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Aug 10, 2016 8:43 PM

Mar 2016
Character Creation

Here, you can create characters.

Please include a detailed description of your character. If this is not possible, please state why.

For more information about how characters work, please refer to section 1 of the Club Guide

Character Creation uses the Power Points System, which will be explained in the following spoiler:

Power Points System

In Legion City, every fighter is assigned a specific class which suits their fighting style best. Each class has strengths and weaknesses. as well as unique benefits. Here are a list of classes:

Here is a Character Creation Form that you can easily copy, edit and paste.

Character Creation Form


  • Inactive characters will be deleted without prior notice. Please request for your character to be out on standby in the Request thread
  • You cannot add or change your character profile once your character has been approved aside from bio and personality. You could request a change, but it must be approved by an admin.
  • Once approved, please post your character in the template in the Character Profiles thread
  • You CANNOT make two main powers.
HarukaSep 7, 2016 7:56 PM
I keep my distance now
Forcing my jaw to smile
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Aug 26, 2016 4:23 AM

Apr 2013
  • Name : Hanamoto Sakurako

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Flower of Death

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 21

  • Gender: Female

  • Class: Mage

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12

  • Main Power:

  • Minor Power:

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 1
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 4
    • Speed: Lv. 2
    • Agility: Lv. 2
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 3
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force:


  • Counter Force:


  • Equipment and Weaponry:

    She carries a small knife and a retractable telescope

  • Skills:
    She's a master strategist and is able to conceal her motives and emotions almost completely, making it incredibly hard to read her next move. She's also good at basic self defence and has decent ranged accuracy.

  • Biography:
    Born to a wealthy family, Sakurako always had a strange affinity towards manipulating people as well as a strange power of having a few petals which would strike down anyone willing to harm her. She saw through facades and said clearly the truth, making her seen as a brat by most of society. By the time she learned to control herself and conform to societal norms, she had lost faith in people and lived more like a hollow shell. Her parents began to feel disgruntled of her and tried to beat her. She wanted to accept it, but 500 petals protected her and killed her parents. Subsequently she sat there traumatized, and when her neighbors called the police, she ran away from home. Surviving for a few days on the streets, a man suddenly found her. He was a businessman who had connections and saw the potential that she had. He put her to work training her abilities and how to control them, sacrificing many instructors to her deadly petals in the process. He had no love for her of any kind and merely saw her as a weapon and a money maker, but she did appreciate him-he did give her purpose and control of her powers after all. At this point she knew that all she was good for was destruction. The man then heard about Olimpia and sent her there to fight and collect as much money for him as possible, and so she agreed.

  • Personality:
    Calm and always smiling, Sakurako acts elegantly and looks extremely fragile, but under that maiden exterior lies a hardened soul whose ruthless and cunning. She likes calm serenity and nature, and although she is fine with interacting with people, she rarely lets people gets close to her. Severely dislikes crowded places and large mansions.

  • Additional Information: Any additional things you may want to add for this character

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

  • Recommended by: N/A

HarukaOct 1, 2016 4:48 AM
Aug 26, 2016 5:15 AM

Nov 2013
  • Name : Joana Kenta

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: The General

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Class: Knight

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main Power:
    Kenta's Engineering:

    Her shield becomes alive creating two options:

    1. Fuses with her sword, creating an great sword, clearly wider and longer than a normal sword. This stage makes her more of an offensive knight.

    - If she hits the ground with the sword she can create an earthquake to unbalanced people, affecting only the enemy. 10 mana (2 posts cool down)
    - She can decide to split the sword in two and become a dual wilder knight. 10 mana (free to use once activated)
    - She can make her sword become close to invisible (only in great sword), making it harder for the enemy to predict her movement. 15 mana (lasts one post)

    Joana will be able to bring the shield back whenever she wants, but she will only be able to cast another great sword after 3 posts

    2. Her shield starts shining a beacon to blind the enemy, making it more difficult to the enemy to react, affecting perception. She will become unable to move while she as this activated. This create an opportunity to her team members to move forwards and strike the enemy down. (Lasts One Post - 20 mana - 3 Posts Cooldown)

    - Requirement -> Shield

  • Minor Power:

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 2
    • Endurance: Lv. 4
    • Stamina: Lv. 2
    • Mana: Lv. 1 (100/100 Mana)
    • Speed: Lv. 1
    • Agility: Lv. 3
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1 (10 Mana per Post)
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force:

    Lighting Shield

    - Must have her shield
    - Takes one post to cast (activating on the next post)
    - Can't use a skill the post before casting this skill nor during its casting
    - Sacrifices one endurance level in exchange for one lvl of speed
    - Can't use the shield for one post (casting post)
    - 50 mana

    Joana places down her shield facing it down to start casting the skill. Joana can protect it or not, since if the shield is attacked during casting it will be canceled. The skill creates a explosion/shock wave around the shield damaging enemies (mostly dazzling) and boosting her and her team for one strength lvl and two lvls of agility.
    (Duration 2 posts)


  • Counter Force:

    The War Horn

    - When in team this skill gain another req (she needs the taunt skill available)
    - Boost consumes 10 mana per post.
    - If she decides to have the hovering shield it is 5 mana per post.

    She takes out an horn around her waist and calls down the ultimate protecting for her and her team, boosting everyones endurance for 2 lvls and speed for 1 lvl during 4 posts.
    The shield starts hovering, doubling its size (enough to cover someones body), and places itself in front of whichever Joana decides to (also 4 posts), if the shield stays in Joana she can activate the Taunt Skill to draw everyone attention towards her. Joana can also simply pick up the shield, reducing it's size and use it normally, still having her stat boost.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    - Sword

    - Shield

    - Armor

  • Skills:
    Called the General for being an outstanding against big groups of enemies or even battalions, by herself. She is a swordmaster in one handed long swords, two handed great swords and dual wielding, excellent for mid range attacks and close combat blocks. She can handle heavy damage to her body and has a strong mind. (a.k.a she can't be fooled that easily)
    She is pretty much a stationary bunker that can react to close combat fairly quick.

  • Biography:
    Younger daughter of the Kenta's family, she, on the contrary of his brother, she joined the army for the upcoming war that broke the planet. She, being the brother of a "mad scientist" as she called but loved very much, Uther Kenta, the now overseer of the city of Olimpia. She fought several battles without losing a single one, mostly for protection of her house and family, she would win battles even without an army herself, because her brother, would supply her with the finest weapons and armors. She was born to become a princess, but she became a General. People would follow her will and fierce to battle without hesitation, a General on her 20's was able to command armies of 50.000 soldiers, even so she alone could take out or even handle the damage done by 100 soldiers.
    She now as decided to follow her brother to this floating city, having the war done, and her house fully protected by his brother engineering, she had no meaning to be on the army. So she decided to grow in power, to show the world, her brother, how powerful she was. How powerful a Knight, in the modern days was still very relevant. She knew that once in, you would lose your titles, you would be at the same level as everyone. She sees it as a challenge, Olimpia, the place were she was not looking for money, but glory.

  • Personality:
    - Fierce
    - Ambitious
    - Emotional
    - Very Stubborn
    - Headstrong

  • Theme:

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: YES
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: NO

  • Recommended by: N/A

PliniusSep 11, 2016 9:50 AM
Sep 5, 2016 3:00 AM

Nov 2013
Haruka said:

Hanamoto Sakurako
is approved to enter in Olimpia. Please add your character at Character Profile. Keep in mind that other admin can disagree with this decision. Happy RP at Legion City


Sep 5, 2016 10:12 AM
Jun 2016
Name : Camsen Amarette

Nickname: Sashimi

Level: 1

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Class: Rogue


Total Power Points: 12

Main Power: Salmon Blast, a power which launches a piece of salmon 3 inches long and 1 inch wide at the enemy, clouding their vision greatly with fish juice for 2 posts. It has a cooldown of 3 posts. The maximum range is 65 feet away. It costs 25 mana.

Minor Power:
Rice Daggers, a power which summons a dagger that looks like it's made of rice. The daggers cast an illusion that the daggers really are rice, making the enemy disregard the daggers as flimsy. But the dagger is actually made of Iron, so it's anything but flimsy. The illusion lasts 2 turns. It costs 20 mana.

Total Stat Points Boosters: I boosted mana.
Strength: Lv. 1
Endurance: Lv. 1
Mana: Lv. 2
Speed: Lv. 3
Agility: Lv. 3
Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
Perception: Lv. 1

Final Force:The Way of the Salmon, which is basically Salmon blast, but instead of one piece of salmon, it's 4 pieces of salmon that can hone in on any enemy that Sashimi wants them to. It costs 65 mana. The range is 40 feet. The prerequisites are Sashimi needs to be in a state of heightened emotion ( an example would be so angry she gon explode ), she needs to be below 70% HP, she needs to have some sort of injury, and she needs to be in pain.

Counter Force:
Shield of Seaweed, a power which summons a towering shield of seaweed for Sashimi to use. It works like a regular Iron shield, it just looks like, smells like, tastes like, feels like, and sounds like seaweed. It's basically just summoning a regular shield that just seems like it's seaweed. the shield is 3 feet tall, 4 inches thick, and 2 feet wide with a strap that can latch onto Sashimi's arm and keep it in place.

Equipment and Weaponry:
She nearly almost has a bento box on hand for whenever she or her friends get hungry, she usually has a spare sweatshirt, a water bottle, and her prized possession, her gameboy color. Her usual weapon is a compact club that can fold up to the size of a water bottle. If you're wondering what it looks like, it basically looks like Excalibolg from Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan. This is all packed into a blue backpack with a star design.

Skills: Baking of Might: Will win any baking challenge if the opponent has a lower perception skill than Camsen. Ocean Strength: Camsen can swim faster than anybody else if their speed stat is below hers.


Personality: Usually sleepy and lazy, but can get her ass in gear whenever there's a fight. She has a strange sense of humor which usually involves fish. She's mostly happy and peppy... And loud.

Additional Information: None really.

Theme (Optional): none

Residential Preferences: Would prefer to live in a place with a view of the ocean. Doesn't really give a care about who she lives with, as long as they're not godawfully annoying. ( Psst. I also wanna live with Najikam cause they're my friend)

Recommended by: Najikam

@Haruka Am I done yet?
BlairIsBest7Sep 10, 2016 6:52 PM
Sep 5, 2016 6:45 PM

Apr 2013

First of all: LOL

Second of all, please note that each class has a set of stat bonuses that you should incorporate into your character.

Third, please elaborate more on the blinding effect of your power and your Counter Force in general.
Sep 5, 2016 7:50 PM
Jun 2016
I don't really understand what i need to elaborate about...
Sep 5, 2016 8:32 PM

Apr 2013
BlairIsBest7 said:
I don't really understand what i need to elaborate about...

The degree of blindness for one, whether it's complete blindness or not, then for the counter force, you need to elaborate more about the nature of the shield, such as its mobility and size.
Sep 5, 2016 8:47 PM
Jun 2016
OK, I'm done. Now can we both agree to delete this conversation so that it doesn't clog up the character creation thing?
Sep 5, 2016 11:08 PM

Apr 2013
BlairIsBest7 said:
OK, I'm done. Now can we both agree to delete this conversation so that it doesn't clog up the character creation thing?

First of all, that is not necessary, it is an acceptable part of the approval process and why we have the character profiles thread.

Second, we're not done yet. Complete blinding seems to be a bit of an OP power, but is acceptable because of the cooldown. However, you should add the maximum distance of the throw. Next, your counter force is acceptable, if not underpowered, but your Final Force requires prerequisites in order to use. At the moment, she can use it whenever she wants as long as she has mana to spare. It also requires a maximum range and if there exists one, a targeting range. I also feel it's somewhat underpowered because ostensibly it's the same as your main power, just... there are 8 of them (a bit of overkill unless it's a team situation) and it homes in on people I guess. It's fine but I have to give you a fair warning that this is pretty underpowered too.

EDIT: Due to opinions from other users including another admin, I have to retract my statement that complete blinding is acceptable. Partial blinding is okay, though depending on the range and accuracy it may or may not be overpowered or underpowered.
HarukaSep 6, 2016 6:49 AM
Sep 6, 2016 3:05 AM

Apr 2013
Plinius said:
Haruka said:

Although having team focused powers is allowed and is even smiled upon, having your counter force require you to be in q team is not acceptable. Otherwise, your character seems to be okay. Perhaps also make it a bit harder for her to use her FF

I probably sidnt phrase well but my CF can be used both in team and solo, the diference is once in team the skill gains another req.

And i also edited the FF skill and adding diferent characteristics and req. I hope is better.

Joana Kenta is approved. Please post in the Character Profiles thread. She will be assigned to House A-1.
HarukaSep 6, 2016 3:11 AM
Sep 7, 2016 3:45 PM

Mar 2014
  • Name: Natasha Serafew

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: Female

  • Class: Healer

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points Used: 12/12

  • Main Power: N/A

  • Minor Power: Speedy Recovery

    Whenever Natasha uses a healing ability, the target also gains a temporary boost of +1 Speed for their next three posts. This effect does not stack if multiple healing abilities are used on a target within the three posts, however the duration of the buff is reset back to three posts each time.

  • Minor Power: Treacherous Therapy

    If Natasha lands an attack with any melee weapon, the cooldown of her last used ability is reduced by one post. This power is limited to one application for each of Natasha's posts. It matters not whether the attack hits a foe or an ally, but it must deal damage to take effect.

    (According to the rules of Powerplay, Natasha's attack will only connect during her target's post, so she will never be able to lower a CD to 0 on her own turn)

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: +1 Endurance, +1 Speed

    • Strength: Lv. 1
    • Endurance: Lv. 3
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 3
    • Speed: Lv. 2
    • Agility: Lv. 1
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 2
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force: Invoke Death

    -Natasha must be "Holy" in the eyes of her deity, meaning she must have inflicted damage on an enemy during the fight
    -None of her skills are on cooldown
    -Natasha must have at least 75% of her maximum Mana, although the Final Force does not consume any
    -All of Natasha's clerical equipment must be on her person (robe/staff/necklace)

    As long as Natasha's holy deity favours her she can Invoke Death. After uttering a quick prayer, her cloak darkens to an inky black, and her cleric staff elongates and sprouts a blade, taking the shape of a deathly scythe. Anyone close to Natasha may feel a slight chilling sensation. It is only a fraction of her God's power, but the transformation has a noticeable impact on her strength.

    For starters, all of Natasha's current allies take 5% damage without exception. If she has no allies in the battle, this has no effect.

    Natasha's Mana stat is reduced to level 1. Her Mana Regeneration is reduced to level 0. All of the stat points she loses are transferred into Strength, but still abide by, and cannot surpass, her current stat cap.
    For Example: At base, Natasha would lose 2 points in Mana, and 2 points in Mana Regeneration, and her Strength would increase by 4 levels (to level 5).

    If Natasha lands an attack with her scythe that causes at least a light wound (6%+), the target takes 10% holy damage on Natasha's next three turns, unless Natasha is defeated. Similar to Swift Recovery, this damage does not stack, but the three turn counter is refreshed on each strike, assuming sufficient damage is inflicted. Natasha herself takes 5% holy damage at the start of every turn in which she retains this form. She also loses 5% of her current Mana.

    All of Natasha's healing abilities are disabled, and she cannot be targeted by healing abilities. The only ways Natasha can return to her normal form are by dropping to 0% HP or Mana which results in her being completely drained and unable to continue fighting, or by activating her Counter Force.

  • Counter Force: Divinity Restored

    If all hope seems lost, Natasha's deity is prepared to offer aid if so desired. When she restores divinity, Natasha's own talents are increased as her spiritual connection is amplified. The only visual indication of this Force is a faint glow emanating from Natasha's necklace.

    If Natasha has Invoked Death, she returns to her normal form, which means her stats revert to normal too. Her Mana is set to 75%, minus 5% for every turn she spent Invoking Death.

    If Natasha has not Invoked Death, that Force becomes disabled for the remained of the battle, since Natasha has chosen to rely on her own skills as opposed to her God's. Her stats, HP, and Mana all remain unchanged.

    Divinity Restored lasts for one post, during which time all of Natasha's healing abilities are altered to have no cooldown. She can freely cast as many heals as she likes, assuming she has the Mana for it.

    Of course, Natasha cannot attack on the same turn she activates her Counter Force. The main draw however is that she can no longer Invoke Death, and that she will likely be drained of mana afterwards leaving her extremely vulnerable for many posts (considering her combat potential is virtually non-existent).

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    Sister Robes: A set of brilliant white robes typical of a holy woman. Upon Invoking Death the robes turn entirely dark but all physical attributes remain unchanged. They provide virtually no defence, and are not particularly easy to move in. Really though, what sort of cold-hearted bastard would ever attack a cleric?

    Necklace: An expensive looking chain necklace featuring a holy symbol. Any person with decent understanding of religion would be able to identify the symbol as a sign of the deity of death and order, Fomortiis (more info in bio).

    Cleric Staff: If the robes weren't a dead giveaway, Natasha's cleric staff solidifies her position as a lady of faith. The staff's shaft is made of pine wood, enchanted slightly. The head features a large pearl of unknown origins. This tool acts as an arcane focus that lets Natasha apply her talents with ease. Without her staff, Natasha can still heal, but the process is less efficient. The enchanted wood is what lets the staff channel Mana, and it also make it more durable. In a fight the staff can be used to deal bludgeoning damage.

    Crude Dagger: Within her robes, Natasha conceals a small dagger for self-defence. It has no holy attributes. As a cleric, Natasha is not trained to use such a weapon, but it's more deadly than her staff.

    *Holy Scythe: While Invoking Death, Natasha wields a scythe that her deity is commonly depicted with. The weapon is nearly 5 feet in length while the blade is about a foot long. It appears to be made wholly of metal, but if anyone besides Natasha were to touch it, a penetrating cold would numb their touch making its material difficult to distinguish. The scythe serves as a suitable weapon for combat, dealing slicing damage on hit.

  • Skills:
    As a cleric, Natasha is trained in many skills expected of a lady, such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and of course tending to wounds. Due to her specific set of beliefs, she is no stranger to death, and is well versed in most illnesses and herbal remedies. Constant travel has blessed Natasha with navigational skills. She is authorised to conduct proper divine worship, which includes providing religious blessings, performing burials, and initiating newcomers into her creed.

    Although Natasha isn't a fighter by name, she is trained in self-defence and can fend off the average brigand or thief. All that changes if she Invokes Death wherein her combat prowess increases immensely with the help of her God to the point where she can go toe-to-toe with highly experienced combatants.

  • Biography:
    As a child, Natasha Serafew never knew her mother. It was said to her that Mrs. Serafew passed away during childbirth, yet the memory of an ever so gentle voice seems to dwell constantly in the back of her mind, a voice she assumed to have been her mother's. The tender, loving words stuck with her from the day of her birth, "Wake up, my child..." then silenced by the sound of an infant wailing. Ever since, Natasha had been seeking a way to hear the voice again, to connect with her watchful guardian who seemed to understand her to the very core. It was a long time before she heard the voice again.

    Growing up, Natasha's father did what he could to support his daughter and himself, but it was not easy. The family of two lived in poverty, barely scraping by in their shack of a house. While father was constantly busy trying to earn a living, Natasha was mostly left to her own devices. There was no one to talk to, but Natasha was more keen on listening anyways. She listened to the sounds of the occasional passerby, and to the sounds of the surrounding wildlife, but neither were pleasing to her. Like a bear who had tasted honey for the first time, Natasha felt like no other sound could bring her genuine happiness as that voice she once heard had. It was this thought that plagued her mind, making her life joyless and empty. Surely it was out there somewhere, waiting to wrap up Natasha in warmth and put her soul at ease. When she felt capable, Natasha began venturing out of her home looking for what she had lost so long ago, and it was on one of these excursions she was stopped by a woman far older than herself who wore pristine white robes that even spurned jealousy in Natasha. The saintly lady seems shocked when her Natasha crossed her and insisted that the wandering girl must come with her. Natasha knew no better, so she let the woman lead her by the hand into unknown territory. Only a moment later a commanding shout halted the two of them as Mr. Serafew grabbed Natasha and pulled her to his side. The furious father shouted at the woman until he could barely speak, while the woman tried to explain that Natasha simply must go with her. The stubborn adults both refused to entertain the other's plea and so the father turned and led his daughter home. Throughout the engagement, Natasha couldn't help but feel the woman was genuine in her claims even though her father assured her otherwise. Nevertheless, Natasha was forbidden from journeying so far from home anymore, and with that the problem was dealt with, or at least it should have been.

    Not long afterwards, an knock alerted the Serafews as they were preparing for bed that night. People rarely walked by their little home, and visitors were unheard of. Feeling cautious, Mr. Serafew tucked Natasha into bed and hurried to answer the door. Standing there were two ladies clad in telltale white robes, one of whom had tried to abduct Natasha just days earlier. She apologised for her uncouth behaviour and began to explain herself to the father. It seemed Natasha had a mark on the nape of her neck that made her special in the eyes of their society. Upon realising Natasha was connected with the spiritual figure they worshipped, it was paramount that she be brought to their church to be evaluated by a high priestess. Mr. Serafew angrily wished the woman a goodnight before forcibly shutting the door before they could continue. The night was quiet after that and the small family rested peacefully.

    The visits did not cease however. Every few days, some preachers would knock on the door at night and explain the same sorry over and over again, about how supremely important Natasha was to their cause, and that she belonged within their sect. Mr. Serafew was having more and more trouble getting together enough coin to even feed his daughter, sometimes skipping food for days to ensure Natasha could eat. When the church took notice of his state, they promised that Natasha would be well cared for within their walls, granted proper food, a clean shelter, and any luxury she could want. The choice was unimaginably difficult, but in the end Natasha was left in the care of the sisters and thus she was adopted into the church of Fomortiis.

    During her stay in the church, Natasha learned everything there was to know about Fomortiis.

    The being known as the God of death and order is often depicted as a cloaked figure holding a long scythe, sometimes as a man and other times a woman. Despite the deity's morbid association, it is rarely ever associated with evil. Instead Fomortiis is perceived to be the force responsible for the continuing cycle of life. It is common for followers of Fomortiis to conduct burial ceremonies and lay souls to rest, yet their presence is by no means a standard for these events. As a whole, Fomortiis is not widely recognised as a holy figure. In fact many people know nothing about the religion, as the order is mostly private. People who are born close to death, like Natasha, often have a stronger connection to this deity, and are highly revered by believers. They often end up in positions of high authority in churches.

    Natasha quickly discovered that she did have a connection to Fomortiis. It was like she had discovered a long lost friend; someone she could rely on to protect her always. The bond with her deity was mutually beneficial. Natasha would serve as a vessel for the god's will and in return Fomortiis named her a champion and granted her the joy she so long sought. Together they vowed to bring order to the broken world.

    Olimpia, a city of chaos, was in most need of order, and Natasha, being the most powerful cleric of the order, was sent there to perform work on behalf of the church. Her duty was simple: bring peace to the living and bring peace to the dead. If Fomortiis so wished, she would have to bring death to the living too, but bringing life to the dead was a bit beyond her current abilities.

  • Personality:
    Not only clerical in appearance, Natasha behaves in a manner so pure she could put saints to shame. Those who know no better might think her incapable of sin, and that's not far off the mark. Natasha is guided by her faith, and, if it were to contradict her principles, she would disregard logic with a soft smile on her lips. The only time her expression would dip into a frown is as a sign of sympathy for another. It is not uncommon for Natasha to get so caught up in her duties that she entirely disregards her own well-being. More extreme situations could result Natasha passing out, or developing a dreadful fever. Those, however, are the kind of mistakes Natasha would never learn from. The best way to describe her would be a radiant altruist, yet those who do not require her aid may lost their patience with her.

    When interacting with others Natasha tends to come off as reserved and unassuming. Her demure demeanour is wonderful for bringing calm to people, because who would need to keep their guard up around the most unassuming soul on the planet. Nerves rarely shake Natasha since she has a firm hold on her emotions at all times. Within her, there is no capacity for anger, and she could find good in even the most heinous criminals. Above all else her unconditional innocence is blinding. It's as if, in her eyes, there is no evil in the world, and one again that's not far off the mark.

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: No
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

  • Recommended by: Arc/Otonashi

RedPtolemySep 7, 2016 10:51 PM
RP characters: Freya
Sep 8, 2016 2:02 PM

Dec 2015
  • Name: Mauri Yuuki
  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Brutal dog
  • Level: 1
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Gladiator
  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12

  • Main Power: Gravity manipulation
    Yuuki is able to change the forces of gravity itself, increasing or decreasing the weight of her body. This allows her to perform really swift or really heavy strikes. The downside is that she can only use this on herself and not on others or objects. She can increase or decrease her weight up to a maximun of adding 20 Kg and 15 Kg when decreasing her weight. These weights acant be inreased extra in further tounds. This can be applied to specific body parts or her whole body. She has to wait 5 seconds before she can switch again. Costs 5 mana per switch.

  • Minor Power: None

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 4
    • Endurance: Lv. 2
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 3
    • Agility: Lv. 1
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 2

  • Final Force: Force hammer

    -Costs 50 mana
    -The enemy must have used his Final Force already before Yuuki did.
    -Enemies must be under 60% health
    -Takes 1 post to cast and Last for 3 posts

    Yuuki breaks the limits of her power, allowing her to manipulate the gravity of other people. She then tries to force them to the ground with extremely heavy gravity allowing her to move freely. THe amount of force she can exert on enemies is up to 30 Kg and only in a 10 meter radius of Yuuki. This effect can be partially resisted is the enemy’s strength stat is greater than Yuuki.

  • Counter Force: Berserk
    Yuuki flies mad with rage, sacrificing all of her defense for extraordinary strength and speed. In this state she will truly try to hunt you and can hardly be reasoned with. This state will last until she lost enough stamina or taken enough damage for her to come back to her senses. Yuuki must be under 30% of her health to be able to activate this. In this state she gains +3 strength and +3 speed, and does not feel pain. But she takes 1.5X as much damage.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    6 kunai's
    A master crafted katana
  • Skills:
    Brawlers sword fighting- A self-taught sword style which utilizes the sword in one hand and the free hand for punching and throwing kunai's. Yuuki is ambidextrous, so it doesn't matter in which hand she uses it.

  • Biography:
    Yuuki was born in an environment where one simple rule was known to everyone, you steal or you die. Living in the bottom of society, she was forced to grow up quickly resulting in a rather cold personality. Then at some point Yuuki found out fighting others for stuff was way more fun than stealing, and so quickly finished polishing her brawling skills. This resulted in her being called the Brutal dog of the street, named after her bloodlust when fighting strong enemies. After a while she got in contact with a self-proclaimed sword master called Kenny, he offered her fighting and sword lessons in trade of some shelter. This however didn't last long. Yuuki accidentally found out about her gravity manipulation powers when training. After practicing a bit Yuuki forced Kenny's defeat after 1 month. She then took his sword and some food and found a banner for Olympia in it seeing it as the perfect chance for her insatiable need of strong enemies. She then set off for Olympia.

  • Personality:
    Due to her living circumstances Yuuki normally acts with a rather cold personality which results in others not approaching her as much. But when not fighting, Yuuki is actually not threatening at all, being able to converse with others with a rather laidback personality. She is also a huge food lover, and is thus easily bribed with good food. She also doesn’t really know how to act as a girl so you can break her character a bit if you embarrass her.

  • Theme :

  • Residential Preferences:
    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with: No, as long as they can prepare good food.

AllSep 13, 2016 11:55 PM
Sep 8, 2016 5:20 PM

Jul 2015
Ishiki Sura

"My imagination is big one day, then plummets down to an empty trash can the next day."

Avnore_AlterSep 10, 2016 11:38 PM

Sep 8, 2016 7:48 PM

Aug 2013
  • Name : Akunin Ikari

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Bad Influince

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Gladiator

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 6

  • Main Power: Electric Manipulation- Akunin is able to use mana to conduct electricity through his body (as if his body was wire) and manipulate it to do various attacks with it. The downside to this power is, of course, water. Also, he must charge for 2 posts to be able to use one ability once. (I will have a counter in each post for this.) This includes:

    Object Creation- With a cooldown of 2 objects at a time (and having to wait for 1 post after destroying one to make another), Akunin is able to create objects and weapons, such as a sword or even a vase. However, he is not able to create stuff like bombs or nukes. (Well, he can, but it can't explode. It'll just be an object in the shape of a bomb or nuke.) For each object, however, he uses up 20 mana points per object creation. Also, he loses 5 mana per post while the objects created from this ability are in existence.

    Charged Physical Attacks- With a time limit of 3 posts per usage, and a 1 post cooldown, Akunin is able to enhance his attacks with an electric charge. He can, then, strike his opponent with punches, kicks, etc., leaving burns on them when his strikes land. For each use, however, he uses up 30 mana points.

  • Stats

    • Strength: Lv. 3
    • Endurance: Lv. 2
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 2
    • Agility: Lv. 3
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 2
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force: Electric Sky Blast-to-Superman EMP Punch
    Once activated and set up, Akunin will be able to blast up 30 feet in the sky and comes straight back down to earth, punching the ground to unleash an electric-charged blast in all directions. Getting hit by this blast will leave severe burns and possibly light any kind of flammable object on fire.

    Set up- For Akunin to set up this Final Force, he has to be constantly charging at a power source for 5 posts during battle. (i.e Batteries, Electric Devices, etc.) Also, at the same time, he has to not use his primary power whatsoever, leaving him at a major disadvantage.

  • Counter Force: Electric-to-Hellfire Unleashed
    Once activated, Akunin unleashed a huge amount of electricity, which explodes into blue hellfire. This enhances his stats 1 levels higher for 5 posts and works like Charged attacks times 2. However, once this deactivates, Akunin is instantly KO'd by electric charges in his body.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    He has a really nice, aluminum bat and a toy shotgun that he uses for intimidation.

  • Biography:
    So, Akunin, when he was 16, got mixed up with the wrong group. He would steal from people, cripple some other people, and use his powers in abusive ways. Needless to say, he was a pretty bad person. However, it was around when he was 18 that he started to contemplate if what he did was right or not. This led to him wanting out of the group he was in, but he was in too deep at that point. So, he soon became a slave to them, making him ever more frustrated before he unleashed for the first time and discovered his secret potential with his ability. He took out those group of idiots and looked for some way to earn quite a bit of cash using his abilities. Luckily, some idiot in the sky decided to create a place just like that, so Akunin decided to steal the money out of some poor guy's wallet and get on the next trip up there. This is where his story begins...

  • Personality:
    Akunin has anger issues, can sometimes get depressed, can be irritated quickly, can get blinded by his anger, doesn't like drugs or alcohol, hates authority, can sometimes bee too serious, can sometimes be too goofy, is bi, dislike feminists, and can abuse his powers quite a he doesn't like cheese. To put it simply, Akunin has quite a bit of problem, with the power he has not helping his case, but there can be times when he can be nice...but a lot of time when he can be annoying, terrible to be aligned with, and deadly to go up against.

  • Additional Information: Any additional things you may want to add for this character

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

LeCroweSep 9, 2016 8:11 PM
Sep 8, 2016 8:34 PM

Mar 2016
Toloria Satara

"Imma big bug!"

Darth_LewdiousOct 25, 2016 8:50 PM
Sep 9, 2016 8:35 PM

Nov 2013
SoulXtreme said:

Akunin Ikari

is approved to enter in Olimpia. Please add your character at Character Profile. Keep in mind that other admin can disagree with this decision. Happy RP at Legion City

-House A-1-


Sep 9, 2016 8:37 PM

Apr 2013

Toloria Satara is approved. Please post in the Character Profiles thread. She will be assigned to House A-1.
Sep 10, 2016 2:24 PM
Jun 2016
@Haruka I fixed my character, is there anything else I need to add?
Sep 10, 2016 4:01 PM

Apr 2013
BlairIsBest7 said:
@Haruka I fixed my character, is there anything else I need to add?

Looks good, just one more thing; please add a prerequisite for your Final Force.
Sep 10, 2016 4:21 PM
Jun 2016
@Haruka What is a prerequisite? From the root words, I can guess it means I need to have something or do something before I can use my final force.
Sep 10, 2016 6:18 PM

Apr 2013
BlairIsBest7 said:
@Haruka What is a prerequisite? From the root words, I can guess it means I need to have something or do something before I can use my final force.

Correct. While the condition for activating a CF is merely losing 50% health, the conditions for FF needs to be created/mentioned by the character creator themselves.
Sep 10, 2016 9:18 PM

Apr 2013

First of all, J.A.N. is simply too powerful. Portals alone already border on teleportation, which is banned in many RPs, and is so versatile it can count for a main power on its own. Adding to that, it has four rather unique uses of it and is only one of the two summons your character has, it's far too OP.

The crab is fine for the most part except maybe it's second attack, which effect of immobilizing people might be considered a bit OP. Maybe tone it down to 1 post and remove one or two abilities of the crab.

Second, your character is a mage, but his powers have negligible mana costs, which is not acceptable. 25 mana and 5 mana per post for a mage is nothing, considering by default they have at least 200 mana and 20 mana/post regen. Add to that the fact that the summon can exist indefinitely, and there are simply too few drawbacks, especially given the strong nature of the summons in general. Perhaps increase summoning and maintenance cost, or make him lose mana each time a summon uses an ability.

Third, for your final force, 3 of the 4 prerequisites are not really concrete, and you can easily make up reasoning for fulfilling them so long as the first one is fulfilled. Furthermore the FF itself is a bit OP, since +2 stats for 7 posts is a little excessive, especially when coupled with not spending mana (meaning 7 posts worth of mana regen, +1 mana regen at that) and having powers from your summons.

Finally, you mentioned a lot of times about health. Could you tell me what you mean by this?
Sep 10, 2016 10:26 PM

Jul 2015
Fixed, I changed J.A.N.'s first ability to energy blades, however if you think that he is still too powerful, I'll just have to remove scaling from him, and for Krabster (he's a lobster, don't ask why his name is Krabster) I took away Splash Flare entirely. I also reduced his perception to two and increased his strength to three.

Secondly, I increased Ishiki's mana cost from 25 to 50 and 5 per post to 15 per post. Additionally, Ishiki' can't regain mana either if a guardian is on the field.

Third, I took away anything about health being an alternate expense.

Finally, my Final Force has been reduced to three prerequisites that should be concrete enough. The stat boosts also don't boost all the stats, but only strength, speed and agility by one stat point.

Now just one question, am I able to change the post picture anytime? I plan to change it in the future or will I have to post in the request thread and request for a picture change?

Sep 10, 2016 10:54 PM

Apr 2013

J.A.N. seems more balanced now, but I'm concerned about the nature of its attacks, are they unblockable?

I think it may be a case of overcompensating with no mana regen at all while you have your summon, but if you're okay with it then I guess it's fine.

FF seems completely acceptable now.

At the moment, rules dictate that you should post in the request thread for that, though it is reasonable to assume that it will be accepted handily.
Sep 10, 2016 11:41 PM

Jul 2015
I updated the rift and his sniper shot. His rifts can be blocked, but will instead be deflected to another direction so it still has the chance of hitting someone else. As for his sniper shot, that is unblockable, but can essily be dodged if it is anticipated.

I see, then I'll use that thread then to switch my char pic then.

Sep 11, 2016 12:09 AM

Apr 2013

Ishiki Sura is approved. Please post in the Character Profiles thread. He will be assigned to House A-2.
Sep 11, 2016 1:35 AM

Dec 2011
  • Name : Frank Papau

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: The Sword Saint

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 17

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Duelist

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main Power:N/A

  • Minor Power: N/A

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 6

    • Strength: Lv. 3
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 2
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 3
    • Agility: Lv. 3
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 4

  • Final Force: Blade of Judgement
    • Atleast 100 Mana available in the area ( Individual Fights )/Atleast 500 Mana available in the area ( Team Fights )
    • Needs a sword equipped

    Gathering the mana in the area, the user channels it towards their sword, after which they finally unleash a powerful blast upon their target. The Mana gathered is forcefully drained from the occupants of the area, draining 100% of the user, but only only capable of touching a max of 25% of the other occupants' current Mana. The blast impacts a radius of 3m, with the target as it's center. This blast can be channeled for one turn at it's minimum, but does not have a maximum turn of charging. They can charge until they use up all the mana in the area, to then unleash it.
      Mana absorbed from the area:
    • One Turn: 20% of the User's Mana + 5% of the other occupants' current Mana
    • Two Turns: 40% of the User's Mana + 10% of the other occupants' current Mana
    • Three Turns: 60% of the User's Mana + 15% of the occupants' current Mana
    • Four turns: 80% of the User's Mana + 20% of the occupants' current Mana
    • Five turns: 100% of the User's Mana + 25% of the occupants' current Mana

    Depending on the mana absorbed, the blast's damage changes. Mana available in the area depends on the occupants of that area, being a minimum of 100, from the user themselves.
      Damage depending on Mana absorbed ( On Level 1 Endurance ):
    • 0~50 Mana: 70%
    • 51~100 Mana: 140%
    • 101~200 Mana: 210%
    • 201~400 Mana: 280%
    • 401~800 Mana: 350%
    • And so on.. ( Mana absorbed per increase = double of absorbed amount before: Damage + 70% )

    The user also absorbs Mana used during charge-up, but is vulnerable to attack until released. Any normal weapon is destroyed after usage. The Dragon Sword Reid is one of the exceptions and does not get destroyed. If attacked, the user's channel gets interrupted and they cannot continue the charge. What is charged is then unleashed.

  • Counter Force: Dragon Sword Reid
    • Be at 50% Health or Lower

    The user is equipped with the Dragon Sword "Reid", a sword of unlimited potential. Just like a dragon, it's strength is unparalleled to any other, sharp enough to cut through a Dragon's Scales. But there is one thing that the user cannot do. Draw the sword at any given time. Finally deeming their opponent worthy, the user is capable of unleashing the sword's true potential, granting them a boost in Strength, Speed, Stamina, Perception, and Agility. Gaining 1 Level in each of those stats. Each turn the user gets drained of 2% Health and Stamina. The user also gains an immensely intimidating aura, which works greatly on animals with lower intelligence. This is also known as the Aura of the Dragon.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    • Reid
    • Clothes, as seen in the picture
    • Armor, worn in combat on top of his clothes, seen in this picture ( Note: Only the white armor )

  • Skills:
    • Dueling
    • Swordfighting
    • Swordsmanship

  • Biography:

  • Personality: Although his classing says otherwise, Frank is a knight of the greatest honor. Modest and honorable, he takes his enemies with seriousness, respecting each and everyone of them. Kind, cheerful, and friendly, he does not speak ill of his peers, or anyone else. It also seems to be difficult to keep him down. Truly, he values the oath of knights above all.

  • Additional Information:

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences:
    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: (Yes)/No
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: (No)/Yes:

  • Recommended by: N/A

Discount66Sep 24, 2016 3:35 AM
Sep 11, 2016 2:58 AM

Apr 2013
  • Name : Hisakawa Hisao

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: The Crimson Reaper

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 25

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Skirmisher

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main Power:
    Scorched Earth

  • Minor Power:
    Wind Walk

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: Costs 2 power points, increases stat level by one each

    • Strength: Lv. 1
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 2
    • Mana: Lv. 2
    • Speed: Lv. 2
    • Agility: Lv. 2
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 2

  • Final Force:

    Crimson Rose

  • Counter Force:

    Spirit Walk

  • Equipment and Weaponry:

    -20 assorted, lightweight stainless steel throwing knives
    -1 smoke grenade
    -1 flashbang
    -1 tazer,

    All hidden under his coat.

  • Skills:

    -Ambush Tactics
    -Tactical Bombing
    -Guerilla warfare
    -Mind games
    -Fairly advanced martial arts
    -Master Manipulator
    -Can lie through his teeth extremely convincingly
    -Hard to read because of his sociopathy
    -Master of disguise

  • Biography:
    Hisakawa Hisao was born a normal child in a normal family. Hisao always seemed like an odd child to everyone around him. He seemed amused by a lot of things, even things other children would be afraid or disgusted of. He would torture and play around with animals, laugh and enjoy bullies, and so on. He also seemed very perceptive of adults and their lies, making him looked down upon by adults as he exposed lies about them. What was unnerving though, was his apparent self-consciousness about this. He knew the world's rules-and played with it. He would manipulate people to his benefit, sometimes even going so far as to ignore morality altogether to get what he wanted. He eventually joined the mafia, which he was only using to get more money and because he thought it was interesting. With the world being at peace though, he could only do damage here and there before being contained. One day, when he was experimenting with dangerous runes, he found that he could make a ritual which gifted him with the destructive runes and the wind runes. He smiled. Perfect. The next month, a series of explosions in several areas were reported. In each instance, he was spotted with his arms apart, smelling the smoke and apparently enjoying it. Eventually he had been captured. He broke out though, before being captured again after another series of events. This went on and on, until he had heard about the city in the sky. He smiled. This was way more interesting than that boring cycle. And so, he made a deal with the authorities that he would not do any damage anymore, in exchange of being assigned to go up to Olimpia to fight. This was accepted, and now here he is.

  • Personality:
    Playful, manipulative, charming and sociopathic, Hisao's only motivation is to see the entertainment humans can bring on this earth. He finds many things interesting and usually goes to odd and extraordinary lengths to achieve his goals and to create interesting situations, though he does know of social norms, albeit he does not really care about them much, with the same goes with morality. He often lies convincingly and is incredibly cheerful, playful and charming.

  • Additional Information: In all of his public appearances, he had disguised himself as someone else, and so his identity is not public knowledge, instead, there exists the urban legend of the crimson reaper.

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

  • Recommended by: Fill this in with the username who invited you if this is your first time making a character.

HarukaOct 1, 2016 4:54 AM
Sep 11, 2016 3:16 AM

Nov 2013

First of all welcome to the club.

Now for the character I have a couple of question s about it.

1- "Mana that had been used in the area lingers" This means enemies as well? If so how will this mana "Linger"? Does it stay on the last place that the spell was casted? And how do you consume it? Elaborate please.
2- You FF needs a sword, and if I am right, your only sword is the one you get from CF. So do you mean you will always have a random sword on the beginning of the match?
3- Is your FF a long ranged skill? Can it be canceled? Does casting the skill had any disadvantage to your character?
4- Your CF is way to powerful. Having your character with max stats, makes it stronger than any other player in the "game". I suggest remaking the power.
PliniusSep 11, 2016 3:31 AM
Sep 11, 2016 1:27 PM

Dec 2011
Thank you for the welcome.
1- "Mana that had been used in the area lingers" This means enemies as well? If so how will this mana "Linger"? Does it stay on the last place that the spell was casted? And how do you consume it? Elaborate please.
It's quite simple. Once mana is used, for spells or anything, it is exposed to the atmosphere. It does not completely vanish, therefore it lingers. It stays around for some time.

Of course, this means enemy Mana as well as allied Mana. Spells cast will leave a trace of Mana in it's wake.

He does not consume it, rather than that, Frank absorbs the Mana. Which is then used to boost his own capabilities. Think of it like channeling Mana into a weapon. But instead of the Mana inside his body, he uses the Mana in the area, channeling it into his own body. Although this is different for his FF, in which he absorbs and channels it towards his weapon.

2- You FF needs a sword, and if I am right, your only sword is the one you get from CF. So do you mean you will always have a random sword on the beginning of the match?
It needs a sword, yes. Frank's only sword, unless given to him, or picked up somewhere else, is from his CF. Unless he is able to pick up a sword, or take a sword from someone, he wouldn't be able to use the FF.

3- Is your FF a long ranged skill? Can it be canceled? Does casting the skill had any disadvantage to your character?
It is a long ranged skill, as it is capable of hitting a target away from the user. Casting the skill leaves the user vulnerable to attacks, as said in the FF itself.

4- Your CF is way to powerful. Having your character with max stats, makes it stronger than any other player in the "game". I suggest remaking the power.
Instead of remaking it, I toned down the boost by quite a lot. If you would take a look, I'm sure you agree that it was indeed nerfed a lot.
Sep 12, 2016 5:23 AM

Dec 2011
I have finished editing, Bio is still being worked on however.
Sep 12, 2016 5:40 AM

Nov 2013
SimplicityKnight said:
I have finished editing, Bio is still being worked on however.

"Gathering the mana in the area, the user channels it towards their sword, after which they finally unleash a powerful blast upon their target. The Mana gathered is forcefully drained from the occupants of the area, draining 100% of the user, but only only capable of touching a max of 50% of the other occupants' current Mana."

This means that if someone uses a skill of 100 mana cost, there will be 50 mana on the field? I just want to make sure that the Opponent mana poll will not be affected by your skill.
PliniusSep 12, 2016 5:44 AM
Sep 12, 2016 6:01 AM

Dec 2011
Their Mana pool is affected by the spell, let me make that clearer. But it taps to a smaller amount than the entirety of their pool.
Sep 12, 2016 6:07 AM

Nov 2015
Name: Buster Highman
Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Ladies' Man
Age: 46
Gender: Male

Level: 1
Class: Knight


Total Power Points: 12/12

Main Power: Thick and Massive
Buster is a force not to be ignored.
  • You're bigger than my husband! - Buster stands at 11 ft. tall, easily towering over anyone. In addition to this, he has a very muscular build.
  • Massive Poundin' - All of his attacks stagger enemies hit, even throwing them off-balance at times.
  • Rock-Hard - Buster cannot be moved unwillingly, unless if the method of movement is magical in nature (e.g. gravity manipulation) or if the moving force has a greater STR stat than Buster.
  • Long-Lasting - Gravel does not feel pain and thus cannot be hindered by damage. He can run even with a fractured knee. Attacks will not interrupt or halt Buster's movement.
  • Ruthless Poundin' - Buster's attacks deal slightly reduced damage when blocked as long as Buster has a higher STR stat than the defender. Thus, evasive maneuvers are more effective against him.
  • Thirty Years of Experience - Buster's grip is nearly unbreakable. Those with lower STR will not be able to break free from his grasp. Take note that those with STR equal to that of Buster's will still require considerable effort to be able to escape from his grip.

Total Stat Boosters: 3 (+2 STR, +1 END)
  • Strength: Lv. 4
  • Endurance: Lv. 4
  • Stamina: Lv. 2
  • Mana: Lv. 1
  • Speed: Lv. 1
  • Agility: Lv. 1
  • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
  • Perception: Lv. 1

Final Force: "Final Force" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Buster loses 20% of his maximum HP and 50 mana upon activation of this ability. This grants him a one-rank increase in strength and endurance, as well as a two-rank increase in speed. This buff lasts for four turns, but will be removed immediately once Buster reaches 10% HP or lower.

Upon removal of the buff, Buster recovers 25% of his maximum HP.

  • Buster's HP must not be lower than 30% and must not be higher than 70%.
  • Buster must have 50 mana or higher to activate this ability.

Counter Force: Twice The Fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
While at 50% HP or less, Buster may choose to sacrifice 30 mana to grow another set of arms. This will also grant him a one-rank increase to agility.

Equipment and Weaponry:
Heavy steel armor and a steel sword (shown in picture). He has two extra vambraces, rerebraces, gauntlets and couters for his extra arms. When not in use, these additional pieces of steel are attached to Buster's armor for additional protection.
Buster wields a huge thick rod heavy flanged mace and a steel sword, both of unnaturally large size. People of smaller size than Buster would have to wield one of these monstrosities with two hands, whereas Buster may hold it in one hand with ease.

  • Pleasuring the ladies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Pissing men off
  • Weightlifting
  • Hand-to-glandhand combat

Personality: Friend to all men (maybe), more than just a friend to all women.
Residential Preferences:
Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Oh, definitely.
Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? Fubuki Type-3
Additional Information: Buster has a deep and sexy voice.
Theme (Optional):

Known under many titles - The Thrice-Crowned King, The Uniter of The Two Kingdoms, The Dragonslayer, Champion of Man, and many more - was Rammer Highman, brother to Buster. Buster, on the other hand, was the less-known half of the two, but later gained his own place as one of the world's strongest fighters, as well the world's tallest man. This earned him reputation among the ladies.

Years passed, and Buster had slept with more than 10,000 women - a different woman a night for thirty years. Many were young ladies, princesses, countesses, and some were just daughters of peasants or regular barkeepers, but none of them were safe from the Ladies' Man's gaze. He had way more women than his more glorious brother.

Until one day, Buster said to himself, "I should probably look for a hobby."

Now entering the arena, Buster Highman strives to be among the most victorious fighters in Olimpia, for his own sake, as well as for the sake of his 10,000-something children.

Recommended by: RedPtolemy
Nice--Sep 13, 2016 12:49 AM
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Sep 12, 2016 6:10 AM

Nov 2013
SimplicityKnight said:
Their Mana pool is affected by the spell, let me make that clearer. But it taps to a smaller amount than the entirety of their pool.

Five turns: 100% of the User's Mana + 50% of the occupants' current Mana

Meaning that at max power you mana (100) and for example haru char (300) mana you would deal to her 100+150 mana which is equal to 280% Damage. That is if she is full mana. Is this okay in one versus one? I think? But is still pretty strong for a lvl one scaling, you do know that you will be able to rank you FF up later on.

The other problem will be in Team Battles, does it mean when you use the skill, you will "steal" from all the enemies on the area?
Sep 12, 2016 6:11 AM

Dec 2011
That is seeing as he is capable of charging 5 turns. Would making him forced to stop charging once he gets hit balance it out?

Sep 12, 2016 6:26 AM

Apr 2013

While your character's power might be considered incredibly OP vs. Static fighters, especially lower stat ones (example: My Sakurako), that case is niche enough to make me overlook it. However, I am quite wary of a main power without any mana costs. Could you fit any costs into it?

The second and last powers seem a bit powerful though, the former because it means he's immovable even by strong attacks, which limits combat strategy (the problem of which is that it's absolute) and the latter because it's basically an instakill for lower stat persons. Given each of these are 1/6th of his main power, it seems a bit much.

Finally although your CF is acceptable, if underpowered (just growing arms? nothing more? Also, no mana cost?) your FF definitely needs more prerequisites, because at the moment, he can basically use it at any point during battle.
Sep 12, 2016 6:40 AM

Nov 2013
SimplicityKnight said:
Their Mana pool is affected by the spell, let me make that clearer. But it taps to a smaller amount than the entirety of their pool.

I am sorry that I am asking so many questions, but you power confuses me, unless Haru can understand it better than I do, I will keep trying to understand it, since it lacks some information.

- Atleast 100 Mana available in the area. -> Does this include your own mana or only the enemy mana?
Sep 12, 2016 6:58 AM

Dec 2011
It is fine.

It includes Mana in the area. I'm sorry, it used to be the same build as my Minor Power which fed on Mana in the Area, rather than Mana in the individual. I have to edit it. Would it be okay if the Mana available was boosted up into 500 Collective Mana from all people in the area?

This would require there to be atleast 500 Mana from everyone in the area to be used.
Sep 12, 2016 7:39 AM

Nov 2013
SimplicityKnight said:
It is fine.

It includes Mana in the area. I'm sorry, it used to be the same build as my Minor Power which fed on Mana in the Area, rather than Mana in the individual. I have to edit it. Would it be okay if the Mana available was boosted up into 500 Collective Mana from all people in the area?

This would require there to be atleast 500 Mana from everyone in the area to be used.

SO adding the interruption and the minimum 500 mana to start channeling your skill, at least in team fights should be good now. I think you can leave the 100 mana necessary in one v one.
Now since you don't have cooldowns I will have you to add a duration that this mana lingers, or like Haruka said in the club comments an maximum absorption per post.

Please do edit the changes we are making, so both of us can keep up with it.
Sep 12, 2016 7:59 AM

Dec 2011
I have lowered the Mana Absorption from 10/20/30/40/50 to 5/10/15/20/25. I had thought that FF and CF are only able to be used once in a battle, so cooldowns weren't necessary.
Sep 12, 2016 8:22 AM

Nov 2013
SimplicityKnight said:

Okay, I am sorry it took sometime to approve it, but hey, its my first time approving a char :3
Keep in mind, that my approval might not be accepted by others admin, so if anyone wants you to change anything go ahead.

Frank Papau
is approved to enter in Olimpia. Please add your character at Character Profile. Keep in mind that other admins can disagree with this decision. Happy RP at Legion City


House Assigned - House A-2

Sep 12, 2016 10:23 AM

May 2015
  • Name : Emma Rose
  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Red Rose Knight

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 23

  • Gender: Female

  • Class:Knight

  • Appearance:


  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main Power:
    Costs 6 Points, be sure to include a name and a concise description, including weaknesses and limitations.

  • Minor Power:
    Red Rose Technique:Rose thorn

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 4

    • Strength: Lv. 2
    • Endurance: Lv. 3
    • Stamina: Lv. 2
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 3
    • Agility: Lv. 2
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 2

  • Final Force:
    Red Rose Technique:Blood Rose
    Prerequisites:This power is payed in blood and sacrifices her ability to have a main power. So if She has 20% health or less and doesn't use her counter Force She Meets all requirements. This does cost EVERY LAST BIT OF HER MANA, and what ever health that is needed to subtract so it equal 5 but if it is at five she will be at 2.

    The Blood Rose when activated turns the sky, and everything else except people and roses red for at least 20m. Roses turn white and start growing rapidly fast within 5m. Her right eye will begin to glow red and leaking with Red energy. Her sword will then start to drip with blood, and Her strength and speed get a +4 when it activates . This lasts 6 posts, and when it is over she collapses and is unconscious and is left with 5% health left.

  • Counter Force:.
    Requirement is 50% health or less and 20 mana points
    Red Rose energy shield:
    The Red Rose Energy Shield Or R.R.E.S. Is meant to protect her and any allies from range magic or weaponry. it instantly Deflects any magic or arrows/bullets in any random direction. The direction is up to the opponent to decide. (just thought might as well throw in a flaw like that). This forces the opponent into melee combat so they have charge in with a sword or melee weapon (guns double up as a melee weapons.) can go thru into the shield. This drains 20 points of mana and last only two turns. How the power works is a glowing Red rose tattoo like this:
    This will appear on her left cheek to symbolize its activation.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    Her sword seen in her battle pic, a small orb that will digitize her clothes (so it would quickly change her outfits if she is too far away from them.)
    Her battle armor, and her normal clothes.

  • Skills:
    Cooking, Baking, and Gardening.
  • Biography:
    Lets start with the beginning on a fall morning with two Waring nations. The skies filled with ships of many kind as ground forces clashed blades, Firing weapons of different kinds at one another, sending beams of red and blue energy everywhere. Emma was there at age twelve to fight for her younger brother, who had died in the bombing runs the night before. She was fighting for the Crimson Nation until she was captured by Frontilone forces. The Crimson nation fell within three days later after the Crimson king was killed. While three day war raged Emma was sent to an orphanage where she stayed there for two years. No one would adopt her during that time all because she was one of the children that were from the Crimson lands. Until her twelfth birthday the King of Frontilone arrived. He had arrived with his wife who in in matter of fact, was good friends with the caretaker of the orphanage Emma stayed at. The Wife had heard about Emma from the caretaker, and after talking with the king he agreed. They agreed that their children were older and didn't need their guidance anymore. So they took Emma under their wing and adopted her Making her the second princess of Frontilone. Her new and older sibling the two princes and the princess welcomed her with open arms. Her older sister taught her how to cook as her brothers showed her how to fight with a sword, and read texts and other langues like elvish. Her new father the king would always show her some neat magic tricks and helped her with her Powers, and how to understand them and use them. The king would sometimes find a time for just him and her where they would go and visit where she once called home, and put roses on her younger brother's grave. The king told her from time to time to protect the people who are close to her. Her new mother the queen taught her to be polite and always have a kind heart. She also taught Emma how to tend to the garden, and taught her if a gentlemen was out of his place to strike him where it hurts or use other tactics. When she turned twenty three Her older brother took power after the king died of old age. She decided to leave and with her brother's permission was aloud to do so. When she was about to leave was given a music box to hold on to which plays her theme by her sister, her mother gave her the clothes orb, Her brothers gave her her armor and Sword. She said her farewells and left the kingdom meeting many people along the way. Well one day on her travels she heard about Legion City from a friend she had saved from some bandits. So hearing about the place She decided that is where she will finish her training and show the world what a Knight of Frontilone can do.

  • Personality:
    Emma's Personality is her being kind and caring. She will always try to help a friend in need, or if there is trouble she will come running. If you try to be a pervert with her she will go with it for a little bit but be careful. (Warning to all perverted male characters. PROTECT YOURSELVES IN THE LOWER ZONE, AND PREPARE FOR A SWIFT STRIKE.) She likes to get to know people and hear their stories and stuff about them. She Also loves chocolate, cookies, and tea of any kind. She hates beer, cigarettes, and men that try to sleep with her when they first meet.

  • Additional Information:
    She has Nightmares of her dead younger brother, and the dead bodies of the Battlefield and the cries of wounded who begged for water or food.
    The quickest way to Win her over in an argument. Is to hold up a chocolate bar unless its for perverted reasons then she will side with someone else.
  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: no

  • Recommended by: it was either havoc or huruka

Morco3131Sep 15, 2016 6:10 PM
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Sep 12, 2016 5:44 PM

Aug 2013

Alright. Let's look at your character:

First off, your main power is barely detailed and doesn't explain how he uses his power, nor does it specify how each attack costs a certain amount of mana. Please change this by listing abilities that he has due to this power and how much mana it drains when used.

Second, your Final Force is too Overpowered. Freezing time is metagaming, powerplaying, and godmodding no matter how you look at it. Please change it to something that is not as OP.

Lastly, your Counter Force is OP for the same reasons as your FF. Please change it.

Thank you for listening!
Sep 12, 2016 6:24 PM

Nov 2015
I am quite wary of a main power without any mana costs. Could you fit any costs into it?

Considering that all of Buster's powers are just additional feats of strength, I highly doubt they require mana costs.
The second and last powers seem a bit powerful though, the former because it means he's immovable even by strong attacks, which limits combat strategy (the problem of which is that it's absolute) and the latter because it's basically an instakill for lower stat persons. Given each of these are 1/6th of his main power, it seems a bit much.

Changed "Thirty Years of Experience" so that those with equal or higher strength can break free from Buster's grasp. It would be illogical for someone with lower strength to be able to break free.

I don't see how being immovable puts Buster at a huge advantage. Considering that he has LV1 speed, his only choice is to force someone to be within melee range. Buster is pretty much a walking nuisance if he can be pushed back by arrows and such.
Finally although your CF is acceptable, if underpowered (just growing arms? nothing more? Also, no mana cost?) your FF definitely needs more prerequisites, because at the moment, he can basically use it at any point during battle.

I don't see why anything and everything has to have a mana cost. His counter force serves to give him an advantage when he's in a bind. Added a +1 agility buff to his counter force.

Added an additional prerequisite to Buster's FF. (Buster must be at 70% HP or less.)
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Sep 12, 2016 6:39 PM

Apr 2013

It is an unspoken rule that all active abilities need to have mana costs, otherwise the mana stat itself becomes irrelevant. I can somewhat accept that the nature of your main power is passive, and thus it may not need mana, although that unsettles me a lot. A main power that's completely passive is extremely rare.

For your CF, you grow arms. That is not passive, and thus require a mana cost.

I still consider your FF relatively too easy to do for that benefit, however I do ask about the 20% decrease. Does this mean he loses 20% HP, i.e. from 80/100 to 60/100, or does it impact his maximum HP, i.e. from 80/100 to 60/80 for the rest of the match?

For the latter, the FF seems more justifiable, I'm not sure if it's only the former.


Your character seems reasonable, the only thing I think is not is the FF, which raises all parameters by 2, decrease it to 1 and it may be okay. Also, just a note, but in this RP guns are nerfed to be treated like guns in fantasy i.e. can be dodged more easily, etc. for balance reasons, just so you know.
HarukaSep 12, 2016 6:44 PM
Sep 12, 2016 7:08 PM

Nov 2015

Counter Force now requires 30 mana to be activated.

Buster only loses 20% HP upon activation. It does not affect his maximum HP.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Sep 12, 2016 7:16 PM

Mar 2016

Changes to FF made and gun nerf noted.
Sep 12, 2016 9:50 PM

Dec 2015
  • Name : Byaku

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: Cold-eyed Child Assassin

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 16

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Rogue

  • Appearance::

  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main Power: Black Blood
    His blood can harden to become as harder than iron and soften again,he also has a lot more blood inside of him at all times so he wouldn't go out by lack of blood by compressing it all. But this also means that he wont bleed unless he does it on purpose. The reason as to why

    The blood can be controlled in a 10 m radius outside of his body too and can only be there for 5 posts because the black blood can't live long outside the body of its host because its like a parasite. But by using 20 mana he can control all blood outside of his body for 5 posts as well

    And he can harden his body to become as harder than iron for 10 mana for 2 posts and after it will automatically soften

  • Minor Power: None

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 3
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 4
    • Agility: Lv. 3
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force: Ragnarok

    * 50 Mana
    * 2% hp for the blood

    Duration: 4 posts

    Byaku bleeds black black blood out of his right hand engulfing his weapon of Creating a weapon relying if he is using one or not, which will take the form of a broadsword that can cut even steel with ease and if it deals a deep enough wound it will spread a poison that will decrease your stamina by 3%

  • Counter Force:: Mad Blood

    *50% hp

    Once activated the parasite will take over the host and cover the entire body in black blood because it senses danger, increasing his stats strength, speed, agility, endurance and stamina + 1
    Each post the parasite has control the user will take 3% hp damage.

  • Equipment and Weaponry: He has a hidden blade in each his light Titanium woven Gauntlets and cloth shoes that can that be brought out and in with a easy trigger only he knows, 6 dirks And his Favorite Shortsword Precella

  • Skills: Highly skilled in assassination, swordsmanship, planning and martial arts.

  • Biography::

    Byaku was a child of a poor family with 1 little brother and sister and a mother.
    His father had been sentenced to death when he was 2 years old because he had been blamed for the act of a crime that was actually committed by a noble.

    They lived in the ghetto because they could otherwise not afford the damage of the ''supposed crime'' his father had done in order to keep afloat his mother had to do hard overworking labor for well under paid services. Because of the unhealthy labor his mother had to do for 5 years she had died of overworking.

    Byaku seeing that he had to do something to keep his family afloat he went into the assassination business when he was only 7 years old, because of his naturally strong body.

    He was willing to do even the cruelest of assassination possible if it meant that he could feed his family and maybe even send them to a official school, because he wanted to at least give him family a normal life without problems of good food or clean water.

    He was ready to kill anyone for the right price over the years that he worked as assassin and he would train hard and diligent in order to become strong enough so he wouldn't have to worry about being killed on a assignment, which would resort into his family being alone and even being sold as slaves to nobles.

    Because of this decision he would eventually take part in a experiment where the black blood parasite was introduced to him. Which weirdly enough formed into his first friendship.

  • Personality: Because of his horrible past he has become cold towards anyone who he doesn't see as friends or his family.

  • Theme::

  • Residential Preferences:

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different gender: Yes
    - Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: H A-2
  • Recommended by: N/A
ByakugaranSep 26, 2016 6:22 AM
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