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Jun 5, 2011 9:59 AM

Apr 2011
I'm surprised this has not been asked yet... I'll wait to see if someone else gives there reason before I give mine.
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Jun 13, 2011 10:36 PM

Apr 2010
For me, it's not so much of a sexual attraction. I just find a feminine looking/acting male anime character ('specially a little kid) absolutely adorable. It appeals to my mothering side.

And I love people's reactions when they find out it's not really a girl.
-- all we need is a THUG holliday -- !
Jun 18, 2011 3:11 AM

Apr 2011
Why do I like traps? Sounds easy, but tough to answer...

I'm the type of person who appreciates the beauty of everything around me, and traps are no exception. Oh, and don't forget the humor that their deceptively beautiful exterior causes! (Put the blame on Hideyoshi Kinoshita for the second statement...)
Oct 14, 2011 7:03 PM

May 2011
its freakin hilarious to trick people

oh and cute :D
Oct 16, 2011 4:28 AM

Aug 2011
I've always just really liked traps and never had to think about it until now, so.. if I had to say, I'd say its because the embarrassment aspect for traps like Hideyoshi and Bridget that don't understand why everyone thinks their a girl makes them cute and for the ones that are trying to be a girl, they get so adorable when they get compared to/mistaken for/complimented as a girl (e.g. Past Future).
Nov 16, 2011 4:20 PM

Apr 2011
I would say because of their feminine grace and elegance that is often associated with them like Maria(Maria+Holic) or how guys mistake them for girls like in Hideyoshis case...
Besides ... feminine beauty does not have limit to gender ^^
Nov 19, 2011 5:59 AM

Apr 2011
MrTsuruya said:
I would say because of their feminine grace and elegance that is often associated with them like Maria(Maria+Holic) or how guys mistake them for girls like in Hideyoshis case...
Besides ... feminine beauty does not have limit to gender ^^

I totally agree to that. Just look around; there might be a lot where we currently are. Oh, and I forgot to mention another of my favorite traps: Jun Watarase...
Jan 7, 2012 6:21 AM
May 2011
DarkTempest said:
MrTsuruya said:
I would say because of their feminine grace and elegance that is often associated with them like Maria(Maria+Holic) or how guys mistake them for girls like in Hideyoshis case...
Besides ... feminine beauty does not have limit to gender ^^

I totally agree to that. Just look around; there might be a lot where we currently are. Oh, and I forgot to mention another of my favorite traps: Jun Watarase...

Jun is cute! *-*
Feb 17, 2012 3:59 AM

Aug 2010
why do I love traps? Traps are Flat chested girls with a penis! what's better than that!
<img src="" border="0" />
Feb 24, 2012 10:50 PM

Apr 2011
budmaster said:
why do I love traps? Traps are Flat chested girls with a penis! what's better than that!

LOL on this one... Quite the blunt one, aren't we?
Mar 23, 2012 8:08 AM
May 2009
why i love reverse trap?

i don't really know the answer lol but maybe it's because of my preference (i love tomboyish girls)
Apr 7, 2012 1:04 AM

Dec 2011
Probably because I like yuri... not so sure about it...
Oct 6, 2012 10:50 AM

Aug 2011
I adore cute things, and traps are definitely cute. My main reason, though, might sound a bit stupid: I'm scared of vaginas. So, uh, traps are better for me.
Oct 7, 2012 2:00 AM

Apr 2011
Lilith_Aensland said:
I adore cute things, and traps are definitely cute. My main reason, though, might sound a bit stupid: I'm scared of vaginas. So, uh, traps are better for me.


But hey, that made me go ROFLMAO!
Oct 7, 2012 11:20 PM

Aug 2011
DarkTempest said:
Lilith_Aensland said:
I adore cute things, and traps are definitely cute. My main reason, though, might sound a bit stupid: I'm scared of vaginas. So, uh, traps are better for me.


But hey, that made me go ROFLMAO!

I accidentally watched a horror movie about vagina dentata as a kid, alright? >>
Nov 14, 2012 10:21 PM

Apr 2011
Lilith_Aensland said:
DarkTempest said:
Lilith_Aensland said:
I adore cute things, and traps are definitely cute. My main reason, though, might sound a bit stupid: I'm scared of vaginas. So, uh, traps are better for me.


But hey, that made me go ROFLMAO!

I accidentally watched a horror movie about vagina dentata as a kid, alright? >>

Now, that explains it...
Nov 17, 2012 11:24 AM

Aug 2011
DarkTempest said:
Lilith_Aensland said:
DarkTempest said:
Lilith_Aensland said:
I adore cute things, and traps are definitely cute. My main reason, though, might sound a bit stupid: I'm scared of vaginas. So, uh, traps are better for me.


But hey, that made me go ROFLMAO!

I accidentally watched a horror movie about vagina dentata as a kid, alright? >>

Now, that explains it...

Only an insane man wouldn't be scared of losing his penis :P
Jan 28, 2013 4:30 PM
Jan 2013
For traps. I like femininity. Traps are feminine. Traps are cute. Traps have flat chests and cute butts. And it's fun to to trick others. It's exciting to knowing that for the most part, only you are privy to their true "natuire" and watching others ogle them is quite funny. A long time ago, I fell for a trap, and it opened my eyes. And in a way, it kind of makes it seem like russian roulette. That chick might be a convincing trap.

As for reverse traps. I don't really know. I don't really care for any off the top of my head. I do like Naoto from Persona 4 though, I guess it has to do with underneath the rough exterior, being a delicate and beautiful body.
"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue."
— Erich Fromm
Feb 5, 2013 6:04 PM

Jan 2013
I adore beauty. And if the girliest girl in the show is a guy... Well, nobody is perfect. But Mariya gets dam close.
Apr 5, 2013 8:55 PM

Dec 2012
why do I adore traps? well because I adore cute things, somehow I understand the feeling too.
shuuichi_nApr 5, 2013 8:59 PM
Apr 23, 2013 12:51 AM
Jan 2012
I have a question. Personally, youtube video called google oppais about futa/traps shows heteros like traps. That if you are attracted to feminine aspects=straight.
Aug 27, 2013 12:59 AM

Jun 2013
They have penises, that's the only honest answer.

Xinil said:
Thanks for joining MAL.

Oct 22, 2013 10:01 AM
May 2011
I worship beauty ;) Thats why I love traps.Aikawa Kizuna from Prunus girl is My most Favorite trap.Wish that Manga gets Animated..
Jan 5, 2015 9:24 AM
Aug 2014
Well - to be honest, I've always had an attraction to shota boys - and love it even more when their trap's - THE most adorable/cutest thing imaginable really. The younger the trap the better (Gasper Vladi is holding my cock at attention atm lmao) and have always been curious about transgender lifestyle and pornography since I was a little kid and I found my first porn sites on dial up hahaa.

I started to open my mind to more and more, erotic things as they appealed to me. I had always experimented with anal masturbation as a kid without many explosive results - but this all changed when I bravely went into my local glory-hole-In-the-wall (lmao) sex shop, picked up a bottle of water based desensitizing lubricant and an 8in cyber skin realistic vibrating dildo. Needless to say after warming up, rolling up a spliff, batteries for my 8 in vibrating dong and tons of lube - I had my mind freaking blown apart by my first hands free prostate orgasm. Ever since I can't help but be honest with myself - I freaking love anal sex - infact I would even go so far as to say I'd prefer an riding the edge to a hands free prostate orgasmathon over a regular penile orgasm any day of the week. Without prostate stimulation - it just isn't the same, during an anal masturbation session I can ride my toys, hard as a rock - edging for hours (sometimes even reaching into the 14 hour mark - with time to rest/relax - that's a given) - just dumping load after load of precum (best lubricant IMHO) - unlike with a regular fap session - where the line between ejaculation and climax are razor thin (unless you've built up a tolerance to self-stimulation and/or trained yourself using tantric methods to differentiate the feelings) - with anal they are two very disctint things. I can be in tantric orgasmic bliss, with the pleasuring building/ebbing and flowing - when you get close you start to really grind your toy - going slow - finding your P-spot perfectly and be on the edge of orgasm - leaking precum for 12 hours - and wanting more. Infact after a few hours in that state it gets the point where, it feels so goddamn good - that you don't even care if you cum (or accidentally rock your own world and pass that point of no return) - all you want is to remain on that peak of the hedonistic sexual bliss for as long as humanly possible. It really does transform into something spiritual as well as intensely physical and mental - similar to how Yoga asanas and breathing techniques (meditation) work to illuminate the psyche, same with tantra only its even more - it is yoga/meditation - whilst also bringing in a whole 'nother erogenous zone into it but treating it with the same mindfulness as yoga - in that your stressing yourself to the limit - then backing down - then pushing. You're building up the same stamina you would in yoga, intense exercise or a meditation session - and focusing - while also letting all other sensations/thoughts dissolve into nothing. I could go on for days about it honestly, so I'll stop now that my hands are hurting from typing so much lmao...

This had changed my love for traps from an occasional fetish to spice up a normal pornography/fap session - to my starting to really want to meet a trap in real life - and get fucked. So what started off as an "oh my god - so freaking adorable and cute that I want to rip my face off!!" to "Ooooh :P - not only are you absolutely adorable, but (especially - in anime/hentai) also incredibly erotic / arousing" to "I NEED 'Dat Ass or you balls deep in mine" hahaa. I've always had an experimental nature to my sexuality since my earliest exploits as a young-boy (I'd say 6-7 around that time when I started) with other boys, and later girls, my age (including my younger-cousin - which lasted til I was 17/he was 16 with one last blowjob when I was 19/he was 18 at our mutual friends house when sleeping over, tripping on ketamine and high as hell on some fire medical mary jane.)

As I became older - started studying philosophy - and became brutally aware of the effects of social stigmatization/programming imprinted upon kids from the earliest of ages of all things considered outside the "tribal moral code"/taboos/fetishes and not just on a sexual level but this goes for all things - including the laws/courts/judges, religion/preists/dogma, police and the militarized enforcers in our Black Iron Prison (to borrow a phrase from Philllip K Dick).

Anything not in the "norm" (and to paraphrase from another brilliant mind/writer - William Burroughs in Naked Lunch) - "[Who's the] Arbiter of Explanation?"

Who decides what is "the Norm?" Is it something implicit within us after gestation? No - not at all. A single person or committee of people decide what is "Normal" and what is "abnormal" - then declares it (or rather, might as well be with way we view things) a FACT.

Which is bullshit - precisely - because of the mental land mines the evil eye of society (always ready to alienate, hate, ostracize or disgrace anyone who's different) sets up people to feel bad about themselves or how they perceive themselves and even worse yet - for the more fringe taboos/kinks - to jump to injuring/killing people just because they hold a different sexual minority, preference, lifestyle or even have a different way of thinking or mentality/modus operandi than you.

I don't think Pedophilia is okay at all, at all - but - at the same time I would never say "All Pedophiles (or Incestuous Couples, People into Bestiality, etc.) deserve the Death Penalty" because that's just wrong.

*Actually I need to edit this right now cause Pedophilia is just being attracted to under-aged people; which includes anyone into lolicon, shotacon or even writings/fantasies which is all good...What's NOT OKAY at all is abusing - molesting or raping children ever...*

I think everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves and no one deserves to die (with the rare exception of genocidal mad-men and mass serial killers - people who clearly cannot be reasoned with or reformed and if given a second chance would repeat the offense in a heart beat) without - in a legal sense - a trial and taking into account the constitutional and inalienable human rights we all have.

All perceptions are valid regardless of what anyone or society-at-large may think.

"Nothing is true; everything is permissible" - Hassan I-Sabbah.
ShotaSissy89Jan 5, 2015 9:34 AM
Kinky as they come; no taboos at all. Love shotacon, lolicon, toddlercon, incest, shemale/trap/futanari, tentacle hentai and ahegao. Anime/sex/fap-addict. The part of 4:20 Crew. Anal Orgasms FTW!! :-P
Jan 5, 2015 9:49 AM
Aug 2014
Maria_Sama said:
They have penises, that's the only honest answer.

LOL right. I like cock - because I like cock, and loove anal - but 98% of the time unless theres a special attraction (friend/known for ages etc.); the person attached to said cock, are the turn off and I have no interest in older males, or masculine males for that matter. Unless it's an absolutely stunning trap (Beyond passable: to the point of androgyny.) I'm not gonna be fully into it. In hentai/anime on the other hand - the males and females most of the time (unless we're talkin shojo) - are already feminine in certain aspects - turn the hotness meter up 100 degrees - and boom shota-boy trap heaven.

I couldn't ask for anything more honestly, than a beautiful, young - adorable - trap-fem-boy - who is so gorgeous - that I don't care what's under the hood as long as they're ready to go for the long haul :P. If you've got the looks of a jaw dropping lolicon, a perfect ass with some c to b cup breasts, acts innocent/insatiable slut In the sheets with a cute voice, an adorable face I could lick for hours and a nice hard cock that's ready to please me from behind until I literally pass out from sexual exhaustion - then I'm set - that's my idea of a goddess :P (if I wanna get off the old fashioned way I can always fuck that loli/shota/trap's ass or 69 until we've both got tummies full of spunk. :3)

Also, it's just way more kinky/naughty that way which turns me on even more haha.
Kinky as they come; no taboos at all. Love shotacon, lolicon, toddlercon, incest, shemale/trap/futanari, tentacle hentai and ahegao. Anime/sex/fap-addict. The part of 4:20 Crew. Anal Orgasms FTW!! :-P
Jan 5, 2015 9:56 AM
Aug 2014
Iwakura_Minatsu said:
why i love reverse trap?

i don't really know the answer lol but maybe it's because of my preference (i love tomboyish girls)
I'm into reverse traps too. I love the tom-boyish flat chested - tiny but tight butt typa girl. Really it's the blurring of the line between male/female - finding the right combination/ratio - til they become something else - erotic, alluring and androgynous - the "third" gender. (IE The best of both worlds ascending to a whole new plane of attractiveness that can't be achieved by either a single girl or boy...)
Kinky as they come; no taboos at all. Love shotacon, lolicon, toddlercon, incest, shemale/trap/futanari, tentacle hentai and ahegao. Anime/sex/fap-addict. The part of 4:20 Crew. Anal Orgasms FTW!! :-P
Jul 14, 2015 4:22 PM
Dec 2013
I like traps because they look like girls, but easier to understand their feelings.
Aug 2, 2015 4:44 PM

May 2015
I have a trap for you to add!

I literally thought this was a girl the first time I saw it.
his name is inga.
besides his english voice actress normally voices female characters.
Sep 23, 2015 7:59 PM
May 2015
I love traps because I like dicks, but I don't like masculine bodies.
Sep 24, 2015 8:27 AM

Jul 2015
I like traps because they're hot, and if reincarnation exists, I want to be reborn as a girl
Oct 7, 2015 6:01 PM

Jan 2013
Oneesanismywaifu said:
I love traps because I like dicks, but I don't like masculine bodies.
Oct 10, 2015 7:26 AM

Oct 2015
They are smexi that is why XD
Nov 1, 2015 2:41 PM

Oct 2008
Feminine, dicks because da best.
Also because I like crossdressing/crossplaying in RL.

Traps is love. Traps are life!
Nov 8, 2015 1:34 PM

Jul 2015
Shotarobo said:
They are smexi that is why XD
Apr 24, 2020 5:40 PM
Apr 2020
I just do, my type are twinks and tomboys.

About tricking people. I used to show pictures of Mana to everyone in school, loved how shocked they were to learn he's a man. I had so much fun.

May 27, 2020 8:24 PM

Oct 2019
I like them probably because of the surprises they can create when you learn they are traps.

I also like dicks on girls because liking dicks on guys is pretty gay
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