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March 16th, 2009
Okie. I just voted on the International Saimoe League.
These are my votes:

ARENA 01: Furude Hanyū [Shana]
ARENA 02: Misaka Mikoto [Misaka Shiori]
ARENA 03: Katsura Hinagiku [Kurata Sayuri]
ARENA 04: Kawasumi Mai [Nagato Yuki]
ARENA 05: Maria [Sakagami Tomoyo]
ARENA 06: [Asahina Mikuru] Furude Rika
ARENA 07: Kamio Misuzu [Abstained] Kirisame Marisa
ARENA 08: [Hinamori Amu] Sanzen'in Nagi
ARENA 09: Index Prohibitorum [Abstained] Katagiri Yūhi
ARENA 10: [Tsukimiya Ayu] Suigintou
ARENA 11: Saber [Holo]
ARENA 12: C.C. [Minase Nayuki]
ARENA 13: Ryūgū Rena [Evangeline McDowell]
ARENA 14: Sunohara Mei [Suzumiya Haruhi]
ARENA 15: Ryōgi Shiki [Abstained] Kasuga “Ōsaka” Ayumu
ARENA 16: Alice Carroll [Shinku]
ARENA 17: Shameimaru Aya [Hiiragi Tsukasa]
ARENA 18: [Kinomoto Sakura] Mizunashi Akari
ARENA 19: [Hiiragi Kagami] Louise Vallière
ARENA 20: Yagami Hayate [Vita]
ARENA 21: Furukawa Nagisa [Sawatari Makoto]{Mom's going to kill me >.>;}
ARENA 22: Chiba Kirino [Fate Testarossa]
ARENA 23: Anya Alstreim [Abstained] Kawazoe Tamaki
ARENA 24: Chii [Abstained] Hakurei Reimu
ARENA 25: Konjiki no Yami [Izumi Konata]
ARENA 26: Remilia Scarlet [Takamachi Nanoha]
ARENA 27: [Suiseiseki] Kushieda Minori
ARENA 28: [Nagi] Kawashima Ami
ARENA 29: Kōzuki Kallen [Abstained] Illyasviel von Einzbern
ARENA 30: Tōsaka Rin [Abstained] Aisaka Taiga{O.o; I didn't notice Taiga was on the list until I read this ^.^; Sorry mom}
ARENA 31: [Fujibayashi Kyō] Ibuki Fūko
ARENA 32: [Ichinose Kotomi] Patchouli Knowledge

If you want to vote, go Here:
International Saimoe League voting
Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Mar 16, 2009 8:35 AM | 0 comments
February 9th, 2008

Kota-kun ^.^                         Have you ever known anyone outcasted by a large population? Someone outcasted so badly, that it basically boils down to hatred being the thing feuling the ostracization?
 I have. My name is Kouta Kimi, I'm a seventeen-year-old mage currently in my final year of high school. I've currently moved to a new area, and I've already noticed it. There's this boy, Kai Taimeiya. He's weird, that's for sure. He's fifteen, and he has these small cat ears, for whatever reason. He's teased a lot, and completely ostrasized from the town. Everyone ignores him completely. From what I hear, his father beats him, his motehr ignores him like everyone else, and his sister treats him like a cat. The really weird thing about him is that he can read and write, but he's completely mute. He won't talk, or is it can't talk... I want to be friends with him. I can't help it. I feel bad for him. Is it unnatural for that?


Kai{our main character[sorta]}              My name's Kai. Kai Taimeiya. I'm fifteen years old and should be in my third year of middle school. Why should? The cat demon that possessed me when I was born to stay away from the so-called "god of death" ever since I was born keeps me from it. I know, it sounds far-fetched, but it's true. I've been ostrasized y even my own family because of him! My dad beats me, my mother acts like I never existed, and my older sister treats me like her pet cat! I can't go in any buildings except my house, and I get beaten by the neighborhood kids, on top of my dad, every day! I've had no friends my entire life... until I met Kouta Kimi.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this little teaser. Call it an appology for being so late with chapter three of Vengeance ^.^ DEMONIC PRESENCE: COMING SOON TO MIRUKI_MIMIKO'S BLOG     XD 

Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Feb 9, 2008 3:38 PM | 1 comments

            My older brother, Nobu, my younger sister, Pudding, and I have just been orphaned in the most peculiar way. After our parents were murdered by a boy who seemed half dragon, we were saved by a boy very similar. Now tossed into an indefinite future, my siblings and I are now supposedly to be like the dog boy who liberated us from the hands of the dragon boy.

            Now, we are following this boy without an indication as to where we are departing. I wondered why we were following this boy no question, but that was probably because Nobu is so excessively trustworthy.

            "So, Mitashi-kun, where exactly are you taking us?" Nobu said, "You never told us more then to meet this Madoka person..."

            "That's because you'll see when you get there!" Mitashi said.

            Nobu grumbled a little, but didn't press the issue. "This is really starting to get on my nerves..."

            Mitashi chuckled, "Get used to it. Some slayers are worse than I am!"

            "Scary thought," Nobu said, still following behind Mitashi.

            Mitashi chuckled, but then stopped abruptly. "There's the place we're going," he said, pointing to a large building nearby, "That's the Slayer Building. It's more like a small community, really. We have our own currency; there are shops, and even a school for the younger, more inexperienced slayers. There are some real irreplaceable people here, especially a few of the people that I'm in loop with."

            "Gee, that's a shocker," Nobu said with a sigh.

            I let out a stifled laugh, hoping for it to be inaudible to the others. However, Mitashi chuckled lightly and smiled. "About time you made some noise, little one," he said, beaming.

            I rolled my eyes and went back behind Nobu, glaring at Mitashi from behind him.

            "You're an awfully quiet one, aren't you, little guy?" Mitashi said, chuckling, "It wouldn't hurt you to come out of that shell of yours; you're acting like a little bunny."

            Pudding giggled, still clinging to Nobu, "Onii-chan just doesn't like strangers is all; he's a bit unfriendly..."

            "Takeru doesn't like being around others much since his best friend had gone missing," Nobu finished.

            "I see," Mitashi said, "in any event, let's get you three to Madoka, this way." He led them into the large oak double doors, directing Nobu, Pudding and I into what looked like a large town in what looked like a small mansion from the outside.

            "Wow, this place is this big?" Nobu said, gaping, "It looked like a house from the outside, b-but it's like it's a town within a town!"

            "That's what this is. The slayers have their own town disguised as an abandoned house right outside the human town, that's how we can mobilize so quickly against shikagomie. There's a town like this for every city in Japan. We're holding shikigami movement in Japan to keep it from spreading to the rest of the world. Madoka is the founder of this particular Slayer Society, as we call it. She makes young people like you two, me, and many others who can see shikigami and slayers, into slayers to help the city, like every other city."

            "Wow, that's so complex," Pudding said, "You have something like this in every city in Japan?"

            "It's not really that multifaceted, Pudding," I said to tease Nobu and Pudding, "I read about things like this all the time."

            "M-multi what, now?" Nobu asked.

            "It means complex, or having a lot of aspects to it," I mocked, rolling my eyes, "Do I need to give you a simpler explanation?"

            Nobu glared at me, "Well, sorry, mister genius," he said, "We can't all be like you."

            Mitashi chuckled, "I think you should be happy at having a gifted brother, he seems like a real egghead, though."

            "Gifted? I swear this kid is an alien or something! He read our entire school library in a matter of weeks, weeks!"

            I chuckled inaudibly, shooting Nobu a smirk before giving a little-angel look to him. "B-but Nobu, I can't help the fact that I was born intelligent," I said in a little whine.

            Nobu sighed. "Alright, alright, you win. That puppy look of yours gets me every darned time!"

            I giggled and stuck my tongue out a little, starting to follow Mitashi again. It was so easy to win against Nobu, no effort needed whatsoever.

            "How far do we have to go?" Pudding asked curiously.

            "Not that much further, now. We should be there in a moment..." Mitashi waved to a few of the slayers. There were a few in particular he would hold long conversations with, until Nobu, Pudding and I nudged him onward.

            I couldn't help but be curious about this place. I wanted to know more about the weird area that looked like a small house on the outside but was holding in a large town. This place was amazing to him. This place goes past all practicality, there's nothing about it that's customary...

            Nobu chuckled seeing me so obviously lost in thought. He grabbed my hand and tugged me along behind him. "I'd ask what you were thinking if it weren't for the fact that you'd probably drown me in all of those big words you like to use to confuse me."

            I followed behind Nobu, trying to slow down my thinking and just try to keep up with Nobu, Pudding and Mitashi. My thoughts tended to bog me down to where I would practically stop moving; I figured that that wasn't the best thing to do in a strange area, so I tried to keep moving no matter what.

            "We're here," Mitashi said, opening a door to allow us in. He chuckled as he closed it behind us. "I warn you, Madoka's a bit of a handful."

            "Who's the handful, Mitashi?" We turned to see a woman who seemed to be in her mid-to-late twenties looking at us with a defiant look in her emerald green eyes. She wasn't like Mitashi or the others. She didn't look like a normal slayer. She didn't have ears, a tail, or anything. She looked perfectly human, in fact. "If anyone's the handful, it's you." She sighed and sat back down behind a large mahogany desk. "These must be the children I sent you after... let's see, the Mitsuoris, correct?"

            Nobu, Pudding and I nodded together, looking at her with perplexed eyes.

            "Why do you want us in the first place?" Nobu asked. The two of us were still focusing on Madoka.

            "That's simple. You three are to become slayers. You are to help us tie down shikigami movement in the human city. Of course, that means the three of you would be staying here, as well."

            "Wait a minute!" I said, looking at Madoka, "We don't even know anything about this place!"

            "Well, that's where I come in," Madoka said, "Ask me anything you'd like to know."

            Nobu, Pudding and I looked at each other with mystified glances, and then looked back to Madoka. Pudding and I remained behind Nobu, who silently agreed to do the talking.

           I muttered a few questions to Nobu, Nobu asked me to get rid of the big words, I re-phrased the questions, and then Nobu finally spoke up.

            "Okay," Nobu said, "First and foremost, what is the difference between you slayers and the shikigami you fight?"

            "Good question," Madoka said, "Shikigami and slayers are made basically the same. Beasts and elements gained from magically combining your human DNA with beast DNA, and inserting knowledge of certain elemental magics into your body with a Beast Crystal, as we call them. Now, the main difference between shikigami and slayers is that shikigami are made from dead bodies, so they don't age, and the only thing that can truly kill them is a slayer's weapon. Because they're made this way, their mind is easy to control, and they end up going crazy because a shikigami's beast crystal has more beast DNA, or is more wild, than a slayers.

            "Now, we slayers, on the other hand, are made when we're still alive, making us like normal people, just with extraordinary abilities. Most slayers have the abilities since birth, which is how we can tell who are possible slayers and who are normal people. Also, possible slayers can see shikigami and people who are already slayers."

            "I see," Nobu said, nodding. You could see he was relieved, because she also answered another one of my questions. He nodded and looked with questioning eyes.

            "I'm not finished," Madoka said, looking over at Nobu, "Now, depending on the abilities shown by the child, because it's mostly teenagers and below who become slayers even though they age, we know most likely which beast is going to suit them better. The beast also depends on the personality of the person."

            Nobu just nodded along with what Madoka was stating, obviously straining his brain trying to acquire it all in at once. Typical Nobu was biting off more than he could chew with this one. He probably just nodded along knowing I'd summarize it later. He did, however, seem to be thinking, and taking in at least a touch of what she was saying. For Nobu, that was a phenomenon in and of itself.

            "Do you have any other questions?" Madoka asked, looking at Nobu, then chuckled as she finally seemed to perceive I was the individual asking the questions. "You're quite keen for such a little guy," she said as she patted me on the head.

            I hate it when people pat me on the head. I don't know why, but there's only ever been three individuals I've let do that: my mom, Nobu, and Mikoto. Don't ask why I let Mikoto do it, I'm not sure, myself. I just let him do it, for whatever reason. As for why my dad wasn't included, well, I loved my dad, but he was closer to Nobu than me, and vice-versa, my mom was closer to me than Nobu.

            I shot a severe glower up in Madoka's bearing, going back behind Nobu. Letting a little smirk at Madoka's utterly bewildered look, I figured it must have worked. I didn't like the method she attempted to be "friends", by treating me like I was a little kid. Actually, I despised it.

            "You called him little, and pat him..." Nobu said with an I-can't-believe-you-did-that look, "The only people he's let pat him are me, our mom, and his best friend."

            "I-I see," Madoka said, probably still astonished that such a little boy, who looks so adorable and innocent, just gave her the look I did.

            I don't find time to associate with other individuals, in fact, I prefer not to. I'm perfectly functional and able on my own. The only individual I've ever required to shelter me is my brother. The only individual I've laughed with and cared for is Mikoto. The only individual I've ever clung to is my mom. I need no one else. I'm perfectly solitary, and I don't intend to alter a bit, even now that I only have one of those three left. That's just more of a reason to stay by myself. If I get close to anyone other than Nobu, I'll end up like what happened with mom; a pathetic puddle of tears. I'm an intellectual, it doesn't suit me. I'll be just fine without any "friends".

            "Anyway, if you have any other questions, they can wait until after you've been turned into slayers, because Takeru seems to have covered the basics. Let's get going, then. Come with me. Let's get the three of you turned into slayers."

            I followed after Nobu, who was carrying a sleeping Pudding on his back, chuckling. I heard him mutter "she sleeps like a log, really". My mind wasn't on the sleeping Pudding on Nobu's back. Nor on Mitashi, who had fallen asleep on the couch in Madoka's office, snoring very loudly. My mind was on what was going to happen. What was she going to do to turn us into slayers? What are we supposed to do?

            There were still questions boggling my mind that I wanted answers to, but it would look like I'd have to wait. For, at this moment, Nobu, sleeping Pudding still in tow, was tugging me into a side office, where we would be changed into individuals like Mitashi. The individuals we've been eulogizing for so long, for taking out the things that we dreaded the most. The individuals we stared at often, because of their tails, or wings. The thing that got me, that made me worry, was one question that was one question that was inside my head I'm sure even Madoka couldn't answer. Would we be like that... forever?

Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Feb 9, 2008 3:26 PM | 3 comments
November 22nd, 2007

            I stood at the top of the stairway. Practically the entirety of our house was ruined. My baby brother, Takeru, had already run down the stairs and was hovering over our mother's dead body. Takeru always was closer with our mother than either my or Pudding, our little sister, so this didn’t come as much surprise.

            I just went down near where Takeru was standing and stood there, not moving. 'H-how...' I thought, '... could this have happened. I knew we were awkward when we saw them, but these things never messed with us before. Why should now be any different!?' I remember thinking how bad Takeru must feel, losing our mother, the one member of the family he was extremely close to, other than me.

            Pudding was clinging to my pant's leg, giving a little whine as she gazed at the creature, which is as best as I can describe the one who was here. She had tears in her eyes.

            "Now, now, can you three see me?" This came from the direction of the boy in front of us, the one who destroyed our house and killed our parents. He had pitch black hair and equally as black dragon wings. He also had piercing, yellow eyes, with their pupils slits, like a cat's, "We can't have that, can we? I think it would be better if I disposed of you three..." He drew his sword; I could still see fresh blood from our parents on it. The winged creature headed for Takeru.

            No, I thought, Not Takeru. W-wait... I can't move. Why can't I... Oh no, it's like I'm paralyzed with fear. B-but... I can't let Takeru die. Not my baby brother! I struggled to move. It's like that thing forced me still. No, Takeru!

            Just then, the creature swung his sword at Takeru, intense bloodlust in his eyes. I could tell he truly wanted to kill the three of us. However, I was useless. I was just sitting there, paralyzed by the idea of getting killed myself; I couldn't save my baby brother.

            However, just as the blade swung down to kill Takeru, someone pushed him out of the way. I couldn't see who it was, but I was extremely thankful

            Thank god Takeru's alright, I thought, I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to him. I looked in the direction of Takeru's rescuer. I wonder who saved him.

            "N-Nobu?" Takeru said, looking toward me. I knew at once what he wanted to know.

            I shook my head and pointed in the direction of Takeru's rescuer. "Wasn't me," I said.

            The boy who rescued Takeru was one of those animal people; however, I could tell he wasn't like this one. He had silver hair, blue eyes, and silver dog ears and a tail. He was holding a large, mallet-like hammer on his shoulder. "Hey! Leave these three alone! What, do shikigami always attack defenseless civilians?"

            "That was a stupid question, of course we do! I'm not in the mood to fight a slayer, though. So you're off the hook for now. I'll just leave you to one of my pets..." The boy took an orange crystal out of his pocket, and faced our mother's body. "Right, here we go..."

            The dog boy, our rescuer, tried to intercept what the dragon creature was doing, but didn't get there in time. The boy had put the crystal from earlier, and somehow combined it with our mother's body. It seemed to reincarnate her as one of those things, like what the dragon creature is.

            At this point, Takeru was breaking into tears, saying things like "momma" and "no, not momma".

            I really hated seeing my baby brother like this. I pulled him into a big hug, holding onto him as tightly as possible. "Takeru, it'll be okay. Please, don't cry."

            The dog boy looked down at us and gave a slight smile. "Don't worry; I'll take care of it. It seems that dragon already got away. I want you to promise me something. When I'm done here, you three have to come with me."

            I nodded in unison with Takeru, though Pudding took some time. Though it seemed we all agreed that this boy wasn't going to hurt us.

            "Right, time for my favorite move," the boy said with a grin. He took the goggles he was letting hang around his neck and brought them up to his eyes. "Let's end this now; I'm not in the mood to fight." He took his mallet and held it toward the creature that was created from our mom's body. "Let's get this over with..." He started muttering something, I couldn't tell what; it sound like a completely different language, I was fixated on him as he did so. Suddenly, it seemed like a whirlwind was swirling around his mallet. He smirked, and swung his mallet at the creature. It looked like the whirlwind around his mallet was unattached from it, now, and was slung toward the creature.

            The whirlwind from the mallet broke up, and looked like it was heading toward the monster, still, and was already broken up into little pieces of wind that seemed like blades. The attack seemed to kill the creature on contact. Though, what seemed weird was that no blood seemed to be coming from the creature.

            The dog boy let out a laugh. "Man, I love to do that! It's so much fun! Anyway, you three," he pointed to me, Takeru, and pudding in succession, "are coming with me. You promised, remember?"

            I nodded and followed after him. "Sorry this is a little late in coming, but, who are you? I never caught your name."

            "My name's Mitashi. Mitashi Mitsuhara. Nice to meet ya!"

            "I'm Nobu; this is my baby brother, Takeru, and our baby sister, Pudding."

            "Pudding? That's a weird name. I could have sworn the little guy over there was the youngest. He looks about an inch shorter than Pudding-chan over there."

            "Actually, Takeru's fourteen, Pudding's twelve."

            Mitashi let out a laugh. "That's funny; he's an inch shorter than his baby sister, who's two years younger than him!"

            I chuckled. "Yes, it is a bit funny, but still. Oh, Mitashi-kun, may I ask you what you want with the three of us?"

            "I want the three of you to become slayers, you know, someone like me."

            "Oh, I see," I said.

            "Yup, it's the slayer's duty to pick up any special cases and bring them to Modoka, the slayer organization's founder, to be turned into slayers, like me."

            "What do you mean by special cases?" Pudding asked.

            "You'll find that out later, when you meet Modoka. For now, go pack anything you'll want to bring with you. We'll have to leave soon, before other shikigami find us."

            We followed what Mitashi said, and packed our belongings before preparing to leave. I wonder what's going to happen to us, now... I thought. One thing's for sure, I knew that the three of us would never be normal again, not that we ever were.

Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Nov 22, 2007 11:38 AM | 3 comments
November 3rd, 2007

The sound of the alarm clock started to ring in my ears as soon as it went off. That sound meant only one thing to me this early in the morning... Monday. That was my dreaded day. I have always hated it because it means a week of torment at school before I can get away for another weekend. Yes, torment by students, and pawing by teachers, as I am their "most brilliant child". It annoys me to no end.

Oh, let me introduce myself, I'm Takeru Mitsuori. I'm fourteen years old, and a senior in high school. Now, for those of you who are confused as to how I got into such a high grade, I'll say this, at least skipping grades made me stay in school for a lot shorter time.

Yes, I was prepared for it to be an average Monday; little did I know that this day wasn't going to be average at all. What do I mean? Well, you'll see soon enough. It even started off the same as a normal Monday, with a familiar rap at my bedroom door.

"Hey, little guy! Are you up yet!?" My big brother, Nobu, was rapping on the door, like he always did, "You should hurry up, we'll be late for school if you keep sleeping in like this."

Now, don't take the fact that I don't like going to school means I don't like it, I love to learn. The thing is, even the private school I go to has a negative attitude toward me, like I'm even too intelligent for them. Sometimes I wish I could be a normal kid, or Mikoto, my best and only friend who went missing months ago and helped me through all these problems I have in my life, was back and could comfort me again.

I rolled out of bed with a loud thump, my sheets still wrapped around my body. I gave a stifled moan, loud enough for Nobu to hear from the other side of the door. Why did it have to be Monday? Why can't I be like a normal kid for once? I wish I didn't have to go... I wish I could just stay here. I wish Mikoto were back, I wish I could talk to him again... Thoughts like these filled my head, and I believed every last one of them. Why couldn't I be a normal kid, make friends easier? Why couldn't I just lay low, and not bring attention to myself? But I knew I never could, and I knew I was never normal, from the day I was born. Neither I nor Nobu were.

While I was born inhumanly smart, withdrawn, and unable to express myself in anything but my academic abilities, Nobu was born almost inhumanly strong, brave, outgoing, trouble-making, for sure, but able to make a lot of friends, unlike myself who only has one, and he's gone missing. Other than our abilities, Nobu and I have been seeing... things... that no one else can see.

We don't know what they are, but we can tell this much: there are good ones and bad ones. They look like people, with animal attributes, we've seen some fighting, or some just prowling around the streets, but no one else seems to notice them.

Apparently my thoughts were taking too long, because Nobu barged into the room and saw me on the floor with my sheets tangled around me. He let out a small chuckle. "Anyone who knew you as the 'withdrawn, mature genius' would get a laugh if they saw this; you really are just a kid." He kept chuckling as he picked me up and placed me on my feet, untangling my sheets. "Anyway, I'm going to wake up Pudding, I'll be back later little guy; get dressed!

Oh, I failed to mention that we have a little sister, didn't I? Pudding is like the two of us in the fact that she wasn't exactly born normal. She's a creative genius, but tends to be like me in the fact that she's awfully withdrawn. That's one thing that she and I have in common. We act normally around people we know, like our family, but around others, we tend to be a bit reclusive, or isolated in simple terms, well, as simple as I can make it.

I decided that I might as well get it over with and got ready for school. I got my clothes on and brushed my hair and teeth. This was always routine for Mondays, however, something out of the routine was about to break our lives. It started with a crash, and screams from my mom and dad. I rushed out of my room to see that Nobu and Pudding were doing the same. Then, we saw what had happened.

The house was in ruin, our parents were dead, and another of those strange people seemed to be the cause of it, it was horrible, who would imagine that only one of them could cause this much destruction? Little did Nobu, Pudding and I know that it was about to get a lot worse, whether we liked it or not.

Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Nov 3, 2007 10:57 AM | 2 comments
August 3rd, 2007

HIIIIIIII! Part 6 out! I didn't expect to get this far!!! I'm glad of the direction it went in. Well, here's Part 6 for ya! Enjoooyyy~!


Matsoka got up the next day and got ready for school. "She's gonna freak," he said as he grabbed his stuff.

 "You mean Natsumi?" Mokoto asked, "Well, if you didn't tell her she will."

 "I'm going now! Goodbye Mokoto!"

Mokoto chuckled. "See ya, little bro."

Matsoka ran down the street. "I wonder if she's there already," Matsoka said with a chuckle. He walked into the classroom, and, sure enough, there was Natsumi. "Hi!" he said.

"Hi there," Natsumi said, "You look awfully chipper today. What's up, Matsoka?"

"You'll see," Matsoka said with a chuckle.

Natsumi just looked at Matsoka confused. "Oookay," she finally said, "Whatever you say, Matsoka."

Matsoka chuckled. "Really," Matsoka said, "It won't be long, now!"

 Just then, the teacher walked into the room. "Good morning class! I'd like to introduce a few newcomers to the class!"

"Uh-oh," Natsumi siad, "not this again..."

"First, we have two new students to the class!"

Just then, a girl with sandy brown hair, tied up in a pink ribbon with a blue jacket, pink shirt and blue skirt walked into the room. Alongside her walked a pitch-black haired boy with a black tee-shirt and a long pair of pants.  

"I'd like you to welcome Naona Mitsaki and Marouko Natsima!"

Naona waved an extremely bubbly wave as Marouko glanced over to Matsoka and Natsumi and gave a lazy wave.

"Hold on a minute," Natsumi whispered. Naona and Marouko... as in the demons you were telling me about yesterday?"

"Those are the ones," Matsoka chuckled.

"You little devil! You could have told me! Now I have a fairy and two demons in my class... I'm definately not a normal girl..."

Matsoka chuckled again, muttering "That's not all," under his breath.

"Right," the teacher said. "Why don't you go sit behind Natsumi and Matsoka?" she said, directing them to their seats.

Matsoka and Marouko chuckled and gave each other a high-five as Marouko sat down.

"So you can act like a boy at times," Natsumi said, with a smirk.

Naona errupted with quiet little giggles as Marouko broke out with quiet laughter.  

"Next on eh list, we have a new student teacher! Meet Numaru Misaka! He'll be with us for a semester, so let's be on our best behavior while he's here!"

A tall man walked into the room, his bleach blonde hair pulled into a neat, low ponytail. He wore glasses that he kept at the tip of his nose and peircing ice blue eyes. He had a kind smile and looked at the class, Natsumi, Matsoka, Naona, and Marouko in particular. "Hello," he said, "I hope we can have a great semester together. I look forward to spending time with the class."

Natsumis jaw practically dropped as she looked at the man. "Wait, wait, wait!" she whispered, "Numaru as in the elf that's here!? As in practically everyone but Mokoto and the vampires are in this class!?"

"Pretty much!" Matsoka said with a smile.

Marouko let out a chuckle. "Well, at least you'll have an interesting year," he said.

Naona giggled. "Oh, Numaru wanted to talk to us when lunch comes! You, too, Natsumi."

Natsumi looked a little bemused by all this, but nodded, awaiting lunch break. 

Posted by Miruki_Mimiko | Aug 3, 2007 9:54 AM | 3 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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