Wouldn't it be awesome if it was animated! But I'm still wondering why they didn't...
is it because its a manwha or because its 'fighting' and they never really pick 'fighting' manga to be animated, or just a 'fighting' anime. Well, as intense as The Breaker with a great story too.
One things for sure, I'll never understand how those Japanese think... on their choices and all.
I would also like to see The Breaker animated! Well they have animated Bleach and that has ppl dying from fighting with swords so I dont see why they cant animate this one! However, I think its because its a Korean manga therefore I dont think the japanese will animate it. I think it might be best if it was turned into a live action; the koreans have done alot of live actions from anime/manga so they could decide to do the same with The Breaker as soon as the sequel is finished :P
Would be great, doubtfull of it happening as it's not technically a Manga, nor is it serialized...which basically says "NOPE" though it is unfortunately...i would rather see The Breaker than 90% of the other anime out there =,=
Damn that would be awesome if the breaker series becomes animated:D, i myself have been following the breaker series since the beginning up to the recent chapter(77), Chapter 78 comes tommorow if the author is on schedule!!.
If I remember my friend had told they have been animated Korean manhwa but only a hand full. I can't remember what they are though. If they did animate Breaker I would die from excitement as it's one of favorite manga/manhwa. We can dream.