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Jun 7, 2008 3:46 PM

Nov 2007
Let's predict TRC's ending!!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
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Jun 7, 2008 4:42 PM

Apr 2008
Since I'm the one who asked about this thread, I’ll go first ^^

Well, there is no doubt that we’re heading for the Grand Finale. Which makes me worry, 'cause there is also no doubt that Clamp ladies, being wonderful, talented goddesses, are - in the same time - a bunch of mind-breakers. In fact, we may love them BECAUSE they’re a bunch of mind breakers.
But straight to the point: Ohkawa said in some interview, that one of the TRC characters won’t get a happy-ending, right? There are only 4 principal chara in Tsubasa, and now, they’ve all grown really fond of each other (leaving aside their personal preferences [KuroFay, anyone? ^^], I’m talking about companionship now). My point is: how’s Ohkawa going to give an unhappy-ending to one person, knowing that his/her death will make remaining three suffer as well? How to make *only one* person unhappy…?

By killing off the rest.

And, for God’s sake, that makes sense! O_o I may be exaggerating, but this whole idea sounds SO like Clamp.

...and now I need you to laugh at me and my oh-this-is-absolutely-not-going-to-happen-theory-thing, so I can sleep again ;)
Jun 8, 2008 3:44 AM

Jul 2007
paani said:
Since I'm the one who asked about this thread, I’ll go first ^^

Well, there is no doubt that we’re heading for the Grand Finale. Which makes me worry, 'cause there is also no doubt that Clamp ladies, being wonderful, talented goddesses, are - in the same time - a bunch of mind-breakers. In fact, we may love them BECAUSE they’re a bunch of mind breakers.
But straight to the point: Ohkawa said in some interview, that one of the TRC characters won’t get a happy-ending, right? There are only 4 principal chara in Tsubasa, and now, they’ve all grown really fond of each other (leaving aside their personal preferences [KuroFay, anyone? ^^], I’m talking about companionship now). My point is: how’s Ohkawa going to give an unhappy-ending to one person, knowing that his/her death will make remaining three suffer as well? How to make *only one* person unhappy…?

By killing off the rest.

And, for God’s sake, that makes sense! O_o I may be exaggerating, but this whole idea sounds SO like Clamp.

...and now I need you to laugh at me and my oh-this-is-absolutely-not-going-to-happen-theory-thing, so I can sleep again ;)

That was my idea ever since that interview appeared.

Kuroand Fai would get a "normal" lover-death.
One of the two left would live on to suffer from the knowledge about it.

And its not that hard to guess - RG Veda is the best CLAMP-manga-example for the Clamp definition of "HAPPY ending"
Jun 8, 2008 1:45 PM

Nov 2007
Interesting. I heard about one of the characters getting killed, too. And I was thinking either Fay/Yuuy or Kurogane would get killed.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 8, 2008 2:47 PM

Jan 2008
Dang it, that makes sense.
But at the same time; wouldn't you say that the other characters didn't have a happy ending as well? I mean, they're dead. Not really happy, per say, though knowing CLAMP death is better than the hell they put their characters through.
Hmph. Your idea makes a whole ton of sense, though. Personally, I thought it was Fai. I've thought on so many occasions he was going to die but ... he never did. So I thought, "hey! Maybe CLAMP will keep him alive!" and I thought more so when C!Sakura's soul died. I thought that SHE was the one with the unhappy ending, since she was a main character and she died in the end. But now ... you just might be right.
Though I strongly hope you aren't.
I don't know what I'd do if they all died and only one remained, forever haunted by the memories of their deaths.
That would just be cruel, man.
Especially if it was Fai D:
Jun 8, 2008 4:17 PM

Apr 2008
Being dead is the best ending possible in Clampworld, if you ask me. At least better than being kept alive after having seen the death of your comrades.

Personally, I think it'll be Sakura.
Recent chapters made me sure, that Kuro is not going to survive (ugh, I dunno how to make the spoiler-thing, so no specifics. Chap 185). Same goes for Fai. Oh well, I HOPE it does. It would be cruel to keep him alive. Just... too cruel. Clamp wouldn't do that unless they want someone to take Subaru's place as 'Most Screwed Up Chara Ever'.
...and I can imagine quite well this lover-death mentioned before. But on the other hand, I really don't wanna imagine such a thing. O_o

I'm sure that Syao will end up killed while protecting Sakura.

Aaa, I can't stand my own predictions. I wonder how many days it'll take me to recover from stress overload after TRC's final stage ^^

tsubasalover said:
Interesting. I heard about one of the characters getting killed, too. And I was thinking either Fay/Yuuy or Kurogane would get killed.

Yeah. If it's a matter of only one person, I'm pretty sure it'll be Kurogane. But we also have this whole Fai/Yuui-vampire case - now he *literally* can't live without Kuro. Which makes two dead people O_o My head hurts.
Jun 10, 2008 10:29 PM

Jan 2008
That's what I was thinking.
If Kurogane dies, Fay is guaranteed dead. He can't live without Kurogane.
But I mean - c'mon! Killing Kuro and Fay off after everything they've been through!
Same goes for R!Syaoran.
If he dies; I'll cry. I've felt so bad for him ever since he came into the story. And now that C!Sakura's soul is dead, I want him to be with R!Sakura SO badly.
Really, I want him to be happy in the end probably more than anyone else at this point. I mean, I want them all to be happy, but I'm concentrating more on him at this point. I just want him to be happy, damnit. ;_;
Also, the more I think about it, the more I can't see CLAMP killing Kurogane. I don't know why, it just doesn't seem like something they would do.
Yes, their is the {spoiler} arm problem he's dealing with, and I'm positive it will come back up to bite him eventually, but I don't think it'll kill him. {/spoiler}
Jun 11, 2008 4:58 AM

Nov 2007
I don't think they will do an RG VEDA ending again. Not for TRC, it would be over kill to a story that already has so much taken from other works.

I think in the end it will be R!Say or R!Sakura who will die. I can see them making one of them give up their life in order for the others to live.
Jun 14, 2008 1:45 PM

Jul 2007
Jupernia said:
I don't think they will do an RG VEDA ending again. Not for TRC, it would be over kill to a story that already has so much taken from other works.

I think in the end it will be R!Say or R!Sakura who will die. I can see them making one of them give up their life in order for the others to live.

oh but we do not need to look for rg veda when searching for example, a shitload of clamp works have similar ends....

CCS!Syaoran and CCS!Sakura died, before that they sent R!Syaoran to Yuuko.
I see Clone!Syaoran dieing, sacrifficing himself at critical moment. OR he dies trying to avenge his sakura
I see Kurogane dieing while protecting Fai. Then Fai/Yuui dies seconds later.OR
Kurogane and Fai die at the same time.
Yuuko dies breaking her "no interference" rule and doing something against fwr, thus vanishing.
Syaoran dies either protecting Sakura or defeating FWR.
Sakura seen all this, is left alive, stuff goes boom, she finds herself back in Clow with no one remembering Syaoran, here you have it she will have to live her entire life, being the only one who knows about his death.

So here it is, the end. Happy End.
Kurogane and Fai either died at the same time, together, or died protecting each other, thus by CLAMP rules they got happy end.
Yuuko finally broke out of her restrictions and did something for her own wish, even though the wish was fulfilled after she died. Thus she got happy end.
Clone Syaoran either was one of factors in defeating fwr or no. Its not important, FWR dies, C!Sakura is avenged, thus Clone Syaoran gets happy end.
Syaoran died protecting his beloved one AND/OR defeating the big baddie thus saving her. So he got happy end too.

Sakura is left alone with knowledge of all these stuffs, having to live her entire life without her beloved one, thus she did not get happy end. (Of course my first idea was that while others die, she, witht he power to go through imensions, has to wander around with sadness and misery till the end of her life, but now THAT would be over kill).
Jun 15, 2008 6:26 AM

Nov 2007
Fai said:
Jupernia said:
I don't think they will do an RG VEDA ending again. Not for TRC, it would be over kill to a story that already has so much taken from other works.

I think in the end it will be R!Say or R!Sakura who will die. I can see them making one of them give up their life in order for the others to live.

oh but we do not need to look for rg veda when searching for example, a shitload of clamp works have similar ends....

CCS!Syaoran and CCS!Sakura died, before that they sent R!Syaoran to Yuuko.
I see Clone!Syaoran dieing, sacrifficing himself at critical moment. OR he dies trying to avenge his sakura
I see Kurogane dieing while protecting Fai. Then Fai/Yuui dies seconds later.OR
Kurogane and Fai die at the same time.
Yuuko dies breaking her "no interference" rule and doing something against fwr, thus vanishing.
Syaoran dies either protecting Sakura or defeating FWR.
Sakura seen all this, is left alive, stuff goes boom, she finds herself back in Clow with no one remembering Syaoran, here you have it she will have to live her entire life, being the only one who knows about his death.

So here it is, the end. Happy End.
Kurogane and Fai either died at the same time, together, or died protecting each other, thus by CLAMP rules they got happy end.
Yuuko finally broke out of her restrictions and did something for her own wish, even though the wish was fulfilled after she died. Thus she got happy end.
Clone Syaoran either was one of factors in defeating fwr or no. Its not important, FWR dies, C!Sakura is avenged, thus Clone Syaoran gets happy end.
Syaoran died protecting his beloved one AND/OR defeating the big baddie thus saving her. So he got happy end too.

Sakura is left alone with knowledge of all these stuffs, having to live her entire life without her beloved one, thus she did not get happy end. (Of course my first idea was that while others die, she, witht he power to go through imensions, has to wander around with sadness and misery till the end of her life, but now THAT would be over kill).

WOW....saddly I can see all that happening. o.O But I am not too sure if CCS!Sya and Sakura are dead. I don't want to believe they are and in rereading both xxxHOLiC and TRC from the beginning the later parts of the series are kinda off set as if they were a dream and or were told from the point of a memory that was fabricated. Alot of it doesn't add up with what's going on now.
Jun 15, 2008 12:30 PM

Apr 2008
Oh my O_o
I totally agree, I can SO see that happening. This whole theory is like taken from Ohkawa's brain. Which makes me anxious.
But on the other hand... I've came up (or, to be correct, my friend did) with another, not very convincing idea. Why won't we forget for a minute that Clamp's minds work a little differently from ours, and take their words literally - if ONE person doesn't get a happy ending, it means that ONE person either ends up really miserably or dies (I vote for the latter).
And now my triumph card - C!Syaoran! If we kill off C!Syao, we'll have one person without happy end and four main chara saved (not sure what about supporting characters but whatever).

I won't tell anything about Yuuko, though. I know that TRC and Holic are kinda inseparable, but it doesn't change the fact, that these are two different manga.
I think you've heard of this, but I'm posting it anyway.
There was a question corner, and somebody asked whether there will be a character with an unhappy ending in XXXHOLiC too, like Tsubasa, Ohkawa /dodged/ the question by changing the subject and ended up not answering at all.
What do you think of it?
Jun 15, 2008 12:33 PM

Apr 2008
Oh, I think this bloodless version was just for the sake of my mind's well-being. It's not going to happen, I'm afraid, since we're talking about Clamp here. Nevertheless, it's such a nice conception.
Jun 15, 2008 2:19 PM

Nov 2007
Not likely. We already know that xxxHOLiC is going to have the normal ending for CLAMP. I do believe that Yuuko is going to be dieing at the end of it all.

For TRC, as much as I hate to say it for have it this way it looks like TRC will have and ending that is like RG VEDA. Now I would love for it to have a nice fluffy ending for where ok say no one dies, but then know CLAMP they would be like ok everyone lives but none of them remember anything and in fact keep repeating this maddness over and over again.

That would be way to much, so yeah I am seeing Fai's reasoning better now.
Jun 15, 2008 6:36 PM

Oct 2007
Jumping in here.

I totally agree with Fai.That theory makes so much sense it's scary.
I mean as much as I hate saying it I can't see Kurogane and Fai living and I would bet that C!Syaoran's ending/death will be avenging C!Sakura. I'd really love it if R!Syaoran and R!Sakura just end up happy together...but as everyone is saying this is CLAMP.

And I'm just throwing this out there. But if one character were to live through it all does anyone else think that it could possibly be C!Syaoran?
Jun 16, 2008 12:06 AM

Apr 2008
Eh, as I said, previous one was for the sake of my sanity^^ No fluffy endings from Clamp ladies, they would be rather OOC doing that O_o
It's horrible how obvious the death of certain characters is. I mean - no one has doubts that Kuro and Fay AND Yuuko are going to die, there's only discussion whether Sakura or Syao is going to join them.

Icephoenix said:
And I'm just throwing this out there. But if one character were to live through it all does anyone else think that it could possibly be C!Syaoran?

Personally I don't think so. He's a clone after all, it wouldn't be hmm... right to let him live if everyone else dies. I don't really know why, but I'm 99% positive it'll be Sakura. She's the only person I can imagine bearing with it (memories, broken heart and soul). As was said previously - Kuro and Fay are certain to be dead, which gives us two Syao. C! dies avenging C!Sakura, R! dies protecting the real one.

Sakura do not look like that, but she's strong. I see her in the last page, smiling and saying something about 'precious memories' or stuff. It would be a smile through the tears, but smile after all. She's this kind of person (and to think that I didn't like her at the beggining, poor me).
Jun 16, 2008 11:10 AM

Oct 2007
paani said:
I see her in the last page, smiling and saying something about 'precious memories' or stuff. It would be a smile through the tears, but smile after all. She's this kind of person (and to think that I didn't like her at the beggining, poor me).

I can see that as well. I'd probably cry too...

But since it's CLAMP, I won't bet on anything. XD
Jun 19, 2008 1:15 AM

Apr 2008
Yeah, since it's Clamp there will be another one or two 'WTF' plot twists and nothing will end as predicted ^^ Take most recent chapters, I mean - what the hell? O_o

...I'll definitely cry more than Sakura xD Like for a week or sth ^^'
Jun 21, 2008 6:25 AM

Jul 2007
paani said:
Yeah, since it's Clamp there will be another one or two 'WTF' plot twists and nothing will end as predicted ^^ Take most recent chapters, I mean - what the hell? O_o

...I'll definitely cry more than Sakura xD Like for a week or sth ^^'

Well, even from the current things, you could get something from earlier hints.

Like Kurogane using "Tomoyo" as name, but calling Syaoran "kid", Clone "that kid", Sakura "princess" and Fai...welll lots of...stuff xD

From this one could deduce that Kurogane, instinctively never called others by their fake names, but instead used his own words to express the people he is talking about.

That brings us to another thing. Syaoran's name and Sakura's name. For them to be hidden for so long, I bet their true names will be explanation for some of the things happening and if revealed now, would reveal connections to characters we never knew they had.
Jul 4, 2008 9:15 PM

Jan 2008
who knows?

Dec 4, 2008 10:18 AM

Aug 2008
My prediction... bye bye any form of Sakura.... Poor Syao... 'happy Fai x Kuro-tan' and for the time being that are all my ideas hahahaha

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Dec 9, 2008 5:52 AM

Jun 2007
Everyone died exept Yuko (and Subaru, but.. you know)
And yuko sits, Drink Sake and talking to dead clow reed
UmiNettaDec 9, 2008 7:00 AM
Jan 5, 2009 6:11 AM

May 2008
It's a hard question. I guess everybody know other CLAMP manga like the X or the RG Veda. And CLAMP isn't afraid of killing the characters for the story's sake.
So I am really afraid.
Ecspecially becaus Fye and Kurogane. I have seen too much how this kind of relationships ends in the hands of CLAMP. I think is more than oblivious what is it between them. Kurogane has the most common sense from them (thanks for the gods!) And somehow I'm scared that he will die until he tries to save the other one.
Jan 15, 2009 5:59 PM

Jan 2009
paani said:
Since I'm the one who asked about this thread, I’ll go first ^^

Well, there is no doubt that we’re heading for the Grand Finale. Which makes me worry, 'cause there is also no doubt that Clamp ladies, being wonderful, talented goddesses, are - in the same time - a bunch of mind-breakers. In fact, we may love them BECAUSE they’re a bunch of mind breakers.
But straight to the point: Ohkawa said in some interview, that one of the TRC characters won’t get a happy-ending, right? There are only 4 principal chara in Tsubasa, and now, they’ve all grown really fond of each other (leaving aside their personal preferences [KuroFay, anyone? ^^], I’m talking about companionship now). My point is: how’s Ohkawa going to give an unhappy-ending to one person, knowing that his/her death will make remaining three suffer as well? How to make *only one* person unhappy…?

By killing off the rest.

And, for God’s sake, that makes sense! O_o I may be exaggerating, but this whole idea sounds SO like Clamp.

...and now I need you to laugh at me and my oh-this-is-absolutely-not-going-to-happen-theory-thing, so I can sleep again ;)

Well, i really think that will happen too. prolly the clone syaraon would die :[. because through out the whole story, he riskes his life to save sakura right? he prolly die saving sakura. but still I WUVV THe CLONE SYORAN D:<
Feb 3, 2009 9:19 AM

Feb 2009
As much as im hoping for a happy ending, i doubt we're gonna get one.

It started off as a sweet love/loss story and then kinda took a gory twist...
everyone lied, already died, or has been cloned, the only person who seems to be telling the truth is Mokona, unless s/hes secretly godzilla lol - so things arent lookint good atm. lets hope it gets better *crosses fingers*

oh well its still a brill manga/anime :D

_MokonaModoki_Feb 3, 2009 9:28 AM

Feb 3, 2009 2:36 PM

Apr 2008
I'll hold my money on Sakura for a bad ending.
The others wil might live on but who knows?
CLAMP is very! unpredictable xD
Feb 4, 2009 7:21 PM

Jan 2008
I want everyone to be happy!!

Sayaron and Sakura with Fai and Kurogane

Haven't they gone through enough??? Dont they deserve a something good end?
Feb 6, 2009 3:06 AM

Jul 2007
Minamino_K said:
I want everyone to be happy!!

Sayaron and Sakura with Fai and Kurogane

Haven't they gone through enough??? Dont they deserve a something good end?

no. CLAMP.

Mink said:
I'll hold my money on Sakura for a bad ending.
The others wil might live on but who knows?
CLAMP is very! unpredictable xD

Well, I am thinking in a way that the one to get a bad ending in fact SURVIVES.

My bet is on either R!Syaoran or R!Sakura surviving.
Jul 2, 2009 2:46 AM

Mar 2008
So, if I read correctly, only one will suffer or die ?

Let's say, amnesia ? Or all that was some sort of Clow Reed dream and all of what happen was just a dream ? That would be toooo strange.

Anyway, since it's Clamp, guess will see only at the Final End. I prefer not to think to much about it, because after that, I might get sad if to worse or not enough :P
Aug 5, 2009 10:44 AM

Jun 2009
Man, I just wait to finally see a manga/anime which ends with words: "And it all was just a dream..." xDxDxD
Aug 6, 2009 7:39 AM

Oct 2008
Minamino_K said:
I want everyone to be happy!!

Sayaron and Sakura with Fai and Kurogane

Haven't they gone through enough??? Dont they deserve a something good end?

i agree
Aug 11, 2009 6:08 PM
Jul 2009
Charlene-Herrera said:
Minamino_K said:
I want everyone to be happy!!

Sayaron and Sakura with Fai and Kurogane

Haven't they gone through enough??? Dont they deserve a something good end?

i agree

Yes, but don't forget that this is CLAMP.

I am dreading Tsubasa's ending...I'm almost positive that at least one of them will die ;_;
Aug 11, 2009 11:56 PM

Oct 2008
Faeverily said:
Charlene-Herrera said:
Minamino_K said:
I want everyone to be happy!!

Sayaron and Sakura with Fai and Kurogane

Haven't they gone through enough??? Dont they deserve a something good end?

i agree

Yes, but don't forget that this is CLAMP.

I am dreading Tsubasa's ending...I'm almost positive that at least one of them will die ;_;

your probably right...i am tooooo excited for Tsubasa to, this is soooo hard... Tsubasa will soon end though....
Aug 12, 2009 7:00 AM

Oct 2008
well, this my opinions: A Happy ending

Syaoran's ending--
well, i get the feeling that Syaoran will die, and before he dies, he told Sakura that he really cared about her, and pass on...

Sakura's ending--
and for Sakura, after hearing Syaoran's last words, Sakura feels regret and pain as she remembers Syaoran and wanders the world that Syaoran died. then after a while, Sakura falls into a disease (I don't know where the disease comes from but, i guess it is caused by her misery)that can never be cured... then one day, she finally died... and of course, she and Syaoran will still be together...

(To me, i think its a bit sad)
simonfanAug 12, 2009 7:21 AM
Aug 14, 2009 5:51 PM

Jun 2009
Even though I don't want this to happen...
I'm thinking that all but one character will die,
Leaving that last character to mourn over everyone's death...


They all get a happy ending!
(which I HIGHLY doubt)
Sep 12, 2009 8:06 PM
Jul 2009
Motina said:
Even though I don't want this to happen...
I'm thinking that all but one character will die,
Leaving that last character to mourn over everyone's death...


They all get a happy ending!
(which I HIGHLY doubt)

Now that I think about it, CLAMP *might* let Syaoran and Sakura live just because they're Syaoran and Sakura, ya know? Or maybe because they know there would be chaos if they killed off one of the most loved couples in their works.

I honestly don't know anymore. CLAMP isn't the type to care what people think. But Tsubasa would have a perfect ending if everyone died (not that I WANT them to die, but for the sake of the story). They could die in peace, or something.
Sep 18, 2009 6:15 AM

Aug 2009
I'm kind of curious to see if Syaoran and Sakura make it back to their world at all, or what Fai will even do. (My fan-girl-isms want Fai to stay with Kurogane, but CLAMP likes to torture me.) As for the interview that they had, I think the one with the unhappy ending might be Mokona, since Yuuko is gone, unless Yuuko returns in the last chapter. If that's the case, then I'm not sure who will have the unhappy ending.
Sep 18, 2009 7:24 AM
Jul 2009
Disaster2202 said:
I'm kind of curious to see if Syaoran and Sakura make it back to their world at all, or what Fai will even do. (My fan-girl-isms want Fai to stay with Kurogane, but CLAMP likes to torture me.) As for the interview that they had, I think the one with the unhappy ending might be Mokona, since Yuuko is gone, unless Yuuko returns in the last chapter. If that's the case, then I'm not sure who will have the unhappy ending.

Yuuko is definitely not returning. Once someone is completely dead, they're most likely dead. I doubt CLAMP would bring her back...

*mourns over Yuuko* T_T

Sep 18, 2009 1:27 PM

Aug 2009
Faeverily said:

Yuuko is definitely not returning. Once someone is completely dead, they're most likely dead. I doubt CLAMP would bring her back...

*mourns over Yuuko* T_T


Yeah, I figured that would be the case. But she had a good run while she was there, I suppose. -feels bad for Watanuki-

Yes, KuroFai! I'd really like them to stay together.
Oct 10, 2009 11:12 PM

Aug 2008
Oh hohohohoho... No one was right.... I guess this ending surprised of all of us... No one ever though something like this... Nice ending!!

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Jan 3, 2010 5:27 AM

Jul 2007
rebwaters said:
Oh hohohohoho... No one was right.... I guess this ending surprised of all of us... No one ever though something like this... Nice ending!!


No really. ITs still one character getting a bad end. :)

The others are continuing to travel forever, probably till they get killed in some wtf world, while Sakura is left in clow to wait :P

So everyone gets a happy end except for Sakura :P
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