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Jun 4, 2010 11:24 PM

Apr 2009
hey hey :D
well, when new members come; we should introduce ourselves to each other. ^^
say your name, favorite character in fushigi yuugi & why, and any of interesting things about yourself. (:

i'll start, my name is Taylor.
my favorite character is Tamahome, cause he makes me laugh so much xD
I just recently finished watching the anime, and i am currently reading the manga.
i have not read Fushigi Yuugi Genbu.
but i will after I finish Fushigi Yuugi. :D
i created this club, because the previous one i was in, was completely dead. D:
noone even looked at it, so i thought i'd make a new one, and hope this one is a big success. :D
i will make this as fun and active as possible & we can discuss the chapter chapters.
well, you all can. not me, not yet. (:

so yes, enjoy this club, welcome in advance & let's have fun.
much love, -taylor :D

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Jun 5, 2010 1:42 AM

Mar 2009
My online name is Windeen (Windy) My friends call me windy or windy-chan most of the time.
<-- I don't care what it says over there above my avitar -_- MAL doesn't alow brackets in their username set ups, and it looks better with brackets.
I've loved Fushigi yuugi's anime for years, haven't finished reading the manga yet, but I will some day (I got distracted my other mangas which are being published currently).

I'm a professional freelance artist-

Anyway, I'll help here when I can and have the time.
I'm one of the few people, who loves Miaka's character (I think). Most people I know don't like her. But she grows so much threw ought the anime and ovas. She becomes such a fantastic and strong character. With her only weakness being, of course; Tamahome.

My other favorite characters from the anime are:
and Yui <-- {Because she grows as much as Miaka}
I run a shrine/club for Miaka and Tamahome (But it’s really slow at getting started properly ^^;).
windeen-windyJun 5, 2010 1:46 AM
Jun 5, 2010 2:18 PM

Apr 2009
I am KokoroChan. Abbreviation: Koko/K'Chn/Koro.
I've just started reading FY actually. A friend of mine recommended me this manga, so I started reading it.
Miaka and Yui are the 2 characters I hate in FY. They're so whiney >.>
I pretty much like all the suzaku seishi. Ohh! The cat and Amiboshi (sp?) are awesome too (:
Jun 5, 2010 4:49 PM

Nov 2007
So I am timoteuszka (<---I know spelling is..not easy ^^ so You can call me Timote)
I watched Fushigi Yuugi for the first time about 6 years ago.
windeen-windy said:

I'm one of the few people, who loves Miaka's character (I think). Most people I know don't like her
Even my birthday is on the same day as her <3
My other favourite characters:

Tasuki, Kouji & Rei Rei
Amiboshi (so sad ;_ ;)
Subaru, Tokaki & Tatara (Byakko <3)
I also like Tomo the sadist :3

I also want to say that i'm very grateful to the creator of this club, because the previous one was so dead >.<
Jun 5, 2010 6:47 PM

Apr 2009
timoteuszka said:

I also want to say that i'm very grateful to the creator of this club, because the previous one was so dead >.<

aw. (: thank you so much ^^

Jun 5, 2010 8:51 PM

Mar 2010
Hello, Hello! :)
My Username is Berry_TM(as you can see)
I havent watched/read much of Fushigi Yuugi so sometimes i wont get many things x_x
But i hope i can help and fit in :3

{ 110901 }Congratulations Infinite on their first win .화이팅. Waiting for you, Kim Heechul{ 110901 }
Jun 6, 2010 6:54 AM

Apr 2010
Hi my name is SammyB and my fave male character of Fushigi Yuugi is Hotohori he is so cool and my fave female character is Miaka.
I am a trained childcarer and have nearly finished Fushigi Yuugi the manga and am now reading Fushigi Yuugi Genbu and lovin it. i desperatly want the complete Fushigi Yuugi anime boxset includin ovas.
Jun 6, 2010 8:12 AM

Apr 2010
hi, i'm Ye-fei

i've finished reading manga but dropped the anime
my fav's TAMAHOME!
Jun 6, 2010 3:06 PM

Mar 2008
Hi, I'm Naru-chan and I'm a high school student. ^^ I often translate manga to my language (Hungarian) and I love it. ^^

I completed Fushigi Yuugi anime (+ OVAs) about 2 years ago and it's been in my top 5 favourite anime since then. I've not completed the manga yet, but I read it in English. I buy the volumes and I have the 5th, the 6th and the 18th so far. I'd love to collect the whole series. ^^ Have you seen the "Bus trip" special? I almost fell off my chair when I watched it... XDDDD

I had never had any favourite anime characters before watching Fushigi Yuugi but after this series, I got one, Nuriko! :3 He's absolutely my favourite FY character! :) He became totally my fav, when he cut his hair; he became more a man mentally. I just love him. ^^
I also like Tasuki (he's funny and has Rekka Shinen :D), Chichiri (he is also funny, has a great voice and sad past), my adoreable twins <3 (Amiboshi & Suboshi - I don't know why, I just love them ^^), Soi (her story is touching), Hotohori (who had to always give up), Tamahome (kakkoi! *-*) and Miaka. You're right, she grows so much during the series and becomes a strong woman. :) And at the end I began to like Yui, too. But I really hate Tomo. X_X

Oh and I'd like to share my favourite FY AMV with you. I think all's in I love in this series.
Jun 6, 2010 11:19 PM

Apr 2008
Hiya! ^_^ I'm duotrouble or DT for short. I got into Fushigi Yuugi in 2000. I had been watching anime ocassionally since 1995 but it wasn't until FY that I got hooked for life. Actually, I'm currently rewatching it. I'm at the dreaded episode 33. T_T

My all time favorite anime character is Amiboshi and my second is Suboshi. I adore the love the twins have for each other. I think their character design is wonderful too. Fushigi Yuugi is my #1 anime too. I watched it at just the right time in my life. It struck so many cords for me.

I'm planning to reread the manga when I complete the anime yet again. I also love Fushigi Yuugi Genbu and hope they continue their plans to make it an anime too.

Other characters I adore are Tamahome, Tatara, Tomite, Nuriko and Yui.
duotroubleJun 6, 2010 11:24 PM
Jun 7, 2010 3:18 AM
May 2010
Ey. my name's Zaine and I watched and read fushigi yuugi AGEEEEEEEEEES ago.
I loveeee it. <3
Tamahome <3
Jun 9, 2010 7:05 PM
Feb 2010
hello everyone!!
im maria eunice katherine
im from philippines..

i have watched fushigi yuugi before, and im still watching it again and again!!
i would never get tired of it..
fushigi yuugi is my comfort zone when i feel alone, just by watching it enlighten my mood and im ready to face the world again..

hmm, tamahome, is my knight in shining armour, the perfect example of every girls dream guy, i like the way he love and took care of his family, the way he enjoys his time with his friends and especially the way he unconditionally love miaka yuuki..

Fushigi Yuugi - have always been a strong link to me and my best friends, because we all started our friendship, when we accidentally overheard one another talking with enthusiasm and excitement about this new anime on TV, that lead to an everyday discussion of the previously watched episode. And we would sing the ost with lots of fun since were not that good in niponggo. I even made my own version of english song ♫♫ (not the translation!!hehe) just for fun..

TO THE CLUB MEMBERS: let's all enjoy this club, and im happy to be part of it..hehe.. take care always
....♥ ♥ ♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ..
Jun 12, 2010 2:37 PM

Apr 2008
My name is Chelsea! I am currently 18 years old (I'll be 19 on July 28th) and I am bisexual.
My favorite character would definitely have to be Tamahome (imagine that) because he's pretty much my ideal guy (besides the money grubber part), lol.
I started the anime back in elementary school, around the 2nd grade... and started the manga but have yet to finish it.
In the 5th grade I sang Fushigi Yugi's beginning song for our talent show, wearing a home-made kimono with buns like Miaka... I even cut and died my hair like hers.
I've read some of Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden... but it doesn't compare to Fushigi Yugi... yet...
I look forward to being active in this club and meeting the members! If you want to get to know me more, my profile says it all! XD As well as my blog.
Jun 12, 2010 2:47 PM

Apr 2009
welcome everyone. (:

Jun 14, 2010 3:34 PM

Feb 2009
Hi People, my name is Mayla. I like to draw, to read manga & watch anime.

My favorite characters are:
Tamahome/Taka: Because are handsome, KAWAI, funny, and lovely.
Hotohori: Because is handsome, love Miaka, sacrifices himself for your love.
Miaka: Because she goes through a lot for your beloved, is very strong, and very funny (because of their greed).
Nuriko: HE IS GAY (or she?), he (she) is very very very funny, friendly, lovely, and sweet (but when she is a guy is very handsome and strong)
Jun 15, 2010 11:15 AM

Jul 2008
Hi there! My name is freeFall. :D

I have watched Fushigi Yuugi in 2005, when it was first aired in our country. Hmm.. (I guess) its the reason why I got hooked into anime. xD

My fave character is Tamahome..since he was basically the image of a "knight in shining armor" saving the "damsel in distress" (Miaka) lol. I'm not much an avid fan of Miaka..I just don't like those weak-crybaby type of (main) characters, but I wished I could be in her place so Tamahome can be my side. haha.. I'm very..very interested in animes that are historical..because I love watching those kimonos and other traditional stuffs. :D

Btw, I haven't read the FY manga though I have read the FY Genbu..and I really love it!! Hopefully Yuu Watase would decide to continue making it.

Thanks taylorrtantrum for opening this club!
Jun 16, 2010 2:49 AM
Mar 2010
I'd like to call myself as ririn!
I'd like to enjoy myself along with the other members here!!
i would like to look forward to making more friends!!
Jun 16, 2010 5:09 AM

Jun 2009
Hi there, this is a late introduction here, but anyways..
Umm, my name in MAL is momo-rin, but I'm also called hoody, hero and other names :P
I'm a Junior University student, majoring in Engineering - Computer Science. I love
FY So much, the anime and the manga! I watched it when I was 13 so u can guess
it's my FIRST official anime :D My favorite character >>> Look at my avatar.. it's
NURIKO <3 I really really like nuriko :) He is awesome, and super funny.. I also like
Hotohori and Tasuki, Miaka is kinda annoying, but I like her character progress..
Tamahome is also cool, I liked him more in the manga.. ^^' Well.. that's just about
it.. I guess.. and I watched Fushigi Yuugi more than 4 times, and only read the
manga once! I'm still reading it though.. And I'm also reading Genbu Kaiden.. yeah
I'm a big fan of Yuu Watase sensie :D :D Her art is very lovely..
Sorry for the long introduction :P I got carried away~
momo-rinJun 19, 2010 11:58 AM
Jun 19, 2010 8:40 PM
Nov 2007
username in mal is nennaix26
16 year old
i'm from the philippines :)
i'm currently a freshman student in a college here in the phillippines
i'm taking up computer science

the first time i watched fushigi yuugi was when I was in kindergarden (even though it's PG 13, i still watched it not knowing it was PG 13 :P)
but i liked the story and until now my favorite anime is fushigi yuugi
i have watched fushigi yuugi about more than 3 times LOL and I still feel like watching it XD but i haven't read the manga ><
the fushigi yuugi genbu kaiden is awesome too and i'm currently reading it

my favorite character in fushigi yuugi? Nuriko of course :) because he is very funny. second is amiboshi <3 he was so awesome with the flute kyaa XD

I downloaded most of yuu watase's works and all of them are nice!! so nice!! she's so awesome. how i wish i could draw manga like her someday XD
Jun 20, 2010 9:54 AM

Jun 2009
The name is David, but I go randomly around by 'meneope' in here and elsewhere - so if u meet me on other sites feel at home with me (unless in the unlikely event someone else is using that name of course lol).
I'm a confirmed loosy contact so (at the risk of sounding like a spammer) feel free to add my account but make sure to mention MAL or something or the hyris will be closed (Stargate humour lol never mind).

Eslewhere I'm a 1st year Uni student studying sociology - I'm having serious doubts about that however. I'm thinking of changing it, no seriously will that lead me anywhere? Oh Never mind...

My french is like 75% ok n my Spanish is like - oh well there's still room for improvement but I can read most normal stuffs and I can perhaps even understand you if you speak like a zombie without merging all the words together! So u know that much about me now. 1 day I'll complete my Fr n Spanish n perhaps tackle Italian or Japanese - u could say I'm an Utopist! where on earth would I find the time 4 that!?!

Favourite animes n stuffs - honestly I wouldn't know where to start. It's already a bloody long intro, innit. For a late comer like me I mean! lol
Jun 21, 2010 9:28 AM

Mar 2007
Hello everyone! :D my name is Nikki but I go by Sinful-des on here obviously~
I'm 18 years old from Canada.
I first started out reading the manga for Fushigi Yugi awhile back and ever since I've been pretty much hooked on it, I love the characters and I love the overall story xD and I also watched the series. My favorite character is Tasuki, because he's awesome ^^ My second favorite is Hotohori. I plan to sometime In hopefully the near future, or sometime later on read the Genbu Kaiden manga series cause it looks pretty good, but I haven't really read it yet. Lol. xD
My favorite hobbies include, hanging out with my friends, drawing/sketching/painting is ok :D, reading, video games, and etc.
Other languages fascinate me, I plan on trying to learn German and Japanese one day<3 and yeah if you wanna know more about me just ask. ^^ I hope I'll be able to fit in here~
Jun 23, 2010 7:12 PM
Jun 2010
Greetings from California :D I'm Shannon, but I go by whatever people online call me (Kaede/Silver/SI/ElementSummoner on here/whatevs you think xD).

Let's see... I first started reading the Fushigi Yuugi manga back when I was a wee 7th grader in middle school, and I instantly fell in love with it. Of course, I initially liked all the guys, but I must say that once I finished reading the last half of the series (i.e. the volumes after the main story arc ended in vol. 13) this summer, my favorite guys, while I still love them all, are:

(WARNING: There may be spoilers present here XD)

Chichiri (so cute, with the happy, positive attitude he usually has, as well as the fact that when there's something serious, he takes his mask off and looks directly at you while speaking to you. And, he does have a sad past, with losing his friends and village in the flood, but he manages to get past his guilt over it all in the end, which makes him a stronger person, I think. He's a monk with magical powers, too, which is also a plus. And everyone in the group looks to him for support in one way or another, so he's not just the random nobody in the background :D His geniality adds to this effect, as he always seems to make light of certain situations. Oh, and did I mention he's hot?), and

Hotohori (very handsome and awesome emperor man. Yes. His hair is so lovely, but he doesn't look too girly - in fact, he's very manly, and his hair adds to that. Plus, he can hold his own in fighting, and he's very good at protecting/fighting for the group. I felt sorry for him at first because he also was in love with Miaka, but I liked how he decided to leave her and Tamahome to themselves, as he was then able to find someone who loved him dearly even after he died. Plus, Hotohori is very caring and kind to everyone, especially the Suzaku Seven. He's nice, too).

XD I'll say that I like Miaka and Yui because they do grow into stronger women throughout the series, even though Miaka's constant yelling after Tamahome/Taka because they got separated was like, "Duuuude, what's happening now? XD" But I digress, the two are really good girls, and I love how they mature. I'm kinda sad that Yui doesn't have much of a part in the last half of the series (manga-wise), but whatevs, it's all good!

I plan to watch the anime soon, probably this summer or sometime, because now that I've finally finished a manga that's taken me forever to finish because I've kept it on hold for the longest time until now, I've come to realize that it's one of my favorite series of all time. It has everything, from adventure to action, from romance to drama, from happiness to sadness, from immaturity to greatly maturing throughout the series, as well as magic, legends, ancient China and modern Japan, lovable characters, a well-developed plotline, and an epic feeling and ending that literally made me so happy that I think I remember crying a bit!

Plus, I'm going to reread the volumes of FY: Genbu Kaiden I have read in the past and do my best to read further into it (though I think I've already said that xD).

I realize I just posted all about FY, so... yeah. The basic thing about me is that I love anime, manga, and cultural stuff. Yep. That's pretty much it. xD

But so yes, nice to meet you all :D
ElementSummonerJun 24, 2010 12:56 AM
Jun 24, 2010 5:45 AM

Aug 2009
Hi, I'm Taria. I'm 26 years old and from Germany.

I'm a FY-Fan for over 11 years and it is one of my favorites. I have already read the manga countless times and and I still love it.

My favorite character is Nakago. He has many interesting characteristics and it is never entirely clear what he really thinks and feels. I found so far no character of Watase-san presented as good as him. He even looks very good.
I don't like Yui and Tamahome. The rest of the characters I find OK, but not particularly interesting.

I also read nor FY: Genbu Kaiden and I think it's great. Even the characters are more convincing to me because everything is a little more seriously.

My hobbies are reading, listening to music, painting and writing in forums.
Jun 24, 2010 7:38 AM

Jan 2009
Welcome everyone :) At the start I want to apologise all for my english with many mistakes ^^"
My name is Jola and I came from Poland. Shorter form of my nick is Rav or Ravi ;P
Why I like Fushigi Yuugi? Well, because I love romances >.< It was my first anime which I downloaded two years ago.
My favourite character is Nakago *_* He isn't only handsome but he is very intelligent and tall too and he has long hair :D Also he is bad boy ^_^ And it suit him very well.
After Nakago I also like Tasuki for his intemperate character but I must said that he has terrible hairstyle in last ova. After Tasuki is Hotohori for his long hair, pretty face and warm heart but he is too narcissism xP
Miaka and Tamahome are fine but I can't stand that every second episod one is abandon another one for her/his sake. OMG =.="
I didn't read manga but maybe I would do it someday.
In my free time I download or watch anime or both of them xD But since October I'll start studying at college (university) so it's my last time to watch something.
It is nice to meet you all here :)
RaviolJun 25, 2010 4:08 AM
Jun 29, 2010 12:56 PM

Mar 2010
hey my name is lucy i just read 1 volume if fushigi yuugi.
Jun 29, 2010 1:34 PM

Jun 2010
@Taria, ich wußte ich kenne dich, aber Freude werden wir nie!!!

I'm from Germany, 31 Yeahrs old and I LOVE FY more than 20 Yeahrs!
My fav. Charas are Yui and Nakago! They are my absolutly Dreamcouple.
My Hobbies are: drawing FanArts about Yui+Nakago, writing Fanfictions, building Sailor Moon Modelkits, doing Cosplay (Yui, Sailor Uranus)

I have created a Club for:
-Yui (Yui Hongo - Seiryuu no Miko Club)
-Yui+Nakago (~~~Blue Sorrow...~~~)

Take a look or Join in if you like it ^^v

Visit my Clubs: Yui Hongo - Seiryuu no Miko Club
~~~Blue Sorrow - Yui Hongo and Nakago~~~
Jun 30, 2010 6:58 PM

Apr 2009
welcome. & YuiHongo_Gi , if you make a banner or something for your club(s) , we can put it on the club profile, like One of my admins. ^^

Jul 5, 2010 1:51 PM
Jul 2009
You can call me Paigy or Uo.
My fav. FY character is Tasuki. (but I have others more) I like Tasuki because he's so cool in his uniform and because he's personality is unique-common.
I've liked FY since I was in 8th grade and by far it still is. I've watched and read the FY series and now reading the Genbu series.
Interesting things huh? Well I have a non-identical twin sister of the first set of twins. I like yellow and gray. My all time mangaka is Matsusi Hino and Hinako Takanaga. I am the 3rd oldest out of 7th in my birth order of family. I like writing and drawing. I am in daze of math and hate science and gym. Soon I'll be a first year in college.

That should be enough for a start. (maybe it's too much, oh well!)
If I'm no longer replying back, means my life is busy. As simple as that. Will get back as life settle down.
Jul 18, 2010 1:27 AM

May 2010
Hi everyone!
I'm Gauchorino, age 19, from the USA. Since you all have been kind enough to tell us your real first name, I guess I'll do the same, so I'm Drew. Feel free to call me whatever you'd like to, but lately people have referred to me as Rino or Rino-kun. I like to sing and joke around! xD

Fushigi Yuugi was the first anime I ever saw, back when I was 6 years-old. I didn't know the title of the show at that time, so I rediscovered it when I joined MAL in May, and I'm enjoying every minute of it!! I'm only 11 episodes in, though, but I'm trying my best to catch up! ^^;; (oh, and I learned about Genbu after joining the club! XD) I plan on reading the manga, pretty soon...

So far, I like:
- Hotohori, because of his noble intentions and lithe nature
- Miaka, because of her cute sensibilities

That's all I can think of at the moment, but please ask me sometime if you wish to know more. Here's to fun and friendship in this awesome club! ;D
GauchorinoJul 18, 2010 1:50 AM
Jul 18, 2010 6:38 AM
Jan 2010
Hello everyone!
I'm Izabela better known as Iza or Izu.
I have read whole manga FY and started watching anime. My favorite characters are Tasuki and Hotohori. Why? I like Tasuki because his character amuses me... And Hotohori... I don't know exactly why do I like him :P
Jul 27, 2010 6:34 PM

Apr 2010
Konichiwa minna-san~~~

You can call me "yuki"...<if you like>...^_^
I watch Fushigi yuugi or FY when i was in 5th grade or something <cuz i don't remember it clearly> but know i'm in high school < so many years past>..

I like Fushigi yuugi or FY cuz i luv the story even they are apart they still love each other < i mean tamahome and miaka> and the part i cried is when nuriko die< i almost die when im crying in my room> and the last part when tamahome become a human < i cried a littlebit> i decide to read the manga and watch the OVA..<i luv Taka in the OVA he's so HOT like burning...>

I like Tamahome or Taka <of course..he is soo handsome,HOT,strong,kind and everyting....> , Miaka < she has a personality like me > , Yui <she is so cute> , all the seven warriors of suzaku <all of them is sooo HOT> , Nakago < i luv his eyes ... w/ just one look your going to melt> ^^...

so thats it..thank you "bow" -_o..
Aug 16, 2010 6:06 PM

Mar 2010
I guess ill introduce, My real name oscar close to rasco i like using rasco as a username

there are alot of great characters and i still havent seen the whole season yet so im going to keep mt judgment for later,

anything interesting well I like anime...thats it

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 3, 2012 12:32 PM
Jul 2011
Hey everyone. ^.^

My name is Azumi717.
My favorite characters are Hotohori and Tamahome. I like them both. ^^
They make me both laugh. But I like how they care for Miaka.
Tasuki is cute and smart, that's why I like him too.
I first watched the anime then red the manga. Currently I'm reading (and waiting for the new volumes of) Genbu Kaiden.

I hope I meet some other Fushigi Yuugi fans here and can talk about FY.
So nice to meet you everyone.
Jul 30, 2021 6:28 PM
Original Denjin

Nov 2008
My name is Cosplay Joe, and I’m only nine episodes in, so keep that in mind when I see you my favorite character is.

I would have to say that my favorite character is Tamahome. Now I recently got back in to the series after a several year absence, so keep that in mind as well.

I liked this series before, but I only had the first DVD, which only had the first six episodes. So I stopped at that point, and just got back into it in the past few days as of this post. I just saw the episode recaps in the beginning, up to episode six which I re-watched, and I ended off at episode nine. And that’s where I’m at currently.

And is it just me, or does anime from the 90s in general seem so much better now, compared to a lot of the stuff that they have released in recent years? I don’t mean just the fact that it may be generic, or the usual arguments. What I mean is, that it can often be ultra sensationalist, to the point where it can be quite disturbing at times, to be quite frank. But Fushigi Yuugi is not like that at all, at least nine episodes in anyway. And it’s so relieving to see a story like this, to the point the words actually in my top 20 favorite series. and as I watch more, I have a strong feeling it’s only gonna go up in the rankings for me. But obviously only time will tell with that.

OK, so I hope that wasn’t too long of an intro. LOL But I wanted to make sure that you guys understood as well as reasonably possible.
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