Name: Chris Cruor
Clan: None
Weapon of choice: Two hydrillium dirks with jeweled pummels and silver veins running through the black metal.
Seme or Uke? Straight.
Picture: (below)
Short Bio:
Sunlight sank beneath the distorted horizon sending glimmers off of the giant onyx walls, towering over its contents, not just tens but hundreds of feet over its contents, as a necromancer would his creation. Built into each of the corners of the hexagonal wall were towers, and although they didn't extend much higher then the wall itself arrow slits could be seen all of the way down sides of each, if one dared to examine them.
Macara, Sins playground, one of the six legendary cities within the lands of Arcadia. Where the intrigue, and murder never stopped in an everlasting game to rise to the top of the social ranks. A city where a well placed knife in the back was less shunned and more admired and unless it was in their best interest not to the heads of the city turned unless evidence against the convicted was overwhelming. In that event the market was crowded with peers eagerly watching the accused dismembered, one part at a time, or worse.
After a grueling six hours of sunlight the last few rays finally faded from existence, and almost on cue the drawbridge lowered leaving the city gates of Macara wide open to anyone, almost daring someone to enter. A single figure in garnet colored robes made its way out of the city, stopped briefly by the guards before his cloak parted revealing the legendary blades that made him famous. Both were a mere 21 inches, the pummel stones of the weapons matching the figures cloak in color. The guards quickly stood besides allowing the figure leave of the city. He had grown bored and now began traveling until he reached his next destination.
He had heard of this place from mere rumors of its madness and whispers of a relic called Dragons Blood but other then that he knew nothing else. It intrigued him and much like other things that interest him, he wanted it. Although he already had a vast collection of artifacts and unique items it was never enough, for the more he owned, the more powerful he became.
Some may question his lust for power but he never really knew much else. His mother having died in childbirth and his father, as opposed to being a loving caring father, he raised Chris to become a warrior and ruthless in his killings. He succeeded, for Chris didnt even flinch hearing the grunts of pain after planting a hunting knife in his fathers throat at age 11. Soon after the killing he fled his village and has been on his own ever since.