
Log Horizon
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Log Horizon 2nd Season
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Log Horizon
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Log Horizon Gaiden: Honey Moon Logs
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Log Horizon: Nishikaze no Ryodan
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Member Favorites: 14

Nureha (濡羽)

Race: Fox Tail
Class: Enchanter
Subclass: Courtesan
Guild: Plant Hwyaden

Nureha is a guild master of Plant Hwyaden and an Enchanter, and a contemporary of Shiroe. In the months following the Apocalypse, she more or less became the ruler of Minami after purchasing several key structures in the city, foremost being Minami's cathedral. With her control over these important structures, she keeps the adventurer inhabitants in-line, at the same time using these to extend her influence over the Lander nobles and, in a move duplicated nowhere else, the Guard system of the city.

Honey Moon Logs

(Source: Log Horizon Wiki)

Voice Actors
Saitou, Chiwa
Ballard, Tia
Zamora, Jennifer
Levannier, Daria
Ruis, Carolina
Portuguese (BR)