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NHK ni Youkoso!
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Majeh-Sama Jan 1, 2012 8:37 PM

January 2012 Edition

ikuto95 Dec 11, 2011 7:30 AM
TooTall Apr 3, 2011 7:34 PM
Will do!
TooTall Apr 3, 2011 6:26 PM
I'll start asap then :)
TooTall Apr 1, 2011 7:19 PM
Hello! I'm part of the Montreal group, was wondering if you want to be friends and if you would recommend Blood+?
ikuto95 Sep 12, 2010 5:14 AM
Vampire Fanclub!
It's time to vote Vampire of September.
Voting will last a week.
Shattered_Angel Aug 30, 2010 8:18 PM

Well, its ok if you were late at responding...heh. How many times have I done that to you lol?

Yes. I DID break up with Tyler. Last Tuesday to be exact. Our first day of 11th grade. Yup, he didn't take it too well at first...then I thought things were getting better because he started talking to me again at the end of last week...but OMG! Today I found out something horrible thanks to the observations of my friend Gaby: HE"S CUTTING HIMSELF AGAIN!!!! :( I have noticed how depressed he's been lately but I didn't know he'd revert to that...he used to cut himself before we got together and now he's doing it all over again but this is the worst I've ever seen it! No wonder he wore longsleeves last week even though it was like 100 degrees!!! So today he wore shortsleeves and Gaby noticed a really REALLY long cut along the inside of his left arm from his wrist to his elbow and she told me about it. So then in Spanish class I saw it and I asked him if he was cutting himself after school was done. He simply said 'Yes' without any emotion then after I told him to stop cutting himself and just deal with his problems like everyone else, all of a sudden he got kinda angry and said 'Why would YOU care if I cut myself anyway?!", obviously still mad about the breakup. Then I said "Well, why wouldn't I be concerned?! I just don't want you to hurt yourself really bad! I still care about you because I’m your friend!” Then he went silent and all then said bye…but you know, I really am worried about him :(. I just hope I at least knocked some sense into him…I don’t know…but thanks for understanding ^_^.

But there is this other guy (Andrew…I think I told you about him before…the rich kid). I think I’ve fallen for him for about a few months now but I tried to ignore it mostly since I had Tyler…I’m kinda depressed right now because there’s this other girl he talks to a bit more than me and I always see them laughing together…they’ve always been friends but seeing them like that’s hurting me now I think because I’m out on my own without anyone…we have different schedules at school so we rarely get to talk anymore and he’s never online when he says he’s going to be. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, honest, hardworking, moral, and treats me so special at times…but never mind I’m not getting anywhere with this conversation…I just wish I could spend more time with him and know if he ever had any feelings for me. I just hope I didn’t miss out on the only opportunity I had to be with him because I was still dating Tyler…and I hope I'm not just setting myself up to get my heartbroken all over again :(

And lol. You’re excited?! Hahaha. Yeah my schedule’s pretty packed too…advanced math & geometry along with Spanish and honors English. So what’re you gonna do once you graduate? Like what career do you want? I wanna be a writer but of course I’ll need something better to fall back on and since I have good grades and my mom’s hung up on someone in our family being in the medical field, I’ll try to be an anothesiologist. Lol spelled that wrong I know. But anyway, the doctor that puts people to sleep hahaha. I thought it’d suit me better because I get these mental seizures kinda where I get all disoriented with my surroundings and I can’t think straight. Thus, there’s no way in hell I’d ever put someone’s life in my hands on the operating table! Ooh…I got advanced math instead of chemistry…I’ll need to take that next year…I hate math and science T_T

Oh Planet of the Beast King? It’s kinda hard to explain without revealing too many spoilers but its basically about these colonies in space in the future. Like people don't live on Earth anymore and no one knows what happened to Earth (until the last ep. that is :P). So there's this Planet called the Planet of the Beast King and its called that because only the savage can survive there. It's a planet with man-eating plants and the only humans there are either prisoners or some other kind of exile, like the two main characters Thor and Rai. They get sent there because their parents were scientists and there was this conspiracy so they got killed and the kids got shipped off to Jyu-Oh-Sei...its pretty complicated but pretty cool. If you wiki it, I'm sure you'll find a much better intro than what I gave you ahahaha. I'm kinda spent on words after today at school :)

P.S. - do you have a facebook? i finally got one. yay! :D
Shattered_Angel Aug 22, 2010 6:52 PM
yo tanz! what's up?? its been a while so just thought I'd see how you're doin' ^_^
Shattered_Angel Aug 15, 2010 9:50 PM
Hey. Lol its been 2 weeks. Sorry again. -_-*

So have you gone to an anime con before? I'm not sure if I asked you yet or not, like I said, it's been awhile and it's kinda my fault hehehe.

So when does school start back up for you guys? My first day as a junior is the 24th...*sigh*...why do I feel like I didn't even have a summer this year?!?! It all went by way WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too fast!!! I'm kinda looking forward to socializing with my friends again since I've been living as a hermit for the past few months lol, but my parents are gonna keep breathing down my neck about maintaining my straight A's...well, goodbye 11hours of sleep and hello 3hours...not to mention loads and loads of stress...

Speaking of're probably going to think I'm really fickle/immature/shallow/a whore/ anything else idk, but I'm breaking up with Tyler. YES. I said it. I'M BREAKING UP WITH TYLER EVEN AFTER ALL THAT'S HAPPENED AND THE 11MONTHS TOGETHER!!! I made the decision back in July but didn't tell anyone except Krista (a.k.a. yoruichi45, my MAL sis ;)), my mom, and a few of my trusted cousins in the Philippines. It might seem like a huge shock to you but the idea has actually been in the back of my mind since even before the first kiss. Idk...its just like I care about him and all but the 'love' I had is sorta gone now and this time apart during the summer showed me that if I really cared that much about him like I thought I did, I wouldn't feel this empty.
I have to admit, the relationship started off bad anyway because he confessed that he liked me last September and I only accepted it because I thought I could change him into something different and make him fit my mold. He was always more of a brother-figure to me deep down and I always knew I shouldn't of been with him. That was my biggest mistake and entirely my fault. If you really care about someone you shouldn't try to change them like I tried (and failed epicly).
Also, I'm kinda fed up with all the critisism I get because of him from my friends and family. If I stop defending him, I see what they say is really true and I tried to cover up his mistakes. Even though his amnesia from his past (lol sounds like Blood+ but its true. he had a car accident i think i might've mentioned before and can't remember past him being 12) and his shyness play a big role in his strange behavior, that doesnt excuse the fact that he can be rude, neglect other people's feelings, be over-possessive of me, and sometimes kind of abuse my feelings toward him to get what he wants. I don't want to make him sound like some evil person but just giving you an idea of what he's like without actually knowing him.
So the first day of school or at least the first week some time, I'm gonna break the news to him one-on-one and face-to-face and ask him if we can just go back to being friends. Besides, with all that's going on in my life now, I really need to refocus my objectives on school, work, & future college more than relationships in general, or at least really serious ones for a while. I don't expect him to take the breakup well, but I've already made up my mind and I'm just going to take a break from dating and such period for a few months. I just hope he doesnt do anything reckless because he's known to be a cutter and only stopped when we got together :(...

Now that that's out of my system, I have been applying for tons of retailing jobs...21 to be exact hehehe. I'm not 16 yet but I'm applying early so I'll have better chances later/I was kinda bored anyway hahaha.

Oh and speaking of anime dubbing...have you seen Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet of the Beast King? I just bought the entire series on DVD and watched it last week...OMG!! The English was sooooo horrible!!! They gave a girl voice (Saya Otanashi's voice btw) to the two main character guys!!! It was horrifying! X(( But then I switched it back to the good old Japanese I first saw it in on and everything was cool. :)

Well, hope you're doing well, buddy! Talk to you later on! (And hopefully it doesnt take 2 weeks next time hahaha) Bye for now! ^_^
Shattered_Angel Jul 31, 2010 9:03 PM
Heyyyyyy! Sorry (again) for the late reply. Hahahaha! I guess we all have pretty busy lives then, huh? I don't know about you, but for me, it seems like i'm a hellava lot busier during the summer than the school year ;)

IT WAS SO FREAK'N FUN!!! Well, i wouldn't say we MADE them but we just wore the white shirts and jeans. I did look like a total junky and i had the least L-ish clothing since I was on vacation and didn't know I was going to be cosplaying lol! thus, my resources were rather limited...a white t-shirt with my school's logo at the top (hehe covered by my long, layered hair ;)) and dark navy skinny jeans...but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? My cousins on the other hand were amazing! one cousin Romar had the best outfit but that was only cuz he borrowed his mom's light jeans! But by far, Don-Don, the Spanish-speaking one, was the best L-impersonator. ;)

so you're going to a con soon? how big is it going to be? and do you know any of the guests? i went to setsucon 2010 this january with Tyler and my friend Gaby. it was really small and PACKED! We were so lucky we got there when we did cuz by noon, they didn't let anyone else in the hotel where it was held! 800+ people when they were expecting less than 400 like the years was probably cuz Vic Mignongna (English voice of Edward Elric from FMA) was there. hehe...we waited in line for 3 hours but I GOT TO TALK TO HIM!!!! He was really REALLY nice!XD so i got his autograph on his Christmas CD (he's a singer too) i bought at the con and my new testament Bible (he's an avid Christian too)! Gaby got her cami signed and Tyler his wallet since he didnt have anything else. He even hugged me and i have photographic evidence!!! *sigh* now i can die happy hahahahaha

lol. so now fish are scary? hehehehehe...might be the first time i heard that one :P

OMG!!!!! I'd TOTALLY LOVE TO GO TO ALL THOSE PLACES!!! My family travels ALOT but that's sooooo coooool! XD besides the Philippines and domestic vacations in the US, the only other countries I've been too are (excluding the international airports of course) Canada & Israel. and i thought i'd been all over the world....O_o

Well, I'm glad you like it working there at McDonalds ;). I know I could never do that...I'm looking for jobs now but retailing is about all I can handle...not a fast thinker haha. so i guess being in an amusement park has some benefits, huh?

well talk to you later and no, i don't have a tumblr account :(. i'll try to check out yours though when i have time :)
Shattered_Angel Jul 21, 2010 9:49 PM

Well here's a fun little detail from my trip to the Philippines and 3 of my guy cousins did an L (from Deathnote) cosplay photoshoot in my house! OMG! That was soooo much fun!!!! XD I had another cuz take 20+ pictures of us in different L-ish poses!!! I sorta did look like a druggie since I have long hair and didnt know what to do with it but i still loved it! Speaking of L cosplay, me and Tyler are going as Misa Amane and L to Setsucon next January ;3

Well, we were fishing for under 2 hours I guess cuz we got out late and the sun was going down :-/. Were we fish we usually do alright. Like 2 years ago, me and my dad went fishing there and he caught 16 fish (no exaggeration) in about an hour and a half! Don't get me wrong, they aren't huge fish, but still a good 4 - 6 inches :). The most I caught at once was 9 i think. We had a fishfry today, by the way :).

Oh so you're going to Ecuador. How many times have you gone out of Canada on those trips? I would totally love seeing other cultures like that around the world. :)

Well, the Philippines was originally founded by the Spanish in the 1600s and the Spanish culture has a big impact on the country. For example, you know how most Spanish people are Catholic? Well, the Philippines is the only Catholic Asian country with over 95% of its people with that religion. So schools there teach Spanish and my cousin's mom is really good at spanish too so that's how he's fluent ^_^ (that was what you were asking, right? -_-* sorry my mind is mush right now...idk hehehe)

So you love Vampire KNight but hate Kaname?! You filthy heathen! How dare you?! Lol. Jk. I'm just one of those brainwashed fangirls who'll follow him to the end, no matter what. So yeah. Let me guess…you love Zero don’t you? Um…Sorry but I pretty much despise him. My favorite character (obviously) is Kaname, second is Aido Hanabusa, and third Shiki. How far have you read the series so far?

Well, idk. I think I might've stopped growing haha. Yeah that's what I do, wear high heels all the time but Tyler said he likes it better when I wear flats cuz it makes me cuter ;)

So how's work been? I plan to get a job soon too (I turn 16 in Sept.) but no way I could handle fast food. I'm sorta an airhead even though I do get really good grades...lets just say I dont think very fast or on my feet haha. So I'm gonna try to apply for retailing jobs :)

Well, sorry again for the late reply. Talk to you later then. Bye for now! ^_^
Shattered_Angel Jul 9, 2010 9:28 PM
HEY TANIA!!!! I missed talking to you and my other MAL friend! How've you been?! So soooo sorry I've taken so long at writing back to you but everything's just been so hectic lately. Actually it always is....T_T. I'm sure its the same way with you, esp. since you have a job. I'll be getting one in a few months when I turn 16 just to add to the chaos...

Anyway, the vacation was great. Had a few ups and downs, but hey, that's life. It's really a lot to get into and I'm still sorta in the middle of something so I can't chat long. Maybe next time, huh? :)

By the way, do you have a tinerme account? It's sorta like an interactive chat game where you can make an anime avatar with coins you earn by having friends and playing minigames. I just got one two days ago so I'm still really REALLY confused haha!

About my ghetto hometown, yeah i guess it was sorta scary but i was just your average little kid, wanting to do nothing but play around and act stupid so i guess i didnt really think about anything like that. There might've only been one other couple on our street though that wasn't black hahaha. Not trying to be racist. Just stating the facts. :P It was the same thing at our school I just flashed back to a time when me and my best friend Chinazo beat up this fat girl in 2nd grade! I was such a little punk believe it or not! Ahh...good times. Good times. Hahahahaha!

About Tyler (my boyfriend - i feel like i have to re-introduce him to you since its been so long haha) yeah I went fishing with him yesterday actually and boy, was that hilarious!!! He had no clue what he was doing, was such a dork about everything, and I was laughing so hard at him...until he showed me up and caught 5 fish when I caught 2...*sob* But no, nothing romantic really happened because my parents were there, but it was still really fun! ^_^

Lol. That French thing you were going on about is so true and really funny. Oh, did I tell you I'm learning Spanish this school year? I'm so happy cuz I'll finally be able to talk to my one cousin who can't speak english that well! In the Philippines, people speak either Tagalog or Cebuano or some native dialect, but this one speaks fluent Spanish too! So yay! I'll actually be able to communicate with him! He's like one of my older brothers! (I have many. Hehehe we're a close knit bunch :3)

WOW about your bf. I would just about die if mine was that tall since I'm only 4'11, sadly...:(. oh and yesterday, I discovered to my horror that Tyler grew ALOT over about two months....he's like almost 5'11 now!!!!!! I feel like I'm shrinking!!! this is making my height-complex even worse!!!! have you read Vampire Knight? he's totally working on teh whole Kaname and Yuki thing since they're a couple and Kaname's 6ft and Yuki is only 5ft...*sigh*...why? why does it have to be like this...?

thanks for wishing me a fun trip! it was ^_^

well, talk to you later! i missed ya! bye for now, girlfriend! ;)
Shattered_Angel May 28, 2010 8:41 PM
Hiiiii! OMG! Sorry that I've taken FOREVER at responding to your message! I've been way too busy with finals and getting ready for my trip to the Philippines that I'm taking on Monday!!! well today was my last day of school so at least its all over with...I'm going to really miss all my buddies at school though...:)

but yeah, I'm taking a month-long vacation to the Philippines this summer like I usually do every summer so I won't be on MAL for at least that long :(. you know, not many people have computers in third-world countries and i absolutely despise going to public internet cafes there...soooooooooo damn hot and pick-pockets are like everywhere esp. when I stick out like anything with my pasty-white skin mixed in with all those dark tanned asian folk!!! i am half filipino but i look 100% American. its not a race I know, but you get what I'm saying ;) things are a bit of a hassle there even when it comes to shopping but its a nice break from the norm I guess, plus there's beaches 5 minutes away from my vacation house and I've got loads of family there so its all worth it in the end ^_^ you go to leadership camp? what is that exactly? most of my friends go to youth camps in the summer which is just Christian camp, but I've never been to any kind of camp in my entire life. its not as if I can't, I just dont feel like it. i'm not an outdoors person if you haven't caught that yet lol

i used to live in the inner city since my dad was a sergeant there for 20 years and boy was it trashy! people got shot across the street every other week (slightly exaggerated) and the drugstore behind our house got robbed just as often! not to mention the prostitutes, druggies, and drunks that came along our street...sheesh! what a great place to spend the first 10 years of my life at, right??? (sarchasm)

speaking of field trips...yesterday, our entire high school went to hershey park (you know what that is right? an amusement park) and OMG!!!! it was soooo indescribably fun!!!! I dont think I was ever more alive in my entire life!!! I rode alot of stuff I was too scared to do before I had my first kiss (actually more like aggressive makeout session on his part...)!!!!! finally!!! it happened!!!! XD i froze though when it did happen and imo, TYler was going a little too fast, but hey. it actually, finally happened, so yay! i just gave him a few pointers for next time haha! I'm sure he's busy crying right now that he wont be able to get a second chance until at least a month or two hehehehe...;)

oh and this old lady saw it happen and i only noticed after we were done...I just about died lol. my rep as 'Ms. Perfect' ruined!!! its ruined!!!!!!!!!!! but not really haha. somewhat related to this, have you seen an anime movie called Perfect Blue? i just finisehd it this weekend ironically enough. if you know what i'm talking about, you'll understand why id say it was ironic :)

yeah i understand about the whole older teammates thing. i'd probably feel the same way, esp. since i'm just now getting over my self-concious, shy phase this year. so you don't know french? no offense, but i'm kinda glad my school switched to teaching spanish instead of french for next year...i kinda think french people can be a little too patriotic which makes them kinda snobbish too...
but anyway, dont worry about it! i'm sure everything will work out and if you're good at socializing and making friends, I'm sure you wont have too much trouble fitting in ;) just remember to have fun!

YOU FATTY! lol just kidding. don't kill me hahaha. i just tell my bf that all the time cuz he eats like a hog all the time but I have no idea where he puts it. he's all self-concious about himself too, but he isnt fat! oh my gosh! everyone's trying to convince him of that...I mean he is un-muscular cuz he doesnt work out, but he's 5'9 and usually weighs 140lbs! that's totally normal, right??? skinny even...I just searched it up on an online ideal weight calculator and it actually said he should be 152lbs...

well I'll try to message you before I leave then. maybe on sunday or something but I can't guarantee anything sorry. if i dont message you, have a great summer and stay safe! talk to you when I get back at the end of June! ;)
Shattered_Angel May 18, 2010 10:21 PM
hahahaha lol. yeah i did that yesterday on the field trip. me and Gaby ditched 'the lovers' aka Tyler and Theron and went to the stripmall there near the inner harbor. it was so much fun and there was SOOO much drama!!! im sorta glad i had this minifight with Tyler yesterday though (we've made up again btw) because now I know i dont need him to make me happy! yes i love him and his company of course but he isnt the only source of fun!!! yay self-realization!!! XD

yes, we had another field trip, this time to Baltimore. we really went there to visit the aquarium but we went through that in like 30 minutes so we had like 3 1/2 hours to spare. yeah, the thing is about our upper highschool field trips is no supervision. we can do what we want when we want as long as we are in a group of 2 or more. its a good thing with the freedom and all, but we're never going to learn anything that way...its just like a big party to us lol

hehehehe. that's funny. i usually just ramble on with my spastic self to Tyler (like today at school ---> Theron was not there yay again!)

yeah i understand what you're saying...I feel the same way about Tyler...and I dont know what I'd do if I ever lost him, esp. if I saw him with another girl...but anyways, love triangles are interesting lol ^_^
oh and i had to tell Gaby the latest updats about Andrew and stuff while we were eating (by ourselves yesterday btw cuz the guys were at Best Buy...) and she's all like 'Tyler's being a douche, so you should switch over to Andrew soon'...that's alot coming from her since she and Andrew are mortal enemies. actually all my friends hate Andrew cuz he's the classic snooty yet aristocratic-like rich kid :P

hahaha. me too. appearantly tim and tyler are good friends now, evident in the fact that he sat at our table today at lunch in place of theron, also evident in the fact that they went on for an hour *again* about pokemon...lame i know. i really dont have a problem with tim though. he seems like a nice guy even though he'll proabably grow up to be a pedo lol

oh i see. do you all get along alright? i always wanted an older brother...maybe like Ayame from Fruits Basket hahahaha. but that seriously would be so much fun! :)

wow. i could only wish our school had actual RESOURCES. the high school body is like less than 400 people, everything is surplus generic, and we dont even have lunch served in the cafeteria. basically everything there is original from when the church was first started 60 years ago...and there's no heating in the winter, no air conditioning in the summer. today was fricken freezing and its almost June!!!! well, i guess since its the cheapest Christian school in the area they have to have crappy stuff to keep the price low and they need to support its ministries and stuff :)

i'm afraid that's impossible. the guys' soccer team only won twice this year and one of those was by default. you have to agree that's pretty sad...

well I'm sure it wont be that bad :). they're only 1 - 2 years older than you so what're you afraid of?

well, i really dont eat much, or a balanced diet (evident in my consumption of cream cheese spread raw a few days ago hehe) so i sorta need it for nutritional value. i used to get sick alot like every 2 weeks or so (side pain, cold, cough, tonsilitis, sore throat, vomiting usually ---> they thought i was pregnant last time i went to the doctors with the symptoms!!! O_o) but now with the multivitamins and vitamin c, i havent gotten sick since January ^_^
I'm sorta a frail person but that's the way i was born so its cool :)
Shattered_Angel May 16, 2010 3:31 PM
yeah...I hate it when my friends nag me about my mood when I'm already in a bad mood cuz it just makes it worse most of the time...:-/

do you get jealous easily? that's usually my problem with those two...I know Tyler's not gay but it just bothers me sometimes...I guess because no one's paying attention to me and all. I'm slowly finding ways to get over it like talking more with Gaby and Andrew....but OMG!!! Look where talking more with Andrew has gotten me!!! X((
but anyways, Tyler does seem more himself around Theron I guess...he laughs alot more and maybe I'm just a little jealous that even when I try, I can't do as good of a job...

well you should try to get to that point where you two can talk about pretty much anything. or you could do what i do sometimes if its that hard to get the words out: write a letter or note telling him what's on your mind. if you dont say anything, the problem's probably going to show up again...but hey. its your life and your guy, so you be the judge. do whatever you feel needs to be done. besides, everyone's different and they take things differently ;)

about Andrew, i really dont know. its sorta putting a bit of stress on me since i *did* have a crush on him and if he keeps acting this way, it sorta brings those feelings back a little and I really dont need the temptation right now...and it doesnt help that everyone I ask, including my mom, thinks that I should go for him cuz he's got such a better life ahead of him...well, I'm still sticking with Tyler but I'll rest in the fact that if something horrible happens in our relationship, I still got a backup plan lol

yes he does need a life. lol. it was sooo funny at lunch Thursday cuz at the lunch table he was being all quiet so to break the ice, I started the conversation.
Me "Soooo, Tim. I watched When They Cry..."
Tim "Oh really? What'd you think?"
Me "Yeah. What exactly is up with your obession with little girls?!" <---- fairly loudly by the way ;)
Tim *Gets suddenly flustered*
Girl Classmate at Table "What?! Tim, you like little girls?!"
Gaby "Whoa! Tim likes little girls?!"
Me *Laughing hysterically*
Tim *Frantically denying the 'false' accusation*
And so another rumor is started by yours truly ;)

oh ok. that's good. i really dont get why people vandalize...its so destructive and you have siblings? (sorry if you told me before and I forgot...) i'm an only child sadly....

they don't lol. that's why our school loses most of the time. we only have a soccer and basketball team and a volleyball team for girls. Tyler's in the soccer team and every time before the game, this other guy on his team walks up to him and says 'ready to lose today, Tyler' and he usually says 'yeah'. its sad but its true. our school sux at sports...

yeah i used to be afraid of swallowing pills but now I got over it...I have these really huge teen vitamins i take everyday that are almost an inch took me like 2 months to do it right without choking or vomiting from them...:-/
I still can't for the life of me take capsules...they're in me for like 30 seconds then i get sick...they have such a nasty aftertaste I swear...

hahahaha thanks. sometimes i send messages that actually makes sense and sometimes it seems like I might've been drunk writing them haha. it just depends on my mood really :)
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