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Aug 4, 2015 11:03 AM

Aug 2013
Tilly was sitting at the table eating bread and porridge, she notices the footsteps coming from the stairs "Good Morning" she says
Aug 4, 2015 11:11 AM

Jul 2015
"Good morning, why do I have a bandage around me? I didn't get hit, so I shouldn't be injured?" She was confused, she dodged all the attacks, goblins and ogers were really slow. The only one that was a problem was the guy she couldn't understand. His weird sword came to mind...
Aug 4, 2015 11:13 AM

Aug 2013
"Ah that, you had a wound in your back, i patched it up while you were sleeping" Tilly says and takes a bite out of her bread
Aug 4, 2015 11:19 AM

Jul 2015
"Wow, it must have been that weird guy, I wonder why I didn't feel it." She ate some of the bread that was out and kept thinking about the sword. "What's a sword that has a weird curve in the blade called? It starts straight then makes a crescent moon, then straightens out again." She asked. [I] he used it I brought it, it should be with the money I left in the forge room[i]
Aug 4, 2015 11:25 AM

Aug 2013
Tilly thinks for a while "Sounds like a modified khopesh" she says
Aug 4, 2015 11:30 AM

Jul 2015
"Oh, hmm I think he was using one of those I brought it back to exam. Do you know what region uses them? As far as I know everyone but orcs hate goblins..." <I may just go and kill the one who forged this blade... Can't have goblins getting real weapons can I?>
Aug 4, 2015 11:34 AM

Aug 2013
"I'm not completely sure but i thinks it's from somewhere in Kabul" Tilly answers and finishes her breakfast "Eat up quickly, i'll get you some clothes, you can't walk around in armor" Tilly says, gets up and walks to upstairs to look for some clothing
Aug 4, 2015 11:38 AM

Jul 2015
Leafz finished eating quickly like she was asked, then began to do some quick stretches to limber for the day. She did some push-ups and jumping jacks. Feeling her back twitch in pains he was concerned... But put it out of her mind. She started doing sit-ups aswell. By the time tilly came back down, Leafz was done and panting. Hurt back hurt but she felt good, and ready for the day.
Aug 4, 2015 11:54 AM

Aug 2013
Tilly walks down with clothes and raises an eyebrow as she notices Leafz panting "Did you run a marathon or something?" she asks and hands out the clothes, the pile contains pants, shirt, shoes and smith's apron
Aug 4, 2015 12:04 PM

Jul 2015
"No, but I did do my daily warm up, can't be limber and ready for the day without it," she said changing right were she stood, not caring if tilly saw her. After all they were sisters in her mind. "If the guys is from Kabul then they might be getting ready to arm the goblins... That could be bad."
Aug 4, 2015 12:13 PM

Aug 2013
"I don't think so, propably some group ended up to goblin camp and got killed" Tilly says as she cleans up the breakfast
Aug 4, 2015 12:18 PM

Jul 2015
"Maybe, I'm not to worried about it. I'm more worried that the goblins wee with the ogers even if they don't hate each other they usually stay away..." She said helping clean up.
Aug 4, 2015 12:25 PM

Aug 2013
"Well being a smith i really don't care, we provide weapons, armor and jewellery but we don't need to care about what happens and where" Tilly explains as they get the breakfast cleaned up, she walks to the forge and sits to the edge of it
Aug 4, 2015 12:31 PM

Jul 2015
"Ok, so what's first?" She asked following tilly to the forge. <I wonder how hard it is?> a sharp pain going through her back. <I need to make sure that weapon wasn't poisoned...>
Aug 4, 2015 12:34 PM

Aug 2013
"Well i thought that we would check the weapon you brought and then start with your training" Tilly says
Aug 4, 2015 12:41 PM

Jul 2015
"Perfect, I want to inspect it for poisons, even though I'm resistant to most of them there are still a few I can't beat fully..." She said going and grabbing the weapon carefully inspecting the blade for any miscoloring or sign of liquid, the only thing she found was a tinge of red and a tinge of blue under the red."I think this was poisoned, unless that blue is a natural blue of the metal... The red is obviously my blood. I didn't think of inspecting it on my way back so I didn't notice the blood..." She said
Aug 4, 2015 12:51 PM

Aug 2013
Tilly picks up the weapon and examines it "Propably poison, this metal doesn't shine blue in any light, are you sure you're going to be alright?" Tilly asks with worried expression
Aug 4, 2015 1:01 PM

Jul 2015
"Maybe, can we put off the smithing till I figure out what poison this is? I don't want it to kill me because I sneezed the wrong way." She said laughing, there was a poison that could kill you if you sneezed. She then took the blade, wiping the poison off onto a thin cloth and walking over to the forge. "Can we heat the forge up to 35 degrees?(Celsius...)" it was the first test, if it reacted then it took out half the poisons she knew of if it didn't then that also elimated half the poisons she knew of...
Aug 4, 2015 1:06 PM

Aug 2013
"Not the forge but the room is easy to get to that temperature" Tilly says and starts heat up the forge
Aug 4, 2015 1:16 PM

Jul 2015
"Thanks, I'm sorry to say but I think someone targeted me for a contract, if he doesn't show up then someone else will come. I guess killing a member of that assassin guild wasn't smart..." She said as the room reached the temprature she was waiting for. The cloth started to singe and the liquid boiled, when it fell threw the cloth she caught it with her hand. "I know what poison this is. In about thirty minutes I'm going to have some nori le pains. After that I will probally be unable to move without super high amounts of pian. If it wasn't ment to kill it was ment to incapacitate me. In 24 hours I should be ok... Maybe... " she said<the counter for this is... Jasmine or was it talik? One of those would cure me the other would kill me... Can't remember...> "do you have jasmin or talik?
Aug 4, 2015 1:20 PM

Aug 2013
"Herbs? no i don't have those" Tilly says with even more worried expression now
Aug 4, 2015 1:26 PM

Jul 2015
"I need either one of those. Other wise I just have to outlast it. I'd prefer to cure it though." She said walking toward the door as anouther sharp pian coursed through her. They were getting bad but it wasn't inbearable. "Can we visit the herbalist right now???"
Aug 4, 2015 1:28 PM

Aug 2013
Tilly nods "y-yeah, l-let's go" she says and follows Leafz
Aug 4, 2015 1:31 PM

Jul 2015
(I'm posting at the streets)
Aug 4, 2015 2:23 PM

Jul 2015

"Well I'm fine an it's been 14 minutes one minute to go." She said. About 45 seconds later nuthing happens causeing Leafz to jump in joy. "I'm not going to die !"
Aug 4, 2015 2:28 PM

Aug 2013
"Never scare me like that again" Tilly says as she walks back to the forge heating it up
Aug 4, 2015 2:35 PM

Jul 2015
"I'm sorry," she bowed her head in defeat. "So can we get to the smithing lessons? Or do you want to discard This blade?" She said referring to the blade of the clearly assassin person.
Aug 4, 2015 2:38 PM

Aug 2013
"I smelt it, that's quality metal, it's not good to throw it away" Tilly says as she heats the forge

"Go to the storage and get couple stones from the second box from the left at the back of the storage" Tilly says
Aug 4, 2015 2:40 PM

Jul 2015
"Yes ma'am"
She quickly did as she was told. When she returned to the forge the whole house had risen a few degrees in tempreture.
Aug 4, 2015 2:42 PM

Aug 2013
"Good, now there's a barrel of axes over there *points at the barrel* pick up couple" Tilly says still heating up the forge
Aug 4, 2015 2:49 PM

Jul 2015
She ran over to the axes and grabbed a couple. Returning to tilly. "I did it!" She said happily. The wait of the axes were pretty heavy.
Aug 4, 2015 2:57 PM

Aug 2013
Getting the forge to desired temperature Tilly turns to Leafz

"Good, let's get started, like i told you before, apprentice starts with sharpening, what you have here is more rough sharpening stones than the ones i taught you to use before, the basic idea is same but technique is bit different, so looks closely" Tilly explained and shows slowly and thoroughly the sharpening technique

"Now you try, and remember, the edge isn't supposed to be razor sharp like with scythe or dagger, leave it a bit dull" she says
Aug 4, 2015 3:01 PM

Jul 2015
"Yes ma'am." She said. Since she knew how to sharpen before she got the hang of it pretty quickly. Stoping on each one before the edge was razor, still keeping it sharp. A few of them where uneven, but the more she did the better they looked. "Doesn't sharing the weapon wear down the metal causing it to lose a small bit of weight and strength over time?" She asked curiously. Nothing ever came without a price.
Aug 4, 2015 3:06 PM

Aug 2013
"Well yes, but the change is so small that user doesn't notice is because he gets used to it so quickly" Tilly says as she is working on the Siegfrieds axe
Aug 4, 2015 3:12 PM

Jul 2015
"Hmm, what about when you reforged my scythe... After you sharpened it it got heavier. If I sharpen it enough will its wait go back to how it was? Also after the battle I went to sharpen it and it was sharper then it was the day before..." She said as she finished the last axe in the barrel and began going back through to fix any uneven spots.
Aug 4, 2015 11:30 PM

Aug 2013
"Propably.. you'll get used to that weight before it reaches the same weight it used to be" Tilly says
Aug 5, 2015 12:00 AM

Jul 2015
"Ok..." She said, I am going to practice over night... There are plenty of weapons in the building that need sharpening...
Aug 5, 2015 12:34 AM

Aug 2013
"You have to finish those two barrels before we move on with your training" Tilly says pointing at the barrels at the same corner where the axes were
Aug 5, 2015 12:57 AM

Jul 2015
"Wow, lots of weapons I knew there was a lot but three barrels?" She said getting up and bringing a barrel over sitting there sharpening the axes, she was good at it now able to get a perfect even sharpening. She finished the first of the two barrels faster then the first one. She then moved into the last barrel that was full of swords, she had to get out the smoother stones. She finished the second barrel pretty fast.
Aug 5, 2015 1:00 AM

Aug 2013
"Yes well i'm working with army, those are the first set, you sure finished those quickly though" Tilly says as she is starting to get close to finishing Siegfrieds axe head
Aug 5, 2015 1:11 AM

Jul 2015
"It's really easy, the scythe is deffintly the hardest to sharpen." She said, annoyed that she still hasn't had to sharpen her scythe. And that it was sharper then before the kills...
Aug 5, 2015 1:22 AM

Aug 2013
"There are even harder things than scythe but that's something you don't need to learn" Tilly says
Aug 5, 2015 1:29 AM

Jul 2015
"Cool, can you look at my scythe agian... I'm sure it got sharper then it was a few days ago, like the killing sharpened it. Daniel said something about it but I'm not sure..." She said pulling out her scythe and tossing it to tilly. Then she went about picking up the random swords and axes that needed sharpened and went about sharpening them.
Aug 5, 2015 1:32 AM

Aug 2013
Tilly checks the blade, which was completely same as before, propably something to do with that gem

"This is same as before" Tilly says
Aug 5, 2015 1:36 AM

Jul 2015
"Really I swear it was sharper... I must be crazy..." She said as she finished the last of the random blades around the forge. "I think I sharpened everything..." She said I hope she's proud!
Aug 5, 2015 1:40 AM

Aug 2013
"Don't worry, most of them will dull in a week or so, but good job, take a break for now, you'll end up hurting yourself if you work full day without breaks, you haven't gotten used to the temperature yet" Tilly says
Aug 5, 2015 1:48 AM

Jul 2015
"Ok, I'll be out back if you need me!" She said running outside grabbing her scythe from tilly. She unfolded it and locked the blade in. "Come out come out were ever you are." She said to nuthing in particular. Then she began whacking the training dummy. Anouther blade hit the dummy, the only differnce was that it was a dodged blade. "I wasn't being serious, I didn't want to fight but ok!" She said flipping up and doing an overhand swing she slammed her scythe against the shadow dudes blade, his was made of iron hers admint, it cut thruogh it. And struck the assassin. "I would leave, I put tiskli Ian my blade, it only comes off when in contact with blood. You just got enough to kill three full grown mans.
Aug 5, 2015 1:54 AM

Aug 2013
"She sure is excited about this huh... father i think i found successor for our family" Tilly says looking at the ceiling
Aug 5, 2015 1:57 AM

Jul 2015
"So you gonna just sit there and die or leave?" She asked again... Walking up to him she swung her blade about till it cut his head off. She took the body and head and threw it as far away as possible... She returned to her daily trading routine.
Aug 5, 2015 2:10 AM

Aug 2013
"Maybe i'll take a break as well" Tilly says and walks out to the back of the forge where the training dummies are
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