To perform a mission, simply make a separate thread with the Mission name and its rank. Once its done, an Admin will observe it and decide whether or not you should be graded upon it. To show that you took a mission, please post in mission turn when done
There also join Missions which will not be listed for one specific guild.
also you are allowed to make your own custom missions that aren't listed on the board if you want just make sure they aren't too strong for your group rank
Fairy Tail
E Rank Quest
Catching Petty Thieves
There has been word going around of a thief snatching purses and wallets as well as other valuables these thieves are small time mages nothing new recruits shouldnt be able to handle. Small Time Sparing
For this mission you will be facing a fellow mage of E Class. If you are unable to find a partner we can supply you one. There is a show going on and our actors as always seem to be sick so we are hiring guild members to give the show these people paid for! you must not seriously injure your partner though these people want a show not a blood bath! Learning The Ropes
Hello i Know this isnt an average mission for a low classed mage but we need info on those Dark Guilds that are growing in the shadows we will be sending a mage with you to protect you should you become endangered but try to keep out of harms way we just need info for now we arent trying to start a fight. For now. Challenge Excepted
Several of the other guilds have been testing eachothers noobies out, well Fairy Tail isnt going to miss out we shall challenge them right back! Show them what Fairy Tail is made of!
D Rank Quest
Special Delivery!
We have an important pakage that needs to be delivered to an official in a faraway town. But there are more than one person that want this package. Please deliver this and keep it out of the hands of anyone who would take it.eal Infiltration[/b] Grab your bow Katniss!
Wild Animals are always a problem especially when they are augmented by mages the village nearby has been attacked several times by some very large boars and we need you to take them out for us please! Gathering Magical Ingredient Zero!
There is an important bug i need you to capture that can be ground down and put into tea. It tastes disgusting but it has very good healing elements. It will be hard to catch cause its a fast little guy and whats more is ive heard Vulcans have been spotted in the area
C Rank Quest
Dark Guilds Rumors Are True!
Alright with the information weve gathered we are able to start moving against them before they grow to large there are several mages proclaiming to be from a dark guild attacking the village. So far noone has been seriously hurt but we want you to take care of it before that does happen. Do not let them destroy the town or harm the hostages The Fight Continues
Alright it seems that these battles between mages is the in thing so im turning my business away from regular theater into an arena! these scores will be ranked as wins and losses for each character more details when you arrive!
B Rank Quest
Dark Guilds Running Rampant
A large group of mages from the dark guilds have taken over a large city. They have already harmed dozens of people and set up magical traps everywhere. There is a dragon slayer with them as well we dont know of what element so be careful B Ranked Battle!
Since the people liked the battles so much people have started bidding on favorites to win! In this battle winners will get double the prize so in other words the winner will get 3 wins instead of just one also they lose a loss. But the loser loses 3 wins minimum 0 and gains a loss! isnt that fun! So is it worth it!? -note you dont have to do this mission on be rank on this one alone you can switch back to c rank if you dont want to bid your score An Unknown Disease
We hate to send someone into that mess but there is an unknown sickness spreading through the villages at an alarming rate it doesnt appear to be a normal sickness though as it is attacking only mages, causeing them to no longer be able to use their magic, word has it that its a fellow mage striking back at the villages for some reason. We dont know how it spreads so be careful and beware the cough!
A Rank Quest
Warning! Group Of Military Turns Rouge!
As the title suggests a large group of the local military has turned against the city, Any mages that take this mission be warned the group that left are trained to help capture mages they probably have defenses against spells and other types of attack! The Game Ends Now!
Several Mages have been terrorizing any legal guild members that cross theiir path, One is a Celestial Spirit User, One is a Make Magic User, One is an Elemental Specialist Who Uses Several Different Elements, we also have rumors that one is a Dragon Slayer of what type we are unsure. PLEASE! take out any of these wizards and it will be a big help! Do not attempt to fight more than one at a time Dark Business Indeed.
This is a special request from the magic council. Normally we wouldnt give this mission to anyone outside of our walls and we do not do so lightly now. But there is a man that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. He is a high ranking official but he is using his magic power to control the people through fear and suppression. This is an assassination order take out this man but be warned he is incredibly strong.
S Rank Quest
The Dead Arent So Dead
Several towns have been reporting in of being attacked by people who are known to be dead in there village. They are being overrun cause there seems to be no way to rekill these demons. However be warned there has also been reports of a strange woman by the same description appearing in each village that is attacked she must have something to do with this! Dragon Ripoffs!?
It seems the dark mages have gained an ability to create artificial dragons! however they are breaking them and molding them to their will in order to attack legal guilds and towns. We are highering powerful mages to help stop these monsters. So please be careful even though they are fake dragons their power is emmence all the same Target Locked On!
Calling out for the strongest mages in your guild please! We desperatly need assistance! The Dark Guilds Have Unveiled their newest weapon the Neo Cannon dont ask us how they kept such a monstrocity hidden but that thing if fired will surley wipe out half the continent! whats worse is the only way to get inside is to go in through the barrel of the thing and im sure its well guarded!
Blue Pegasus
E Rank Quest
Guild Wars?
Several Guilds are fighting over whos batch of newcomers are the best. Well we are not gonna sit on the sidelines and let them hog the glory right!?
Small Time Sparing
For this mission you will be facing a fellow mage of E Class. If you are unable to find a partner we can supply you one. There is a show going on and our actors as always seem to be sick so we are hiring guild members to give the show these people paid for! you must not seriously injure your partner though these people want a show not a blood bath! Learning The Ropes
Hello i Know this isnt an average mission for a low classed mage but we need info on those Dark Guilds that are growing in the shadows we will be sending a mage with you to protect you should you become endangered but try to keep out of harms way we just need info for now we arent trying to start a fight. For now
Catching Petty Thieves
There has been word going around of a thief snatching purses and wallets as well as other valuables these thieves are small time mages nothing new recruits shouldnt be able to handle.
D Rank Quest
C Rank Quest
The Fight Continues
Alright it seems that these battles between mages is the in thing so im turning my business away from regular theater into an arena! these scores will be ranked as wins and losses for each character more details when you arrive!
B Rank Quest
A Rank Quest
S Rank Quest
Lamia Scale
E Rank Quest
New Recruits? Ours are Better.
The other guilds are at it again. Let's challenge the other guilds and show them whos boss Protection of the two traders
Local traders guild needs help to escort them to the nearby town. Lately traders have been attacked on the road to the town. Now they decided to hire wizards to protect them from bandits Strange creatures in the forest
Local people have reported that there is some strange creatures in the forest. City council is hiring wizards to check out the forest and remove the monsters as soon as possible Skeletons attack fishirmen village
Skeletons have been atacking their village most of the nights for past month. The skeletons hide in the cave at day. At night they attack
peaceful villages without any mercy. The Boar King
Oak village has contacted our guild to seek help from the wizards to protect them from the boar king that has been atacking peaceful
villagers. Your mission is to travel to the village and kill the boars and make sure none are left so the villagers could live peaceful Risen from the dead
Someone has cast a spell on the graveyard in the town of The Firenze. The spell has caused for the dead to come back to life and attack
people in the town. Most of the people are afraid to leave their houses. Many people are also running low on food supplies. City council has
sent a message to our guild. They will pay to any wizard that is capable to get rid of the living dead.
D Rank Quest
Iron Golem
Villagers have been forced to leave their homes because Iron golem that is controlled by a dark magician is occupied their village. And if they do not pay the dark wizard money he will not give back their town. Villagers cannot afford to pay the dark wizard. So they decided to call help from wizards Capra the goat demon
Traders Have been atacked on the same route for the past month. No traders have came back from that route but one. Trader named Tyrion has escaped from the demon to tell the story and ask for help from the wizards. The demon attacks every one that tries to get past the road that leads to the Royal city. Deliver two caravans
Local traders have called for our help to help them deliver the caravan to the Ice mountains. The road goes through the Ice Forest. The
forest is rumored to have many hostile creatures so be careful on your way.
C Rank Quest
The Fight Continues
Alright it seems that these battles between mages is the in thing so im turning my business away from regular theater into an arena! these scores will be ranked as wins and losses for each character more details when you arrive! Find the Book of the Dragneel
Rich Merchant is look for mages to find the book of the famous Fire Salamander Dragneel. It is not as easy as it sounds. You will have to get into the catacombs and look for the book that may be in there. Reports also tell that at night time very strange noises come out from the catacombs, Local people tell that catacombs are cursed and a giant lizard is protecting them Cerberus
A wealthy man is hiring wizards to kill the Three headed hound. The hound has been killing every one arround the area of the Mans castle.
Which makes him not able to leave the castle or any one come near it. Locals tell that the forest is cursed by dark magician 10 years ago.
The attacks started only couple months ago. Our job is to kill the Hound and lift the curse.
B Rank Quest
Destroy The Frost Giants
Monks living in the temple on the Icy Mountain have been traped by the Ice giants. They cannot go out from their monastery because Ice
giants have been hunting everything that moves on the mountain. They sent a message to our guild to help and elimate those giants to keep
the peace on the Icy Mounntain
A Rank Quest
Skeleton King
A Weatlhy man Mr.Greyjoy has called for our help to retrieve the Skull Staff. The staff has somehow been retrieved to the skeleton kings
grave which revived him. He is very powerful and only skilled mages should take on this mission. The Skeleton king's catacombs are very
dangerous as they are very old so be careful when carrying out this mission. Destroy the dark guild
This mission has been issued by the Lamia scale to all of our wizzards. The Dark guild "Legion" has been causing too much trouble to the
people of Fiore. And now we have to take action ourselves and destroy the guild for good. To prevent any problems in the future from that
S Rank Quest
The Four Undead Kings
The Four Kings have died over 100 years ago. Reports tell that for the past 10 years Dark guild has been trying to revive The Four Kings to
conquer the lands of Fiore. Those Kings are very powerful wizards. Once they were most powerful wizards in the lands of Fiore and they had
no match but they all died of their old age and now they are ressurected to bring the horrors to all the people in the world.
E Rank Quest
Testing the New Comers
I heard That the other guilds have gathered some pretty impressive rookies i want you to go test them out its not like they are stronger than Sabertooth though. So go prove it to them.
Small Time Sparing
For this mission you will be facing a fellow mage of E Class. If you are unable to find a partner we can supply you one. There is a show going on and our actors as always seem to be sick so we are hiring guild members to give the show these people paid for! you must not seriously injure your partner though these people want a show not a blood bath! Learning The Ropes
Hello i Know this isnt an average mission for a low classed mage but we need info on those Dark Guilds that are growing in the shadows we will be sending a mage with you to protect you should you become endangered but try to keep out of harms way we just need info for now we arent trying to start a fight. For now
Catching Petty Thieves
There has been word going around of a thief snatching purses and wallets as well as other valuables these thieves are small time mages nothing new recruits shouldnt be able to handle.
D Rank Quest
C Rank Quest
The Fight Continues
Alright it seems that these battles between mages is the in thing so im turning my business away from regular theater into an arena! these scores will be ranked as wins and losses for each character more details when you arrive!
B Rank Quest
A Rank Quest
S Rank Quest
[color green]
Joint Missions [/Color green]
Rank C
Golden Golem
A Golden Golem has been brought into the arena to fight some up a rising mages but the Golem was stronger and more vicious then thought it killed the fighter and any guards that tried to stop it the golem is lightly damaged
A rank
The gunslinger
A famous duelist is comeing to the city he is undefeated in battles across the country hes even defeated two S rank wizards and is going to offer a open challenge in the arena to anyone willing to take him on
Well I did not see we needed to make a thread for the mission but Riken Sairi and Blade did the rank e mission for testing out new members which resulted in Riken and Sairi fighting Blade
LoveandHate91 said: Well I did not see we needed to make a thread for the mission but Riken Sairi and Blade did the rank e mission for testing out new members which resulted in Riken and Sairi fighting Blade