Ryuuji "Baremoto, Uncovered, Scam" Nomoto

Ryuuji Nomoto

Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
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Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
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Member Favorites: 53

Ryuuji Nomoto (野本 龍次)

Seventeen years old Nomoto Ryuji, nickname Baremoto, which means "Uncovered" has been detained for con, usurpation, and theft. He frequently committed crimes in shopping centers.

Nomoto is one of the seven protagonists of RAINBOW. He wears glasses and have a character of being an observer. Sakuragi used his glasses to refract sunbeam to light the cigarette which Joe gave to him.

Voice Actors
Fujiwara, Keiji
Morgenstern, Tommy

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