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Who takes your breath away?
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Jul 8, 2023 9:17 PM

May 2013
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MetallumOperaturJul 16, 2023 12:31 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Jul 26, 2023 1:13 PM

May 2013
HMG X Bracket 2 H-off: Leprechaun

Allie blew out a raspberry in idle boredom as she sat alone at a crossroads in the middle of the countryside, a single coin from her pot of gold being turned into a comfortable chair. The sun shone high in the sky without a cloud in sight, but there was a gentle breeze to help keep her cool. The tall green grass and reeds from the field she was sitting in helped to keep her out of sight.

She had spent much of the day sitting there lying in wait. Allie liked the idea of coming across interesting strangers out in the middle of the countryside -- or rather; she liked the dynamic of mysteriously appearing out of nowhere to greet interesting strangers that happened upon her in the middle of the countryside.

In Allie's experience people only came all the way out to places like this for one of four reasons: One, they're on the way to somewhere interesting. Two, they're trying to get away from somewhere interesting. Three, they themselves are trying to lie in wait for some interesting people... albeit for less wholesome reasons. Or four, they just have an insatiable wanderlust, which would not only make them interesting by default in Allie's eyes, but would also make them kindred spirits in a way.

So regardless of who she met all the way out here, to her they were pretty much guaranteed to at least be an interesting chat, but she usually managed to get a little more from the ones she took a liking to. The only problem was the inordinate amounts of time spent waiting in order to make such dramatic entrances and introductions possible. She blew another raspberry in growing irritation.

I need to get fresh books next time I'm in a town, she thought, but then paused as she tilted her head to the side. Are those footsteps I hear? Allie beamed with glee as she changed her chair back into a gold coin before dropping to the ground and carefully parting the grass to get a look at who was coming. What she saw was a tall, thin man wearing a long tatty coat. He had tanned brown skin, a black unkempt beard, long curly hair that was partially covered by a wool cap, and was carrying a small bindle over his shoulder. Alright, I can work with this, she thought in delight. He didn't look the type to be well-versed in the musical or literary arts, but he could still be a pleasant chat and a nice fuck. She waited to see which road he would choose. The man wandered to the centre of the crossroads before stopping to look up at the signpost. He hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and turned to head down south. Show time, she mused.

Before the man had even taken half a dozen steps away from the signpost Allie had teleported her way to casually sit on top of it, turning one of her gold coins into a lute before beginning to strum it with her fingers. A light and playful tune emanated from the instrument that was soon joined by her lilting voice. The man spun with the abruptness expected of a man who had been snuck up on in the middle of nowhere, but he didn't try to run or pull any kind of weapon on her. Instead he merely watched in startled bewilderment as Allie sang her song.

When she finished her song with a flourish and a bow she waited for a moment, then abruptly lifted her head with a pout. "What? I don't even get any applause?" She asked with feigned dejection.

"Who are you?" He asked warily.

"Who would you like me to be?" She immediately retorted. "Because I could be a lot of things to you... a singer, a poet, a storyteller, a dancer, a drinking buddy, a fuck buddy... it all depends on you, really."
His eyebrows shot up at that, looking from side to side in order to try to spot if anyone else was going to just pop out of nowhere. Allie smiled down at him.

"No one else is here, darling, it's just you and me," She promised. "Are you in a rush to get somewhere?"

"No..." he answered hesitantly.

"Then why not stick around and keep me company for a while?" Allie pressed with a sly grin. "Sharing food, drinks, shelter, stories, and songs with interesting strangers is a hobby of mine."

"You think I'm interesting?" He asked in bafflement.

"I certainly do! I can tell just by looking at you that you're not really from around here... which means you've probably got more than a few stories to tell, and judging from the way you shrugged at this signpost here, you don't even care where you're going, do you? That has my interest piqued as well."

"Uh-huh. Speaking of curiosity, how do I know you're not going to try anything when my guard is down?" Allie's eyes twinkled before she vanished, teleporting behind him and swapping their headwear before teleporting back to sit back on top of the signpost again. The man quickly spun when he felt his wool cap leave his head, spinning even more when he felt Allie's own hat replacing it, before finally turning to face her again.

"Honey, if I wanted to rob or kill you, I could have done it without singing you a song first. Plus I already have a pot of magical gold with me, so there's that," she said while lifting up and shaking said bowl, the gold inside it clinking. The man hesitated for a moment.

"Fair enough. I assume that means I can have my cap back, then?" He questioned as he took off and offered up her own hat.

"Hmm... after you answer a question for me. Some men prefer to speak of their pasts, while others wish only to speak of their futures. Which would you rather speak of, past or future?" Allie asked.

"Honestly, I think I'd rather speak of the present," he answered, which made Allie smile again.

"As you wish," she replied with a widening smile. She turned two coins into comfortable chairs and then jumped down from the signpost onto one of them. "May I be so bold as to assume you meant speaking of me? I'm right here in the present with you after all... and I'm guessing that you've never met one of my kind before," she stated, playfully putting the tips of her fingers together in front of her chest.
"Nope, can't say I've ever met a girl like you before," he answered.

"Well then, ladies like me never pass up opportunities to speak about ourselves. Where should I start..." Allie mused.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 26, 2023 1:18 PM

May 2013
HMG X Bracket 2 H-off: Pariah

I find the waves of the dock quite relaxing, though most of my crew disagree. Sitting on the deck as the ship rocks with the gentle waves coming from far out at sea, lapping against the sides of the docks with gentle motions, I find it quite peaceful. And yet, Blackmoore is anything but peaceful. It’s a pirate city first and foremost; stolen goods, slaves, the works of illegal goods are sold here on a daily basis right under the nose of the governor… or maybe she knows the open secret of the place and just doesn’t care. Maybe she even deals in some of the stolen goods, not caring how they were acquired. Either way, it’s a hell of a place, and the captain hasn’t even told us what we’re doing here. We’ve unloaded our cargo -- whatever it was -- but  now we’ve been stuck waiting for it to get processed, sitting on the dock just waiting for someone to come take it. I sighed to myself as I threw another bucket of seawater over the planks, swabbing the deck with the mop. As the only human aboard I was one of the only ones not tasked with guarding the cargo… not that I could do anything even if I wanted to. I sighed again as I threw water over the lower deck Ii was mopping.

Suddenly there was a figure running down the deck, having dropped from the cargo elevator that led to the hold I was currently in. There were shouts and a commotion behind her, but I was too focused on her to notice. She was running at a full sprint, her thick red cloak pulled down over her head, looking down as she bolted straight towards me. She had boots of some kind on, but they didn't make a sound, and there wasn't the rustle or sound of cloth or metal or anything on her. It was as if she were a phantom, nothing but a sight burned into my mind. I couldn't process it in time before she was closing in on me.

The first noise I heard was a soft cry of surprise as her foot landed on the standing water on the deck and slid out from under her. She hit the deck with a rather painful sounding thump. She rolled to a stop at my feet, grunting in pain with her hood laid back. Her face was a grimace of pain, lips pulled back in a tight line that showed slightly sharp canines -- the only thing that revealed her mamono nature. Her skin was pale, her eyes were closed so I couldn't see them, and her hair was a long luxurious black.

“Ow…” she groaned out, bright red eyes opening to look up at me. She froze, the panic building up in her gaze. She locked up, unable to move under her own power as if trapped by my gaze. Suddenly there was another crash as another body came down through the elevator hatch, stumbled, and fell flat on her face. It was one of the mercenary guards of Blackmoore, an anubis belonging to a pirate gang. The black and red leathers told me she was part of the Bonedogs. They were a vicious gang, run by a ruthless werewolf matron, that the captain had hired to help keep the ship and cargo safe. She was still reeling, much like the girl at my feet. There was naught but a few seconds of decision to be made, and the fight-or-flight response took over.

The cloaked woman was already getting up. I crouched down to assist without a single word, grabbing her by the shoulder and getting a hiss in response. I didn't listen though. I jostled her into the closet I had pulled the cleaning supplies from and closed the door as the anubis began to rise.

“Where is she!?” the anubis growled, shakily standing on her feet as she gathered up the dagger that she had been holding, her angry eyes glaring at me as her hackles were raised and her ears were alert.

“T-that way,” I said, thumbing behind me, down the corridor that led to the crew’s quarters, and with them the unloading ramp that would lead the anubis to think she got away. The dog girl’s eyes lit up and she began to run, her nails clicking on the deck as she bolted by me with the biggest grin on her face, no longer caring about her hard fall from earlier. She came to the corner and slipped on the wet deck, but her claws let her keep her balance, holding out a hand to push off the wall and bolt down the corridor away from us.

I let out a sigh of relief and turned to the closet wondering what I should do. On the one hand, the girl was trespassing and likely trying to steal cargo. On the other hand, if I turned her in she’d likely be killed or sold off as a slave. Neither of those things sounded good for her wellbeing, and I had to sit and contemplate it for a moment. When the door cracked open I couldn't see into the shadows of the tiny closet, but a voice reached out to me.

“Is she gone?” she whispered, barely even audible at this point.

“Yeah,” I responded, leaning my mop up against the wall of the vessel and looking at the closet.

“Thank the lords,” she muttered before the door opened wider and her hand shot out and snagged mine. I was yanked into the closet with a startled cry, only to be shushed by her as she pulled me into the closet.

“Quiet,” she urged, her red eyes literally shining up at me. “Don't alert the others with that pretty voice of yours,” she purred as she pressed against me. I couldn't see her, but I could feel her, her hands grabbing at my chest, gently pulling the clothing away from my skin. “After all, I need to reward you for saving me,” she cooed gently as I felt my shirt being taken off of me so fast I couldn't even tell how she’d done it. Those red eyes smiled up at me as her gloved hand wormed its way into the trousers I wore. “See? Aren’t you a good boy,” she cooed as the buckle was undone with her other hand and she dropped them to the floor. I couldn't help my reaction as she pressed against me, her much smaller frame looking up at me as she continued to disrobe me, leaving me nearly naked in a storage closet with her.

“W-what are you doing?” I finally managed to get out quietly, the stunned stupor wearing off as I looked at those eyes. She giggled evilly, and shook her head.

“Rewarding my prize, of course,” she purred sweetly. There was a thump as her knees hit the ground and she pulled my underclothes down. Her eyes closed and left me entirely in the dark to receive my “reward” for helping keep her out of trouble.
tygertygerJul 28, 2023 4:23 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 26, 2023 1:38 PM

Jan 2013
Now this is a tough one.

Just from the entries, I had a slight preference for the pariah, but these shorts are both very good and I have a hard time deciding.

The leprechaun short makes some nice use of her natural abilities and her hobbies.

I like how the pariah short depicts the events referenced in the NTM section. It also serves as a very nice opening to continue the story, perhaps from Cykumi's perspective.
Small nitpick is that the eyes in the reference picture are very much not blue :P
Jul 26, 2023 2:35 PM

May 2013
I can't believe I missed that! Cykumi's eye color has been corrected in the narrative.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 28, 2023 8:20 PM

May 2013
This bracket was also difficult to judge because both stories were executed equally well IMPO. In this case I went with the one that I thought did a better job of showing off the female lead's personality as described in the NTM. So I call this one for... the leprechaun!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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