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MaTyMoi Jun 28, 2021 6:36 PM
prusyxaustria Dec 27, 2014 2:28 AM
Hi,how are you doing!
Also,Happy Holidays!
kukimunstir Aug 1, 2014 4:35 AM

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prusyxaustria Jul 4, 2013 1:26 PM
So the such tests were needed for the before-mentioned studies?The whole concept of such examination seems ...quite bizarre ... even far-fetched for me.You have my regards.
Also pardon my rudeness but do you have any plans what to do now or you just want not to think about it much (like me)?

Well,well.I am type of this "blissfully ignorant person",so to say=P. This comes from my experience as a Polish person...You know,no matter which political party administer my country,they do it in in order to settle their own matters.What I mean is that,they fill vacancies in ministries & bureaus with their colleagues,that's clear as day though( and I bet nepotism isn't a rare phenomenon in other countries either...)The worst part is introducing acts which also serve a purpose only to people who invented them and interposed them,not to commonfolk like you and me.For example POliticians recently introduced a law,which gives parents with more than 4 children a considerable tax donation.Wonderful right?But there is "but".You have to earn MORE than 4,500 zlotys(I could convert it into dollars,but the same amount in $ wouldn't be proportional at all and wouldn't give the right feel.Let's say it's a very satisfactory salary in Polish standard) per month to receive such tax donation.Yes,you have read this right.MORE.
Also.. hushing up these kind of laws with debates about controversial social matters e.g homosexuality issues is laughable,albeit very common occurrence.
I don't know what is wrong with these people anymore,seriously.So I stopped caring.I don't watch TV expect foreign channels ,I don't check the news,I don't go ballistic.I'm more interested in what is happening around the world,than what is happening in my country anyway.Ugh,I know it's wrong.But even if we choose different party/different politicians in next elections the result will be still the same.It's a catch-22.

Can I ask then,why are you so interested in politics?I know that "historians at heart" :) are indeed committed to domestic affairs and so ,but is there more to that?You seem really keen on this subject ^^.

One can say that generally Scandinavian countries are welfare states,aren't they ^^?

Quality entertaiment =/= anime =P.This season on charts a looks average to me.I just see majority of the anime here are moeblobs,harems,shoujo brainwashers and n-th sequels to series/ovas/anything that helps make more money.Oh well,Sailor Moon fans must rejoice.Re-makes are getting much attention lately
I'm probably going to watch Mirai Nikki redial,Fate zero/cafe(God I must go finish specials first...),Watamote,Kimi no Iru Machi,Geshinken Naidame...maybe Mushishi 2 when I'll watch the first season lol.

BTW,should I watch Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru is not worth my time?
prusyxaustria Jul 4, 2013 7:47 AM
It does vary by each uni a little bit (by a day or two )The first results will be announced at the beginning of the July,circa the 9th.The second list will be announced circa 15,third circa 22 and fourth circa 29~~ in all of schools.
How much med schools?We have 12 in Białystok,Bydgoszcz,Gdańsk,Katowice,Zabrze,Lublin,Warszawa,Łódź,Wrocław,Poznań,Szczecin,Kraków.
Enmity between Cracow and its colony?Not at all.Just a little tad of healthy antipathy!

Don't be jealous.. I was also a jack of all trades,but master of none when I was in high school.I had the highest grade point average in the whole school,was a honor student with top grades and so forth ,still I ended up re-taking the exam.
I was good at chemistry because of my goal,not because "I have liked it since I was a child "and shit like other people say =P.To be honest,I wasn't really that interested in science when I was in grade school or junior high.When I started learning chemistry in high school ,in the process I gradually came to like it.It just happened.I started to buy extra textbooks,read more about the subject,do extra exercise.
I thought ,at the beginning,it was just a mean to archive my goal.It was nothing more than that and nowadays it is something much more than that :)

I'm sorry but,I didn't quite catch that.You failed your tests because of the psychological evaluation?How psychologists can even measure your "motivation"?When I have read that part of message that it was all Greek to me 0_0.We don't have this kind of tests in Poland.Well,all they do is psychical examination for all kind of studies,nothing more.

There are no unemployment benefits in nowadays' Poland too...To receive a job-seeker's allowance you have to work for a whole year and the amount of money you receive is... too little to led a normal life.

Aye,aye my friend.This world is cruel and unjust,but well it isn't something new,right?
Also ...not everybody is interested in politics...Most of the people are happy when they have food and water,adequate housing,healthcare and a family.There is nothing wrong with that.
Plus,even if people care about the politics they don't have any means,power or connection to change situation they are in.Not much people are blessed with charisama or were born a leader.Not everyone is a natural.
We go boosting about democracy ,the plurality and so on but in the end we don't have much of a choice when it comes to elections or situation in our country.Poland is not Switzerland.
Also I say no to communism states =P.As I said ,capitalism is lesser evil.
prusyxaustria Jun 30, 2013 11:12 AM
No,I am sorry to burden you with those kind of news/information.But this is going to be one hell of a rant.
After cooling my head a bit (aka crying a river) though... I can't really put my finger on that I won't make it this year.I did improve my scores after all (biology- 3% and chemistry-10%)Well,the most probable scenario is that I will get into med school ,but certainly not in the one in Cracow (Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University is the most prestigious and the most elite medical school for physicians in whole country. Also the most corrupted one but sssh...). Maybe Warsaw(again a certain small, unknown city,pardon,Kraków's inhabitants' consider it a village xD) or Katowice/Zabrze will do instead.The second most probable scenario is that...I won't make it (haha surprising I know )because of one or two points).It's always like that.I wouldn't fuss much about it if it wasn't about money( and my nerves).I did pay my applications fee after all,25$ for each uni.It costs dammit.

Also stupidity hurts.Especially if it is real stupidity. Of mine.I could even get even a 100% out of this exam,but no,I had to make silly mistakes.Even if I'm a stupid fucktard at times or even 100% of the time,I am excellent at chemistry,heck,I even won some stupid chemistry contest when I was a high school brat.I love this branch of science and decided to study it.You can call it a passion,a favorite subject,an unhealthy obsession or anything you like...I knew more than it was needed.Still,I...just...made mistakes in the easiest parts.Banging my head against the wall is simply not enough.

Plus ,the exam was very very easy.Heck it was banal!One of the easiest in 5 or 10 years!Then I didn't get even 90%.It hurts dammit.I had to screw things up,as usual.

Simply put-I so am done with myself,and sorry that you have to read this fucking rant.But heck,I am so pissed now.

Onto other topic.

Maybe privatization was a bit more successful than in Russia,yes,but still it was far from being called "a satisfying reform".If I had to summarize the whole process using only one sentence,I'd write that "The whole intention of privatization was good ,but the execution of it-terrible".
Firstly,the most important and still live issue-the government indeed had more control over the market than Russians had,but still it wasn't enough.I mean most of the capital was bought by wealthy foreigners. And we all know what will happen to a statistically manufacturing plant,factory,shipyard or ironworks,when it's bought by a foreigner.In 90% either it will be shut down or departments will cease to work.Why is that,you my ask?
Simply said,this action is taken in order to eliminate any competition of course...
Before you ask any questions,this is not some silly conspiracy theory,this is the truth.The examples of such action can be multiplied,but this is the most evident one,because it affected my city.
Ironworks in Nowa Huta (previously a city,now district of Kraków) were bought by a Indian called Mittal(you must have heard of him).He closed many departments in it and becasue of that many people lost their jobs.Just because it was not profitable to produce steel here.Haha "capitalism" my ass.
Second,due to privatization,many of the "unnecessary "employing establishment were closed.Many people lost their jobs,because communism created many so-called "unnecessary" working areas.This is a sick situation,because nobody took care of those people.Nor country nor politicians.My parents were affected by this too...Because of this goddamn badly-done privatization.
Some of the people took an earlier retirement,some of them retrained (like my parents did)...and so on.

prusyxaustria Jun 28, 2013 1:42 AM
Is that so?Well,good for pharmacologists in your country...

If we are talking about salaries though... the most frustrating thing if it comes to working in Poland is drastic and unjust discrepancies in salaries between the poorest and the richest employees.In Scandinavia...the democracy and capitalism have a very long tradition,right?So the politicians know how "it's done" and strive toward the equality if it comes to salaries?Or they just try,doing it,even if it is not doable?

Uhm...Although I usually hate comparing Poland to Russia in any matter, I'll agree with you on this statement.Privatization was done inefficiently,the monies was looted,lot of public firms were closed and so forth...
I don't really know much about economics =P and how precisely was it done,but this is what I deducted from other people views on this matter.

Ironically enough,the white Americans are descendants of Europeans,so...

Sorry if I wrote too little but I'm just crey after results of exam and thus I do not know what is human language anymore.
prusyxaustria Jun 26, 2013 5:06 AM
Well...if comes to biology/chemistry related studies,in Poland only finishing med studies and being a physician (I don't like the word "doctor" because in Polish doctor is used by addressing both MD and PhD =P) can guarantee you a decent job .Even finishing pharmacology science,which is in my humble opinion,more sophisticated (more complicated mathematics & psychics than in courses for psychicans ) and much more time-consuming than med school can't guarantee you a job,not to say a well-paid job(Pharmacologists in my country are paid below the half of the country 's average salary ) .In fact in Poland,after studying a pharmacological science you are treated like a plain sales assistant with 5 years spent on pointless studying and people always will look down on you,not to say be plainly rude or even sassy.
This comes from a person who has friends employed in this market + fellow med students.Also from my everyday experience and a bit of research .

Drinking is always the best Slavic way to socialize. You had a wise president.

About communism.I agree. Although in nowadays media communism is shown as the most evil political system in the world (as if capitalism is flawless),I think it had some pluses too.The most important ones are an "egalitarian society"--as you pointed out,free health care and a job for everybody.

This said,this system still had more minuses(no freedom of speech,repressions,no free media-wait wait do even free media exist? etc.) than pluses...So it fell.But in my opinion introducing a capitalism to former countries of USRR was no greater good,(in media portrayed as liberation of poor oppressed Eastern countries by heros from USA) but only choosing lesser of two evils.

Education system.It used to be one of the most egalitarian and best systems in Europe since 90s .Unless some dumbfucks(politicians) decided to introduce 1035498 unnecessary reforms and try to make our system more American-like.Which ended in disaster of course,because copying solutions from USA won't do an European country any good.Why is that?Because we live in Europe dammit!Why can't we emulate other Europeans ,like Germans in that matter?In economy ,today's Poland's system is basically ripped off from Germany's one =P and I think that it didn't cause any disasters so far (specially during crisis hehe).So why not copy some of their solutions in education system then...?

No,no it's okay.In fact,I like your rants =D. They are thought-provoking and non-biased.

Hm,is that so...Then maybe introducing sauna or two in my city wouldn't be so bad :D
In winter Poles usually cuddle to or sit near the radiators (no kidding ,especially high school students do so),use warm blankets and take very hot showers to keep themselves warm.

Heh,maybe! As Wilde once said "It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors".Kraków would be small from the London's inhabitant point to view for example :D
prusyxaustria Jun 25, 2013 10:41 AM
I guess can make a generalization that biologists and chemists don't have many promising job opportunities regardless of country they reside in?In Poland there is no job for them too.No biotechnology/nanotechnology/chemical industry there.

And uh...another question for you.Is Finland a post-soviet country,like Poland?Did it depend on USRR like Poland ?

Oh,yes,Americans...I have watched a video with them and ...well.My brain died...When it come back to life,I thought about those videos a lot.I have thought about answers to those questions a lot:
"What exactly makes you a stupid or an intelligent person?" "Can you just be stupid because you don't know name of the president of the country you reside in? ""Can you be stupid because you are bad at reading the map?" and last but not least "Does fact that you cannot recall how many sides does triangle because finished high school 40 years ago ,make you an idiot? ".Also , in these kinds of polls,they pick up only "the funniest" and the most silly answers,because the correct ones are no fun to watch.Plus asking people out of blue and giving like 3 seconds to answer is also a specialty in those types of TV programs.
.Also the inseparable,cruel tendency to make fun of other people is a part of our beautiful human nature.The sole thought that "there is a bigger idiot than me in this world" makes us feel better.
The education factor though.In Poland there is a tendency to cut many things from high school courses and thus ..If it goes on ...we will end up like Americans ,if it comes to education standards and the lack of common knowledge.

I meant marks like A-F in UK and 5-1 in Germany ,not notes.Sorry for that.I have heard that from junior high Finns do not get marks,but I'm not sure if it is a rumor/urban legend of some sort :)

Thanks for clearing things about Finnish-Swedish thing!I have learnt a lot.
I guess that character depends on individual person but there is a tendency that Northern Europeans are usually more of a introverts that Southern Europeans.I guess it has to do something with temperature and metabolism.Any theories on that?

Saunas...Frankly said,they are practically non-existent in Poland,unless you go to spa or aqua park of some sort :D (come to think about it aqua parks with saunas are hard to come by and if you want to go there you have to pay an additional entry fee)
For example...If I recall correctly there is no public saunas in Cracow (unless you count some in spas) - a very small and very unknown city I have been living in for 19 years of my life :D

Poles don't have saunas in their houses/apartment blocks/tenement houses (kamienice),that is for sure.

prusyxaustria Jun 23, 2013 9:06 AM
I don't know why but I lost it at "I'll go find something else" line....
Back to the main topic.
I see.I considered different courses,mostly associated with science,such as chemistry engineering,chemical technology,pharmacologist science or even computer science(lol) but I ended up taking pedagogical chemistry with overall science course.I had a very simple reason to,despite my relatively high score(circa 80% from biology and chemistry) which could aver me an entry to pharmacological science and other so-called prospective studies.
I wanted to re-take matura exam tom improve my score.Re-taking means doing a whole lot of studying for the exams,in my book at least+ nowadays matura exam is really is capricious ^^ So I decided to do an less exacting university course ,so that I had more time in my hands.I mean... what the point in taking a very hard course when you have an other goal in your mind?
From the perspective of time it was the best I could do and I don't regret it entirely,despite the fact that I "lost" 30 ECTS credits (If I am not mistaken ECTS credit is eqivalent to 'opintopiste' in Finland and there is no scaler between them) for one semester.
If it comes to abroad students,it is good to hear that majority of English courses are free of charge :).From my (Polish) point of view,it seemed improbable that is why I had written that "if you want to take an English study program you must pay" ^^ What I noticed that ,foreigners coming to study in Poland are paying quite generous amounts to take desired courses,e.g medicine or law.In Collegium Medicum of Craciovian Jagiellonian University there is always a big group of people from Scandinavia :).Mostly Norwegians and Swedish though,but I'm sure there would be Finnish people too.

You said you did study in the Technical University of Lappeenranta. What course did you take there?

Russiophobia you say...Then Finnish and Polish people have something in common then ^_^ There are many people in my country who secretly despise Russians,mostly because of the same reason - WW2 history issues.In Polish case the most important reasons would be Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact ,17th of September and murdering Polish salt of the earth in Katyń. What would it be in Finnish case?
About Roma gipsy beggars/African people,I think the Finnish point of view and Polish point of view/stereotypes are same in this case.

Żywiec!I didn't know they sold it internationally/exported it :) Most of the Polish alcohols are intended to be sold on home market ,so that is quite suprising.

Well,it's better that Finnish people don't know much about Polish people ,since all of the stereotypes I have heard about Poles have a negative overtone to them =P.
In a manner of speaking,you seem to know more about history than most foreigners do though,but you have mentioned that you do like history ,so it is no suprise. No wait.In a way it is.Usually forgeiners,aka British asked when my mother country lies they say than it borders with Iraq.I can't even...
If it comes to the generalizations about Finland let me tell you a bit about them and feel free to correct them if they are wrong!Poles usually associate modern Finland with excellent education system,qualified teachers,no notes since n-th grade (sorry I forgot which one it is...heck,is it even true or it just a rumor?),Swedish as the second language...general aversion for Swedes.Oh if it comes to Sweden,I just have to ask you: How does the real relationship between Finland and Sweden look like ?I'm very curious since I'm not sure if it is "a-friends-with-benefits" one or more like the Polish-Lithuanian "love-hate" one.What I mean is that..There was a time when Sweden was ruling Finland,plus Kalmar Union thing and so on...It just resembles the times were Lithuanian was ruled by Poland..Polish Lithuanian commonwealth thing and so on...okay..I'll stop now.
If it comes to completely random things about Finland I have to list :
Finnish sauna, a lot of mosquitos in the summer(we have them too so what the deal),shirtless lumberjacks working in the -40 C temperature XD XD XD,general immunity to the cold and ice and well there is a common stereotype that Finns can hold their liquor :D.
About history I guess those are the most known things :
*Winter War.
*Gulags.I guess that many generalizations that Finnish people are particularity immune to cold,lasting and durable comes from books about Soviet labor camp and organisations ,such as "A World Apart: a Memoir of the Gulag".
*Swedish ruling the Finns.
*Kalmar Union.
*Finnish Civil War
*Also Soviet Union.

PS.I'm really really grateful about remarks about Finland too!I would like to know more about your mother country,since we live in Anglo american-dominated culture,where people are not interested about cultures toher than English/American one.
prusyxaustria Jun 23, 2013 6:51 AM
Let's root for each other then.Guess we will await them with bated breath...
May I ask if you are definitely planning to take pharmacology and bioanalysis,or you have something other in mind,just in case?I don't mean to be rude,just curious.I, myself, have to think of other I asked .
Is that so?Damn,I knew any of the Scandinavian or Finnish languages I would totally study in North Germanic countries/Finland =P . Unfortunately,the only one foreign language I know relatively well is English,and this is certainly not enough to study abroad(if you do not want to pay fees).Plus... I bet locals aren't very happy with immigrants who don't even know their mother language.I don't really know about the North Europe's point of view on immigrants expect one controversial and ...I know only about the Poles situation in Western Europe and the incidents in Germany or UK speak for themselves.The lynch law/kangroo courts in Germany on Polish workers,for examples.Also have some of the [somehow hilarious somehow tragic]common stereotypes about the Poles used in Westerners' media ...xD (You will learn about Polish even more in this post,hope you will be prepared.)
1)Overwhelming majority of the Polish girls are pretty. Statically true,but in all places when a lot of wars took place,girls are "pretty",much because of the heterosis effect/mixing of the different gene pool.
2)All of the Poles are dumb .Explanation found in google:"Cauz they let Hitler walk into their country".I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Yup,I can't deny that.But Poland is not even on "World Top Ten Countries With Most Car Thefts Rates" list xD and actually is after Sweden and Canada after robberies statistics ,so what's the problem.In every society thefts occur.Polish are not different in this matter.Most of the Polish immigrants do want to lead an above-board live.I am not trying to white-wash Polish immigration,I just wish that Westerners would not look down on them so much.It is plain racism.Expect if you will look down on a white Polish man,in is not,but if you will look down on black people,it is.Damn,I thought that those krautzes/limneys/yankees thought that Slavs were a different race tho.Damn.
4)Polish jokes(I would rather call them lame puns but oh well).I wish I could turn a blind eye on them,but they are not even funny,so I can't.
5)Vodka drinkers.Okay I can't deny that.Polish drink .They drink a lot.They are immune to alcohol too...BTW,did you that Finlandia (vodka) is one of the most popular drinks in my country :D?
6)They have strange habits and they are definitely very bizzare.
Hands down,it's so true.
Okay back to the music.
Firstly you are so very welcome,I am ready to rant about it 24/7.Also sorry I forgot to say that Jan Kowalski is equivalent to plain Jane/John Smith in English,but it seems you catched it anyway ^^.
Second-You have the equivalent of disco-polo in Finland too,you say *flash back to Finnish Ievan Polkka and Swedish Caramelldansen *?I guess people don't want to dance to other type of music expect disco-polo and techno and their nationality doesn't matter xD.
Doujin music?Never heard of this one before.Is it something like covers (be it instrumental e.g orchestral or vocal) of anime songs on nico-nico douga or original songs?
prusyxaustria Jun 22, 2013 12:59 PM
The message deleted itself and thus I had to re-write it from scratch.Sorry for obscenities thrown here and there,but I couldn't help yourself.
Firslty: Sorry for the late reply.I got a lot of papers to fill,people to meet and so forth on in my job.I'm guess I'm over the hump in my job,but ...not if it comes to exams.Damn,they are to be announced in 6..5..4...3..2...1 day(s).It's around the corner~~!Gotta prepare a sop to the Cerberus ,just in case...'Cauz a little bird told me if I don't pass the exams with flying colours I'll be in a jam.This is clear as day though.
Anyway I have got a question:
1.When you apply to public uni in Finland do you have to pay an entry fee or it is just my fucked upbeloved country?

Secondly:If it comes to disco polo's matter,there is nothing to regret :P.The whole disco-polo songs have same pattern,the singers can't change and they don't change their inflection in a slightest way,and the lyrics usually consist of those themes: a) praising the colour of your girl panties (no kidding) b)wanting to bang your gurl in the village grove yo c)praising your gurl's eye colour .Basically folk(very very folk) tanz music with salacious,but not entirely obscene lyrics,good for your commonpeasant villiger Jan Kowalski.Usually played at weddings and high school proms aka Studniówka this is the real reason why I didn't go to the prom for fucks sake.BTW,Every time I hear" well everyone likes disco-polo but nobody wants to admit that" I want to bang my head against the brick wall,commie a counsel of depair,cry a river and jump off a brigde. Usually I'm content with adding my twopenn'orth (aka denying it) or plainly throwing obscenities though :P.
Thirdly, about the Japonese industry.Or rather a music/show-biz as whole.All of the visual key bands seem to follow after one fashion I guess?There is no fun if there is no diversity,I mean somebody could break new ground once in a while,hey.I just don't get my friends who are in too deep with this bands things.They could even spend 20$ on a plain T-shirt with a band name on it,I mean,isn't it exaggerating?This is something I couldn't,can not and won't comprehend.It's like black magic to me,seriously.
prusyxaustria Jun 17, 2013 12:13 PM
Well said,well said.I have nothing to add to what you have written,maybe expect the Lamarckian Law of Use and Disuse – "Individuals lose characteristics they do not require and develop characteristics that are useful".
Also,a lot of people trash-talk that "talents are everything" and" if you have none you should basically go die in a corner"(Yeah I have meet such people).This way of thinking angers me a lot,since I know a lot of so-called talented people who fell and they did fell miserably and a lot of people who archived everything in life by hard work.
BTW,I think I'm in love with your way of expressing yourself in English :>.
Favourite type of music?You had it coming to you :>
Let's see...I wish I could reply with "If the song is good the genre doesn't matter" but this is entirely not true,since I have a lot of genres I really can't stand and I mean it(e.g disco polo,rap or folk music ).
If I had to choose my favourite genre though... maybe rock?I have always liked the bass guitar's timbre and heavy instrumental sounds.If I had to narrow it to the bands I would list some Finnish >:D ones such as Poets of the Fall(Have you heard about them?It's pretty good band although pretty unkown also),Nightwish and North American ones: Three Days Grace and Skillet.Recently I have been warming to Rammstein since I was searching for songs which would help me brush (or rather not completely forget about) my German,however I can't help but dislike political innuendos in their lyrics they are making...
Also I think such heavy metal is too much for me...for the time being(okay okay I know Skillet plays also heavy metal but for me those are completly two different types of metal)
As for Japonese songs,the same goes for me.Mostly anime openings and OSTs.Unlike my friends,I'm not much of a fan of crossdressing dudes from J-rock and K-pop bands,who tend to concentrate on undressing and doing fanservice too much rather than on decent singing.I don't say that all of them can't sing but ..most of them actually can't >:D,so they try to appeal to female audience though making eyecandy-ish PVs and trying to act to fit archeotypes loved by women (e.g. every band has to have "bad boy" "sweet shota" and shit like that )For me vocalist is made to be heard ,not seen.
I have some favourite vocalists ,mostly women:Yui,Kotoko("Re-sublimity"),Kalafina("Magia"),Utada Hikaru. Altough I adore some songs sung by male vocalists too :P:Gackt's "Vanilla" and "Raison d'etre" by Nightmare for example.
Oh,you like classical music?I'm not a big fan of it,since I really hate this " high culture" feel about it ,but I really love Vanessa Mae playing classical pieces on her electric violin :)
prusyxaustria Jun 14, 2013 12:15 PM
Well,I should have waited for all of the movies to come out :) and then judge the series as whole ...However the last movie(Q) stirred so much controversy that I couldn't help writing a mini opinion about the New Theatrical Version.
Still,I didn't say that I didn't enjoy it :).In fact I did,otherwise I would not give movies such a high score on my list.I just wanted to emphasis overall trend.
Also,Compared to the other anime RoE is still good,both in terms of plot/story and overall artwork(ekhm,ekhm breath-taking Sakura Nagashi).At least it had generated some emotions among the fans,contrary to the mainstream anime,which are usually dull and nondescript.

Oh,you mean something like Ikkitousen/Koihime Mosou >.<?Aww yiss those should be made into porn already but that wouldl reduce the amount of the target audience = less profits,no money,hooldum's life for directors :> etc.
PS. I love how durable lingerie in those anime is and how the steam always finds its place on the female lead's "strategical regions" :).

Well,I just think that our abilities or talents are complex combination of hard work,genetics,predispositions(gender also).Many of the studies had shown that women are indeed superior to men in many areas,such as reading the maps,spatial imagination,abstract thinking,analytic thinking and overall mathematics operations ...while women are better at dealing with arithmetics ,synthetic thinking,specific situations and learning foreign languages..but even knowing that those studies' results I still concur your opinion- we are individuals.Even if one gender is flawed in one area this still doesn't mean that an individual woman/man will be.Heck...even if she/he is worse than average person of the opposite gender in this area ,that doesn't mean that she/he try her/his hand in particular job/doing certain things.
If she/he has the chance that's it.

prusyxaustria Jun 13, 2013 8:08 AM
Oh...I see.I also watched a lot of ecchi and harem shows during my "honeymoon stage" too,and I can't say that all were about fan service.Actually,half of them resembled typical cheesy high school romances more than typical porn =P but yeah,undoubtedly some of them crossed the line between ecchi and Yosuga no Sora or Aki-Sora .I know that censorship in Japan thanks to certain man (president of Tokyo,forgot his name) got intensified...Also the whole annoying censorship of explicit content(not only porn,violence too) in Japan,thanks to certain Americans,who introduced it 50 years ago...I somehow understand why such "borderline" anime are made,but urgh.
By the way,when I was much younger(12-13) I was immune to/blissfully unaware of any of the sexual innuendos on the screen :) and thus watched a ton of the ecchi,not paying ecchi ;P.Herp derp,I know.

"Golden age" you say ...This time you had come up with a brilliant term :).I hope so,but I don't really have much hope now...I mean look at the Evangelion: New Theatrical Edition (I believe that rebuild is an unofficial term?) series for example.Before reading my opinion I warn you that it may cause several sudden outburts,anger issues etc. :).
Where to start...Hm.Firstly,contrary to the popular beliefs I don't think there is much fanservice itself in the movies,but it looks like Anno had backed down a bit and sterched a plot/universe in order to fit the "modern audience" expectations,by throwing a popular thread/plot here and there.What I saying it is basically a definition of fanservice...but that is not where I'm going. I mean.For.Example.Kaworu Nagisa was popular as character so he stuffed him in 3 movies.Mari was designed,because the audience wanted a new character and demanded "something new". This seem like meeting "audience's needs" not going with the original flow of the story. On the other hand I once heard that Anno expressed that he is generally disgusted with nowadays otaku/fujoshi culture,but I'm not sure if it is just a rumour...
Oh boy, every Eva related discussion is a sensitive one,but I wanted to examine it more like an example of overall trend,not to open a fandom war,but any discussion is welcome ~.~

About: Shingeki no Kyojin,I hope so~~.The Armin's speech and the Jean's character change were superb.Also the female characters,I like them all,they have all various characters and faces(whoa..I mean we are in anime),are easy to distinguish and to like!I am highly astonished that a guy created such feminist(in a way) story ,where a feminine woman can be/ is not less of a soldier than manly man and gender in army doesn't matter :).It's also quite uplifting since I have read the "Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women" book,in which the author(woman) states that women are not only psychically weaker but also stupider,less intelligent (thus can't take up science/be a good engineer ) and less of a pros at work than men are. Ugh.Hajime Isayama's views on gender equality is the reason that I still want to live on this planet =P
Truly a rare gem!
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