Takumi Tokiha

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Takumi Tokiha (鴇羽 巧海 頭忠頼)

The son of the shogun of Zipang who ran off to experience Windbloom as his sister had experienced it, disguising his identity to do so with the help of Sergay Wang, indicating that Sergay was probably the one who fell in love with Mai. He is strongly opposed to the system and use of the Otome as he does not believe in putting the weight of an entire nation on a single girl. The crest on his uniform is the same symbol associated with Mai and is probably a national/royal symbol. Both his name and Akira's are written in Kanji and in the Japanese style. The probable reason for this is because Zipang is based off of Japan. (Japan was originally called Cipango by the western world.) Note: Takumi's full "name" in Japanese, "Tokiha Takumi no Kami Tadayori", is his full title as the son of a shogun and not his actual whole name.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Takahashi, Yugo
Howard, Cole

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