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Kurano's Blog

February 7th, 2012
What I enjoyed in the Fall 2011 season.


1. Mirai Nikki (when the season ended) - 9.5/10
2. Ben-To - 8.5/10
3. Un-go - 8.25/10
4 .Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukenai - 7.75/10
5. Guilty Crown (When the season ended) - 7.25/10
6. Majikoi - 4/10

Yeah..... IMO not a very good season. D:

Mirai Nikki was a surprise hit for me. I only read the first 3 volumes of the manga, so I had experience beforehand, but still, I was amazed how the concept was tackled and the psychological battles that came with it. And the concept reminds me of Higashi no Eden, which made me super hyped for it. Still, it borders along the illogical and unpsychological in some episodes, but a minor complaint. :/
And Yuno’s freaking awesome. no questions asked.

Ben-to..... is weird. Funny, weird, EPIC BATTLES ABOUT FOOD, people literally risking getting beat up for a half priced ben-to, stupid nicknames...... Yeah. Basically, an anime about food. That's has to do with brawling. I really don't know how to explain. But I loved it. The battle scenes were awesome, the plot was surprisingly deep, and made me laugh my ass off at some points. It's just an awesome anime. There could've been more character develpoment, but I really didn’t expect that from a 12 episode series. Overall, favorite of Fall 2011.
And plus, All I have to say is this: BEST. CONCEPT. EVAR!

Un-go has a crappy first and second episode, and almost literally made me want to drop it for something better. Thankfully, I didn't, because the rest of the episodes BLOWED MY MIND. LITERALLY. The cases were that good, although I still don't get the random Bentendo thing. Seriously, it just came randomly as a plot device. But since I'm a sucker for detective anime, I have to give it a high score, despite the unbelievably of it. And the characters were kinda bland imo. I should’ve gone with Detective Conan, but whatever. The search for more awesome detective anime continues!!!!!!

Haganai (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukenai) is, what can I say, a generic harem anime, no doubt about it. Generic plotline, generic art (IMO), generic concept, and (seemingly) generic character designs. But the characters changed it from the random generic with no plot harem slice of life anime into an anime where you can actually hate and love the characters. I love Sena. I hate Yozora because she hates on Sena. I love Kobato because of her cuteness. I hate Maria because she's annoying (call me a hater, go ahead). I love Rika because she's so funny. And I totally forgot about the trap until now. Overall, the characters made it change from the generic anime it was heading to in the first episodes of the series. So points +2.
Still, I can’t get past this one scene: that Yozora’s actually Kodaka’s childhood friend. She makes it so FREAKING obvious in the anime, and as all generic harem plotlines go, she HAS to be his childhood friend. But no....... Kodaka doesn’t notice until Yozora cuts her hair short. Just..... *facepalm* How dense can a guy get???
And of course, Rika’s the best perverted girl there is, and who could forget the random UNIVERSE!!! everytime Sena’s upset?:P

Guilty Crown, I admit, was my most hyped of the season, and I wasn't disappointed, for the first 3 episodes at least. The sad music, awesome action, amazing art...... What's NOT to like?
Well, the story's a mess, the characters are kinda generic, their actions defy logic, I didn't know WTF was going on, meaningless explosions, etc. I could go on and on, but I'll just save it for Winter 2012 blog post. :P

Note: read the synopsis first!!!!! Just click on this and there ya go.
Majikoi (or Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!)SUCKS. It had a lot of potential. the first episode starts off with a bang, and although I didn’t know WTF was going on, the cool fights and awesome strategy reeled me in for the ride.

The second episode? I’m treated to LOADS OF SLICE OF LIFE STUFF. It basically shattered my expectations right there. What I was expecting was an awesome shonen, not a generic harem show! Haganai fills that gap. >:(

Needless to say, that isn’t necessarily bad, it was just surprising. But it doesn’t help that the second episode is boring. The only reason I remember the second episode is because of how disappointed I was in it. It felt like a generic harem slice of life show.

And it doesn’t help that the next 3-4 episodes or so focuses on the relationship of the main character guy (Yamato),whose supposed to be a “genius tactician,” and the 4-5 girls in his harem. All those episodes were kinda bland and it basically sucked, although some were mildly funny. By the time the fighting arc came in, I was tired of all that “I love the main character, so I must do anything for him!!!!” stuff.

To make this even more of a generic slice of life harem show, there’s excessive fanservice in some of the episodes, which is censored. I really can’t believe them. ok, it’s adapted from an eroge, i know, but still. Can they at LEAST try to tone the fanservice down a little and instead focus more on the story or at the very least, a little character development other than “Oh, I love Yamato because [insert vague, stupid reason here] and you can’t have him!” There’s literally an episode where all the girls vying to see whose going to go with Yamato to somewhere (I’ve completely forgotten the details now) while the supporting guy characters question the situation.

Me: *facepalm*

What the hell happened to all that action in the first episode???
My prayers are answered towards the end of the series. It’s gets more action-packed at the end, but to me it was SURPRISINGLY BORING!!!! And it was illogical, too. Basically, here’s the motivation for the girls: ‘I love Yamato so I must save him!!!!” Yeah, messed up logic.

And the story was stupidly flawed. It talked about Japan being a flawed country, and Yamato’s dad leaving Japan. At that point, I expected Yamato’s backstory. the verdict? Disappointment.

And remember the epic fight I talked about earlier? Well, that was part of a school event, something called the “Kawakami Conflict,” which is basically a large scale war between classes, similar to Baka Test’s Summoner Wars. Anyways, the school seemed like an interesting concept alone. i wouldn’t have minded if it focused around Yamato and his harem friends fooling around in school. That sounds like a fun concept alone.

But no. The school’s basically ignored, the Kawakami Conflict is only used for one episode, and I’m VERY disappointed. Awesome potential, down the drain as fast as humanly possible! I dunno if that was a problem with the original VN itself, or the anime. Regardless, wasted potential.

The girls also fall into the “generic archetype” category. basically, a shy type, a perverted type, a tsundere (actually 2 tsunderes, if I remember correctly), an outgoing girl, and a strong, lesbian-like girl. Character development? NONE! But their lust for Yamato slowly escalates during the course of the series.

Oh yeah, I’ve totally forgotten about the music, but the Op is really catchy, tbh. The BGM I never noticed and the ending is..... meh. The seiyuu did an average job, not bad but not groundbreaking either, although all I can hear is squealing and whining over which girl wants Yamato.

If I can give credit for the series, there are only 4 things:

1. Good concept for a school. BUT NO USE OF IT MAKES IT WASTED POTENTIAL
2. Made me laugh at some points (Only because it’s so stupid.)
3. Catchy OP
4. Great first episode

Verdict: 4/10.


1. My Dearest - SuperCell - Guilty Crown Opening

It’s Supercell. And I love Supercell. <3 Need I say more?

2. U-n-d-e-r--standing!! - Aki Misato - Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! Opening

See what I mean by “catchy?” I remember this song now, even though the anime sucked. It’s just so full of energy and the beat is so catchy!!!

3. Watashi no Ki-Mo-Chi - Marina Inoue - Boku wa tomodachi ga Sukenai Ending

I was about to put the Guilty Crown ending, but I though that was cheating, so I decided to put this instead. Reminds me of Don’t Say Lazy for some reason. XD

4. Live for Life ~Ookami-tachi no Yoru~ - Aimi - Ben-To Opening

It’s also a great (and catchy) opening. the opening was also visually striking when i first saw this for some reason. :/

Blood Teller - Faylan - Mirai Nikki Op 1

LOVE THE ENGLISH AT THE BEGINNING!!!! And I love how she sings, it brings a slightly eerie feeling into it.

Ok, that’s basically it. This is all my impressions from the Fall 2011 season. Overall, even though it’s my very first anime season as an otaku, it wasn’t a good one. Mirai Nikki, as it’s turning out right now, going into the depths of illogical and stupid. And Guilty Crown........ *facepalm*
Ben-To was great, and my favorite of Fall 2011, although not the best anime I’ve ever seen. Haganai, being one of the very first harems I’ve watched, was really funny and not groundbreaking but still good regardless. Un-go..... was a mess at the beginning but amazing at the end. It was hard to score that one. And Majikoi SUCKS.

That is all. See ya around!
Posted by Kurano | Feb 7, 2012 9:36 PM | 0 comments
January 28th, 2012
Anime Relations: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari
Nisemonogatari First impressions Episodes 1-3

Warning: long rant ahead dealing with random stuff that may or may not relate Nisemonogatari. And a lot of comparisons to Kore wa Zombie desu Ka for some reason. Eh, whatever, I was never a very good blogger anyways. XD

WATCH THE EPISODES FIRST!!! THIS IS BY NO MEANS A SPOILER-FREE BLOG!!!! But you should know that already, right?

Okay, I have to be honest: I didn’t like Bakemonogatari that much. I dunno why, maybe it’s because i watched it VERY early into my anime career (around the time I finished Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka near March/April 2011 on Crunchyroll. By the way, I’m SO HYPED for Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of the Dead and I’m glad Funi got the license. Let’s hope they do a damn good dub of it. :D) and my love for anime was wavering at that time (because of one reason: I GOT A NINTENDO DS ! :D AND POKEMON WHITE! Yeah.... That’s pretty much it. Pokemon’s serious business, man.), or maybe it’s because my idiot 12-year-old self thought the character sucked compared to kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? (which, I admit, is a generic harem comedy. But hey, it was a damn GOOD one!) . I remembered I hated Senjougahara (now I LOVE her. Probably because of my exposure to Yuno.) thought Hachikuji was annoying, Kanbaru to be a generic, hyper girl (which she kinda is, but that’s besides the point I’m trying to rant about here!), Hanekawa to be forgettable and boring (I still don’t remember her name, had to check it on wikipedia), Oshino to be the best, f***ing character in the show (which he isn’t), Shinobu reminded me of Yoshida from Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka for whatever reason, and Araragi to be a freaking idiot. And I don’t remember anything from Bakemonogatari, besides some of the Hachikuji arc and Senjougahara’s past. And even then, I remember saying everything was boring. Case and point, I though bakemonogatari SUCKED, despite giving it a 8/10. Oh, yeah, the dialogue, too. Since I was just starting get used to subs, I couldn’t keep up with the dialogue of the characters, and was confused as hell and had to literally pause it every 2-3 seconds just to read everything. Maybe that was another factor, I dunno. Anyways, it wasn’t really a good anime for a beginner to dive into. Which I was. And it hurt my enjoyment pretty damn badly.

After all this, what could I think of Nisemono, knowing it’s just the same stuff as the first series?
My answer before watching first ep: Sequel, yay *unenthusiastic cheering* *cough* *bored face* -_-
My answer after watching first ep: HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO AWESOME! *automatically gives 9/10*
My answer after 2nd ep: How could I have not liked Bakemono if it’s almost exactly like this? Huh? O.o
3rd ep: *goes and write blog post*

Why do I like Nisemono more then Bakemono? I dunno. Maybe because of the reasons above. maybe because all the characters are already there, so you don’t have to go to introduction arcs to find out their characters (they were amusing, though). Maybe it’s because of the Fire Sisters, who are the new characters in this series. Maybe it’s because Oshino’s not in this and telling Araragi what to do. Or maybe it’s because of the interaction between Araragi and the many members of the Araragi harem after all their problems have been solved.
Yeah, it’s probably that.

By the way, when i was browsing the Crunchyroll comments for the first episode, I always came across one thing:
“OMG WTF is happening I don’t understand am I supposed to watch bakemono first?” Let me tell you guys: This is a SEQUEL, so it’s common sense to watch Bakemono before Nisemono, or else you won’t know WTF the characters are and stuff. Unfortunately for whatever reason Aniplex decided to release Nisemono on Crunchyroll without even licensing Bakemono for release, so yeah. What a dick move. Whatever. Not that i care. :3

I can’t say the story’s standard fare yet. “standard fare” would be Araragi trying to save someone (Always a girl, as stated in the 10 Rules Anime Must Follow No Matter What. Hey, I should really create that sometime.) However, the first 3 episodes have been Araragi interacting with the characters, no helping whatsoever. Of course, all the conversations were funny, and it introduced 3 new characters: The Fire Sisters (and Araragi’s imoutos) Karen ( As stated in the first arc, “Karen Bee”) and Tsukihi Araragi and a mysterious man named Kaiki who I’m guessing is going to be the antagonist in this series. All of the conversations weren’t really necessary except to reintroduce the characters and to introduce said characters, but entertaining nonetheless.

My favorite is Hachikuji and Araragi’s conversation in the first episode. Pics below:


But you guys are close enough to do..... the later stuff. O.o

You know you love her! I know I kinda do (not in the pedoish way, mind you!)

Poor Hachikuji.... And those white eyes....


I’ve seen enough hentai to know where THIS is going! XD

Hug, my ass! (no, don’t literally hug my ass) More like rape! If that’s a hug, then i wouldn’t want them anymore!

One thing to say: D: Araragi has just turned PEDO STATUS!

Also, enthusiastic kissing of breasts in all those pictures. XD O.o Cheating on Senjougahara, huh? Daredevil.

Woah, just woah. Sex right in public! XD

Then here’s my other favorite part of the conversation, about the courage thing:

Araragi, get ready to be OWNED!

Cute, and true. ;_;

Haha, I did that last week! XD

OMG I’m gonna say that now!

So true. O.O

And then this last scene. LOL XD

HAHA just so funny! XD

And this is why this is one of the best first episodes EVER!

Ok, now done. *ahem* Now, let’s go back to impressions!

Of course, we meet Araragi’s sister, Tsukihi too, but it wasn’t as interesting as Hachikuji’s encounter. One of the best. first.episodes. EVER!!
And that’s only the first episode!!! I can’t say the second episode is even more funnier, but it has fanservice, which I HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAY was actually funny and actually one of the few moments in anime where fanservice actually WORKS in an episode. :3
I’ll upload pics later, I’m pressed for time right now!

Third episode is where we get slammed by a little PLOT, but only a little. Kaiki appears, and that’s basically it. But Araragi tries to trail him, but fails, and meets Senjougahara in the process, where he tells her about it, and the nice Akira homage. Senjougahara then promptly locks him up for his own good. Not as great as the first 2 episodes, but way better than a certain anime that’s supposed to be funny but it’s not imo (coughcoughKillMeBabycoughcough).
I’m too lazy right now, I’ll upload pics another day. :p

The seiyuus do a great job as always, and I felt nostalgic listening to the same characters from bakemono, despite hating it. Each has their own feeling to it, and I felt it was a good job. BGM? Let me tell you: There is none. Or at least, none memorable. Eh, never payed attention to BGM anyways.

I’ll do the Op and END rant once English translations are done, can’t go in-depth without them! Though, imo, they’re all weird. O.o

I have to say: One of the best (if not THE BEST) of Winter 2012. the only things rivaling it imo is possibly Another (if it builds up to be awesome. I made a blog post about it, go check it out! :D)and InuxBoku SS, and that’s only because I’m a sucker for people like Ririchiyo.

Overall, I HAVE THE COURAGE to say this is the best of Winter 2012 so far and to give it a 9.5/10. Let’s hope this keeps up for the whole season! :D

Also, this:

Yes, they do. it’s called porn mags. Seriously. XD
Posted by Kurano | Jan 28, 2012 5:15 PM | 0 comments
January 24th, 2012

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! Episode 2 Impression (Because I totally forgot about episode 1 already)

First of all, I dunno what to expect from this series when I first heard of it. A light-hearted comedy, something like Usagi Drop, or maybe both? Actually, to be honest, I expected something like Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukenai out of this. I dunno what I was thinking, but whatever. Note that this is my Episode 2 Impression and it will have pics, albeit very crappy one probably. The only reason it’s not a bundle of 1+2? Simple: The first episode was SO boring that I totally forgot about everything. Uh, yeah...... Not a great first episode imo. Since I just watched Episode 2, might as well do a blog about it! :D

Well, the second episode was an improvement from the first. With Yuuta spending time with the girls, I found their personality to be cliche but charming at the same time. Sora is the shy, tsundere-ish (she shows arrogance to Yuuta because of the peeping, but I can still technically call that Tsundere tenancies), dependable kind of girl, Miu is the out-going, cheerful kind of girl, and Hina’s what you expect an anime toddler would be (which is overload with cuteness). So, stereotypical personalities, but I hope there’s some kind of character development later on to flesh out the character more.

To be honest, I expected Sora to be like Haruhi from TMOHS and Yuri from Angel Beats (arrogant is one word. I would like to say “tsundere” but I really don’t think Yuri is a tsundere that much. Of course, Haruhi’s a tsundere to Kyon) because the character design looks ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY. It’s like the character designers were lazy and were like “ oh, let’s just steal a character design from some random anime that everybody happens to like” or maybe they were trolling us and trying to have a character design that contradicts with her character and make it “conveniently” like another anime character from a certain anime series. Actually, I’m pretty damn sure that’s what happened. ANYWAYS, moving on!

You see the difference? Because I sure as hell don't. Look at all of them! They looks the same, except for the color of the hair! I mean, even the ribbon's almost the same!
I can also say that Yuri is a clone of Haruhi, but Yuri was different in the last episode with that cackle of hers. XD

I expected Miu to actually be a bitch, not a jokester type. Maybe it’s because she’s blond, and I once knew a blond that was a total bitch to me in real life. There’s was also something hinting it in the character design imo. Or maybe I’m a bad judge of character. Probably this. Whatever. Oh, and I expected Hina to be a cute, moeblob toddler, which is what she is. At least I got one personality right. YES! VICTORY! I think. Is ⅓ a victory or a loss?

At least all of them are cute, and I actually felt bad when THAT BIG DEPRESSION seeped in and ruined the cheery mood of the show towards the end. Actually makes me feel bad for them a little.
Argh, I felt all of this was just a rant of the girl’s characters, so off to the episode impression

It kicks off with introductions of all the girls, and to be honest it was cute but it didn’t keep my attention for long. Around the time where the Wii playing kicks in where I really pay attention.

Aw, Poor Hina! :(

Dreaming about his sister, I actually screamed “lucky ass!” when his sister pushed him into her boobs and started to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Give it up to my pervertedness to envy a character that got pushed into cleavage at a young age.

When Yuuta was sleeping, I really did expect someone to scribble something on Yuuta’s face, but I didn’t expect Miu to be the one who draw on his face. And on top of that, to put a wig, too! That was just, LOL! Yuuta sure as hell does love cosplay!

When Miu grabbed Yuuta’s arm at 10:15, I was actually surprised. Usually in ecchi animes, the MC would be embarrassed because (I’ll try to be the most perverted possible! :P) he’s being pushed into boobs that he can actually feel and gets embarrased and stuff. You know what I mean if you at least watched ONE ecchi anime! But, Miu has no boobs, so I was both let down and smiling at the same time because the scene was so cute at the same time.


The twinkle twinkle little star was actually pretty well done imo. It doesn’t really fit the situation with the flashback, but it plays significance later on when they watch the meteor shower, which was a nice little touch.

And it’s a nice, cheery scene to lessen the impact of
later on in the episode. And when those guys came to tell them about it, I thought the scene was really touching, especially since it has (supposedly) happened before with Yuuta and her sis. With Sora not wanting to leave her step-sisters behind. It was such a great scene imo. Pic below:

And so, the REAL anime begins! Let’s hope it’s good! And Yuuta doesn’t turn into a pedo in the process!

That is all. I will rant about the Opening, the Ending, and the art later, as I feel this is already as long as it is. This was a really good 2nd ep IMO, however it’s still not the best of the season. Let’s see how this plays out!
7.25/10 (good)

BTW LOLOLOLOL SORA HAS A KYON FACE ON! About the most awesomest face in any Slice of Life ever.

Posted by Kurano | Jan 24, 2012 8:23 PM | 0 comments
January 23rd, 2012
Anime Relations: Another
Another Episode 1+2 Theories/Impression

Bundling Episode 1+2 because I feel like it. Not like anyone’s gonna read this anyways, besides myself. And plus it would take way longer to do episode 1 and 2 separately, and apparently time is money, sooooo yeah. Here I am. ANYWAYS, LET’S JUST FINISH THIS ALREADY. I really don’t know why I had to explain myself. Whatever. BTW NO PICTURES OR VIDEO I'M SORRY! :(

P.A. Works was doing this series, so I had VERY high expectations for it, especially it could possibly have been the next Higurashi-like thriller. It barely lived up to my expectations. The first episode was not bad, but it wasn’t the best 1st episode I’ve ever seen. The story has TONS of potential. I hope it doesn’t get messed up like a certain psychological anime I mentioned earlier (coughcoughHigurashicoughcough). It also builds up a lot of suspense, especially the mystery around the town and the mysterious girl. As I said, it reminds me of Higurashi for some reason. And another note:I notice the beginning, where they say she was popular up to the 7th grade, then skipped 8th and went directly to her death, in 9th grade. Maybe I'm looking too in to this, but I think that has significance later on or something. Nah screw it it probably DOES have significance. I’ll just wait.... And see.

I have to admit, the art looked really dark, even in bright places. Maybe it’s because I was watching at night, I dunno, but the art fits the tone of the first episode great. Though I felt the character design was kinda average and looked disformed in some places. Or maybe I’m an idiot. Yeah, it’s probably because I’m an idiot.

The character have potential as well, especially Mei and Sakakiba, and the side characters avoiding a certain topic (higurashi, anyone?) add an intriguing mystery to all of it. Very great potential.

The sound is what steals the whole show. It perfectly fits the atmosphere of the series, and is primarily why it seems scary in the first place.

The ending is especially scary, because with my sadist thoughts, it feels like everybody just died at the end, and the ballad is just for the deaths.

The opening is presented by Ali Project, and is one of the most scariest/weirdest openings I’ve ever heard (besides Elfen Lied). Pretty much all. I dare to say it has one of the best OSTs of Winter 2012, but we’ll see. :/

*sigh* I think I'm turning into a crazy idiot. Thanks, BakaTest!
I felt the second episode was kind of where Sakakibara (damn what a long name! I should give him a nickname for now on or something) tries to figure out what the hell Mei is, and will be the starting point of the REAL scares. I hope. But the dolls are really scary though. It reminds me of freaking Chucky, man. Except as a girl. I can imagine that..... *curls into fetal position and is shaking*

Anyways, good start for a horror series. Dark atmosphere, intriguing mystery, and a great OST. Though I can’t shake off the Higurashi-like feeling every time I watch it. Looking forward to Episode 3!
I dunno why I’m rating it a 7.75, but whatever. The next episode will determine what the score is. Or not. We shall see....... Damn I’m so indecisive! Eh, whatever.
Posted by Kurano | Jan 23, 2012 9:22 PM | 0 comments
I'm gonna start using this blog now, but mostly to share my thoughts. Not like anyone's gonna read this anyways, but whatever. :P And to test out this, too.

Posted by Kurano | Jan 23, 2012 6:58 PM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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