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Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A Lollypop or A Bullet
Dec 10, 2017 8:42 PM
· Scored
All Comments (12) Comments
I've been going around saying hi to ppl on my friends list that I haven't talked to in a longg time. How have you been? Its been over two years since we last talked lol...
Hows life?
Sorry for taking so long to reply >.< it was because school got so busy (so much schoolwork) that i didn't have time~
Boy i wish i had another month of vacation before school started T_T
School actually just started for me xD
How has your summer been?
I saw your post about how AnoHana made you bawl at the end too so thats how I ended up at your profile ^_^ incase you were wondering :P
So whatsup?