Jan 14, 2015 9:02 AM
Host: Crowlage Co.Host Asunyan Link to sign-up thread Day 1 (Regular Day) Night 1 (Full Moon) Day 2 (Regular Day) Night 2(Regular Night) Day 3 (Clear Skies) Night 3 (Regular Night) Day 4 (Regular Day) Night 4 (Lunar Eclipse) Day 5 (Clear Skies) Night 5 (Regular Night) Day 6 (Regular Day General Game Guidelines 1) You are not allowed to use any external communications (PM/IRC/etc). to discuss the game. Everything must be said on this thread. 2) Once you are dead, you are allowed to keep posting but you are not allowed to share your thoughts and or/disrupt the game. Feel free to use the thread to chat if you want - just keep it to a minimal. 3) You can PM the gamemaster of your concerns regarding the rules; if there are some changes you want or some clarifications you want to ask, have it in PM. If I think the answer to your question will benefit everyone playing, I’ll post the answer in the thread along with my reply to yours. 4) Violations of the Site & Forum Guidelines will be dealt accordingly by a mod. Section II: Game Overview So I've decided to try my hands at making a mafia theme based on the popular game franchise Touhou. This game is a little more advance than the basic mafia games so be aware of that when signing up. 1) This game is a open/day reveal/role madness. The night killings will not be revealed and everyone will have a role. 2) This game will consist of 2 sepreate fractions apart from the towns along with a single (or more) 4th party role(s). The town does not have to kill the 4th party role in order to win. 3) Each and every player will have a role and a hidden ability along with personal goals that you have a choice to fulfill or not. There are 2 ways to win this game. The minor way is to win with your alliance. But the major way is to fulfill all of your personal goals. There will be a crowed winning fraction but only 1 crowed winner. So I do ask, if you decide to win the conditions of your personal goals, don't be afraid to be a little selfish. Some personal goals are harder than others and I will take that into account when the game ends. 4) This game will also have a Day and Night Phase Attribute system that will randomize every phase. (Read IV for more details.) 5) This game also has a few instant kill abilities that won't wait until the end of the phase to activate both day and night. (Please keep in mind that It's impossible for me to be on the thread 24/7 so this will vary...) 6) Spell Cards will vary on how they are used. Some will activate at the end of the Day or Night Phase. Some will be constantly active when the user activates theirs. Many will be instantly active the moment when used. Almost all Spell Cards will be announced on the thread when used. This will vary depending on the effects of the Card used. Keep that in mind. Section III: Lynching 1) Only available during the day. 2) The vote list will never close. 3) The player with the most votes on him will die. 4) The players must lynch someone starting on Day 2. Failure to comply means a random player will be chosen to die instead. Section IV: Roles/Phase Attributes If you have any questions about your roles please pm me and not ask in the thread. If you have any questions regarding roles ask and I'll do my best to explain and make it easier for the rest of you. So with that, winning conditions and roles. Shrine Maiden Alliance Wins when all of Scarlet Devils Mansion & Eientei members are dead. Scarlet Devils Mansion Wins when all of Eientei members are dead and they outnumber the Shrine Maiden Alliance Eientei Wins Wins when all of Scarlet Devils Mansion members are dead and they outnumber the Shrine Maiden Alliance 4th Party/Undefined Wins when all their individual goals are met. [/center] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrine Maiden Alliance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reimu Hakurei (Cop) Reimu Hakurei [b]Description:[/b] You are Reimu Hakurei the main character of the Touhou Project. You are the miko of the Hakurei Shrine and your job is to keep the world of Gensokyo in order with an iron fist. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Able to investigate and reveal one alignment and race each night phase. After the 2nd night phase you are allowed to reveal one role 1 every other night. ( N3, N5, N7. ect.) [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [Night Ability.] Spell Card Great Hakurei Barrier - (Ability to shield yourself from any attack 1 time throughout the game by pming the moderator to activate the Spell Card. Works for both day and night phase.) [Day and Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b]: Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marisa Kirisame (Vigilante) Marisa Kirisame [b]Description:[/b] You are Marisa Kirisame the second main character of the Touhou Project. You are a Human witch and the best friend and rival of Reimu Hakurei . [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] You have the ability to kill each night starting night 2. You have 2 shots total before you are unable to kill anymore. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [Night Ability] Spell Card Master Spark - (The ability to kill 1 player who visits you during the night phase. You can only use this ability 3 times throughout the game 1 night phase apart from one another. ( If used ability N1 you cannot use the ability again until N3.) (Success kill rate of 33%) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b]: Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice Margatroid (Doctor) Alice Margatroid [b]Description:[/b] You are Alice Margatroid The doll master and magician who lives in the Forest of Magic. You specialize in puppetry and defensive spells. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to protect 1 person from being killed during the night phase. Can only protect yourself 1 night throughout the entire game. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [Day Ability] Spell Card Suicide Pact - (You send a pact of self exploding dolls to a player you are protecting. If that player is attacked that night your dolls will explode and kill the attacker. You can only use this 1 time throughout the game.) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aya Shameimaru (Watcher) Aya Shameimaru [b]Description:[/b] You are Aya Shameimaru The Tengu who guards the Youkai Mountain and runs the Bunbunmaru Newspaper. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to watch 1 player each night and see who visited them but not what action was performed. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Paparazzi (All night information you learned over the previous night will be shown to the town in the day phase along with a message you provide underneath even if you die during the night. You can only use this spell card 5 times throughout the game. Max word limit [100].) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fujiwara no Mokou (Bomb) Fujiwara no Mokou [b]Description:[/b] You are Fujiwara no MokouThe immortal human, master of fire spell cards. You are mortal enemies of Kaguya Houraisan (Don’t ask how you can die.) . [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] If you die during the night phase your attacker will die along with you. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day Ability.] Spell Card Phoenix's Tail - (During the night phase if you are attacked when you use this spell card you will live after being attacked and killing the attacker. Although your role will be reverted to a vanilla role.) - [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youmu Konpaku (Skeptic) Youmu Konpaku [b]Description:[/b] You are Youmu Konpaku gardener of the netherworld and guardian of the Keeper of the Dead Yuyuko Saigyouji. . [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to check 1 player during the day phase starting day 3. If the player is of any alignment outside of the Shrine Maiden Alliance then they will die. If they are of the Shrine Maiden Alliance then you will get a second chance. If you choose wrongfully again you will die. (If converted then you have the ability to kill 1 player during the day phase without checking their alignment first.) This is classified as an instant kill ability. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Asura Sword - (During the night phase you can protect the player Yuyuko Saigyouji. If you successful protect them you will kill the attacker. If you are converted you have the ability to protect anyone of your choosing. This can only be used 1 time throughout the game.) [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuyuko Saigyouji (Witch) [b]Description:[/b] You are Yuyuko Saigyouji the Keeper of the Dead of the netherworld. Yuyuko Saigyouji [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to prevent all players from dying for 1 night or instantly kill 1 player during the night phase. Each can only be used 1 time. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Butterfly Sign - (During the night phase if you are targeted with an action the one who targeted you will be cursed to die in the day phase. Only you will know that they are going to die. This can only be used 1 time throughout the whole game.) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitori Kawashiro (Nexus) Nitori Kawashiro [b]Description:[/b] You are Nitori Kawashiro the water Kappa and expert mechanic.. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] You have the ability to redirect actions when targeted at night. Can not redirect kills. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Water Bomb - (You choose a player to hand a bomb to. They will know they have the bomb and have the choice to give the bomb to another player at the end of the phase. You cannot activate the bomb in the first player you hand it off to. This alternates from day and night phases. You will be aware if the bomb shifted through targets but you will not know who currently has the bomb. If you are killed the bomb will disactivate. You can only use this 1 time in the entire game.) [ Day and Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanae Kochiya (Motivator) Sanae Kochiya [b]Description:[/b] You are Sanae Kochiyai the novice Shrine Maiden who recently came into Gensokyo. You spell cards specializes in wind and miracles. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to motivate a target player to use their role ability 2 times in 1 night. Selects a player during the day via pm the name to the moderator. This does not work with Spell cards. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Miracle God's Wind - (One player of your choosing will become lynchproof for a day phase. Can only be used 1 time though out the entire game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hieda no Akyuu (Informant) Hieda no Akyuu [b]Description:[/b] You are Hieda no Akyuu the recorder of all the history within Gensokyo. Has a vast knowledge on everything that happened in the world. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Receives a small amount of information on what happened during the night phase. Varies from 3-6 actions a few that are hidden abilities . [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day and Night Ability.] Spell Card Note pad Sign - (You can obtain text information from the Scarlet Devils Mansion and Eientei secret chat club but the information is not sorted between the two alliances. This can be used 5 times though out the game. ) [Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kogasa Tatara (Roleblocker - Town) Kogasa Tatara [b]Description:[/b] You are Kogasa Tatara the karakasa who wants to surprise people but always fails to do just that. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to roleblock a players movement during the night phase. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Umbrella Sign - (Allows you to deflect any day phase attack using your umbrella but the attack will instead hit someone else randomly. Can only be used 1 time in the game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b]: Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rinnosuke Morichika (Innocent Child) Rinnosuke Morichika [b]Description:[/b] You are Rinnosuke Morichika the keeper of a junk shop that sells items from the outside world. . [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Confirmed town member. You are on the side of Shrine Maiden Alliance and the town will know at the start of the game. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Night Ability.] Spell Card No Card - (Adds a + 3. Can only use this 2 times throughout the game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b]: Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cirno (Vengful) Cirno [b]Description:[/b] You are Cirno the strongest average fairy in Gensokyo. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] If you are lynched you gain the ability to kill one of your guilty voters. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Perfect Freeze - (Breaks the votes and forces randomized votes on everyone during the day phase. Votes cannot be changed for 12 hours. This can be used 2 times throughout the game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b]: Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medicine Melancholy (Poison Doctor) Medicine Melancholy [b]Description:[/b] You are Medicine Melancholyan immortal doll that specializes in poison spells.. You cannot be converted. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to prevent 1 player every night phase from the poison effect. You can cure 1 player every 3 phases. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day and Night Ability.] Spell Card Poison Sign - (If you are poisoned this will automatically activate and force the poison to spread to 2 random players.) [ Day and Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Komachi Onozuka (Coroner) Komachi Onozuka [b]Description:[/b] You are Komachi Onozuka A shinigami and reaper. Lazy but loyal to Shikieiki Yamaxanadu [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Shrine Maiden Alliance [b]Abilities:[/b] At night you can check the body of a dead player. You will be given their role along with their hidden ability and personal goal. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Death Sign - (Negatives a players vote by -3. The negative vote will be placed on the thread by the moderator. You can use this 2 times throughout the game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch and rid of anyone opposing the Shrine Maiden Alliance. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlet Devils Mansion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remilia Scarlet (Cult Leader) Remilia Scarlet [b]Description:[/b] You are Remilia Scarlet the vampire and leader of the Scarlet Devils Mansion. . [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Abilities:[/b] You are investigation proof and will show up as Human and Shine Maiden aligned. You also have the ability to recruit 1 person only during the game. If the player has already been recruited or is already a part of a function outside the Shrine Maiden Alliance then it will fail but you are still allowed 1 more try. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Night Ability.] Spell Card God Devil - (Desperation mode attack. When you are the only one left in the Scarlet Devils Mansion you have the choice to use this attack that will instantly kill 1 person during the night phase. Can only use this 1 time through out the game. ) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flandre Scarlet (Mafia Goon) Flandre Scarlet [b]Description:[/b] You are Flandre Scarlet the little sister of Remilia Scarlet leader of the Scarlet Devils Mansion. You are the trapped danger to the world who yearns to be free. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Abilities:[/b] Every 3 phases (N1, D2, N2) you have the ability to kill 1 extra person at night. Although the extra kill is randomized and there is a chance to kill your own partners. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day and Night Ability.] Spell Card Q.E.D - (When there is a Full Moon you have the choice to alternate your 2nd kill to the day phase or night phase. ) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hong Meiling (Bodygaurd) Hong Meiling [b]Description:[/b] You are Hong Meiling the lazy gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devils Mansion who very well does pack a punch. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Abilities:[/b] Choose a player to protect during the night phase. If that individual is attacked you will kill the attacker but die yourself. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Rainbow Sign - (You are given the ability to protect 2 players instead of 1. If they are both attacked you will kill 1 of the attackers and the second person you protect will still be alive but you will die. You can only use this 1 time throughout the game.) [Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sakuya Izayoi (Roleblocker) Sakuya Izayoi [b]Description:[/b] You are Sakuya Izayoi the best maid in all of Gensokyo. Despite being Human you are loyal to only 1 person, Remilia Scarlet. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Abilities:[/b] Has the ability to stop a players movement each night. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Time Sign (You will prevent an instant death on a player during both day and night and kill the player who attacked. You can only use this 2 times in the game. This spell card will instantly activate if the target was Remilia Scarlet. ) [Day and Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Scarlet Devils Mansion [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eientei ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reisen Udongein Inaba (Redirector) Reisen Udongein Inaba [b]Description:[/b] You are Reisen Udongein Inaba The Lunarian soldier and slave of Kaguya Houraisan and Eirin Yagokoro. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Eientei [b]Abilities:[/b] Has the ability to choose 1 player at night and redirect their night actions to a player of your choosing. The target will not be aware of this. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day Ability.] Spell Card Lunar Sign - (Can clean the body of 1 player making their role empty during the day or night phase. Only you will know which role actually died. Can only do this 2 times throughout the game.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Eientei [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tewi Inaba (Framer) Tewi Inaba [b]Description:[/b] You are Tewi Inaba The goddess of the earth rabbits, prankster and a pathological liar to say the least. . [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Eientei [b]Abilities:[/b] Has the ability to frame 1 player each night. The frame ability also affects the Watcher (Aya) and Informant (Heida) roles as well. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Runaway Rabbit - (All information during the night phase when this is used will show up as ERROR. This can only be used 1 time throughout the game. ) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Eientei [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaguya Houraisan (Cult Leader) Kaguya Houraisan [b]Description:[/b] You are Kaguya Houraisan the escaped princess of the moon and leader of Eientei and rival of Fujiwara no Mokou. You are an immortal. (Don’t ask how can you die...) . [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Eientei [b]Abilities:[/b] You are bulletproof meaning you are unable to die during the night phase. You also have the ability to recruit 1 person only during the game. If the player has already been recruited or is another part of a function outside the Shrine Maiden Alliance then it will fail but you are still allowed 1 more try. [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Night Ability.] Spell Card Divine Treasure - (Desperation mode attack. When you are the last one left in Eientei you can choose 2 players who will die at the end of both day and night phase back to back. If you do not survive the phase the spell card will be nulled. ) [ Day and Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Eientei [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eirin Yagokoro (Sniper/Poisoner) Eirin Yagokoro [b]Description:[/b] You are Eirin Yagokoro Creator of the immortal Elixer and loyal protector of Kaguya Houraisan. [b]Race:[/b] Non-Human [b]Alliance: [/b] Eientei [b]Abilities:[/b] At the beginning of the game you have a choice to start as a Sniper or as a Poisoner. -As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Afterwards you will be reverted to the Poisoner and you will be accepted into the alliance. You will not be reverted until you take your day shot. - If you start as a Poisoner you will be accepted into the alliance without the chance of a day kill. You have the ability to poison 1 player during the night phase. When the player is poisoned they will be aware and have 2 phases before they die unless the doctor protects them curing them of their illness or you are killed. You can use this ability 1 time every 2 night phases. (N2, N4, ect) [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown [ Day and Night Ability.] Spell Card Medicine Sign - (Able to save yourself from a night kill and in turn poison the would be killer. Can only use this 1 time throughout the game.) [ Night Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Kill anyone opposing the Eientei [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Executioner) Shikieiki Yamaxanadui [b]Description:[/b] You are Shikieiki Yamaxanadui the Yama who is in charge of the judgments of both men and youkai. She judges souls be it dead or alive . [b]Race:[/b] Yama [b]Alliance: [/b] Undefined [b]Abilities:[/b] Is given a target whom to judge by lynch. If successfully lynch said target they will win the game. (Although the game continues.) [b]Hidden ability: [/b] Unknown Spell Card Judgment Sign - (You can steal a vote from another player and cast it on the player of your choosing via pm. The stolen votes will not be shown until the end of the phase. Can use this ability 3 times in the game. All on the same day.) [ Day Ability.] [b]Goal[/b] Lynch target provided. [b]Personal Goal(s)[/b]: Unknown Phase Attributes Regular Day/Night No special conditions. Clear Skies (Day phase only) When the morning has Clear Skies, all day phase kills will be witnessed. The town will be given a list of potential killers after the attack occured. Example: Username X Username S Username Y Username R Knowing within that group is a killer. Full Moon (Night Phase only) When a Full Moon occurs the Scarlet Devils Mansion has a night advantage given to them that only they are aware of. Lunar Eclipse (Night phase only) When a Lunar Eclipse occurs Eientei has a night advantage given to them that only they are aware of. Game Adjustments made Cirno (Vengeful) Neft. Only allowed to kill guilty voters. [center]Players 1. Jackrito (Cirno) 2. Xiaraith 3. TheConquerer Manjuu 4. -Blonde- 5. trijugate (Innocent Child) 6. DoubleC 7. MrSantaEye 8. Soren333 PandaCake 9. PantsMan 10. Suzune-chan (Coroner) 11. Astros477 12. Shap111 13. tanteiRE 14. billyboyforever 15. RedArmyShogun 16. RedTie47 (Poison Doctor) 17. Praland (Sakuya Izayoi) 18. meruledawolrd (Alice Margatroid) 19. Lambtron (Vigilante) 20. verbicide 21. CorruptedPurity 22. Speakss! Jackrito (Cult Leader) 23. coromandel 24. ChaosSaviour (Flandre Scarlet) [b] The game begins at 10:00AM PST. Phase ends at 10:00AM PST Timer |
CrowlageJan 25, 2015 12:39 PM
Jan 14, 2015 9:03 AM
Jan 14, 2015 10:00 AM
So the game is starting. Best of luck to all of you, and let's have a blast ~ |
Jan 14, 2015 10:06 AM
Startinga new thread seems kinda unnecessery, did something happen? |
I've been here way too long... |
Jan 14, 2015 10:07 AM
Alright let’s get down to business! The night killings will not be revealed Communication is our strongest weapon when it comes to combating this. From the beginning of day 2 a role call would be very helpful. Those alive will sign their name on a list with an addition of any night abilities that may have happened to them(given an item, rbed, Reisen choosing you, ect…). This way we won’t rely too heavily on the Coroner and gain some extra info. Also we are prepared for when he/she dies :> Also I urge everyone to vote or “not vote” on day 1. If you’re against a day 1 lynch I’d like if you voice that opinion, give a reason why, and then vote for the (not counting?) entity of No-Lynch. This will possibly help tremendously later on. To new players To those of you with roles to redirect, guard, or roleblock players. Hold off using them on random players. You may accidentally rb the cop, or redirect a killing move onto an ally. Unless ofc you’re getting crazy mafia vibes from someone then go ahead(but it still may turn out sour) Those of us who go for day 1 lynch will choose at random, at first. The more useful discussion we generate on day 1, the more likely we’ll lynch mafia. If you happen to be on death’s row with no way out, and you have a very important role please speak up. Not only will you be saved, you will also be protected from then on ;) Btw this “protection” isn’t necessarily permanent. We just say you’ll be protected to discourage mafia from going for you. It allows the doctor to protect others, but leaves you in a risky position. The mafia will probably not go for you just because the threat of the doctor is with you. Doctor: Choose wisely on who to protect. If 2 or more townies are at risk, hopefully the guise of your protection will keep the mafia away. If only 1 townie is at risk protect him until another townie comes forward and then choose randomly. These are only suggestions. Feel free to follow them as you will. o/ |
Jan 14, 2015 10:07 AM
TheConquerer said: Startinga new thread seems kinda unnecessery, did something happen? Probably so it's easier to track back and read through from day 1. Sign up's do get in the way |
Jan 14, 2015 10:08 AM
DoubleC said: Alright let’s get down to business! The night killings will not be revealed Communication is our strongest weapon when it comes to combating this. From the beginning of day 2 a role call would be very helpful. Those alive will sign their name on a list with an addition of any night abilities that may have happened to them(given an item, rbed, Reisen choosing you, ect…). This way we won’t rely too heavily on the Coroner and gain some extra info. Also we are prepared for when he/she dies :> Also I urge everyone to vote or “not vote” on day 1. If you’re against a day 1 lynch I’d like if you voice that opinion, give a reason why, and then vote for the (not counting?) entity of No-Lynch. This will possibly help tremendously later on. To new players To those of you with roles to redirect, guard, or roleblock players. Hold off using them on random players. You may accidentally rb the cop, or redirect a killing move onto an ally. Unless ofc you’re getting crazy mafia vibes from someone then go ahead(but it still may turn out sour) Those of us who go for day 1 lynch will choose at random, at first. The more useful discussion we generate on day 1, the more likely we’ll lynch mafia. If you happen to be on death’s row with no way out, and you have a very important role please speak up. Not only will you be saved, you will also be protected from then on ;) Btw this “protection” isn’t necessarily permanent. We just say you’ll be protected to discourage mafia from going for you. It allows the doctor to protect others, but leaves you in a risky position. The mafia will probably not go for you just because the threat of the doctor is with you. Doctor: Choose wisely on who to protect. If 2 or more townies are at risk, hopefully the guise of your protection will keep the mafia away. If only 1 townie is at risk protect him until another townie comes forward and then choose randomly. These are only suggestions. Feel free to follow them as you will. o/ Since when did CC ever take it seriously? O.o |
Jan 14, 2015 10:09 AM
Could someone post a link in the sign-up thread? Some players watch thread and don't check the forum games section often. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:10 AM
Jan 14, 2015 10:12 AM
-Blonde- said: Since when did CC ever take it seriously? O.o Since I got a mafia role. Need to look more townie than ever. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:13 AM
Jan 14, 2015 10:24 AM
Lynch:RedArmyShogun He killed me day 1 in another thread. My revenge! |
Jan 14, 2015 10:29 AM
dang DoubleC, shots are fired already. Your first post is kind of intriguing to read. Let me comment on it in particular once I finished gaming and anime watching for the day ^^ |
Jan 14, 2015 10:30 AM
Jan 14, 2015 10:32 AM
trijugate said: OH MY GOD TIME IM PROVEN INNO YES TIME TO PLAY BALLS DEEP. Yes! I'm happy I can put my absolute undying trust in you. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:35 AM
Remember that both mafia fractions have the ability to recruit one new member each. And trijugate, show us your awesome strategies as only male person of this game! |
Jan 14, 2015 10:38 AM
DoubleC said: -Blonde- said: Since when did CC ever take it seriously? O.o Since I got a mafia role. Need to look more townie than ever. Heh. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:38 AM
trijugate said: OH MY GOD TIME IM PROVEN INNO YES TIME TO PLAY BALLS DEEP. Yes! I love trust triju ~ |
Jan 14, 2015 10:45 AM
the personal goals are going to make this game a free-for-all... LET THE MADNESS BEGIN |
Trust me, im Shap |
Jan 14, 2015 10:47 AM
shap111 said: the personal goals are going to make this game a free-for-all... Are you already implying that your personal goals include killing one of your most important team mates? |
Jan 14, 2015 10:50 AM
Jan 14, 2015 10:51 AM
-Blonde- said: Since when did CC ever take it seriously? O.o Definitely strange. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:51 AM
Cirno Abilities: If you are lynched you gain the ability to kill anyone of your choosing. Please nerf At least make it where the players who voted for Cirno are the only ones that can be targeted. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:51 AM
Xiaraith said: shap111 said: the personal goals are going to make this game a free-for-all... Are you already implying that your personal goals include killing one of your most important team mates? Not really, but I assume more than one has that kind of goal |
Trust me, im Shap |
Jan 14, 2015 10:53 AM
Crowlage said: Eirin-sama: As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Ummm, so is there anyway to prevent this from happening? I feel like I have a big target on my head already. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:54 AM
Plot Twist: all Shrine Maidens have the personal goals of killing the Cop with their own hands, same for both mafia clubs with the respective Leader. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:55 AM
trijugate said: Crowlage said: Eirin-sama: As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Ummm, so is there anyway to prevent this from happening? I feel like I have a big target on my head already. There is a bodyguard, he should protect you. |
Jan 14, 2015 10:57 AM
coromandel said: trijugate said: Crowlage said: Eirin-sama: As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Ummm, so is there anyway to prevent this from happening? I feel like I have a big target on my head already. There is a bodyguard, he should protect you. 1) the Bodyguard is mafia aligned 2) the Bodyguard chooses his action at night, and the sniper during the day |
Jan 14, 2015 11:02 AM
Xiaraith said: coromandel said: trijugate said: Crowlage said: Eirin-sama: As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Ummm, so is there anyway to prevent this from happening? I feel like I have a big target on my head already. There is a bodyguard, he should protect you. 1) the Bodyguard is mafia aligned 2) the Bodyguard chooses his action at night, and the sniper during the day I know, I actually meant the Doctor, he can protect someone too. I don't think the mafia BG would protect trijugate. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:02 AM
DoubleC said: Cirno Abilities: If you are lynched you gain the ability to kill anyone of your choosing. Please nerf At least make it where the players who voted for Cirno are the only ones that can be targeted. Nice catch. I agree it should be restricted to only guilty voters. trijugate said: Crowlage said: Eirin-sama: As a Sniper you will not know your alliance members but they will know you. At the end of the day phase you can shoot and kill 1 person. Ummm, so is there anyway to prevent this from happening? I feel like I have a big target on my head already. Maybe, depends on the roles I guess. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:04 AM
But the Doctor also only protects during the night... If there's any protective ability to be used on trijugate during this first day, it should probably be used on him. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:10 AM
Xiaraith said: But the Doctor also only protects during the night... If there's any protective ability to be used on trijugate during this first day, it should probably be used on him. Ah, right - the Sniper kills at the end of the day phase, Doc's ability only works during night time. Reading the role descriptions once isn't enough I guess. xD The first few nights will be madness, since almost everyone has some kind of night ability. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:16 AM
Those targeted by Reisen don't know. Didn't read the roles thoroughly enough. Anyways it sucks there are 2 converters.... so if both are successful there will be 10 problems the townies will have. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:16 AM
coromandel said: Xiaraith said: But the Doctor also only protects during the night... If there's any protective ability to be used on trijugate during this first day, it should probably be used on him. Ah, right - the Sniper kills at the end of the day phase, Doc's ability only works during night time. Reading the role descriptions once isn't enough I guess. xD The first few nights will be madness, since almost everyone has some kind of night ability. Sounds exciting, I'd prefer this over a boring game |
Jan 14, 2015 11:16 AM
Jan 14, 2015 11:17 AM
And if a lot of spell cards are added to the first nights' mess as well, chaos is perfect ^^ I will read all roles again, and maybe discover some connections worth mentioning. The day is still long, time to really get into this game. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:22 AM
I think we can disregard Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Executioner). Her win condition is just lynch her target. She may vote for that target day 1 when no reasons are truly needed ;) Her target may be an important townie(I'd do that to make things interesting) so be cautious of who you follow. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:24 AM
DoubleC said: I think we can disregard Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Executioner). Her win condition is just lynch her target. She may vote for that target day 1 when no reasons are truly needed ;) Her target may be an important townie(I'd do that to make things interesting) so be cautious of who you follow. So far you are the only person who has voted. But I do already agree, a first day lynch is probably not too bad. Especially after seeing the success of first day lynches in other games. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:26 AM
Jan 14, 2015 11:27 AM
Xiaraith said: @Crow what happens in case of a lynch tie? On day 1 it's probably no lynch, and on all other days a random lynch between the people with the most votes. But I want to make sure nonetheless... Day 1 will be no lynch. Day 2 onward will be randomized by my best friend RNG. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:31 AM
Crowlage said: Xiaraith said: @Crow what happens in case of a lynch tie? On day 1 it's probably no lynch, and on all other days a random lynch between the people with the most votes. But I want to make sure nonetheless... Day 1 will be no lynch. Day 2 onward will be randomized by my best friend RNG. Will it be randomized between all players, or just those with the most votes? RNG is one of the best friends you could ever have ~ |
Jan 14, 2015 11:38 AM
Xiaraith said: Crowlage said: Xiaraith said: @Crow what happens in case of a lynch tie? On day 1 it's probably no lynch, and on all other days a random lynch between the people with the most votes. But I want to make sure nonetheless... Day 1 will be no lynch. Day 2 onward will be randomized by my best friend RNG. Will it be randomized between all players, or just those with the most votes? RNG is one of the best friends you could ever have ~ Everyone. That'll push you guys to vote. |
Jan 14, 2015 11:48 AM
Vote:Count RedArmyShogun 1 (CC) Jackrito 1 (MrSantaEye) |
Jan 14, 2015 11:53 AM
Alright. Everyone knows I'm pro lynch on day 1. Vote: ChaosSaviour Going to place a vote for now. It is subject to change. Main reason for choosing Chaos is that he's usually inactive and doesn't always offer his thoughts and who he suspects. So it becomes hard to tell if he's mafia or just a lurking townie. So let's hope this vote can get him to become more active ^_^ |
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