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May 29, 2017 3:34 PM

Sep 2016

A desk is out where you can rent the battle ground for 5$/hour when it's free. The floor of the arena is made of something that can't be broken easily, it wouldn't be possible to break it unless with some very strong force.
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Jun 2, 2017 12:00 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin walked towards the entrance of the battle grounds where the desk was standing. There she sees Mary-chan standing waiting for her, she walked towards her and said: Hey mary-chan, so you're Jaye-san's daughter. I will be the one training with you just tell me what to do, I'm looking forward to work with you.After their short conversation they walked into, after renting a battle ground, the arena.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 2, 2017 12:16 PM

Sep 2016

You're Here! Thanks for coming! I'm Mary, glad to meet you! She said excitedly as she walked with Shin to the field. The man at the desk let them in as Mary had already paid the rent and so, they entered. We'll just fight for a little, ok? I'm ready when you are! She stood at the other side of the arena and prepared for Shin's attack.
Jun 2, 2017 12:41 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin took her body lenght axe and made simple moves with frequency at mary-chan. First left with the small side and then at her right side with the big side. After that she started moving really fast but with the same ritme so she could keep up she waited for Mary-chan's reaction before she did harder moves and tricks like putting strenght in her movements. She sifted from right to left and also aimed for the upper body aswell as her legs. Mary-chan if you can't keep up or think you're going to get wounded you should say so, okay?

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 2, 2017 12:54 PM

Sep 2016

Don't worry about me. She smiled innocently as she looked at Shin's eyes and dodged the moves with little to no effort. Her movements were slow but she somehow dodged them without getting a scratch. All your attacks almost hit, but they missed by a few centimetres.
Jun 4, 2017 3:58 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin started to move twice as fast and changed her frequency in an horde of stabbing and swinging. She distrusted the girl because of her movements. She thought of playing her important cards but waited to see the reaction of the girl when she moved even faster.I can see you have been trained well, from who did you learn?

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 4, 2017 4:10 PM

Sep 2016

She kept dodging your attacks effortlessly without even having to increase her speed. It seemed as if she knew where you'd hit exactly. No one, I just come her and spar with brother from time to another. He left Jerrat for some exploration though. He won't be back soon and it's starting soon so I asked daddy to train me, but he just sent a job request for the job centre.
Jun 4, 2017 4:25 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin stopped suddenly and walked to the corner of the battle ground. She sat down on the ground and said: attack me and try to make me stand up because of your fighting.. She said it with a blanc face but she had ulterior motives.
onepieceofweedJun 4, 2017 4:44 PM

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 4, 2017 4:53 PM

Sep 2016

She smiled innocently looking at shin. You caught me, You're good at that actually! She rushed towards her and attempted to punch her in the face. It would be easy to dodge if she stood up as Mary wasn't as fast as shin, but she wasn't much slower either, and she was on the other side of the field.
Jun 5, 2017 6:08 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin stayed in her place and looked at Mary-chan while she came running at her. While Mary-chan came running she placed all her strenght in her arms, on the last moment she putted her axe diagonal for her face and brought her leg upwards. She strengthend her back and her neck and was planning to take the punch to then strengle it.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 6:26 AM

Sep 2016

Right before she landed that punch, Mary quickly stood on her arms and kicked shin with all her force, pushing her out of the ring. How was that? She said teasing shin.
Jun 5, 2017 6:32 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin looked at her with a straight face saying nothing. She stood up and knocked off some dust from her clothing. She walked to Mary-chan till she was right before her face, she trowed her axe out of the arena and started attacking Mary-chan from every side and with every limb with all the strenght she had.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 6:50 AM

Sep 2016

What, did it hurt? Teasing shin again, Mary said as she started dodging her attacks. Just like before, she dodged all her attacks while moving at a slower pace than her. But she eventually started getting tired. Even though she pretended she was fine, her speed decreased a lot, so she couldn't dodge her attacks even though she wasn't depending on speed a lot in the first place. Shin could hit her, and all her attacks were successful. Mary screamed in pain and backed away as shin was hitting her. Shin could still walk towards her and continue fighting if she wanted, but Mary didn't really look like she wanted that.
Jun 5, 2017 8:10 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin stood still and watched Mary-chan, she brought her hand to the places where she injured Mary-chan but then on her own body and made the same injuries. Then she went back to her fighting position and waited till Mary-chan could attack again. Now we can continue without any unfairness, you should now reflect on what you did wrong and improve it. Unless you want to stop that is.
onepieceofweedJun 12, 2017 12:51 PM

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 9:18 AM

Sep 2016

That hurts, you're mean! She shouted at shin. You couldn't tell for sure if she heard or not, but it seemed she was too busy being a cry baby to listen to you.
Jun 5, 2017 9:43 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin walked towards her, grabed her waist and lifted her up. She brought her to the side of the arena. You can sit here and call me when you have the resolve to fight till the end.
onepieceofweedJun 5, 2017 10:02 AM

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 10:16 AM

Sep 2016

I can beat you, meanie! She tried to punch shin in the face but she was really weak. If she did punch shin, it would hardly do any damage, if shin even flinched that is. If she did hit her and she didn't even flinch, Mary would just watch in fear, surprised by how strong shin is.
((@onepieceofweed note: you're supposed to give her advice or something XD
Jun 5, 2017 10:44 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin could easily dodge but took the punch to show her the difference in strenghts. You see you should know your own limits and don't underastimate the one you're fighting with. I never did with you untill now i didn't expect you to be so stupid to keep fighting, when you feel you reach your limit you shouldn't let your opponent notice and decieve them with tricks. Your strong but you overestimate yourself which could lead to bad injuries or even death. You should always have a backup plan and never provoke your enemy because you will never know there true strenght unless you had a fight with them. She looked at Mary-chan and expected a violent answer.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 10:55 AM

Sep 2016

She looked at shin in horror as her punch didn't affect her at all. Y-yes miss, can we start again? Her answer could've been a surprise to shin, who was expecting a violent answer, but it seems Mary is actually learning from her.
Jun 5, 2017 11:15 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin was kind of suprised and satisfied by the answer of Mary-chan. But she hided her emotions and looked at her with a blank face. Well then let's start and try to think of the things i told you. Shin thought that it would be better to let Mary-chan be scared it would as well maybe help with the training.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 11:37 AM

Sep 2016

O-ok! Mary, still scared, looked Shin in the eye and waited for her action. So miss, what is your name? She asked before or after Shin made her move depending on how long it took her to do so.
Jun 5, 2017 12:03 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

After Shin's move Mary asked her the question. My name is Shin Rei you can just call me Shin, I never asked but is it okay if i just call you Mary-chan? She continued with attacking and blocking on a rationally pace.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 12:35 PM

Sep 2016

Shin Rei? What an unusual name, huh? You can just call me Mary if you want. She continued dodging just like before but this time, she was looking for an opening. So Shin, what's your power? You are too weak for someone who has no power. My power is seeing a few seconds into the future, which is how I can dodge your attacks so easily. She asked.
RaioresJun 5, 2017 12:42 PM
Jun 5, 2017 3:14 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin focused hard on her movements and eyes. She tried to put her body in the most forunate position to block any possible attacks.I'm sorry but things about my power is something i won't give away i will only use the power i need to train with you, will it be all of it or just a part, who knows.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 5, 2017 3:41 PM

Sep 2016

Ok.... She kept dodging her attacks till she found an opening, when Shin attempted a kick at her, she dodged her and everything she tried as she could see it before it came and kicked her other leg with full force, knocking her on the ground.
Jun 6, 2017 11:49 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin layed on the ground and grinned at Mary-chan. While she layed on the ground she tried flying to stand up. She first waited for Mary-chan to react on it and after that made her move.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 6, 2017 12:07 PM

Sep 2016

Before shin started flying, Mary quickly stepped in her direction and got past her. Then Shin flew up so Mary jumped and grabbed her. Am I doing good, Shin? She asked while holding tightly to her.
Jun 11, 2017 12:47 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

I don't know what your definition is of good. Said Shin short, and she started flying upwards and didn't stop. Then she said with a grin on her face: So should we make a 'crushingly' trip to the ground?

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 11, 2017 12:55 PM

Sep 2016

Mary looked at Shin, her eyes wide open in fear. Looking at the ground, she couldn't help but get even more scared. "Mary-Chan, your time is over, can you leave the field now?" Said a voice in the microphones. Luckily for Mary, the fight was over. And so, you couldn't land your attack now. Unless you,just wanted to hurt her of course.

If you left the arena with her, she would pay you for the job, thank you and leave.
((+30$, +15 points for shin))
Jun 11, 2017 1:03 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin flew down to the ground and said: I hope i helped you with your training, our time is over now, but i hope you will the important things in a fight. She picked her axe up and walked out of the arena with Mary-chan. I wish you luck on your further training, bye.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 12, 2017 11:57 AM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
Also has wings~ (Angel)

Eres had been wandering around, and, with no specific destination in mind, he'd ended up at the battle ground. He didn't truly know why he was there, oh wait, he'd been wandering around. I think I just answered my own question seconds ago.. he thought, disappointed in himself. He took a look around the place, though it certainly wasn't his first time there. Maybe he was looking for people, who knew? Definitely not him.
Jun 12, 2017 12:00 PM

Sep 2016
As you were leaving the arena, you could see they were recieving application to join the 25th world tournament, this year's. It was up to you if you wanted to join or not. If you did join, they would give you an app to fill with some information and after you fill it, they would tell you to come back after a few days.
((Same for you, @ernestly))
Jun 12, 2017 12:32 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval

A chance to get my ass kicked? Sure, why not. Eres thought, deciding to sign up for the tournament. He saw no reason not to, so he filled in the information required, and after finishing, he'd leave the area, not really having a reason to remain in it.
Jun 12, 2017 12:49 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin participated in the world tournament and filled the app in. After she did she went away (after she heard she should come back after a couple of days).

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 12, 2017 3:14 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

After his conversation with avera in his dorm, which ended with her eating a candy he had bought earlier and falling asleep again, Rai left for a walk in the streets, where he found a poster for the tournament he had been waiting for since it finished last time, 3 years ago. He then quickly rushed here and signed up. He was told to wait for a few days, so he left to continue his walk.
Rai left the area
Jun 13, 2017 11:12 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

He walks upon the abttlefield, wwearing his armor, and also his alias. When wearing this armor he does not go with his normal name But instead goes by the name Arach. He looks upon the battlefield. Simple. It can do. His weapons held firmly in his hands. His face hidden by his helmet. He would walk into the area, and sit down. He didnt need food for a while. So he waits. His armor keeping him warm and cool at the same time. Waiting for anything who would come and chat with it or when the tournament began.
Darth_LewdiousJun 14, 2017 8:07 AM
Jun 13, 2017 11:41 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara signed up for the tournament. It was a chance for him to show his strength. He then stayed there waiting for something to happen. If nothing happens, he will leave to train himself and come back after a couple of days ready for the tournament.
Jun 13, 2017 7:52 PM

Mar 2017
Star signed up for the tournament even though she knew she wasn't the best at fighting. She wants to up her strength level and that's why she joined. She is now waiting to see what happens during the battles.
Jun 13, 2017 8:09 PM

Sep 2016
You were told to come back after a couple of days for the tournament, not now. However, you could stay for a little if you wanted to, just don't expect the tournament to start while you were waiting.
Jun 13, 2017 8:14 PM

Mar 2017
I will definitely come back but I will first boost my power a little bit she says leaving the arena to go train.
Jun 13, 2017 11:08 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After staying there for a bit, Takara left to train for the tournament. He will be back after a couple days.
Jun 14, 2017 12:40 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Having arrived upon the battleground to test a tome in battle, she signs up for the tournament. She only plans to test her new tome. If she manages to get farther than intended, then that is cool, but not her main objective obviously. Still, it'd be fun to go one with a fight using her new tome. It was only one tome so her probability of winning is fairly low.

Jun 14, 2017 5:07 AM

Sep 2016
It has been 3 days since you signed up and the tournament is starting already. You were called and they told you to arrive at the tournament arena today.

Raiores Dragryder

After 3 days of doing nothing, Rai arrived at the arena again for the tournament. Damn, I forgot to train. Oh well, I will still win it anyway. He smiled while entering the arena. He then took a seat and waited for the tournament to start.
RaioresJun 14, 2017 5:14 AM
Jun 14, 2017 5:33 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara trained seriously for the tournament. But after his training, he decided to get some sleep before the tournament starts. So... After getting some sleep, he went to the arena because the tournament will start today. After arriving there, he decided to wait for the tournament to start.
Jun 14, 2017 7:05 AM

Mar 2017
Star trained pretty well and she thought that she was ready for the tournament. She came to the arena but while she was there she took a little nap. After waking up from her nap she waited for the tournament to start.
Jun 14, 2017 8:19 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

He would open his eyes, it was time to get to it. ANyone who was looking in his direction would notice that suddenly he started moving. Whereas he wasnt ever moving for three whole days. He would walk over to wherever it was he was directed to go and would stretch a bit. He notes everyone here already and would look at them all through the one-way visor of his helmet. He didnt have many words. He simply waited. If anyone were to address him, his voice would be hoarse due to sitting there for days without food or water. Not that he was weakened by it. His throat was just dry as fuck.
Jun 14, 2017 5:06 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

After the goodbye with the weird guy on the streets, Shin went to the arena. She didn't do any serious preparations. When she arrived she sat on a chair waiting for it to start. While waiting she took a good look at her opponents and watched their movements. She hided her ditrust and made it look like she was just gazing to the sky.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 14, 2017 5:48 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
Also has wings~ (Angel)

Now at the battle grounds, Eres took a look at the people here. There were quite a few, he noticed, though he didn't pay too much attention to any of them in particular. Chances were, whoever it was he looked at could beat him. He smiled slightly at the thought of that, it was kind of a habit of his to smile at his own demise, though it helped him not be bothered by it. That's not to say he was too happy about it, merely unaffected emotionally.
Jun 14, 2017 6:39 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Running with her tome in her arms, she makes it to the battle ground on time for the tournament. "Did I miss anything?" she asks anyone listening in the arena. She then looks at her tome to see if it got damaged in any way which of course it wouldn't be damaged.

Jun 14, 2017 7:42 PM

Sep 2016

No you didn't. He told arice as he walked by he ron his way to the arena. Then he stood there, where everyone could see him. Ladies and gentlemen, three years ago was the 22nd tournament. And today, it's time for another tournament, the 23rd! Two days ago, we had a hundred participants, and after 2 days of fights, many were eliminated. Now there are only 16 so, without further ado, let the games begin! A screen on the wall started showing the faces of the participants and witching between them quickly in a random order. Match 1: Shin Rei vs.... He said as Shin's face appeared on the screen. Then it disappeared and participants' faces screen started appearing again, stopping and showing the face of her opponent, Takara Yoshida! Proceed to the arena please He then left the arena and stepped out of the arena to watch the battle and judge it. We all know the rules, losing conciousness results in loss, touching the ground results in loss, weapons are allowed, and killing isn't. Now, let the first battle begin! The first battle between shin Rei and Takara Yoshida has now started.
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