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Feb 3, 2011 9:41 AM
Jul 2018
Since some of you told me that they don't want viusal novels to be allowed on mal beacuse vndb is better I started this voting. In my view it's stupid because look at our club name and the reason why it was created but hey, I have to respect your opinion. So do you want that our club fulfill the petition part in our name or not? If you don't want vn's on mal then we have to rename our club because otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.

So yeah like I said the last time : Vote or die!

Since quintessence said that he want to write the mal admins a message when there are over 1000 members in this club I closed the voting. So I will open a new poll when we reach this number.

I hope you understand, OneManArmy.
removed-userMar 7, 2011 1:44 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Feb 3, 2011 3:03 PM

Oct 2009
For fuck's sake, yes. If those people think vndb is better, then use that site and don't ruin it for others. If they were to be added I'd use both MAL and vndb. vndb for keeping an actual track on what I read and what I want to read and MAL more for having something to talk to people about and so on. So sure, vndb > MAL on that but heck, it won't ruin anything having it on MAL as well.

So if you vote against here I may have to kill you. And to make sure you know it - It won't be painless.
Feb 11, 2011 9:09 AM
Jul 2018
This voting seems pretty useless and I wonder where the people who were against it are now?

If in the next 3 days nobody choose option 2 I will close this voting.
Feb 11, 2011 5:06 PM

Mar 2009
i dont know much about vndb and the colors there are bad for my eyes. So... HELL YEAH WE WANT OPTION ONE THATS WHY I JOINED .oh for the recs too :P
Feb 12, 2011 3:11 AM

Aug 2007
I've been in this club since around the time it was founded and give or take 3 years later and the whole 'petition' thing never really came into fruition. I say just drop the damn 'petition' in the name and just make this a general visual novel discussion club.

Even if MAL did somehow approve and create a VN you all really expect a bunch of random people to just copy/paste the entire vndb database onto MAL? All we're really going to achieve is create a far inferior product at the expense of unnecessary labor.

The people who voted yes better be people who are more than willing to volunteer to help populate said MAL VN database should it be approved and created.
Feb 12, 2011 3:11 AM

Oct 2009
Apollonas13 said:
i dont know much about vndb and the colors there are bad for my eyes. So... HELL YEAH WE WANT OPTION ONE THATS WHY I JOINED .oh for the recs too :P
You know, you can change it. There's like 15 different skins to choose from (I got the dark blue one, very nice for the eyes ;D).

But I still promote vn's on MAL too ofc.
Feb 12, 2011 4:06 AM
Jul 2018
At first thumbs up for the option 2 voter. I really thought that this voting is useless.

PimpToad said:
I've been in this club since around the time it was founded and give or take 3 years later and the whole 'petition' thing never really came into fruition.

Yeah of course but it's useless to write with a 200 member club a message to the mal admins. But this club increased a lot and so like I said before I will write them a message where I want to ask if it's possible to allow vn's on this site. All we can do is try.
Feb 12, 2011 2:35 PM

Feb 2009
This voting IS useless if people vote without putting any thought on it. Of course it would be nice to have a VN list here, so it's obvious that everyone who comes across the pool and vote without thinking will just choose "yes". But think for just a little and you might change your mind. That's why I think this shouldn't be decided by the results of the pool, but rather by the validity of the arguments used here.

And here's why I think it's a bad idea to keep the petition:

1 - We already have a site for that, and it does the job well.
2 - Adding a list here would result in an inferior product and unnecessary labor, like PimpToad pointed out.
3 - MAL is unreliable, and is barely managing to keep up with the features it has. Adding more would just make things worse.
4 - In a worst case scenario, this could split human resources, harming vndb itself.

And for all of the above reasons I think MAL won't add the feature anyway, which makes the petition pointless. Besides, people voting yes are expecting others to do all the hard work, otherwise there wouldn't be such discrepancy between votes and actual comments supporting the idea.

I don't care if you decide to go on with the petition, but I do think it's a terrible idea. And you better be ready to work if it does get accepted, because it'll fall on your hands.
Feb 12, 2011 3:18 PM

Jun 2009
Give Xinil fucking big donations and i'm all in for vns being on mal. I mean, yeah i'd normally vote for the second option too like anyone in this club. But look at how MAL is lagging nowadays, it's bad now, think how fast it'd be if you add shitload of vns here. D :
So unless we'll have lightspeed servers i'm voting on 2nd option.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 13, 2011 3:36 AM
Jul 2018
It's a longer comment so it's spoiler time. =)

removed-userFeb 13, 2011 6:45 AM
Feb 13, 2011 10:41 AM

Feb 2009
If you want to change something it's every time the same thing, you need a huge mass of humans behind you. I mean it's nice when 10 people have awesome arguments but hell nobody will listen you. If you have 1000 people and only 1 good argument you have more chances in the world.
That's not necessarily true, it depends on the situation actually. In this case, it's up to you to decide if you'll listen to the pool results or to the arguments. Later, it'll be up to Xinil. I was just saying that it would be wiser to listen to the arguments and make this decision rationally.

It isn't a voting without thinking since you thought about the petition part before you joined this club.
I find hard to believe that most people didn't join this club just because of a half-assed thought that would be nice to have VNs allowed.

We would be happy if we just are able to add them. I don't care if they are listed in the manga category. And c'mon then it's no work it's just the thing to allow them.
That would be pretty shitty if you ask me. And you'd still have to add thousands of VNs to the database.

But it sucks pretty hard that you can't add your favourite vn here, isn't it?
I wonder. Does it suck, really?

you gave up before trying
I didn't give up, because I didn't care for it in the first place, but hey! If you really want to do this, then don't listen to me, just do it.
Feb 13, 2011 1:09 PM
Jul 2018
I didn't give up, because I didn't care for it in the first place

And with that I have a problem. Why do you join this petition club when you are against it?! That make no sense to me.

If you really want to do this, then don't listen to me, just do it.

Of course I listened to you since your opinion is very important to me. I mean I'm an admin of this club and it would be really bad if I won't accept other thoughts. But yeah I will do it when I have a good poll result.
Feb 13, 2011 6:44 PM

Feb 2009
Why do you join this petition club when you are against it?!
Okay, I'll be honest this time: I actually hate VNs and am trying to boycott this club.

Of course I listened to you since your opinion is very important to me.
Baaaw I'm touched :p
Feb 13, 2011 8:45 PM

Aug 2007
If I may make one more argument...even though I'm probably wasting my time.

So the club has over 500+ members now...oh look only 16 people voted. Where is this large community of VN readers that are trying to petition for a VN database on MAL? Where is the actual petition with actual names behind them to convince the higher-ups that a rather sizable part of the MAL community wants this feature?

There's no harm in trying, but at least carry some documentation supporting your claims besides your own empty words.
Feb 14, 2011 4:47 AM
Jul 2018
Like I said I want to contact the other vn clubs for their support and this voting won't end in a month or so. It's a shame that the "Message All Members" isn't allowed anymore since you are right with the 16 out of 500 people.

And yeah I can't do anything against my empty words you have to choose if you believe me or not. But don't you think that these empty words are better then not trying it? I mean even aeon who is against it joined this club because of the petition part. Another problem is that I have my exams until next saturday and so I haven't much time to do something about the whole petition problem, I'm sorry.

I mean it isn't right to be in a petition club but do nothing for that petition. But hell that are only my thoughts, I created that voting because I want to hear both sites.
Feb 14, 2011 5:51 AM

Mar 2009
i am in for it. though i think a 16's year old name aint gonna cut it
Feb 14, 2011 6:28 AM

Oct 2009
I may just come out of my closet and reveal my true intentions.
The reason I'd like vn's here on MAL is both so that I can see a total of how much time I wasted on it and cry my head off about it later and the fact that I want to put them in my favorites. Nothing more, nothing less.

So honestly, if nothing happens I won't be heartbroken or anything. Also, the suggestion by PimpToad in post #5 doesn't seem too wrong with me - That we just drop the petition part and just chat vn's.
Feb 14, 2011 6:42 AM
Jul 2018
So honestly, if nothing happens I won't be heartbroken or anything.

Exaclty! We can't loose anything by trying it, that's also my opinion. And if they won't allow vn's here then we can say : "Hey but we tried it". And maybe after 2 years or so when the club have more members then we will try it again. It's just that I want to do something that resembles the club name. =D

So yeah I can live without vn's here too but I would be happy if they are allowed. And I'm not sure but does anybody know if someone asked the admins about allowing vn's before?
Feb 15, 2011 1:04 AM

Aug 2007
If you just want to live up to the club's name then just rename the damn club and be done with it. Dunno why you would want to make a list in the first place when the majority of VNs the English speaking community can read number less than 100 (too lazy to do an accurate count).

This club has mostly been about people discussing VNs since inception and (much to my chagrin) the sharing of information as to where to acquire said novels. You should be doing a better job policing the place and discouraging the piracy of officially translated works if just to maintain appearances.

Rather than going on a pointless crusade to make an inferior product, why not help promote the proliferation of visual least within the confines of this group. Or at the very least discourage discussion of downloads concerning commercially available products.

The title of "Admin" may have you all googly-eyed, but perform your role first rather than pursuing this club's "vision".

Meh I felt like going on a rant.
Feb 15, 2011 3:59 AM
Jul 2018
If you just want to live up to the club's name then just rename the damn club and be done with it

Loool you are very funny. xD
I mean I can't see the sense?! If I want to live up for the name "visual novel petition club" and rename the club how would I be able to live up for the name "visual novel petition club" after that? But yeah most people prefer the line of least resistance. I mean I could also say : "If you don't like the petition part of this club then you could also leave this club!" But hell I don't want that.

You should be doing a better job policing the place and discouraging the piracy of officially translated works if just to maintain appearances

I wonder where you get your visual novels. You buyed them all in a japanese online shop? I don't think so.

Or at the very least discourage discussion of downloads concerning commercially available products.

You know we are just a club and not advertising partner of visual novels. Of course we want to inform people about these games and of course we want that more people play them but I think it isn't our business to tell them where to buy or get visual novels.

The title of "Admin" may have you all googly-eyed, but perform your role first rather than pursuing this club's "vision".

You understand nothing right? I'm sorry but it seems that you are the kind of person who complain about other people work but if you have to do the same thing you would run away. I hope that I'm wrong.

"You should be doing a better job"
"Rather than going on a pointless crusade"
"The title of "Admin" may have you all googly-eyed, but perform your role first"

I hope you realized that since I'm an admin in this club there was like 120% more activities then before and yeah I know that this was a very selfish statement. So I'm a very bad admin that won't fulfill his real dutys, you have to say yourself that it sounds very stupid...
Feb 15, 2011 5:11 AM

Oct 2009
PimpToad said:
number less than 100 (too lazy to do an accurate count).
Actually, I checked vndb right now and set the filter to English (Just shows games which patches already released, so of course there's a few with trials only but it should give you a more approximate number) and I got 532 results. A little more than 100 but I still see your point. More than half of those aren't appealing at all.

And I believe that most people understand that no links are to be posted in the forum. If they do it in PM or on each others profiles is not of my interest and I might actually give people some help regarding that. Because I know for a fact that if people would have to buy them they would never read any vn's and that's pretty sad in my eyes.

OneManArmy said:
I mean I can't see the sense?! If I want to live up for the name "visual novel petition club"
I can see both your and PimpToad's side of the story and I won't pick either side as I'm more like 'meh' and somewhere in the middle. But I kinda agree with him that maybe you're going at it too hard. I do think that we should send in a suggestion, just that we're able to add vn's into the already existing manga library. I mean, it shouldn't be too hard and the only ones that would be added are those that people actually like (Which is nowhere close to all in existence). But do this after the lag disappears, whether it's a week or a year until then. Fixing the lag takes priority and if we want the suggestion to go through, do so after the more important matters are fixed for them to be more willing.

OneManArmy said:
I wonder where you get your visual novels. You buyed them all in a japanese online shop? I don't think so.
That's not what he's saying.
if just to maintain appearance
which is basically what we're doing now. Don't promote piracy within the club but if people want to talk about that on profiles or PM, let them do that as long as they keep it away from the club. But yeah, there's no problem with that at the moment I'd say since most people actually think this way.

OneManArmy said:
You know we are just a club and not advertising partner of visual novels. Of course we want to inform people about these games and of course we want that more people play them but I think it isn't our business to tell them where to buy or get visual novels.
True, it's not our business to tell people where to get vn's or not but truthfully, we just give them information about the game and a link to vndb and then they'll have to find out themselves where to get that. Either legal or illegal but heck, that's none of our business if they just keep it to themselves.

OneManArmy said:
there was like 120% more activities then before
To be honest, this started to happen before that and it'd just have escalated with or without a new admin. Sure, it's great to have someone active who can change in the club and delete inappropriate posts but it has got nothing to do with the number of members (Unless you sent a mass message or w/e of course).

I'm playing some kind of mediator right now and I hope I do a decent job. Maybe I should have that as a profession when I'm older? ;D
Feb 15, 2011 8:28 AM
Jul 2018
Because I know for a fact that if people would have to buy them they would never read any vn's and that's pretty sad in my eyes.

Yeah it's really sad but I can understand it since most people haven't the money to buy them a lot of pc games. But I have to agree it's just sad.

Actually, I checked vndb right now and set the filter to English

I dion't know for sure but are on mal only animes which have an english sub translation? If there are also untranslated animes then then the english filter would make no sense. But lik I said I don't know about that.

I do think that we should send in a suggestion, just that we're able to add vn's into the already existing manga library.

Wasn't that the content of one of my comments before? And this is also the content of the main site spoiler too. So please don't criticize me before reading my written texts. ;-)

To be honest, this started to happen before that and it'd just have escalated with or without a new admin.

Yeah I guess you are right, sorry for my selfish comment then. I only thought that this activities were created because of the rebuild work and of course I was just angry because it was like : OneMan you are a bad admin srew you! (Not that bad but it felt like that)

I'm playing some kind of mediator right now and I hope I do a decent job. Maybe I should have that as a profession when I'm older? ;D

If you were a vn on vndb I would rate you 9/10. For one more point you have to write more dramatically.
removed-userFeb 15, 2011 8:45 AM
Feb 15, 2011 11:17 AM

Jul 2010
I have the same sentiments. I just want to be able to:
1. Track the number of total hours I spent on VN
2. Track when I started/completed/dropped a VN
3. Discuss about a VN or a particular part of a VN in a sub forum for that VN

Heck, even vndb can implement those. I won't feel sad if MAL doesn't hear us out though

~I deleted your last comment since it was double post | OneManArmy~
SigsigFeb 15, 2011 1:47 PM
I'm not an otaku.
Feb 15, 2011 7:53 PM

Aug 2007
Sure why not?

Loool you are very funny. xD
I mean I can't see the sense?! If I want to live up for the name "visual novel petition club" and rename the club how would I be able to live up for the name "visual novel petition club" after that? But yeah most people prefer the line of least resistance. I mean I could also say : "If you don't like the petition part of this club then you could also leave this club!" But hell I don't want that.

If we rename the club, then we are already living up to what the club would be about; that being discussing translated and untranslated visual novels within this community. You keep mentioning like some narcissistic bastard how you are the new admin and how your mere presence has sparked a resurgence of activity in this about taking the club in a new direction if you have the Creator's blessings? This isn't about the path of least resistance, it's about doing something utterly pointless. I'm not telling you not to waste your time, but you said your peace and I'm saying mine.

I wonder where you get your visual novels. You buyed them all in a japanese online shop? I don't think so.

Where I got them? I downloaded them from torrent websites. Have I downloaded commercial works from JAST, Mangagamer, Hirameki, etc? Nope and I don't intend to since I actually want to support those companies...if I ever do buy their products, but I won't download them illegally just to read them. Call me a hypocrite when I'm downloading anime with reckless abandon and reading licensed manga online, but I don't want to be a part of the problem when it comes to small companies trying to make it in this very niche business.

You know we are just a club and not advertising partner of visual novels. Of course we want to inform people about these games and of course we want that more people play them but I think it isn't our business to tell them where to buy or get visual novels.

Yeah this is just a club, but we shouldn't be promoting the piracy of visual novels either. What we should want is more people PURCHASING these novels when it is available in their language. Now this may not be how you operate, but that's how I did it when I was active back then. Which brings us to...

You understand nothing right? I'm sorry but it seems that you are the kind of person who complain about other people work but if you have to do the same thing you would run away. I hope that I'm wrong.

"You should be doing a better job"
"Rather than going on a pointless crusade"
"The title of "Admin" may have you all googly-eyed, but perform your role first"

I hope you realized that since I'm an admin in this club there was like 120% more activities then before and yeah I know that this was a very selfish statement. So I'm a very bad admin that won't fulfill his real dutys, you have to say yourself that it sounds very stupid...

Listen here NEW GUY. I may not be an admin of this club, but I did what I could to help police this place as an officer. Whether I did a good job or not is open to debate, but I did what I was supposed to within the limits of the 'power' granted to me. Granted I haven't been an active member of MAL for close to a year now (maybe more, don't really care), but I performed roles for this club way before you probably even knew the existence of MAL. Don't go making assumptions when you can't even get your head out of your own ass.

and selfish? More like a completely narcissistic statement that just feeds on your overinflated ego. I don't really care if you are an admin or if you are just a regular member since such positions are pretty pointless. If you were active and in turn kept the club active with discussion...then hey you did a pretty good job in that regard. Are those the duties you would expect an ADMIN to perform? Well in my opinion that's a no, but we're obviously at an impasse here.

You're going to do whatever the hell you want to do, you've made up your mind concerning this so called issue, so why don't you do me a favor and end this farce of a "vote" and do your damn petition already? I have no clue why you even did this vote when it's quite obvious you had no intention to listen to the naysayers in the first place.

Oh and btw...
PimpToad | 06-23-08, 8:29 PM
a petition for an eroge section?

count me in! xD


That's my very first post in this club and would you look at that? I didn't really care much about it then and don't care much for it now. My sentiment of "LONG LIVE EROGE" still stands to this day though. Jesus this site has gotten even shittier before I left for greener pastures.
PimpToadFeb 15, 2011 8:03 PM
Feb 16, 2011 6:32 AM

Oct 2009
The filter I applied was on vndb, not on MAL.

OneManArmy said:
Wasn't that the content of one of my comments before?
Yes, it was. I just wanted to clarify what I meant.

OneManArmy said:
If you were a vn on vndb I would rate you 9/10. For one more point you have to write more dramatically.
Writing dramatically wasn't really what I was aiming for, but alright. I'll think about it. And thanks for the 9/10 rating.

PimpToad said:
but we shouldn't be promoting the piracy of visual novels either.
Totally agreed.
PimpToad said:
Listen here NEW GUY

*Taking a cup of coffee while watching this war go on*
Feb 16, 2011 8:09 AM

Mar 2009
may i say something ? *stares at the battlefield scared*

Feb 16, 2011 8:26 AM
Jul 2018
Yeah man I don't want that war but hell I won't surrender either.
But I can't understand why toad exploded like a tnt barrel?!

removed-userFeb 16, 2011 8:34 AM
Feb 16, 2011 9:46 PM

Aug 2007
I had another relatively long post written up, but you know what fuck it I'll just quote this and call it a day.

You can go if you want but I can only beg you don't do it because of such a meaningless fight between us. I mean I can see that you like this club because you wrote your text in this way. So I don't want to continue this war and I hope you thing the same way.

Fucking gold man...fucking gold. Do you need more proof to prove your narcissistic tendencies?
Feb 17, 2011 3:55 AM
Jul 2018
Do you need more proof to prove your narcissistic tendencies?

Oh I see, I call this friendly, considerately and self control. ;-)

So yeah guys the 3. world war is over so please don't care about this anymore.
Feb 17, 2011 4:27 AM

Mar 2009
who won???
i have money betted on this
ApollonXKohakuXFeb 17, 2011 5:06 AM
Feb 17, 2011 5:06 AM
Jul 2018
Noone, we both threw an atomic bomb at the same time against each other.
Feb 17, 2011 6:25 AM

Mar 2009
tch tch. you should fight with lightsabers. they are cooler. XD
Feb 17, 2011 12:54 PM

Feb 2009
+1 for saber wars.

But no, seriously, this got kinda out of hand. Calm down, people. This shouldn't be such a big deal.
Feb 17, 2011 5:05 PM

Oct 2009
Aeon42 said:
But no, seriously, this got kinda out of hand. Calm down, people. This shouldn't be such a big deal.
Yep. But well, relationships you know. Dealing with another human being can't always be so easy. I want someone to piss off as well, just for the heck of it and the fact that I enjoy it.

And I almost forgot, if you need crocodiles, I sell them.
Feb 18, 2011 3:54 AM
Jul 2018
And I almost forgot, if you need crocodiles, I sell them.

What the fuck?!?!

And yeah guys the battle of the immortals is over so please back to topic. =D
Feb 18, 2011 12:35 PM

Jun 2009
It's over? Man, it was so tl;dr...
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 18, 2011 9:27 PM

Oct 2009
OrochiPL said:
Man, it was so tl;dr...
Also, the crocodiles are out of stock for ever (the place I import from was blown up for unknown reasons)
Feb 19, 2011 12:18 AM

Mar 2009
you are unriable. and i wanted a pet. do you import wolves then?
Feb 19, 2011 6:30 PM

Feb 2009
To hell with wolves and crocodiles! I'm looking for a good loli dealer.
Feb 19, 2011 7:04 PM

Mar 2009
lolis are self-obtained. otherwise there is something amiss
Feb 20, 2011 6:48 AM

Feb 2009
What do you mean self-obtained? Aren't they like drugs?

My life has been a lie ;_;
Feb 20, 2011 9:09 AM

Jun 2009
Nah, you have to get one yourself or it's a fraud or something.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 20, 2011 9:17 AM
Jul 2018
Feb 20, 2011 7:11 PM

Feb 2009
What's a topic?
Feb 21, 2011 5:19 AM

Mar 2009
What's "get back"?
Feb 21, 2011 11:58 AM

Mar 2008
When I started the club I had kind of intended for the entire member list to be the actual petition. If anyone is here that does not want to see a VN list on MAL then that doesn't make much sense to me at all.
Feb 21, 2011 4:44 PM

Jun 2009
^ We're here because it's the most active vn-related club, no matter how you look at it. But i can always quit if you want me to.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 21, 2011 5:45 PM

Mar 2008
You're being way to confrontational here. I don't want anyone to quit I'm just stating the purpose of the club. Your name in the member list indicates that you wish for and would use a visual novel list if they made one. The primary purpose of this Club has always been to get a visual novel list on MAL. The secondary purpose is to educate about and create interest in visual novels and encourage other users to play them and expand the visual novel community. The tertiary purpose is to provide fans of visual novels a community in which to talk with other fans as well as potential fans and newbies to the media. I may have been gone for an extended period, and I don't know how often I will appear from now on as aside from updating my lists I've not had much time for MAL in quite some time, but from what I can see the purpose of the Club has not changed and the moderating crew here are still working towards the ultimate goal of convincing Xinil to add visual novels to the MAL database, after that has been accomplished this Club will simply become a visual novel fan club. You have not done anything for me to ask you to leave and I have no intention of doing something so childish. It is completely up to you if you wish for your username to be associated with a Club that is pushing for a visual novel list here on MAL.
Feb 21, 2011 6:31 PM

Jun 2009
I guess i was confrontional, sorry. What i mean is, under another circumstances i would love to see vns on MAL, yet now i do not, so i guess i'm here just for a secondary club purposes for now. Let's hope it'll change in the future.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 21, 2011 6:37 PM

Mar 2008
Why wouldn't you want a visual novel list on MAL though? What circumstances would make you want or not want to see it on MAL? o.O;
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