Sabae "Wife" Nakata

Sabae Nakata

Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
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Konjiki no Gash!!
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Member Favorites: 1

Sabae Nakata (中田 鯖江 (ワイフ))

Sabae Nakata is one of the recurring minor character in Zatch Bell. She is the wife of Hidetoshi Nakata, the math teacher at Mochinoki Middle School. She is noted for her large round breasts size which is used in many comical purposes.

Wife appears as one of Naomi's "spells" which summons Wife to knock Raiku into the opponent. She cannot be guarded or blocked by any means.

(Source: Zatch Bell! Wiki)

Voice Actors
Ruff, Michelle
Nanao, Haruhi
Zordan, Zaíra
Portuguese (BR)