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TV: 212, OVA: 18, Movies: 55, Spcl.: 15, Eps: 6717, Days: 112.55, Mean Score: 7.6, Score Dev.: -0.13 More stats
Image Anime Title Score Type Tags Genres Studios Air Start Air End Rated MAL Score
"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie
8 Movie
Drama, Mystery, Romance Production I.G 05-01-10 05-01-10 PG-13 7.31
7 Seeds
Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Gonzo 06-28-19 06-28-19 R+ 6.56
7 Seeds 2nd Season
Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Gonzo, Studio Kai 03-26-20 03-26-20 R+ 7.04
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season
10 ONA
Comedy Fanworks 06-14-19 06-14-19 PG-13 7.73
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season
10 ONA
Comedy Fanworks 08-27-20 08-27-20 PG-13 7.79
Air Gear
6 TV
Sports, Ecchi Toei Animation, Marvelous Entertainment 04-05-06 09-27-06 R+ 7.48
Aishiteruze Baby★★
7 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance TMS Entertainment 04-03-04 10-09-04 PG-13 7.43
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
8 TV
Drama, Romance Bones 07-07-15 09-22-15 PG-13 7.76
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season
8 TV
Drama, Romance Bones 01-12-16 03-29-16 PG-13 7.97
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page
Drama, Romance Bones 01-05-16 01-05-16 PG-13 7.71
Akatsuki no Yona
7 TV
Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Pierrot 10-07-14 03-24-15 PG-13 8.03
Akatsuki no Yona OVA
Adventure, Fantasy Pierrot 09-18-15 12-20-16 PG-13 8.10
Amagi Brilliant Park
7 TV
Comedy, Supernatural Kyoto Animation 10-07-14 12-26-14 PG-13 7.45
Angel Beats!
10 TV
Drama, Fantasy P.A. Works 04-03-10 06-26-10 PG-13 8.05
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
10 TV
Drama, Supernatural A-1 Pictures 04-15-11 06-24-11 PG-13 8.29
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
10 TV
Action, Comedy Lerche 01-10-15 06-20-15 PG-13 8.08
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season
10 TV
Action, Comedy Lerche 01-08-16 07-01-16 PG-13 8.48
Ao Haru Ride
9 TV
Romance Production I.G 07-08-14 09-23-14 PG-13 7.63
Ao Haru Ride OVA
Romance Production I.G 08-25-14 12-12-14 PG-13 7.57
Aoharu x Kikanjuu
8 TV
Sports Brain's Base 07-03-15 09-18-15 PG-13 7.15
Arakawa Under the Bridge
7 TV
Comedy, Romance Shaft 04-05-10 06-28-10 PG-13 7.56
7 TV
Drama Seven Arcs 04-04-20 06-20-20 PG-13 7.20
Ashita no Nadja
9 TV
Adventure, Drama, Romance Toei Animation 02-02-03 01-25-04 G 7.59
Aya to Majo
5 TV Special
Supernatural Studio Ghibli 12-30-20 12-30-20 PG 5.40
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
7 TV
Comedy, Romance SILVER LINK. 01-07-10 04-01-10 PG-13 7.50
Bakemono no Ko
10 Movie
Fantasy Studio Chizu 07-11-15 07-11-15 PG-13 8.23
10 TV
Drama, Suspense Orange 10-10-19 12-26-19 R 7.80
6 TV
Action, Fantasy Trigger 04-09-20 06-25-20 PG-13 7.34
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
8 TV
Mystery, Suspense A-1 Pictures 01-08-16 03-25-16 R 8.30
Boku no Hero Academia
10 TV
Action Bones 04-03-16 06-26-16 PG-13 7.84
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
10 TV
Action Bones 04-01-17 09-30-17 PG-13 8.06
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
10 TV
Action Bones 04-07-18 09-29-18 PG-13 7.99
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
10 TV
Action Bones 10-12-19 04-04-20 PG-13 7.86
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero
10 Movie
Action Bones 08-03-18 08-03-18 PG-13 7.53
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
10 Movie
Action Bones 12-20-19 12-20-19 PG-13 7.93
Bokura ga Ita
4 TV
Drama, Romance Artland 07-04-06 12-26-06 PG-13 7.23
Action, Sci-Fi Wit Studio 04-28-22 04-28-22 PG-13 7.24
Buddy Daddies
9 TV
Action, Comedy P.A. Works 01-07-23 04-01-23 PG-13 8.11
5 TV
Drama P.A. Works 07-05-15 09-27-15 PG-13 7.75
Cheonnyeon-yeowoo Yeowoobi
8 Movie
Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Sunwoo Entertainment 01-25-07 01-25-07 PG 7.23
8 TV
Drama, Sports Madhouse 10-05-11 03-28-12 PG-13 8.18
Chihayafuru 2
6 TV
Drama, Sports Madhouse 01-12-13 06-29-13 PG-13 8.38
Chihayafuru 3
7 TV
Drama, Sports Madhouse 10-23-19 03-25-20 PG-13 8.46
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
7 TV
Comedy, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-04-12 12-20-12 PG-13 7.70
10 TV
Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-05-07 03-28-08 PG-13 7.99
Clannad Movie
9 Movie
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 09-15-07 09-15-07 PG-13 7.24
Clannad: After Story
10 TV
Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-03-08 03-27-09 PG-13 8.93
Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
10 Movie
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi Sunrise 02-09-19 02-09-19 R 7.90
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
9 TV
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi Sunrise 10-06-06 07-29-07 R 8.70
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou
8 Movie
Action, Sci-Fi Sunrise 05-26-18 05-26-18 R 7.97
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
9 TV
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi Sunrise 04-06-08 09-28-08 R 8.91
Coquelicot-zaka kara
6 Movie
Award Winning, Romance Studio Ghibli 07-16-11 07-16-11 G 7.78
9 TV
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Xebec 04-03-03 09-25-03 PG-13 7.16
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
7 TV
Horror, Mystery, Suspense Lerche 07-05-13 09-27-13 R 7.20
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
7 TV
Comedy Sunrise 01-10-12 03-27-12 PG-13 8.23
Death Note
9 TV
Supernatural, Suspense Madhouse 10-04-06 06-27-07 R 8.62
10 TV
Action, Mystery, Supernatural Brain's Base 01-08-10 06-25-10 R 8.09
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu
10 TV
Action, Mystery, Supernatural Shuka 01-09-16 03-26-16 R 8.05
Durarara!!x2 Shou
10 TV
Action, Mystery, Supernatural Shuka 01-10-15 03-28-15 R 7.97
Durarara!!x2 Ten
7 TV
Action, Mystery, Supernatural Shuka 07-04-15 09-26-15 R 7.96
Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko
6 Special
Action, Mystery, Supernatural Shuka 01-27-16 01-27-16 R 7.52
El Cazador de la Bruja
8 TV
Adventure, Drama, Mystery Bee Train 04-03-07 09-25-07 PG-13 7.20
Fairy Tail
8 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Satelight, A-1 Pictures 10-12-09 03-30-13 PG-13 7.57
Fairy Tail (2014)
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy A-1 Pictures, Bridge 04-05-14 03-26-16 PG-13 7.65
Fairy Tail Movie 2: Dragon Cry
6 Movie
Action, Adventure, Fantasy A-1 Pictures 05-06-17 05-06-17 PG-13 7.56
Fairy Tail: Final Series
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy A-1 Pictures, Bridge, CloverWorks 10-07-18 09-29-19 PG-13 7.61
Fruits Basket
10 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 07-05-01 12-27-01 PG-13 7.69
Fruits Basket 1st Season
10 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 04-06-19 09-21-19 PG-13 8.21
Fruits Basket 2nd Season
10 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 04-07-20 09-22-20 PG-13 8.53
Fruits Basket: The Final
8 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 04-06-21 06-29-21 PG-13 8.95
Fukumenkei Noise
4 TV
Drama, Romance Brain's Base 04-11-17 06-27-17 PG-13 6.95
Full Moon wo Sagashite
9 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 04-06-02 03-29-03 PG-13 7.93
Fullmetal Alchemist
9 TV
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Bones 10-04-03 10-02-04 R 8.11
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Bones 04-05-09 07-04-10 R 9.10
Fushigi Yuugi
6 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Pierrot 04-06-95 03-28-96 PG-13 7.61
Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu
Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Pierrot 05-25-97 10-25-98 PG-13 7.24
Futari wa Precure
8 TV
Action, Comedy Toei Animation 02-01-04 01-30-05 G 7.10
Gake no Ue no Ponyo
8 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 07-19-08 07-19-08 G 7.95
8 TV
Horror, Mystery, Slice of Life, Suspense Lerche 07-09-15 09-24-15 R 7.61
Gakuen Alice
9 TV
Comedy Group TAC 10-30-04 05-14-05 G 7.64
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
6 TV
Comedy, Romance Doga Kobo 07-07-14 09-22-14 PG-13 7.82
Ghost Hunt
6 TV
Horror, Mystery, Supernatural J.C.Staff 10-04-06 03-28-07 PG-13 7.74
Ginban Kaleidoscope
10 TV
Drama, Romance, Sports, Supernatural Karaku 10-09-05 12-25-05 PG-13 7.29
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou
1 TV
Comedy, Romance Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment 04-04-09 03-27-10 PG 6.34
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou Second Collection
1 TV
Comedy, Romance Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment 04-03-10 04-10-11 PG 6.26
Golden Time
5 TV
Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 10-04-13 03-28-14 PG-13 7.74
Great Pretender
9 TV
Action, Adventure, Mystery Wit Studio 07-09-20 12-17-20 R 8.20
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
5 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Zexcs 01-04-08 03-21-08 PG-13 6.97
Hachimitsu to Clover
6 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 04-15-05 09-27-05 PG-13 7.98
Hachimitsu to Clover II
7 TV
Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 06-30-06 09-15-06 PG-13 8.18
Hakushaku to Yousei
7 TV
Adventure, Romance, Supernatural Artland 09-29-08 12-24-08 PG-13 7.19
8 Movie
Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Wit Studio 06-08-13 06-08-13 PG-13 7.38
Hana yori Dango
1 TV
Drama, Romance Toei Animation 09-08-96 08-31-97 PG-13 7.57
Hanasaku Iroha
8 TV
Drama P.A. Works 04-03-11 09-25-11 PG-13 7.89
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
9 TV
Drama, Romance Group TAC 01-13-06 02-24-06 PG-13 7.44
Hataraku Maou-sama!
9 TV
Comedy, Supernatural White Fox 04-04-13 06-27-13 PG-13 7.71
Hetalia Axis Powers
Comedy Studio Deen 01-24-09 03-05-10 PG-13 7.25
Hetalia Axis Powers Movie: Paint it, White
7 Movie
Comedy Studio Deen 06-05-10 06-05-10 PG-13 7.04
Higashi no Eden
8 TV
Award Winning, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense Production I.G 04-10-09 06-19-09 R 7.73
10 Special
Romance Production I.G 07-30-10 07-30-10 PG-13 7.26
Hiyokoi (2012)
10 Special
Romance Production I.G 12-02-12 12-16-12 G 6.68
9 TV
Romance CloverWorks 01-10-21 04-04-21 PG-13 8.19
Hotaru no Haka
10 Movie
Drama Studio Ghibli 04-16-88 04-16-88 PG-13 8.53
Hotarubi no Mori e
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Brain's Base 09-17-11 09-17-11 G 8.27
Houseki no Kuni
10 TV
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery Orange 10-07-17 12-23-17 PG-13 8.39
Howl no Ugoku Shiro
10 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Studio Ghibli 11-20-04 11-20-04 G 8.67
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Madhouse 10-02-11 09-24-14 PG-13 9.03
Inu x Boku SS
6 TV
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural David Production 01-13-12 03-30-12 PG-13 7.36
Itazura na Kiss
1 TV
Comedy, Romance TMS Entertainment 04-05-08 09-25-08 PG-13 7.40
6 TV
Fantasy Studio Comet 04-05-09 03-28-10 PG 6.80
Jewelpet Magical Change
6 TV
Comedy, Fantasy Studio Deen 04-04-15 12-26-15 PG 6.65
Jewelpet Twinkle☆
7 TV
Fantasy Studio Comet 04-03-10 04-02-11 PG 7.42
Jewelpet Twinkle☆: Hohoemi no Niji ni Dokki☆Doki!
5 Special
Fantasy Studio Comet 07-22-13 07-22-13 PG 7.04
3 TV
Action, Mystery GoHands 10-05-12 12-28-12 PG-13 7.42
6 TV
Comedy Kyoto Animation 04-03-09 06-26-09 PG-13 7.86
K-On! Movie
8 Movie
Award Winning, Comedy Kyoto Animation 12-03-11 12-03-11 PG-13 8.35
6 TV
Award Winning, Comedy Kyoto Animation 04-07-10 09-29-10 PG-13 8.18
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
10 TV
Comedy, Romance J.C.Staff 04-02-10 09-24-10 PG-13 7.99
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!: Goshujinsama to Asonjao♥
10 Special
Comedy J.C.Staff 07-24-10 07-24-10 PG-13 7.36
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!: Omake da yo!
10 Special
Comedy J.C.Staff 05-11-11 05-11-11 PG-13 7.49
Kaitou Saint Tail
10 TV
Adventure, Romance TMS Entertainment 10-12-95 09-12-96 G 7.55
Kaleido Star
9 TV
Comedy, Drama, Supernatural Gonzo 04-03-03 03-27-04 PG-13 7.90
Kaleido Star: Aratanaru Tsubasa - Extra Stage
Comedy, Drama, Supernatural Gonzo 09-24-04 09-24-04 PG 7.45
Kami no Tou
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery Telecom Animation Film 04-02-20 06-25-20 PG-13 7.56
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen
6 TV
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Manglobe 07-09-13 09-24-13 PG-13 7.98
Kamichama Karin
7 TV
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Satelight 04-06-07 09-28-07 PG-13 7.18
7 TV
Award Winning, Slice of Life, Supernatural Brain's Base 06-29-05 09-27-05 G 7.35
Kamisama Hajimemashita
10 TV
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 10-02-12 12-25-12 PG-13 8.12
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 08-20-15 08-19-16 PG-13 8.40
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru
10 OVA
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance TMS Entertainment 12-20-16 12-20-16 PG-13 8.17
Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
6 TV
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural TMS Entertainment 01-06-15 03-31-15 PG-13 8.23
6 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 01-31-02 03-28-02 G 7.06
Kanon (2006)
6 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Kyoto Animation 10-06-06 03-16-07 PG-13 7.94
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
5 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance Gainax, J.C.Staff 10-02-98 03-26-99 PG-13 7.60
Karigurashi no Arrietty
8 Movie
Award Winning, Supernatural Studio Ghibli 07-17-10 07-17-10 G 7.90
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
8 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Topcraft 03-11-84 03-11-84 PG-13 8.35
Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys
4 TV
Action Project No.9, A-Real 04-12-17 06-28-17 PG-13 6.43
Kill la Kill
6 TV
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi Trigger 10-04-13 03-28-14 PG-13 8.03
Kimi ni Todoke
6 TV
Drama, Romance Production I.G 10-07-09 03-31-10 PG-13 8.01
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season
10 TV
Drama, Romance Production I.G 01-12-11 03-30-11 PG-13 7.98
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season: Minitodo Gekijou
10 Special
Comedy, Romance Production I.G 04-20-11 09-21-11 PG-13 7.32
Kimi ni Todoke: Kataomoi
8 TV Special
Romance Production I.G 01-05-11 01-05-11 PG-13 7.16
Kimi no Na wa.
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama CoMix Wave Films 08-26-16 08-26-16 PG-13 8.83
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
7 Movie
Drama, Romance Studio VOLN 09-01-18 09-01-18 PG-13 8.55
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
8 TV
Romance Yumeta Company 10-02-06 03-26-07 PG-13 7.40
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo - Hitonatsu no Encore
8 Special
Romance Yumeta Company 03-25-07 03-25-07 G 7.43
Kiniro no Corda: Secondo Passo
7 TV Special
Romance Yumeta Company 03-26-09 06-05-09 PG-13 7.11
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
10 TV
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy A.C.G.T. 04-08-03 07-08-03 R 8.28
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Nanika wo Suru Tame ni - Life Goes On.
8 Movie
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy A.C.G.T. 02-19-05 02-19-05 R 7.73
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
10 TV
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Lerche 10-06-17 12-22-17 R 7.61
6 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance SynergySP, G&G Entertainment 04-07-06 03-27-09 PG-13 7.08
10 TV
Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Madhouse 10-06-09 03-23-10 PG-13 7.94
Kodomo no Omocha
Comedy, Drama J.C.Staff 12-16-95 12-16-95 PG 7.11
Kodomo no Omocha (TV)
10 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance Gallop 04-05-96 03-27-98 PG-13 8.05
Koe no Katachi
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama Kyoto Animation 09-17-16 09-17-16 PG-13 8.93
Kokoro Connect
5 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural SILVER LINK. 07-08-12 09-30-12 PG-13 7.73
Kono Oto Tomare! Part 2
5 TV
Drama Platinum Vision 10-06-19 12-29-19 PG-13 8.42
Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
9 Movie
Award Winning, Drama MAPPA 11-12-16 11-12-16 PG-13 8.22
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
8 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Studio Deen 01-14-16 03-17-16 PG-13 8.10
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
10 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Studio Deen 01-12-17 03-16-17 PG-13 8.25
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2: Kono Subarashii Geijutsu ni Shukufuku wo!
10 OVA
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Studio Deen 07-24-17 07-24-17 PG-13 8.01
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Movie: Kurenai Densetsu
10 Movie
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy J.C.Staff 08-30-19 08-30-19 PG-13 8.41
Kotonoha no Niwa
5 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance CoMix Wave Films 05-31-13 05-31-13 PG-13 7.86
Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau
9 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi J.C.Staff 10-08-17 12-24-17 PG-13 7.16
8 TV
Comedy Brain's Base 10-15-10 12-31-10 PG-13 8.11
Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen
7 Movie
Action, Romance, Supernatural Kyoto Animation 04-25-15 04-25-15 PG-13 8.14
Lady Jewelpet
5 TV
Fantasy, Romance Studio Comet, Zexcs 04-05-14 03-28-15 PG 7.46
Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette
9 TV
Drama Nippon Animation 01-07-07 12-30-07 G 7.90
8 TV
Comedy, Romance Toei Animation 04-07-07 09-29-07 PG-13 8.03
Made in Abyss
10 TV
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi Kinema Citrus 07-07-17 09-29-17 R 8.64
Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV)
8 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Lay-duce 04-16-16 07-02-16 PG-13 7.83
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
8 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy A-1 Pictures 10-06-13 03-30-14 PG-13 8.20
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
7 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy A-1 Pictures 10-07-12 03-31-13 PG-13 8.01
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
10 TV
Award Winning, Drama, Suspense Shaft 01-07-11 04-22-11 PG-13 8.37
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari
7 Movie
Drama, Suspense Shaft 10-06-12 10-06-12 PG-13 8.22
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari
10 Movie
Drama, Suspense Shaft 10-13-12 10-13-12 PG-13 8.37
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari
8 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Suspense Shaft 10-26-13 10-26-13 PG-13 8.49
Mahoutsukai no Yome
5 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Romance Wit Studio 10-08-17 03-25-18 PG-13 8.05
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito
Drama, Fantasy Wit Studio 09-10-16 09-09-17 PG-13 8.10
Majo no Takkyuubin
10 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 07-29-89 07-29-89 G 8.23
Makai Senki Disgaea
7 TV
Action, Comedy, Fantasy OLM 04-05-06 06-21-06 PG-13 6.70
Mamotte! Lollipop
5 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Romance Studio Comet 07-02-06 09-24-06 PG-13 6.61
Marmalade Boy
3 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance Toei Animation 03-13-94 09-03-95 PG-13 7.42
Mary to Majo no Hana
5 Movie
Adventure, Fantasy Studio Ponoc 07-08-17 07-08-17 G 7.26
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
6 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Actas, Synergy Japan 04-05-03 03-27-04 PG 7.19
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure
7 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Actas, Synergy Japan 04-03-04 12-25-04 PG 7.22
Mimi wo Sumaseba
9 Movie
Drama, Romance Studio Ghibli 07-15-95 07-15-95 G 8.22
Miracle Train: Chuo-sen e Youkoso
8 Special
Fantasy Yumeta Company 08-18-09 08-18-09 PG-13 5.89
Miracle☆Train: Oedo-sen e Youkoso
9 TV
Fantasy Yumeta Company 10-05-09 12-28-09 PG-13 6.46
Mob Psycho 100
9 TV
Action, Comedy, Supernatural Bones 07-11-16 09-27-16 PG-13 8.49
Mob Psycho 100 II
9 TV
Action, Comedy, Supernatural Bones 01-07-19 04-01-19 PG-13 8.78
Mob Psycho 100: Reigen - Shirarezaru Kiseki no Reinouryokusha
7 Special
Action, Comedy, Supernatural Bones 03-18-18 03-18-18 PG-13 7.40
Mob Psycho Mini
5 Special
Comedy Bones 09-28-16 02-22-17 PG-13 6.47
Mononoke Hime
9 Movie
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 07-12-97 07-12-97 PG-13 8.66
Nabari no Ou
6 TV
Action, Drama, Supernatural J.C.Staff 04-07-08 09-29-08 PG-13 7.24
Nagi no Asu kara
9 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Romance P.A. Works 10-03-13 04-03-14 PG-13 7.94
Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Studio Colorido 06-18-20 06-18-20 PG-13 7.35
4 TV
Drama, Romance Madhouse 04-05-06 03-28-07 R+ 8.56
6 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Pierrot 10-03-02 02-08-07 PG-13 8.01
Naruto: Shippuuden
6 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Pierrot 02-15-07 03-23-17 PG-13 8.28
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
8 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Doga Kobo 07-06-12 09-14-12 PG-13 7.25
Neko no Ongaeshi
10 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 07-20-02 07-20-02 G 7.71
6 TV
Comedy, Romance Shaft 01-11-14 05-24-14 PG-13 7.56
Nishi no Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament
9 TV
Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance HAL Film Maker 04-08-06 07-01-06 PG-13 6.67
No Game No Life
6 TV
Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi Madhouse 04-09-14 06-25-14 PG-13 8.05
No Game No Life Specials
- Special
Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi Madhouse 06-25-14 11-26-14 PG-13 6.77
No Game No Life: Zero
7 Movie
Drama, Fantasy, Romance Madhouse 07-15-17 07-15-17 PG-13 8.17
8 TV
Action, Supernatural Bones 01-05-14 03-23-14 PG-13 7.94
Noragami Aragoto
9 TV
Action, Supernatural Bones 10-03-15 12-26-15 PG-13 8.14
Noragami OVA
Comedy, Supernatural Bones 02-17-14 07-17-14 PG-13 7.71
Omoide no Marnie
10 Movie
Drama, Mystery, Suspense Studio Ghibli 07-19-14 07-19-14 G 8.04
Omoide Poroporo
4 Movie
Drama, Romance Studio Ghibli 07-20-91 07-20-91 G 7.44
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
9 Movie
Award Winning, Slice of Life, Supernatural Studio Chizu 07-21-12 07-21-12 PG-13 8.56
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
5 TV
Comedy, Romance TYO Animations 10-05-14 12-21-14 PG-13 7.00
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Recap
7 TV Special
Comedy, Romance TYO Animations 12-28-14 12-28-14 PG-13 6.80
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji: Gishinanki – Happening Kiss
Comedy, Romance TYO Animations 04-24-15 04-24-15 PG-13 7.21
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
9 TV
Comedy, Romance J.C.Staff 07-01-10 09-16-10 PG-13 7.15
Ore Monogatari!!
7 TV
Comedy, Romance Madhouse 04-09-15 09-24-15 PG-13 7.90
Ouran Koukou Host Club
10 TV
Comedy, Romance Bones 04-05-06 09-27-06 PG-13 8.16
8 Movie
Avant Garde, Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Madhouse 11-25-06 11-25-06 R+ 8.04
Paradise Kiss
2 TV
Drama, Romance Madhouse 10-14-05 12-30-05 R 7.87
Peach Girl
3 TV
Drama, Romance Studio Comet 01-08-05 06-25-05 PG-13 6.92
Perfect Blue
9 Movie
Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Horror, Suspense Madhouse 02-28-98 02-28-98 R+ 8.55
Piano no Mori
10 Movie
Drama Madhouse 07-21-07 07-21-07 G 7.61
Princess Tutu
10 TV
Drama, Mystery, Romance HAL Film Maker 08-16-02 05-23-03 PG-13 8.14
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
7 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense White Fox 04-04-16 09-19-16 R 8.24
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season
8 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense White Fox 07-08-20 09-30-20 R 8.33
6 Movie
Action, Sci-Fi Madhouse 08-14-09 08-14-09 R+ 8.29
Sakamichi no Apollon
5 TV
Drama, Romance Tezuka Productions, MAPPA 04-13-12 06-29-12 PG-13 8.29
Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
4 TV
Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 10-09-12 03-26-13 PG-13 8.05
Sanzoku no Musume Ronja
9 TV
Adventure Studio Ghibli, Polygon Pictures 10-11-14 03-28-15 PG 7.06
Satsuriku no Tenshi
6 TV
Adventure, Horror, Suspense J.C.Staff 07-06-18 10-26-18 R 6.96
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
10 Movie
Drama, Fantasy P.A. Works 02-24-18 02-24-18 PG-13 8.39
School Rumble
6 TV
Comedy, Romance Studio Comet 10-05-04 03-29-05 PG-13 7.88
School Rumble Ni Gakki
6 TV
Comedy, Romance Studio Comet 04-03-06 09-25-06 PG-13 7.98
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
6 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural CloverWorks 10-04-18 12-27-18 PG-13 8.23
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai
7 Movie
Drama, Romance, Supernatural CloverWorks 06-15-19 06-15-19 PG-13 8.59
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
8 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 07-20-01 07-20-01 PG 8.77
Shadows House
10 TV
Fantasy, Mystery CloverWorks 04-11-21 07-04-21 PG-13 7.80
Shadows House 2nd Season
10 TV
Fantasy, Mystery CloverWorks 07-09-22 09-24-22 PG-13 8.01
Shelter (Music)
10 Music
Sci-Fi A-1 Pictures 10-18-16 10-18-16 G 8.31
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
6 TV
Drama, Romance A-1 Pictures 10-10-14 03-20-15 PG-13 8.64
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear
10 TV
Drama, Romance HAL Film Maker 04-04-01 06-27-01 PG-13 7.15
Shokugeki no Souma
6 TV
Gourmet, Ecchi J.C.Staff 04-04-15 09-26-15 PG-13 8.13
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
6 TV
Gourmet, Ecchi J.C.Staff 07-02-16 09-24-16 PG-13 8.07
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara
6 TV
Gourmet, Ecchi J.C.Staff 10-04-17 12-20-17 PG-13 7.98
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen
6 TV
Gourmet, Ecchi J.C.Staff 04-09-18 06-25-18 PG-13 7.93
Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara
8 TV
Gourmet, Ecchi J.C.Staff 10-12-19 12-28-19 PG-13 7.74
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
4 TV
Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense J.C.Staff 04-02-97 12-24-97 PG-13 8.22
Shugo Chara!
10 TV
Comedy Satelight 10-06-07 09-27-08 PG 7.40
Shugo Chara! Party!
10 TV
Comedy Satelight 10-03-09 03-27-10 PG 6.66
Shugo Chara!! Doki
10 TV
Comedy Satelight 10-04-08 09-25-09 PG 7.42
Skip Beat!
10 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance HAL Film Maker 10-06-08 03-30-09 PG-13 8.07
Soul Eater
10 TV
Action, Comedy, Fantasy Bones 04-07-08 03-30-09 PG-13 7.85
Soul Eater: Late Night Show
8 Special
Action, Comedy, Fantasy Bones 04-00-08 03-00-09 PG-13 6.86
Special A
10 TV
Comedy, Romance Gonzo, AIC 04-07-08 09-15-08 PG-13 7.50
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
7 TV
Drama, Mystery J.C.Staff 10-01-02 03-25-03 PG-13 7.21
Spy x Family
10 TV
Action, Award Winning, Comedy Wit Studio, CloverWorks 04-09-22 06-25-22 PG-13 8.47
Spy x Family Season 2
10 TV
Action, Comedy Wit Studio, CloverWorks 10-07-23 12-23-23 PG-13 8.06
Suki desu Suzuki-kun!!
Romance 12-18-09 07-26-10 PG-13 5.92
Suki tte Ii na yo.
4 TV
Drama, Romance Zexcs 10-07-12 12-30-12 PG-13 7.39
Suki tte Ii na yo. Dareka ga
Romance Zexcs 07-24-13 07-24-13 PG-13 7.22
Suki tte Ii na yo.: Mei and Marshmallow
5 Special
Romance Zexcs 12-26-12 05-22-13 PG-13 6.85
Summer Wars
7 Movie
Award Winning, Comedy, Sci-Fi Madhouse 08-01-09 08-01-09 PG-13 8.01
Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran
7 TV
Comedy Pierrot 04-01-01 03-31-02 PG-13 7.39
4 TV
Drama, Romance, Sports Studio Comet 07-07-05 12-29-05 PG-13 7.16
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
4 TV
Award Winning, Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi Kyoto Animation 04-03-06 07-03-06 PG-13 7.82
Sword Art Online
3 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance A-1 Pictures 07-08-12 12-23-12 PG-13 7.21
Tenki no Ko
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural CoMix Wave Films 07-19-19 07-19-19 PG-13 8.27
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa
9 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Studio Ghibli 08-02-86 08-02-86 PG 8.26
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
10 TV
Action, Comedy, Fantasy 8bit 10-02-18 03-19-19 PG-13 8.14
The God of High School
5 TV
Action, Fantasy MAPPA 07-06-20 09-28-20 PG-13 7.07
Toaru Majutsu no Index
6 TV
Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi J.C.Staff 10-05-08 03-19-09 R 7.34
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Madhouse 07-15-06 07-15-06 G 8.09
Tokyo Ghoul
9 TV
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Suspense Pierrot 07-04-14 09-19-14 R 7.79
Tokyo Ghoul:re
4 TV
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Suspense Pierrot 04-03-18 06-19-18 R 6.37
Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season
4 TV
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Suspense Pierrot 10-09-18 12-25-18 R 6.46
Tokyo Godfathers
9 Movie
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama Madhouse 11-08-03 11-08-03 PG-13 8.28
Tokyo Mew Mew
10 TV
Romance, Sci-Fi Pierrot 04-06-02 03-29-03 PG-13 7.10
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
4 TV
Comedy, Romance Brain's Base 10-02-12 12-25-12 PG-13 7.46
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: Tonari no Gokudou-kun
Comedy, Romance Brain's Base 08-12-13 08-12-13 PG-13 7.09
Tonari no Totoro
6 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural Studio Ghibli 04-16-88 04-16-88 G 8.25
10 TV
Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 10-02-08 03-26-09 PG-13 8.05
Tsubasa Chronicle
7 TV
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Bee Train 04-09-05 10-15-05 PG-13 7.51
Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations
10 OVA
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Production I.G 11-16-07 03-17-08 R 8.26
Tsuki ga Kirei
6 TV
Romance feel. 04-07-17 06-30-17 PG-13 8.03
Ultra Maniac
8 TV
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Ashi Productions 05-20-03 11-11-03 G 7.15
Ultra Maniac OVA
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Ashi Productions 08-06-02 08-06-02 G 6.62
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000%
6 TV
Comedy, Romance A-1 Pictures 07-03-11 09-24-11 PG-13 7.01
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000%
5 TV
Comedy, Romance A-1 Pictures 04-04-13 06-27-13 PG-13 7.17
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love Legend Star
5 TV
Comedy, Romance A-1 Pictures 10-02-16 12-25-16 PG-13 7.14
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love Revolutions
6 TV
Comedy, Romance A-1 Pictures 04-05-15 06-28-15 PG-13 7.00
Vampire Knight
5 TV
Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 04-08-08 07-01-08 PG-13 6.84
Vampire Knight Guilty
5 TV
Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 10-07-08 12-30-08 PG-13 7.07
Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie
8 Movie
Award Winning, Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural Madhouse, DLE 09-21-18 09-21-18 G 7.50
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
4 TV
Comedy, Romance Brain's Base 10-07-16 12-23-16 PG-13 6.93
Wonder Egg Priority
6 TV
Drama, Supernatural, Suspense CloverWorks 01-13-21 03-31-21 R 7.56
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
10 TV
Comedy, Romance A-1 Pictures 04-13-18 06-22-18 PG-13 7.92
6 TV
Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Production I.G 04-07-06 09-29-06 PG-13 7.97
xxxHOLiC Rou
Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Production I.G 04-23-10 03-09-11 PG-13 8.18