i made this poll in the last club, but it was dead so nobody really posted anything. D:
so i thought to make it here, since everyone might be more active enough for it.
If you can change who Miaka couples with, who would you choose? (:
i would keep it the same, so Tamahome. <333(:
but a part of me, wanted Tasuki.
guilty thoughts (:
I voted for Nuriko. :) I thought him for the first when I saw the question. (And it isn't because he's my fav. XD) The other would be Hotohori, but at the end he loved Houki despite of loving Miaka before - so he isn't alone anymore, can love a woman and the woman loves him, too. :) (And not Tamahome, because my task is to choose another man :D But I like the Tamahome-Miaka pairing the most ^^)
And well, I've chosen Nuriko because to me it's very touching how he becomes a man and starts to show his feelings towards her but eventually he keeps his secret. He deserves love. :)
I like her with Tamahome, but I'd also be fine if she'd have ended up with Hotohori.
He really loved her so very much, My other options that I'd have been fine would be Nuriko, Tasuki and Amiboshi.
In that order.
Nuriko is myfavorite second choice after Hatohori because as Naru-chan said, it is very touching how he becomes more of a man and starts to show his feelings towards her but, keeps his secret-because he does love her so much.
He deserves love.
I like her with Tamahome so I wouldn't change it. Amiboshi is mine! ^_^ Nuriko is like a sister. Tasuki is like a crazy brother. And Hotohori, well, I do feel for him but he gets a good woman later so yeah, no change.
I'm a die-hard fan of Miaka x Tamahome fan... so I wouldn't change it.
But if I HAD to change the coupling (or if Tamahome had never entered the show), than I would have chose Tasuki. They make a really cute couple and Tasuki is my 2nd favorite male character (because of his awesome temper and personality). He's a very passionate guy and I like that. -^_^-
Hmmm~ it's quite difficult to decide.. considering that miaka and tamahome looked good together, i believe yuu watase had made them that way so its hard to break them apart.. but if i have to choose..
Well, i think if tamahome didn't exist or played a different role, i'd vote for hotohori since from the beginning, he had (always) been in love with the miko and had looked after miaka in so many parts of the story. :D
second, would be tasuke.. i liked him since the time he protected miaka from the *drug-possessed* tamahome 'til he kissed (or as he called C.P.R) miaka when she drowned on the second half of the series.
third, would be Nuriko, since I find him brave enough to give way to Tamahome.
Amiboshi may have felt a "sisterly-love" from miaka since she showed him kindness and stuffs (which he could have thought of the wrong way, besides that love developed too fast even though they've only been together for a short while and next time you see he's already over miaka and stuffs ).
Chichiri, also has his own (sad) love-story and I think he's still contemplating on it.
I voted for Nuriko, because (apart from the fact that he's my fav) he had sincere feelings towards Miaka and was able to accept his identity as a man and be a man thanks to her.. It would be great if he could experience being in love as a guy.. :)
My second would be Hotohori, but I think that they won't look good together, hotohori is just soo beautiful, he needs a very hot woman, hoki is just perfect for him <3 and I love their couple so much :D
As for tasuki, I always imagine him single (poor guy!) No seriously, he's better off without being with Miaka, or any other woman, even with the way he saved her and stuff, I think it was part of his duty as a celestial warrior.. The OVA though portrayed him as a man who fell in love with her head over heels, it was pretty cute :D
Amiboshi and Nakago are out of my calculations :( I'm sorry but Amiboshi's feelings were not love (or at least that's how I see it).. It was too fast in the series, I mean love needs time, just because she was nice to him it doesn't mean that in one or two episodes he goes and confess his love and stuff..
Well~ I still wanna keep Nuriko for myself, so.. I'm glad she didn't end up with him, Miaka X Tamahome's couple is just cute as it is, no need to change it :D
SORRY~ Not gonna vote cause I love ALMOST ALL of them. I'm torn between choosing from the 5 of them XD Tamahome, Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki & even Amiboshi
I have voted for Nakago. Because it's a far more interesting relationship than with any other men in FY. I like this pair after I read a terrific fan fiction.
Voted for Tasuki, for the crackness factor. Though it'd be nice them being serious, too. xD
This is a leftover sentiment from when I think anyone could have done so much good for Miaka other than Tamahome. I think I joined a Tasuki x Miaka club back then. xD
TASUKI! Well, Tama is ok ;] but I can't stand that he and Miaka left each other so many time for his/her sake @_@ I would like to see what could happen if Miaka choose Tasuki. I love a bedroom scene from 2nd OVA *_*
I would very much love to see Tasuki and Miaka together, not that Tamahome isn't good, but because when I first read Fushigi Yugi, I had hoped that it would Tasuki. He is the type that I would fall for and in some way through out the serie I was glad Watase-sensei made a little scene of them together.
If I'm no longer replying back, means my life is busy. As simple as that. Will get back as life settle down.
NO, hotohoti and miaka dosn't suit on them
i will vote nuriko or tasuki or amoboshi
the best couple is nuriko and miaka
and then amboshi
and then tasuki
I voted Nuriko <3 Nuriko is Bae. I think him and Miaka have very cute relationship. The fact that Nuriko returned to being straight because of Miaka is a huge turning point for Nuriko. Even though he dressed as a woman because of his deceased sister, Nuriko still had legit feelings for Hotohori and for Miaka to come and change his sexuality is a huge and powerful twist! I mean come on, that's some powerful love right there to change someone's sexuality! And I can see Nuriko acting as a big brother and even sister to Miaka. The fact that he can relate to Miaka even as a woman is something not many men can do! And plus, Nuriko died an honorable death. He's one of my favorite characters. Despite this anime/manga being like two decades old it never gets old for me! I'm not a huge fan of Miaka and Tamahome's romance (even though I still appreciate the characters ) but I love the story line!
I had vote for hotohori. JUST cost he is the most gentle one but in the real I think that he look great with his beautiful wife hoki .And thanks god in the ova 2 he love her so much so it's a happy ending. Doesn't it???