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Mar 12, 2011 7:38 AM

Aug 2009

Cliched or not, I think everyone of us can talk a little about ourselves, because the purpose of this club is to bring its members closer and allow us to have lots of funny and great moments.

Soooo.. don't be shy OR lazy (my case most of the times.. :P) and come tell us a bit about you, your interests, a few things that can shed some light to your mystery! ;D

Lotus97Aug 16, 2012 3:16 PM
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
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Mar 13, 2011 2:45 PM

Aug 2009
Since I opened the topic, I'll start first writing a few basic things about me.

Sooo mina-san nice to meet you! I'm Nataly and I'm Greek. I turned 24 this past December and I'm still studying to get my degree in architecture.

In my free time, apart from anime, I love vidding, I'm doing it for over 3 years now and I post my works on YouTube. I've also done a research on it for uni.

I started becoming interested in Japan in my elementary years when Japanese students came to my school to celebrate 100 years of friendship between our countries, and we did together many activities. I took part in a traditional Japanese dance with original kimono and then we got from them many souvenirs and stuff. Since then Japan is in my heart. Last year, at last, I started Japanese lessons in a school and I just got my first degree N5 of JLPT.

I love music, playing electric piano, and lately trying to play lots of anime music too..
I also love learning new languages and things about other peoples' cultures.
I have two cats and I generally adore cats! I'm not too fond of dogs though..
Most of the times I like being left alone but I can't be for too long without friends either.

My most favourite food is.. sweets.. ^^
I'm a Capricorn with ascendant in Pisces.

I want to visit Japan one day.. and who knows.. ¿ maybe live in it for a while ?

In anime, manga and generally in stories, I love deep, emotional plots with good exploited characters..anti-heroes being my fav ones :) Music and animation plays a huge part in affecting my decision.

Hope I can hear a few stuff about you now and get to know you more! ;)
JusticeUndoneMar 15, 2011 7:24 AM
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Mar 14, 2011 2:42 PM

Jan 2011
Lovely to meet you Nataly.

I'm Dominic, I'm 28 (to be 29 later this year...GAAAHHHHH!!). I'm an American, not an ugly one though ^_^. Other than anime I'm a big reader and gamer amongst other things. I also enjoy anonymity, so that's all I'll post for now, but if you would like to know more, just ask.

Oh and I'm a sarcastic ass dude, so try not to take too much of what I say seriously.
Mar 17, 2011 6:22 AM

Aug 2009
Hi Dominic! Nice to meet you too and welcome to the 20's! :) Enjoy yourself here!
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Mar 18, 2011 4:17 PM

Jun 2010
Hi, I am Leon.
Apr 29, 2011 7:54 AM

Jan 2011
bumping this for all the new folks to see and intro themselves, if they so wish. ^_^
Apr 29, 2011 8:28 PM
Apr 2011
Hi All. My name is Chris. But I've had the nickname Toasty for many years. Which ever one is fine. I'm 29 years old. Turning 30 July 1st. Jezz 30! well...whatever. I grew up in Los Angeles California. I lived there till i was 21. When I finished up collage I moved to beautiful Lake Tahoe Ca. I've been here for about 9 years now.

I'm a simple person to get along with as long as you know the 4 main things I love:

Good tequila




Lets see...I'm the floor manger & bartender for a Bar/Club called the Fat Cat. I love live music and good drinks. My jobs require a lot of both. So I've grown fond of my jobs.

I've always been fascinated with Japaneses culture. I plan to visit japan many times before my life comes to an end. I've been learning Japaneses in my spare time. Not fluent yet. But getting there.

I also like to game as well. MMORPG's. At the moment im stuck on a game called Aion.

As far as anime goes...Im going to steal some stuff from my profile:

I basically been a fan of anime since i could remember. Voltron was my first anime back in 84 and 85.(One of the first true Mecha shows that came out...Still think they made that lame Power Ranger show off that!!!)(...But whatever) Right when Nintendo first came out.. Then it went all the Sailor Moons, db,dbz,dbgt, (Dragon ball series ).haha. I've seen about 100 different anime over time.Manga...jezzz. Dont even know... I just started this list... Going back and watching some again, so I can put them down. I like almost any genre, But mostly stuff with Comedy/action/romance. The action can be mecha/swords/guns/fantasy/magic. I am down for a wonan that can swing a sword around calmly:P.. When it comes to the romance part... I tend to be picky. It has to be more adult. A relationship that builds. How ever i do like the cheesy guy who never knows what to do. It's a love hate thing. Depends on the mood..haha. I'm always down for any suggestions for new anime to watch.

Well that about it... I look forward to discussing anime with you all:)

ToastkinsMay 7, 2011 6:42 PM
May 2, 2011 9:56 PM

Jan 2011
a late pleased to meet you chris. although i can't subscribe to the fondness of tequila ( a few bad experiences, you understand) I can certainly subscribe to the joy of the other 4 you have listed. keep up the participation. you are a very welcome addition.
May 3, 2011 9:12 AM

Jan 2011
Hi hi! Nice to meet you all! I'm Camellia, yes it's my real name. :) Nickname is Cammy. I'm 21 and a Sophomore, I guess you can say, in College. I'm going for my B.A and my major is English. I work part time as a Library Clerk/Assistant and I love it there! As you can see, I'm fond of books. :p

Other things are anime, manga, photography, writing, a little of astrology and psychology. Ermm, my favorite anime is Naruto and Bleach. I love listening to music whenever I get the chance; anime, classical, mostly anything besides metal and rap. Umm, oh and I've also always been intrigued by Japanese culture. Yes, it was mainly because of watching anime, but soon after I started really looking into Japanese culture and found it really interesting. I'm in the middle of trying to learn their language. I'm also hoping to travel there after I graduate.

Oh and even though I'm 21, I still haven't tried alcohol or gotten drunk. Really. :p Though I have tried it once before, and because of that it was said (by my friends) I'm a lightweight and should stay away from it lol.

And...that's all for now! Ask if you have any questions! <3
YukiTsubakiJun 10, 2011 7:12 PM
May 3, 2011 11:46 AM

Jan 2011
very pleased to meet you, especially being an English major. you may not know it from how i write (grammatically, etc) but i'm a former english major myself. love reading and it's a pleasure to have a fellow book lover here.

oh and no need to rush to drinking. it's not for everybody.

you are most welcome. \m/\m/
May 3, 2011 9:33 PM

Apr 2011

first thanks for inviting me!!!

My name is Alvina, just turned 21 & ofc I love animes...
Still, am a beginner in this domain!!

Right now am studying management (2nd year) & also working in a bank!!!


May 4, 2011 5:29 AM

Jan 2011
you're welcome for the invite. enjoy yourself here, the more participation the better. if you have any suggestions, please say so.
May 6, 2011 5:40 AM

Jan 2011
billmurderface said:
very pleased to meet you, especially being an English major. you may not know it from how i write (grammatically, etc) but i'm a former english major myself. love reading and it's a pleasure to have a fellow book lover here.

oh and no need to rush to drinking. it's not for everybody.

you are most welcome. m/m/

Oh cooly! A fellow English major and book lover. :) What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

Haha, that's good to know. I probably won't ever be a drinker. ^^ And thank you for the welcome! It's a pleasure to meet you as well!
May 6, 2011 8:11 AM

Jan 2011
why cammellia thanks for asking!! =D well i'm a history nerd (my current major) as well, so a lot of what i read is history based. historical novels, alternate history sci-fi, and just plain history. also the romantic poets, keats, wordsworth, shelley, byron, etc, amongst many other things, but that stands out.

how about yourself? i'm always too keen to meet a fellow reader. ^_^
May 7, 2011 7:36 PM
Apr 2011
Nataly,Dominic,Camellia,Leon,Alvina...Nice to meet you all. This looks like a good group forming up:) I did leave a lot of stuff out about myself. But after reading your entries it seems I do share a lot more in common with you all, then i originally put down.(With the exception of the drinking Like my love for reading and writing as well. I love reading fantasy books myself. I'm also working on a book in my spare time. Well it's more like I'm writing a story that i want to be made an anime. Perhaps after Il write a few more chapters and fill in some gaps in the story I can share it with all of you:)
ToastkinsMay 7, 2011 10:38 PM
May 7, 2011 9:19 PM

Jan 2011
hey if you're writing a story you want to be an anime...there is an "anime i want to see made" should fill us in a lil bit. i'm a curious little monkey =D
May 8, 2011 4:16 PM

Aug 2009
Welcome to the club Chris, Camelia and Alvina!

Camelia we share the same love for astrology! My mom got me into it, and I really like it since then. Plus I love Naruto and Bleach too. Glad to see more girls interested in big shounen anime. Good luck with Japanese language as well, it's very interesting and an amazing experience learning it!

Alvina you're welcome for the invite. We're glad to have you here. Feel free to post and share your thoughts with us anytime.

Chris, I believe we've already talked a little. Nice to read about your interests! I believe everyone would be glad to read your story. Keep posting on the forum and having fun! ;)

Take care everyone and stay active as much as you can! :)
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
May 11, 2011 6:31 PM

May 2011
Hi everyone. I'm Ananda.
I like to read A LOT. Just about anything from Harry Potter (I remember reading it before it was this "phenomenon") to Tom Clancy, to Stephen King to Anne McCaffrey, Tolkien and Herbert. so if you wanna talk about books I'm here :D I don't have enough room for my books. It's probably a good thing I don't have the money to my manga, or I'd REALLY be in trouble lol.
I also watch a lot of "regular" tv shows, my favorites are M*A*S*H, Star Trek TNG, House, and Lost, but I'll watch almost anything.
I like to float around on deviantart a lot, so if you have a page there let me know :) My username there is the same as here. I kind of dabble in photography, and ceramics painting. I used to write a lot, but not so much anymore. I just kind of lack the inspiration.
I've been *trying* to learn Japanese for the last year or so, but without any formal instruction it's proving to be pretty complicated. When I decide to go back to college, it'll be to teach, though I'm not sure what.
I'm kind of a computer nerd, I worked at a phone-in help desk for a while, but I've done hands-on repair many times. I remember working on the old "Apple Macintosh" computers, before they were just "Macs". :P
I'm also trying to learn to draw a little, but coloring's really more my thing. (Geez I feel like a kid when I say I like to color lol.) I drew the eye in my profile picture. :D

(I also tend to ramble a little...)
May 11, 2011 7:08 PM

Jan 2011
Welcome again Amanda. we are fortunate to have you with us. and a frank herbert fan too (i'm a big dune nerd)!! i thought you had an artistic flair, one of the reasons i invited you actually. keep trying to write, the inspiration will come.

i'm impressed with the literacy of this group, really. a lot of readers and writers and creators it seems here. very excellent!!
May 11, 2011 7:18 PM

May 2011
I read my way through the Dune novels last year, longest it's ever taken me to read a series. That said, I LOVED it. Right now I'm reading Tom Clancy's "Ryanverse" series. It's kind of a beast too. *thinks...* All this talk of books, there should really be a book thread around here somewhere lol.
May 11, 2011 7:58 PM

Jan 2011
nebuladraconian said:
I read my way through the Dune novels last year, longest it's ever taken me to read a series. That said, I LOVED it. Right now I'm reading Tom Clancy's "Ryanverse" series. It's kind of a beast too. *thinks...* All this talk of books, there should really be a book thread around here somewhere lol.

Dune is so immersive, it's like a mind trap...and you know what, you're totally right. with all of us book-learning type people here we do need a book thread. if one is not up in the next couple days i will, but i think someone else may do better with it :P
May 12, 2011 1:50 AM

Aug 2010

I'm 27 and Nataricha(my J-classmaitto) dragged me here 'nough said LOL blame it to her :P

you can call me Haruka, Haru, Harunyan, Harutan, Harusensei LOL

shoujo & yuri anime/ manga
and my biggest love is The Takarazuka Kagekidan

minasama yoroshiku onegai itashimasu
May 12, 2011 10:48 AM

Jan 2011
you are so very welcome minasama, please don't be shy and post as often as you like. you should invite your friend as well, as long as she fits the qualifications of course. =P
May 12, 2011 11:45 AM

May 2011
*waves at Haruka* Thanks for joining us; feel free to jump in on the other threads, we'll keep you busy lol :P
May 12, 2011 1:22 PM

Aug 2010
thank you guys
by the way
Nataricha that I mentioned is actually JusticeUndone bUWAHAHAH :P
May 12, 2011 2:13 PM

Jan 2011
makazeharuka said:
thank you guys
by the way
Nataricha that I mentioned is actually JusticeUndone bUWAHAHAH :P

hmm you are a sneaky bunch aren't you? =P...well if that's the case...WELCOME EVEN MORE!!!! ^_^
May 12, 2011 3:25 PM

Aug 2009
makazeharuka said:
thank you guys
by the way
Nataricha that I mentioned is actually JusticeUndone bUWAHAHAH :P

Harunyaaan :DD Thnx for joining!!! *.*
I didn't come today.. did u finish class earlier? Themis told me so. What happened?

Btw, welcome to the club and feel free to post anywhere u like!!! :D
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
May 12, 2011 3:45 PM

Aug 2010

strike happened what else >_> when Semisu called we left.
May 12, 2011 4:43 PM

Aug 2009
makazeharuka said:

strike happened what else >_> when Semisu called we left.

yes i know, he told me! :( it was still so early.. :/ what time do we meet on Saturday and where?! :) the contest is 7:00 or 7:30?
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
May 13, 2011 12:27 AM

Aug 2010
contest is at 6, we meet at pedion tou areaos at 5 so we can all go together, its at dikastiria.
anyway better talk with kuristosu maybe you can come together etc.
May 13, 2011 9:33 AM

Apr 2011
Hi. I was a former English major, also studied Art and Theater. I used to be a big gamer, but not much anymore. I don't watch much TV anymore, but still make time for Anime and comedy shows like Conan. I originally just joined MAL to participate in Bleach forums but I'm having fun with other stuff now too. I want to collect cards, but so far none of my requests have been answered :(
Lotus97May 8, 2022 2:53 PM
May 20, 2011 10:11 AM

May 2011
Hi! Good to have you join us!
o.O There's a Saint Petersburg in Florida? Hm. Shows how much I (don't) know. Anyway, I think you're the first person I've met online from Russia. Kinda cool.
Myself, I've always liked anime, but never really made a big deal out of it until recently. I always thought my friends would think I'm kinda weird for it, but they think that anyway lol! It's always kinda fun to "convert" people though :P
May 23, 2011 6:07 AM

Jan 2011
i feel so behind in not welcoming such great new members!

welcome joe, you've posted for a little bit here, but it's a pleasure to have yet ANOTHER former english major on board! hold out for a card here, justice promised when we get to 50 members, so keep your eyes out for potential members.

welcome natalya, great to have a russian here, getting international! i've always had a great affinity for your culture and history. and your hockey players too! =P

and sarah, welcome to you as well! great to have another DMVer here! i also hope to be at Otakon this year, would be a blast =P...hopefully, keeping my fingers crossed. i hope you stay active as well. ^_^
May 26, 2011 9:20 AM

Apr 2011
Hi, I am János (=John) from Hungary, but I was born in Germany, that's why I speak German fluently. I am 30 years old and studied German and History at the University in Budapest, but in the lost five years I attended a lot of computer courses,and my aim is to become a System Administrator.
My hobbies are reading (I like German, French and English literature, my favourite authors are Dürrenmatt, Brecht, E.T.A Hoffmann, Verne among others), listening to music, surfing the net and of course computer science.
I like both classical music (operas, symphonies, etc.) and entertaining music, my favourite genres are rock, especially progressive rock of the seventies, alternative music, a few heavy metal bands, and triphop like Portishead, Tricky or Primal Scream.
I have been studying English for about eight years and this year I would like to take the advanced language exam in it. As I am a great fan of Italian operas, I would like to study Italian as well in order to understand the texts of the operas.
I like a lot of anime genres like shounen, fantasy, sci-fi, horror and ecchi, but there are some romantic or slice-of-life animes which are quite good (Honey and Clover, Lovely Complex) despite the fact that romantic genres are not my cup of tea.
I haven't read mangas yet because I don't like the style of drawing.
Sorry for the long introduction, I hope it wasn't too boring. I have already written some posts, I hope we can discuss a lot about several topics like animes or Japanese culture.
May 26, 2011 10:48 AM

Apr 2011
Just want to welcome everyone again, and am also amazed at all the internationals.
May 26, 2011 12:12 PM

Jan 2011
janos, awesome, strong name!! even though it's a "john" derivative...hey i was born in GER too (to american GI parents), and also dig on Tricky, Massive Attack, and Portishead! your english is very good and it's good to have you here!! ^_^
May 26, 2011 2:46 PM

Aug 2009
Hi from here as well, to Lotus97, Yozhik, Kitty and gilas! Hope you will all have a great time here! :)) I see everyone has studied art in it's various forms. It's great to have you all join our club! :)

I'll say a more formal hi from here too, although we've already spoken a little! ;D I'll be making some cards for the members very soon, when I can find some free time.
I'm glad you like card collecting, I like it too, it's kinda fascinating! Plus I like Bleach very much!! :)

Hi Natalya, seems we share the same name! :) Only here in Greece it's Natalia. I love Russia, I haven't yet been there, but I have many friends from there that I have met through youtube. But we've been talking for ages now, so it's almost like we've met. One is from Saint Petersburg too. The others are from Moscow. So I plan on learning Russian and visiting one day! :)
I had sort of a bias against anime as well and I only started recently thanks to a friend of mine who happens to be in this forum, Sakura.
I also like astrology, my mom studies it for 3 years now, and I try to follow as much as I can. I have my moon in Virgo btw.

I see you're into astrology too! Wow, I think I should open up a thread or something soon. :D I want to cosplay as well, but I haven't done it before and I'm a bit confused. Me and my friend want to do Ciel and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji! :)
Sailor Moon was my first series too, Cardcaptor Sakura as well, although back then I didn't know what they really were. Have fun in the forums! :)


Hi János! Wow I've been in Hungary once and it was amazing, I loved it!
Seems like we pretty much share the same interest in music, I love alternative rock as well, I also enjoy metal, but I'm also guilty of enjoying some screamo bands! xD I'm not emo though! :P I want to learn Italian too, my mom speaks it, it sounds so nice! :)
Have fun in the forums! ;))
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
May 27, 2011 7:13 PM

Apr 2010
Hey Jmac is the username and discovering all things ecchi is my game!

I'm 29 old american thats been watching anime for about 24 years now. I pretty much play around on mal as a card maker (it helped me to get to know people on mal that have the same interests as me).

I'm not an otaku, but I tend to keep my anime watching a secret from everyone else, b/c of the old western stigma of anime fan.

My fav show is Clannad.

Mai 2 top waifus is Luka Megurine and Mio Akiyama. Everyone after those two are a part of my personal harem or current love obsession haha.
May 27, 2011 11:37 PM

Jan 2011
welcome jmac, good to have you. i understand the stigma thing and all too, though i'm different and tell anyone about my anime fandom, but i get it. card makers are always welcome as well, i'm sure =D
May 28, 2011 8:10 AM

Apr 2011
Jmac, as a card collector I want thank you for the work you do. I've only been collecting for a few weeks and it's a lot of fun. However, it seems to be getting to a point where I have to figure out how to organize my collection which is a bit of a hassle now that is growing
May 29, 2011 8:03 AM

Mar 2009
Nice to meet you all ^^

@ JusticeUndone
Γεια σου, JusticeUndone ^^ Χάρηκα.

@ Lotus97
You're here, too ^^ I didn't expect you're that old ^^" My bad x)"

.:: The endangered species ::.
My name is Panda <--- icebear with black stains. Everybody call me by that name. So feel free to call me Panda (even my profs call me that xD). You know, I'm an endangered species xD
I'm vietnamese and I live in Germany.

.:: My study
I study computer science and biology. I'm sure most of you are curious about the combination of my subjects. How does the subjects fit together? What is computer science?

.:: Computer science ::.
Computer science is mostly everything about computer. Programming, software engineering, chip design, internet, network, computer system (like Linux, Windows), ... Yeah, I can make games.

.:: Computer scinece + biology ::.
You know DNA has many datas. It takes time to analyse them. I use algorithmn to speed up the analyse. Other jobs are comparing datas, calculate possibilties, ...

.:: Other stuff ::.
I know many stuff with computer like photo editing (Gimp, Paint). I can make a web site of course ^^
I can make a game, too, but I don't have really the courage to make it :P

.:: When did I start to watch animes ::.
I don't know, because I watch animes since babyhood. My first animes was perhaps Jungle Book, Viking Vickie, ... I know animes, when dragonball comes out. But yeah, I watched animes before dragonball xD
May 29, 2011 8:48 AM

Apr 2011
Hi Panda, welcome to the forum, you have a really interesting nickname. Besides animes we seem to have another common field of interest: it's computer science. I'm not a professional of it, but I studied Windows Server 2003 and have little knowledge of Linux.
So if it doesn't bother you we could discuss about computer science, too, as I would like to become a System Administrator. Which animes do you like?
May 29, 2011 11:04 AM

Mar 2009
Panda isn't really interesting ... Bioinformatic students give me that name, because:
> I'm the only asian guy, who studies computer science => I'm an endangered species/student
> it sounds funny or stupid
> I'm asian
> my name is too long to remember and it's difficult to call
> it's a shortcut of my real name

About computer science:
Yeah, we can discuss about computer scinece. You can create a topic/thread in this club or post on my profil. We can speak in German, if you want to (in English or German, please).

About animes:
You can watch my anime list ... There are many animes I like xD
May 29, 2011 4:28 PM

Aug 2009
Welcome to the club!! I'm so glad you joined! :) You must be the youngest member!! yay!!
Oh wow! You've got roots in so many countries, that sounds awesome! :O
I'm not sure if I can pronounce your dog's name though.. xD ahaha But I have two cats and I love them, so I hear ya, pets are adorable!
Hope to keep seeing you around in the forum! :D ~We Kuroshitsuji fans should stick together and spread the love! hehe~

Hey there! Welcome, welcome! :D I love making stuff in Photoshop, cards etc too. And since you love it too, you could give me a hand in helping me make the cards for our club! ;D

I understand why you say there is a stigma about anime, but I don't know why I would have to sit and hear about mindless gossip with other people, instead of talking about a form of art and entertainment, that is anime!
So I talk a lot about it, but I try not to get too annoying.. :P And I wouldn't care less what other people think, really... Plus once, out of nowhere in a party, I met another anime fan my age, and it was soooo cool talking about all the stuff we loved! xD You never know were you'll meet one.. ;)
I don't share the same love for ecchi though.. sorry.. probably cause i'm a girl! :PP
Have fun around! :)

Καλωσήρθες! wow your Greek there had me staring at my screen for a while! I thought I hadn't seen right! I must say very very impressive!!! :O
Do you know more words in Greek? In any case, thanks for writing a phrase in Greek, i really appreciated it! :)

Wow, your studies are soooo amazing, I think it's one of the studies of the future! :)
Plus, yYou know LOTS of stuff there, nice! :O

Ich hatte Deutsch in meine Schule gelernt, aber jetz habe ich das meistens vergessern.. :/ Es ist einfach traurig, aber möchte ich bald, mehr Unterricht zu tun.
Ich finde es toll dass du aus Asien kommen!
Viel Spaß in unserem Club!

Hope I didn't kill German so much.. xD hahaha I've forgotten most of it.. :P
Anyway, have fun around! :D
JusticeUndoneMay 29, 2011 4:31 PM
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
May 29, 2011 4:48 PM

Jan 2011
welcome panda, your field of study is so far above my head it's ridiculous. i'm gonna have to use big words with you to keep myself from developing an inferiority complex. kidding of course, and hopefully the chinese government doesn't take you back like the panda at the D.C. zoo. bastards =D
May 29, 2011 8:09 PM

Aug 2009
I'm 23, female, and I live somewhere in Europe.
My name's Mayda and I was born in January (a stubborn Capricorn, it is). Even though I have a spring month in my name, I don't like spring time that much (cuz I'm effing allergic to pollen >.<)
If I remember correctly my first anime were Sailor Moon and DBZ but that was when I was a kid and had no idea what anime was. I hadn't become a real anime fan until many years later, just when I finished high school and stumbled upon the Hellsing anime somewhere on the Internet. I thought 'This damn thing is good, let's find more' and so another unsuspecting soul was dragged into the inescapable world of animu.
I don't like watching TV so I usually watch anime on PC in my free time.
Apart from anime, I'm interested in:
- different languages an cultures.
- love reading - be it books, Italian comics or manga (I'd like to use this occasion to thank all of them for ruining my eyesight).
- when bored I listen to music (I don't have a genre I prefer the most, but I do favour several Japanese musicians as well as Russian; other than that it pretty much depends on the mood, sometimes I like techno/trance, other times it's classical, or hard rock or even pop) or mess around with Photoshop.
As for activities which don't involve my PRECIOUS PC, I like hiking (though I don't have much time for it), occasionally going to gym, riding bike (well, not atm since I crashed the most recent one), drawing, taking photos etc.
-a cat lover, I've always had at least one as a pet, currently that position is occupied by a lazy and conceited black and white tomcat called Schwartz.
- sweets addict - I could live solely off of them (yeah, I know how HEALTHY that is)
- pretty much a loner by nature, I don't mind spending time with friends but I'm also fine on my own.
- I can forget a wallet but never my mp3 player <3
- F1 fan
- love traveling, doesn't matter where as long it's a place I haven't been to
- HATE getting up early in the morning

Apparently I also love writing, since this thing here is not a post but a goddamn essay(¬_¬) Hence, I shall stop here.
May 29, 2011 9:41 PM

Jan 2011
Mayda, you are most welcome. yet another reader and writer (and post all the goddam essays you want, they are enjoyable) is nice to see on here. i'd put this club against any in literary talent...anyways, back to you, since you love languages you should check out the thread we have here. i love travel as well (future thread perhaps). hope you stay active and are more careful on your bike next time =P
May 29, 2011 9:51 PM

Aug 2009
Thank you for the welcome, Dominic.
Oh, so there is a topic about languages here! Sweet, will post in it when I have more time.
I'm not extremely active on MAL when it comes to posting, but will try to frequent this club since I find it interesting (well, more than most clubs here).
May 30, 2011 7:38 AM

Apr 2011
Welcome, metamorphius. Somehow I thought you were a guy (maybe I was thinking of Morphius from The Matrix XD). Well, I'm a Capricorn too, I didn't realize that was the reason I was stubborn XD...
May 30, 2011 8:16 AM

Aug 2009
@CardcaptorKitty - tnx
Yeah, apparently that's a trait of us Capricorns xD I don't particularly dislike it though.
As for the nick, I guess it can be misleading >.< I came up with the idea for it after reading Kafka's Metamorphosis, so I just replaced the last part with a Latin suffix. I could have gone with 'a' but it would sound kinda lame.
And, yes, I love The Matrix as well, maybe that was a subconscious decision xDD
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