Elliot "March Hare" March

Elliot March

Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World
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Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World
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Clover no Kuni no Alice: Bloody Twins
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Clover no Kuni no Alice: Sangatsu Usagi
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Heart no Kuni no Alice: My Fanatic Rabbit
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Joker no Kuni no Alice: Circus to Usotsuki Game
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Gekijouban Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World Anthology
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Member Favorites: 54

Elliot March (エリオット マーチ)

Elliot does not believe he is a rabbit. He likes carrot dishes, but not carrots. He hates it when people say that he is related to Peter White. He works for Blood Dupre because he was in prison for destroying his friends clock, and Blood was the one to break him out of jail. Elliot also mentioned, that when he gets killed, Blood will be the one to destroy his clock. He hates Dee and Dum, the guards to the Hatter Mansion gates, because they constantly make-fun of him and they always skip work. His rabbit ears are very sensitive, as are all the others, Boris Airay the Chesire cat, Peter White the White Rabbit, and Pierce Villiars the Dormouse.

Voice Actors
Mogami, Tsuguo