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Jul 13, 2015 11:49 PM

Nov 2013
Darknessscythe said:
You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a lose-lose situation. In other words you're DOOMED! :D

More accurately, he's fucked.
Jul 15, 2015 12:37 PM

Sep 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
Darknessscythe said:
You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a lose-lose situation. In other words you're DOOMED! :D

More accurately, he's fucked.

So...a win-win situation?
Jul 20, 2015 9:27 PM

Jul 2013
Sword Art Online Abridged episode one said it best at 7:15 in the video, and I quote, "We're Fucked!"
Aug 16, 2015 8:20 PM

Jul 2013

Entry 72:
Day 92:
Today is the day we arrive at the Sunken City. I’m am still sore from last nights… activities. But Merry is excited, more so than I have seen her in a long time, and her higher than usual energy is encouraging TNA to be even more active themselves. I’m excited myself but… after last night I just don’t have the energy for this. The only one in the room who is not really excited is Veronica. She is in a better mood than I thought she would be but she isn’t exactly jumping for joy at the fact we just arrived at the city I’m going to get married in. Not much I can do about her though. These next few days belong to Merry, and she knows it.

”Oh what should I wear?” Merry happily pondered as she had a number of mermaid bras laid out on the bed. ”Darling and I are getting married tomorrow.” She put more of an inflection on keywords than necessary as she leaned back to look at Veronica. ”Oh what am I to do?” I think she was having a little too much fun trying to get under Veronica’s skin.

”I’m sure whatever you pick will look lovely.” I chose a cheesy line to maybe get her to lay off Veronica.

”That’s sweet Darling.” Merry replied as she continued to playfully leer at Veronica. ”But these are some very special days for us. I want a special swimsuit.” She suddenly seemed surprised as she thought of something. ”That reminds me, you need to put on some swim wear too, if we are going to be swimming most of the day.” That was true, it made me regret not having picked out a better swimsuit for myself. I have a couple but nothing special, very basic swim shorts.

”Why don’t you both just go skinny dipping?” Doe asked with a giggle.

”Yeah, that will save you the trouble of getting it off later.” Tally added with a laugh.

”As nice as that sounds…” Merry pondered as she gave me a smirk that did nothing to hide her own lustful desires. ”’s no good. I don’t want to start a feeding frenzy.”

”What will they be feeding on?” Ina asked with a giggle.

”Dick, of course.” Sara quickly answered.

”Really?!” Su excitedly joined in. ”That sounds awesome, you should totally do it!”

”I agree.” Tiki happily clapped with approval. ”What do you say Big Bro?”

”I think I’m good with the frenzy you all had last night.” I really thought I was going to die there.

”Yeah, that was fun!” Nip giggled.

”It’s always great when we all come together as a family.” Sis added with a laugh, was that pun intentional?

”Just don’t forget who’s the favorite.” Merry really is rather please at herself that she won that little contest, I still want to know where she learned that trick with her breasts.

”Yeah, well who cares if you won?!” I don’t know if Annie was more upset that TNA lost to Merry or if what Merry made me say really got to her.

”It wasn’t true what you said, was it Big Bro?” Abigail asked, eyes tearing up with worry. ”That small breasted girls like us will never be enough for you?”

”Oh that?” Being reminded had my eyes drawn toward Merry’s barely covered rack. ”No, it’s not true at all.” But I do have to figure out what I have to do to get her to do that again.

”Enough consoling the losers darling.” Merry said as she held up another swimsuit at such an angle that I got a good view of side boob. ”Help me pick something to wear.” I think I’m leaning toward Tally’s plan.

Brushing the dangerous thought aside as I dug out my own swimsuit, I came across the white swimsuit I bought in the desert. ”How about this one?”

Merry looked up, puzzled for a second. ”When did you get that?”

”I’ve uhh… had it for a while but I kept forgetting to give it to you.” Things just kept coming up. ”I got it for you in Sefaria.”

Merry looked at the swimsuit for a while before gently taking it into her arms. It is not the fanciest of swimsuits but, as they say, it’s the thought that counts. She held it tightly as she gave me a loving smile. ”Thank you darling, I love it.” Her smile was beautiful, wish I would have given it to her sooner. Without delay Merry began to change into her new swimsuit, for the brief period she was naked I regretted not going with Tally’s plan. ”How do I look Darling?”

The white cloth was modest but in usual fashion for this world it did little to cover her assets. ”Nice.” Was all I could say.

”Big Sis is wearing white again.” Su commented with a giggle.

”Just like we all were.” Tally added with a chuckle. ”Last night.”

”Gross.” Veronica let out.

”Don’t worry, we can get you dressed in white too!” Tiki proclaimed. I’m not surprised she didn’t ask me.

”I appreciate the offer, but…” Veronica seemed disturbed by the thought, well she has only done it once.

”But I won’t allow it.” Merry clung to me as she gave Veronica a smirk. ”I am the one marrying Darling. Understand?”

”You don’t have to start a fight.” I understand Merry’s possessiveness but she does not have to be mean.

”It’s alright Jonathan.” Not backing down to Merry’s goading, Veronica smirks back. ”Go ahead and get married, I’m happy for you.” It sounds sweet but wait for it. ”It won’t make much difference, we already have plans to date.” There it is.

That time Veronica hit a particularly sensitive nerve with Merry. ”You… you… you… bitch!” Merry momentarily changes into her more monstrous form as she makes a swipe at Veronica, but Veronica expected it and she jumped back. ”You may think you have a chance…” Merry took a few deep breaths before calming down and returning to her more pleasant form. ”...but after our honeymoon we will return to Alanor, and your mother doesn’t approve of darling.”

Just like Veronica’s remark, Merry’s also hits a sore spot. Unlike Merry however, Veronica just grits her teeth at the stinging truth. ”... you don’t have to remind me.”

Not wanting to spend today upset, Merry just gave a sigh. ”Well, tomorrow is our big day so I’m willing to let some things slide.” Merry then turned to me with a smile as she held out her hand. ”Shall we go, Darling?”

We come out of our room to find everyone already at work. Not surprising, Merry did take quite a bit longer to get ready than usual. ”Finally have the strength to get out of bed?” Felisha asked from the helm in a teasing manner, guess she heard us. ”We had begun to wonder if we had a casualty.”

”He told me what I wanted to hear, so he gets to live.” Merry replied in what I hope was a teasing manner. ”So I assume you will be needing the spell again today?”

”Yes. There will be others who can provide the service once we arrive… but I’d rather not pay their fee.” Felisha chuckled at her own honesty. ”You took your sweet time coming out of your room so I’d rather not call everyone from their post. Be a dear and go to them yourself will ya?”

”Alright, alright.” Merry happily agreed, she really does seem more chipper than usual.

”Shall I accompany you?” I offered.

”That’s alright.” Merry flashed me a quick wink. ”You just wait right there until I come back.” With that, Merry skipped off for the lower levels. She’s getting better but in her excitement I think she forgot she is still a little unsteady on her human legs and she almost tripped as she made her way toward the stairs.

I look around to see the usual people in the usual places. Felisha is handing the ship over to Michaela, Una is on the mast, and TNA is flying around the ship looking for ways to stave their boredom. Of course we have our guests with us this time. Ryan is sitting on the stairs leading to the helm while Ione cautiously kept an eye on him after last night's incident. ”What’s with her?” Veronica asked. Right, she was the only one who didn’t see Ryan’s little episode.

I give a nervous chuckle at Veronica’s question, I’m not sure how I should answer. Instead, I walk up to Ryan. ”Are you feeling better today?” I ask.

”I assume you mean last night? I don’t have any recollection of it, but apparently I was too stressed or something.” So he doesn’t remember?

”I see…” I still remember the sight of him in Merry’s arms, I still don’t like it. ”...just try not to let it happen again.”

”Is there another issue I should be aware of?” Ryan quizzically asked.

”Is this about what made you jealous?” Veronica asked. ”Seriously, what did I miss last night?”

”Big Brofriend threw a fit last night.” Ina answered with a giggle. That’s one way to put it.

”Turns out Big Sis is drawn toward that kinda thing.” Sis added. I guess that’s one way to put it.

”So Big Sis went up to him and put his head on her crouch.” Su stated. That’s… an interesting word choice.

”And like that, Big Brofriend slept with Big Sis.” Tiki giggled. Pun intended.

”And then they fucked.” Sara stated. No… not even.

”They didn’t fuck.” Honestly, do I even need to state the correction at this point? ”Can you all please leave it alone, I’m not proud of myself.”

”Can’t leave it alone.” Annie giggled. ”It will just get worse.”

”The best way to deal with it is to fight it head on!” Nip shouted.

”I’m not going to try to stop myself from getting jealous, I’m just going to try not to get jealous over something so petty.” I wanted to make that clear to them.

”Yeah! Fucking is no big deal.” Sara happily agreed.

”That is not what I meant!” Why do I even bother? With a long sigh I just let the comment go, I may not be as excited as Merry but I’m still a bit giddy. After all, it’s almost here.

”So, tomorrow’s the big day huh?” Veronica asked, seemingly reading my mind.

”Y-yeah.” I’m not really sure how to act around Veronica right now. I’m excited that I’m finally getting married to Merry but I know how Veronica feels about me and it makes things kinda awkward. To make matters more complicated, I can’t really get a feel for Veronica’s mood. She seems to be acting cheerful at least but I doubt everything is ok on the inside. ”Merry and I need to meet our contact and make the arrangements tonight so we can have the ceremony tomorrow.” That’s the plan at least.

”What all are you planning for the ceremony?” Veronica continued to ask, I really thought it might be something she’d want to avoid.

”Taking notes for future reference?” Ryan asked.

I give a nervous laugh at Ryan’s comment. I can only take these things one step at a time. ”Well, we don’t have a lot of money so it’s not going to be anything fancy. Just saying our vows and the permanent water breathing spell and that will probably be it.” And I’m not even sure what that is going to cost us.

”Will Merry be satisfied with that?” Veronica asked. Again, her interest is puzzling.

I could only give another nervous laugh, I think Merry will take whatever she can get but how happy our honeymoon will be could depend on this. ”Well… it can’t be helped, our funds are limited.” Not to mention that I’m not sure I’ll have a job when we get back to Alnor.

Veronica seemed to consider something for a while before she spoke again. ”...well… having to be money conscious for you wedding is just… sad.” She commented as she turned to her side and reached into one of her pockets. ”I had a feeling something like this would come up so… here.” She handed me a small ornate box with red velvet on the outside and gold trim. ”Just… be very careful with it.”

From her words it really seemed it was an important item. I gently took the box from her as I opened it with mixed feelings. The inside was just as ornate and fancy as the outside and well cushioned in the center was a gold stamp with a vial of some red liquid. ”What is it?” I asked.

”That stamp holds my family’s seal and the blood wax in the vial is a secret recipe even I don’t know how to make yet. Any parchment stamped using those two items may as well have been signed by my mother herself.” Veronica became a bit flustered as I’m sure my jaw dropped as the significance of this sunk in. ”W-we regularly trade with the sunken city… so it should be accepted in place of upfront payment.”

”So it’s effectively you’re mother’s credit card?” Ryan asked. Yeah, I picked up on that too. I’m sure there will be many words in the future over Veronica giving me this.

”But Veronica I can’t accept this. Your mother…” I started as I tried to picture the normally composed Vampire in a legitimate rage.

”Forget about my mother!” She shouted as she closed the box and forced it against my chest. ”She is already going to be pissed at me, so don’t worry about that. I am doing this for you so… just shut up and take it already!” She was becoming more flustered, this truly is no small gift she is giving me.

I have to admit that I quickly lost my resolve to refuse the offer. What was going to be just a simple ceremony with just the two of us probably has now opened up to nearly endless possibility. ”Alright, I’ll take good care of it.” This box will never leave my person. ”And I’ll be sure to pay back everything I spend.”

”Well…” Veronica was going to say something but after thinking about it she changed her mind. With a smirk she added. ”That’s right, you will have to pay back every single gold… with interest!” With a big smile she confidently crosses her arms. ”So go and have your big wedding, because you are going to be stuck with me for a long time.”

Ryan laughs to himself as he listens. I could not help but laugh either, I feel like there are some ulterior motives to giving me this. But you know what? I’m okay with that. ”Very well. Just keep the payments manageable.” Don’t want my loan shark draining the blood bank on me.

It was not much longer before Merry came up from below deck. She had lost the spring in her step and seemed to be slightly flustered as she did her best to remain composed as she rejoined us. Once she was with us she cleared her throat. ”Your uh… werewolf seemed to be… ‘having fun’ downstairs.” Ryan just let out an amused laugh hearing this, seems he already knew what was going on. Merry then noticed the box I was clinging to like my life depended on it. ”Where did you get that, Darling?”

Clearing my throat as I try to avoid direct eye contact. ”It’s just a little something Veronica gave me.”

”It’s a loan.” Veronica corrected, I was really hoping she would just let it go. ”It’s so you can go and have your big wedding and…”

”Oh thank you!” Merry excitedly shouted as she gave Veronica a big hug, to her surprise. ”I was afraid we would have to do something simple but now we can have the best wedding ever!” I think I can already feel the encroaching burden of debt.

”H-he’ll have to pay me back you know!” This seemed to be a different reaction than Veronica was expecting, she flailed about as she didn’t know what to do.

”Well, we will deal with that when the time comes.” Merry replied as she let Veronica go with a genuine smile. ”For now just…” She glanced to Sara with a giggle. ”...fuck it.”

”Fuck it!” TNA cheered, something tells me they don’t really understand what is going on and something tells me I am going to be saddled with this debt for a long, long time.

”Well before you go off to spend obscene amounts of money, you have a job to finish.” Felisha chuckled as she joined us with Michaela and Una, glad everyone is taking my debt so lightly.

Ryan gives me a sympathetic glance as everyone on deck lines up for their turn for the spell. With nothing else to do at the moment, I stay by Merry’s side as she finishes up her job. I catch a few remarks after they have received the spell.

Ione quietly accepts the spell and Una just pats my shoulders before climbing the mast again, was that supposed to be sympathy? ”Like many things, your burden is lessened if you only take what is necessary.” Michaela offered as advice but somehow I feel that ship has sailed.

”So when’s the bachelor party?” Ryan asked after receiving the spell. Is that even a thing here?

”Oh don’t worry.” Felisha was not afraid to make her comment in the process of receiving the spell. ”There is a bit of a tradition.” Felisha winked at me once Merry was done. ”Look forward to it.”

Once she was done, Merry stood straight as she gave Felisha a formal salute. ”Captain, the task has been completed as per your orders.” She was being very formal about this. ”May we have your leave to disembark?”

”There is still about an hour before we arrive.” Felisha replied as she stared Merry down with her arms crossed. ”Still plenty of time to do work.” But Merry was undeterred, she continued to stand there with her solute. Eventually Felisha just scoffed. ”Good lord, go have fun you two.”

Immediately after permission was granted, Merry reaffirmed her salute. ”Thank you captain!” And promptly leapt overboard with me in tow. Before I had even remembered I can breathe in the water Merry clenched me tightly. ”Hold on Darling, we are still a ways from the sunken city and we are going there at full speed!” With a few flicks of her powerful tail we go speeding ahead of the ship, it was difficult to keep my eyes open from the pressure of the water we were rushing through it.

”Think we are going fast enough?” I’m excited too but we have all day.

”You want faster?” Merry giggled as she forced my head into her cleavage. ”Alright, but don’t you dare look Darling.” I could feel Merry’s smooth skin become scaly and rough as she morphed into her more monstrous form and then with another kick of her tail we were speeding even faster than before. The water pressure was almost unbearable and it would have been even worse if Merry hadn’t been shielding me with her surprisingly strong arms. She my look and even feel a little rough around the edges but even in this form she is still the girl I love. ”Grahhhhh!!!” Merry gave a loud shout as she gave her all to power through the water at full speed. She even seemed to be enjoying herself, I’ve never seen her this excited.

What would have taken almost an hour by boat was reduced to only a few minutes with Merry sprinting for the finish with all her might. Course I could do little more than hold on until Merry finally slowed down as the city came into view. ”We’re here.” Merry huffed, winded even in her monstrous form after the miles of high speed swimming she did. But as she took a moment to pretty up I had an opportunity to see for myself what the city had to offer. I must say, of all the capitals I’ve seen this one is certainly the most visually impressive. Floating high above the city and the water breathing spell keeping my vision clear I could see the entire city as it sits on top of an undersea mountain. Taking full advantage of the 3d mobility available to the undersea residents, there were many towers and spires carved out of the sea stones and there were just as many ‘roads’ running up and down the steep face of the mountain as there were running around the base and shelves that have been carefully carved out to work as a base for everything else. And there may be less light available deep in the water but this is by no means a dark place. Showing that the sea will take second to none when it comes to beauty, the city uses living corral that lives and thrives on the buildings under the care of the residents that live with it providing stunning shades of red, orange, and yellow to give a feeling of warmth at the cold depths. And the few buildings with no coral are polished to a shine that seems to dance through the city as they reflect the light scattered by the waves above. The whole city is beautiful but it is clear the wealthy claim higher positions on the mountain and the jewel crowning it all is Lord Michiko’s castle itself.

While most of the buildings in the upper parts of the sunken city have coral growing on them, Michiko’s castle takes it another step further and is actually made of living coral. While the calm lord’s and the fickle lord’s castles were fairly modest with the exception of a few details, the wise lord’s castle is truly grand in scale. The low weight environment allows the central spire and surrounding towers to rise high above sea mount as they stretch toward the surface and I’m sure the volume held within is no less impressive. But despite being underwater there is still a wall to separate the castle from those who would try to enter uninvited. Which reminds me, I hope there was no issue getting our invitation.

”This is it darling,” Merry excitedly clasped her hands with glee, ”we are finally here.”

We are finally here. Seeing it in front of my eyes, so close I can almost touch it… I’m really starting to get excited. ”It’s been a long trip, we’ve been through a lot to get here.” I swim in front of Merry, unable to resist making a dramatic pose to a glorious backdrop. ”But the sunken city is right here and our wedding is but a day away.” Taking a bow, I request Merry’s hand. ”May I have the privilege of taking my lovely fiancé on one last date before she becomes my beautiful wife?”

”Oh, darling.” Putty in the hands. ”You know flattery will get you everywhere.” She takes my hand but then switches so that she is the one closer to the city. ”But you are a slow swimmer Darling, so I will be leading you if you don’t mind.”

Jeez, she can at least let me act cool. ”Alright, but you have to buy me lunch.” Can’t cherry pick role switching after all.

Merry holds her free hand to her mouth as she giggles. ”Whatever you say, Darling.”

Guiding me along at a much more casual but still brisk pace, Merry leads me to the city. The city is big and we have no idea where anything is, so we decided to start from one of the middle shelves and see where it takes us. As we got closer it became easier to see that it was not just a city that happens to be underwater, there were a number of things that really set it apart. First was how busy the city is, I’m tempted to say it is even busier than Alnor. Not only do you have people going to and fro with appointments to keep, goods to sell and deliver, and so on but the 3D environment really makes you feel clustered. No matter how busy or crowded other cities got you never had to worry about people being above or below you. Not to mention that the various shops and stalls that line the ‘streets’ can be stacked on top of each other as well as being next to one another. I’ve never been one to like large crowds so it was a bit unnerving for me. I made sure to keep a tight grip on Merry’s hand, I’m so grateful I have her with me. Course that is another thing, the people here are different too. Of course you obviously have the aquatic types that are rare in land cities, cancers, neried, mermaids, sea slimes, and scylla, but it seems like they are more colorful than normal especially the mermaids. I try not to let my eyes wonder too much for obvious reasons but it is hard to not be distracted by the girls here. The environment the girls grow up in must have an influence on their appearance; Mermaids with brightly colored hair and tails with large fluttering fins, Scylla with complex and vibrant patters that they can seem to change at will, sea slimes with large dress like bells, and cancers with coral mimicking armored bodies. They are all beautiful but let’s not forget that I am a man surrounded by these likely lonely beauties. There seems to be an even lower ration of men to monsters here and I can feel the usual gazes coming at me from all angles. I feel like a guppy in a shark tank, one wrong move and I will be swallowed whole or at least part of me will, did I mention how glad I am to have Merry with me. Finally, there is one last thing that makes this city seem different. The city may have more people but everything seems ordered and peaceful, at least from my perspective. ”It’s weird not being with TNA.” I comment to the nice change of pace. It’s been more than ten minutes and I have not been dragged into a fight they started, or had to pay for anything they broke or stole, or had to apologize for their constant prying, or nearly been raped because they encouraged someone to have at me. Are all cities this peaceful?

”I can imagine.” Merry giggled. ”Haven’t they been with you since you got here?” There have been a few moments here and there where they haven’t been around. ”Do you miss them?”

”I do.” What can I say, the little imps have grown on me. ”But right now I am with you and it’s been a while since we’ve had some quality time alone together.” In fact it seems like she hasn’t been around that much with her striker work. ”Let’s enjoy it.”

Merry happily nods with a bright smile. ”Right, let’s go!” She takes my hand and we begin our trip though the city anew.

Not worried about getting married for the moment and enjoying our date we began to tour around the city. Since we had no idea where anything was we decided to ask where some popular date spots were. ”Oh are you two on a date?!” The merrow shouted with glee as she clasped her hands, we asked her because she really stuck out with her bright orange tail, red hair, and coral design stitched into her pink hat. ”Can I join?” You know there is a certain charm to just going for broke like that.

”No way.” Merry’s answer was accompanied by a smile but was quick and brutal as ever.

”Can’t blame a girl for trying.” The merrow hung her head with a sigh but only a moment later she sprung back and seemed even more energetic than before. ”So what are you looking for? Locations? Activities? Or… some ‘alone time’?” That last one was added with a slight blush by the merrow.

”I think it’s a little early for our ‘alone time.’” Merry replied with a giggle before turning to me with a flirtatious wink. ”What do you think Darling?”

W-was that a trick question? Was I supposed to agree with her or go for the sex? I mean I’m always all for the sex option but we have things to do today. Besides, we are in a new city so shouldn’t we actually see the city? ”H-how about we start with some locations?” I hesitantly suggested.

”Interesting choice darling.” Merry replied with a smile, not sure if I made the right choice.

”Well if it’s locations you want you can’t beat Coral Sea Park.” The merrow happily suggested. ”It’s a very popular spot for couples. I’ve always wanted to go.” She not so subtly hinted, points for trying.

”Just tell us how to get there.” Merry’s smile was visibly forced this time.

”Erk! R-right.” The merrow nervously shirked back. ”Well it’s on the other side of the city but you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it.”

”Alright, that’s all we need to know.” Merry says before offering a hand to me. ”Shall we go darling?”

I knew I needed Merry to get anywhere in a timely manner but I did not like her having to pull me everywhere. ”I’m counting on you, honey.” I don’t like it but I accept the offer anyway.

”This wouldn’t be your first time in the city by any chance?” The merrow curiously asked.

”Yes it is.” Merry happily replied. ”We are actually visiting from Amarante.”

”Wow, that’s quite the trip.” The merrow excitedly clasped her hands again. ”So you probably don’t know about the city streams.”

”City streams?” Merry and I both asked, never hear of them.

”That’s right.” The merrow proudly began to explain as if it were her own accomplishment. ”This may be an underwater city but we get a lot of land dwelling visitors. The problem is that even if visitors can have the water breathing spell cast on them, most land dwellers can’t swim very fast… if at all.” She giggles to herself with that last bit, I imagine she has witnessed some fairly hilarious moments. ”But never fear because our great city boasts the best public transportation system in the world!” Rather dramatic that one. ”Of course we have a taxi system that can take you wherever you want to go for a modest fee but the city streams allow even the slowest of swimmers to travel the city on their own free of charge.”

Alright, I’ll bite. ”Where are these city streams?”

”Take a look.” Following the point of her finger, my gaze is lead to a tower like structure. It has a fairly simple shape, rounded walls and a dome top and is one of the structures that is polished rather than coraled. It does have one very prominent feature though, it has a tunnel through it with lines of humans and monsters both land and sea traveling through it. A current would explain why they are all traveling through the tunnel instead of swimming directly to their destination, and why they are moving so fast. ”The same magic that can provide running water on land provides steady currents to move people in the sea. All you have to do is find the current and let it take you along. The city has eleven currents guided by the rune towers that you see lining the city. Five ring currents that alternate between moving clockwise or counter clockwise around the city as you use higher or lower ones. Then six vertical currents that alternate between rise and fall as you circle the city.” With a playful wink she signifies she has finished. ”Did you get all that?”

”I think so. Five stream around, three up, and three down.” I mutter, sounds simple enough.

”That’s right.” The merrow happily nods before showing a lustful smile. ”Now, in exchange for the information…”

”Alright, let’s go darling!” Merry said as she dragged me off before the merrow could even make her request.

”Hey! No fair!” The merrow shouted in protest but did not give chase.

Having an idea of where to go now, Merry lead us to the city stream the merrow pointed out to us. For a moment we just waited as we watched a steady flow of people float past us. ”Well, this is it. We just have to take this to the other side of the city.” Merry looked at me and gave a smile. ”Ready?”

”When you are.” I replied.

”Ok, here we go.” Moving in front of me and leading with both hands, Merry swims backwards until I feel the flow of water begin to carry us along.

It wasn’t an incredibly fast stream but it was much faster than I could swim and I could let go of Merry’s hands and just watch the city flow by as we were carried along. ”This is nice, it’s like a lazy river. Now I don’t need you to pull me everywhere.” I still had to do a bit of swimming to make sure I stayed in the stream but other than that I was free to float along at a good speed.

”What’s wrong? Don’t you like holding my hand?” Merry playfully pouted.

”Oh, don’t be like that.” I chuckle as I swim next to her and take her hand. ”See? Now I can hold your hand because I want to, not because I have to.”

”Oh, darling.” Merry was certainly happy, although I did feel the ire of some of the nearby monsters.

So we held hands as we floated along with the current, watching the scenery pass by, until we got to one of the guide towers. Like a large pump the tower sucked you in as you got towards it and threw you out once inside, giving a nice speed boost. This process repeated a few more times until we reached the other side of the city. It was not too hard to spot the park, it was untouched amidst even the buildings seemingly covered in coral. ”I think this is our stop.” I announced as we got as close to the park as I felt the current would take us.

”Looks like it.” Leading me by the hand again, Merry pulled us out of the current and gently guided me into the park. The park was untouched by artificial structures but you could tell it was well traveled. There were wide ‘paths’ weaved in various directions through the coral and we were far from the only couple using them. Like the merrow said, it seemed like everyone here was either a couple or a family. The amount of activity going on meant there were no big fish in the park but there were still plenty of small schools, crabs, sea urchins, starfish, and anemones. I was enjoying getting a close look at the more flowery marine life and Merry was there with me but she would get distracted every now and then by a passing couple, particularly any with children. ”That’s going to be us before long.” Merry said with soft longing as she watched one mermaid-human couple as they guided their young daughter through the park. I must admit I was nervous when I first learned Tally was pregnant, I didn’t know if I was ready to be a father, but the closer the day gets the more I look forward to it. Course that is Tally I’m talking about, right now I’m with Merry and she’s getting impatient with me.

”Just a couple more days.” I mutter as the family swims by. ”We’ll be married, you’ll be blessed, and…” I hesitated to say the last part.

”I’ll be carrying our child.” Merry happily finished. ”The first of many.”

As I nervously laughed at the prospect I felt a tug on my leg. Looking down it was the little mermaid kid from before, she looked up at me with a big smile minus a couple missing teeth. ”There she is!” The mermaid mom frantically swam up as she pulled the little fry away. ”Sorry about that, she loves to meet new people.” The mermaid said as she addressed us, brushing her bright red hair back as it settled. ”Take her eyes off her for a second and off she goes.”

”It’s no problem.” I reply as I motion for her to calm down. ”I know the feeling, I have to deal with kids all the time.” In a sense at least.

”Oh, do you have kids as well?” The dark-haired man wearing a tight open vest bashfully scratched his head as he joined us.

”Not yet, but we will soon.” Merry answered as she bent down and gave the little girl a sweet smile. ”Well hello there, what’s your name?”

”My name is Samantha.” The little mermaid answered with her toothy grin again, with the dark hair of her father and some light freckles from her mother she was quite the little cutie.

”Well, aren’t you just the most adorable little thing.” Merry said with delight as she patted the little girl’s head, the girl giggling as she did.

”So are you two from around here or…” The man addressed me as he let Merry fawn over his daughter.

”We’re just visiting.” I answer with a laugh, seeing Merry had forgotten I existed for a while. ”We’re actually going to get married and hopefully be blessed tomorrow.”

”Well, congratulations and best of luck to you. You’ll need it, the little ones can be quite the handful.” The man said with a laugh, the kind of laugh that let me know he has had troubles of his own. ”So what about you? Are you from around here or…” Was he referring to Earth this time?

”I-I’m from Earth.” I nervously answered. The way he was asking made me uneasy, especially as he leaned in to whisper.

”Just a heads up, the kids here are a lot different from the kids back home. They mature a lot quicker and can get ‘attached’ more easily. Be careful how you act around them, don’t want to send the wrong message.” Once he finished, he straightened up and acted like what he said was no big deal at all.

”I-I’ll keep that in mind.” Why do I get the feeling TNA would encourage such behavior?

As we were finished talking it looked like the mother was ready to go. ”Alright, say bye-bye to the nice lady.” The redhead said as she picked up her daughter.

”Bye-bye lady.” The little girl waved as she was carried off.

Merry continued to smile long after they had left. ”She’s so cute, I could just take her home with me.”

”I know you want a lot of children but don’t go taking other people’s kids.” Adoption is an option but let’s keep it to children that need it.

”I don’t need to take other’s kids.” Merry sultrily swam up to me and began drawing circles on my chest with her finger. ”Because you are going to give me all I could want, right?” Goddamn she sounded sexy, seems being around kids really gets her in the mood to make some.

”Be gentle with me.” Though it feels like that’s becoming less of an option.

Barely containing her urges for the moment, we continued to explore the park. In the center we found the only artificial structure in the whole park, a statue depicting a solemn image of who I can only assume is Lord Michiko. Looking at the plaque on the memorial is a long list of names. At first I assumed the memorial was for an accident or fight of some kind but as I took a closer look I noticed that it said: ‘”In memory of my lost loves, gone but never forgotten.” This memorial is dedicated to all of the wise lord’s devoted consorts. May their bodies know rest and their spirits know peace.’ The memorial was to Michiko’s consorts?! There were 75 names on the thing, I counted three times. I know monsters are long lived but just how long has the wise lord been around? But as I was being impressed by the lord’s age Merry was having a much more somber moment.

”All of these names…” Merry muttered as she placed a hand on the plaque. ”…every last one she invited to her bed, invited to her heart, and then… was helpless to watch as time took them away, even a lord’s power is nothing in the face of it.” Taking her hand from the plaque she places it over her heart. ”I could not do it, to watch someone I love pass away and then find someone new. I just… couldn’t imagine.”

I placed my hand over the list of names. There are so many that all I saw was the amount of time that must have passed. I overlooked that all of these names was once someone that meant at least something to the lord, someone she lost. ”Time, it’s something you girls have a lot more of than humans do.” In some ways it is enviable, but in others it is sad. ”I cannot imagine losing someone I love either.” I cannot even comprehend. ”But at the same time I cannot imagine such a long life. They say time heals all wounds, and I don’t think anyone wants to be lonely forever.” Well, this topic got depressing. I shake my head and focus on more happy thoughts. ”But why are we talking about this? We are getting married tomorrow, this is supposed to be a happy day.” I took Merry’s hand and began to lead her away. ”C’mon honey, let’s continue our date.”

Merry was still deep in thought but she eventually nodded with a smile. ”You’re right, darling. Lead the way.”

With me leading Merry this time, we slowly made our way out of the park and back to the city stream. As we floated along I watched for what looked like a good shopping district. ”Here we go, this is good.” I say as I lead Merry from the stream to the busy street.

”Where are we going?” Merry asks with a giggle, I think she likes me taking the initiative like this.

”I want to browse the stores with my girlfriend. We didn’t do nearly enough of it in Alnor and we should do it one more time before we are married.” Anything to brighten the mood.

”Ok, but where should we start?” My tactic seemed to be working.

”How about that one?” First one I saw, good as any right? What I didn’t realize was that first store was a sex store and… good lord the walls were lined with dildos. All shapes all sizes, from tiny fairy teasers to centaur strapons. This was not what I had in mind. ”Sorry, I meant the next one!” Flustered, I lead Merry out of the store.

”Wait!” Merry said as she stopped me, she was a little flustered herself. ”This store is fine. I… I don’t want you to be shy about this stuff with me.” I’m not sure, but I think this was her way of saying she wants to know about my fetishes, my desires. With that kind of determination, I had to agree.

We looked through the goods nervously under the gaze of the attentive but unobtrusive clerk. As would be expected, the shop was far more catered toward women than men. In fact there seemed to be absolutely no pocket pussies or onaholes of any kind, course I can understand why the demand would be so low. Course that’s not to say there were no items for men. Cock rings, male enhancements, and penis stretchers were plentiful. But of course the store was mostly lingerie, fetish wear, lubricants, aphrodisiacs, and of course sex toys. I had to be extra careful with what my eyes lingered on because Merry was with me the entire time. Of course as she was watching me, I was watching her.

”Hmm, what do you think of this darling?” Merry asked as she pulled a see-through red nighty from the rack. ”Does this turn you on?” She was certainly being forward.

”I’m sure you wearing it would, but I think it would be more you than the nighty.” I’m still more than awed by Merry’s body as it is. I have not really learned the appeal of this kind of apparel.

”That does not help, darling.” She sounded kinda disappointed as she put the outfit back.

”Well, if you want to wear something that will perk my interest…” I quickly scanned the area and my eyes quickly landed on a pair of put on cat ears, I do have a nekomimi fetish. ”I think you would be pretty cute as a catfish.”

”Absolutely not!” Merry shouted as she turned red. ”I will not dress as a cat!” That reaction was cute.

”I know, I know.” I laughed. ”You hate cats, I’m just teasing.” Mostly anyway.

So we passed by the apparel and the lubricants, Merry does not need it and TNA would not have the patience. We got a laugh out of the various descriptions on the male enhancements: ‘cock till you drop’, ‘filled to the brim’, ‘no down time’, and the list goes on. We even bought one, but the details are a secret. And finally we came to the sex toys. The dildos were intimidating, representing blunt weapons with their size more than natural anatomy.

”Don’t worry darling, you can get the job done.” Merry giggled as she caught me gawking.

”Yeah, but still.” I noticed she didn’t mention any sort of amazement. But in addition to the dildos were strap-ons, female to male and…male to double male? Certainly shows the presence of polygamous relationships.

”Well, that is interesting.” Merry commented as she looked at the interesting strap-on, a slot for the original and the ‘addition’ just above it. ”Is that something that interests you?” She caught me pondering as I looked at it. I happen to be in one of those polygamous relationships.

”Well, I am with you and TNA. I thought it might be useful.” I believe I’ve gotten good at being with them but it is always an exhausting experience. ”What do you think?”

”Hmm.” Knowing I was interested, Merry gave the device a closer look. ”If you want to try it I’d be willing. But I get the real one.”

”Fair enough.” With Merry’s approval I find a version that is my size and try to bear the knowing smile of the apsara clerk as we check out.

”Wow, looks like we have a couple that appreciates their group dances.” The apsara winked as she added the strap on to the tally.

”Well, what can I say?” I bashfully chuckle. God damn just where can I put my eyes in this place? The sexy clothes, the huge dildos, the tiny swimsuit barely containing this apsara’s huge breasts. I couldn’t even just look the apsara in the eyes because her magic milk mixing with the sea water seemed to give her a glowing aura and all the heart decorations floating around her. Ugh, hold fast pants.

”Share the love I say. It’s a beautiful thing. If you want…” Please don’t ask, please don’t ask. ”…I could offer my services to help you two assure the quality of our products is to your liking.”

Damn it! She asked, now I have to turn her down. Say no, say no, say no… ”What do you think Honey?” That was not a no.

”I think we are done here.” Death to the sinner, that is what her smile was saying to me.

With the sex shop out of the way, and Merry containing her anger for the moment, we could move on to more standard shops. I’m not sure how to describe the shops other than they were a lot like the ones on land but with aquatic based items. Food shops had items made of sushi and seaweed, furniture and tools were made from seastone and some metal minded from below sea level I’m sure, and clothing was made from sea plant fibers.

”Darling, what do you think of this one?” Merry asked as we browsed one of the clothing stores. The dress she picked out was a green dress with a low cut top, exposed midriff, and short strands whose only purpose seems to be to flutter in the water.

”You look lovely.” The dress suited her very well. The lighter shade of green drew attention to her blue hair and scales without drawing away from her lovely figure. Plus green is my favorite color so I liked it very much on her.

”That’s a better answer.” Merry giggled as she examined the dress for her own taste in a nearby mirror.

”Are you finding everything alright?” The cancer sales clerk attentively asked, she had blonde hair and was hanging some outfits from the coral like protrusions in her crab armor.

”I think we found one we like.” I answered as I saw Merry giving nods of approval. ”But I have to ask, how does the dress handle being on land?”

”Of course our items can be worn on land.” The cancer reassured. ”But there is a tradeoff. Just like how cloth from land expands and gains weight in the water, our items will become more frail on land. But it is very strong as long as it is wet and it does not shrink when it gets dried out so it will always fit.”

”So it will just tear more easily?” I suppose that’s to be expected. ”Alright, that’s all I needed to know…”

”Alright, darling let’s get this one.” Merry smiled as she approached us.

”…looks like you’ve made a sale.” After parting with some more of my own money, I haven’t brought out the stamp yet, I continued to browse the shops with an increasingly high spirited Merry.

”Oh darling, I’m having so much fun!” She squealed with delight as she happily embraced me, I would have returned the favor if I were not carrying the bags. ”I’m so happy we could have this time together!” Spending this much money, and the debt we will take on with the wedding, may hurt in the long run but for now it was nice to see Merry this happy.

”I’m glad you are enjoying yourself.” I chuckled for a moment before I realized I was talking to myself. I quickly looked around for Merry to see that one of the shops caught her attention, a jewelry shop.

”Oh darling, look.” The particular items she was fawning over were a series of rings with solid black pearls as their centerpiece. ”Aren’t they beautiful?”

”See something you like miss?” The Selkie asked. Wow, they really do just look like a girl in costume, the dark blue seal outfit was really highlighted against her blonde hair and the red coral surrounding her shop.

”Can I take a closer look at this one?” Merry asked as she pointed to a pearl with a slight green tinge to it.

”You certainly may.” Bringing the ring out in a hollowed-out clam, the selkie slowly pulls the clam open. Merry has her mouth agape with awe as she looks at the pearl. ”Would you like to try it on?” This selkie was no fool, she was not letting this one get away. Taking the ring out of the clam and placing it on Merry’s finger, she gives Merry just enough time to marvel at it before she adds: ”It looks lovely on you miss.”

Merry happily swayed from side to side, looking at it from different angles before turning to me. ”Darling…” She gave me that look, that look that all girls seem to know. That one where you are not leaving without buying what she has her eyes on.

”How much is it?” I could already feel my wallet hurting.

”We are actually having a special for that one.” The selki replied with her best business smile. ”30% off bringing the total to a mere 200 gold.”

”200 gold huh?” To be honest, it was not nearly as bad as I expected. But it was still a good piece of coin and it was definitely more than I had on hand. ”Sorry, but I don’t have that much.”

”But darling, don’t you have that?” Merry smiled as she pointed to where I was keeping Veronica’s stamp.

Crap, she remembered… I mean crap, I had almost forgotten. ”Yes, I do.” I pulled out the box and stared at it for a while. Once I break this out I will no longer be a free man, my days of debt will begin anew. ”Are you sure you want to give up our current rings?” I asked as I held my ring finger up, a small rune glowing as it points to her matching ring. ”I like the enchantment it has.”

”Yes, there is that.” Merry admits as she fondly looks at the ring I gave her before we started this trip. ”I do like knowing where you are.” Maybe I will get out of this.

”May I see your ring?” Or not. The selki removes the ring before I could refuse and examines it with a monocle she had inside her suite before giving a smile. ”You’re in luck. This is a simple rune spell. I’m sure I can craft the pearl onto her ring without interfering with the magic. I can even use the same design as the ring she was just examining.”

”See darling? It’s perfect.” Perfect, just perfect.

”H-how long would that take? We are getting married tomorrow.” I’m being cornered here.

”No problem, I can have it done by this afternoon.” This girl does not miss a beat.

”Darling?” Merry asked me nicely one more time. ”Remember the apsara from before?” Crap, she was saving that trump card. I’m beat, I hang my head with resignation.

”Very well.” With a sigh I turn to the Selkie. ”Do you have an agreement or something I can sign? I don’t have the money on hand.”

”Do you mean you want to do a payment plan?” The selkie asked, keeping her business smile.

”No not a payment plan, just a transfer of funds.” I reply. ”I just need an agreement I can sign.”

The selkie brought me a simple contract. It read something along the lines of: I, the signee, hereby pledge the sum of _____ in exchange for ____. Followed by a few lines of legal jargon explaining penalties for failure to pay, what constitutes failure to pay, damaged or stolen liabilities, yada yada yada. After filling in the necessary fields, all that was left was the signature. The moment of truth came as I opened the box and broke the seal on the bottle, no turning back now. I dabbed a small amount of the wax onto the paper before using the stamp to leave the Espera family seal on the page.

”Oh, I recognize that seal. You have friends in high places.” The selkie smiles as she gives a bow. ”With this I will consider the payment settled, you may come by in the evening to pick up your ring.”
dcw2021Jul 6, 2016 9:08 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Aug 16, 2015 8:24 PM

Jul 2013
Since we were going to come back for the ring later, we left the other things we bought with the Selkie and made our way down the street again. I gave another long sigh as I closed the box and tucked it back into my pocket. Seeing me like this, Merry swam in front of me with a big smile. ”Thank you darling, you’ve made this mermaid very happy.”

”I have, have I?” I scoff with a slight chuckle.

”Yes, you have.” To prove it to me she wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a lovely kiss. I just cannot stay mad at her and I return the favor so we are embracing each other as we have our PDA. ”So what’s next?” Merry asked as we eventually pull away from each other.

”Well, I think we have done enough shopping.” I chuckle as I try to forget the amount of money we have already spent. ”What do you say we grab some lunch before we go to meet our contact?”

”Sounds like a plan.” Merry nods as she takes my hand. ”Shall we go?”

Asking around, we are lead to this little café overlooking one of the drop-offs. From our seat we could see all the way from the white ball of the sun being filtered by the waves above all the way down to the dark abyss below. I wondered if we might see a whale as we sat at the simple stone table and ate our meal.

”Oh my, the fish is really good here.” Merry delightfully commented as she enjoyed her diced flounder with seaweed.

”Really? I don’t much care for it.” What can I say, I’ve just never been a sushi guy.

”Oh darling, you’re so picky.” Merry giggled. ”You notice when I make even the slightest change to my sauce.”

”H-how did you know?” I make it a point to never complain about what she gives me.

”I watch your expression as you eat.” Merry explained with a smile. ”No matter how you seem to like it though, you finish every bite.”

I get a bit flustered as I think of how to respond. ”Well, I might not always care for the contents but I always love the woman who makes it for me.”

”Oh, darling.” Reaching across the table we share a quick kiss before we continue our meal.

Merry and I quietly enjoyed our meal together, it is rare we get a quiet meal, but it was not long before one of the waitresses rang a bell. ”May I have your attention everyone?!” The sea slime called out. ”We have a very special celebration today. A couple is celebrating their 100 year anniversary.” A round of applause quickly rings out for the couple. The man was old but honestly he looked good for a 110+ year old man. His kraken wife on the other hand looks like she could be in her late 20s. As the two share a passionate kiss in front of everyone you might be inclined to think the man is a cradle robber if it weren’t far more likely that the kraken is the older one. The waitress brings out some kind of sea cake. The kraken takes the liberty digging out some slices to feed to her husband, who is noticeably missing some teeth. The old man actually chokes for a bit and the kraken quickly begins to panic, but the old man motions for her to settle down as he clears his throat.

”Look at that, been together 100 years and she still dotes on him.” I admired the couple with a chuckle.

”Well, he probably cannot take care of himself the way he used to.” Merry’s impression of the couple was much more somber. ”There is no telling how much time they have left together so they have to enjoy every minute of it.”

”Bah! Look at the old man, I bet he has another 40 years in him easy.” Who knows? Maybe he could pull that off.

”Maybe, but still… the kraken probably has many more years in her life. Someday she will be without him.” There Merry goes bringing up depressing topics again.

”Well, that is several years from now.” I state as I try to bring the mood back up. ”Until then, I’m sure they will remain a loving couple.”

”Yes.” Slowly, Merry smiles at me again. ”I’m sure you’re right, darling.”

However, Merry’s smile slowly faded until she was completely melancholy as she continued to eat in silence. I could not let that slide, not today. ”Well it seems like the bar has been set.” I suddenly stated in hopes to lighten the mood. ”Looks like we have our work cut out for us.”

”100 years huh?” It took a moment, but it seemed what I said was pulling her out of her slump. She slowly smiled and giggled. ”Is 100 hundred years all you are shooting for?”

”Oh? Greedy girl.” I chuckled, keep those spirits high. ”If we want to beat that we are going to have to get an early start.”

”Well then, what are we waiting around here for?” Merry giggled as she pushed her plate aside, signaling she was done.

”My sentiments exactly!” I say as I stand and get one of the waitress’s attention. ”Check please!”

The sea slime quickly made her way to us and picked up our plates. ”Did you find everything to your liking?” Her bell was longer in the front than it was in the back, giving the appearance of an apron. Was that intentional or coincidence?

”Yes, the food was very good.” Merry answered as she pulled out her purse.

”Hey, I was just joking when I said you had to treat me.” This girl chooses the most random times to be literal.

”Yes, but I was serious when I agreed.” Merry giggled as she paid the tab before I could dig out my money. ”After all, I’m the one who normally provides the food.” She had a point, and it’s not like it really maters one way or another.

With lunch over and the two of us in good spirits again, we made our way to meet our contact. ”It’s not much further.” I was reading the addresses as I swam ahead of Merry looking for the one that matched the address on the card I got in Bestalion, Merry just giggled as she let me pull ahead of her. Eventually I came to a fairly dull looking entrance but after double checking the address it was the correct one. ”This is it!” Unable to contain my excitement I opened the door and went in. ”Hello! It’s the couple that’s about to get married! Is everything ready?” Looking ahead to the desk, there was a scylla busy writing things down. ”Excuse me?” She only responded by putting up a finger to silence me.

After Merry and I waited a few minutes for her to finish whatever it was she was working on she finally looked up as she straightened her glasses. ”Jonathan Adams and Merry Lou I assume?” She crossed her arms and gave us a stern glare. ”You’re late.”
dcw2021Aug 17, 2015 5:35 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Aug 16, 2015 11:21 PM

Nov 2013
well atm your debt is 200 gold, plus ???% interest.
Aug 17, 2015 12:06 AM

Jan 2013
Nice to see Sunken City while it is still in working condition.

Brings me however a question how the aging suppose to work for humans? It seems stories doesn't have an agreement on that.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 17, 2015 5:38 AM

Jul 2013
Why wouldn't it be in working condition?
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Aug 17, 2015 3:30 PM

Jan 2015
Nice to finally get a glimpse of the Sunken City, it seems like a really nice place.

I am a bit worried though what is going to happen with that strap-on you bought... Lets just hope it doesn't come "back" to you. I mean that thing with TNA around is asking for trouble sooner or later... ;-P

And I already have some guesses on how you have to pay back that debt to Veronica... Lets just say I'm waiting in anticipation ;-)
MetallumOperaturAug 17, 2015 3:34 PM
Aug 18, 2015 4:23 PM

Sep 2013
I love getting a nice dose of text wall every now and again.

This chapter was something special though. Much like your story was the primary reason I started writing for the MSG in the first place, this chapter makes me really want to visit the Sunken City. Maybe if I find place to jam it in =P

About Mermaid Blood: The MGE did finally clarify a bit to state "Also, their “mermaid’s blood” has the effect of dramatically increasing the lifespan. It is said that it has this function to make a man’s lifespan match her own because a mermaid’s life span is longer than a human’s. Without exception, their husbands will be made to drink this blood. "

For flavor (and many other reasons) I think this is somewhere where the MSG would deviate from the MGE. The potential tragedy of uneven lifespans has been brought up in more than a few stories and I really don't think we need to mess with that.

I'd say that it slows aging as much as the writer needs it to and just leave it at that. =)
Aug 19, 2015 12:54 AM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
About Mermaid Blood: The MGE did finally clarify a bit to state "Also, their “mermaid’s blood” has the effect of dramatically increasing the lifespan. It is said that it has this function to make a man’s lifespan match her own because a mermaid’s life span is longer than a human’s. Without exception, their husbands will be made to drink this blood. "

For flavor (and many other reasons) I think this is somewhere where the MSG would deviate from the MGE. The potential tragedy of uneven lifespans has been brought up in more than a few stories and I really don't think we need to mess with that.

I'd say that it slows aging as much as the writer needs it to and just leave it at that. =)

I don't mind people of a 100 years old looking like they are 40.

Edit: years not ears
Aug 19, 2015 8:32 PM

May 2013
emeraldtryst said:
Maybe if I find place to jam it in =P

Considering the happy couple's purchase in this chapter... poor choice of words. };)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 15, 2015 8:26 PM

Jul 2013
Just want to let all my readers know to check out Nox's latest chapter for some TNA shenanigans not seen in my story.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 24, 2015 9:30 AM

Jul 2013
[Continuation of previous entry.]

The Scylla gave us a grumpy glare as her many tentacles carried her toward us. She was not using all of her tentacles for swimming though. Half of them were carrying a book or a clipboard, leaving her hands free to hold her instructor’s pointer or readjust her glasses. She had a small clean pot on her head and any of her brown hair that was not contained within was tied neatly around the rim until it resembled a bun. Her dress was reminiscent of that of a Victorian era boarding school teacher, plain colors and a skirt that extended down to partially cover her tentacles. She might actually be very pretty if she had a more pleasant expression, she had a nice little beauty mark and her glasses were not all that thick even if they did reflect light as she settled in front of us. ”You have some nerve to try to plan all this last minute. I hope you appreciate the trouble you have caused me.”

I could not help but laugh, she’s got me there. ”Yeah, sorry about that.” *Whack* ”Ouch!” She struck me on the wrist with her pointer, it even left a whelp.

”This is no laughing matter.” She coldly remarked as she patted the pointer in her hand. ”This is your wedding, try to take it seriously.” Without giving me time to comment, one of her tentacles passed up a clip board to her hands. ”Now then, I presume you have acquired a means for payment.” Her gaze was particularly piercing as she asked that, I guess she assumed we didn’t have anything.

”We’ve got it right here!” Merry cheerfully said as she reached into my pocket, pulled out the stamp box, and opened it.

The Scylla leaned in to examine the stamp, her glasses gleaming as she adjusted them. ”I see, this shall be sufficient. We may proceed. My name is Tempra Misao, I am your wedding planner.” Pulling an ink pen out from behind her ear she taps it onto the clipboard. ”We don’t have much time so let’s get started. I have already made arrangements for transportation.”

Swimming outside we see what looked like a wheel-less carriage. The carriage itself was rounded and fully enclosed with fin like protrusions from the base, for stability I assume. The driver was a rather chipper looking cancer and the carriage was drawn by six very large bass. The driver happily greeted us with a smile and without even so much as wave in return Tempra entered the carriage and took a seat, Merry and I only took time to wave before joining her. The interior was very nice, lined with some kind of white cloth and well padded. The doors were equipped with windows with curtains that could be closed for privacy and because the whole thing was enclosed there was no drag from the water as the carriage pulled. Honestly I would have liked to just take a ride around the city with Merry but this Scylla made enjoying the ride difficult.

”Alright, the first order of business is where to hold the ceremony. Did you have any place in mind?” She asked without looking up from her clipboard.

”Umm, no.” This woman made me nervous. ”This is our first time in the city so we don’t know any place.”

”Why am I not surprised?” Bitch. ”Fortunately I took the liberty of selecting a couple of locations based on the short notice and your request for the water life ceremony. Will this be a public or private ceremony?”

”Public.” Merry answered before I could even inquire what that implies.

”As you wish.” Tempra answers as she makes a quick note. ”That leaves two options.”

”Which place is the biggest?” Merry excitedly asked.

”Honey!” Just because we weren’t given a spending limit does not mean we have to find it.

”What?” Merry playfully asked. ”This is our big day, I want as many people as possible to know it.”

”The biggest one available on short notice is the Grand North Sea Cathedral.” Tempra explained as she raised her glasses. ”The location is excellent but with a price to match, are you certain?”

”Of course.” Merry immediately replied.

”Honey! Don’t you think that’s a bit hasty?” Is the cost even a factor to her?

”Not at all.” Merry answered with a giggle, guess that answers that.

”I’m afraid I must agree.” Tempra said as she opened a small hatch leading to the driver. ”To Grand North Sea Cathedral.” She stated before quickly closing the hatch. ”You must see the place before agreeing to anything.”

If there was nothing I could do to change Merry’s mind before, there certainly was no way to change it once she saw the cathedral. With a wide open aisle and carefully placed stained glass windows to stream light on the alter like a spotlight, even I was hard pressed to turn it down.

”20,000 cubic meters in volume, restrooms, event rooms, the alter, it has everything you could need. Keep in mind that the size and your choice of a public ceremony will affect the cost of catering and decorations.” Tempra explained as she walked us through the building.

”My, a public ceremony? How daring.” The sea bishop of the church giggled as she floated down from above to greet us. ”This must be the couple you informed me about.” That kind smile, those white robes, the light around her practically making her glow, I can see why these would be the go to monsters to bring sea couples together.

”Yes.” Turning to us Tempra explained. ”This is Patricia Delou, she is the sea bishop that will be preforming both your wedding and water breathing ceremonies.”

”I’m glad you choose our lovely home to get married in, it is always a pleasure to meet a loving couple.” Not only was she incredibly beautiful and kind, she was not overly sexualized like most other monsters I have meet. I really feel I can relax around her.

”The pleasure is all mine.” Crap, I forgot to be mindful that Merry is right here.

”It is a lovely place, please treat us kindly tomorrow.” Merry greeted Patricia with a bow, seems Merry is relaxed around her as well.

”Alright, enough dawdling.” Tempra impatiently tapped on her clip board. ”If you have decided to have the ceremony here, take a good look and think of what decorations you would want.” Yeah it was already decided, I could have told myself there was a choice but who would I be kidding?

After Merry gave the place a once over we loaded up into the carriage again. ”Oh darling I’m so excited. This is going to be the best wedding ever!” Merry was absolutely giddy.

”Y-yeah.” I was excited too, but Veronica is going to basically own me once this is done. I really hope Merry and Veronica can get along together, otherwise I will be in a very tough position.

”Next on the agenda is the dress, I trust you will be needing one.” Tempra didn’t even bother to address me at this point.

”Of course, I want to really shine for my big moment. Take us to the best place you know.” Merry lightheartedly gave such an expensive command.

”As you wish.” She replied before turning around to give the driver directions.

”Geez, you’re killing me honey.” Does she even know what debt is?

”But darling, don’t you want me to be beautiful for our wedding?” She playfully pouted.

”Yes, but you’re always beautiful.” Sweet talk don’t fail me now.

”Aww, thanks darling.” Merry giggled. ”But I want to shine. Shine just like I have in my dreams. Even if it might cost us in the long run I want tomorrow to be perfect. It is the day I have waited my whole life for.” The way Merry smiled as she told me this, there is no way I can refuse her.

Once we arrived at the high class apparel store Merry immediately left with the cancer clerk to pick out her wedding dress. I was left with Tempra as she busily looked over one of her clipboards. She’s not the easiest one to approach for casual conversation so I began to browse the shop. Everything was a beautiful shade of white, pink, or light blue and all elegantly presented with bouquets and veils. There were a number of versions that were very revealing but everyone had an elegant charm to them, I was looking forward to see what Merry would pick. But then I was reminded that the wedding is not the only event I should be concerned about. There was also the blessing.

”Umm…” I tenderly approached Tempra. ”I forgot to ask but did you manage to get us an invitation to Michiko’s castle for the blessing?”

”Got it right here.” Without so much a glancing up, she held up a white envelope with one of her tentacles. ”Honestly I am surprised you got one, they normally take longer to come in.”

”So do you know anything about what we will need for the blessing?” I ask.

Finally looking up, she readjusts her glasses as they gleam in the light. ”The wise lord rarely meets people outside of the festivals she holds once every three months. Fortunately for you the festival of courage just happens to be tomorrow night.” Wow, we were really lucky to get here when we did. ”The main event of the festival is a ball held within the lord’s castle itself. If you seek the lord’s blessing you must attend the ball and that of course means dressing appropriately. You will need a sea tux and your, soon to be, wife will need an evening gown.” Great more money to spend. ”In addition, you will need to hold yourself to the highest standard. The wise lord does not just give her blessings away, you will need to be prepare to earn it.”

”What do I have to do?” It would be a huge waste to come all this way and not be able to get the blessing.

”Who knows, that is entirely up to Michiko.” She replied with a shrug, huge help.

So I need to add at least one tux and an evening gown on top of the wedding dress, is there anything else I need? ”Are there any special traditions I should be aware of?”

”Do you mind being more specific?” She impatiently asked.

”Well, I mean I’m from Earth and where I’m from the typical procedure goes something along the lines of…” Pausing a moment to think of the weddings I’ve been to. ”…the groom waits for the bride as all the guests get seated, a flower girl spreads pedals in front of bride as her father walks her down the aisle to ‘give’ the bride to the groom, the priest gives his whole speech before asking if they accept each other in holy matrimony, the bride and groom say their vows and are given permission to kiss, and then they are married and walk down the aisle together.” I figured at the very least the father’s role would be minimized or absent in all of this.

She waited a moment to see if I was done. ”…is that so?” She seemed to honestly ponder the thought for a bit. ”Well, in your case you are having a sea bishop preform the service for you. She will likely say some words about the sea, its gifts and its hardships. After that you will kiss and then be… instructed on what to do for the water breathing ritual.” Why do I have a bad feeling about that pause? ”But aside from that everything is up to you and your fiancée to decide together. Saying vows is common, having someone walk one or the other down the aisle is common, adding flower girls or other flavors is common, I have seen all manner of weddings. Ultimately the day is about you and your wife, nothing else matters.” Hmm, finally something nice from her.

”What about bachelor parties?” Ryan did get me thinking about them.

A short laugh escapes her before she can contain herself. ”That depends on the friends you’ve made.” My friends… former pirates… tonight is going to be ‘fun.’

I gave a long sigh, I’m not sure if I was more dreading or looking forward to it. But as I wondered the shop I came across the smaller outfits, the ones for girls TNA’s size. There is one more thing I have to consider. ”What about getting married to more than one girl?” Though I still have not asked them.

”Ah, yes. There was a note saying you might get married to other girls.” She muttered as she flipped through her notes. ”What were their names?”

”Tiki.” The sex crazed one who likes bondage, she thinks highly of herself but she wants everyone to have a good time. ”Ina.” The childish one that loves sweets, she has a lot of energy and rarely thinks before she acts but she never means any harm. ”Tally.” The bossy one that is milking her position for all it’s worth, but caring for her in her pregnancy has really endeared her to me and she can be cute when she wants. ”Su.” The mischief maker, she always keeps you on your toes but she comes through when you need her to. ”Annie.” She always has trouble being honest, but she is adorable when she is. ”Nip.” Always looking for another fight, she is confident in her skills in battle but quite self-conscious of her body. ”Doe.” So many questions but a curious mind is a healthy one, she’s always a good girl to talk to. ”Abigail.” Shy, quiet, well behaved, all relatively speaking of course, but she has taking a liking to me and I like her as well. ”Sara.” No reservations on saying what she wants, but there is a charm to be had about just fucking it. ”Sis.” Family is most important to her, her love is truly unconditional. ”Ten imps.” And ten girls that have found their way into my heart.

”TITS AND ASS? You must be joking.” She sighs.

I just had to laugh, I get that reaction a lot. ”Yeah, well one of them is pregnant so I can’t just leave them.” Not that I would… I really should ask them.

”Well, taking multiple wives is not uncommon.” She mutters as she straightens her glasses. ”It is up to you and your wives.”

”I figured as much.” Still, looking at these small outfits they are not cheap. Getting nine of the small ones and then one medium one for Tally is really going to hurt my debt problem. But still, if I am going to marry them I can’t let them go without flashy dresses of their own.

”Darling.” When turned around to answer the soft call I was dumbstruck but the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in my life. Merry had picked a dress and was trying it out, I must say she picked a good one. The dress flowed naturally with the sway of her tail, the dress was a perfect fit and accented her lovely curves, the low cut top gave a pleasing but still modest view, and it was topped with a veil draping from a silver tiara that only lightly hid Merry’s wonderful smile. ”What do you think?” What did I think? What could I think? Merry was absolutely stunning, the only thing I could think was how lucky I was to be marrying this girl. ”Do you like it that much?” She asked with a giggle and an even more beautiful smile. But her smile quickly became curious as she saw what I was holding. ”What is that?”

Snapping back to my own actions I quickly hid the small dress from Merry. I felt… ashamed. Ashamed that I would consider marrying anyone else when I have such a wonderful girl. Ashamed that I could not bear to part with any and dare ask for all to myself. Ashamed that I could not be more firm with Veronica and tell her I am spoken for. These girls only accept my behavior because they have no other choice. I don’t deserve them, any of them. That is what I thought.

”It’s ok darling.” Merry softly said as she embraced me from behind. ”I understand how you feel.” She said as she reached out and took my hand, still holding the dress, in her own. ”They are family, you love them.” She slowly turned me to face her. ”They are family to me as well, like the younger sisters I never had. They can drive me nuts but I can’t imagine not having them around.” With a soft kiss she gives me another smile. ”But you have to ask them yourself, that is a little too far for me.”

”Honey.” I could not help but smile back, I really don’t deserve her. From that point on I knew: price be damned, if she wanted it she was going to get it. With her support I turned to her and presented the small dress. ”What do you think.”

Merry smiled at me with a giggle. ”It’s a lovely choice. But before we think about them we need to think about you.” That’s right, I still need to get my tux. ”Come on Darling, remind me of what a handsome man you are.”

”I’ll get you all taken care of.” The cancer said as she took me by the hand and whisked me away.

The cancer was rather professional in her work. Even though she stripped me down to my skivvies she was quick to take the necessary measurements and provide me with a tux that fit rather well given the short notice. It wasn’t any ordinary tux either, it had fins that would spread out to catch more water allowing for quick and easy movement in any direction. And when they weren’t being used the fins would rest along the seams of the tux to maintain a stylish look. Merry was certainly thrilled when she saw me all dressed up.

”There he is.” Merry excitedly swam around me to get a good look before embracing me for a kiss. ”You’re so handsome darling.” Merry lovingly cooed.

”And you are exceptionally lovely honey.” I lovingly said back.

”I know!” Merry excitedly said with a cheer, seems she is in a more excited mood than a lovey-dovey one and there is nothing wrong with that. ”This is going to be so perfect!”

”Of course it will.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at her excitement, she’s more like TNA now. ”But after our wedding we need to get blessed. You need to pick out a dance gown.”

”I heard and I already picked one out.” Merry retorted with a giggle.

”You did?! What did you pick?” She must have found one while I was changing.

”It-is-a-sur-prise.” Merry playfully wagged her finger back and forth as she answered in pace.

”Alright you two, stop playing around.” Tempra impatiently commanded. ”We still have things to do. If you like your decisions, change back so we can get everything loaded up and on to the next order of business.”

The cancer who helped us dress also helped us undress. This was the only time she came close to over stepping her bounds. As she eagerly helped me undress she ‘accidently’ nearly removed my underwear in the process. She didn’t push it when I stopped her so I let her just play it off as being clumsy. Once Merry and I were back to our regular clothes we loaded into the sea carriage for our next destination.

”Good, good, everything is going smoothly.” The Scylla mutters as she flips through the sheets on her clip board. ”The next order of business is to handle the food and decorations. With such short notice I assume a professional catering team is fine.” Was that a statement or a question?

”Of course it is.” Merry answered without hesitation. I just had to keep repeating to myself ‘whatever she wants, whatever she wants.’ ”Make sure our guests have good food and good drink. Ah! But don’t go over the top with the decorations, I don’t want attention to be taken away from me. Other than that, I leave it to your judgement.”

”Very well.” She noted a few things down. ”I will send word to my contact and they will get it taken care of. With that it should take care of the preparations for the wedding, now onto this blessing business…” Pausing to look through her notes. ”… can either of you dance?”

”Yes, well on land at least.” I answer with a laugh as I remember Sebastian’s lessons. ”I don’t know how we’d fare in water.”

”Well we cannot have that. I know just the place.” And with a few instructions to our driver we were on our way.

We were quickly taken to a dome like building in the upper part of the city. Inside the dome was a large spherical room that was well lit by its many windows and the bright shades of white and gold easily reflected light around the room. Swimming around the room in rhythmic pattern were several pairs of monsters, some human monster couples too. Watching them all was a nereid dressed in a fairly revealing blue evening gown who clapped her hands in time as the couples moved about. ”That’s it everyone, keep up with the flow. Keep your movements in time and move with your partners.” After a bit, she noticed us and stopped. ”Oh my, what do we have here?”

”Another couple looking for the blessing.” Tempra answered. ”I pray you have room for another couple.”

”Why of course we do.” The nereid happily clasped her hands together with a chuckle. ”There is always room for another couple, is this your first dance?”

”It’s our first dance underwater.” I answer.

”Well then I assure you you are in for quite a treat.” The nereid took our hands and guided us in line with the other dancers. ”A sea dance is a lot more complicated than a land one. Of course you can move up and down as well as side to side but much more than on land the dancing area moves and flows with the dancers. Let’s start with the basics shall we?” Under the nereid’s guidance we held each other’s hands, fingers interlocking. ”This is your starting point, do not lose contact with your partner. The heart of a sea dance is to move as one.” She makes a couple motions to the other dancers. ”Let’s get a good flow going shall we everyone? Keep a hold of your partner and swim with them. Better swimmers keep pace with your partner, this is not a race.” For a few minutes we swam in a circle around the room, swimming up and down as well as across the large spherical room. I consider myself to be a pretty good swimmer, but even an Olympic swimmer would not be able to keep pace with a mermaid, and because I cannot use my hands I am even more of a handicap. Course we were in no hurry and even I was able to keep up with the gentle pace we were moving at. Still, Merry let out a giggle every now and then as a simple flick of her tail every now and then was all she needed to keep up. After a little while of just swimming together it occurred to me that we were swimming faster than before. ”Can you feel the flow now? The water as it swirls and flows with your motions, the subtle dance partner you all have.” Playfully drifting in the currents, the nereid continues. ”Now that we have a good flow, the dance can begin.”

As the others began to dance on their own, the nereid joins us. ”Since this is your first time we will start with something simple.” Holding her hand out, she asks. ”May I have this dance?” Looking at her for a moment, then Merry, then her again I gingerly accept her offer. Once she had permission the nereid quickly snatched me away. ”Now, like many other dances under the sea you need to swim while you dance but that is only the action happening at your feet. You and your partner need to move your upper body and your arms together to move more effectively through the water. This dance has two basic motions.” Stretching her arms out, she holds us far apart. ”You start apart but make sure you are further apart at the shoulders than the waist.” Then she pulls us in close, leaning in so I could get a good look at her cleavage. ”Lean in so that you are practically kissing and the quickly pull your hips forward.” She pauses for a moment once we are together. ”Feel the water being pushed between you, that is how you know you are doing it right.” Before things get too uncomfortable we separate again. ”Leaning back and pushing out you are back in the starting position. Repeat these motions a couple of times and you come to the next step.” Releasing my right hand we spread out, arms stretched. ”Spread wide to announce yourself to the world!” Pausing for a moment she pulls us together, trades hands, and spreads out again. ”And then to the other side before coming back together and taking it from the top.” Releasing me to return to Merry she grins at us. ”Now you two give it a try.”

I was a bit clumsy with it at first, I had to keep being reminded to keep swimming while making the motions but eventually I got it down. ”Good, now on to the next dance.” Not even asking this time as she snatches me away, she pulls us together and puts our hands high above us. ”This one is a simpler dance but requires more cooperation between partners.” Leaning forward, she places her chest on mine. Surprised, I lean back but then she, while keeping our hands above our heads, leans back and pulls me in. ”There, like that you keep a wave motion. Like the sea as it meets the sky, crest and trough as you swim quickly. Contact in not necessary, but most agree it’s more fun.” She chuckles before releasing my left hand again, lowering our arms and grabbing my left hand again once our backs are to each other. ”After a few motions you switch just like I did. You do the same wave motion but it often takes couples a while to get it down in this position.”

After returning me to Merry we practiced this dance like we did the one before. She was right, making the same motions with our backs to each other was a lot more difficult than while we were facing each other. We bumped heads and butts several times but we eventually realized the trick to telling each other what we were doing, little motions with our hands. ”Good, good, now you got the hang of it.” The Nereid happily prattled while clapping her hands. ”Now I only have enough time to show you one more dance so those of you attending the festival tomorrow, pay attention.” For whatever reason she picked me for the demonstration, I was not the only guy around, and takes my right hand into her right hand as we face opposite direction. ”This one is a special slow dance that is about the flow around you and your partner. You start like this, not seeing each other but feeling that each other is there.” Following her lead we slowly begin to swim around each other. ”Unlike the other dances, you try to stay in the same spot as much as possible. Forget about the rest of the world, it is just the two of you.” As we continue to circle each other I began to wonder how we would transition from here. ”Now you might be thinking how you would change positions without letting go. If you are,” she pauses for a giggle, ”you need to improve your 3D thinking.” In a move that could not be pulled on land, we raise our hands above our heads, join our free hands together, and pull together so we are facing each other upside down. ”You come together, and see each other again. From here you can trade hands to continue or…” Slowly, with a careful dance of its own we exchange hands until I am flipped around we are level once again. ”…you can end the dance and stay together forever.” She ended with a smile that I must admit had me flustered.

”Alright that’s enough Darling!” Merry shouted as she snatched me away. ”It’s time to practice the dance with me.”

The nereid was just stunned for a moment by how quickly I was snatched away, but then she gave a laugh. ”Alright, practice the motions a few times but after that I am closing for the day so make it count.”

As she suggested, Merry and I made sure to go through the motions and in particular tried to smooth our transitions. Merry was a little upset with me for getting flustered by the nereid but it was still fun to practice dancing with her. By the time we felt we had it down pretty well it was already getting late in the day. We have a very big day tomorrow so we have to make sure we get settled into our rooms early so we have lots of energy. We bid farewell to the nereid and loaded back into the ‘carriage’ for one last ride.

”I sent word to the catering company while you were dancing. Knowing them they will have everything ready by tomorrow morning. I certainly hope you are satisfied with the decisions you have made today because this is as much as I can help you with.” Tempra breathed a sigh of relief, her job almost done.

”I very much appreciate everything, especially given how short notice it all was.” Really should have thought further ahead in all of this.

”Well, you are not the first couple that has pulled this and you will hardly be the last.” She said as she straightened her glasses. ”Just try to plan more in the future, especially if you are able to throw this kind of money around.”

I just chuckle as I look at the cause of all my spending, but Merry was looking out the window as she happily hummed to herself in her own little world. But then something caught her attention. ”Stop the carriage!” She suddenly shouted as the carriage quickly came to a stop.

”Is something wrong honey?” I nervously asked.

Merry turned to me with an excited smile as she clasped my hands. ”Darling, I need some money.” Of course she does.

”H-how much do you need?” I nervously laughed, I was hoping she saw a food stand and had to have some.

”Just give me the stamp.” Merry eagerly commanded. ”I’ll bring it back.”

With a sigh I reach into my pocket and give her the stamp. ”I’m putting my life in your hands here.” She has had little regard for cost today.

”It’s not just yours.” Merry retorted before swimming off with the stamp. I didn’t fully realize what she meant until she came back a few minutes later, leading a selkie who was carrying a large glass container. ”Just set it in here.” Merry calmly commanded the selkie as she gently placed the glass aquarium in the carriage.

”Pleasure doing business with you.” The selkie said with a bow.

”Thank you.” Merry said as she got back in the carriage and returned the stamp with a satisfied smile.

I looked at her purchase, it was a glass tank lined with some clearly runed stone. ”What is it?” I asked.

”Ah, looks like you got a mermaid nursery.” The Scylla stated. ”At least someone is thinking ahead.”

Mermaid nursery, could guess what that meant as I turned to Merry. ”Well, since I figured we would be returning to our home in Alnor we would need some place for our baby to sleep.” Merry bashfully explained. ”She won’t be able to stay out of water that long so I got her a good nursery, the best one they had. It cleans and circulates the water and even maintains the temperature, I believe it is well worth the money spent.” I’m almost afraid to ask.

”Speaking of money spent.” Tempra straightens her glasses again. ”Before anything else, I need your approval for all the purchases you have made. Keep that stamp handy.” The carriage quickly took us back to her office, once there she quickly organized all the papers she had been receiving as we made our plans. ”Alright, we have the marriage licensing fees, the castle invitation fees, the carriage rental, my service fees, the cathedral reservation, one regular wedding dress, one small wedding dress, nine extra small wedding dressed, one evening gown, one tux, short notice catering services, and dance lessons all in total comes to…”

”Stop!” I suddenly shouted. ”I don’t want to know.” I am going to agree regardless, the last thing I want is to obsess over how far in debt I am during my wedding.

”Very well.” She said as she presented the papers for my approval. ”Stamp here.” Don’t look. ”And here.” Don’t look. ”And here.” How many zeroes was that?! ”And finally here.” I have to enjoy these next few days, I need to enjoy them. Once the papers were stamped she quickly flipped through them one last time. ”With that our session has come to an end.” With one genuine parting smile she bids us farewell. ”The carriage is yours for the rest of the day. I pray that your marriage will be joyous and fruitful.” And with that she promptly sat down and got back to work.

Not looking like she would appreciate being interrupted, Merry and I left without another word. As we stepped outside it slowly began to seep in that this is real. ”Hey honey.”

”Yes darling.”

”We’re getting married.”

”So it seems.”

After a moment of silence we can no longer contain ourselves and we leap for joy. ”We’re getting married! We’re getting married!” We danced around like little kids before I pulled her in and spun her around as we shared a passionate kiss.

”Tomorrow’s the day.” Merry excitedly said.

”I know.” I excitedly replied.

”I’m so excited.”

”Me to.”

”It’s well worth the cost.”

”Do not remind me.”

Kissing each other again, we felt like the world was ours. ”So what should we do now?” Merry asked.

”It is about time we meet up with the others.” I answer, I have to admit even I almost forgot about them. ”But before that we need to get your ring.”

”That’s right.” Merry looked at her ring-less hand. ”I need my ring, I feel naked without it.”

”Give it time, the rest of you will match.” I chuckled, all this wedding planning has me in the mood to do her now.

”Oh, darling.” Merry giggled as she approached me with a sultry sway. ”Why wait?” She asked as she drew circles on my chest, seems she was feeling the same way I was.

”Wanna do it in the carriage?” Can’t think of a more efficient use of time.

”Lets.” With Merry’s approval, we gave the driver instructions, clamored into the carriage, closed the curtains, stripped our clothes, and made it one very bumpy ride.

By the time we had finished our business and put our clothes back on we had been at the jewelry stand for a little while. The selkie was already waiting with the small box with the ring. ”Well, looks like someone’s having fun.” The selkie said with a knowing grin.

I could only chuckle in response, she wasn’t wrong. ”Did you finish the ring?”

”Of course I did.” She proudly stated as she handed the box over. ”As I promised, the enchantment of the ring has not been changed. It was a pleasure doing business with you.”

As I opened the box to see the ring, Merry gawked at it from over my shoulder. The golden runed ring that matched my own now had a stunning black pearl with a slight green tint. ”Oh darling, it’s perfect.”

”No it’s not, not yet.” Quickly taking the ring out of the box, I turn to Merry as I take a knee. Merry was a little surprised by the gesture, but she didn’t say anything as she held out her hand with a giggle. Taking her hand I gently slip the ring onto her finger. ”There, now it is perfect. Right where it belongs, on the hand of the lovely woman who will soon be my bride.”

”Oh, darling.” Merry giggled as I stood back up. ”The ring is only perfect because I have such a charming man to get it for me. A charming man that will soon be my husband.”

”Ugh, take it somewhere else will you two?” The selkie groans. ”Be a little mindful of us that don’t have a man to gush over at every moment.”

”Sorry, I can’t help it.” Merry replied with a giggle. ”Tomorrow is our big day after all.”

”Yeah, yeah, congratulations and all that.” The selkie rattled off in response. ”Have your fun, I’ll just go down to the brothels.”

Taking the hint, Merry and I load into the carriage again. ”Well, is there anything else we want to do today?”

”I think we’ve done enough damage for one day.” I answered with a laugh. We got Merry’s new ring, everything we bought earlier in the day, the mermaid nursery, and the outfits we bought for the wedding and blessing, not to mention the tones of money we spent on everything else. It’s been a busy day and I’m sure it is far from over, especially with whatever bachelor party Felisha has in mind. ”I think it is about time we meet up with the others, find out where we are staying the night, and hopefully try to get some sleep for our big day tomorrow.”

”Whatever you say darling.” Merry answered with a giggle. With that, I told the driver to take us to the docks and from there we could figure out where today’s meeting was. I just hope Felisha and the others don’t expect too much out of me tonight, I do have to live with Merry after all.

dcw2021Jul 6, 2016 11:59 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 24, 2015 10:50 AM

Sep 2013
I couldn't help but imagine a fanged smile growing larger and more bloodthirsty with each use of that seal. =)

Can't wait to see the big stuff in store.
emeraldtrystSep 24, 2015 11:46 AM
Sep 24, 2015 11:38 AM

Nov 2013
all them zeros
Sep 24, 2015 2:50 PM

Jan 2015
You might want to reconsider moving back to Alnor... You know Victoria living there and such ;-)
Nov 30, 2015 8:33 PM

Jul 2013

[Continued from previous entry]
With everything set for tomorrow, Merry and I could enjoy the ride back to the ship and watch all the undersea citizens as we passed by. ”Hey there!” Merry suddenly called out. She had spotted Felisha, Riona, Ryan, and Veronica and was excitedly waving to them. Merry is practically shining she is in such a good mood, she is truly beautiful. ”Have you already taken care of business?” Ah yes, guess I did miss my chance to meet another aristocrat. I should make a point to meet with her somehow before we return to Alnor.

”Yeah, we already got everything sorted out.” Felisha answered, she seemed tired somehow. Did I miss an intense negotiation? ”How are things on your end?” Merry just giggled as she held up her hand to show the black pearl on her newly modified wedding ring. ”Wooo, looks nice.” Felisha responded with a playful whistle. ”So it’s official then? Tomorrow is the day?”

”Yep, Darling and I have our outfits picked out, we have our invitations for the blessing, and the time and place for the wedding.” Merry explained with more than a little enthusiasm, course it’s hard not to get excited with the day so close. ”It will be at the Grand Northsea Cathedral and everyone is invited, there will be plenty of food and drink for everyone.”

”The Grand Northsea Cathedral huh?” Felisha asked with a laugh. ”You really are sparing no expense. Are you sure about that?” Felisha asked, peering past Merry to me. ”It will take you some time to dig your way out of debt.”

”Don’t remind me.” I answered with a nervous chuckle as I stuck my head out next to Merry’s. ”I’m trying to get through this without thinking about it too much. I’m just going to enjoy it while I can.” Otherwise I might just go crazy.

”Ha! I like that attitude.” Felisha laughed before getting a big smirk. She is up to something, if I had to guess I would have to say it has to do with my bachelor party. ”So, y’all heading back to the ship or straight to the hotel?”

”We have a few things to drop off at the ship.” Merry said before looking back at me. ”We picked up some personal items while we were out.” Yes, we have the Mermaid Nursery. Plus I would like to hide that ‘other item’ we bought before anyone finds out we have it.

”Alright, you head on ahead. It’s not too much further.” Felisha said with a light nod of her head in the direction of the docks.

You know, when I pictured the docks for the Sunken City I pictured a floating marina above the city. Turns out there is such a marina above the city but the dock that the Swift Victoria is in is not even on the surface. It is in something similar to a diving bell anchored to the sea mount by tall towers. My big question is just how did they get it down here? I still could not believe it even as Merry and I walked up a ramp into the large air filled dome where the Swift Victoria sat as naturally as any other dock. But I could worry about answering questions later because first I had to help Merry carry our stuff to the ship, and the Mermaid Nursery is heavy when it is out of water.

Merry and I worked together as we carried the tank up to the ship. I wanted to empty the tank to make it lighter but Merry insisted we keep it at least half full of water. Once on board I could see Una repairing the ships steering wheel and Spindla weaving broken strands of her webbing together into a long rope. I didn’t even have time to wonder what happened before Michaela approached us. ”Your imps sure made a mess of things while you were gone.” The news honestly wasn’t that surprising. ”Thankfully Ryan managed to keep them occupied for a while.” That, however, was.

”Big Bro! Big Sis!” Various members of TNA gleefully shouted as they gathered around us.

”Well, I’ll let them tell the story.” Michaela casually waved before leaving us to the swarm of imps.

”You missed it Big Bro!” Tiki excitedly began. ”We had a lot of fun while you were gone.”

”It wasn’t that much fun.” Su grumbled.

”Sore loser.” Nip giggled as she playfully poked at Su. Seems they played some kind of game.

”Fuck you!” Sara obviously. ”You didn’t do much better than we did!”

”Keep it down…” Sis moaned. ”You’re giving me a headache. Sis certainly looked worse for wear, her cheeks were swollen and bruised.

”Are you alright, Sis?” Merry asked with a light start at Sis’s appearance. ”What happened?”

”Nothing.” Abigail answered before she began to cling to me even more tightly than normal. ”I’m just glad you’re back.”

”So what have you got?” Doe excitedly asked as she flew around us, trying to get a good look at the things we were carrying. ”Is it something for us?”

”Well…” I tried hard not to become flustered as I thought of the ‘toy’ I bought while we were out, it does require two partners to use and the thought of using it with Merry and TNA was hard to hide. ”…I guess you could say that.”

”Oh, look at you blush!” Tiki shouted with a laugh. ”Today is a good day, I can’t wait to use my new toys.” I’m sure she meant it.

”Well, this is heavy.” I stammer as I adjust my hold. ”We can talk after we set this down.”

”Oh, hey that’s filled with water right?!” Ina excitedly asked. ”That’s great! It’s a nice home for my new pet.” Ina excitedly flew into our room, and we followed while the door was open.

You know, our room is always pretty cluttered but now it just seems like a mess. Our items seemed to have been strewn about along with a rather large dildo I am positive was not there before. Annie was doing her best to clean up but it is obvious Tally had another accident. Annie paused as we entered the room. ”Big Bro!” Annie shouted as she rammed into me for a big hug. ”I’m so glad you’re back.”

”Wow Annie, does this mean you hate Big Bro?” Su asked in a teasing manner, it was quite surprising to see Annie being so honest.

”Shut up!” Annie shouted as she angrily pointed at Su. ”You ditched me, leaving me to take care of Tally by myself!” No surprises there. ”Big Brofriend helped me for a while but I was stuck cleaning up after Tally when the ship started spinning!” Again Ryan helped?

”Could you keep it down?” Tally groaned as laid on the bed with an arm covering her eyes. ”You’re giving me a headache.”

”Are you alright Tally?” I asked. I am curious about what Ryan did to help but nothing comes before Tally’s health.

”No.” Tally groaned. ”The room is still spinning.” It seems that getting the ship down here was a little rough on her.

Merry and I find a spot and set down the mermaid nursery, adding it to the pile of stuff that has slowly accumulated in the room over the course of the trip. As I begin to turn my attention to Tally I am startled by Ina shoving a bright red sea cucumber in my face. ”Look at what I found, Big Bro!” Ina prattled with glee. ”Isn’t it cool?!”

”Why do you have a sea cucumber?” Merry asked.

”Oh, it’s a sea cucumber?” Ina asked as she looked at me and laughed, to which I have absolutely no idea what she thinks is so funny. ”That just makes it even cooler.” Ina flew past me to plop the creature into the nursery. ”There you go. Now you have a nice home.” Ina playfully hummed and kicked her feet as she watched the sea cucumber sit motionless on the bottom. ”Hey, what does it eat?”

”Well, it eats rotting plant and animal matter.” Merry answered, seems like I’m the only one taken aback by Ina’s first pet being a sea cucumber.

”So it eats shit?” Sara asked with a laugh.

”Well, yes it can.” Merry answered a little more hesitantly toward Sara’s language. ”Sea cucumbers are very important for keeping marine systems healthy.”

”So that means I can keep it right?” Ina excitedly asked.

”I don’t see why not.” Merry answered with a smile.

”Yay! Thank you Big Sis!” Ina shouted as she gave Merry a big hug.

So it seems that we have a pet. An unusual pet, but at least it is low maintenance. As Ina fawned over her new pet, which she named Fred, I sat on the bed next to Tally and gently stroked her head. ”You ok to come with us to the hotel?” I asked, we had to leave soon.

”Yeah, I’m fine.” Tally answered as she gently placed her hand on mine. Her hands are always so small and soft like a child’s, I really enjoy holding her hand. ”So you and Big Sis are getting married?” The way she asked was weak and hesitant.

”Yes, everything is setup.” I answer with a nod, I am not sure if she was just tired or if she had some reservations about me marrying Merry.

”Well, good for you and Big Sis.” She suddenly raised up and gave me a smirk. ”Just remember that you have to take care of me first.”

Such a selfish girl, I couldn’t help but chuckle. ”Yeah, yeah, I’ll always take care of you.” To which she replied with a smirk to tell me ‘that’s not what I said.’

After that, we all left the room to wait for Felisha and the others to get back. Once we left, Tally stretched out with a long grunt. ”I like yours better. But Big Brofriend isn’t bad at giving massages.”

”Well, it seems that Ryan left an impression on you while I was gone.” I’m not sure how I feel about that.

”Hehe, you jealous?” Tally chuckled.

”…maybe.” These girls will already go after just about anyone, I don’t need Ryan specially attracting their attention.

”But Big Brofriend was fun to play with, maybe we could all get married?” Doe honestly suggested.

There is no way I am going with that plan, but I chose to redirect their attention rather than directly deny it. ”So what kind of game did you play?”

”It was a treasure hunt.” Tiki answered as she playfully put her arm around Doe. ”We won so Big Brofriend has to give us prizes on top of the toy I already got.”

”So that is what you all were doing while I was taking care of Tally?” Annie asks as she grumpily crosses her arms. ”No, don’t worry about me. I didn’t want to play anyway.” Liar.

”It’s because you always lie like that that you get tense so often.” Ina giggled. ”Tell you what, I’ll let you be the first to play with Fred if you want.”

”I don’t want to play with that thing!” Annie shouted back. You know, I’m honestly not sure if she meant it this time.

”So what prizes did you get?” Merry asked.

”We haven’t gotten them yet.” Abigail answered. ”We got second, no thanks to Sis.” Abigail seemed angry, that’s not like her.

”Ina and I got third!” Nip proudly stated. ”Course we could have done better if Vampire lady liked Ina’s pet.” Yeah, I don’t see Veronica liking the sea cucumber very much.

”Well at least you got fucking third!” Sara angrily shouted. ”Me and Su kept getting bullshit points for what we brought.”

”Get this Big Bro.” Su came in to elaborate. ”Tiki and Doe annoyed someone until they threw something at them. Me and Sara catch the thing and save them and they have the nerve to claim it was theirs.” Su feigned being wounded. ”Betrayed by my own sisters, isn’t it sad?”

”Well, did they intend to have it thrown at them?” I asked with a laugh, somehow I think I knew the answer.

”How should I know?” You know, normally that would be a good answer but I know she knows her sisters better than that.

”How about this?” Merry interjects with a giggle. ”Did you actually intended to help them?”

”Umm… what does intend mean?” Su asked as she feigned ignorance, nice try.

It was about this time that Felisha and the others got back. Felisha began to make sure everyone was ready to leave, Veronica joined Merry and me, and Ryan called me over. Going to see what was up I was quickly handed four pieces of paper, ”I need you to sign these.” Really? I’d been signing papers all day.

”Is it going to cost me anymore money?” I don’t even what to think of the debt I have, let alone get more.

”Potentially, but very unlikely.” Well that’s a very helpful answer.

You know what, Ryan promised TNA something and if they don’t get what they want they will just take something else from him. I would rather just kept TNA happy and behaved right now, what’s more money at this point? “Fine whatever, I don’t care at this point.” I sign it myself. I didn’t care to read it, what’s my signature worth anyway?

Ryan then made a quick trip below deck to get TNA’s prizes they had won. I half expected them to tear into the prizes once they got them but they kept looking at me with giggles as they waited for all the prizes to be handed out. ”Is everyone ready?” Doe asked as she looked around, the groups without prizes teamed up with their sisters that have them. After making sure her sisters are ready, and that she has the attention of everyone on board, she continues. ”One… Two…” And they all tear open their bags.

”Sweets!” Ina shouts first, unfortunately they were not just any kind of sweets.

”Dicks!” Sara shouted as she quickly grabbed one of the phallic suckers. I’m not surprised that she could care less whether she was supposed to have one or not.

”Oh nice, this should help calm my stomach.” Tally, who never even played, picked up one of the bigger pieces and gave me a mischievous grin before beginning to suck on it. She sucked on the huge dick candy in an overly showy fashion, even going as far as to deep throat it at times.

”Good lord.” I sighed. As someone who has had such a service from her before, I will admit it made me look forward to when it would happen again.

”Don’t worry Big Bro.” Tiki giggled as she sorted through her large bag of goodies, arranging them in order of biggest to smallest. ”We’ll make sure that there is plenty of extra flavor on them before we give you a taste.”

”T-that’s okay, I’m not big on sweets.” If I am going for that extra flavor she is adding, I’ll take it from the tap.

”I don’t think that’s the point.” Nip giggled, holding up one of her prizes.

”I think he is more interested in watching you play with them, get enough drunk you may be able to extend the party…” Actually I’ve never been into watching masturbation or toy porn. Not saying it wouldn’t be interesting to watch them but that would be because of my attraction to them on its own.

”There’s enough, we should all play together.” Sis suggested. Uh-oh, what have you done Ryan?

”That sounds fun!” Abigail started but quickly gave a leer to Sis as she hugged one of her prizes. ”But no drinking for you.”

”What did I do?” Sis asked with a laugh.

”These prizes aren’t that great.” Annie stated.

”So you say as you steal one for yourself.” Su giggled, taking one herself.

”Hey! I was looking after Tally after you ditched me so… you can just shut up!” Annie shouts back.

”I help… Oh right.” Ryan started as he walked up to me. ”Also should probably tell you, the imps have learned what a red herring is thanks to Sis.”

”Add it to the list of surprises from this game of yours.” I’m still wrapping my feelings around how TNA have taken a liking to him, it’s unpleasant so far.

”Well I’m sure it’s a small thing to add compared to what Felisha would have if I hadn’t.” I suppose he has a point there, I don’t need any other reasons for Felisha to hold a grudge against me.

”So what else did you get?” Merry asked calmly. I suppose we got our own ‘toys’ while we were out, she there is no reason to be surprised by what TNA got.

”Hehe, it’s a surprise.” Tiki giggled as she playfully waved one of the cards I signed before looking at it. ”Now, what to do with you?” She asked before stealing a playful glance at me. I immediately regretted my decision, yet became somewhat excited. I guess I am turning into a pervert.

”‘Within my power?’” Doe pondered as she examined the card. ”What exactly does that mean?”

”It means you can’t use it for something like buying all the candy in Kioko. If he can’t make it happen then it doesn’t count. Anything else, free game.” Ryan explained.

”What did I get myself into?” I literally wrote them a blank check. No, worse than that actually. At least a blank check can’t say ‘go out and shag everyone you come across while we watch.’ I wouldn’t put it past them to ask that.

”I only said it could potentially not cost you anything, besides Felisha might have had worse in mind.” Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to keep using that argument.

”Anything, huh?” Abigail giggles as she holds the card tightly. ”I think I will save this for now.” Now her I am curious about.

”Hmm, this could be funny.” Sis giggled. ”Oh, the possibilities.”

”Let this be a lesson to read before you sign things.” Veronica commented. I know already, I know.

So Tiki, Doe, Abigail, and Sis can ask me for whatever they want? Could be worse I guess. ”Well… let’s just wait see what they request.”

”Alright, alright, put away your ‘treats’ and let’s go.” Felisha commanded. ”We need to find our inn.” Giving a minute for TNA to scatter about the ship, to hide their prizes who knows where, we all head back into the water. As we exit the dock Felisha made a bee line for the ‘carriage’ Merry and I have been using. ”Ah good, it’s still here. You have this for the whole day right?” Felisha asks as she opens the door and examines inside, her tail excitedly wagging about.

”Yes, we do have it all day.” Merry answered, still in a pleasant mood.

”Perfect! We’ll take this.” There is no way we are all fitting in that.

”But it’s not big enough for everyone.” I pointed out.

”So, it’s paid for. The driver can just make trips, right?” She glanced at the cancer driver.

”Yeah, I can do that.” The cancer answered.

”See, no worries.” Felisha turned to us with a big grin. ”So it’s settled, the rest of you can wait here and take the next ride when it gets back. Any complaints? Good! Let’s go.” Reluctantly agreeing, Merry, TNA, Veronica, Felisha, and I all loaded into the carriage. Most of TNA just flew into the carriage, not waiting for anything. I was a gentleman and helped Tally and the others into the carriage before joining them inside. Merry and Veronica really appreciated it but Tally just gave me a haughty smirk as she accepted the classy treatment and Felisha playfully feigned bashfulness. Once inside I took a seat with Merry to my left and Tally to my right.

”Oh this is nice.” Felisha said as she admired the interior of the carriage, examining every corner before plopping down on the far side. After sitting down she wiggled her butt on the soft cushion. ”Is this sea silk? Damn, you really are splurgin’. Good thing you are fairly closer to your debt holder.” Felisha gave a knowing grin to Veronica with that last comment.

Veronica paid Felisha no mind as she casually took a seat next to her. Veronica also gave the interior a once over but was noticeably unimpressed. ”It’s not bad.” Veronica commented before lightly holding her nose. ”It smells a bit funny.”

”Ah, you picked up on that did you?” Felisha asked with a chuckle. ”Seems our loving couple took this carriage for a real test drive.”

”You mean they had sex right?” Doe excitedly asked as she fluttered around the carriage with the others.

”Of course they had sex.” Tiki answered with a laugh. ”Look at this place, how could they not?”

”Perverts.” Tally said with a laugh. ”Getting it on in a rental.”

”You would join them in a second.” Nip giggled.

”You know it.” Tally laughed.

”You’re the pervert.” Ina laughed.

”You are all perverts.” Veronica commented with a sigh before turning to Felisha. ”So where are we going?”

”Good question.” Felisha quickly spun around and opened the little hatch so she could speak to the driver. Her tail excitedly wagging back and forth a she kneeled on the seat. ”Hey, what’s the nicest hotel near the Grand North Sea Cathedral?”

”The nicest?!” Must she dig me into a deeper hole?

”Quiet you.” Felisha snapped back as she continued to practically stick her head through the small hatch. ”It’s a special occasion so what do you recommend?”

”Well, if you don’t mind spending a little extra the Grand Reef Inn is right down the street from the Grand North Sea Cathedral.” Our cancer driver answered with a laugh.

”Sounds perfect, take us there.” Felisha commanded before closing the hatch and sitting back down as the carriage leaves. ”Alright, just have the stamp ready and our arrangements for the night will be set.”

”At my expense.” I grumbled.

”It’s alright, isn’t it darling?” Merry giggled. Seriously, I hope she realizes that at this rate I won’t be able to complain if Veronica wants me to pay with my body. ”Letting our friends have a bit of fun so they always remember when we get married.”

”Ha! I like the way you think.” Felisha laughs. ”It’s alright isn’t it, ‘darling’?”

I give up. I can’t fight these girls on my own. ”Fuck it, do whatever you want.”

”Fuck it!” Sara cheered. ”Good to see you taking what I said to heart.”

”Yeah, well the stress is not worth it.” I’ll figure out what I’m going to do once we get back.

”Hehe, you listening?” Su playfully elbows Annie as she giggles. ”You stress too much.”

”I don’t want to hear that from someone who goes out of her way to cause stress.” Annie was really quickly annoyed, but she has a point.

”Ugh, be quiet everyone. I have a head ach.” Sis moaned as she collapsed into my lap.

”Are you going to be ok?” I asked Sis. She didn’t look the best, her cheeks were still bruised.

”I am not surprised, given the beating Abigail gave her.” Veronica commented with a scoff.

”Abigail?!” Merry and I asked at the same time, she is usually the best behaved of the bunch.

”Yeah, whopped her good!” Felisha laughed. ”I didn’t think the little brat had it in her.”

”Even I get angry sometimes.” Abigail grumbled with her arms crossed. Seems she was really upset.

I could not help but laugh. ”Come here, Abigail.” I said as I gestured with my finger.

”Y-you’re not mad at me are you?” Abigail stammered. ”Because it wasn’t my fault. Sis was being a pain and I wanted to win.”

”I’m not mad, just come here.” I gestured again, these little girls really have trust issues from time to time. Abigail was hesitant but timidly approached me. Once she was close enough I reached my hand out. Abigail flinched, but all I did was ruffle her hair between her horns with my finger. ”I’m not sure which is more surprising, you getting violent or Sis being the one to aggravate you.”

”It really is surprising.” Merry giggled. ”What did she do that upset you?”

After I was done, she plopped down on my shoulder with a ‘hmph.’ ”She got drunk and cost us the game.” Abigail grumbled.

”Hey, even I need a drink dealing with you all all the time.” Sis groaned. Honestly, she had a point. ”And I had good ideas, why are you complaining?”

”Because you wouldn’t listen to my ideas and kept drinking!” Abigail shouted.

”Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” Sis groaned as she raised up and rubbed her cheeks. ”You didn’t have to hit me so hard though.”

”Yeah, well, I’m sorry too.” Abigail muttered. ”But you wouldn’t get up and I got angry.”

”Hehe, looks like you two made up.” Tally chuckled. ”You know what that means.”

”You two have to kiss, you to have to kiss.” Tiki sang between giggles.

”That’s the rules right?” Doe asked as she turned to Felisha.

Felisha just scoffed before answering. ”Sure, go for it.”

”R-really?” Abigail was hesitant.

”Yeah, why not?” Su asked with a laugh.

”Go for it!” Sara cheered.

”…fine.” Hopping down to my lap, Abigail kneeled in front of Sis. Since Sis was weary, Abigail took the lead and pulled her in for a kiss. Hands on Sis’s cheeks, eyes closed, I think there was some tongue. Abigail took the kissing part a little too seriously and even held it for a few seconds, I must admit it was kind of hot to watch. ”…there, we good?” Abigail asked as she finally pulled away.

”Y…yeah, we’re good.” Sis was a little winded from the long kiss.

”Hehe, is Big Bro good to go?” Nip asked with a chuckle… and a rhyme.

”Hehe, yeah he is.” Sis giggled as she wiggled her butt as I slowly got hard under her.

”Cool, we can do it in the carriage too!” Ina excitedly cheered.

”We have arrived!” The driver loudly announced, first time I heard her do that. Guess she didn’t want to clean up whatever mess would have happened if TNA got started in there.

”Alright!” Felisha excitedly hopped up. ”Let’s get our rooms and get this party started!”

”But we want to do it in the carriage.” Ina whined.

”Trust me, I’m sure this place has something you’ll like even better.” Felisha retorted with a laugh.

”Really? What’s that?” Annie asked as she skeptically folded her arms.

”Room service.” Felisha confidently answered. Oh sure, TNA with room service. What could possibly go wrong?

Unfortunately it did not take long to find out just how bad things would get. Once we unloaded from the carriage Felisha gave a quick order to the driver to go back for everyone else before rushing us all inside. It really was a fancy place, with decorative statues and marble floors. Too bad I had no chance to admire any of the finer details as I was rushed to pay for the rooms, 6 of the bloody things and the event room, by the excited clamoring’s of Felisha and TNA. After I had dug myself into even more debt we were rushed off to one of the rooms. The room is just as fancy as one would expect. A fancy dresser to store our things in, a large mirror with gold trim, marble counters in a bathroom with a rune powered toilet, and of course a huge bed with silk soft sheets. Of course Felisha and TNA were immediately more interested in the brass pipe running down the wall.

”Alright, now you see this girls?” Felisha proudly stated as she motioned toward the pipe. ”This is room service. Allow me to demonstrate.” Flipping open the cap to the pipe, Felisha leaned in to give her order. ”Excuse me, have y’all got any bubble champagne?”

”Of course, what kind would you like?” A voice quickly replied through the pipe, accompanied by a slight metallic distortion from the pipe itself.

”Bring us the good stuff, it’s a special occasion.” There she goes again, using my wedding as an excuse to live it up for the night.

”Ok, it will be there in just a few minutes.” The voice said before Felisha closed the lid to the pipe.

”Now all we have to do is wait.” Felisha stated, although TNA is not the best when it comes to patience and they were already beginning to wonder about the room.

While we waited I noticed that Merry was already digging through her stuff and getting it put away in preparation for tomorrow. In particular, Merry had already hung her wedding dress in the corner of the room so that it won’t have wrinkles in the morning. I noticed that while Veronica gave particularly envious glances to the dress, TNA practically didin’t even realize it was there. I began to go through the assortment of things we got today and found TNA’s dresses, an assortment of white bows, skirts, and veils. I have to ask them. The wedding is tomorrow, if I don’t ask them now than when will I? I don’t think I will ever find a perfect moment with them so I figured I would just ask.

”Hey Tiki, Ina, Tally, Su, Annie, Nip, Doe, Abigail, Sara, and Sis. Can I talk to you for a moment?” I was nervous of how they might react, and a little conscious that Merry, Veronica, and Felisha were here as well.

”Just call us TITSANDASS or TNA like you usually do.” Annie was the first to respond, but she avoided eye contact as she crossed her arms. ”You don’t have to be formal.”

”What is it, Big Bro?” Doe excitedly asked.

”Is there a party in your pants?” Tiki asked with seductive coo. ”Are we invited?”

”I’m trying to be a bit serious here.” I could not help but laugh at these girls.

”Well then just fucking say it!” Sara shouted.

Well, no point beating around the bush I guess. ”Well… you know that I am marrying Merry tomorrow, right?” I could feel the sudden attention on me. Merry, Veronica, and Felisha all stopped in their tracks to hear how this plays out. ”D-do you want to get married too?”

“Are you asking us what I think you are?” Nip hesitantly asked.

If I was going to this I was going to do this right. I took a knee before them. “I don’t have rings to offer you but…” Something I really should have considered. “TNA… will you marry me?”
dcw2021Jul 7, 2016 6:45 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Nov 30, 2015 9:24 PM

Nov 2013
aside from missing words and code errors nice chapter, can't wait to see the rest of the night from your perspective
Nov 30, 2015 10:00 PM

Jul 2013
That cliffhanger ending. I can't wait for next time.
Dec 3, 2015 1:22 AM

Sep 2013
TNA might want to get a prenup signed...with that debt you're quickly racking up, who know what they might get stuck doing to make ends meet. =)

I guess you HAVE gone pretty deep--might be quicker to try to dig all the way through to the other side rather than try to get back up to the surface.

Interested to see the response from the little ladies...
Dec 6, 2015 8:52 PM

Jul 2013

For once TNA all were silent as they all looked around to see how their sisters were reacting. Tiki, Annie, Su, and Sara were all embarrassed. Nip and Doe seemed uneasy. Sis, Ina, and Abigail smiled but didn’t say anything. It was Tally that eventually answered for them. But she did not act cocky or smug, she calmly clasped my hand in hers and… slowly pushed it back to me. ”That’s okay Big Bro.” She softly smiled at me, and the others quickly joined her. ”This is something that is important to Big Sis.” Tally closed her eyes as she lightly rubbed her stomach, feeling the children that will be born soon. ”I already got something that is important to her before she did. So… I think it is only fair that Big Sis gets this one.” Tally smiled sweetly at me as the others nodded in agreement.

I couldn’t believe it. Were they genuinely being considerate? It seemed that they didn’t make this decision on a whim either, they were all even in agreement. ”Are you sure about that?!” To say Merry was surprised would be an understatement, she was flat out shocked that TNA would turn me down. ”This is your chance to get married! Don’t you… love Jonathan?”

”Of course we love him!” Abigail shouted. ”We love him but… but…” Abigail seemed unsure of what to say next.

”But we love you too Big Sis.” Sis continued. ”We’ve never seen you happier than when you talk about getting married and having kids.” Sis giggled as she looked at Tally. ”And… well… Tally already explained the rest.”

”So then… it’s all for me?” Merry… didn’t know what to say, neither did I frankly.

”I don’t see what the big deal is.” Annie crossed her arms as she looked away. ”It’s not like it will change anything.”

Curious about the statement Annie just made, Doe flew up to me. ”You’ll still love us after you get married right?”

I’ll admit that them turning me down was quite a shock for me. But these girls always do things their own way, this is no different. I couldn’t help but laugh, these girls always give me lots of little things to love about them. ”Of course I will.” I answered as I ruffled Doe’s hair. ”I always will.”

”Well then it’s no prob…” Nip was quickly cut off as Merry embraced Tally and as many of TNA as she could catch. ”W-w-what give Big Sis?!” Nip shouted as she struggled to get free.

”Thank you, all of you.” Merry was practically in tears she was so moved. ”You have no idea how much this means to me.”

”It’s fine as long as we can still prank you both.” Su giggled.

”And you give us sweets!” Ina joined in with a cheer.

”And of course…” Tiki added with a chuckle. ”…we get to join the two of you during sex.” The others giggled in agreement with that statement.

”Well…” Merry nervously laughed. That wasn’t a yes… but it wasn’t a no either.

”Alright, alright, enough of this touchy feely crap!” Sara shouted before crossing her arms as she got flustered. ”This isn’t like us.”

”Alright, alright.” I chuckled. Some of them still just can’t handle being emotional, it’s cute. ”I’ll be marrying Merry tomorrow but I expect all of you to be there. Married or not you are my family.”

”Ok!” They all cheered with a series of giggles.

Not long after there was a knock on the door. ”Ah, about time.” Felisha said as she jumped at the chance to change the subject. ”We can get the fun started.” Felisha opened the door and took the bottle from the Cancer without so much as a thank you before closing it again. ”See this? You can order all kinds of services.”

”What kind of services?” Doe asked as TNA began to see what the pipe could be used for.

”You can order all kinds of food and drink as well as a number of other services such as getting your laundry done.” She giggled with a big smile as she held the expensive looking bottle. ”And the best part is everything will be added to the bill that has already been approved, no questions asked.” Of course concerns of cost never occur to TNA as they rushed to the pipe.

”Hi! I would like some sweets! Like some candy, some pie, and some cake.” Ina excitedly call out her orders as she practically climbed down the pipe to make sure she was heard. I wasn’t exactly eager to spend more money but since they didn’t want to get married I figured I should at least let them have anything else they want.

”Hey, so any mess we make you’ll have to clean up, right?” Su asked with a giggle, I can already tell there is going to be trouble over this.

”Hey, do you have any men that could come to our room?” Tiki asked.

”No! No no! No no no! No! No! No!” I shouted as I quickly closed the lid to the pipe. ”I will NOT be paying for a booty call! That is where I draw the line!” I don’t care what the chances are that they actually have any, I will have none of it.

”Aww, you’re no fun Big Bro.” Tally giggled, but it seemed like TNA weren’t going to push the issue.

”Well, have fun with that.” Felisha said with a laugh. ”I’m going to go meet the crew and get things ready for tonight.” As she was closing the door she gave one last playful wink. ”Don’t get too comfortable.”

After Felisha left, things quieted down for a while. Doe was putting in an endless stream of questions into the pipe to find out what kind of goods and services they could get, the others placing orders whenever something catches their interest. Merry and I were sitting together on the bed while Veronica picked a corner of the bed to sit on by herself as we listened to my debt grow with each order TNA made. It’s still a little hard to believe we will be married in a matter of hours, we’ve come so far it’s hard to think we will have accomplished our goal soon. Of course we were not completely ready for it yet. ”Well, there are still a few more things we need to discuss about our wedding.” I tried to casually bring up the subject.

”I know, darling.” Merry happily nodded as she turned toward me. ”Tempra told me about the traditions you have. All we have to do is let Patricia know how we want things to go in the morning and she will work around what we want.”

”So how do you want things to go?” I asked.

Merry thought about it for a moment before answering. ”Well, I don’t know of any traditions, at least not like the ones you were talking about. I like the idea of coming up with vows for each other, I am curious about what you will say, darling.” Merry blushed lightly. ”But I am already getting everything I ever dreamed of from my wedding.” Merry giggled with delight. ”So why don’t you tell me what you want, darling?”

”What do I want?” I’ve never really given much thought about what I want from my wedding. As long as the two of us get married without any issues, there has never been anything I really needed from a wedding. The only reason I ever brought up traditions in the first place was because I like to know what the plan is whenever action is required on my part. What traditions from my world would even apply, let alone what ones do I want to keep? Neither of us have family to present one to the other, I’m not sure how the flower girl thing would work underwater, a lot of the other stuff is already a part of the plan in one form or another, so that just leaves… ”What about some maids of honor?” I know that the groom would get a best man but I think just calling them both maids of honor would translate better in this would. I suppose I could go with Ryan to keep things more accurate but, while I like him just fine, I wouldn’t say we are super good friends.

”Maids of honor huh?” Merry leered at me a bit as she asked. ”Who would these maids be and what would they do?”

”Well…” Was she expecting something perverted? ”…they normally have a big role in setting up the wedding but at this point they would just make sure the wedding goes smoothly. As for who…” Once I thought about it, I realized our choice in women wasn’t ideal either.

”So it has to be someone you trust to help us get married?” Merry placed a finger on her lips as she thought about it, and then made a choice that kind of surprised me. ”Sis, would you and your sisters like to be my maids of honor?”

Sis seemed like she was just as surprised as I was. ”Really? You want us?” Even Sis knew that asking TNA to help was asking for trouble. ”Are you sure?”

”You said it yourself didn’t you?” Merry responded with a genuine smile. ”You love me right?” She softly held her hand over her heart. ”You all were willing to give up marrying Jonathan for me. If you all think about me that much then I’m sure I can trust you all.”

”Really, Big Sis?” Abigail asked with a big smile. She seemed to appreciate the trust even if she was surprised by it, and she wasn’t the only one.

”So you really trust us?” Annie asked, a little skeptical.

”Yes.” Merry affirmed with a smile.

”Even me?” Nip asked.


”What about me?” Doe asked.

”Of course.”

”And me!” Ina shouted as she raised her hand.


”And me?” Tiki asked.


”And me?” Tally asked with a chuckle.

”Yes.” I think there was some slight hesitation for that one.

”What about me?” Su asked with a mischievous grin.

”And me?!” Sara shouted.

”Just behave yourselves.” Merry answered with a bit more forced smile.

”Hey!” Su angrily shouted back, guess even she gets insulted.

”That’s bullshit! Why can’t you trust us?” Really Sara? You need to ask.

”Behave yourselves during the wedding and I promise to trust you from now on.” Merry easily retorted. Neither Su nor Sara had a comeback to that, all they could do was grumble. It was pretty clever actually, they had to behave if they wanted Merry’s trust and if they didn’t it would only prove her point.

Then it was my turn to pick my maid of honor. I suppose I could have just split TNA with Merry but with the better members of TNA having to keep the worse ones in check I thought it would be a good idea to pick someone else. Who else? There was only one person it could be and luckily she was already in the room. ”Veronica, would you be my maid of honor?”

”Me?!” Veronica started in shock. ”You want me to be your maid of honor?!”

”Are you sure that is a good idea darling?” Merry asked as she shirked back in surprise, was it really that surprising? ”Don’t you think that’s…” Merry got a bit flustered as she solemnly continued. ”…a conflict of interest? She might just try to steal you.”

”Come now, Veronica was kind enough to pay for our wedding.” She expects to be paid back but that is another matter. But of course the idea is moot if Veronica herself declines. ”What do you say?”

Veronica crossed her arms as she sadly looked away. ”Do you think it is fair to ask that of me?” Yes, I know. When all is said and done I was asking her to watch someone she loves marry someone else. But for there to be any possibility of being anything between us in the future I needed Merry to know she is not an obstacle to us being happy together and, more importantly, I had to confirm this for myself.

”I know that the relationship between you and I is… complicated.” To say the least. ”But next to Merry and TNA you are my best friend in this world. I know it is hard, but I would not ask this of you if I did not want you to be there.”

I could see the turmoil inside Veronica as I said that. She slowly got frustrated as she thought about it but she eventually let out a sigh as looked at me. ”Fine, I’ll do it.” Taking a moment to reaffirm her convictions, she continued. ”What will I have to do?”

I was actually kind of glad she asked. ”Well as my maid of honor I think you will end up having two main responsibilities: First, I believe Felisha and the others are planning a bachelor party for me and I don’t think they will let me out of it easily. Your job is to make sure that no matter how crazy things get I am cleaned and dressed and at the cathedral ready to be wed in the morning.”

”Do you really think things will get that bad?” Veronica asked.

”I have no doubt.” I could tell by Merry’s nervous laugh that she was thinking the same thing I was. ”So after that, and…” Quickly turning to Merry. ”… let me know if you disagree with anything, I will go to the cathedral first to make sure everything is ready and tell Patricia what we want. I will let her know that we want to say our own vows before we are finally married. After that I will wait for my bride, which brings me to your second job, Veronica.” I said as I turned back to Veronica. ”Once I am at the alter, you are to make sure I don’t lose my nerve. I believe I’ll be fine, but if I start to panic be sure to do what it takes to see that I get married. Can I trust you to do that?”

”Yeah, yeah, I said I would do it didn’t I?” Answering with a sigh as she laid back on the bed, lightly resting one of her hands on her forehead. ”So tomorrow is the day huh?” Veronica solemnly asked. ”In the morning you will be married.”

”That’s right.” Merry happily answered. ”Darling and I will be married and starting a family before long. That reminds me…” Getting off of the bed, Merry turns to face Veronica. ”I know I said it before but I want to say it again.” Merry bows deeply in honest appreciation. ”Thank you for paying for our wedding.” She slowly raises her head as Veronica raises to meet her. ”Thanks to you I can have the wedding I have dreamt about since I was a little girl. So really, thank you.” Merry does one more quick bow.

Veronica is again caught off guard by how appreciative Merry is, she gets flustered and can’t keep eye contact with Merry’s earnest gaze. ”You don’t have to thank me. I did not exactly do it for you.”

Rather than be offended, Merry just giggled at Veronica’s honest response. ”I know. But even if it wasn’t for me, and even if we will have to pay you back, I know that you did it for darling’s happiness in spite of how you feel.” Merry lightly placed her hand on her heart. ”Darling’s happiness is my happiness too. I know that it must not be easy for you to see us married, but know that I will never forget what you have done for us.”

”Yeah… well…” Veronica became more flustered at Merry’s words. It looked like she was going to say something back but after a few false starts she just went silent. And it may just be my imagination, but it seemed like Merry had something more to say as well but couldn’t get the words out. With neither being done talking nor having more they were willing to say, an awkward silence fell between them. The only sound in the room was the giggles of TNA as they continued to make some absurd requests through the pipe. All I could do was wait until Felisha came back to take me to my bachelor party and prepare myself for a long night and a longer day in the morning.

(For greater effect, the following events are not yet in the journal.)

*Knock* *Knock* With a sudden knock on the door TNA, who were already becoming bored with the various snacks and toys they already ordered, buzzed with excitement at the prospect of new goodies. ”Yay! More sweets!” Ina cheered as she was the first one to rush the door. This time however being the first to the door did not net her first pick of the sweets but instead nearly slammed her into the wall as the door was quickly opened.

”Alright, grab your shit you’re changing rooms!” Felisha loudly announced after her entrance.

”What we’re not staying in this one?” Merry asked as she looked around, she finally had everything laid out the way she wanted it and was not looking forward to moving everything.

”No, you’re staying here.” Felisha answered with a laugh. ”Your hubby however is coming with us.”

”Sorry, but you can’t have him on the night before the wedding.” Riona giggled as she walked in and grabbed some of my stuff. ”But don’t worry we’ll take good care of him at the bachelor party.”

”Y-you’re not going to do anything too crazy are you?” I nervously stammer.

Felisha just gave me a big grin, I have a bad feeling about this. ”Don’t worry about it, it’s your last night as a free man. Just live a little.” She playfully wrapped her arm around my shoulder. At least it seemed playful until I realized she was just holding me so I couldn’t get away.

Tiki’s interest was quickly perked as she was far more interested in what we were doing than whatever snacks she could order. ”Hey can we join too?”

Su, with a mischievous grin on her face was eager to join. ”Yeah, this looks fun.”

”Depends, are you marrying him tomorrow?” Felisha asked with a smirk as she maintained a firm grip on me.

”Nope!” Well they certainly seem proud of their decision not to marry me now, fickle little brats.

”Alright then, the more the merrier.” Felisha nodded before glancing to Veronica. ”You coming.”

”Yeah, yeah.” Oddly enough, Veronica is not too thrilled about joining us. But she is not exactly the one I am concerned about.

”I-is this really alright?” I ask as I look back at Merry. I actually kinda hope she will come to my rescue here, I don’t think these pirate will be very gentle.

Looking back at Merry, she was not happy. She is shaking, barely able to contain herself. Grumbling, she says two words: ”One night…” Finally her anger erupts and she angrily points at Felisha. ”You get one night! After that I don’t want to hear anything from any of you! Got that?!”

Felisha just looks at Merry with a big grin. ”No promises.” Before promptly dragging me off.

We barely had time to drop my stuff off in my new room as I was carted away with them. Felisha just told me to make sure I remembered where the room was as Riona tossed the things with little regard for what was in my stuff. Hurrying down the corridor to a large room, we joined Michaela, Una, Spindla, Kelsey, and Ryan’s group.

Forcefully sitting me down with the others, Felisha grabbed the champagne and opened it. The expensive liquid came shooting out but it did not mix with the sea water. The champagne clumped together in little bubble like globs as they floated about the room. ”Alright, now that the groom is here we can get started with this bachelor party!” Felisha gave a loud cheer as she cupped one of the champagne bubbles in her hand, bringing it close enough to suck in with a satisfied sigh. ”Feel free to get a snack or drink some of the bubble champagne whenever you want, but I’ve never been one for waiting so I say we get the game started.”

”And, what game are we playing?” I asked with a nervous laugh.

”The lord’s game of course.” Felisha eagerly explains as she holds up numbered sticks. ”Everyone draws numbered lots. One of the lots has a special mark, whoever draws that is the lord and they can have the numbers do anything they want.” I’ve heard of something like this.

”Anything?” Tiki asked with obviously lewd thoughts.

”Hehe, don’t get ahead of me.” Felisha chuckles. ”There are some rules: First, you can only give orders to numbers. You can order as many numbers as you want but you cannot use anything else to indicate who you are ordering. Second, to keep things fun and interesting for everyone there will be no contact with genitals, assholes, or nipples of any kind. Sorry but no just ordering everyone to have sex together all the time, that’s too predictable. In addition there will be no leaving the room and no harm to persons, animals, or objects. Aside from those conditions the lord’s word is law.”

”What happens if I don’t want to do it.” Ryan asked, a good question I’ll admit.

”Those who refuse the lord’s orders will suffer a penalty. First, they must drink the largest bubble around at the time. Second, they must remove a piece of clothing and it must remain removed for the rest of the game.” TNA began to snicker at the prospects. ”However,” Felisha continued, ”if there is a majority agreement that the lord is unjust they will be overthrown and face the penalty themselves. Any questions?”

”I don’t drink…” Ryan begin before Felisha cuts me off.

”Too bad, it’s a party so lighten up!” She flatly denies. Sorry Ryan, I’m in the same boat as well.

You know I didn’t pay much mind to it before but none of us actually have much clothing to speak of. Felisha’s heavy black coat has been replaced with a strapless bikini with the bottom half riding low enough for her tail to be unhindered. Michaela is in even more shocking contrast to her usual attire, with little more than bandages wrapped around her chest and a tiny cloth flap to cover the nethers you would think she didn’t normally wear very practical leather armor. The most cloth she had was a scarf I assume is to tie her head on. Kelsey is another odd one, her tank top is normal but the oversized swim trunks to replace her pot are off putting. Riona’s… actually kind of suits her. A black school swimsuit with her name on it? It’s surprisingly practical. Una’s was nothing special but the red swimsuit against her blue skin combined with the massive size of her breasts made her stand out. Spindla also stood out, but more for the giant spider body than her normal bikin and swim skirt. And then of course there is Veronica, the white pareo and halter we got in Safaria looks lovely on her and the gold tassels around her chest highlight her… personality. Best not to linger on that. Ryan’s group is not much more dressed with Ryan in a coat and swim trunks while Silvia is in a white medium length sheer pareo skirt, black bikini bottom and black bikini vest, and Ione is in a vivid cyan 2-piece swimdress that ties behind the neck. With TNA in their ribbon and me in only a swim vest and shorts, if anything gets removed something is getting revealed. This night is promising to be very interesting indeed.

”If I can’t stomach this stuff can we at least opt to get something with a better flavor?” Ryan asked, trying to compromise with Felisha about the drinking part of the penalties.

”Sure, so long as it is just as strong.” Felisha playfully retorted. ”Now, let’s get started.”

We all gather together. Felisha holds the lots so no one can see the numbers and everyone quickly picks their lot. For the first round Veronica is lord, at least this shouldn’t be too bad.

”So I can order anyone to do anything I want?” Veronica mutters as she ponders an order. ”Alright, how about number 10… act like TNA.”

”Huh?” Utters Silvia suddenly at a loss. Yeah, somehow I don’t get the feeling she is the type for this sort of game. ”Uh… Um why is the sky blue? Why does the boat float? …Why are clouds white?.... Is that enough?” … is that supposed to be Doe?

”Really? Is that all you got?” Veronica is not amused. ”After suffering their ‘playing’ yourself you could put a bit more energy into acting like them.”

”Yeah, what’s with the boring response?!” Tiki shouted in protest. ”We are much more interesting than that. And if you are going to mimic Doe with all the questions you could at least sound like you are interested in the answers!” I have to agree.

Silvia does not respond but is clearly both annoyed and flustered. ”Oh, don’t get upset. I knows it’s not easy for you old fat ladies to keep up with us.” Su giggled.

Silvia growled a bit but quickly composed herself. ”You’re right, keeping up with children isn’t easy.”

”But don’t feel bad. I can tell you how to act like us.” Su giggles, but Silvia just ignores her. ”Don’t be stubborn, it’s the lord’s orders that you act like us. Or do you want the penalty?”

For one reason or another, Silvia gave it a second go. Taking in a breath she put on a ponderous expression and appeared to be talking to herself. ”Hm, Big Bro ain’t here so now would be a good time to drop that anchor, is anyone looking? Good. Uh-oh one eye’d lady caught me, I wonder if this will be fun, she can’t stop me.” Definitely Su this time.

Su giggled at the try, they do say imitation is the highest form of flattery. ”Hey that’s not bad, but you need a little more umph to it. Think about it, something you know someone doesn’t want you to do. Can’t you just feel your mischief building in you? Think of the moment you are caught, the calmer they are the funnier it is to see their face red with anger. It’s funny right? You can’t wait to see it right? So get a big smile and drop that anchor!” Is that what she thinks when she pulls those pranks?

”No.” Silvia flatly rejected as she glanced toward Veronica. ”Is that not adequate enough?”

”Ehh, it is a bit lackluster but it suffices.” Veronica answers with a shrug.

”Well alright then, that works as a warmup.” Felisha states as she collects the lots. ”Alright, ready for round 2?”


”Alright! It’s my turn!” Riona cheers after drawing the winning lot. She looks at us with a big grin, those close to her carefully hiding their lots. ”Hmm… I know! Number 2, you must allow the lord to sit on your shoulders.”

”Oh, no…” Seems like Kelsey is our lucky winner. ”... does someone want to trade?”

”Sorry, no trading.” Felisha answered with a laugh.

You know, of all the possibilities only TNA would be worse. Riona is not very big but Kelsey is even smaller. I’m not gonna lie, it was hilarious to see Riona try to balance on top of Kelsey’s shoulders. ”H-hold still would you?” Riona fluttered her arms about in an attempt to maintain balance.

”You’re heavy…” Kelsey pouted.

”What’d you say?!” Riona shouted as she began to give Kelsey a nuggie. ”This isn’t what I had in mind either so just put up with it.”

”Oww, oww, oww. Okay, just stop!” Kelsey pleaded.

”Wah!” Riona sudden flailed about again as Su gave her hair a tug.

”Careful not to fall.” Su giggled. ”Even if it won’t be very far.”

”Alright, that one was amusing. Stay like that until the next round at least.” Felisha chuckled as she gathered the lots for round 3.


”Alright! Let’s try this again!” Riona, lord again, shouted. ”Number 7, let the lord ride on your shoulders!”

Silvia let out a soft growl and murmured, ”First that damn witch and now this dwarf. What am I to these small ones?” Seems this is not the first time she was forced into a piggy back ride.

”Quit your belly aching.” Riona snubbly said as she hopped off of Kelsey, to Kelsey’s relief. ”Now bend down, the lord needs her throne.” Someone’s having fun. Silvia knelt down to begrudgingly allow Riona on her shoulders but did not stand up after that. ”There we go, much better…. You don’t want to raise up?”

”No. that wasn’t ‘the lord’s order’.” I’m surprised she’s still playing at this point.

”Tch, how literal the nave is.” Riona was not fully satisfied but she seemed to have fun ruffling Silvia’s hair. ”You got some cute ears, you know that?” Riona asked as she playfully ran a finger along the furry side of Silvia’s ears. Silvia her tail noticeably stiffen and her back straighten slightly at the unexpected stimulation. ”Haha, nice reaction.” Riona giggled.

”Alright, next round.” Felisha stated as she collected the lots again.


”Hmm, what should I order?” Michaela, the new lord, carefully examins her subjects as she thinks of a command. ”Alright recruits, evens 50 pushups, odds 5 laps around the room! Hop to it!”

You know, you would think pushups underwater would not be very hard but each time I attempt one I just end up pushing myself off the ground instead. I look around to see the other evens not faring much better, with the exception of Tiki and Su who only mockingly make an attempt. Silvia is glad to have Riona off her back but she just overall seems pretty clumsy in the water so attempting these pushups just further tests her patience. Kelsey is having the same problem but to a hilarious extreme, matched by frantic flailing about. Spindla doesn’t seem to have any problems staying on the ground but her body shape in general makes performing pushups pretty awkward. We eventually figure it out but by the time we do the others have finished their laps and eagerly begin the next round.
dcw2021Jul 7, 2016 2:30 PM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Dec 6, 2015 9:20 PM

Jul 2013
Yay! New chapter.
Dec 8, 2015 1:21 AM

Sep 2013
Ah, the King's Game...truly the game of...uh...kings?

Certainly not the no-holds-barred orgy I assumed was about to go down. Definitely interesting though =)
Dec 8, 2015 4:30 PM

Nov 2013
dcw2021 said:
I suppose I could go with Ryan to keep things more accurate but, while I like him just fine, I wouldn’t say we are super good friends.

Dec 8, 2015 5:14 PM

Jul 2013
sorry but, a. I just met you, and b. intentional or not you character has done things to annoy my character. :P
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Dec 9, 2015 7:39 AM

Jan 2015
An interesting game indeed, can't wait for the next round and Nox's perspective.
Dec 13, 2015 4:20 PM

Jul 2013
Ione is the lord this time and a subtle smirk crosses her face as she contemplates her order. ”Hm… Numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12. Take the penalty.” That just plain feels like it should be against the rules.

Riona, Su, Spindla, and Felisha were the matching numbers… none of whom complained really. Begs the question of how effective is the penalty? Is it just an excuse to have Ryan and I get drunk and strip? ”Hey, this is just an excuse for me to drink more.” Felisha laughed as she took the biggest bubble for herself.

”Oh, this really is the good stuff.” Spindla delightfully commented as she cupped one of the bubbles into her mouth.

”Haha, this is nothing!” Riona cheerfully drank her bubble.

”Ah! Dat was god.” Su giggled, her small size giving the penalty more of an effect. ”Oh, no… now we have to take off a bit of clothing… woops.” Su untied her ribbon and let her assets show. ”Now what are we gonna to do? Everyone will be show distracted.” Sorry doll but you kinda look like one from a distance.

”Eh, I think I need a bigger one anyway.” Spindla undid her top and playfully puffed out her chest. ”So liberating.” That rack on the other hand draws attention.

”Agreed, very relaxing.” Felisha chose to remove her bottom first. She was not flaunting it around, but still really?

”Yeah! No more penalty for me!” Riona flashed a victory sign, stripping her one piece left her stark naked. Yeesh, I’m getting naked cruise flashbacks. I just hope I don’t get jumped again.

Next is… ”Yesh! Finale! It iz my turn!” With a big smile and no hesitation Su pointed to Ryan and me. ”Kiss!” I knew it, I fucking knew it.

”You have to order by the numbers!” I ‘gently’ remind Su, since I don’t think the others were going to say anything.

”Ok, what’s your numbers?” Su asked with a laugh.

”As if I’ll tell!” I shout, she thinks I want this?

”7.” Ryan quickly answers. Is that the truth or reverse psychology?

”Big Bro’s is 11!” Tiki shouts, the brat looked at my number while I was focused on Ryan!

”Don’t tell her!” I’m doomed.

”Sorry Big Bro, I wanna see it too.” Tiki giggled.

”Alright, 11 kiss…” Please not Ryan. ”... 6!” I hear Ryan give a sigh of relief, thank god.

Of course the worst case scenario has been avoided but the question still remains: ”Who’s 6?” I look around to find Michaela approaching.

”Well, this is an interesting turn of events.” Michaela chuckled a she closed in.

”Y-yeah…” I nervously laugh. Well, what do I do now? Michaela is not unattractive, that’s kinda the problem really, but I don’t think Merry would approve of this. Still, is it worth taking the penalty?

”Woo! Now this is what I am talking about!” Felisha whistled excitedly.

”Yeah! Kiss him!” Tiki shouted.

”Hehe, we know where that mouth has been.” Su giggled. Great, thanks for reminding me.

As Michaela stands before me, I can only hope she will let me off easy. ”I don’t suppose just a peck would be ok?”

”Nope.” Michaela answered before grabbing me, leaning me back, and forcefully kissing me.

”Woo! Alright!” Spindla cheered, the rest of the crew quickly joining her.

Michaela kissed me for a long time. In fact, when I finally opened my eyes to see what was happening her body had already leaned back up and it was just the head I was making out with. I quickly forced Michaela’s head back on her shoulders as I catch my breath. ”Was that really necessary?” I asked, whipping my mouth.

”No.” Michaela answered with a chuckle. ”But it was fun.”

With that… interesting scene out of the way. We moved to the next round. Looks like Kelsey is our new lord. ”Hmm….” Kelsey stared at her winning lot and continues to stare at it for a while.

”Hurry up and give your order.” Felisha commented.

”I’m the lord and I’ll take as much time as I want!” Seems the role playing is going to her head. ”Alright, I know. Number 2… grovel before the lord.” It’s a complete reversal of her usual persona.

”Hm.” Ione did as she was told and bowed before Kelsey, who in turned was quite pleased with herself. I don’t know her that well but as Ione stood back up and returned to her spot she looked like she was having fun. Did she enjoy the task of is she just playing the game?


Seems like Kelsey has a lucky streak going because she came up lord again. The tiny girl delightfully danced around when she found out. ”Yeah! I’m still the lord.” With a big grin she points to the group. ”Alright slaves, number 11 will feed me while 10 rubs my shoulders.” Really going to her head.

Spindla rolled her eyes as she walked to the food table to get something for Kelsey while Tiki flew up to her while giggling. ”So lord Kelly, shall I rub your shoulders?” She is up to something.

”Yes, you shall.” Kelsey is to full of herself to notice.

Tiki keeps a big smile as she begins to work on Kelsey’s shoulders as Spindla arrives with the food. ”Here you go… my lord.” Spindla rolls her eyes again.

”Well, don’t just stand there with it, put it in my mouth.” Kelsey commands as she opens her mouth wide.

Reluctantly Spindla feeds Kelsey by hand as Tiki continues to message her. ”So lord Kelly, how do you like my massage?” Tiki asks with a giggle.

”It’s very nice.” Kelsey answers between bites.

”Would you like me to do more than just your shoulders?” Tiki asked with a grin.

”Yes, please.” Kelsey answered, and she has fallen for it. Permission granted, Tiki went straight for Kelsey’s breasts. ”Ah! What are you doing to your lord?!”

”Only what you asked me to.” Tiki answered with a laugh. ”Oh, you’re so sensitive lord Kelly.”

”I-I thought there was no contact with nipples.” Kelsey moaned under Tiki’s assault.

”Ah, technically that only applies to giving orders.” Felisha replied with a laugh. ”And since you gave her permission, there is no helping you.” Felisha added with a chuckle. ”Good luck.”

Not waiting for Tiki to finish her assault, we picked representatives to draw for Kelsey and Tiki and left Kelsey to her fate. Michaela drew lord again. ”Alright, I think I have something more fun.” Michaela happily announce, seems that kiss loosened her up a bit. ”Numbers 5 and 12… share a drink kiss together.”

Almost immediately, Ryan tosses his stick back and grabs the nearest bubble to choke down the drink while taking off his coat. ”Fuck that.” Ryan spat before forcing down the drink. I guess a kiss is worth the penalty to him. Is that overreacting or have I just been here that long? You know, I hardly remember how I felt about this stuff before coming here.

”So what does that mean for Tiki? She drew five.” I ask, as Ryan takes the penalty. Over reacting or not, I’m ok with not having to watch Tiki share a drink kiss with Ryan.

”In this case I would say the first one to cave is the only one to face the penalty.” Felisha after thinking about it for a moment.

”So, what’d I miss?” Tiki excitedly asked, joining the group as she left Kelsey barely functioning.

”Not much.” Jonathan answered. ”You would have had to share a drink kiss with Ryan but he took the penalty so you are off the hook.”

”Aww, what’s wrong?” Tiki playfully pouted toward Ryan. ”You’re missing out on my great kissing skills.”

”I’ve been meaning to ask, what was your name again?” Ryan asked. “I remember all the others but your’s seems to escape me.”

”Aww, don’t be silly. There is no way anyone could forget my name.” Tiki replied with a giggle.

Not able to get a straight answer out of Tiki, Ryan turned to me. ”Jonathan, what’s this one’s name?”

I just had to laugh, it’s nice to see someone else struggling with names for once. ”Her name is Tiki. She is the first T in TITSANDASS.”

”Hey wait! You really did forget my name?!” Tiki shouted in a mix of anger and shock. Ryan just shrugs in response. ”How could you forget me but not the others?!” Tiki shouted as she quickly struck a pose in an attempt to look sexy. ”I’m the most beautiful of my sisters. With the best curves and the skills to match.”

”Honestly Abigail seems to be the best of the 10 of you.” Ummm…. Honesty is not always the best policy with TNA, Ryan.

”Abigail?! But she has the least experienced of all of us!” Tiki angrily shouts. ”Why do you think she’s the best?”

”Maybe you’re too fat for him?” Su offers with a laugh.

”She seems the least arrogant. Guys, from earth at least, like girls who don’t act like they are perfect. She also seems much nicer.”

”She ain’t nice! Just look at what she did to Sis!” Tiki retorted. You know, after seeing the damage done to Sis, I’m inclined to agree.

”It is called ‘Just Desserts’, I think it is a good thing she took a stand there.”

Tiki was going to say something but thought for a moment. ”Alright, there is no accounting for taste.” She then angrily points at me. ”The thing I cannot forgive is how you forgot my name!”

”He hasn’t known you long, it’s not a big deal if he forgot your name.” I said in an attempt to calm her down. I would have been in the same boat if it wasn’t for the initial mental scarring.

”If he forgot everyone’s names it would be one thing but he only forgot my name.” Tiki then turn to Ryan with a sultry look. ”So I have to….”

”Tiiiikiiii.” Kelsey called out with a mischievous smirk. ”The lord Felisha has ordered your spanking.”

”A spanking?” Tiki asked with a giggle. ”My how kinky.”

”And I’m the one to give it.” Kelsey added, paddle ready and itching to deal out some payback.

It took a moment for the full implications to sink in for Tiki. ”...Oh. You’re not mad are you?”

”Oh no, not at all.” I’ve seen that kind of smile before, Tiki is in for it. ”You’ve been a bad girl, now hold still and take your punishment.”

”I may be a bad girl.” Tiki began. ”But I’ve never accepted any punishment!” And promptly ran away.

”Get back here!” Kelsey shouted as she gave chase.

”So how did you set this one up?” Jonathan asked Felisha as everyone watched Kelsey chase Tiki around.

”Oh, I drew for Tiki when I became lord.” Felisha answered as she watched the situation with a chuckle. ”Since I knew her number I ordered her to be spanked. Kelsey drawing the other lot was pure luck, couldn’t have called it better myself.”

Kelsey chased Tiki around for a while to no avail but everyone got such a kick out of watching the chase that no one bothered to make Tiki take the penalty. We drew lots again when they returned, Veronica is the lord. ”Hmm.” Veronica took a while to think about her order. She seems to enjoy watching others make fools of themselves. ”I don’t know about that one…” She muttered as she contemplated her decision.

”It’s a game. Just go for it.” Felisha called out.

After a moment of hesitation Veronica finally gives her order. ”Everyone… tell the lord what you think of her.” …Why is everyone looking at me? Ok, I know why. But still, why is everyone looking at me?!

”Well.” Felisha cleared her throat. ”To keep things orderly let’s go in order. Who has 2?”

”I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other, but you seem to be a young girl with little to no experience I think.” Silvia answered while showing her stick had the second number.

”Well, no surprises there I guess.” Veronica muttered, could she try to not make it so obvious that this is all a pretense to get my opinion of her.

Next, Una approached Veronica. Her large body towers over Veronica but she just pats Veronica on the shoulders. ”You’re a good girl.” And that was it.

”T-thanks.” Veronica just took the compliment.

Next is Kelsey, who seems back in her timid routine. ”You’re mother scares me… But I don’t know about you.” Is that a compliment? An insult?

”Thanks, I think.” Veronica didn’t seem sure what to think it either.

Felisha is next. She stands before Veronica with a stern look, but only for a moment before it softens into a smile. ”You are my young mistress. I have watched you grow from the day you were born. It does not matter to me what brought you onto my ship but I am honored to be here to train you and to watch you truly come into your own. Know that I support you in whatever decision you may make.” But she quickly got stern again. ”But I am still your captain, and that means I cannot go easy on you. You still have a job to do.”

Veronica may obviously be waiting for me but Felisha’s words also seem to be ones she takes to heart. She lets out a short laugh as she smiles at Felisha. ”Yes, captain.”

Next, Ione approaches Veronica. ”I think you are a nice person, but a bit too shy in going for the man you love. We haven’t known each other long but I feel like I can consider you a friend and with that, I want to say that if you ever need something I would be happy to help… assuming I am able of course.”

Veronica was taken aback by Ione’s response. ”T-thank you. And… I wish you luck when you find someone you like as well.” Veronica’s response seemed to be more out of politeness than from the heart, but it’s still a nice thing to say. Ione just smiled in response and stepped back for the next person.

”Hehe, I really like having sex with vampire lady.” Tiki states with a giggle. ”So when are you going to join us with Big Sis and Big Bro?” Tiki....

”That’s…” Veronica glanced to me, slightly flustered. ”...that’s not really up to me.” What am I supposed to say? I’m not against it but… it’s complicated.

Ryan’s turn. ”Well to be honest, I think you are a nice girl, albeit a bit of a brat at times but not like some other forgettable ones. You are attractive and I agree with Ione that you are too timid in your desire and should try to be a bit more assertive, in a non-sexual way.”

Veronica crosses her arms and grumbles. ”I’m trying.”

Next, Riona excitedly bounded up to Veronica. ”You’re too uptight, but it’s fun to watch you get flustered.” Riona playfully states with a giggle.

”Gee, thanks.” Veronica forced a smile at that one.

”I believe that everything requires discipline.” Michaela stated as she approached. ”But sometimes it maybe necessary to forget all that and just go for what you want.” I did not miss that glance toward me. “Just be aware of what is going to far.”

Veronica saluted at Michaela. ”Will do.”

Veronica was getting anxious and I was running out of numbers. What am I going to say? ”Aw, just do what you want and worry about the consequences later.” Su said with a laugh. ”I’m tired of waiting for you to take Big Bro where he stands.” Su!

”Well…” Veronica tried to come up with a response. She didn’t.

Welp my number is up, now what? Do I take the penalty? I could but somehow I get the feeling my punishment would last far longer than the game. I can tell Veronica wants a serious answer and this silence is getting awkward. ”...I don’t really know what to say.” Brilliant copout if I do say so myself.

”Aww, come on. Don’t give us that crap.” Felisha quickly retorted. ”Do it right or the punishment will be extra severe.”

Can she do that? She looks serious, I bet she would even if there was no such rule. I give a sigh as I turn to Veronica. ”You know, you don’t make this easy for me.” I began as I scratch my head.

”Well…” Veronica averted her eyes. ”You don’t make this easy for me either.”

”Look, I like you. You are probably my best friend aside from Merry or TNA on their good days. But I don’t know what to do about how I feel about you, let alone how you feel about me.” I wonder how long I can keep rehashing this non-comital crap?

”You could return my feelings.” Veronica mutters.

”It’s… it’s not that simple.” That look, it hurts me. I know this is not easy for her, it’s not easy for me either. ”Going from being a single man on Earth to getting offers from almost everyone I talk to, I was never prepared for that. As someone who believes that loving someone means being faithful to them, I feel my resolve should be stronger in the face of temptation. Knowing that it is acceptable does not help. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. But my will is not indomitable and every time I fail I feel my resistance waning just a bit. I do have desires for you but I feel that if I don’t fight them I don’t know where I will stop.” I do not know if I really am on a slippery slope, but I do not know if I would be able to come back either. ”Is that… enough?”

Veronica lowers her head and looks away. Of course it is not what she wanted to hear and I feel bad for her, but… that is really all I got. ”Fine, let’s just get on with the game.” Veronica solemnly mutters.

The mood is noticeably darker as we draw the next set of lots and when I draw the winning lot everyone turn to me to liven things up. ”Alright! Give us something good to improve the mood!” Felisha gave a whistle to cheer me on, no pressure or nothing.

”Hmm…” I tapped the lot to my chin as I thought of something. ”How about number 3… tell us your most embarrassing secret.”

”Lame!” Su shouts.

”Come on Big Bro, you can do better than that!” Tiki shouts.

”I agree.” Felisha chuckles. ”Go on, we’ll even remove the restrictions on orders if you make it interesting.”

Of course they just want me to order an orgy. To bad. No sex for Veronica, no sex for any of you. ”I’m not going to take advantage of that so this is the order you get.”

”Hehe, you know what that means don’t you?” Riona asked as she looked around to make sure there was enough agreement.

”Revolt?” Michaela asked with a mischievous smile.

”Revolt!” Tiki and Su cheered at the same time.

Tiki, Su, the crew, and Veronica all then point at me and shout: ”Penalty!”

Really? A revolt over that? I call hax! ”This game is rigged I tell ya.” Nothing I can do but begrudgingly grumble as I take off my vest under the expectant watch of the girls, thankfully I actually bothered to wear one.

”Aww, come on.” Tiki giggled. ”This is a chance to show what you’ve got. You don’t want to take it?”

”Shut up! Most of you have seen it anyway!” I shout as I choke down one of rather strong bubbles. Is it bad that the only reason I said ‘most’ is because of Ryan’s group?

”The newbies haven’t.” Su giggled as she swam around said group. ”What do you say? Interested?” And yes, that was directed toward Ryan as well.

”Ima leave that to your imagination.” Ryan said in an attempt to dodge the question, Ione and Silvia don’t respond at all.

”Big Brofriend said he wants to see!” Su excitedly shouts. That is not what he said and you know it!

”Too bad, I’ve already taken the penalty.” I shout back as I wipe some remnants away.


”My turn huh?” This time Ryan is the lord… and he has already lost his shirt… great…

”Revolt!” Su shouts immediately.

”Agreed! Revolt!” Tiki joins her sister.

”I haven’t even given an order yet…” I don’t think they care.

”Alright then, please give your order.” Su replied with a giggled.

Biting his thumb as he looks around, Ryan scrambles for a plan. He has to have something good if he wants to avoid the penalty. ”Tiki, Su. I need to know Jonathan’s number, I’d rather do this than take the penalty.”

”Oh no you don’t!” I quickly hide my lot. ”That’s not working on me again.” No under the buss for me, thank you.

”The only way I can avoid the penalty is if I either guess Jonathan’s number or someone tells me, I’ll say this now, No one will see anything even if I take the penalty, that I can promise. So I ask my subjects which one would you prefer.”

”Take it off!” Felisha cheered. ”You can’t hide it forever.”

”You don’t know how stubborn I am.” Stubborn or not, Ryan is in a bit of a pickle. ”Anyone willing to tell me your number?”

”13.” Ione answered without delay.

”I got 11.” Silvia soon after. Seems your goons are piloting that bus.

”9!” Su shouts.

”6!” Tiki giggles.

”You traitors!” I need better goons.

”Sorry Big Bro, can’t go against the lord.” Su playfully retorts.

”Sure, I’ll play along.” Felisha chuckles. ”4.”

”Will you make it interesting?” Spindla asked.

”That’s the idea, it won’t be anywhere near as dull as Jonathan’s order.”

Spindla gives a delighted giggle. ”10.”

Veronica becomes a bit flustered as she looks between me and Ryan. ”e… eight.” Great, I’m going to get screwed over by process of elimination.

”I’m up for anything.” Riona laughs. ”12.”

”Sorry, but I don’t like breaking the rules to gang up on someone.” Michaela stated. ”You have to deal with the hand you're dealt.”

”Indeed, I think I still have 1 card left to play before I show my hand.” Ryan said before whispering something to Silvia. Silvia then nods and begins to walk towards Michaela and the darts for me. Damn it Ryan you cheating bastard!

Silvia tries to get my lot but I am not giving this thing up that easily. Hell, I’m guarding this thing like my life depends on it. But even if I can keep it out of reach as she tries to snatch it from me I don’t think I could fight her off if she got serious. Luckily Felisha steps in before it gets to that point. ”Woah there, it takes all the fun out if he doesn’t at least have to make a guess.” Felisha looks Ryan’s way with a smirk. ”Or are you completely against him taking the penalty?” Silvia pauses and looks at Ryan after hearing Felisha’s words then back to me and walked back to her seat occasionally glancing as she occasionally steals a glance at Ryan. Good, even Ryan’s companions are showing signs of their desires.

”Alright, enough stalling.” Michaela lightly commands. ”Pick your target and give your order.”

Ryan is in a bit of a pinch but so am I. Even if he just takes a shot in the dark he has narrowed it down to a one in 4. But is seems that he found a way to eliminate the odds. ”2, 3, 5, and 7. Must each share an open mouth french kiss with each other, with each pairing. the rest of the numbers can join in with whomever they want, using any method not against the rules they want. The four chosen can not turn down their attempts.” What?! Really?

”Ha! Good call with the first part.” Felisha laughs. ”The second part is too vague.”

”Do I need to elaborate or simplify it?” No, I think we get what you are going for.

”You must be clear and concise with the action and the target.” Felisha answers.

”Ok, the other number’s can join in for a kiss type of their choosing with any one of the listed numbers.” Still doesn’t sound much like an order.

”No cans and no choosing. You are a lord, act like one.” I see, eliminating choice.

”Lord can’t choose to give his subjects a choice? Ok, numbers not listed must give the listed numbers a french kiss. That precise enough?” Ryan finally states firmly.

”Perfect.” Felisha chuckled. ”This will be interesting.”

4 people kissing 11 people, that’s 38 kisses in total. All considered it could be worse but are you sure about this Ryan? This means I have to kiss… French kiss Silvia and Ione as well. But as I look at Ryan he just seems content to have avoided the penalty. Does it just not matter to him? That makes me feel a little bad for Silvia and Ione.

But there is no time to worry about Ryan. I’ve got 11 open mouth kisses to get through along with Michaela, Una, and Kelsey. I’ve already done worse with most of these girls so it’s not like this is a whole lot of new for me. Felisha, Michaela, and Spindla were their normal playfully aggressive selves so I was more on the receiving end of a lot of tongue. Riona latched onto me, forcing me to hold up her small naked body as she gave me her kiss and she even did a bit of playful grinding up against me. Kelsey was being timid as usual so I had to hold her myself as I gave her a kiss, she even made me have to work for it a bit. Una is always a mixed one for me. She is big and strong but gentle and I respect her a whole lot so I don’t mind if that kiss went on a little longer than the others. Tiki and Su were… interesting. Their little kisses are cute on other parts of the body but trying to French kiss them in their small forms is like making out with dolls. Getting a good laugh out of some failed attempts they just licked my tongue. When it was Ione and Silvia’s turns I looked to Ryan to see his reaction, he was averting his gaze but it seemed more because he didn’t want to see the scene as a whole and not specific to Ione and Silvia. Ione became self-conscious because I was hesitant but muttered ‘it’s just a game’ before pulling me in for a short and sweet kiss. Silvia didn’t seem pleased but got over it by pulling me in for the bare minimum of what could be considered a French kiss before moving on. Then of course there was Veronica, she was not last but hers definitely stuck with me the most. I’m sure we attracted some attention when we got over the awkwardness and embraced for our kiss. It was a kiss not devoid of mutual passion or desire. It took everything I had but I had to cut the kiss short. I know Veronica was disappointed but had I let it go on any longer I don’t think I would have been able to stop there.

For the other kisses, as hot as it would have been to watch I didn’t exactly have the luxury to gawk. The only one I really caught was the rather passionate kiss between Michaela and Felisha. When they parted Michaela said: “It’s been to long, captain.” And I’m not afraid to admit I got a bit excited when Felisha responded with: “Indeed it has.”

Once that was out of the way, we got back to the game. It is Veronica again. ”Third time is the charm huh?” Veronica looks at the lot, much less amused after the last round. She gives an aggravated sign before making her command. ”Alright, I grow tired of the pretenses. Numbers: 7, 11, and 10 strip 5, 12, and 8 respectively.”

”Alright, now that is what I am talking about!” Felisha cheers. ”That is our cabin girl!”

”Alright, who’s stripping who?” Tiki excitedly asks as she looks at her number. ”I’m 12 by the way.” Tiki giggles. ”Who gets the honors?”

”Wow, 11 got the most boring one.” Ryan commented, seems he drew one of the stripping numbers as well.

”I agree, I wanted someone the clothes wouldn’t come off so easily.” Spindla said with a sigh, apparently number 11.

”Hey! Clothes that are hard to get off only get in the way.” Tiki shouts back.

”Yes, but too easy and it’s no fun.” Spindla proves her point as Tiki’s clothes come off with only a couple light tugs.

”What can I say? This beauty can’t be contained.” Tiki states as she strikes a pose.

”More like there is nothing to contain.” Silvia says to herself.

”Well, I got 7.” I state with a nervous laugh. ”So who am I…” Una answers my question by approaching with her lot held up, 5 written on it. ”Oh, alright. Well then…” This girl is huge, I can’t keep my cool with these things in my face. ”...mind turning around?” Una did as I asked and I was shown her large back. Big as she is though her skin is still smooth and soft and her body shape is very appealing. I cannot help but get flustered as I too easily slider her holster top and biki bottom of. “Ok, I’m done.” I say as I hand the garments to Una. Una’s blue cheeks have taken a light shade of purple as she nods and takes the garments with one while making a light attempt to cover herself with the other.

After we had finished we had 3 more nude bodies in the room with Ione covering herself with her wings. It seems like everyone was done with the game, I think that was the last round. ”Well, it’s been fun.” Riona laughs. ”But don’t you think it is about time to move on to the next event?” She asks as she playfully leers at me.

“Yeah, I suppose it is getting pretty late.” Felisha answers with a chuckle. “Shame we couldn’t get any more of us dressed for the occasion, especially the man in question, but that is easily fixed.” Felisha also begins to leer at me, I have a bad feeling about this.

“I’m afraid to ask, but what is this next event?” I ask with a nervous laugh.

“Why just a little game of catch the groom is all.” Spindla answers with a sultry chuckle

“Oh! That sounds fun!” Tiki excitedly giggles. “How do you play?”

“Are there actually rules or is it just seeing who gets to him first?” Su asks with a mischievous chuckle.

“Oh, there are a couple rules.” Michaela answers. “The first rule it that if the groom gets to his room he is safe, think of it as a game of tag of sorts. Second, no one is allowed to help the groom unless he asks them to, but if they accept they are allowed to enter his room even if he gets there. Careful who you ask or there might not be any safety for you. If the groom wins then he gets to go on and get married with no fuss. However, if he gets caught…”

“Please don’t tell me I have to marry who ever catches me or can’t get married.” Merry WOULD kill me.

“Oh no no, nothing like that.” Michaela dismissively waves with a laugh. “However, the catcher does get to do whatever they want with him and if he just can’t make it the next day then… oh well.” Michaela lets out a chuckle after she finishes.

“Gee, thats a real relief to hear.” Merry would DEFINITELY kill me.

“Now don’t be that way.” Felisha says as she holds her hands out and crouches low to the ground, ready to start. “This is a chance for interested parties to get it out of their system so you can have a smooth marriage, be glad there are rules at all.” Felisha gets an anxious grin. “Anyone you want to ask for help before we start?”

Do I even have anyone I could ask for help that wouldn’t take advantage? I know! Ryan’s group, they shouldn’t be all that interested. “Could any of you help?” However, when I look to Ryan he is completely out of it.

“What’s going on now?” Ryan asked in a daze. Are you kidding me?! The moment I might actually need you for something and you are drunk?!

“I assume this game is only for Jonathan and not Ryan?” Silvia asked, I assume her priority would be Ryan if he were targeted.

“Right, assuming he isn’t getting married tomorrow.” Riona answers with a laugh. Looks like I’m getting all the fun.

“Silvia you could help, I can take Ryan to the room.” Ione replied as she tried to manage keeping herself covered and lending Ryan a shoulder at the same time.

“Sure, I guess.” Silvia responded.

Well, she may not be the most thrilled about it but I do have one person I can count on to defend me. Silvia seems strong but there is no way she alone can hold off the crew. This is bad, I need to think of something. If I don’t make it to that wedding I can kiss the rest of my life goodbye. In more ways than one, if I get caught I am fucked. Felisha and the others are getting anxious, guess my time is up. ”Sooo, have you got this?” I nervously ask Silvia as I slowly back behind her.

Silvia leers a bit at the girls itching to jump my junk. ”Hard to say, I’ve never fought underwater.”

I don’t know exactly how strong Silvia is but I know she can’t take the entire crew, especially since she seems a lot less determined then they are. As this dawns on me a hand is suddenly placed on my shoulder. ”Ahhh!” As I let out an embarrassingly girlish yelp I look to see Una behind me. But she was different from the others, she seemed in control of herself. ”You don’t want to rape me?”

”Are you going to ask?” Una suggest, only the slightest bit of forcefulness behind her soft tone.

It took me a couple moments, first to realize she wanted me to ask her for help then to wonder if she would try anything afterwards. I don’t have much time to think. I respect Una, with that comes trust. ”W-will you help me?” Una lightly nods to my request before stepping between me and the others. Silvia and looks at Una and gives a shrug as Una joins her.

”So? Just you two?” Felisha chuckles. ”Try to make it interesting for us.”

Just the two of them? No, there is one more I can trust to help me. ”Veronica! You’re with me. I’m counting on you to get me to my room.”

”What?! You’re seriously asking me?!” I know why she is surprised, she may not be outwardly chomping at the bit but inside might be a different story. I can tell from her flustered expression she is considering the possibilities.

”I chose you as my maid of honor, I trust you to see me at that alter in the morning.” If she tries something… I’ll deal with that later. ”Now let’s get out of here.”

Leaving the crew to Una and Silvia we mad dash… swim for the room but quickly run into an invisible barrier. As we try to push our way through we can feel our arms and legs get caught in individual strands as a low laugh can be heard. ”Well, look at what I caught.” It is spindla?! But she was with the others. As we look back to see Una and Silvia in a light tussle with Felisha and Michaela, Spindla, Riona, and Kelsey slowly fade from behind them. As they do we begin to see the net we were caught in as well as our captors.

”Way to go Kelsey! We got them!” Riona cheers as she sits on Spindla’s back with Kelsey.

”N-no problem.” Kelsey seems a bit flustered.

Veronica and I struggle to get free but with Spindla on the netting, Kelsey on the illusions, and Riona on… moral support? We fell right into their trap. Spindla clasps her hands around my face with a satisfied chuckle. ”Oh, we are going to have so much fun tonight. But don’t worry, I’m sure you can satisfy all of us and still make it to the alter, assuming you can undo your bonds in time.” These girls are really going to tie me up and have at me.

”Big Bro is fucked!” Tiki laughed.

”Aww, that was so easy. That’s no fun.” Su giggled.

They are right, I can’t escape this. In one last ditch effort I plead to Tiki and Su. ”Umm, girls would you mind helping me out here.” I know they want to see me fucked but I’m trapped anyway so what have I got to lose?

”Oh, now you decide to ask?” Tiki giggles.

”What ever shall we do?” Su playfully ponders.

”You don’t have to mock me.” I grumble, they could just refuse.

”Alright, we’ll help.” Tiki giggles.

”Yeah, you were caught to easily anyway.” Su agreed.

To my surprise, Tiki and Su quickly unwind the webbing around us and with mischievous grins begin to tie up the trio. ”Hey what are you doing?!” Riona shouts.

”What? I thought you all liked bondage.” Tiki laughs.

”Not on me!” Spindla shouts, the nibble imps quickly binding her legs.

”I thought you were on our side!” Kelsey shouts right before she is gagged with webbing.

”Sorry, the only side we are on is our own.” Su explains with a laugh.

This was our chance, Spindla won’t stay bound for long. Without wasting any time we rush to the room. When we finally make it I burst open the door shouting ”Safe!” We are safe, or so I thought.
dcw2021Jul 11, 2016 11:15 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Dec 13, 2015 4:30 PM

Jul 2013

As I take a moment to catch my breath, I head the door close shortly followed by a click of the lock. Looking behind me I see that Veronica, Tiki, and Su were in the room with me and Veronica had locked the door behind her. ”Um… Veronica… what are you doing?” I ask between breaths. I chose Veronica as my Maid of Honor and I trust her… but this is more than a little suspicious. Veronica just stood there silently, head lowered as if she were dealing with some inner conflict. Even Tiki and Su were oddly quiet as they wait for Veronica’s next move. Eventually she gives a sigh as she reaches behind her to undo her top. ”Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?!” I shout in panic as I back up. I quickly find myself backed against the bed, a bed far bigger and inviting than I remembered it. Veronica remained silent as the last of her clothing sunk to the floor. Veronica bashfully avoided my gaze, her cheeks red, head lowered, one hand covering her breasts and the other between her legs. I have seen Veronica naked before but not like this. This time she seems as if she is truly exposed for the first time, I can only stare dumbfounded. A few moments later, and those were a long few moments, she moves her hands to reveal herself to me in all her glory as she reaches up to untie her hair. Unrestrained, her long golden hair loosely floats by her side as her gaze slowly meets mine. Her expression was not one of desire but one of intense hesitation and regret. For a moment she looks away, her face growing a brighter shade of red as her whole body trembles but it was not for long. When she looked back at me she had already pushed down all her hesitation, she has made her decision and is determined to see it through. Glaring at me with determined eyes she rushes at me. She tackles me onto the bed, straddling me and holding my arms so I couldn’t struggle. Her breathing is quick and shallow, her face is flustered, her long vampiric canines are bared, and her eyes have a light red glow.

For a while she just holds me, using all her will to keep her monster instincts in check, but she cannot keep her desires at bay for long and embraces me for a kiss. Veronica’s kiss is unlike any other I have had, it’s far more clumsy and desperate. She does not seem to know what to do with her hands, being more like a desperate hold than a loving embrace. Sadly the actual kiss is not any better, she is not sure how much tongue is too much or too little and mixes it around with no rhyme or reason. It’s not unpleasant, it just shows her lack of experience. As for me, I’m just… confused. Not because I don’t understand what is going on but rather because I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m no stranger to being put in this position against my will but it’s usually so much simpler than this, they want it and that is that. But in this case she might not be the only one. I know how Veronica feels about me and just because my feelings for Veronica are complicated does not mean they don’t exist. It is only my feelings for Merry that prevent me from returning the favor. After a while of her desperate attempt to get a taste of me, she calms down and slowly sits back up. She was upset. No. She was heartbroken that even after coming this far I did not return any of her efforts. ”I… will not force you…” Veronica solemnly muttered, tears whelping in her eyes. ”I know it is selfish of me but… even if just for tonight… could you… be mine?”

Veronica looked away, as if she had already given up on me accepting her. I wondered for a moment if I should let her give up. Would that be better for her? Who knows. But maybe questions like that can wait. Right here, right now, all I know is that I do not want to see Veronica sad. ”…alright.” I slowly mutter.

Veronica is at first surprised by my response, but rather than be over joyed she gets skeptical. ”That does not sound very convincing.” She grumbled. ”If you are just agreeing out of pity, then I don’t need it.”

I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, her pride can be a bit annoying at times but it is a trait of hers I adore. ”That’s not it.” Reaching out to her, I gently brush her beautiful hair behind her ear and slowly draw my finger along her smooth soft skin as I raise up and direct her to look at me using one of my fingers. ”I have desires of being with you too.” Meeting my gaze and seeing the truth in my eyes Veronica is at first surprised and then embarrassed. Too flustered to say anything else, Veronica closes her eyes as she waits for me to go to her and I oblige. Merry will have me for the rest of my life. I can give tonight to Veronica.

As I kiss Veronica she begins to relax, she feels lighter and softer than ever before. Were as before she was trying to force me to react to her, now she tries to match me or maybe be more reserved in our attempts to taste each other. I started by kissing her soft, only lightly guiding her by the chin, but as all the emotions and desires for Veronica that I have been suppressing are given freedom to be expressed I quickly lose my restraint. I reach behind her and pull her closer to me until her small soft body is against my own. Veronica starts with surprise at our sudden closeness but quickly accepts the gesture as she puts her arms around me, becoming more passionate herself.

After a few more minutes of kissing, Veronica suddenly pulls away. ”Wait.” However, being so caught up in the moment, I quickly put my lips to hers again and she had to push me away. ”I said wait!” Holding me at arm’s length she takes a moment to catch her breath, girl needs to learn to breathe through her nose. ”Just to be clear, we are doing ‘that’ right?”

I nervously chuckle, she asks that now? ”Well, that’s the plan.” I don’t think I have it in me to stop at this point.

”Well then, before we get to ‘that’ I would like to…” Veronica trailed off.

”You would like to what?” She’s so bashful, it’s adorable.

”I’d like to…” Veronica turns bright red as she tries to get the words out. ”…service you.”

”What?” Honestly, I never pictured her to be the type to volunteer for that.

Flustered, she looks away. ”Geez, don’t make me say it again.” Slowly looking back at me she tries to explain. ”I just… I want to know that I can make you feel good.” I honestly don’t think that will be a problem but if she is so determined then who am I to say no?

(Go go team Veronica!)

I must admit that this was far different than I imagined it would turn out, but it was still good. ”Yes, it felt great Veronica. Thank you.”

”Thank goodness.” Giving one more smile, she collapsed into my arms exhausted.

”Ouch.” Tiki muttered as she looked at the bit off candy. ”Good thing that was not real.” Looking at her sister, she saw Su still working the dildo in Veronica’s ass. ”Come on, that enough. She’s done.”

”Aww, but I was just getting started.” Su pouted as she reluctantly withdrew the dildo from Veronica.

”I know I know, but she is still inexperience so give her a break.” Tiki tried to comfort Su but Su seemed legitimately depressed. ”Hey, you know what? I bet the crew is hot and heavy after not getting a piece of Big Bro. Shall we go see if they could use a dildo up their ass?”

”Do I?!” Su excitedly flew off with the dildo in hand, is she that determined to shove it up an ass? ”What are we waiting for?” Apparently so as Su flies off with Tiki to see if the crew wants to join in any late night fun.

With Tiki and Su gone things quickly got quiet. I can hear Veronica breathing. She’s exhausted, we haven’t even bothered to uncouple, I’m not even certain she’s awake. ”You ok Veronica?”

”Yeah… I’m fine.” Veronica softly answered. ”I just don’t understand how you can stay with those imps.” Veronica added with a grumble.

”Well, it takes some… a lot of getting used to.” I answered with a chuckle. ”But they are cute and sweet at times, and that’s enough for me.”

”…I see.” Veronica softly muttered as she thought about my answer. ”Can I ask one more favor?”

”Name it.” I don’t think at this point I am in any position to be refusing her anything.

Veronica blushes again as she lightly asks. ”Can we… stay like this for a while?”

”Well saying inside you all night is a little...”

”Geez, you know what I mean you jerk.” Veronica grumbles as she pulls her head up to my level, finally allowing my spent dick to slip out of her folds. ”I just… want to hold you… while I can.”

Veronica gently embraces me for no other purpose than to hold me, something I’ve never had on this island outside of Merry or TNA. ”Of course.” I answer her question as I gently embrace her back.

”And Jonathan, one more thing.” Veronica mutters.


”I love you.” Veronica states as she gives me a soft kiss on the lips. ”I just… wanted to say it again.” Not wanting to hear a response, Veronica cuddles next to me and goes to sleep.

Veronica’s words resonate through my entire being like the phrase never has before. Her words make me happy but it is not joy that I feel, it is a terrible sense of guilt. I have had sex with girls other than Merry or TNA, some willing some not. Such actions are more acceptable in this world but I still consider it cheating. But seeing as choice is optional in this world I have adapted by rationalizing it as just being sex with the others, I feel little to nothing for them. But Veronica is different. I cannot say I feel nothing toward Veronica and with her confession of love again, right here as we are, I don’t think I can say I don’t feel the same about her. It is… the first time I feel like I have betrayed Merry.
dcw2021Jul 11, 2016 1:39 PM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Dec 13, 2015 11:45 PM

Nov 2013
*waves giant flag with a large V on it*
Dec 14, 2015 4:29 AM

Jan 2015
Noticed a couple of perspective mistakes in post 328, where it suddenly switches to Nox's perspective.

Other than that: go Veronica! I'm certain you can marry both M and V tomorrow
Dec 29, 2015 7:03 PM

Sep 2013
Some good emotional backdrop for how that all went down.

I think I just realized something that's sort of getting to me. This could just be how I perceive all of this and maybe its something Jonathan has considered...or maybe not, but... It seems like TNA, despite the obvious emotional attachment over the last many chapters, isn't getting the same sort of "love" as Merry--or that each of them only has some small part of that affection.

If those feelings were just as strong for each of them as individuals (despite their unique existence) then adding Veronica wouldn't be as drastic as adding a 3rd person to the love fest but rather like adding the 12th (22nd if you count the familial love of the coming children)

TNA doesn't seem to mind (or maybe notice) but I feel like one or more of them has to realize or wonder about that at some point.

Either I'm overthinking things or another shoe is due to drop...and probably soon. =)
Jan 6, 2016 9:29 PM

Jul 2013

[Jonathan’s perspective]

”………” Huh? ”…..up….” What is it? I’m tired. ”Wake up, it’s time.” Is that Veronica?

”Just a few more minutes.” I mutter, trying to fall back into the slumber I was awoken from. I slowly drift back to sleep when I feel a sharp pain in my neck. The pain was quick and slight so I just tried to go back to sleep and a moment later it began to feel good. It keeps getting better and better and ahh! What is that?! ”Ahhh!” I jolt awake with a sudden moan.

It is Veronica, after my refusal to wake she took the liberty to sink her fangs into me. ”Don’t mind me, I’m just getting breakfast. Go back to sleep if you want.” As if I could!

It’s not bad enough that it feels good for her to be sucking on me but I can feel her naked body pressing against me. I am quickly reminded of what we did last night and how I have betrayed Merry. Not just in my body this time but in my heart as well, my feelings for Veronica became all too real last night. ”Alright, alright, I’m up!” I shout as I push her away. Veronica is at first surprised but my forcefulness, but with a short grunt she gets up. I give a sigh myself as I get out of bed. As I do I am greeted with a nice stiffy caused by Veronica’s morning sucking, a reminder of what a man whore I’ve become. It’s still dark but I try to conceal it anyway.

”You don’t have to hide it.” I could not make out her face, but I’m guessing she’s flustered. ”I’m not going to attack you, and it’s not like I haven’t seen it anyway.” She has a point, but I still make sure to put on my underwear first thing.

I wonder if every affair starts this way? An awkward silence after a night of passion, having to share a toothbrush because all of her things are at her place, and all the while trying to think of ways to do better for the one I am marrying. I try to keep my mind busy by doing everything I need to prepare. But I cannot shake this guilty feeling. ”You know that ‘that’ was just for last night right?” I ask Veronica, but I think it was more to remind myself than it was to remind her.

Veronica pauses for a moment as she slips into her swimsuit from yesterday. ”Yeah, I know.” She solemnly mutters as she continues.

I’ve gotten a bit accustomed to the things at this point so it does not take me long to get into my tux. With each button I fasten it dawns on me a little more that this is it, it is time. ”Well, how do I look?” I ask as I present myself to Veronica.

Veronica gives a slight leer as she examines me. After a moment she swims to me and reaches for my neck. ”Your bowtie is not straight. Honestly, did you not even look at yourself?”

”Sorry, guess I got excited.” I say as I avert my eyes. With her this close I cannot get my mind over what I did last night.

”Don’t get so flustered, you will make me self-conscious.” Veronica blushes herself as she fixes my tie. After she finishes she solemnly looks down. ”Answer me honestly. Do you… regret the time we spent together last night?”

I guess it should be no surprise that Veronica picked up on the distance I’ve been trying to put between us. But she did not do anything wrong and I did enjoy the time we had together. ”No, I do not regret our time together. I just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just overthinking things.” I just feel like I crossed a line I shouldn’t have.

”Well I suppose that is to be expected right before your wedding.” Veronica said with a sigh, I can tell this is not easy for her. ”All the more reason to do this quickly.”

”Well, it won’t be much longer now.” But as I say that something else comes to mind, something I should have thought of before. ”Say Veronica, I know this must not be easy for you but I have a small favor to ask of you.”

Veronica gives a long sigh. ”What is it?”

”Could you go check on Merry for me? I’m doubtful TNA is actually of any help to her.” Not exactly their area of expertise. ”If she doesn’t need anything then you can meet me at the Grand North Sea Cathedral, I need to see if the decorations have been taken care of.” Plus a little time away from her to organize my thoughts might be good. But as I ask this I can see Veronica’s expression darken. ”Is that too much to ask?”

Veronica is silent for a moment but then gives me a slight smile. ”Nah, I need to head to her room if I want to change anyway. I was hoping I could wear something a little nicer than this to the wedding. I’ll just check on Merry while I’m at it, it’s no problem.”


[Veronica’s perspective]

”Of course it’s a problem!” I shout once I am sure Jonathan cannot hear me. ”You think I want to see Merry getting ready to marry you?!” In my frustration I almost hit one of the pillars lining the long hall. It is high quality polished marble, it would be a shame if it were damaged. I take a deep breath to calm myself. ”Why did I have to fall in love with him?” Honestly what am I thinking? I help fund his wedding, I agree to be his bride’s maid, and now I agree to check on his fiancée on their big day? When did I stop being able to say no to him? It’s not like doing any of this helps. Even when we were finally together he still thought of her more than me. Great, now I’m in a bad mood again. ”Is it too late for me to just say I checked on her?”

Despite all my complaints, and I had many, I still made my way to Merry’s room. ”I’m coming in.” I say after little more than a tap on the door. I’m not in the mood for knocking, if she’s not ready it’s her problem. As expected of any room after a night of TNA, the place was a mess. Plates with crumbs of cake or pie, wrappers from candy, the occasional sex toy, just what I’ve come to expect from the annoyances. And of course the perpetrators responsible for making most of the mess, namely Ina, Tiki, Su, Sara, and Nip, were collapsed on the bed exhausted after spending all night making said mess.

”My tummy hurts.” Ina wined.

”I know, I know.” Merry replied with a soothing tone.

There she was, in her white dress quietly combing her hair out as she made the final touches. I have to admit she looks pretty… and it pisses me off. ”So today is the day.” Try as I might, I could not keep some of my bitterness from getting through.

”Uh-huh.” Merry solemnly nods.

…what’s with her? She’s acting so apathetic. Yesterday she was gushing out so much energy I thought I was going to be sick. I don’t understand her. She goes from rubbing the fact she is getting married in my face, to being thankful to me, and now she doesn’t seem to care. ”Well… In any case, Jonathan asked me to come see if you need any help.”

Merry lets out a slight giggle. ”Tell darling he’s sweet but he does not have to worry about me, I’m fine… really, I am.” She then goes back to silently brushing her hair. Really, what is with her?

”She’s fine because we are helping her.” Sis proudly states. So she says, but Abigail is the only one actually doing anything.

”Big Bro and Big Sis and all of us together. Every day in every way, we’ll have sex forever.” Abigail sings as she braids Merry hair when she gets through combing a section.

”But still, you are taking forever.” Tally complains with a long sigh. ”Can’t you go any faster?”

”I’m sorry.” Merry solemnly answers. ”I just need a bit more time.”

”What’s wrong? Are you getting cold fins?” Doe asked, seems I’m not the only one who picked up on Merry’s mood.

”Yeah, just give me a bit.” Merry gives a surprisingly straight forward answer. ”Once I enter the cathedral, there is no going back.” I don’t have time for this. If she does not need my help I am going to change and meet up with Jonathan.

I find my luggage and pop open the trunk. I quickly pick out the best thing I brought with me. It’s a pink evening gown that really compliments my form, if I do say so myself. If I manage to steal some glances from Merry on her wedding night I might be able to sleep happily tonight. With that thought in mind I quickly change.

”Well, while Big Sis takes her time…” Tiki starts with a yawn? ”Tell us Vampire lady, did you and Big Bro go for a second round after we left?”

”Yeah, it was just the two of you. All alone. All night.” Su giggles.

”…!” These girls have absolutely no tact do they? To tell Merry that Jonathan and I had sex is one thing but to do it on her wedding day and in such a careless manner? Dreading the explosion I was about to face from Merry, I nervously turn toward her. But… nothing. As far as I can tell she did not react in the slightest. For whatever reason that just pissed me off. ”Yeah, we did it again.” I exaggerate my words to provoke a reaction. ”We did it all night. We were having so much fun I had to remind him it was his wedding day. You can feel free to thank me.”

”Thank you.” Merry answered seemingly without even really hearing what I said.

Ok, I know I did not want to see Merry so happy with the occasion but to see her so melancholy is even worse. Just what would I give to be in her position? ”So you don’t mind that we slept together?” Well, if she does not care then I am going to go for it.

”’I don’t mind’ is not how I would put it.” Merry grumpily states as she places the comb down and turns to me, of course she would draw the line there. ”I told darling he had one night. If he spent it with you then he spent it with you, that is all there is to it.” Merry slowly turns back around to continue brushing.

It pisses me off that I have nothing to say back to that. As much as I hate to admit it, she is right. Last night does not guarantee me anything in the future. ”…I’ll see you at the wedding.” I just want this over with.

”…wait.” Merry solemnly says right as I’m about to leave.

I groan at the hold up, I’m not in the mood for this. ”What is it?”

”You… love Jonathan, right?” She asks after a moment of silence.

”…yeah?” Where is she going with this?

Merry remains silent. I half consider leaving before she continues. ”Have you… thought about when Jonathan is gone?”

When Jonathan is gone? What brought that on? Sure Jonathan is older than I am but I don’t think he is that much older. And why is she worrying? As long as she is with him he has a supply of fresh mermaid blood, he could live 200 years easy. Is the thought really bothering her? ”Aww, you asking that again?” Tally grumbled, seems they don’t get it either.

”The fuck does it matter anyway?” Sara coarsely interjects. ”That’s like forever from now.”

”It’s not forever.” Merry solemnly retorts. ”It will happen eventually.” Merry then looks at me. She seems so confused, uncertain. ”Have you thought about it?”

”No, I haven’t.” I state before I leave. I don’t even have him now, why would I think so far ahead?

[Jonathan’s perspective]

Entering the Grand North Sea Cathedral I am immediately dazzled by the work the decorators have done. White drapes are hung all throughout the cathedral, all in such a manner as to direct attention to the altar where a magnificent red coral arch has been set up. The red carpet has been rolled out for us, literally. Seeing everything as it is setup makes me wonder how much it will all cost, but I think I finally agree with Merry that it is all worth it.

”And so the groom arrives.” Patricia approaches me. Seeing the sheer joy on her face you would think she is the one getting married. ”You look nice. Are you ready?”

”Ready as I am going to be.” I answer with a nervous laugh. What can I say? It is a big day.

”Well don’t be nervous.” She said with a giggle. ”As long as you have each other everything will turn out fine.”

”Yes, that is true.” I manage to get out a laugh. ”But I am sure I will get an earful from Merry if I mess up in any way.”

Patricia giggles at that. ”Yes, I can tell she is a demanding girl. But I’m sure she rewards you when you meet those demands.” Indeed she does.

”Speaking of meeting her demands, I have a few details to discuss with you.” God forbid I forget anything.

”Of course, anything you want.” She answered, giving me her complete undivided attention.

”Well, so we have decided to do our own vows to each other.”

”Oh how lovely.” She clasped her hands with delight. ”I’ve heard some good ones but I hope I’ll be impressed.”

Please don’t expect too much. I have an idea of what I am going to say but I have not wrote them down. ”Anyway, we also have some maids of honor that will be assisting us during the ceremony. My maid of honor will be Veronica, a dhampire. Merry will have ten imps collectively known as TNA. They can be a handful but I believe they might actually behave themselves, but be prepared to roll with it regardless.”

”Imps? Well that is unusual.” She giggled, glad she is light hearted. ”But this dhampire, she wouldn’t happen to be from the Espera family would she? The same Espera family that is financing this wedding?” Guess she got her check already.

”Y-yes.” Am I going to get an earful?

”Interesting. Well, I won’t pry.” That smile, I can guess what she is thinking.

”Well, it looks like everything is just about ready.” I decide to just change the subject.

”Oh yes.” Another delighted clasp of her hands. ”The ‘Armie Catering’ always does excellent work. The decorations are lovely and I’m sure the food will be delicious.” As she finishes she motions to a side of the room where a large kraken and several smaller Scylla were setting up a small buffet line.

I have too much on my mind to be hungry at the moment but I figure I should say hello to those who did the decorating and cooking. As I approached I could see what the Scylla were setting up. They of course had tables ready to be covered in food, kegs full of alcoholic beverages, and… ”Is that an oven?”

”You bet your sexy ass it is.” The kraken answered with a confident smile.

Taking my mind off the fact that she seemed to be wearing nothing but an apron, I had to say: ”But… we are underwater.”

The kraken gave me a big smirk in response. ”Watch this.” She opens a metal door beneath the oven and playfully points her finger in as if it were a gun. ”Ha!” Magical flames erupt from the tip of her finger and fly into the metal opening. It only takes a few moments for me to be able to feel the heat even from where I was standing. With a quick flick of one of her tentacles she closes the lower door. ”With this the cake and all the food will be cooked in no time, and they thought I was crazy to try to learn pyromancy.” I can certainly understand her confidence in herself, getting fire to last this far underwater must be no small feat. ”So, shall I assume you are the groom?”

”Yep, I’m the lucky man.” I said as I tried to match her confidence.

”Well, I hope everything is just the way you like it.” She gave some satisfied nods as she looked at the work the Scylla have done. ”It was all put together last minute but I think everything turned out well. What do you think?”

”It all looks great to me.” I answer as I give the place another look over. ”But you will have to ask the bride what she thinks, this is mainly for her.”

The kraken laughs at that. ”Not even married and she has already started the ball and chain routine eh?” Well, she’s not wrong. ”Where is the girl? I’d like her opinion.”

”I sent my maid of honor to go get her, they should be here shortly.”

”Well I hope she isn’t getting cold fins.” She gives me a sly leer. ”I must say, I am looking forward to the public ritual. I’ll have to make sure that the food is full of energy, you are going to need it.”

”I-I appreciate it.” Energy aside I hope I can physically take the nights to come, Merry has been waiting for this a long time.

With everything prepared, I make my way to the altar to wait for my bride. True to being a public ceremony the room is slowly being filled with people I have never met. I am glad that they have come to share this moment with Merry and me but having more eyes just makes me more nervous. But as I make my way down the aisle I am suddenly yanked to the side. ”Ah here he is.” Felisha quickly locks my head with her arms and gives me a nuggie as the rest of the crew watches from the front row. ”Last chance. You could call it off now and stay with us the rest of your life.”

”We’ll take good care of you, we promise.” Spindla said in a seductive tone.

”S-sorry girls, but I’m afraid I am taken.” I strain out a chuckle through Felisha’s nuggie. I don’t think I would live if I took their offer anyway.

”Well, that’s a shame.” Riona laughed before leering at me. ”But are you sure you can get married after your night with Veronica?”

”Y-you know about that?!”

”We all know about that.” Michaela answered.

”Tiki and Su told all of us… before proceeding to ‘play’ with us.” Kelsey hesitantly answered. Why am I not surprised, the damn brats work fast.

”…” All I could do was blush, I can’t really say anything about what I did last night.

”Oh well aren’t you just adorable.” Felisha says as she playfully nuzzles me. ”Someone is ashamed of themselves.”

”Was she that good?” Spindla laughed.

”Maybe you should just marry her instead.” Riona teased.

Teasing or no, I do not feel good about last night and these girls are just making it worse. But surprisingly, Una comes to my rescue. ”Enough.” She says as she pries me from the captain. Setting me in front of her, she takes a moment to straighten my tux after it was ruffled in the exchange. ”You good?” She asked after she was done.

”Y-yeah.” Ready as I am going to be.

With a pat on the head, Una lets me continue. As I step up to the altar I spot Ryan’s group. Something seems off about them, Ryan in particular seems to be down or something. But before I can wonder too much about it I spot Veronica. My heart skips a beat as for a moment I believe that it was time. But Merry is not with her. ”You don’t have to look so disappointed that it is just me.” Veronica comments as she gets close.

”Sorry about that. But umm…” There is no way around this really. ”…where is Merry?”

Veronica gives a sigh. Sorry I have Merry on the brain but it is our wedding day. ”Relax, she is just taking some extra time to get ready and calm down.”

Relax? How can I? ”Calm down? Why is something wrong? Is she mad that we did?! I knew she would know…”

”I told you to calm down!” Veronica shouts. Noticing all of our onlookers, Veronica pulls me close and lowers her voice. ”It’s nothing, she will be here soon.”

‘Soon’ it is such a vague time frame. Is it the dinner will be ready soon kind of soon or the new movie will be out next year kind of soon? I don’t know exactly how much time has passed, every moment Merry is not here feels like an eternity. I would be frantically pacing the floor if not for the many onlookers, and I can feel all of their stares bore into me as the time slowly drags on. The kraken even has time to bake and dress the cake in the time that has passed. I don’t mean to be overbearing but enough is enough.

”Veronica…” I mutter as I try to maintain my very forced smile at this point, for the crowd’s sake.

”Y-yes…” Veronica nervously replies, I hope she agrees her ‘soon’ was not soon enough.

”Could I ask you to check on Merry one more time please?” For once I hope I learn something from that smile Merry sometimes gives, I want things to get done this time.

Veronica shirks back from my smile. ”S-sure thing.” I cannot begin to be relieved even as she goes running off. Why can’t things just go according to plan?


[Veronica’s perspective]

”What could be taking her so long?” I grumble to myself as I make my way back to Merry’s room. ”Does she plan to take all day combing her hair?!” I don’t know what is going through her mind but enough is enough, she needs to show up so we can get this over with. Is the fact that they have spent a great deal of gold not good enough for her? Is the fact Jonathan is driving himself crazy with every passing moment not good enough for her? Is the fact that I will have to face my mother’s furry for lending this kind of money not good enough for her?! Finally reaching the door to the room, I bang on it furiously. ”Alright! Time’s up! Either you’re going to marry him or I will!” I find the door unlocked and slam it open. ”Do you hear… me?”

The room… is empty. No sign of Merry or TNA, except for the disaster they left behind. I… I don’t know what to do. Could I have missed them between here and there? Surely not, it’s not that far to the cathedral and she would have stuck out in the dress and with TNA following her. Could something have happened to her? No, you don’t get much safer than this city. It would be incredibly unlikely especially in this part of the city and TNA was with her so surely one would have gotten away if something happened. As I worry about what to do I notice the vanity where Merry was getting ready. The area had been cleaned, save for one piece of paper. I am not sure if I more hoped or expected that the paper would be a note giving some sort of explanation for what happened, but that was not the case. I might even argue that finding a ransom note would be better than… this. This gives no answers, it just leaves countless questions. It was a note but it had only a single word: ‘Sorry.’

dcw2021Jul 12, 2016 6:03 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 6, 2016 11:27 PM

Jan 2014
Jan 7, 2016 8:11 AM

Sep 2013
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

A few possibilities come to mind that aren't Merry just running (swimming) for the hills with a severe case of cold fins, as they say.

However, now that I'm looking at least in the recent near-term, Merry definitely hasn't seemed like herself. Or at least it sure seems that way. Maybe she only decided to take this route because it was expected or maybe she can't handle all the "bonus" action the MC has been getting.

That TNA appears to have followed her suggests a couple possibilities. Since one of my ideas could be spoilery if I'm right, I'll keep it to myself...but otherwise it means that they could be trying to bring her back...

Guess we'll see =)
Jan 8, 2016 12:48 AM

Jul 2013
DarknessscytheJan 8, 2016 12:55 AM
Jan 8, 2016 3:08 PM

Jan 2015
After all the excitement of her going to get married, I get the idea that something else is going on here than a simple case of not being able to handle the pressure.

Guess it has something to do with the "one day he will be gone" thing that has been going on in her mind the last few days...

Nice to get a POV from Veronica
Jan 18, 2016 12:38 PM

Jul 2013
[Veronica’s Perspective]

Why did I have to be the bearer of bad news? The note didn’t say anything other than sorry and the hotel staff did not see where they went so I was forced to bring the note to Jonathan with no other explanation I could offer. I suggested that maybe it could all be an elaborate prank led by Su but Jonathan recognized the handwriting as Merry’s own. It really seems that Merry just left him on the altar with no explanation as to why. On top of that, TNA are missing as well. The family Jonathan had been building is gone, just like that. The look on Jonathan’s face as he had to tell the crowd that the wedding was not happening, it is something I wish I did not have to see. Curse you Merry. I do not care what you were thinking, doing this to Jonathan is just… cruel. Now Jonathan has wondered off to a secluded room where he can wallow in his own misery. He does not seem to mind that I am in the room with him but… I do not know what to do. All I can do is stand here in silence.

”You know, I heard that my dad was left at the altar before he met my mom. Who knew misfortune was hereditary?” Jonathan solemnly stated his grim joke. He does not seem to be angry or sad. He seems just… dead emotionally.

It is now that I can see the distance that still lies between our hearts. I want to do something to comfort him, to ease his pain, but would such a move be appropriate or even welcome? This is so frustrating! There must be something I can do. Maybe I could hire a private detective to track her down or some bounty hunters or… ”Your ring.” I mutter as the thought comes to me. Yes that’s it! She didn’t leave the ring! Why didn’t we think of this before?! ”Your ring can find Merry’s ring right?!” I can’t believe it but I’m actually delighted that we are going to get Merry back, then Jonathan won’t be so depressed. ”The solution is easy. She could not have gotten far so all we have to do is find a ride and…”

”What’s the point?” Jonathan glumly interjects. ”Even if I bring them back… I can’t make them stay.”

”D-don’t say that!” …what’s going on here? He doesn’t want to find her? I do not understand, is he angry that they left? Doesn’t he want to know why? There must be some reason she left. ”Can you think of anything that might have upset her? Any reason she would leave without saying anything?”

”…maybe she just got tired of me.” Jonathan mutters. ”I can’t blame her either, I couldn’t even remain faithful the night before our wedding.”

”So then… it’s my fault?” I’m the reason Jonathan is suffering like this? But… that’s not fair. What am I supposed to do? I can’t even express my feelings? He only ever thinks of her as is… and now… and now…

”Hey, hey! Why are you crying?!” Jonathan starts as I cannot hold back the tears. ”I’m the one who should be upset!”

”Because you are going to resent me for driving them away!” I try to wipe away the tears but they just keep flowing.

”That’s not true! You did nothing wrong!” Jonathan quickly states as he motions for me to calm down. ”It was all my fault… it is… only my fault.” Jonathan quickly turns away from me. He’s shaking, is he crying? ”Merry… Merry always does her best for me. She does not ask much in return… a family… faithfulness… both things I have failed in providing. I thought I knew TNA, but they left… and I don’t even know why. Merry has saved my life multiple times and TNA are always there when I really need them and I have taken them for granted… they’re too good for me.”

”That’s not true!” How can he say that? Just because Merry and TNA left him? Has he always been this emotionally vulnerable? Thinking he is not good enough? That’s just not true. I love him, and I love him because… ”You are a good man. Not perfect but you don’t try to be and you don’t expect others to be either. You are patient enough to get along with people who are a little rough around the edges, that’s how you put up with Merry’s temper, that’s how you put up with TNA, that’s how you put up with me when I was… a brat. You care about others and of course you are faithful. After all… that’s why you turned me down.” It hurts for me to have to say that. To tell Jonathan exactly why I love him knowing that he turned me down. But I don’t mind if I can make him feel better, it’s too painful to see him like this.

”… are you sure about that?” Jonathan asks as he slowly turns toward me. He looks at me in a way he has never looked at me before. He is sad, but behind the sadness is a determination. He has something he wants to say … and it’s making my heart flutter as he slowly approaches me. ”I have been denying my feelings for a while now. I’ve been denying them because I’ve been ashamed of them. But last night… even if just for a while… I stop being ashamed of my feelings.” He stands in front of me, so close that I can feel the heat from his body. ”Can you still say that I am faithful?” As he asks he leans toward me.

Is he going to kiss me? This… could be my chance. Merry and TNA are gone and Jonathan is in pain and seeking comfort, comfort I desperately want to give. As our lips grow closer I can feel his breath, I can smell his sent, and my body yearns to be in his embrace once again. He could finally be mine. But… ”no.” This is not what I want. ”No!” In an effort to strengthen my own resolve, I strike Jonathan and he goes reeling. I have to take a moment to catch my breath. It hurts, what am I doing? ”You don’t get to come crying to me because Merry and TNA dumped you!” What am I saying? ”You have a way to find them, use it already!” This is my chance. ”Or did you reject me over such flimsy feelings that you will just give up at the first sign of off trouble?!” Why do I put on such a front, why do I yell at him as I threaten to leave? ”You aren’t willing to go after them then not only are you not good enough for them, you are not good enough for anybody!” Slamming the door behind me I run away, but I do not make it far before I collapse into tears. I slump up against the wall as I think of what an idiot I am.


[Merry’s Perspective]

”Big Sis, this isn’t the right way!” Ina whines.

”Where are you going?” Doe asks.

”We’re keeping Big Bro waiting!” Nip states.

”If this is a joke, it’s going too far.” Su comments.

”Fucking say something already!” Sara shouts.

TNA has been shouting stuff like this none stop since I left. Try as I might, there was nothing I could do to distract them long enough for me to get away. But I knew darling would come looking for me if I took too long so I had to leave with them. I’m sorry I don’t have the courage to face you darling. There is nothing I can say to make up for what I am doing but I at least wanted to let you know I am sorry. I hope that someday you can forgive me.

It is hard enough for me to keep going with TNA constantly nagging me, but the attention I am drawing in this dress is too much. I actually want to wear this a little longer but it won’t do me any good anymore, it is just too sad and it will only slow me down. Aside from the dress all I have is a small bag with a change of clothes and a little bit of money, it’s not much but I have lived off of less before. But even if this is all I have I still have to find a place to change out of this dress and send it back to the cathedral, I am leaving darling with enough debt but at least he shouldn’t have to pay for the dress.

I found a small inn ran by another mermaid. I presented what little money I had and asked for a room. ”Hey what do you take me for? This isn’t enough.” The mermaid said as she rejected the small amount.

”I know but please, I only need it for a little while. Just long enough to change.” After that I have to leave the city.

I don’t know what it was about me but I am sure my sorrow was conveyed to her in some way. She scratched her head as she gave a sigh. ”Aww geez, if that is all you need then don’t worry about it. Just leave the room the way you found it ok?”

”Yes, thank you.” I solemnly reply with a small bow.

”… so what is with the dress anyway? Did you get married or something?” She asked as she curiously eyed the dress.

”… no, I did not.” And now, I never shall.

TNA have grown unusually quiet as I make my way to the room I was given. Their constant prattle helped to keep my mind off of things but now that it was quiet I had time to reflect. Entering the room I immediately collapse on the bed. It was just starting to hit me what I am doing, what I have done. All my dreams are ruined… I will never marry… I will never have children… I will never see darling again… all because I am a coward.

”So are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Tally casually asked as she sat on the bed next to me.

”Just leave me alone.” I muffle into one of the pillows. ”You should go back, darling will be looking for… He will need you now.” That’s right, it’s not just darling I will never see again. I won’t see TNA again either. It’s almost funny, despite all the trouble they cause me and darling and how possessive I get I haven’t even thought twice about sharing them with darling for some time. It has actually been fun living with them. They are like children, they are constantly getting into trouble but there really is something endearing about each of them. But I will never see them again… my nights are going to get a lot colder. But the alternative… it’s just… I can’t even imagine.

”What are you saying Big Sis?” Abigail asks as she takes one of my hands. ”Big Bro will be looking for you too. Let’s all go back together.”

”Are you afraid everyone will be mad that you’re late?” Sis asks as she takes my other hand. ”I’ll go with you to apologize, it’ll be ok.”

I pull my hands from them and shake my head. ”I’m sorry, but I’m not going back.”

”Not going back?” Nip asks with her hands on her hips as she floats in front of me. ”Are you sure about that?”

”Big Bro and Vampire Lady were awfully close last night, if you leave she will steal him. Are you okay with that?” Tally asked, and she was actually being serious.

”It’s fine. She… she can have him.” If she can handle the consequences then it would be selfish of me to say otherwise.

”Are you sure?” Su asked in a teasing manner. ”They are going to be pounding it every night, in positions you couldn’t manage.”

That does not leave a pretty picture… but I don’t have a right to tell darling what to do anymore. ”…I’m sure.”

”She’s going to be pumped full of his jizz until she eventually looks like Tally.” Annie adds as she casually points to Tally’s swollen stomach.

”Hey! What’s wrong with the way I look?!” Tally angrily shouts back.

”Not the point right now.” Annie retorts.

I have to get them to go. If they want me angry, I can use that. ”That’s enough!” Please just stop. ”I am not going back!” I can’t anymore. ”I’m am sick of darling and I am sick of all of you!” Please just go, you are only making this harder for me. ”I hate you all!” Please.

”Bullshit!” Sara shouts back, it didn’t even take her a second. ”Do you think we’d believe that shit?”

”Big Sis, we are constantly being told that we are annoying, we are pests, and to go away.” Nip solemnly states. ”We are used to being hated and rejected. But you Big Sis… I have never heard someone put so little feeling into it.”

”So little feeling?” Of course it would be. I don’t actually want to leave. I want to get married. I want to have children. Living with darling and TNA has been the happiest days of my life. But the more joy I feel now the more sorrow I will feel later. That’s why… ”Please… just go. I can’t be with darling anymore… I just can’t.”

TNA go silent for a while before Doe approaches me. ”But then… what will you do?” She timidly asks. ”Won’t you be lonely? You will won’t you?” Of course I will. How could I say otherwise? The thought alone is breaking my heart. ”…then… we will stay with you.”

”Huh?” What are they saying? Do they even realize? ”But you won’t be able to see darling again… are you okay with that.”

”We don’t want to lose Big Bro or Big Sis.” Ina says as she begins to sob, slowly wiping away tears. ”But Big Bro will always have someone, like Vampire lady. But if we leave you then you will be all alone, won’t you?”

Ina is not the only one on the verge of tears, even Annie cannot hold back the tears that are whelping up. They know what it is they are saying and they know what that means. ”But… what about your children? They would be growing up without a father.” I ask as I look at Tally who seems to be holding up the best, at least on the outside.

”Big deal.” Tally angrily scoffs. ”It’s not like we knew our father either.”

”On top of that, our mothers never really cared for us.” Annie coldly states. ”As long as we have you and Sis they will be better off than we ever were.”

”We’ll be fine Big Sis.” Sis calmly states as she puts a hand on my shoulder. ”It’ll be ok.”

”But… but… why?” I just don’t get it. First they give up marrying darling for me and now they are giving him up all together. I just… I don’t understand.

”Didn’t we tell you before?” Doe asked as she looked around at her sisters.

”We love you, Big Sis.” TNA all said together.

That’s it… I can’t take anymore. It’s not just that I will never see darling again. It’s not just that TNA are giving him up for me. It’s not just that their children will grow up without a father because of me. It’s because on top of all the sorrow, on top of all of the regret, I feel so much relief because I will not have to spend the rest of my life alone and all because these girls love me more than I ever gave them credit for. The tears burst forth and I embrace as many of TNA as I can. ”Waahhhhaaaahhhh! Thank you… thank you so much! I was so afraid! So afraid of being alone! I’m sorry! I’m sooo sorry you have to do this for me!” The tears won’t stop flowing. What would I have done if they actually left?

”C’mon Big Sis…” Tally begins to sob. ”… cut it out… you’re going to make me cry too…” Turning away from me to save face, she wipes her eyes. ”But before we do anything… you have to tell us why.”

”That… that… that’s right!” Doe struggles to get her words out between sobs. ”Why can’t we all just stay with Big Bro?!”

”Th-that’s right!” Ina shouted with tears and snot running down her face. ”We want to know!”

Yes… that is only fair. If they are willing to give up darling to come with me… then I have nothing to hide from them. ”…it’s because Darling is going to die someday…”

”Don’t tell me it’s because of that shit!” Sara shouts as she wipes her nose on her arm. ”That’s so far away…”

”I don’t care!” As I shout my body begins to shake from the thought of it. I hold myself to try to stop the shaking but to no avail. ”It doesn’t matter if it’s a hundred years, two hundred years, or even five hundred years. The thought of watching darling slowly die a little bit every day… it’s just too much for me to imagine…” And this fear is only from how much I love darling now. ”I’ve… actually been trying to keep myself a little distant from darling, just so I won’t be so hurt when he is finally gone. But… with darling and me about to get married and have a family… it’s everything I have ever dreamed and it makes me so happy that I want to forget. Every time darling succeed it makes me want to be his more. Every time he fails I want to be there for him. Every day I love darling a little more. But the more I love him the more it will hurt when I finally lose him.” The thoughts just keep coming, the thought of being unable to do anything for darling in his final days. To have his life slowly fade in my arms. ”I don’t want to leave darling, but if I am going to lose him eventually then maybe I should leave him now and be done with it!” It’s the only way I can protect myself. ”I wish I were like all of you! I just want to not care that he will someday be gone!”

TNA are silent for a bit. But then Sis slowly begins to speak. ”It’s not that we don’t think or care that Big Bro will die someday.”

”But it is just too sad to think about so we try to have more fun to think about.” Su mutters.

”It’s not like Big Bro is that important to us.” Annie tries to be tough behind a quickly crumbling facade. ”It’s not like Big Bro is the first one to try to protect us, or accept us for who we are… or tell us he loves us… or… or…”

”It’s not like we will be all alone again once Big Bro dies.” Tally sobs as she rubs her stomach. ”It’s not… but still… we… we…”

TNA has had as much as they can take of this discussion and go silent as they all try to hold back their tears in their own way. I also cannot take anymore, no matter what I am going to miss darling so much. But right at that moment, the door slowly opens. ”So… this is what you all have been thinking about all along.”


[Jonathan’s Perspective.]

Veronica was right, it did not take me long to find them with my ring. I was lucky they hadn’t made it out of town yet, I might not have been able to catch up with them if they did. All it took was a short taxi ride and a rather stern talking to from the inn clerk and I was here. But I’m sorry to say that even after Veronica knocked some sense into me I didn’t have the courage to just open the door and greet them. I waited in front of the door and… I heard everything.

When I finally opened the door I found my bride in tears in her wedding dress on the day of her wedding. I found her bride’s maids all teary eyed and snot nosed as they were confronting feelings they would rather just ignore. They all turn to me, a look of confusion and surprise behind their teary expressions. There is a moment of stunned silence before TNA, their emotions at their breaking point, all burst into tear filled wails as they clamor to me.

”Waaahhhh! Don’t die on us Big Bro!” Ina cries out.

”Don’t leave us alone!” Abigail cries.

”Take responsibility for our feelings you… you… jerk!” Tiki angrily cried.

”Don’t leave us! You have to stay!” Nip shouts.

”You won’t die! You won’t right Big Bro?!” Doe asks between cries.

”I don’t care if you get angry at my pranks, just don’t die!” Su shouts as she tightly clings to me.

”It’s not that I care that you came but… but… waaahhhh!” Annie cries honestly.

”You’re late.” Sis commented as she wiped her tears.

”What took you so long, asshole?!” Sara angrily shouted.

Lastly, Tally embraced me around the waist as she looked up at me with tear filled eyes. ”I don’t want to lose Big Bro or Big Sis! You have to make sure we all stay together! You have to! I love you both!” She shouts before burying her face in my stomach.

I kneel down to embrace them all. Accepting their hugs and kisses, their tear filled eyes and even their snotty noses. Being here with these girls right now makes the very idea of not coming after them seem ludicrous. But to think they would all leave me to be with Merry… and their reasoning… it reminds me of how I thought when my parents were going through a divorce. It is not a matter of who they love more because they love us both, it is a matter of who would be more alone. These girls… no matter how devilish they may act at times, their love is innocent and pure. I ended up never having to choose between my parents, now it is my turn to make sure that they never have to choose between us. Breaking from their embrace for the time being, I turn my sights to my bride. She has turned away from me. I do not know if it is from sorrow or shame, but I know that I cannot let things end this way.

I quietly approach Merry and slowly sit on the bed next to her. I attempt to put my arm on her shoulder but she shrugs away. Where do I even start? My own mortality, it’s just something I don’t normally think about. But for Merry and TNA, and many other monsters I’m sure, the comparatively short life spans of humans is an issue that they have to consider. For them, falling in love means that you will eventually have to watch the one you love die. Even if certain circumstance could let us live hundreds of more years the result is still the same. I understand all of that but still… ”So let me get this straight. We live together for hundreds of years. In that time we live a happy life where neither of us gets sick, or taken, or end up in an accident. A life where we never get tired of each other, where we stay happy and together. And finally, after my natural life span has been extended far beyond its natural limit and I fade to death after a full and fulfilled life, you will be so inconsolable that it is impossible to imagine. Is that what you are afraid of?” Merry slowly nods without so much as facing me. ”I understand. But Merry… that is exactly what I want.” Merry starts when I say that, it is a reaction at least. ”What you are afraid of is the best case scenario, it is everything I could ever hope for.”

”That’s easy for you to say!” Finally Merry turns to me, tears flying as she is full of anger and sorrow. ”You won’t have to know what it is like to live without the one you love! Don’t you get it?! The more I love you the more painful it will be when you die! Are you just saying that you don’t care how painful it will be for me?!”

”Of course I care!” How can she even suggest that I don’t? ”But what’s the alternative? Never fall in love? Never get married or raise a family? What kind of life is that? Don’t you think that kind of life is sad? Don’t you think that kind of life is lonely?”

”Of course I do! I know better than anyone!” Merry was angry for a moment but then she settles back down and gets sad. ”I was all alone before you came into my life. Day and night my life had no meaning, it was just get to the next day. But then I found you and TNA and every day became a joy. Even the days where you make me angry or jealous mean more to me than the days I spent alone. I love you darling! You are everything I ever wanted and so much more. No matter what I do I cannot help but love you more every day. But… but… someday all that love… all that happiness… it will be gone, and I will be left alone again. But the next time it will be worse because there will be a hole in my heart that no one can ever replace. That’s why… even if I will be lonely… even if I will miss you… I would rather just leave now before it hurts too much.”

Merry beings to cry again. Just how long has she been thinking like this? How long has she been holding in these feelings without me knowing? It… It makes me want to know more about her. What other fears is she hiding? What dreams does she have that she has yet to tell me? I want to know it all. I want to know everything. About her and about TNA. I want us to stay together and live together through happiness and sorrow so I can know more about them. I want us to live long happy lives together and I can say right now that Merry’s fears are… silly.

”Merry…” I gently reach out to her, holding up her chin so that see looks at me. ”… you won’t be alone. TNA will be here with you.” I looked back the girls with a smile, all of them anxiously listening. ”Plus you will have any children that we have. All the love and happiness that we feel, it won’t just be gone. It will live on in memories. It will live on in our children and our children’s children in every way that they resemble us. And… even if I do die… it doesn’t mean we will never see each other again.” Merry becomes surprised with that last bit. This conversation could get awkward but I feel it is a discussion that needs to be had. I look back at TNA and motion for them to sit on the bed. ”Come join us, this is something I need to discuss with all of you as well.” Hesitantly, all of TNA find spots on the bed. I guess they are still concerned that they will have to choose between one of us because they don’t sit too close to either of us. It takes me a moment to finally ask: ”What do you believe happens when people die?”

They all looked around at each other a bit. Do they not know how to answer or do they not know what I am asking. ”Well, we know that humans can become ghosts but…” Doe started before trailing off.

The fact that there are ghost is an important point but it does not help what I am getting at. ”Since that seems to be a rare case, let’s set it aside for now. And I am not just talking about humans. Humans, monsters, aliens, intelligent animals, or even artificial intelligence. What happens when their connection to the physical world ends?”

”I… I don’t know.” Merry eventually answers. ”I’ve never really thought about it.” You know there is an irony to be had there, but I guess with life spans as long as theirs it would be natural for them to just never think about what happens after death.

”Well, even on Earth my beliefs would be considered very… unique. You see, in quantum mechanics it has been proven that observing a system can fundamentally change its behavior.” I began my explanation. I’ve never had to explain these thoughts to anyone, I wonder if I will be able to make them understand.

”I don’t get what quandum meche-macha-what’s it is but your saying things can change just by looking at them?” Annie tried to make sense of it, honestly doing a good job. I can’t possibly expect them to know the terms, I’ll have to be careful with my wording.

”When a system is unobserved… that is when something is not being watched… it can contain anything allowed by the boundaries of the system with no possible way to predict which possibility it contains.” Crap, it is harder to curb the jargon than I thought. I look at TNA and while Doe is hanging off of my every word the others are completely lost.

”… I don’t get it…” Abigail mutters.

Must I resort to killing cats? ”… let me put it this way… you have a box. You know that the box contains either… sweets or sex toys. But you do not know which one. In quantum mechanics, the box contains both until you open it and find only one of them.”

”Who stole the other one?” Tally asked.

”Well… according to multi-verse theory there are two universes that are created when you open the box. One where you get the sex toys and one where you get the sweets.” I feel like I just opened an entirely different kind of box.

”Why can’t we have both?” Nip asks.

”The box can only contain one.” We’re getting off track.

”I vote sex toys.” Tiki giggles.

”I vote sweets!” Ina shouts.

”You don’t get to choose, it’s random.” How do I get us back on track?

”What if I want something else?” Su asks.

”It’s only an example.” So much for all the tension we had going. But I think this is for the best.

”If I put a sex toy into the box, could I get sweets out of it?” Doe asked.

”No, because you know the box has a sex toy in it.” But we might be here all day.

”Wouldn’t somebody know what the box has in it?” Sis asked. ”How could it ever have both?”

”It doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t know.” Skipping a few steps there, but oh well.

”How does it not matter?” Sara asks. ”That makes no fucking sense.”

Alright, not how I intended this to go but I think I can use it as a Segway. ”Because I believe that everyone exists within their own universe. So even if someone else knows, as long as you don’t know the possibility of either still exists for you.”

”So then… what? It doesn’t matter what anyone else does?” Tally asked.

”Not at all.” I answer with a chuckle. ”Because whenever you interact with someone you observe them and they observe you. Both of your universes change and from that point on the only possible versions of that person you can interact with are the same versions that interacted with you before.”

”But then… if someone dies… you can still never see them again.” Merry mutters, sobering the tone as we get back on track.

”That is only true as long as you are still in the same universe you have been observing.” So here it is. I look at Merry with a soft smile as I explain what I believe happens after death. ”I believe that when a person dies they put the universe into an unobserved state. Anything becomes possible, the universal constants are free to change into any and all values, until they enter another universe for them to observe. You see, I believe that when someone dies they do not cease to exist. They just… stop existing in the universe you observe.”

”But… but isn’t the end result the same?” Merry solemnly asks. ”If you could end up in any number of other universes then how would we ever see each other again? What makes you think that we would ever meet again?”

”…faith.” No other way to put it. ”I believe that if two people want to see each other after death then they will. They will if they believe strong enough. They will if they reject any other possibility.”

”But darling… can you promise me? Promise me that we will see each other again after death?” Merry wipes away more tears as they begin to form. She looks to me for certain answers, but I cannot provide any.

”No. I cannot promise you anything. I cannot tell you that what I am saying is right. All I can say is that I believe that it is.” But faith, even if it is false faith is not meaningless. ”If belief is enough, if it gives you hope to move forward then that is all I ask. Life after death is never a guarantee, we should enjoy the life we have. But I will say one thing.” And this I can actually say with a confident smirk. ”Having met a ghost myself, I can say that my belief has never been stronger.” I hold out my hand to her, asking her one more time to be my wife. ”Will you marry me Merry? Will you join me in this life to create as much joy as we can for the time that we have together? And when the time comes… all I ask is that you hold my memory until the day we are reunited, and I… will do the same.”

Merry is still in tears but she can give me a soft smile. I do not know if I have convinced her but if I gave her even a little bit of hope then that should be good for now. ”Ok.” She wipes her tears away again before taking my hand. ”I don’t really understand it all. But I have faith in you and if that is what you believe then I can believe in it too. I still do not think that I will be able to bear it when you are gone. But if I can meet you again then maybe… just maybe… the time that we have right now will be worth it. And I can devote my heart to you knowing that you will love me forever.” She then smiles and I know everything is going to be ok.

”Forever and for always.” We embrace each other and kiss. Tears stream down Merry’s face again only this time they are tears of joy.

”Oh darling, thank you for coming after me.” Merry said as she wiped her tears one more time. ”I’m sorry I ruined our wedding.”

”No honey, I’m sorry. I should have known something was wrong sooner and I shouldn’t have hesitated to come after you.” I’ll have to thank Veronica for that one.

”You hesitated huh?” Merry leered at me with a playful smirk, guess I’m already back in hot water. ”How did you find me anyway?”

I chuckled a bit as I held up my hand to show her my ring, did she forget? ”You… didn’t leave your ring.”

”Huh? But I did.” Merry looks at her hand, and sure enough the ring is gone. ”But then…”

”Umm…” Abigail interjects as she flutters up. ”I have it.” Reaching into the little pouch on her waist, she pulls out Merry’s ring. ”I knew something was wrong when Big Sis took it off. I just wanted to make sure you could find us Big Bro.”

”Abigail…” I take the ring with one hand and grab her with the other to pull her in for a big kiss. ”… you little angel.” Without her I would not have been able to find Merry. No, it’s not just her. Without all of TNA to come after Merry and question her about leaving I might not have been able to catch up to her. Once again, these girls have proven that they come through for me when I need them most. ”Come here, all of you.”

”Big Bro!” Ina jumps at the chance and dives into me. ”Does this mean we will all be together forever?”

”Yes, we will be together forever.” That is what I choose to believe.

”Give or take a few hundred years, right?” Doe asked with a laugh as she came in. ”But that’s nothing compared to forever, right?”

”Ugh, can we just drop that fucking topic?” Sara sighed as she joined. ”I don’t want to bring it up again for at least a hundred years.”

”I don’t want to hear it for 500 years.” Nip commented as she forced her way in.

”I say we have a big orgy and forget all about it.” Tiki giggles.

”I second that.” Tally agrees as I give her her hug.

”I don’t care anymore. As long as we are all together.” Annie and Sis are the last to join in the big group hug.

”Oh you girls, I love you all so much. My family would not be complete without you.” I can never thank them enough for the things they have done for me.

”We love you too Big Bro.” The all agreed. ”You’re stuck with us forever.”

After the hug, Sis wiped away tears of her own. ”So… are you and Big Sis getting married or not?”

”Well, that depends…” I looked at Merry with a smirk as I hold up her ring. I know she already said yes, but it doesn’t hurt to ask again. ”We still doing this?”

”Of course, Darling.” She holds out her hand and I slip the ring back on her finger.

”Alright! It’s official!” Tally shouts.

”Let’s do this!” Tiki shouts.

”Just a second.” I have to ask them one more time. After all, if we are going to be together forever then why wouldn’t I? ”It’s not too late. Are you sure you girls don’t want to get married?”

Unlike before, there was a lot of hesitation in their answer this time. ”W-we’re sure…” Annie eventually answered.

”This is… for Big Sis…” Su solemnly added.

I looked back to Merry, I was sure I was thinking the same thing she was. Sure enough, she gave me a nod to tell me to try again. They were willing to give up their life with me to ensure Merry would not be lonely and they helped me to find Merry so that we could be reunited. Merry and I agree that we want them to join us in our union. Now it’s just a matter of getting them to admit they want to join as well. ”Well now, that is a shame. You see if we were married then I would have to take care of you for the rest of your lives.” I caught some hesitant glances but not much more. ”We could have sex whenever we wanted, I couldn’t get too mad at your pranks, and I would basically have to do whatever you want me to do.” I could see their twitching, they just need a little push. ”Not to mention… the ones getting married get the first slice of the cake.” Let’s see just how well I know these girls.

Sure enough, Ina is the first to cave. ”Ohhh… I wanna marry Big Bro!” The others followed shortly.

”Me to!” Abigail shouted. ”I love big bro too! Why is Big Sis the only one to marry him?!”

”Well if they’re marring Big Bro then I’m marrying Big Bro!” Nip shouts.

”You guys! We agreed on this!” Annie shouts. ”It’s what Big Sis wants…” She turned to look at Merry. ”…right?”

Merry gave them a smile and answered. ”Girls, you are already family. I would love if you joined us in our union.” That’s my girl.

”So then…” Doe looked around. ”Do we still have a reason to refuse?”

”Fuck no! Let’s do this!” Sara cheered.

”Alright! Free sex for life!” Tiki shouted with glee.

”Well then, what are we waiting around here for?” Tally asked with a confident smirk.

”Let’s get married!” Sis cheered.
dcw2021Jul 12, 2016 10:25 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 18, 2016 12:40 PM

Jul 2013

And so we all hoped into a taxi and rode back to the hotel. I was a little hesitant to leave them alone as TNA all change into their dresses, but Merry assured me that she won’t run away this time. I have faith in her and even if she does run away again I will go after her, as many times as it takes. Anyway, while they were getting ready I was busy announcing that the wedding was back on. The buffet line had taken a major hit and we didn’t have as many of the guests as we did. But our friends are still here and that is good enough. After a couple of stinging jabs from Felisha and the crew all I could do was stand at the altar and wait with Veronica.

”So it really was just that she was afraid to see you die? That’s stupid.” Veronica commented, she doesn’t seem to be in a particularly bad mood but… well… a lot has happened today.

”So I take it you are not worried about the same?” I ask with a light hearted laugh, trying to keep the mood up.

”Well, it’s not like I would be fine if you died.” Veronica as she looks away for a moment. ”But you know, as long as you are ok with not being human anymore there are actually a few options. You might even outlive us.”

Not being human anymore? Yes I suppose that would open up some possibilities. But those are things I can consider at a later date. Right now I have something more pressing to discuss with her. ”Veronica, I want to thank you for knocking some sense into me.”

”You do not have to thank me.” Veronica muttered as she looked away. ”I did it because I was angry is all.”

”No, I know that that is not all.” It’s obvious, I don’t know why she would hide it. ”You put my feelings above your own. That is something I will never forget.” Veronica remains silent. How can I tell her how much I appreciate it? ”It… it is a little late to change plans right now… and then I have my honey moon… and after that Tally will be due… and then having some newborns will be crazy for a while… but after that…”

”…after that?” Veronica asks after I trail off.

Jeez, don’t make me say it on my wedding day with Merry and TNA. ”After that… I might be able to act on these feelings I have.”

”Do… do you promise?” Is she crying?

Do I? ”…I promise.” I think at this point it is just a matter of time. ”Just… try to get along with Merry and TNA. Your relationship with them will be important too.” Too huh? Guess mines a given.

Veronica does not look at me but I can hear her sniffling as she wipes her eyes. ”Jeez, don’t say embarrassing stuff like this in front of a crowd. You’re going to make me look bad.”

I had to laugh, is she worried about that? ”Let them…”

”Big Bro!” I hear Ina call out as she holds a hand up and waves.

Sis and Annie pull down Ina’s hand and shush her. Ina covers her mouth apologetically for a second before brushing it off with a giggle. They then join by Merry’s side as she makes her way down the aisle. I’ve never seen my girls look so beautiful. I’ve seen Merry in her dress before, but never like this. Seeing her all dressed up with the frills of the gown twirling as she makes her way through the water, her face just lightly veiled so I can still see her smile. TNA are also dressed up in their white ribbons while Tally is in a small gown. They are all holding some red sea flowers, Merry and Tally each have a full bouquet while the others were each given a single flower. Merry continues down the aisle in a way you would expect a bride to and Tally plays along but like the rest of TNA if she catches any envious glances she playfully sticks her tongue out at them. My heart is pounding, I find it hard to breathe. This really is the moment isn’t it?

With a light push from Veronica, she tells me to go on. I meet my girls in front of the altar. I take Merry’s hand in my left, Tally’s hand in my right, and the rest of TNA cling around my head and shoulders as we approach Patricia. I must say, taking multiple wives at once still feels awkward to me but Patricia looks at us as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

”Is this everyone?” Patricia asks.

”Yes.” For now at least.

”Very well.” Patricia clears her throat and then starts. ”We are gathered here today because in the vast sea of life these loving individuals have found each other and decided to join hands and weather whatever storms this sea may throw at them together. From its bountiful reefs of plenty, to its vast and empty oceans. From its sun baked tide pools to its deep dark abyss. Life like the sea has its squalls and its calms. There will times where you must choose to go with the flow or to race against the current. To…”

”Ugh, get on with it!” Tally shouts, her patience reaching it’s limit.

”S-so… we…” Patricia tries to continue.

”Skip the speech! We got fucking to do!” Sara gleefully shouts.

Patricia gives me a glare to which I can only shrug, she was warned. She gives a sigh. ”Do you all agree to join together in union, through sickness and health, through rich and poor, till death do you part?”

”I do.” I answer.

”I do.” Merry answers. ”But when we part it will only be for a while.” She added with a giggle, glad to see she has taken what I said to heart.

”We do!” TNA shout with glee. ”You’re never getting rid of us!” I wouldn’t dream of it.

”You have your own vows to say?” Patricia asks.

”Y-yes.” With all that has happened I forgot what I was originally going to say. Fuck it, I’ll just roll with it. I clear my throat to buy a few moments to think of where to start. ”Merry… TNA… you all have saved my life multiple times. You all give my life meaning and joy. Even if our time in this world may not be the same I want us to make the most of every moment that we have together. Let us create a ton of memories together so that we never forget each other when the time comes and so that even in death we shall not part. I love you, for now and for always.”

”Darling, TNA.” Merry starts. ”You have saved me from my loneliness. You have made all of my dreams come true. All I can dream of now is building a life and a family so big and so full of love that the world will never be able to forget it. I love you, for now and forever.”

”Oh! Oh! Me next!” Ina shouts. ”I love Big Bro and Big Sis! So umm, so I promise that I will… uh… I will always let you have the last sweet! No wait! The second to last sweet! That’s good right?” Well, I appreciate the thought.

”Always sweets with you.” Tiki giggles. ”I promise that whenever we do it together we will all end up satisfied.” And with you it’s always sex… no complaints.

”I promise to always protect our family.” Nip confidently proclaims. ”I’ll take on anyone!”

”I promise to try to keep us out of trouble.” Sis added to Nip’s.

”I promise… to be more honest.” Annie says with a blush.

”And I promise to say whatever the fuck is on my mind!” Sara, you already do that.

”I promise to make sure we are always together.” Abigail sweetly adds.

”I promise to make sure life never gets boring.” Su said with a chuckle, she just wants an excuse to pull pranks.

”I promise to ask if anything is bothering anyone.” Doe added, that’s actually a good mindset to have in a relationship.

”I promise…” Tally gives Merry a playful grin as she clings to me. ”…not to hog Big Bro all to myself.” Merry just scoffs with a smile.

”Very well… I now pronounce you husband and wives.” Patricia continues, seeming to already have tired of TNA. ”You may kiss the brides.”

I lean in to kiss Merry first, but she holds up a finger to stop me. ”The spell is next right?” Merry asks Patricia.

”Do you want to start now?” Patricia asks in return.

”Yes.” Merry then grabs me as she kisses me. But she is not stopping at a kiss. She is taking me down to the floor and stripping me as she does.

She… she can’t be serious right? Right here, in front of everyone? ”Don’t you know Big Bro?” Doe asks with a playful giggle in response to my confused look. ”The permanent water breathing spell requires sex to work.”

”There… it is done.” Patricia seems a bit winded as she says that.

”That… was fucking incredible!” Sara shouts.

”I… I agree…” Nip pants. ”Let’s do it again!”

”That’s right!” Doe shouts. ”Now that the spell has been cast on Big Bro it has to be cast on all of us. Right?”

”No, it’s…” But it does not matter what Patricia says, TNA are already switching up positions for round 2. ”…I don’t care. Do what you want.” Patricia leaves us to continue to go at it. Without the spell nothing compares to the first round, but the subsequent ones aren’t bad.

After several more rounds, we all lay on the ground exhausted. The cathedral has cleared out, even our most eager onlookers eventually tired and left. This is my family now. These are my wives. I could not be happier. There is just one more thing I need to ask them. ”Merry… TNA… you love each other… right?” I ask between pants.

”We’ve already answered that.” Tally answers as she breathes heavily. ”We love Big Bro and Big Sis both.”

”What about you Big Sis?” Doe asks. ”Do you love us?”

Merry is silent for a moment but not for long. ”Yes, I love you. The amount of devotion you showed me has reached my very soul. I cannot imagine my life without you anymore.”

That’s good. That is exactly what I wanted to hear. ”So then, when I am gone you will look after each other right?”

”Don’t say that shit.” Sara commented. ”I don’t want to hear it anymore.”

”Please. Even if we will meet again. I want to know that you will be alright without me.”

”We will never be alright without you.” Abigail answers. ”But as long as we have each other it won’t be so bad.” Abigail curls up to Merry.

”That’s right.” Merry embraces Abigail back. ”As long as we are together we can get through it. We can get through it… until we meet again.”

”Until we meet again.” I truly hope that is the case.

dcw2021Jul 12, 2016 10:50 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 18, 2016 3:34 PM

Nov 2013
dcw2021 said:
Uhhhh! It's too big! ;) Couldn't fit it all into one,

that's never true, you just didnt try hard enough, I'm sure TNA could have made it fit ;P
Jan 18, 2016 3:57 PM

Jul 2013
it was because of them it couldn't fit. They made it too big. :P
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 20, 2016 12:55 AM

Sep 2013
"We can't get married! You'll die one day!"
[explains Schrodinger's strap-on]
"Daaaarling!" =P

I liked it. It actually wasn't what I was expecting was behind her reasoning, though maybe I should have.

Now you just have to worry about the honeymoon. I'm sure that can't possibly be anything but good times, right? =)
Jan 20, 2016 3:42 AM

Jan 2015
dcw2021 said:
”Well now, that is a shame. You see if we were married then I would have to take care of you for the rest of your lives.” I caught some hesitant glances but not much more. ”We could have sex whenever we wanted, I couldn’t get too mad at your pranks, and I would basically have to do whatever you want me to do.” I could see their twitching, they just need a little push. ”Not to mention… the ones getting married get the first slice of the cake.” Let’s see just how well I know these girls.

Duude, you know you're fucked right? The only thing you can hope for is that it is only in the literal sense of the word ;-)
Jan 20, 2016 7:47 PM

May 2013
Wow. Explaining quantum mechanics to imps. That takes balls.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 20, 2016 11:50 PM

Jan 2013
emeraldtryst said:
"We can't get married! You'll die one day!"

Encounter with Chuck Norris reminds everyone about inevitability of death.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Apr 26, 2016 10:27 PM

Jul 2013

After the ‘ceremony’ we headed back to the hotel. It won’t be much longer before we leave to attend the lord’s festival and, hopefully, receive her blessing. As I cleaned myself I examined myself in the mirror, curious to see if my body has changed now that I have a permanent spell cast on me. I still can’t believe that breathing underwater is just something I can do now, along with everything else that comes with the water breathing spell. I don’t feel any different. No gills. No special lenses in my eye. It just doesn’t feel real. But still, I cannot help but feel a little bit of my humanity has been lost. Even if I could go back to Earth it wouldn’t be as a normal human anymore. I don’t plan on ever leaving Merry or TNA even if I did get the chance to go back but it is interesting to think that I would have to avoid water, not because I am afraid of drowning but because I can’t. Still, it is amusing to think that I have gained a super power even if aqua man would still trump me.

”Are you alright Darling?” My new wife asks me as she embraces me from behind. ”You seem troubled. Anything I can do to help?”

”It’s nothing.” I set my worries aside as I turn to face my wife. ”I can get through anything as long as I have you.”

”Oh Darling.” After she gives a giggle, Merry and I share a light kiss.

”So what are TNA up to? I imagine they will be tagging along.” I don’t mind having them around but I don’t know how the lord would handle them, especially since they are not invited.

”You’re not going to believe this.” Merry giggles. ”They don’t want to come, want to know why?”

”Is it because it is something special for you?” They seem to be doing that a lot lately.

”That’s what I thought too, but that’s not it.” Merry stifles a chuckle. ”It’s because they don’t want the blessing. They think getting pregnant sucks because only one of them can have sex.”

”Pfff!” I could barely hold in my laughter. That reasoning is so like them. ”You don’t get blessed for just showing up.” Course I laugh, but if they did end up getting blessed I would never fulfil my promise to Merry.

”Yes, it is silly.” Merry giggles as she circles her finger on my chest, snaking her tail between my legs and pulling me close. ”But thanks to that we have some time alone together.” She coos before beginning to kiss me passionately. I guess I will have to get dressed again but how can I refuse this offer? I begin to kiss her back.

”You two still haven’t had enough?” Felisha comments, leaning against the wall as she watches us. ”You’re going to become attached at this rate.”

”Do you mind?” Merry asked as she shot Felisha a glare. ”I am spending some quality time with my husband.”

”Hey, don’t stop on my account.” Felisha retorted with a chuckle before giving Merry a leer of her own. ”But are you sure you have time for this? That stunt you pulled caused the ceremony to run much later than usual.”

Ouch. That was a rather cutting remark, made worse by the fact it is true. We do not have a lot of time before we need to be at the ball. Maybe getting caught up in some quality time would not be the best idea. But still, Felisha did not have to put it that way. ”…I got it.” Merry dejectedly lowers her head as she releases me to go finish getting ready.

”That was a bit harsh.” I mutter as Merry leaves. If anyone should be upset at what Merry did it should be me. But she had her reasons and she is sorry so I don’t have it in my heart to hold it against her. We are together now and that’s what matters.

”Yeah well… guess I’m pissed she would even pull a stunt like that.” Felisha scoffs.

”Were you afraid she wouldn’t come back?” Felisha does think of her crew as family. Is she upset that Merry would just up and leave?

”Nah. I knew you would get her back.” Felisha said with a big grin. ”You have good allies, annoying but good, and you even have the princess on your side to give you a boost.” As she continues her grin becomes a grimace. ”But willing to give up everything she has for fear of losing it, she takes for granted what others would kill for… I don’t appreciate it.”

This isn’t like her. Has the wedding gotten to her? ”Are you one of these others?” I asked with a nervous laugh.

”Shoot, you kiddin’?” Felisha chuckled as she leered at me. ”Why buy the cow what you can get the milk for free. Oh, wait. You’re a whore so it wouldn’t be free.” Felisha tacked on that last bit with a laugh.

”Is there some reason you came here?” She was starting to piss me off now.

”Take it easy. I’m kidding… mostly.” Felisha laughed as she motioned for me to calm down. ”Anyway, I just wanted you two to know that we will be leaving for our next destination, Ethelyn, tonight. It is one of the smaller towns we stop by but it is one we always look forward to. It has some very nice hot springs.” She flashes a big grin. ”It makes for a perfect honeymoon spot.”

”Really? How perfect.” A honeymoon at a hot spring? I couldn’t have planned that any better if I had tried.

”I knew you would say that.” Felisha chuckled with a smile. ”So I hope you don’t mind if we take the liberty of bringing all of your luggage on board while you are getting your blessing.”

”Of course, feel free.” I guess she is in a hurry. ”Oh, and while you’re at it could you all keep an eye on TNA? I don’t want them to get lost before we leave.”

”Get lost?” Felisha scoffs. ”I doubt we could get rid of the things.” That was mean.

”I know they can be a handful.” I respond with a laugh. ”But they are my wives now and I love them. So please do it for me, captain.”

”Aww, geez. Don’t go getting all sappy on me.” She gives me a stern look but she quickly caves, I guess she doesn’t know how to deal with all the emotions that have been going around. ”Alright, I get it. I’ll look after the pests.” She grumbles as she crosses her arms. ”But don’t blame me if they are all tied to the mast when you get back.”

”As long as they are all there.” I laugh, hopefully it won’t come to that.

”I’m ready darling.” Merry happily said as she revealed her dance gown. It is a long, light green gown that hugs close to her body even as she swims around. Nothing compares to when she was in her wedding dress, but this one is up there. In addition, she has tied up her hair into a bun and has even applied some light makeup. I’m not sure if she is doing for me, the lord, or anyone else we met but she is pulling out all the stops.

”Well, I’ll leave y’all to it. We will wait up for you tonight, just don’t test my patience.” Felisha waves as she leaves the room.

”What will they be waiting for, Darling?” Merry suspiciously leers at me. Just married and al… Actually, I have no room to say anything.

”We will be leaving for Ethelyn tonight. Felisha thinks it would make for a great honeymoon.” I answer with a nervous chuckle.

”Oh, how nice of her.” Merry says as she gives one of her scary smiles. ”What is she planning?”

”N-nothing, as far as I know. She just wants to continue on her route.” Of course, she could be planning something.

”She better not.” Merry grumbles as she gives another leer.

”Well, let’s not worry about that for now.” Time to improve the mood. ”I have my lovely wife, who is absolutely stunning in her dress. We have invitations to the classiest event of the season, and TNA is not going to be there to get us thrown out.” I drop to a knee and hold out a hand. ”Shall we go, my love?”

Merry giggles at my little performance before taking my hand with a smile. ”Lead the way, Darling.” And with that we were off.

The invitations have detailed instructions on how to approach and enter the lord’s castle. But honestly, we wouldn’t have needed it. We could see the lines to enter the main ballroom of Michiko’s castle from our hotel. Vibrantly dressed couples of all kinds could be seen emerging from the city as they joined those patiently waiting to get inside. We of course were among these couples.

You know, it is weird to attend these events where the genders are fairly even. Except for Merry, no one is paying me any mind. Since nearly everyone already has a partner and there is no need to lust after me, it is actually a nice change of pace. But still, rather than piss Merry off by accidentally gawking at the other mermaids I chose to examine the tower we were lining up for.

The tower rises several hundred feet off of the peak of the sea mount, close enough to the surface that it remains well-lit even as the day stretches into the evening. The tower actually appears to be made of living coral spiraling in on itself as it stretches cylindrically toward the surface. Even while acting as part of the lord’s castle, the coral serves as a home to many undersea creatures and even has small crevices for fish and crabs to enter and leave the tower as they please. As the line slowly makes its way toward the tower I can see that, even though there are entrances on the lower level of the tower, all the guests are made to enter through the four upper entrances. Each couple lands on one of the balconies carefully carved from the coral and await a quick inspection before passing through the beaded curtain to enter the tower. The guards do their best to move the lines quickly but not at the cost of due procedure.

”Next.” One of the Sahuagins motions to us when it is finally our turn. We slowly sink to the balcony as she approaches us. ”Invitations,” the sea lizard commands with a monotone, her hand held out and her fingers beckon for the requested items.

”I have them right here.” I hold out the invitations before they are quickly snatched.

”One human male and one mermaid.” She jots a few notes on a clipboard before asking: ”Do you have any artifacts, enchantments, or traits you wish to declare before entering?”

”Minor enchantments, nothing of note.” Merry answers. The water breathing spell and our rings should be it.

”Very well.” She jots a few more things down before returning our invitations along with a pair of rings. ”You are to wear these at all times while within the castle, they will inhibit the casting of class 2 and 3 spells as well as alert your presence to the castle guard. Any altercation will result in the expulsion of all parties involved.” Once Merry and I have our rings in place, the sahuagin steps aside. ”Have a nice evening.”

Stepping past the first sahuagin, and under the gaze of a second brandishing a large spear, Merry and I approach the lustrous curtain that is made entirely of pure white pearls. Locking arms and will a nod toward each other we head inside. The other side of the illustrious curtain immediately opens up into the large ballroom of the nearly hollow tower. The inside is just so incredibly lively. There are numerous couples elegantly dancing around the room as they follow the steady current that can be felt flowing through the room.

But it is not just the dancers that are rhythmically swimming around the large room. Various fish of different colors are swimming in a highly coordinated pattern to give the dance floor a vibrant and living backdrop. All of this combined with the living coral that makes up the walls makes for a display of color that is seldom matched even on Earth.

”Oh, it’s so lovely.” Merry happily clasps her hands together as she marvels at the sight. ”I wonder how they trained the fish.”

”It is nice, but don’t forget why we are here.” I chuckle at Merry’s delight. ”We need to remain on our best behavior.”

”I know that.” Merry giggles. ”But this is still a party and we should enjoy ourselves.” Merry takes my hand and leads me out onto the dance floor. ”Come on, I still haven’t had my first dance with my husband.”

That is true. We got so ‘busy’ that we never did have our dance, or any cake for that matter. ”You are absolutely right, honey.” Following my wife’s lead, I join her on the dance floor.

You know, I have danced with Merry before but knowing she is my wife now puts a whole new perspective on everything. Merry is the center of my world right now. I have to rely on the brief lessons we had and Merry’s subtle lead to stay with the flow of the other dancers. Even as we move, twist, turn, and flip through the 3d dances, I always keep my focus on Merry. I am definitely looking at the world through rose color glasses, but if Merry looks this good while wearing them then I don’t mind my new prescription. Even as our first dance as man and wife comes to an end I remain completely enraptured by her. It was only a firm grip on my shoulder that finally snapped me out of it.

”Ey lad, mind if I cut in with the lass here?” Said the rather butch merrow. She looked… interesting. While she was certainly a merrow wearing a dress befitting the occasion, her looks and mannerisms did not suit such a frilly dress. For starters she was very muscular, not unusual for some types of monster girls but not really fitting for a merrow. Along with her muscular physique was a face bearing a smug grin under bright red hair that was worn short with a very masculine style. To top it all off was her hat worn at a slight tilt giving off a feeling of arrogance.

To be honest, I wouldn’t mind if Merry was my only partner through this whole party, but I have not forgotten what I learned for Victoria’s ball -- it would be rude to refuse. ”As you wish.” This is a high class party, so I set my feelings aside and gracefully give up my new wife to dance with someone else.

”’Preciate it lad.” Lightly shoving me to the side, the merrow holds her hand out to Merry. ”’Ello gorgeous, care to ditch the runt and cut a rug with someone more worthy of you?” Was that really necessary?

”Well…” Merry hesitates as she looks at me. Normally it would be rude to decline but she wasn’t exactly the most polite either. I knew that Merry, being the lovely wife that she is, would refuse if I wanted her to. But I don’t want the mood of the evening to be ruined by a single asshole -- one dance wouldn’t hurt.

”It’s alright Merry, it’s just one dance.” Just get it over with and ditch her.

Taking Merry’s hand the merrow leads her off. ”See? The pansy says it’s fine.” Again, is the name calling necessary?

Well, can’t exactly say I’m in a pleasant mood after that exchange but I was not left to brood long. Even when just about everyone here has a partner of one form or another, as a man I am not left alone long. ”E-excuse me. M-may I have this dance?” A small and fairly timid cancer said as she approached me. Her face is blushed red under her pink haired bangs as she fidgets a bit. She is wearing what looked to be a variant of a Chinese dress, I have to admit she is pretty cute. It would be a real shame to remain sour with so many beautiful women around, especially after she clearly worked up the courage to ask me.

”It would be my pleasure to dance with such a lovely young miss.” Ah, hope Merry doesn’t hear me saying that.

”T-thank you.” She bashfully answers before taking my hand, not with her human hand but with her large crab pincer, and dragging me to the dance floor.

You know, it was actually kind of nice to dance with this Cancer. We were on the floor and that dance we had was kind of like a slowed down version of a normal ballroom dance. Because the other couples were dancing up above we practically had the actual dance floor to ourselves. We had a nice little chat as we danced and of course, my marriage inevitably came up. She was sweet though, she didn’t pester me about making any new additions to my family and genuinely seemed interested in knowing what brought Merry and I together. I knew the dance would not last that long so I gave her the highlights; how Merry saved my life, how TNA raped me but then proved dependable at protecting me, how I got Tally pregnant and proposed to Merry. It is hard to believe how much my life has changed. In the end I did most of the talking and our dance was over before I knew it.

”Well, it was short but it was fun. Sorry I rattled on a bit.” I chuckled as she released her grip on me.

”It’s no problem.” She replied as she got a bit flustered. ”It’s nice to know that stories like that actually happen. I just hope that someday I can find a guy like you.”

”I have faith that you will.” I chuckle at the indirect flattery. ”But you might want to be a bit more assertive when you do, you want to make sure you get his attention and keep it.”

”I-I’ll do my best.” She nervously waved as we parted. I truly wish her the best.

As would be expected, I was not left to be a wallflower and am quickly snatched by a rather clingy Scylla. ”Hello handsome, care for a dance?” But of course as she asked that I had to pry away a tentacle as it was beginning to explore someplace it had no business being.

”Keep your hands and other limbs to more appropriate places and you can have your dance.” I reply with a nervous laugh.

”Aww, don’t be that way.” She giggled as she clung to me even tighter. ”I’ll let you touch mine if you let me touch yours.” A point that she emphasized by pressing her rather large breasts against me. This combined with a low cut top to an already revealing dress got a strong reaction from a place she was already trying to mess with. ”See, you want to have some fun, too. Let’s find a place where we can have a private dance, shall we?”

I became flustered, I could not deny that there was a good deal of appeal to her offer. It seems that this stuff is never going to get any easier for me. ”I am married.” I firmly state despite the aching of my other head. ”A normal dance here is all you are getting.”

”Oh you’re married?” The Scylla giggles. ”That’s cute. It makes me want you more.”

”One dance, that is all.” I firmly restate.

”Yeah, yeah. We’ll see if you change your mind, lover boy.” She giggles as she drags me off to dance with everyone else.

As we went through the next dance I had to do something to take my mind off of the very forward advances of this Scylla. Luckily there was one major thing that stuck out to me among all the dancing couples. Merry is still dancing with that Merrow. What’s more is said merrow is making similar advances on Merry as the Scylla is on me. She is leaning in to Merry, making fairly intimate contact, trying to draw her eyes back when Merry averts her gaze. Setting aside the fact that it is kinda hot that another woman is into my wife, I’m not really comfortable with someone else making such blatant advances on her especially when said advances are clearly making her uncomfortable. Course the same could be said by Merry about me and this Scylla, who takes my moment of distraction as an opportunity to fondle an inappropriate area. ”Haha, don’t you know it’s rude to look at another girl while you’re dancing with one?” She asked as one of her tentacles snaked its way into my pants. ”If you are not going to pay attention then I will just have to help myself to the goods.”

”Alright, alright, I got it. Let go already.” It was all I could do to not let out a yelp.

Sadly, she did not let go. She kept a firm grip on my manhood even as we finished up the dance. I did manage not to let go of something of my own, but I did feel more than a little violated once the dance finished. ”Haha, well, it is a shame you have good resistance, but the reactions you gave were amusing enough.” She releases me as she swims away with a casual wave. ”Now hurry on to that mermaid of yours, I think that merrow is trying to steal her. Feel free to come crying to me if things don’t work out.”

Taking a few moments to compose myself and get my manhood under control, I make my way to Merry and the Merrow before I try to get my wife back. ”Mind if I cut in?” I ask as I gently tap the Merrow on the shoulder.

”Fuck off! Can’t ya see I’m dancin’ with the lass?!” She angrily shouts at me.

I was rather taken aback. Forget being rude just to refuse the cut in, the crude outburst was just plain uncalled for. I was a bit hesitant to try to cut in again but then I saw Merry. ”D-darling.” From the looks of it the Merrow was keeping a very firm grip on her. Top that with all the advances she has been making and it has made Merry physically and emotionally uncomfortable, that was all the motivation I needed. ”Come now, she has had enough…”

”I said fuck off!” She spun around as she gave me a good smack.

She is pretty strong, the smack didn’t make me bleed or anything but it sure did smart. Not only that, but the noise resounded through the room, quickly grabbed the attention of the other guests. ”Well, may I ask what that was for?” I try to remain composed in front of the onlookers.

”I told ya I’m dancin’ with the lass. Now beat it.”

”You are aware that it is common curtesy to let someone else have a dance with the lady once you finish a dance. Or at the very least to let her go when she tires of dancing with you.” I remain calm and try to remind her what kind of setting we are in.

”Yeah, well I ain’t much for common courtesy.” Yeah, I can see that.

”Then how about letting a man have more than just one dance with his wife on the day of his wedding?” I get that she is an asshole, but surely she can’t be completely unreasonable.

”I don’t give a giant mouse’s ass if you are married.” She crudely retorted.

Alright, I was starting to get more than a little pissed off. I was not expecting this kind of behavior in such a high class setting. If she is going to be an asshole she could at least be a little less direct about it. ”Look, she is tired of dancing with you. You have plenty of other beautiful women to dance with if that is your choice. If you are not willing to follow common curtesy then I am afraid I have to insist that you leave my wife alone.”

The merrow swims up to me and bumps me a couple of times with her fairly masculine chest before asking with a low tone. ”You want to fight?”

Of course I would have no chance of winning in a direct confrontation; I am likely far weaker than her even on the best of days, I am unarmed, and we are under water. But still, I can’t exactly let this merrow continue to harass Merry like this. Sure she could probably fight her off if push comes to shove but as her husband I can’t just let her handle everything on her own. Still, this merrow does not look like she is going to back down easily. I need some way to at least avoid direct conflict. This crowd, maybe I can use it. ”Really? And just what would you prove by picking a fight with me? Do you want to show everyone that your muscles are the only thing you are good for? Have some class, or are you just some vulgar beast?”

I make deliberately over exaggerated movements as I ask the questions, trying to get as much attention as possible. I can hear the murmur of speak that surrounds us. In the noise I can pick out the chuckles and soft spoken but derisive speech that only comes from nobles that look down upon the commoners. It does not matter much to me that just as many degrading statements are being made at my expense as my opponent, it is a small price to pay to even the playing field. Luckily even this crude merrow is self-conscious enough to not resort to animal brutality while surrounded by the judging gaze of the upper class. ”Hmph, yer not even worth the effort.” She grumpily crosses her arms as she continues to stare me down. ”All you men think that just because you have a rod and a pair that all the girls will just let you walk all over them.”

”I have never once thought that.” Where did that even come from? It’s absurd. ”From the moment I got here I have run into women who are so confident in their sexuality that they believe I should be begging them for sex. Hell, ten of my wives can use their sexual skills as a weapon and they don’t really bother with small details like consent. Sure I get offers on a nearly daily basis but I’m no fool, I know those would just be flings. Besides, you yourself are not impressed by the fact that I am a man.”

”Eh, I wouldn’t call you much of a man.” She retorts.

Seriously, did I do something to piss her off? ”Whatever, we are making a scene. Just go dance with someone else and let me enjoy the party with my wife.”

”I done told you lad.” She says as she gets all up in my face again. ”The lass is with me.”

I give a long sigh, I know she is not going to do anything so I’m not afraid of her. ”Just what are you hoping to accomplish?” I ask as I cross my arms in frustration. ”She is my wife and she clearly does not care for you. I appreciate the dedication in the search for female companionship but you are better off spending your time elsewhere. There are plenty of lonely ladies here. Nothing will come from dancing with my wife.”

”Something will come when I steal her away from you.” She states with a confident grin.

”Really? And just how are you going to do that?” I am growing tired of this.

”Because I am going to fuck her senseless.” She thrusts her hips out to emphasize a bulge from under her skirt. ”No one can resist my piece.”

”Am I supposed to be impressed?” It is a sizeable bulge but so what? ”I doubt it’s even real.”

”Oh really? Take a gander!” With a loud confident laugh she lifts her skirt.

What she was hiding under there was big, huge in fact. In both length and girth it has got to be the biggest I have ever seen. It must be really uncomfortable for her to swim with that huge thing. I am of course talking about the huge cucumber that is strapped to her. What is it with these girls and doing these things? Is there some kind of fetish going on? I don’t really get it and the fact that she would be so brazen as to show it off pisses me off, her vagina is on display right below it. She needs to be taught a lesson about decency. I reach out and I grab it.

”Kyaa!” That was a rather girlish scream. ”W-what do you think you are doing?!” She is flustered as she shouts at me from over her skirt.

”Oh, it’s really well attached.” I was frankly expecting it would come off.

”O-of course it is… and stop stroking it!” Another girlish outburst. ”I didn’t think you would be into dicks!”

”Don’t be so vulgar.” This isn’t a dick and I am hardly stroking it, I’m just examining it. It is really hard and smooth with veiny nubs running down the length of it. I would say it would be a good analog if it was not so big. ”Seriously, what good is having one this big?”

”Jealous?” She chuckles as she resists my prodding. ”It really gets the girls moaning.”

”It’s not the size that matters. Unless you are dating a centaur or other large girls, more than a few inches is just a waste.” The vaginal canal in most humanoids isn’t all that long. Besides, a strong emotional bond should make up for any shortcomings. ”In fact…” I look to Merry who has taken the opportunity to but some distance between us. ”… Shall we help her out, honey?”

”Help her out?” Merry pondered it for a moment before getting a mischievous smirk. She swims to the buffet and grabs a small knife. ”Will this do?” She asks with one of her smiles, that’s my girl.

”Whoa, whoa, whoa!” The Merrow shouts as she forces me away. ”That’s a bit drastic don’t you think?!”

”Drastic?” I do my best to mimic Merry’s smile. ”Isn’t it inconvenient to carry around such a long hard thing in your skirt? I just want to shorten it for you. The fact that you keep harassing my wife has nothing to do with it, nothing at all.”

The merrow gives us a glare, but I don’t think she wants to fight anymore. ”Whatever, you can have her.” She finally scoffs. ”You’re both crazy, you’re perfect for each other. I’d rather keep my long cucumber the way it is.”

With the annoying merrow gone and the onlookers beginning to go back to dancing I am finally able to join my wife once again. ”Shall we honey?” I ask, holding my hand out to invite her for another dance.

”Of course darling.” Merry happily smiles as she takes my hand. ”But I must say, darling, I never knew were so skilled at working a ‘cucumber’.” Merry giggled in a teasing manner.

”I’ve never liked cucumbers, and the size of it just pissed me off.” I still don’t understand the whole cucumber thing.

”Well don’t worry. Yours is plenty enough for me.” She said as she gave me a quick kiss.

”What do you mean by that?” I’m not wearing a cucumber.

”Oh never mind.” She giggled. ”Forget I said it.” And with that we started our second dance as husband and wife.

As we danced we could pick up little tidbits of gossip every now and then as different opinions of the outcome were passed around the room. For the most part it seems like I left a positive impression, although many giggles were passed about over how I ‘so brazenly grabbed it.’ But I could not pick up much, not with Merry looking at me the way she was. I can only guess that coming to her rescue reaffirmed her feelings for me. It was hard to think of much else while my beautiful wife looked at me with such love and desire, I knew that if she asked for a ‘private dance’ I could not refuse her.

As our dance slowly came to an end Merry and I became anxious as we wondered who would try to cut between us this time. But, rather than an eager group of girls wanting a dance so they could tease me over how I handled the merrow, it seemed like everyone was keeping a bit of distance. Not only that, there was a sudden lull in normal party clamor as a path was quickly cleared to a small guarded corridor. Making its way through this path was something I actually did not expect to see all the way down here, it was a ghost.

This ghost’s ‘clothes’ were very formal and did not reveal or highlight her curves in any manner. This combined with the stern expression she had made it clear that she was all business. She quietly and calmly made her way through the path directly to us. ”You are Mrs. Merry and Mr. Jonathan Lou, correct?” She asked after giving us a once over.

”Y-yes.” That’s right, now that I am married I am no longer an Adams. That is something I will have to get used to, I had to stop myself from correcting her.

”The lord will see you now, please follow me.” Was all she said before she began to head back down the path and everyone went back to dancing.

We followed the ghost and gave a nod to the guards as we entered the corridor and then it really sunk in that we are actually going to see the lord. This competes for waiting on the altar for Merry for being so simultaneously exciting and terrifying. I know Michiko is one of the nice lords but just the idea of meeting someone so powerful and influential makes it hard to stay calm. Merry must be feeling the same way, based on the way she is squeezing my hand as we swim through the corridors. I need to stay strong for Merry if not myself, but I just cannot stop second guessing the situation. We are being taken to the lord to be blessed right? I mean, why else would we be brought to her? We aren’t anyone important and if we were in trouble the guards would just throw us out, right? I wish our valet here would just tell us that we are going to get blessed. I would ask, but she is not very approachable herself. But this silence is killing me, I have to say something.

”So, how exactly should we act in front of the lord?” I nervously ask. I know the basics should be obvious but I do not want to stumble across some kind of quirk I don’t know about.

”Address the Lord as, ‘Lord Michiko,’ ‘my Lord,’ or simply, ‘Lord.’” The ghost answered as she continued to travel down the exact center of the corridors. ”When questioned, make your answers clear and concise. And whatever happens, do not touch the fish.” See? Like that. Don’t touch the fish. How am I supposed to know that is a big no-no? Sure I don’t plan on chasing down any fish but what am I supposed to do if they come to me? ”In addition, pay close attention to Lord Michiko’s eyes.” Her eyes? ”Her eye color changes based on her mood. You should be fine if they are blue or green, but should they turn grey you had best apologize for whatever you have just said no matter how trivial you may think it seems. You need not worry about purple, even if you do see it, I doubt it has anything to do with you.” Ok, pay attention to her eye color. But wait, is it rude to look her directly in the eyes? What if I get caught staring? I don’t want to give the wrong impression. ”And relax!” She firmly states as she cocks her head to look at us. ”Lord Michiko hardly every blasts anyone out of existence.”

”‘Hardly ever’ huh? That’s reassuring.” I say in a joking manner to help calm my nerves.

After a few more minutes of swimming we reach Michiko’s throne room and… it is a lot different than I expected. This is obviously not the Leviathan Throne that I have heard tales of. Rather than getting a feeling of being a room where audiences with an extremely powerful ruler are held, this room feels a lot more… intimate. The room is still fairly large but it is small enough to feel cozy and the living coral that makes up the wall does not seem to be cut or trimmed in any way, making it seem like a very natural place to be. The room is also filled with all kinds of fish. Fish from the warm tropics to fish from the frozen artic, fish from the sun bathed reefs to fish from the dark abyss. Everyone and everything be they big or small, beautiful or grotesque, seems welcome here. But it’s not just a sense of being welcome, the room is dimly lit with soft but warm colors that change from pink to gold. I get that we are here on the topic of making children, but we are not going to be making them here… are we?

After getting accustomed to the strangely romantic room, I gathered the courage to look upon the lord herself. She is a Sea Bishop, like the one who held our wedding ceremony, but is a fair bit larger with black hair and iridescent blue-green scales. She has light brown skin and is very beautiful. But by far the most outstanding thing about her is just the sense of grace, wisdom, and dignity you get from just looking at her. As we approach her, lightly resting on her tail inside of a giant clam shell, I try to get a look at her eyes to see their color if only to know what mood I am approaching her in. I did not have to look hard, her eyes are practically glowing green with joy as she looks down upon us with a soft smile.

After a bow, the ghost introduces us to the lord. ”Lord Michiko, I have brought the first couple.” She makes a gesture to us. ”This is First Striker, Provisionist, and Water Safety Master Merry Lou of the Swift Victoria and her husband Apprentice Sailing Master, Apprentice Carpenter, Bosun’s Mate, and Physical Entertainment Specialist Jonathan Lou of the Swift Victoria present to receive the lord’s blessing and wisdom for a long and fruitful life.” That is a very… interesting interpretation of our roles. How does she even know what we do? Did they really manage a background check in the time since we arrived? Impressive.

”Thank you, Lamella. Fetch the next couple, please.” The ghost drifted off on her assigned errand. When she was gone the Lord visibly relaxed. ”Well, that’s over with. I am so glad to meet you, Merry and Jonathan. Please, be seated.” Michiko waved her hand like she was playing a Jedi mind trick, and a love seat made of a smaller clam shell like hers appeared.

Merry and I gave a short bow before taking our place on the love seat. The quick jump to first names helped me to relax as it felt more like home but now I am at a loss for how exactly to act. But as Merry noticed I was beginning to think too much she took my hand in hers and gave me a reassuring smile. ‘As long as we have each other we will be alright’ is clearly what she was trying to say to me. I am still not completely confident but if I can learn anything from TNA it is that sometimes you just have to go for it. ”So, where should we start, Lord Michiko?”

Michiko smiled. ”Lets us start by allowing my beloved consort to introduce himself.” At the Lord’s gesture a tall man dressed in a nautical-looking uniform of blue-green sea silk stepped from behind her throne. His dark brown hair, moustache, and beard made him look like the perfect picture of a sea captain, and the tricorner hat tucked under his arm completed the picture. His expression was stern, but his gray eyes twinkled with humor. Michiko trailed her fingers down his arm as he stepped to her side, and the smiles that they gave each other practically boiled the water between them. He broke the gaze with noticeable reluctance and turned to face Merry and me.

”Captain Neville Etheridge, His Majesty’s Royal Navy, at your service,” he said. His accent was pure Downton Abbey, and he even pronounced his last name with a long ‘e’ at the start. ”A pleasure to meet you both.”

”The pleasure is ours.” Merry replied with a delighted giggle. ”Words cannot describe how excited I am to be here.”

”I am glad that you are enjoying yourselves,” said Michiko, ”I do hope that you didn’t find the tests too much of an inconvenience.”

”Test?” I pondered for a moment. ”You wouldn’t happen to be talking about that Merrow would you?”

”I have to admit that her insistence was a little.. Troubling shall we say.” Merry says with a nervous laugh as she thinks back to the incident. ”But come to think of it, it did not seem like she was being completely earnest.”

”Of course not,” Captain Neville said, ”Janice is very devoted to her wives. She is quite the actress, though. You’d never guess what a gentle soul she is from her tough girl act.”

”You can say that again.” I chuckle. ”I was really taken aback by her performance I guess now, I was really relieved when a physical confrontation was avoided. But I guess there never would have been one huh?”

The corner of the Lord’s mouth lifted in a smirk. ”There is a phrase from your world; ‘You don’t start none, there won’t be none.’ Janice would not have thrown the first punch… and if you had, she would have quickly proven to be all bluster and no bravery. I believe that you outworlders call it, ‘taking a dive.’”

”Even if that is the case, it did not seem like it at the time. I would normally be one of the first to back out of a fight if I could avoid it. But seeing her pester my wife like that… I could not afford to back down.” I explain.

”I wasn’t sure what was going to happen there.” Merry giggled as she lovingly looked at me. ”But to have my darling come to my rescue, maybe I should get in trouble more often.”

”Well, that is the purpose of the test,” Michiko said, ”To see if you can handle conflict without resorting to violence or allowing yourself to be victimized. I am pleased that you both passed.”

This time it was Neville who smirked. ”You think they noticed that ‘tests’ was plural, luv?”

Michiko grinned and said, ”Wait for it, dear.”

Come to think of it, she did say tests didn’t she but the incident with the merrow was so prevalent in my mind that I was hard pressed to think of anything else. ”You don’t mean the whole festival is a test, do you?”

”Of course! In addition to the individual tests -- such as the one you experienced with Janice -- there is the communal test of the dancing,” said Michiko, ”One cannot get a good current going with a single couple, after all. So much of what we do under the sea requires that we work together as a community. Those who cannot are not fit to raise the next generation.” She leaned forward and gave me a sly look. ”But Janice was not the only individual test that you passed, my dears.”

”Oh!” The cancer and the scylla, this was all planned from the beginning? ”Even those two huh?”

”Lucky you, darling.” Merry leered at me. ”You got to have some nice girls dance with you. It wasn’t too difficult of a test I hope.”

”She said I passed didn’t she?” I nervously laughed.

”Not a difficult test, perhaps, but a critical one,” said Michiko. ”There is no place in my realm for those who are cruel to the harmless. Had you not found a way to refuse Colleen kindly, you would have failed.” Then her eyes narrowed. ”And as for the scylla, I have little regard for men who easily give in to temptation. I prefer not to see someone so faithless raising children. I do admit, though, that Abyssette is very good at what she does.”

”A little too good,” Neville muttered.

”Oh, let it go, my love. You passed, didn’t you?” The sea bishop favored us with a dazzling smile and reached out to take Merry’s hand. ”So, has this experience been all that you dreamed it would be?”

”No my lord, it has been so much better.” Merry answered with a smile. ”In all of my dreams I never thought I would be here with a man I love this much. I was afraid of losing that happiness even if I did find it. But darling came for me when I needed him most, even when I didn’t think I wanted him. He gave me something I could hope for and believe in. And to be here now, in front of you and your own love, I do not know if I will ever be happier than I am now. But with darling by my side I know I can be.”

”Well said, lass,” the captain declared. ”So, I think these two will do nicely, don’t you, my dear?”

Michiko nodded. ”Indeed, they will make fine parents.” Michiko put a finger to her lips and thought for a moment. ”What do you think, twins first time?”

”Maybe not first time,” said Neville, ”I hear that they’re about to have their hands full with a whole litter.”

”Excellent point.” Michiko turned to Merry. ”How about this… I shall let you choose. For the duration of my blessing, you may choose a single, double, or triple birth each time. But I expect you to have no more children than you can afford to support, and to love them all without favoritism. Have we an agreement?”

”Agreed! And I will take triplets please!” Merry eagerly shouts. ”I want as many children as I can, I have some catching up to do after all. To have the large family I always wanted, I will do anything. And don’t worry about providing for them, I have been getting lots of practice providing for the rest of the crew.” Confidently flexing her arm Merry winks. ”And I only plan on getting better.”

The Lord laughed. ”It is a deal, then.” She took Merry’s head between her hands and planted a kiss on the mermaid’s forehead. ”Sea Mother watch over you, child.”

Neville stepped forward and extended his hand for me to shake. ”Congratulations, lad… and God help you,” he said with a gleam in his eyes.

”Thanks, and…” I give a short sigh. ”...I am going to need it.” But I quickly straighten up. ”Still I find myself rather… giddy as the first batch approaches. I think that whatever happens I can handle it. I must and I will, for the sake of my wives and my children… however many I may have.”

”Just remember to sleep when the babies sleep,” said the captain, ”Sleep deprivation is how they get you.”

”And if you ever tire of the seafaring life, I know of a few very fertile seamounts that could use more homesteaders,” the Lord said. ”Think about it.”

”I have couple other promises to keep.” I nervously state as I feel Merry’s eyes burning through me as she guesses who I am talking about. ”But I will keep that in mind.”

”Good.” Michiko stood, so we did as well. ”Now, if you will excuse me, I have at least a dozen other couples to see tonight… though probably none as endearing as you. Good night, and may your life and love be fruitful.”

”T-thank you.” I give a respectful bow, I believe we were just given some pretty high praise.

”Yes, thank you so much.” Merry excitedly bowed. ”We will get started very soon.” Merry winked at me.

Neville escorted us across the room. As he reached for the door he said, ”Any last minute questions before you go? You won’t be able to ask them later, lad.”

”Yes, I do have something.” I gotta know. ”Pardon my bluntness but what is it like being the lord’s… partner.”

The captain laughed. ”Officially? Being First Companion is like any other boring political appointment, one stuffy bureaucratic affair after another. Rather like being married to the PM, I suppose.” Then he leaned in close and said, ”Unofficially? Being Lord of the largest of the realms is a stressful job, and she comes home every day… ready to release some tension.” The leer that he gave made winks and nudges unnecessary.

”I… I can imagine.” I mutter with a slight fluster.

”I have a question, if you do not mind.” Merry fidgets. ”How do you and Michiko handle the differences in your lifespans?” I guess that concern is never really going away.

”I handle it just fine,” said Neville, ”I am married to a woman who will love me for the rest of my life. I do worry sometimes how Michiko will deal with my passing, though.” A shadow crossed his face. ”I wonder if someday that monument will have my wife’s name added to it by another Lord.”

”Even a lord is not free of peril, huh? But time will claim us all eventually, we need to know when to pass the torch to a successor lest we drop it. As men who inevitably have shorter lifespans than our wives I believe it is our duty to show them how to enjoy what time they have and how to prepare for what will eventually come.” I look to Merry who is beginning to get disheartened again. ”But I have faith that if you love someone you will see them again, someway, somehow.”

”That’s a good way to look at it,” Neville said. He shook himself and smiled. ”But enough of this maudlin shite, this is supposed to be your honeymoon! You’re welcome to stay and enjoy the rest of the festival,” he clapped me on the back and kissed Merry’s cheek, ”But if I were you, I’d hop a coach back to your inn and start making some beautiful fishtailed babies. Goodnight, young folk.”

”Goodnight.” I wave as Merry eagerly clings to me.
dcw2021Jul 13, 2016 8:17 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Apr 27, 2016 2:05 PM

Jul 2013
Denial is more than a river in Africa. Cucumbers my foot.
May 4, 2016 3:23 PM

Sep 2013
Just one more upon a pile of mounting reasons to find some, any, excuse to go for an extremely extended swim.

Some part of me can't help but hope that at least one among the legion of future kids is born packing a little "extra". I can't imagine anything would destroy the MC's cucumber vision faster than the thought of a daughter traumatized over body image issues seated around that outright refusal. =P

Anyway, this was good. Write more =)
May 4, 2016 9:31 PM

May 2013
emeraldtryst said:
Some part of me can't help but hope that at least one among the legion of future kids is born packing a little "extra".

What a dirty trick to play on Jonathan! This must happen now!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 4, 2016 9:55 PM

Jul 2013
tygertyger said:
emeraldtryst said:
Some part of me can't help but hope that at least one among the legion of future kids is born packing a little "extra".

What a dirty trick to play on Jonathan! This must happen now!

Well, I suppose it would be a fair trade for the bonus kids I got.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
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