!!!!
But the power being unkown is actually a problem, let me summon @Ze-Lem senpai so that we can hear his opinion, but with me, right now it's a no, even though he's so cute, I can't believe I rejected him, that's gonna stay within me for a while

I could add his power now but it will be useless...It was going to be coat swords and spars in elemental powers, However Ill change it.
frogotenMar 19, 2018 10:24 AM
..... :'(
Mar 19, 2018 8:10 PM

Aug 2015
Okay okay everyone, calm down a little, it has been a tough weekend but from now on I'm back an ready to help.
Let's start with Rai:
@Raiores I have carefully analyzed the rules and compared with your actual ability, and it's fine as it does not control one will and/or mind, just tricks them, and how you balance it works quite well, so I'd say that Minoru Watanabe is finally APPROVED (by the way I didn't approved that character myself as I wasn't admin at the time, just for the record)

@frogoten, well if you say so it's fine, don't chamge it and leave it as it is, I suppose you have some kind of plan, just remember to notice me when you are going to add and explain it's magic abilities and all that things, ok?, but as for your wolf pet you would need to directly ask @sakura_megami senpai about it as she actually wants to add a pet system for upper levels, anyway, with that clear I would say that Finn Storm is APPROVED

@Split_v1, the cooldown is broken, with the way you describe it, there wouldn't be a real cooldown as he could use the power without having to actually wait for it to recover before activating it again, is like your arm enters cooldown but not your leg, so you use your leg while waiting for the arm, and just repeat that over and over again, you get me don't you, do something about that or convince me that it's not broken and then we can go back to business, ah by the way, I don't see a problem myself with you using the gauntlets as defense, but then try to not use the dagger.

Did I missed someone?

Anyway, sorry for having you all wait so much time

YFangMar 19, 2018 8:13 PM
Mar 19, 2018 8:13 PM

Mar 2018
@YFang whoops I didn't notice that the CD was like that lol. I didn't think it through. I changed it now.
Mar 19, 2018 8:37 PM

Aug 2015
@Split_v1, well, that way at least it should be more balanced now, now Alleyn Ranald is APPROVED
Mar 20, 2018 2:12 PM

Feb 2015
Name: Maggie Rose
Age: 21
Magic: Crystal
Magic explanation and abilities:Maggie has the ability to sprout wings of malleable crystals from her back. While they don't allow her to fly, they do enhance her evasive defenses by using the wings to sweep herself out of harms way when possible. There are three crystals on each wing, and they can be launched like projectiles at a target. Naturally if the crystals are all used she doesnt have any wings to evade with. One crystal regenerates every two posts.

By being slapped across the face, Maggie loses control of her possession and allows the demon to take over. This state cannot be self inflicted. In possessed form, the crystals become too heavy to use for evasiveness, and are moreso used as a shield or Doctor Octopus sort of shenanigans. The crystals, while sharp, are weak and shatter upon contact with almost any blunt or sharp weapon strike.
Magic Cooldown: 1 crystal every 2 posts
Level: 1
Personality: Maggie is a victim of ego death, something romantics might call the desolation of the soul. At ten her comprehension of the world had been shattered, and her body flooded with the guilt of failure. It left a gaping hole deep within her, a furnace that burned the fuel of altruism. She will do whatever she can to help whoever she can. Not because she particularly likes people, but because she quite simply hates herself, and remains trapped in a perpetual chase of trying to make up for her past all the while being painfully aware that she will never be able to forgive herself for what happened. She wears a persona of bubbly optimism, a shield to deflect people from seeing how broken she truly is.

The demon possessing her is one of hedonism of the flesh, an incubus by name of Arachne. She, as it prefers to be called, is the hyde to Maggie's Jekyll, a monstrous soul of ill intent. Her goal is simple, her actions and behavior calculated towards it. Her master dwells within the soul of a boy, and she intends to free it.

Bio: The Exorcist's circle is no place for a ten year old girl, or a seven year old boy for that matter, yet there they both were, their lives about to be changed irreprehensibly therein. It smelled her fear, the demon, and acquainted itself to her with a caress of her thigh. There was no physical mass to speak of, but she could feel it. It felt warm against her skin, the thin fingers tracing their way up towards her... Maggie's eyes shot wide, but her mouth remained sealed shut in fear. Those eyes turned to her father beside her, but his eyes were elsewhere, focused on the Wantabe boy. Help me daddy, please, those eyes screamed as the thing parted her between the legs. She could feel it everywhere, violating every inch of her flesh as it sank its way into her body, her soul, her mind.

"See?" a voiced called from within her, "Wasn't that easy? You'll enjoy it next time."

Her body convulsed and slumped backward. Finally they took notice, but it was too late. Black oozed seeped from the corners of her lips, her lips themselves turning a similar shade, never to return to normal. Something was wrong, and not just with her.


The memories of the child haunt the woman at night, at day, in sleep. It was inescapable. The fire she had a hand in causing, the horrors she let happen to her home, the boy who had been cursed by possession as a result of her own interfering with the exorcism. Maggie had run across the entire world and yet she still hadn't escaped it. No matter how many lives she saved, injustices she fought, or kindness she had shown, she was a slave to her former self, and the monster that still resided in her, festering like a depression in the depths of her conscience.

She had become a hopeless wanderer, and worse, had grown accustomed to it. That changed. The catalyst of the re-invigoration of her hope came in the form of an injured boy only a year or two younger than herself, crawling out of a forest with arrows pierced through his back. She grabbed the boy and carried him as quickly as his wings could take her to the nearest mark of civilization, as she had no real bearings on where exactly she had wandered upon on this earth. As it happened, the boy was a student in the institute that Maggie found during her search for aid. They were able to treat the boy, thanked her for her help, reminding her that few would do what she did. They noticed her wings, offered her a position. She couldn't, and refused. The place was nice... but it was not her world.

It was upon leaving that she saw someone. She couldn't tell who it was at first, the boy walking against her down a corridor, but she knew she recognized it. He had already moved on to another room before it finally clicked, and her twisted her head around to stare down the hallway he had left. It was him, the one person she had to help, for it was he, Wantabe, that she had brought so much harm too.
WhoremoansMar 20, 2018 3:52 PM

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Mar 20, 2018 2:49 PM

Aug 2015
Pretty wings, I like those, as for Maggie Rose I don't really see any problem, except for the fact that she has no personality or history herself, I'm fine with that, but are you sure, or maybe you'll add it later, whatever you plan to do it's okay as now Maggie Rose is APPROVED
Mar 20, 2018 3:39 PM

Aug 2015
Fine by me
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