MAL-Badges's Comments

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_cjessop19_ | May 26, 8:40 PM
@Lil-Bird I've already planned out the Episodes badge for the future lvl 50 update whenever Koito gets around to actually starting development of the site again. It's capped at where it is currently because we haven't really touched the code for it since we took over from the old MB website.

Lil-Bird | May 26, 12:52 PM
So I was wondering, think it'd be possible to increase the number of ranks on the episode badge? After 10,000, you can have the numbers increase by another 10,000, so that way the highest possible would have to be capped at 100,000. If the XP calculation is the real issue in that it had to be capped at 10,000, I'd get it, I was just curious as to why it ended up stopping at 10,000.

_cjessop19_ | May 20, 6:31 AM
We've reached 900K badges. Only 100K more until we've hit 1 million.

I wonder how much it would grow if we mass updated everyone...

_cjessop19_ | May 11, 10:54 PM
@BatoKusanagi I don't think I have. I think I've gotten a balance of feasibility and challenge with the new update.

Remember that an anime can contribute to multiple genres and themes, so if you manage to choose the right anime to watch, you can level up multiple badges in one go. Even a single anime can contribute to up to a dozen different badges (year, episodes, anime, entry type, episode count, genres, themes). Even if you solely watch a single genre like mecha, you'll inadvertently level up multiple other badges in the process, even if watching all mecha anime might take a couple of years to achieve.

Also, remember that TV anime only contributes to around 30% of the DB, so you can watch other stuff that's easy to finish to level up your badges. I think you might be overestimating the time it takes to complete anime.

If you've ever played any idle incremental games online, then you'll understand how the system will work. It'll be super easy to get points early on due to the low level requirements, but to get the big rewards, you need to spend time watching anime. It's the small amounts of points that really add up.

The end goal for users is the lvl 50 badge. The points requirement for it is 10.75 million XP, you can earn up to around 24-25 million XP on anime badges alone. We have plans to expand the badge level to lvl 100 if we add in manga badges. Perhaps prestige badges or something, who knows. So it's definitely feasible.

BatoKusanagi | May 11, 12:26 PM
I get all that. My concern is the balance of challenge and feasibility. Too much challenge and the badges go from fun things to maybe try for to pretty much impossible challenges that almost no one will ever complete.
If your expectation is that people watch anime for decades to actually progress the badges, maybe you've leaned too much on the challenge side of things.

_cjessop19_ | May 8, 10:01 PM
@BatoKusanagi the whole premise of MB is to reward you for your progress, and with the new lvl 50 update, it will take into account the entire anime DB for all its badges (and maybe manga as well in the future). What we have now barely scratches the surface of what people can achieve (minus a couple of the newer badges). 500 titles out of the 25,000+ anime is nothing really.

The fun in MAL-Badges is the challenge. You put in the time and effort and grind out anime of a certain year/genre/theme to get the next level badge, either passively or on purpose. I've made it so that the growth in points and the requirements for each level is almost exponential, so it takes longer to complete but you get a much bigger reward at certain levels.

And the best part of it all is that it's entirely optional. Most people aren't gonna complete the Hentai badge for sure, but the option to watch nearly every hentai title on MAL is still available for those who want to take the challenge, same with older anime, same with MVs and other entry types. I've made it so that it takes decades to get the lvl 50 badge. Some of the top users (minus the cheaters) have spent the last 10-20 years grinding out anime. Even I've spent the last 3-4 years on and off grinding out MVs. I have over 2000 completed, and I've seen most MVs before 2013. Except for the badges that have a low title count for their max level, the completion rate for most badges are expected to be miniscule.

BatoKusanagi | May 8, 8:11 PM
That's the vast majority of the available entries, then. Not to mention, 492 anime is already more than many watch in general, much less from the seventies. I understand making it some aspirational thing, but even, say, 200 entries would be quite a challenge (unless you only ever watched anime from that decade, and even then). Completion rate would still be minuscule.

_cjessop19_ | May 8, 5:33 AM
@BatoKusanagi there's currently over 580 anime from that decade. There's currently not enough titles for all 10 years to receive their own individual badges (yet, at least), so they're combined into one badge at the moment.

And if we went by the new points system, each individual badge combined at their max level would give you less points if you only had one badge with 500 entries for its final level, so I think we're gonna keep the decade combined. This badge was added nearly a year ago, so it hasn't been touched in a long time, just like many things on the website.

If you think that's too many, wait until you see the yearly badges for most of the 2010's and 2020's badges in the future.
(Points for this badge in the lvl 50 update)

BatoKusanagi | May 7, 11:07 PM
Wait, why does the badge for 197x fan require 492 anime? Lol A bit too many, no?

GodofMAL | Apr 25, 7:25 AM
Hi, iam GOD of MAL

_cjessop19_ | Apr 24, 10:35 PM
We've now hit 18k users

_cjessop19_ | Apr 23, 7:53 AM
@SmokyWerewolf could be tomorrow, could be next year for all we know.

SmokyWerewolf | Apr 21, 7:09 AM
when is the update?

_cjessop19_ | Apr 19, 3:02 AM
@CosmicGirl08 There are two accounts on MB that have your username for some reason, you'll just have to wait until Koito is on next time and she can fix it

CosmicGirl | Apr 18, 1:40 PM
someone please fix my account

LunyRem | Apr 1, 10:00 PM
Dang! xD lol. So much for good news.

_cjessop19_ | Apr 1, 2:58 PM

LunyRem | Apr 1, 2:28 PM
I just realized...

I hope this news isn't just some nasty April Fool's prank, is it? :I

LunyRem | Apr 1, 6:48 AM
@_cjessop19_ We're finally getting new content for MAL-Badges?? Is this real?? :D

Are there now more people working on the development of the coding for the site especially the delayed updates from the Kanban page?

Will all the data & contents from the huge spreadsheet finally be applied to implement the level 50 badge cap? Will the incorrect thresholds from specific badges (e.g. 194X Fan or 195X Fan) finally be fixed?

I wish the Level 50 update will finally come true. :) I've been waiting for that ever since this club has been revived around December 2022.

Please don't leave us hanging! ;w; I still support MAL-Badges. I'm so stoked and excited that's why I look forward to those long-awaited promised updates!

_cjessop19_ | Apr 1, 1:18 AM

Starting today, progress to MAL-Badges's development will continue after many months of being on hiatus.

A lot of new content will be released soon, so please stay tuned to the kanban page for recent updates.

Most importantly, the Wincest badge will be updated to include the OVA.

Sorry for the long delay!

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