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Aug 12, 2013 3:04 PM

Apr 2013
I'm not interpretating them , its how it came out and it is how Yozora took it or that's how Kodaka sees the relationship between members of the club.

And I forgot to anwer , yeah English is my 2nd language.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 3:06 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
And I forgot to anwer , yeah English is my 2nd language.

This probably explains our differences. To me, "looking down" specifically means *thinking* less of others, not *speaking* less of others.
Aug 12, 2013 3:07 PM

Apr 2013
Because she's MEAT.
Enjoy irrelevant picture.
Aug 12, 2013 3:26 PM

Apr 2013
Jamada said:
BloodyNightsky said:
And I forgot to anwer , yeah English is my 2nd language.

This probably explains our differences. To me, "looking down" specifically means *thinking* less of others, not *speaking* less of others.

"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 11:32 PM
Dec 2012
MiloticBear said:

Something to consider is that both Yozora and Rika are playing a role. The manga chapter titled CONNECT gives some insight into Yozora's character not shown in the anime or first 8 novels.
Rika's role is obvious given her interactions with Kodaka and admittance to playing up her fujoshi side.

In contrast, Sena isn't playing a role. She's just being herself. Her development doesn't derive from changing her personality so much as putting her in situations that she's never been in before and putting her bad experiences behind her (e.g. from not being invited to karaoke to being invited to karaoke, from having girls talk behind her back to having Yozora standing up to her). In other words, Sena's development is about embracing the changes in her life (which is basically the advice she gives to Yozora), not about changing herself.

Ultimately, I think she's just getting used to the situation of having friends. Since only Rika and Kodaka are explicitly aware that they're a group of friends, it would make sense that Sena may not be entirely comfortable with presuming that everyone else feels the same way. (Of course, this assumes that she's only overbearing with her affection towards Kobato. Given that she's not pushy with Kodaka even after confessing, I think that may very well be the case.)

Keep in mind, I'm having a hard time remembering what happened in the anime versus what happened in the novels. The characterizations may slightly differ in adaptation.
Aug 12, 2013 11:39 PM

Apr 2013
Jamada said:
MiloticBear said:

Something to consider is that both Yozora and Rika are playing a role. The manga chapter titled CONNECT gives some insight into Yozora's character not shown in the anime or first 8 novels.
Rika's role is obvious given her interactions with Kodaka and admittance to playing up her fujoshi side.

In contrast, Sena isn't playing a role. She's just being herself. Her development doesn't derive from changing her personality so much as putting her in situations that she's never been in before and putting her bad experiences behind her (e.g. from not being invited to karaoke to being invited to karaoke, from having girls talk behind her back to having Yozora standing up to her). In other words, Sena's development is about embracing the changes in her life (which is basically the advice she gives to Yozora), not about changing herself.

Ultimately, I think she's just getting used to the situation of having friends. Since only Rika and Kodaka are explicitly aware that they're a group of friends, it would make sense that Sena may not be entirely comfortable with presuming that everyone else feels the same way. (Of course, this assumes that she's only overbearing with her affection towards Kobato. Given that she's not pushy with Kodaka even after confessing, I think that may very well be the case.)

Keep in mind, I'm having a hard time remembering what happened in the anime versus what happened in the novels. The characterizations may slightly differ in adaptation.

The characterization in the novel is more accurate from the point of view of Kodaka , however , I wouldnt trust Kodaka's judgement . If it were Rika , sure I would go blindly and say that things happened that way .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 13, 2013 12:12 PM

Sep 2012
Yondy375 said:
SakurasouBusters said:
Because she's nice and sweet at heart, and her naive nature is adorable!

Delays are temporary. Mediocracy lasts forever.
Aug 13, 2013 1:30 PM
Oct 2012
Jamada said:
But don't you see that you're interpreting Sena's words to mean that she's "looking down" on them? In my opinion, she isn't looking down on them at all. She's just trying to protect her feelings that were once hurt in a similar situation in the past.

Humm, while one could argue that Sena doesn't "look down on people", there is no doubt that she feels superior to everyone (her calling herself a goddess is not a metaphor to her), that to her they really don't matter enough for her to look down on (Yusa shows this, Sena can't even be bothered to know that she exists even though they have talked multiple times), but in the end for the person on the receiving end, there is very little difference.

This is the shoal that those who want to argue about Sena's development always flounder on. Sena hasn't improved in this department, Kodaka earned a place because of his rescuing her and Yozora has forced Sena to acknowledge her, but these two are exceptions, not rules. Rika, Yukimura, and Maria she doesn't recognize, and Kobata she stalks regardless of how Kobata feels.
Aug 13, 2013 4:06 PM
Dec 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
Humm, while one could argue that Sena doesn't "look down on people", there is no doubt that she feels superior to everyone (her calling herself a goddess is not a metaphor to her), that to her they really don't matter enough for her to look down on (Yusa shows this, Sena can't even be bothered to know that she exists even though they have talked multiple times), but in the end for the person on the receiving end, there is very little difference.

This is the shoal that those who want to argue about Sena's development always flounder on. Sena hasn't improved in this department, Kodaka earned a place because of his rescuing her and Yozora has forced Sena to acknowledge her, but these two are exceptions, not rules. Rika, Yukimura, and Maria she doesn't recognize, and Kobata she stalks regardless of how Kobata feels.

It returns to one's opinion of what makes a good character; it's subjective. I don't mind that she's arrogant or ignores people who don't stand out; I can relate because I'm often arrogant and I don't pay attention to things that don't even remotely pique my interest. I even have a hard time remembering names too - not out of spite or anything, but just 'cause it doesn't come naturally to me. Like Sena, I was quite gifted at academics, but academic intelligence is quite different from being good at social situations.

When you say it's the exception, that's true. People are shaped by their past experiences and Sena's no different from a normal person in that regard; when she reaches out to someone else honestly, it's an exception because it means they've gotten past her initial defenses. It's been a while since I've watched or read Love Hina, but I don't think Naru really went through any dramatic changes in her overall character. She was basically the same character throughout - violent and often unreasonable. The change in Sena is more subtle because she isn't violent; still, the change is there. Incidentally, according to wikipedia:
So there's a parallel there.

But the point is that the exception exists, and Sena acts differently because of it. When she confesses, she's not being arrogant. She doesn't say, "Any guy would be an idiot to not fall in love with me and lick my feet so marry me"; she offers her perspective on their situation and straight up tells him her feelings. There is a huge difference between the Sena who Kodaka first met and the Sena who confesses to him. It isn't any less significant a change just because he's an exception. Rather, it would be unrealistic if he wasn't an exception - one decent guy in the sea of losers she's known throughout her life.

But the real problem with saying that "in the end for the person on the receiving end, there is very little difference" is that it justifies the Yozora hate. The only real argument against Yozora hate is that her intentions are good. But if intentions don't matter, then we have no reason to like either Yozora or Sena.

P.S. the issue of her not treating Rika, Yukimura or Maria differently isn't relevant; the same can be said of Yozora who treated Yukimura (a maid, then a butler, but always a lackey) and Maria (an easily manipulated little girl) pretty much the same way throughout. She got along with Rika, but that isn't to say that her personality changed; she just found someone who could readily emulate her mischievous side. For her part, Sena had that one nice moment with Maria (an exception, not the rule, but it was there) and I don't see any reason for her to suddenly get along with Yukimura who herself only showed development when she told Kodaka that she knew he wasn't the tough guy she pretended he was.
JamadaAug 13, 2013 4:38 PM
Aug 14, 2013 9:43 AM
Oct 2012
Jamada said:
Takuan_Soho said:
Humm, while one could argue that Sena doesn't "look down on people", there is no doubt that she feels superior to everyone (her calling herself a goddess is not a metaphor to her), that to her they really don't matter enough for her to look down on (Yusa shows this, Sena can't even be bothered to know that she exists even though they have talked multiple times), but in the end for the person on the receiving end, there is very little difference.

This is the shoal that those who want to argue about Sena's development always flounder on. Sena hasn't improved in this department, Kodaka earned a place because of his rescuing her and Yozora has forced Sena to acknowledge her, but these two are exceptions, not rules. Rika, Yukimura, and Maria she doesn't recognize, and Kobata she stalks regardless of how Kobata feels.

It returns to one's opinion of what makes a good character; it's subjective. I don't mind that she's arrogant or ignores people who don't stand out; I can relate because I'm often arrogant and I don't pay attention to things that don't even remotely pique my interest. I even have a hard time remembering names too - not out of spite or anything, but just 'cause it doesn't come naturally to me. Like Sena, I was quite gifted at academics, but academic intelligence is quite different from being good at social situations.

When you say it's the exception, that's true. People are shaped by their past experiences and Sena's no different from a normal person in that regard; when she reaches out to someone else honestly, it's an exception because it means they've gotten past her initial defenses. It's been a while since I've watched or read Love Hina, but I don't think Naru really went through any dramatic changes in her overall character. She was basically the same character throughout - violent and often unreasonable. The change in Sena is more subtle because she isn't violent; still, the change is there. Incidentally, according to wikipedia:
So there's a parallel there.

But the point is that the exception exists, and Sena acts differently because of it. When she confesses, she's not being arrogant. She doesn't say, "Any guy would be an idiot to not fall in love with me and lick my feet so marry me"; she offers her perspective on their situation and straight up tells him her feelings. There is a huge difference between the Sena who Kodaka first met and the Sena who confesses to him. It isn't any less significant a change just because he's an exception. Rather, it would be unrealistic if he wasn't an exception - one decent guy in the sea of losers she's known throughout her life.

But the real problem with saying that "in the end for the person on the receiving end, there is very little difference" is that it justifies the Yozora hate. The only real argument against Yozora hate is that her intentions are good. But if intentions don't matter, then we have no reason to like either Yozora or Sena.

P.S. the issue of her not treating Rika, Yukimura or Maria differently isn't relevant; the same can be said of Yozora who treated Yukimura (a maid, then a butler, but always a lackey) and Maria (an easily manipulated little girl) pretty much the same way throughout. She got along with Rika, but that isn't to say that her personality changed; she just found someone who could readily emulate her mischievous side. For her part, Sena had that one nice moment with Maria (an exception, not the rule, but it was there) and I don't see any reason for her to suddenly get along with Yukimura who herself only showed development when she told Kodaka that she knew he wasn't the tough guy she pretended he was.

Exceptions mean nothing. There are always exceptions. A murderer can hold doors open for old ladies, Hitler loved dogs and cared for their humane treatment, even that bully in high school, the one who made your life a living hell could occasionally be nice and considerate. We live in a complex world where there are no simple, pure black and white situations, there is always some gray.

That said, I do believe that we as humans do focus on the exceptions too much, I am sure you have recognized the patter: a bastard can do one nice thing and everyone goes around saying how wonderful that thing is, a great person makes one mistake and it forever brands them. This says negative things about both human nature and the danger of placing too much emphasis on exceptions. The why for this is simple psychology: noticing exceptions makes us feel special, that we know the "truth" whereas everyone else only sees the bully. This dynamic is what keeps battered woman with abusive husbands, followers to leaders, people to organizations. And so forth.

This is a long way to go around to get to your point, but when you pointed out Sena's "one nice moment with Maria", Sena wasn't being nice. This exception had no meaning. The novel made this a lot clearer, but you can see it in Sena's reaction when Maria expressed her gratitude. Likewise with Yusa, Sena is ignoring not some scrub, but the second ranked person in her school, someone on the student council, and a generally nice person (as the final episode begins to show).

As for her confession. That would seem to be the one true exception which shows development, however one shouldn't read too much into this exception. She said the words, but where has she shown that she honestly loves him? She still harasses his sister, Kobata hates Sena (and with very good reason). Do you think that Kodaka, being her only support, wouldn't think about that in making his decision. Has she put much thought into him? She blurted it out in the middle of the club. Even the "why" she loves him is drawn into question: he was a knight who rescued the princess, so it was because of something Kodaka did, not who he is, that was important to Sena. That doesn't say much about love.

Now all this isn't to say that Sena hasn't been a fun character, without her this show could not exist. The books have given a much better motivation for why Sena acts like she does
, but at the same time it doesn't justify all the "development" people are claiming for her.

In closing I will bring up the one last "exception": Yozora. That those two have "developed" and as friends as well seems to be clear. However as for how much they developed, I would say of the two Yozora has the more. You knocked her above, but Yozora was honestly upset after the mind reading episode, the self-loathing she felt was quite evident. That was development. Yozora actually cared about Sena's true feelings. Was this sentiment returned? Sena knew that Yozora had feelings towards Kodaka, she said as much at the department store and in the Church, but not only did Sena ignore them to confess to Kodaka, she did it right in front of Yozora. One can say that the confession was an accident, but those accidents happen because Sena doesn't think about how she impacts others. All might be fair in love and war, but even in war you don't smear your opponents face in it. But that was the way Sena was at the beginning of the show, and that was the last scene we had of her at the end of the second episode.

Even with the 3 exceptions of people Sena has developed with: Kodaka, Yozora, and Kobata, the latter hates her because Sena has no self control around her, the former is only acceptable because her father likes him AND he rescued Sena,
Aug 14, 2013 6:05 PM
Nov 2010
In Sena's defense, it was an accident and likely not her intended place to confess. Having said that, her preferred confession will probably have Yozora in the same place as well or a situation where Yozora is forced to do the same. For Sena believes in a straight up fight (which she interprets as FAIR, the sentiment is not shared because straight up doesn't mean fair if the 2 parties have different positional power and method perference), so if she's to confess, it will not be behind Yozora's back.

As for the relationship between Yozora and Sena - one needs to take into account of the dynamic. Sena is the one seeking approval from Yozora, not vice versa. While Yozora derives pleasure from teasing Sena. It just so happens Yozora does not dispenses praise readily yet Sena tends to take abuse well (or in the sense act exactly as Yozora would've hoped for) other than a few occassions she did not take it so well and Yozora is starting to notice these instances.
Aug 14, 2013 6:12 PM

Apr 2013
I think you insist too much on individual development.....the anime is about friendship development which means the relationship development is the main dish , not the character one .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 14, 2013 9:43 PM
Dec 2012
I think we could debate the question of whether or not exceptions matter on and on, but that wouldn't get us anywhere. To me it means that she's changing. To you it means nothing. I can't agree with you, nor you me.

But I'll take a look at your examples.
Takuan_Soho said:
This is a long way to go around to get to your point, but when you pointed out Sena's "one nice moment with Maria", Sena wasn't being nice. This exception had no meaning. The novel made this a lot clearer, but you can see it in Sena's reaction when Maria expressed her gratitude.

The novels make it clear that Sena is initially bashful about Maria being appreciative, then happy with being hugged by Maria, and then cold. The only reason she gives her cold reaction to Maria is because Maria offered to call her "onee-chan" and she simply doesn't want Maria as an imouto; she only wants Kobato as her "mai imouto". That's all that reaction meant. I'll even quote it again for you.

As it clearly shows, Sena only refused Maria's offer to call her "onee-chan", not Maria's praise nor her hug.

Likewise with Yusa, Sena is ignoring not some scrub, but the second ranked person in her school, someone on the student council, and a generally nice person (as the final episode begins to show).

And Sena's never really interacted with Yusa before then. It's like a kid I knew growing up. He thought himself as a rival to me in mathematics (which I was extremely good at). When he came to ask me what I got on the final score of grade 12 math, several years later, he was so pleased with himself that he got a higher score. I just shrugged and moved on because it made absolutely no difference to me. Even if he was a "nice person", how am I supposed to know this (or care) when he's just some dude who's looking at me through a looking glass? Unlike us, Sena isn't reading the novels, so why should she be responsible for knowing or caring about someone so insignificant? This I will never agree with you on; Sena had no responsibility to know Yusa (even though I agree she was a nice person overall thanks to the benefit of being able to read about her), and the only noteworthy interaction between them that Sena can recall is that Yusa was trying to break up the club. If I were Sena, why should I care about this seemingly stupid little kid who wants to destroy one of the only things that gives me happiness?

She said the words, but where has she shown that she honestly loves him?

She's a straightforward character. There's no reason to doubt that she does. Just because she doesn't behave like your vision of a maiden in love doesn't mean anything.

She still harasses his sister, Kobata hates Sena (and with very good reason).

That's true.

Do you think that Kodaka, being her only support, wouldn't think about that in making his decision.

Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't. But that has nothing to do with Sena's feelings which are the only things that are relevant in confessing one's love. Have you never loved someone without knowing everything about them or being entirely considerate of their feelings? It happens in real life, I don't see why it can't happen in a fictional story.

Has she put much thought into him? She blurted it out in the middle of the club. Even the "why" she loves him is drawn into question: he was a knight who rescued the princess, so it was because of something Kodaka did, not who he is, that was important to Sena. That doesn't say much about love.

And you're an expert who can judge who's allowed to fall in love with whom and the conditions that they're allowed to fall in love in? Sorry, your point is indefensible because you don't get to decide that someone's love is invalid just because it doesn't meet your expectations of "true" love.

Now all this isn't to say that Sena hasn't been a fun character, without her this show could not exist. The books have given a much better motivation for why Sena acts like she does
, but at the same time it doesn't justify all the "development" people are claiming for her.

I haven't claimed anything more than has happened. It doesn't meet your definition of development, and that's fine. But I disagree. I could just as easily dispute that Yozora hasn't gone through significant development, but then we'd be arguing the same argument that's been argued over and over again. It's pointless.

In closing I will bring up the one last "exception": Yozora. That those two have "developed" and as friends as well seems to be clear. However as for how much they developed, I would say of the two Yozora has the more. You knocked her above, but Yozora was honestly upset after the mind reading episode, the self-loathing she felt was quite evident. That was development.

Some people who are Yozora fans would actually disagree that she felt upset over Sena being fooled; they think Sena deserved it and don't like the idea of Yozora being upset over her actions. I believe it actually happened earlier in this thread.

I'm not going to argue this because I actually agree that it's a nice reflection moment. I just don't appreciate that you can point to Yozora's (arguably) nice moments and yet deny Sena her (arguably) nice moments. All the moments I've brought up haven't been to deny Yozora's development, but to show that Sena has her own development as well (which you categorically deny).

Yozora actually cared about Sena's true feelings.

This just as arguable as Sena caring about Maria. We don't get to read their minds, but at least Sena's actions were clear and without need of interpretation. Yozora did something mean, and we see her making some kind of reaction to Sena being upset (which some Yozora fans and haters alike take to be feigned rather than real). I can accept her actually feeling bad about it, but it annoys me that you'd deny the same benefit of the doubt when it comes to Sena.

Was this sentiment returned? Sena knew that Yozora had feelings towards Kodaka, she said as much at the department store and in the Church, but not only did Sena ignore them to confess to Kodaka, she did it right in front of Yozora.

First of all, can you provide quotes? I'm not sure where to look for the church scene you're talking about and I looked over the department store chapter, but in that chapter there's no indication that Sena knows Yozora's true feelings. She's got an inkling that Yozora's blocked by the past, but then again, she also straight up told Yozora to live in the present. Is there some great betrayal here that I've somehow missed?

In any case, why should Sena give up her love on account of Yozora? Should Yozora give up hers just because Sena's confessed? Sorry, but that is an incredibly stupid argument and doesn't hold up in any context - except for maybe promising to cheer the other girl on, but Sena didn't do that did she?

We talk about how Yozora acts in a way to help Sena move forward; it comes off as mean, but I'm willing to say her intentions were good. When Sena tells Yozora to move forward, is she being an arrogant and terrible person who shows no consideration for Yozora's feelings? No; in my opinion, she's being a true friend.

One can say that the confession was an accident, but those accidents happen because Sena doesn't think about how she impacts others.

It could be that she was intending to do it anyway (which seems very much to be the case). It could be that she's been mulling over the decision for days or even weeks. We don't know, because we follow Kodaka's viewpoint and he can't read minds for however observant he may be. For all we know, she could have been thinking of how to confess without causing Yozora or the other girls any pain. And maybe she decided, like Rika, that something needed to happen - that she needed to confront Kodaka in a straightforward manner.

All we see is the end result of whatever thought process that was happening. I believe that intention means something, and it could very well be the case that Sena was leaning towards confessing at some point anyways because she thought it would be for the best. Again, we don't know.

All might be fair in love and war, but even in war you don't smear your opponents face in it. But that was the way Sena was at the beginning of the show, and that was the last scene we had of her at the end of the second episode.

That's your opinion. I don't agree that she was rubbing anyone's face in anything. She was being honest and upright. She didn't deceive anyone. She didn't smirk at Yozora and the others to gloat over how she was able to confess. She just vocalized something that everyone else already knew/suspected, all without going behind anyone's back.

If she had been more tactful (which isn't Sena's modus operandi), then that could have easily been seen as worse than what happened. The fact is that the story was coming to a head and I think we all knew that something had to give. I simply don't see why Sena should be vilified for approaching the central problem of Kodaka's story in the only way she knew how - confessing her feelings not just to Kodaka, but to everyone who would be affected by the confession.

Even with the 3 exceptions of people Sena has developed with: Kodaka, Yozora, and Kobata, the latter hates her because Sena has no self control around her, the former is only acceptable because her father likes him AND he rescued Sena,

Kobato isn't an example of someone she's developed with; she's the anti-example. Maria on the other hand.... Of course you disagree, but I see no reason to accept your interpretation of events in this regard.

As for Kodaka, that's an embarrassingly shallow interpretation. She only became "interested" in Kodaka after the pool rescue event. True to real life, it's through her interactions with Kodaka that Sena falls in love with him. The fact that her dad likes him isn't remotely relevant to her own feelings. Their dads being friends certainly allowed them to have more time together, but that's just how the story goes. Being "lucky" in that regard doesn't somehow nullify her feelings.
JamadaAug 14, 2013 10:16 PM
Aug 15, 2013 1:28 AM

Apr 2013
First of all, can you provide quotes? I'm not sure where to look for the church scene you're talking about and I looked over the department store chapter, but in that chapter there's no indication that Sena knows Yozora's true feelings. She's got an inkling that Yozora's blocked by the past, but then again, she also straight up told Yozora to live in the present. Is there some great betrayal here that I've somehow missed?

Do you honestly think that she refered to something else but winning Kodaka's love when she said "I'm not going to lose to that stupid Yozora?".....

Also , you keep forgeting that the story is mainly about Yozora and Kodaka , Sena happens to be.....I'm going to use a shounen comparison .....Sena happens to be the "big bad villain" in the story.

Also , Sena , didnt really changed , she just became wary of some people , she still shows arrogance , she stills goes bullly on who she wants with a scary face .
Let me tell you a secret , Yozora's bullying in real life is like joking between best friends . Sena's bullying is like meeting a robber on the streets that took all your money and possesion and left you naked . Or shall I say the legal version of being a lawyer who would abuse a law to gain what he wants?

All you do is excusing her true self , if she had trully changed , she wouldnt be arrogant , she would be aware of the presence of others even playing. In that very moment she has shown her true colors .

And I think this discussion has turned out into a personal discussion . You associated with her because you are somehow like her , I'm liking Yozora how she is but I'm nothing like her , I just love the way she is and can go anytime hypercritical towards her . What's annoying is that you disregard a fact , something that happened in the anime , and call it an opinion. I lost myself in theories too but I came back to my sense pretty quick.
FluffyFleshAug 15, 2013 4:15 AM
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 15, 2013 3:55 AM

Aug 2013
As it`s been said a thousand times before - Tits FTW.

Actually she is quite arrogant,self-centered and although it seems like she only was a bitch towards Yusa, she never showed that she is equal to everyone else in the club always being high and mighty over everyone else. That is also the reason that Yozora can easily trick her, because she thinks that no one can touch her or be mean to her. AND SHE DOESN'T FUCKING LEARN.

Yozora is not the hero as well though. Beeing mean to someone like Sena is understandable but she does it way too much, even when its unnecessary and just cruel.

Overall Rika FTW.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 15, 2013 10:06 AM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
Do you honestly think that she refered to something else but winning Kodaka's love when she said "I'm not going to lose to that stupid Yozora?".....

Without telling me where you're getting "I'm not going to lose to that stupid Yozora" from, I don't even have the context to read into. Am I really being unreasonable for wanting the means to form a meaningful response? I personally try to provide long quotes to make discussion easier....

edit: actually, I'll try to respond to this without context..

Saying "I'm not going to lose to X" means that she sees X as a potential winner - perhaps even the perceived favorite. In other words, Sena probably thinks that Yozora is the girl most likely to win Kodaka's affections. Without additional context, I can't say whether or not Sena is truly aware of Yozora's own feelings on the matter.

Also , you keep forgeting that the story is mainly about Yozora and Kodaka , Sena happens to be.....I'm going to use a shounen comparison .....Sena happens to be the "big bad villain" in the story.

Now that's about as arrogant as you can get. I don't even know what to say in response to this. Piss off, troll?

I should stop here, but I have a habit of being thorough.

Also , Sena , didnt really changed , she just became wary of some people , she still shows arrogance , she stills goes bullly on who she wants with a scary face .
Let me tell you a secret , Yozora's bullying in real life is like joking between best friends . Sena's bullying is like meeting a robber on the streets that took all your money and possesion and left you naked . Or shall I say the legal version of being a lawyer who would abuse a law to gain what he wants?

Sena bullies people? I can think of exactly one person she actually beats into the ground, so to speak - Yusa. And from Sena's perspective (and Yozora's for that matter), Yusa was a threat to the club who needed to be dealt with. Even Rika was angry to learn that Kodaka was being friendly to Yusa after what she tried to do.

All you do is excusing her true self , if she had trully changed , she wouldnt be arrogant , she would be aware of the presence of others even playing. In that very moment she has shown her true colors .

She showed her true colors and it was good.

But seriously, the fact that you can construe her confession to be arrogant is mind-boggling considering of how devoid it is of her classic Sena arrogance. I can admit that I favor Sena, but I do my best to give Yozora the benefit of the doubt; in spite of her outwardly cruel behaviour, I admit that she could very well be well-intentioned. Maybe I'm just stupid to expect others to at least try to be fair in their analyses.

And I think this discussion has turned out into a personal discussion .

This is what I've been saying the entire time. It's pointless to argue the subjective, and the fact of the matter is that reading (or watching) is a subjective experience. We take our own experiences with us as we read the novels (or watch the anime), and we analyze characters and interactions between characters accordingly.

What's annoying is that you disregard a fact , something that happened in the anime , and call it an opinion. I lost myself in theories too but I came back to my sense pretty quick.

Didn't we have this conversation before? I thought our disagreement came from our language being out of synch. The words you used very much implied to me that you were stating opinion rather than fact. Later on, I accepted your statements given your own understanding of what the words you were using meant. Why do you insist on arguing this again?

Incidentally, this discussion is rather relaxing compared to the massive arguments that aSoIaF (the book series that Game of Thrones is based on) generates. You guys ever seen those discussions? It's pretty incredible.
JamadaAug 15, 2013 10:35 AM
Aug 15, 2013 3:20 PM

Apr 2013
@Jamada : I have nothing on Sena , you can leave me out of the hating list . She just became wary of the club members the only one she seems to consider a friend is Yozora.
She ignored others in that confession and was aware of the presence of Yozora , thus the proof that "I'm not going to loose to that stupid Yozora" . It's not out of context , she sees a rival in Yozora . And whats quite weird is that Yozora isnt aware that she is considered a love rival . I said it several times , Yozora is a newb in the arts of love , if she knew that what she feels is called love she wouldnt have treated Kodaka as a friend .
And I repeat myself , it's not a secret that the only one Sena is always aware of anytime being around her is Yozora , she disregards others . Yozora being her love rival that confession should be a powerful punch for Yozora , in this love race .
I admit that her only arrogance that is obvious is when she talks as she is a goddess . The first season shows pretty much her arrogance mode , in the 2nd one is less and less shown but thats because someone stopped her outbursts of arrogance , I'll let you call her name .

I'm not interest in , Yozora vs Sena , the love race and I'm trying not to compare them but it's seems is quite impossible to talk about Sena alone since her arrogance was torn to piece by Yozora , what's left of that arrogance is her fantasizing that she is a goddess and her language when she tries to denies that she wants to do activties with others.

I like JUST Yozora alone . Kodaka in his ignorance did more harm than good to Yozora and maybe Sena too.....but Sena is straightforward and as I said Yozora isnt aware that she's in love with him . She calls , showing that she is a new in love , that friendship.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 15, 2013 10:57 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
I'm not interest in , Yozora vs Sena , the love race and I'm trying not to compare them but it's seems is quite impossible to talk about Sena alone since her arrogance was torn to piece by Yozora , what's left of that arrogance is her fantasizing that she is a goddess and her language when she tries to denies that she wants to do activties with others.

I do somewhat understand your position. I wouldn't say that her arrogance has been "torn to piece by Yozora"; I'd phrase it differently, but it's mostly true I think. It's a really good point you've made about Sena's arrogance mostly being reduced to her fantasies.

For example, when they did the movie (after Yozora got caught plagiarizing) in volume 7 ("In the Rika Room"), Sena basically cast herself as a goddess.

MiloticBear said:
I think my failing to understand "Why do people like Sena so much?" is starting to come down to understanding where her character is at and the empathy I am supposed to be feeling for her through the narrative. I think the confession only focused on the growth of Kodaka's character and completely ignored Sena afterwards (most likely for an explanation in a later season).

It's strange that I've never gone further with this point about the movie scripts. Maybe this will explain my position a bit better...

When Sena casts herself as a goddess in her script, it superficially appears that she's still the same Sena who holds herself above everyone else. However, my opinion is that she doesn't really think of her wishes as being more important than anyone else's. Recall that Sena actually included everyone else's requests in the script that she wrote. It wasn't a script made to glorify Sena, but rather to celebrate each club member's ideals.

In contrast, Yozora was too busy thinking about how to match herself up with Kodaka in the movie, going so far as to plagiarize, even rewriting the script completely when the casting threw a wrench into her plan, then finally rewriting it properly after (a) Sena's statement that "This is the present, it doesn't matter what happened in the past!!" and (b) having an important conversation with Kodaka about the value of the past compared to the present (see below).

This theme about focusing on the present rather than the past is especially strong when you consider Sena's actions. She pushes past her previous barriers (girls who talk behind her back and teased her relentlessly in middle school, her opinion of boys who have only ever thrown themselves at her feet) - with the help of Yozora's goading - and moves forward. She got tricked by Yozora? Oh well; being involved in some hazing is better than being ignored. Again? Oh well. Again? Oh well. How many people would be willing to subject themselves to that kind of treatment over and over again?

When she confesses, her words echo that theme.

If we go by the two examples above (which I fully admit is cherry picking), then it would seem that Sena's the one who cares about the club while Yozora's still in the frame of mind that the club exists only to let her get closer to Kodaka (or rather Taka). When Sena confesses, she smashes Yozora's delusion; the club exists not just for Yozora to get closer to Kodaka, but for everyone.

Now I can understand that some people interpret Sena's confession to be thoughtless of the other club members' feelings, but I don't buy it. Sena is considerate enough to write a script that, while terrible, was appealing enough to the entire club that they actually enjoyed filming it. We never see or hear about her writing the script and there was no guarantee that it would ever be used. Was it arrogance - that she thought Yozora's script would fail? Or was it her desire to make sure that the club would be able to do its movie - just in case Yozora's script didn't work?

At this point, it's anyone's guess as to whether or not Sena had considered everyone's feelings before she confessed. I think she did (since she admits to having thought long and hard about confessing in the first line in the quote), but I don't have proof. But in the same vein, no one has proof that she hadn't considered their feelings either.

I think the difference we might get caught up on is if you think she shouldn't have confessed just because the other girls like Kodaka too. To me, that's a non-issue and a poor excuse not to confess one's honest feelings. I think she's been nudging Yozora into considering her present feelings about Kodaka rather than her past feelings. It doesn't seem unreasonable to confess after giving advice to your perceived number one rival. I'm not sure she would have been able to find any better timing for confessing her feelings either. At the very least, it had to be done in front of everyone; going behind the other girls' backs would be far worse in my opinion.

Anyways, I agree with you MiloticBear on one point - I don't buy that we're supposed to dislike Kodaka for running away either. I'm quite sympathetic to pretty much everyone who has a history that interferes with their moving forward. But ultimately, the reason I like Sena more than the others (Rika being a close second) is because she is straightforward and doesn't get bogged down by things that shouldn't matter (which should explain why I like the fact that she confessed).
JamadaAug 16, 2013 1:59 AM
Aug 16, 2013 6:16 PM
Oct 2012
MiloticBear said:
But that could be a good thing, unlike Rika, she is recognizes and is honest with herself. And unlike Yozora, she hasn't regressed to her problems and faced them head on.

Uhm, Rika is the person most honest with herself, she is the only one who has been honest the entire time. How could you miss that point?

Sena has never had an issue with honesty in that she tells people what she thinks, but she isn't entirely honest with herself. This is what Yusa shows. Yusa is everything that Sena says she wants, a girl who absolutely adores Sena, but for Sena that is boring. Sena is attracted to Yozora because Yozora abuses her. That was made fairly clear in the beach scene. Sena has more than a touch of a masochist in her. The same is true with her and Kodaka. If you recall it wasn't that he rescued her that she responded to, it was when he yelled at her and put her in her place for her actions. That was the trigger for her.

As for Yozora, her true character hasn't been revealed yet. I am not sure that she actually wants Kodaka as a boyfriend, I think the reason she made a couple of feints in that direction is because she thinks that friends kiss and c'est ci bon. That was what the Homoge taught her. But the true test came when she finally had the courage to ask Kodaka out on a date (and Kodaka knew it was a date) and then came dressed in a jersey and proceeded to friendzone him for the entire date.

I think we are going to discover that something really bad happened to Yozora (or she did something really bad and is driving everyone else away in atonement), and her reason for clinging to Kodaka is because he was the only friend she had in her life and he is her "cat cafe", the "paradise in this crappy world". This is why we know absolutely nothing about Yozora's family except that she lives in an apartment (which is interesting in that she is going to an expensive school and there is no indication she is there on a scholarship). This is why we haven't had much overt Yozora development, because that is what the show is really about, once we know why she changed the show will be pretty much over.
Aug 16, 2013 9:30 PM
Dec 2012
MiloticBear said:
It's not just that the other girls like Kodaka, but that nature and relationship of the club is going to change because of that confession and would affect the idea of all of them becoming friends. Considering what happens afterwards, it does break up the club. However, I do understand that it was an inevitable hurdle that was going to come around and I don't fault the story for going in that direction. I imagine it will help them grow stronger as friends when it reaches its conclusion.

That's basically my opinion on the matter in full. It had to happen at some point in time, and I think that it's actually for the best. Kodaka's "solution" of "Eh? What was that?" was doomed from the beginning (as Rika foretold).

I think I understand better about the personality traits that people like in Sena's character.

This pleases me. The thread is titled "Why Do People Like Sena So Much?" so it's nice that I was able to expound my own reasons.

Takuan_Soho said:
MiloticBear said:
But that could be a good thing, unlike Rika, she is recognizes and is honest with herself. And unlike Yozora, she hasn't regressed to her problems and faced them head on.

Uhm, Rika is the person most honest with herself, she is the only one who has been honest the entire time. How could you miss that point?

I'm inclined to agree with this... but I seem to have a vague feeling that MiloticBear is right in some subtle way. I can't recall exactly why I have that feeling however. Meh.

Sena has never had an issue with honesty in that she tells people what she thinks, but she isn't entirely honest with herself.

Yes, that's very accurate I think.

This is what Yusa shows. Yusa is everything that Sena says she wants, a girl who absolutely adores Sena, but for Sena that is boring.

I'm not sure Yusa is an example of Sena's self-dishonesty. Rather, it's absolutely delicious dramatic irony - Sena isn't even aware that Yusa is secretly a Sena fangirl (since their scenes together didn't actually display any of Yusa's admiration for Sena). If she did know about Yusa, I wonder how well they'd actually get along.

You could be right that Sena wouldn't care for her, but maybe she'd enjoy having the classic "ojou-sama is the best" type lackey. It would probably inflate her arrogance even more, so it's probably for the best that she didn't find out....

(Haa... Yusa was/is such a cute character. It's too bad she had to be a "villain". I actually hope to see more of her, though I have no idea how she'll fit in with the Neighbour's Club now that she's tried destroying it. Maybe the club is disbanded and merged with the student council later on? Actually, the interaction between "King Lear" and Yozora might become an important event, so it's possible.)

Sena is attracted to Yozora because Yozora abuses her. That was made fairly clear in the beach scene. Sena has more than a touch of a masochist in her. The same is true with her and Kodaka. If you recall it wasn't that he rescued her that she responded to, it was when he yelled at her and put her in her place for her actions. That was the trigger for her.

That's also very accurate I think. You made a good point in an earlier post about her upbringing having a strong effect on her character. Sena has had a life of two types of interaction: (a) praising, and (b) snubbing/ignoring. The thing she's lacked for most of her life is someone to criticize her (and step on her apparently). When it happens, it turns out that she likes it.

As for Yozora, her true character hasn't been revealed yet. I am not sure that she actually wants Kodaka as a boyfriend, I think the reason she made a couple of feints in that direction is because she thinks that friends kiss and c'est ci bon. That was what the Homoge taught her. But the true test came when she finally had the courage to ask Kodaka out on a date (and Kodaka knew it was a date) and then came dressed in a jersey and proceeded to friendzone him for the entire date.

True. I'm really not sure how we're supposed to interpret her feelings. Her having romantic feelings would certainly add to the drama of the situation. But even if it's not romantic, there's plenty of room for development - to get to the point where she can say "I want to be Kodaka's friend" rather than "I want to be Taka's friend".

This is why we haven't had much overt Yozora development, because that is what the show is really about, once we know why she changed the show will be pretty much over.

I agree with this. The story started off episodically; the club got together and did stupid/amusing stuff together. Not much development was overt. There are some obvious moments where the overall story developed (the first one probably being Sora's reveal), but the character development was much more subtle.

At this point, I am hoping that the series comes to an end soon (next two volumes ending with 10). The tension of having to wait for answers is killer.
JamadaAug 16, 2013 9:37 PM
Aug 17, 2013 8:11 AM
Nov 2007
Jamada said:
At this point, I am hoping that the series comes to an end soon (next two volumes ending with 10). The tension of having to wait for answers is killer.

I doubt the series will end soon. There's still a list of unresolved issues to deal with and these changes are at best gradual. As a start, the series should at least with the characters having fixed their negatives (Yozora - Bad personality, Sena - Acting like a god, Kobato - Always turning people away).
Saturday... Night's Alright!
Aug 19, 2013 4:08 PM

Sep 2011
She is good looking. But mostly the hate caused by Yozora have automatically shifted people who dislike Yozora to her.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 19, 2013 4:14 PM

Jan 2013
Nidstang said:
Because she's THE MEAT of the story.

I loled, and didn't read anything else from your post on.

I like Sora more, but Sena is close second or third... so many remarkable female characters in this anime :D.
Aug 20, 2013 12:38 PM

Aug 2013
I don't like Sena particularly much, she's typically so arrogant and obnoxious, besides that the fanservice is annoying. We get that her boobs are huge, we don't need to see them every 10 seconds.
Aug 20, 2013 12:51 PM

Apr 2013
Domstan said:
I don't like Sena particularly much, she's typically so arrogant and obnoxious, besides that the fanservice is annoying. We get that her boobs are huge, we don't need to see them every 10 seconds.

Basically , you just talked like Yozora right now aka "She's a walking porn scene/fanservice(in your case)" is what you're saying , right?
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 20, 2013 12:57 PM

Aug 2013
Sort of. It's not like I completely hate her, she does have good moments, when she's genuinely relatable, say, when it's just her and Kodaka in that café, but a lot of the time, she is just being, a 'walking porn scene/fanservice'
Aug 20, 2013 1:00 PM

Apr 2013
I know what you're saying , I just found it funny that someone actually said it so similar to Yozora's way of speaking .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 20, 2013 1:01 PM

Aug 2013
I did? Hadn't noticed.
Aug 20, 2013 1:19 PM
Jul 2012
Yozora-fans are similar to Yozora.
Sena-fans are similar to Sena.

In most cases you also share some traits with a character you like (being your type, having similar opinions, personality...).

Everything that reminds you of yourself (in your case you are sharing the same opinion with Yozora) - you automatically will like it / start to like the character.
Aug 20, 2013 1:24 PM

Aug 2013
I don't like Yozora that much, actually, Yukimura's my favourite out of the Neighbour's Club. To me, Yozora tends to be like Sena, she does have nice, typically quiet moments, but generally she's a manipulative bitch.
Aug 20, 2013 1:31 PM

Apr 2013
mironicus said:
Yozora-fans are similar to Yozora.
Sena-fans are similar to Sena.

In most cases you also share some traits with a character you like (being your type, having similar opinions, personality...).

Everything that reminds you of yourself (in your case you are sharing the same opinion with Yozora) - you automatically will like it / start to like the character.

Nope . I dont find myself in her , I like her the way she is , I like the way she thinks .
And dont generalize it , I dont hate Sena , I'm not a Yozora x Kodaka sheep and hates Sena for that . From my point of view Sena can have everything she wants but I want Yozora as an MC in the show.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 20, 2013 1:33 PM
Jul 2012
What do you like about Yukimura?

Nope . I dont find myself in her , I like her the way she is , I like the way she thinks .

You are actually identifying with her. Your thoughts about Yozora are a reflection of your own personality. ^^
mironicusAug 20, 2013 1:43 PM
Aug 20, 2013 1:37 PM

Aug 2013
I don't know exactly, I just think he/she's an interesting character.
Aug 20, 2013 2:53 PM

Sep 2011
All fhe characters in the series are pretty flat. Except Rika... Maybe
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 20, 2013 2:59 PM

Apr 2013
mironicus said:
What do you like about Yukimura?

Nope . I dont find myself in her , I like her the way she is , I like the way she thinks .

You are actually identifying with her. Your thoughts about Yozora are a reflection of your own personality. ^^

I have far too much experience with this type of're way too convinced that what you said is true.....and it is pointless to say that I'm not.
You're convinced that everyone see's themselves in that character and too stubborn to see that some arent .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 20, 2013 3:24 PM

Aug 2013
BloodyNightsky said:
I have far too much experience with this type of're way too convinced that what you said is true.....and it is pointless to say that I'm not.
You're convinced that everyone see's themselves in that character and too stubborn to see that some arent .

I agreew ith this. It's certainly possible that seeing an element of yourself in a character, might be a reason you like them, but it's certainly not why you like the character.
Aug 21, 2013 3:58 AM
Aug 2012
Time to weigh in.

Sena has always been the best girl in the show for me as well, but after reading a bit of this thread, I realized that I had no idea why I felt that way. Thanks to OP for creating a topic that made me think.

I usually hate big-breasted anime chicks (don't shoot!), but for some reason, Sena is the only girl I don't mind them on; which still leaves the question: why don't I mind for Sena?

I think I grew to like Sena more because of how much Yozora picks on her. I realize that she does it back, but the way it is portrayed makes her seem more victimized.

Also, I think I like the relationship between her and Kodaka better. For instance, in the episode(s) where he saw her topless, and then pretended not to notice, just put a huge smile on my face. I like the idea of him "protecting" her like that. And my heart just melted when her dad told him to take care of her.

In contrast to Yozora:

Yozora is portrayed, at least from my point of view, as more of a bully than a friend. Not only is she shown picking on Sena more than the reverse, but she also screwed with everybody in the club at one point. I realize that it was just because she wanted Kodaka to herself, but that kind of story just doesn't stick to me as much. She also puts Kodaka down a lot more than Sena does, and I really do feel bad for him a lot of times.

Anyway, Sena and Kobato are best girls.
Sep 16, 2013 9:01 AM
Jul 2010
The_Gray_Otaku said:

1) Perhaps, but the cruelty of that one encounter certainly made that side of her quite apparent. And yes, I'm biased towards Yozora, but Sena's treatment of her after the plagiarism incident also showed just how cruel Sena can be imo.
I'm not saying that Sena is great, but I prefer her over Yozora ANY day. Yozora a vindictive and manipulative S&M queen that treats everyone (and Sena in particular) like crap. You feel sorry for Yozora when Sena was mean to her? ORLY? You don't think Yozora deserves that kind of treatment seeing as how she always treat Sena?

As for Sena? Her appeal? I dunno, she feels real I guess? Most of her appeal probably comes from the cute scenes she has with the MC or from when she is treated badly by Yozora. Every time Yozora treats Sena badly, I end up liking the blonde more. So I guess I like Sena mainly because Yozora is so damn unlikeable?
Sep 16, 2013 12:08 PM

Jan 2013
mironicus said:
Yozora-fans are similar to Yozora.
Sena-fans are similar to Sena.

In most cases you also share some traits with a character you like (being your type, having similar opinions, personality...).

Everything that reminds you of yourself (in your case you are sharing the same opinion with Yozora) - you automatically will like it / start to like the character.

You do realize that Sena is kind of loving Yozora? If you don't then go back to the episode where she is in bed with Yozora's wig xD.
Anyways if it's so then aren't people who like Sora more like Sena? xD
Sep 21, 2013 3:14 AM

Oct 2012
Yukimura was my favorite, though in all honesty, I prefer Yozora over Sena as a likable character.

kaiirii said:
She's honest, and in this anime world of generic harems its just refreshing to have a female lead that says "Yeah I like you, lets get together?".

There's actually very few that don't. It's usually just the MC that doesn't and in this anime, he of course doesn't, though at least they give him a reason in this anime.

SOExclusive said:
I think some people on here like her because she is a blonde, with big tits, and unlike most female characters, not afraid to express herself.

You can almost say that is the ideal woman these anime fan love so much

There isn't a doubt in my mind that at least a third of those that like her so much have that as their reason. I've actually seen some posts on some boards on other animes state a character was their favorite solely because she was blonde...
Sep 25, 2013 9:40 AM

May 2013
Paul said:
Because tits.



na358999Sep 25, 2013 9:43 AM
Sep 25, 2013 9:44 AM

Sep 2013
I don't. My favorite is Maria and Kobato... what?
Sep 25, 2013 3:24 PM

Sep 2011
na35899 said:
Paul said:
Because tits.




... I guess you are one of those extremists of the Yozora side, or just a flat chest lover.

Better girl: Rika.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Sep 25, 2013 5:01 PM
Oct 2012
GodlyKyon said:

... I guess you are one of those extremists of the Yozora side, or just a flat chest lover.

Better girl: Rika.

While I am one of those who think that Yozora in the end will be the best character (once she gets over her all personal issues), I can't see how anyone who has watched this show to date can't think Rika is the better girl as things stand now. By far the cutest on a constant basis with the best personality; extremely smart, extremely loyal, always trying her best to make people happy, and anyone who can drop a Porco Rosso reference into a sexual fantasy is all-right in my book. Things may change in the future, but if one had to decide now, fetishes asiede, who wouldn't pick Rika? Sena is too arrogant, Yozora too screwed up, Yukimura too confused, Maria and Kobata too young, and Kate being a nun?
Sep 25, 2013 7:12 PM

Sep 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
GodlyKyon said:

... I guess you are one of those extremists of the Yozora side, or just a flat chest lover.

Better girl: Rika.

While I am one of those who think that Yozora in the end will be the best character (once she gets over her all personal issues), I can't see how anyone who has watched this show to date can't think Rika is the better girl as things stand now. By far the cutest on a constant basis with the best personality; extremely smart, extremely loyal, always trying her best to make people happy, and anyone who can drop a Porco Rosso reference into a sexual fantasy is all-right in my book. Things may change in the future, but if one had to decide now, fetishes asiede, who wouldn't pick Rika? Sena is too arrogant, Yozora too screwed up, Yukimura too confused, Maria and Kobata too young, and Kate being a nun?

Actually, Kobato isn't too young. Thats not an obstacle, really.

But Kate... I have a distinct feeling Nuns that wear hair accessory isn't exactly hinting at realism. She's hot, and really lax, so she is second to me.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Sep 25, 2013 7:14 PM

Nov 2012
Her tits. really.
Sep 25, 2013 7:23 PM
Jan 2013
I think it is because when you contrast Sena and Yozora, Sena wins. I know it's subjective but I'd like to see a poll between to two. Also she gets more screen time compared to the others with just her. Which for me, is no probs. because after Kobato she is my favourite.
Sep 27, 2013 9:22 AM

May 2013
GodlyKyon said:
na35899 said:
Paul said:
Because tits.




... I guess you are one of those extremists of the Yozora side, or just a flat chest lover.

Better girl: Rika.

i wont argue with you......

sena is too stupid and innocent, she believe everything yozora and rika told her in first episode, this type of girl (stupid and innocent) is the type that you date and have fun with (sex), BUT yozora the smart and survivng type will definitely married kodaka, if not then he is too stupid and should be with a stupid girl like sena :)
Sep 27, 2013 3:17 PM

Sep 2011
na35899 said:
GodlyKyon said:
na35899 said:
Paul said:
Because tits.




... I guess you are one of those extremists of the Yozora side, or just a flat chest lover.

Better girl: Rika.

i wont argue with you......

sena is too stupid and innocent, she believe everything yozora and rika told her in first episode, this type of girl (stupid and innocent) is the type that you date and have fun with (sex), BUT yozora the smart and survivng type will definitely married kodaka, if not then he is too stupid and should be with a stupid girl like sena :)

So you concede that Rika is the best girl? Also

"Definitely married" is the past tense, not the future tense.

I don't see how Yozora is supposedly superior to Sena. She is bitter and vengeful, hard to socialize with, ergo, the reason she established the club. She didn't believe in anything Yozora told her, and was the first to call her out on her bullshit script in the play. Yozora clearly doesn't care about others' feelings very much, and is very selfish.

It's a stretch to be talking about them marrying already. Yozora does not choose to interact with anyone closely, even Kodaka. All she has ever did was meet them and reveal that she's the childhood friend. Achievement? Other than the so-called childhood friend interactions, which do not matter anymore as he has made a whole new group of friends, she has nothing.

Kodaka and Yozora have no chemistry together, in fact, there was next to no interaction that I found memorable between them. There is no reason for them to end up together.

Hell, in what way is she smart anyhow? She isn't, it's just a cliche as Sena's is, nothing actually substantial to the series. She isn't even a likable character, which is shocking since likable =/= good with protagonist. The author can't even manage to make her sympathizeable to me, Yozora is a failed character, though not as bad as Maria, she is a failed MAIN CHARACTER
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Sep 27, 2013 7:44 PM
Oct 2012
GodlyKyon said:
I don't see how Yozora is supposedly superior to Sena.

Sena's fault is in her personality; since she is an elite, she will never lose that obnoxious arrogance of hers. Yozora's problems (and there are many) have a cause, and in having a cause there is hope that there is a cure, and once cured, Yozora would be a pretty awesome person. The cause will become clearer in Vol. 9, but the clues were there in Next (and I wrote about it back when the series ended).

If you want a truer insight into the two characters all you have to do is to see how they react to the games they play: Sena and her eroge, and Yozora with the galge. I would also point out the episode where they watched the homoge, the lines that Yoroza remembered, and the lines that Sena read. That was where their true personalities shown forth.

Another area she is superior to Sena is with her self-honesty. Yozora doesn't pretend to want friends, she doesn't pretend to like people, in contradistinction to Sena who claims she wants girl friend, but it soon becomes clear that she doesn't. Yusa helps to show this, but the real indication is when Sena goes on about how much she "loves" Kobata, she shows no real empathy with Kobata, instead becoming a stalker whose main goal (as the eroge showed) is for Kobata to serve as her lust object.

Yozora actually isn't bitter. Saying she is bitter implies some sort of resentment, but it isn't like Yozora tried to be popular and failed, making her bitter; the scenes where she acts the most pathetic actually have a meaning behind them. Yozora actually has some severe psychological issues made evident by her inability to be out in public, her reaction on the train when they said she both "looked like a girl" and was cute (this realization drove her into only wearing sweatsuits when out in public), and her collapsing after confronting Yusa, all show that there is something in Yozora's past that is causing her to act this way.

Far from being a "failed main character", Yozora is the one who is driving the action. In short she is the true protagonist of this series. Kodaka is merely riding on her coat-tails.
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