I dont know why you feel that you are obliged to defend this from a straw man you created, but you dont even understand your own straw man. Its a movie recap, not a new story, so how this relates to anything you said? If someone would ask "why its released", then that person would probably mean "why we are getting another recap". In fact to clown your point even more, actual fans would be the one that are disappointed, because they expected a new content and got slapped with a recap in form of a movie. They also will cut content out of it to make it shorter for a movie format. Why would any fan want this?
You also feel obliged to speak on behalf of Japan, which is cringe. Its just sound desperate. No, you are not a Japan spoke person, you dont represent them.
@krz3myk From what I see, it has become very popular to imply or even outright say that the real fans are the ones who love and defend everything about the titles, while if you criticize something, then you are a hater and the odd one out in this fandom (alternatively, trying to shut up any vocal criticism with the words that criticism is negative means that by criticizing things in any way you are spreading toxicity). It's like all these people really don't understand that a lot of people who hate are actually so passionate because of their love and care for the show in the first place. Although this dude clearly went even further by constantly suggesting that everyone who doesn't like the ending is not only a hater, but also doesn't like the mecha genre as a whole. |
RobertBobertToday, 6:56 AM