stellarroze | Dec 18, 2011 2:06 AM
Volume 3 of Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu has been completed on Baka Tsuki - |
Yexel | Oct 15, 2011 12:49 PM
Does anyone knows a site where I can buy the novels? |
MorningGlory | Dec 11, 2010 2:55 AM
Yes it wrap up the 11 volume...they also mix a bit from Toriaze Denyuden. =PV |
Rait | Dec 10, 2010 5:01 PM
Does the anime wrap up all 11 volumes of novel? |
Jay- | Nov 23, 2010 10:55 AM
When i started to watch this, it was cool, but lately, it's just gotten way better! |
Shirayuki-chan | Nov 20, 2010 1:16 PM
hey...i am an new member ^^this anime is just awesome! can´t get enough of that... and I would die if I only could read the novel p-p |
MorningGlory | Sep 12, 2010 4:01 PM
kinda lazy to advertise the show anymore.Out of 10 people i intro this Anime and I only get 1 people to watch it and the rest they either ignore me or just place the Anime in "plan to watch list". I think the show will get popular as it air ^.^ |
supersayen | Sep 5, 2010 3:42 PM
This series is so unpopular. |
MorningGlory | Aug 27, 2010 12:27 PM
episode 9 is very nice. I think next episode will be the same,but I think they used up too much episode in just a volume.I wonder 26 episode will be sufficient to finish or not.... |
shanimebib | Aug 19, 2010 2:51 AM
I will be working on improving the fanclub by next weekend, and hopefully it will be great time to ask people to join. i am loving this show, and it needs love that it lacks so much.thanks for joining both of you. |
MorningGlory | Aug 18, 2010 2:11 AM
The trailer is really epic .Denyuden will gonna be legend after next week ^^ |
Sourunji | Aug 17, 2010 2:32 PM
This series is up there with Chrome Shelled Regios as one of my favorite all-time. Great to have a place here to enjoy it with other people ~ :] |
shanimebib | Aug 15, 2010 3:13 AM
hi :) This is under construction will add goodies when i get chance. and thanks for joining ^_^ |
MorningGlory | Aug 14, 2010 11:12 PM
^^ Hi |