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Dec 10, 2014 3:51 PM

May 2013
Hello. Thank you all for visiting this thread and being ready to read my story. I hope you'll like it and have as much fun reading it as I've had writing it (or even more!).

In this first post is the first chapter of my story. And more will be coming. Just remember to comment after the chapters: a good story feeds and gets better after critics and comments! And if I know that I'm being read by many people... the sensation as a writer is incredible.

Here goes!


Day 1


Nggggh. My head hurts.

I can feel the wind blowing against my skin. A gentle breeze that makes me feel good and distracts me from the pain of my head. I feel also the sunrays through my eyelids, and the birds singing around me.

Mmm. I should wake up, it feels like the pain in my head has decreased enough. Slowly I open my eyes, carefully so the sun doesn’t damage them, and move my arms to get up. When I move them, I can feel the tact of the grass, fresh and soft.

Mmm, grass?

When I open my eyes completely I can see it. I am… in the middle of the forest. There are trees all around me, and when the breeze returns it moves the uncountable leaves on their tops, causing the sunlight that filters from above to move casting shadows over this forest. There are little plants and bushes everywhere, and the birds keep singing their songs, foreign to me. Just what the hell has happened?

I try to remember what could have happened when the memory strikes me with the force of a punch in my face. Yes, I remember what the last thing I saw before ending here was.

I was on a college’s trip to the countryside. We were at the mountain, in the middle of the forest and near a river. I can remember that today we were collecting samples of the water, because we were going to analyze them in the laboratory. It was more or less midday when I separated from the rest of the group to relieve myself, so I lost sight of them. And suddenly…

A sphere made of light. I noticed it from the corner of my eye. It was floating in the middle of the air, static, like it appeared out of nowhere. And I swear that… that I’ve never seen anything so hypnotic and fascinating. With just one look I became totally focused on it. I just needed to know what exactly it was: a light that resembled to nothing I had ever seen or heard before. The light was some steps away from me, but I went to look at it without any doubt, even if the rest of my partners were more distant with each step I took.

When I reached my hand to touch it and discover what exactly the mysterious light was, it became as bright as the sun. Everything became white and even though I closed my eyes and put my arms before my face there was white everywhere. And then is…

Then is when I’ve awoken here. I don’t know what’s happened, but I think is better to come back with the rest of the group before they miss me. I will think about what was that later.

So I manage to get up from the ground. And is only in that moment when I realize of one thing.

I am nude. Completely.

-What the fuck?!- I can’t help but to scream out loudly. But I quickly shut up, because someone could be here, watching me, or I could attract them with my scream. Hell, what is this? First, I see a light in the forest, and second I lose my consciousness and wake up completely naked. I consider being sleeping and dreaming, or even drugged and hallucinating. I try to look around me, searching for something unusual, like creatures that shouldn’t be here, or a tree moving… I watch every tiny detail like the nerves of the leaves or the smell in the air, searching for something that my senses can find wrong, but even though I expand my senses I can feel that everything is right. Besides, I shouldn’t be aware of a dream, and I have never tried drugs in my life. I even use the method of pinching myself, but the pain I feel is very real.

In the end I have to accept it: this is really happening.

Well, first of all, I have to find my clothes. I don’t know if this is some kind of joke from my partners (to be honest: I doubt it, they aren’t so bastards to do that) or someone else has done this to me for some twisted reason. So, I begin to move, looking for something to cover myself, but there is nothing. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Why this is happening to me?! I can’t find a trace of my clothes anywhere.

Well, if this is because someone has kidnapped me or because of a twisted joke, is better to find out. So, with my face red of the embarrassment, I begin to walk with no direction in mind, just trying to see any trace of a hint. I walk and walk, trying not to step on the roots and avoiding the many obstacles.

In my way I find out something really strange… The plants I can see when I get inside the forest are like nothing I’ve seen before in the trip. Is this other part of the forest that we are visiting? But is strange, none of these plants resembles like anything of this latitude. I’m able to see even… wait, can it be true? It is… It is…

A giant sequoia. I approach to it, but when I touch it I understand that is truly a sequoia, a real one. I stand for a moment and watch everything that surrounds me.

Definitely, I am not at home.

I can’t understand anything. I let me down to the ground, supporting my back at the trunk of the giant tree. Where am I? And why? What’s happened? I do nothing but to keep sited down and ask myself this.

This is one of those moments when you can’t really tell how much time has passed. But what takes me out of my mind and my thoughts is a sound I hear in the distance.

-…in the forgotten garden…

It sounds like if someone was… singing. And it’s a female voice.

I don’t really know what can it be, but I have to follow the only clue I have. So, hiding the best I can inside the vegetation, I follow the chant, which is clearer and clearer with each step I take. And I must say that is a beautiful voice, sweet and charming, which takes me back to my nudity. Hell, what am I going to do after finding that person? Better I hide before initiate any approach. I begin to feel the moisture in the air and the smell of fresh water. Can it be possible that I’ll find some river or lake?

Finally I reach the place: it’s a wellspring, with some bushes around its sides, so I can hide properly. Now I can hear the song with its entire splendor. And even though my problems, I allow myself to get distracted a bit, because this voice is as sweet as honey.

-…Forgotten she lives,

and forgotten she dies,

like a plant in the forgotten garden.

Her tears will freeze as she cries,

while her broken heart hardens…
- finishes slowly, letting the melancholy of the final line float in the air before resume the melody, this time humming.

I stretch my neck a bit upon the bushes to see who this woman is. And I open my eyes like dishes.

In front of me there is a girl of more or less my age. She’s wearing nothing but a robe (that covers very little of her body, by the way), and is at the sore of the wellspring, refreshing her feet at the clear water. Her face has a calm and peaceful expression that is beautiful, with eyes of a tone between blue and green that is delightful. Oh, and also she has green hair.

Yes. Green. Fucking. Hair.

Not only that: she also has long ears like… the elves. What’s the meaning of this? A hidden camera program? A movie scenario? Is she dyed? Am I sure that I am not dreaming? I try to pinch myself, even harder than before, and I try to tell myself Wake up, wake up, wake up, but there’s no way: I’m still here. And the green-haired girl too.

-Huh?- she stops humming suddenly- Is anybody there?- she asks as she watches over my direction.

Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! I hide back into the bushes, trying her not to see me, but I hear as she takes her feet out of the water and walks toward my hiding place.
TeranielDec 23, 2014 4:54 AM
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
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Dec 10, 2014 4:28 PM
Jul 2013
Nice start so far man. A hypnotic light that brought you here and a Dryad eh? Nice! Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy yourself.
Dec 10, 2014 4:39 PM
Nov 2013
Good job. a few minor grammatical errors and some awkwardly worded sentences, but nobody really cases about that. I would say more but I'm at work. Keep up the good work!
Dec 10, 2014 4:45 PM

Jan 2013
Welcome to the MSG o/
Neat. Nothing wrong so far, simple and good description of the environment. The way you described it made me picture the scene quite well.
Interested to see how you'll develop characters and relationships next :P

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 10, 2014 7:08 PM
Jun 2014
gj loving it so far cant wait for the next post
Dec 10, 2014 11:38 PM

Jan 2013
You are only (or at least one of the few) who actually were conscious during the "transport" which can be minor but quite nice addition to the lore. I am looking forward for what happens next in this story. Welcome to msg and keep up the good work
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 11, 2014 4:15 AM

Sep 2013
Oh yes, another lost soul brought into the fold. =P

A good start. Minor grammatical issues that don't really distract from the rest and a believable sense of confusion. Let's see where this takes us!
Dec 11, 2014 9:07 AM

Nov 2014
Writing fluidly in the present tense is often hard but you did it quite well. Judging from the errors (relatively minor) I think you could have made the chapter near-flawless if you just proofread a bit more. (I know, reading your stuff over and over gets boring quickly ~_~)


I really, really liked that you had some indication of how you arrived instead of just popping in like the rest of us. Like beast said, it's a minor but very welcome deviation from the norm.

I also like the fact that your wrote some of your own verse! Please do so whenever the mood strikes you. =D I love to see poetry/song woven into stories. I do feel I have some competition in the singing Dryad department now though >_>.
Dec 11, 2014 10:52 AM

Jan 2013
JPAI27 said:
I really, really liked that you had some indication of how you arrived instead of just popping in like the rest of us.

Well majority of MC's appeared on the island after dying in accident, being murdered, dying in wild animal attack, drug overdose etc. There is even one suicide.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 11, 2014 11:28 AM

Nov 2014
What I meant was that he saw the glowing orb. I haven't read all of the stories but regardless of the opening sequence people just sort of black out (for whatever reason) and then wake up on the island. Or even if they don't black out they just sort of 'pop' in, if that makes sense.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I liked the "sphere of light" business. XD
Dec 11, 2014 12:31 PM
Nov 2013
But then that brings up the questions: what is the light? is it present every time? what caused it? how many times do we need to ask these questions before we get an answer? does any of this even matter?
Dec 11, 2014 1:16 PM

Nov 2014
Does not matter. =|
Dec 11, 2014 2:01 PM
Nov 2013
Wrong, JP, everything matters.
Dec 14, 2014 6:44 AM

May 2013
Thank you all for your comments and for reading! Yes, I've noticed the grammatical mistakes, and from now on I'll try to take care of those.
The decision of the glowing orb was because I wanted to try something different, for a change. I'm glad that it's been well accepted. And JP. If you like songs and poetry... just keep reading, because there will be chapters with a little bit of it.

Well, I hope you enjoy the next part of the story. We're still introducing me to this new island, but anyway, have fun!


Day 1- Part 2

I hide back into the bushes, trying that she doesn’t see me, but I hear how she takes her feet out of the water and walks toward my hiding place.

This isn’t good, I can’t let her see me like this! I try to quickly move towards the density of the thickest trees, while I keep one eye on her, but she seems to hear my steps because her eyes fly in my direction. I can see her doing a gesture with her hand, and while I keep running toward the depths of the forest I step on a root that excels from the soil and I fall to the ground.


Man, that has hurt. I hear a gasp from the girl.

-Oh, my. I’m sorry to have done that, I was scared. You aren’t hurt, are you?

Do what? No, heck, don’t come here!

-Please, don’t come any closer!- I ask her desperately, and surprisingly it works because she stops. I almost can see her through the bushes, but I’m afraid that it means she can see me (more or less) as well.

-Oh, hum… Ok, don’t worry. But… why don’t you want me to get near to you?

-Please, don’t misunderstand it- I have to think some excuse, and quickly –It’s just that, that I… well, my aspect is not very presentable right now, and I don’t want anyone to see me at the moment- damn brain, why did I have to say the truth?!

-You mean…? Are you hurt because of the fall?- she sounds worried.

-No… no, it has nothing to do with the fall.- with these words I get up, but just a bit, because if I get up completely the bushes won’t hide me. Better I redirect the conversation in another direction-Tell me… are you filming a movie or have you cosplayed, or something like that?


-Well, I came to this wellspring and I just saw you- but don’t get me wrong! I was just walking and found the wellspring, I promise, and suddenly I found you. And when I saw the color of your hair, well, I felt curious about that.

-But… what’s wrong with the color of my hair? Why is it strange?- she seems really puzzled with my question. I can’t help but find out her strangeness a bit weird (ok, very weird, as everything else here).

-Well, not many people dye their hair green

-Dye? I don’t dye my hair

-Yeah, sure. And the ears are natural too- I reply sarcastically.

-Wha-? But… but why wouldn’t they be?- that is what lets me completely stunned, and is because she sounds legitimately surprised for what I’ve said.

She’s saying that her hair and her ears are really like that? And how can it be? I’m freaked out, I can’t believe what’s happening.

-Besides- she continues –I can’t really understand how someone who’s hiding herself finds me weird

Herself” has she said? She cannot distinguish the voice of a man or a woman?

-Herself? Didn’t you want to say “himself”?

Now it’s her turn to remain silent because of the answer that the other gave. I try to sharpen my ear trying to catch something, whatever, but I can’t hear anything. Just a mumbling that sounds like -…im----ible… but that w---d mean… --uld it be true?...

And suddenly, without any preview warning, the girl crosses the bushes and it happens what I feared: we meet face to face. Crap! I can’t be more ashamed!! I try to hide my parts the best I can with my hands, but they don’t cover everything. I haven’t felt more ashamed in my whole life!

-This is not what it seems, really!- I say as I try to hide behind a tree, with my face completely red –I’m not a pervert nor anything like this, what really happens is that someone has stolen my clothes and-! … Huh?- I interrupt myself because I see that her expression suddenly has changed to something that I didn’t expect at all –Are you… smiling?

Yes, it’s true. She has a smile painted in her face, but not a smile of derision and contempt because of my embarrassing situation. It’s a smile of joy. Yes, her face doesn’t lie: she is truly happy to see me (even if I just can’t understand why). The look in her face resembles like a child looking to a sweet, for me.

-A male… A male!- her eyes are shining because of the happiness and she’s covering her mouth as she quivers –I can’t… I can’t believe it. You’re really a human male…

I don’t understand anything. A human? She isn’t even human?

“Impossible” says my rational part. But other part of me says “This is really happening, and your ears don’t lie: you’ve really heard that”.

-What do you mean with a “human male”? Because you make it sound like if you never saw a man before- I ask her from behind the tree, just peeping my head and my hand a bit.

-Well,… I have not. You are the first and only man I’ve ever seen- she keeps staring at me like if a was a fascinating mythological creature or something like that. Which may be true for her?

-Who are you?- this is a question I really have to make –And… what are you?

-It’s true, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. My name is Marie, and I am a dryad, of course

A dryad? A legendary spirit of the forests and trees? It’s stupid, the dryads and other creatures like that are just fantasy. I love fantasy stories and the fantasy novels, games and all that stuff, but I know how to distinguish that from reality. But…

She remains silent, and none of the two says a thing. I think she’s waiting for me to introduce myself. But I don’t feel very comfy with the idea of introducing me and revealing my identity to a complete stranger, and besides, in this embarrassing situation. So I decide to give her another name. I think, and in that moment is when I remember one name that I used to use, the name of one roleplaying character that I created and used as a nick with my friends during some time. I will introduce myself to this girl with that name.

-I am Rael

It seems that it is enough for her, because she nods slightly.

-I am pleased to meet you, Rael. One question. Will you remain hidden behind that tree all day?- she asks me

-What!? Ahem… As you probably have notice before, I have nothing to wear. I don’t know what’s happened, when I regained consciousness and awoke here I was completely nude. And besides: where is “here”?- because this question has been buzzing me all this time.

-Well, let me think about it. This forest remains within the domains of Lord Charisse. In fact, we are very near the foot of the mountains that are the frontier with Kioko right now.

As I feared. All those names don’t say anything to me, but they definitely lead me to a conclusion.

-Dorothy,- I say to myself –you’re not in Kansas anymore.
TeranielDec 14, 2014 7:33 AM
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Dec 14, 2014 6:57 AM

Jan 2013
Teraniel said:
Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore.

I guess you are right, Toto.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 14, 2014 7:07 AM

Jan 2013
It's always fun to read the conflict parts between the MC's "normal" view of things and the different knowledge of the monster girls. I'm still trying to figure out the Dryad's personality... I'm interested to see how it will turn out. :P
You might want to check the chapter again, especially the first part. I found some parts a bit difficult to follow because of minor mistakes.

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 14, 2014 8:56 AM
Jun 2014
*thumbs up* gj keep up the good work now to wait for the next post *sits and waits patiently and occasionally throwing a shoe a sydo*
Dec 14, 2014 9:03 AM
Nov 2013
Very good. Still some awkwardly worded sentences, but after reading a few more Light Novels I should be able to get used to that... Keep up the goo- *gets hit in the face with a shoe*
Dec 14, 2014 12:17 PM

Nov 2014
The way your MC reacted was very natural and entertaining. Top marks.

... The first two paragraphs felt like they were taking out their anger for not being edited on me though. XD Completely out of place when compared to how nicely the rest is written.
Dec 15, 2014 12:55 AM

Sep 2013
I'm just going to say it because it's one of my personal pet peeves...I really don't like when the text is smaller than normal, even if it achieves the intended purpose. Minor gripe, really.

The dialogue was great. Already getting a feel for the characters so...guess I'll just be holding on to see more =)
Dec 16, 2014 10:47 AM

Sep 2012
stuff! :D

ok seriouse now, I think I don't need to go on any critics cuse some of them other dudes has already said that stuff. I like it so far and will wait for some more.
Dec 17, 2014 10:34 AM

May 2013
Howdy ya'll! Thank you for your comments and for your enthusiasm. Now, with no further delay, the next chapter.


Day 1- Part 3

-Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore.

Is too much to assimilate. And besides, taking advantage of my confusion, Marie has surrounded the tree and now is in front of me again. And I still have nothing to wear.

-Well, now that you know where is “here” you can stop hiding, can’t you?- she says without losing her smile. A beautiful smile, now that I see her closer- No, damn it! What you have to think about now is that you can’t be like that, without any clothes! I try to cover myself again, but this time I don’t escape from her.

-Please, can you stop doing that? Is not pleasant to have someone looking at you when you have nothing to wear.- I say, very angry and upset.

Maybe at last she feels a bit ashamed of her attitude, because she looks away, although her smile doesn’t abandon her face completely.

-Oh… Ummm… Sorry, I didn’t want to startle you. But… well, you are… ehmm, you are… very beautiful to contemplate.

To say that I’m completely puzzled now would be an understatement. No girl, never, ever has said that to me, directly at my face. I really don’t know what to say, and less now.

-But if you really want something to cover yourself,- she continues –m-maybe I can help you with that. Just give me a minute

She raises her hand towards a branch with leaves of one tree, and suddenly she closes her eyes and begins to mumble something. I’m not sure, but seems like some kind of chant.

And suddenly, the unthinkable occurs. It’s hard to believe, and I rub my eyes, but I’m really seeing this: the branch of the tree is moving on its own, and the leaves begin to grow various times their size and intertwine ones with others. Forming what seems like a… kilt. No, it keeps growing: it’s a robe. But with the particularity that is purely made of leaves, with layers superimposed, creating, thus, a cloth completely vegetal. When she finishes her chant, Marie takes this piece from the branch and offers it to me.

-Well, maybe this will do. Tell me, are you ok with this?- she says with the smile in her face again.

I still can’t say a word. It’s impossible, but she has really done it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I touch the cloth, not taking it, but admiring how it’s been created, only with leaves. And enormous: they’ve grown at a vertiginous speed. Marie has done this just with her words? This is… this is…

-How have you done that?- is the only thing I can say as I change my face with an surprised expression on it back to the green-haired girl to the robe and vice versa. I know it. Hell, I know it perfectly. I don’t need her to tell me because is something that I already know. But I can’t believe it yet. My mind is somehow unable to access to that term, like if all the tops of rationality in my brain were blocking that very word. It’s impossible. It’s… it’s…

-Magic- she says, saying out loud what I couldn’t express, because of the skepticism of my believes- I’ve prayed to the tree, letting its natural energies flow through my pray to grow, in this case, the leaves.

I remain silent, taking the cloth at last.

-Where are we? And this time, don’t tell me the region of the land. I want to know the exact part of the Universe where I am.

She looks at me puzzled for my question, but my expression is of completely seriousness, and I keep looking at her eyes and don’t look away. Finally, Marie accepts it and answers me.

-Well, I don’t travel a lot, but anyway, this region and all the other places are inside the island.

-The island?- I ask. How can I have arrived to an island?- And where is this island?

-This island is everything. This is the world.

An island and just that? For a moment I feel like I was in one chapter of LOST. Inside an island… and nothing more… But I quickly recover myself. Maybe she just doesn’t know more land because, as she has said, she doesn’t travel. Or maybe it could be related somehow with the… the magic. It’s something that I still can’t believe, but in my hand is the robe made of leaves that constitutes the evidence. And by the way, it shouldn’t remain in my hand. I quickly dress in that clothe. Surprisingly, it adjusts perfectly to my body.

I let out a sigh. I guess Marie is really a dryad. In any case…

-I want to say… thanks, for the clothes.

-You’re welcome- replies Marie, with her smile still on her lips, for me. Damn, she is so cute. –I couldn’t negate a favor to a man

I think at her words. Maybe… I will need her to help me. I still don’t know anything of this place. But… will she help me? Well, I have to ask.

-Marie… I have to ask you for something more- I begin, trying to gather the courage to say this -I don’t know anything of this place, or where to go. So… if you could…

Marie giggles, and without warning she suddenly takes my hand.

-Hihihihi… I know what you want. And I will. You can be sure that I am completely determined to be at your side.

Whoa, that was FAST. In fact, that was strangely fast, and I’m sure that she has some other things in her mind. Don’t misunderstand me: for me it’s great to have such a nice girl interested on me, but it feels so weird, just some minutes after having first met…

-Well… in that case… Could you tell me how to leave from this forest?

-Um, it’s not difficult. But what do you want to do outside?

-I’m not sure of what could I do. Perhaps I’ll be able to decide it when I know more. So,- I say, feeling her hand around mine –will you accompany me?

-Oh, dear. Of course I will. I promise I won’t abandon you.

Perhaps it’s just me, or is the smile that remains in her face, but I think that asseveration has more load than I can think of right now. But anyway, we begin to walk, wandering together through this strange place, while I think about what I’m doing here, and I hope to find answers; somehow, somewhere…
TeranielDec 23, 2014 2:20 PM
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Dec 17, 2014 11:56 AM

Jan 2013
I am still trying to imagine how that robe of leaves should look like, but I guess it will give you some druid-like image ;)

Anyway, cool, I am looking forward to next episode
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 17, 2014 2:00 PM

Jan 2013
D'aaawwww... this is so cute :P
The scene of her magic was kind of interesting. Fashinating... and funny for the kilt thing XD

I'll say it again, the way you describe your reactions are really good. Really natural I guess.
Keep it up! o/

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 17, 2014 4:44 PM
Nov 2013
I'm not really sure what to say... this is really good... some of the words you use don't quite work, but it's not so bad that you aren't able to get the point across. I'm assuming that english isn't your first language, so if you want I can stop bringing this stuff up.
Dec 18, 2014 4:10 AM

Sep 2013
I like the character interactions. When I can feel like I've already got a good idea of how a character is going to react after so short a time...I think it means you've already got a really solid foundation down.

Dec 19, 2014 12:20 AM

Nov 2014
@beast_regards: I actually reckon it could look pretty darn classy XD

... or terrible. Really depends on the "weave"
Dec 19, 2014 1:46 AM

Sep 2012
mmm...good. The others have already said the stuff I wanted to say so... keep it up! :D
Dec 19, 2014 10:51 AM

Jan 2013
JPAI27 said:
I actually reckon it could look pretty darn classy

I thought something green-like Like this (WoW for lack of imagination) which would strike dryad association but not really ugly.
beast_regardsDec 19, 2014 10:56 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 23, 2014 2:43 PM

May 2013
About the questions and wonderings of how is the tunic of leaves... more or less, it looks like this:

Nooooo, just kidding! XP That was just some random image I found while looking for a good one. This is the real one; it's just a t-shirt, but the style is more or less what Marie has weaved in a tunic:

Well, Christmas is almost here! So this is my present to you: the next chapter of the story. I want to say thanks to tterreb for his editing and correction of errors. And this chapter promises to be quite interesting because of... ooops; almost spoiler. Just keep reading!


Day 1- Part 4

-…and so, that’s the reason why I’ve instinctively recognized you as male, when I first saw you.

-Very curious

We have been walking through the forest for more or less an hour, and meanwhile, we’ve been talking nonstop. Right after beginning this journey one of the first things I asked her was how, if she hadn’t seen a male before, she knew that I was one. Maybe not the most important of all the questions that I have, but I wanted to satisfy my scientific curiosity about that fact. She told me that it was purely instinctive when she saw that I had no curves and when she saw the features of my face (and of course, my crotch). I had no idea that the recognition between male and female could be instinctive and not taught.

We are on our way to the outside of the forest. I still can’t see anything that proves that we are near the end, because the trees and vegetation in general that surround us are as thick as before.

But with one difference. I’ve realized that, on this occasion, contrary to when I went to the meeting of Marie, no trees, no bushes, not even a little flower stands in our way. I don’t know how can it be, but in our path I’ve not stepped on one single root, nor have I had to walk through any branches or leaves. But the plants don’t move; it’s simply that, no matter if we walk in a completely straight line, we don’t find anything: the vegetation doesn’t impede our pass. I try to sharpen my ear to hear if Marie is making the trees to move before I can see them, but I can’t hear anything, just the animals running across this jungle and the birds singing. It’s like if the entire forest was opening us a path to walk.

I want to ask Marie if she has something to do with that, but before I can, I have to ask her other things.

-So… tell me Marie- I keep talking to her. Somehow, she makes me feel good, just by being near her-You’ve already mentioned the name of this region. Could you please tell me a bit more about this island?

-Well… since you’ve just arrived here, I suppose the first thing I should tell you about are the regions of the island.

-Is the island very big?

-Of course. There are six regions: right now we are in the only forest that exists in the region of Charisse: the rest is just a big desert. Also, north of here lies Kioko and in the South is Amarante. At the oriental part of the island, beyond the big mountain, are the regions of Kaori and Elizabeth. Finally, the sea belongs to Lord Michiko.- she looks away from me for a moment, before looking at me again, a bit flustered -Although I must admit… I’ve never been very far away from my forest. I don’t know much more.

-Well, at least you know more than I do- I say, trying to smile and her cheer up a bit. And surprisingly it works, as Marie smiles too -On the other hand, who’s lord Michiko?

-She’s one of the lords that govern the six regions of the island. FYI, all the lands have the name of the lord that governs them.

-Really? So, they have to change the name of the region every time a lord passes away and is substituted by another?- I raise one eyebrow

-Ahaha… hahahahahaha!- she laughs at my comment, and I have to admit I like the sound of her laughter, but I feel a bit annoyed for being treated like a fool -You’re so cute, not knowing a thing…- giggles Marie as she approaches me -The Lords are immortal, sweetie. They reign over the island since forever.

-Immortality??!- I say shocked, but somehow, even this information is simpler to assimilate now that I’ve seen true magic in action. Certainly, I’ve arrived in a very unusual and interesting place.

My thoughts are interrupted as a growl comes from my belly. D’oh! Stupid stomach. But I shouldn’t be surprised: the sandwich I brought for the trip was in my backpack, and I left it behind; besides I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. I’m embarrassed, as I’m sure Marie has heard it too, and I blush when I look towards her. She has heard it, but she’s not mocking the sound of my body.

-Are you hungry?

-Well… just a little. But I can keep walking, I assure you.

-Oh, Rael, I’m sure of that. But anyway, now is a good time for a stop. Come. Follow me- says the green-haired girl as she stops walking, and looks through some bushes. I follow her, to discover that she’s leading us in the direction of a clearing. And in the border of the clearing grow some wild berries and fruit-trees completely loaded with reddish fruits that I’ve never seen in my life.

-Wow… how could you know there was food here?- I ask her, but she just grins -So, you know if they’re edible?

-Of course they are. So, let’s begin with the lunch, ok?- she takes one big leaf from one of the nearby trees and begins picking berries and putting them on the leaf like a dish, so I decide to do the same.

In a little time, we have our leaves full of berries and these strange fruits. We sit in the middle of the clearing, and begin to eat them. I pick the first berry, and find it surprisingly sweet and good, although a bit acidic. Marie seems delighted that I like them, and begins to eat them too. Anyway, I attack my plate with hunger, and soon there is no food left on my leaf. Then I take one of the fruits and I look it for a second. It’s red like a tomato, but the shape is round with a slight oval near the top.

I give it the first bite. Surprisingly good: it tastes like… like a mango. But curiously, it has the smell of a rose flower. I give myself a moment to eat it, and then I ask Marie -It’s very good. What fruit is this? I’ve never seen it in my life.

-It’s champakka. And it’s quite common around here. Out of curiosity, how long have you been here? It mustn’t have been long, if you know so little.

-I… I arrived here, somehow, just a little before meeting you. I don’t really know HOW I’ve ended up here.- I begin to talk about my strange arrival -I was back in my home, in a forest in the countryside, minding my business. And suddenly it appeared an orb of light out of nowhere. The next thing I knew I was here, and then I found you when I was walking through the forest.- I take a moment to think about how are they going to react back at home, when my partners aren’t able to find me Do you know how could this happen?

-Not really. I’m sorry.- well, at least I had to try-But, that means… I’m the first one that has found you- I can tell that she’s hiding a little smile when she says that. But I prefer not to ask her about this behavior. Instead, I keep eating until we’ve finished with our meal. And damn, although it was just berries and fruit, it was really good.

I would like to resume the walk immediately, but Marie insists to have some rest before. So, we sit near one of the biggest trees of the clearing, and decide to wait a bit.

I take advantage of this temporal stop to relax a bit, and give myself a moment to look at Marie, now that all is calm around us and nothing but the silent trees and the sunlight surrounds us. When I observe her, with her peculiar hair, and her beautiful eyes, I can’t help but to think about how lovely the dryad looks, lying in the grass next to me. And I think she has caught me looking at her, because she looks directly into my eyes and smiles back at me.

My heart is racing like crazy. We are so close; we could touch us if we move us just a little further. We are alone… no one around to see what we do… I still don’t move. What if she doesn’t want? I don’t want to lose my only partner and friend here. But, should I? Have I correctly interpreted her gesture? Ohmygodshesmovingherfacetowardme!

I decide to take the jump! I move my face toward her too, and when our lips are so close I can almost feel her, we close our eyes.

Then, our lips meet. Her mouth has a soft and gentle touch that is just exquisite, and I move my own mouth to adjust myself to her kiss, wanting to explore her. We don’t intertwine our tongues, but is not necessary: the warmth and intimacy of the moment are just enough to make us feel completely rapt. I move my hand toward her hair to caress her while we remain kissing.

And then, the kiss is broken when we separate our lips slowly. It has been a short kiss, but it was plenty of feelings we wanted to share.

For a moment, I don’t know what to say and just look deep into her eyes, wrapped in ecstasy as we both look into the mirrors of our souls.

-That was…- she begins to blush, but doesn’t move her eyes one millimeter away from mine- … wow, that was… so… amazing

-I liked it too. You’re… so sweet


-Yes. I don’t know how it has ended up being this way, because we’ve known each other less than a day but… I really liked this kiss… and you.

-Oh, dear! That’s so… that’s so…- she doesn’t say anything more, just gives me without previous warning a hug and buries her head in my tunic of leaves, closing her eyes and resting her face in my chest. I embrace her and slowly caress her head, gently, as I enjoy the moment of intimacy between us.

It’s very curious. Never in my life have I been so close with any girl, not even my friends or family. And now, with a woman that I don’t know at all, nor the place where she lives, and who isn’t even human, I’m having the most tender moment of my life.

Which leads me to one question. What am I going to do with her? Or with my own path? I don’t know a thing about Marie, or this place, or how I’ve arrived here, or if I can return from this island to my home. I really need answers to decide all this. But for now…

… for now, I feel like I prefer to caress the hair of the little dryad who lies with me.

We let the hours pass by, embraced together, sharing our feelings with no words. I’m not really sure about how much time we’ve passed entangled in our mutual hug enjoying the moment of closeness, but as the shadows surrounding us are getting longer and longer, I decide that we have to keep going.

-Marie. I believe is time to get up and continue our way out of the forest.

-Mhh-hm. Okay, then.- we don’t lose time, and resume our walk, leaving the clearing behind us.

The path is as clear as when we began this walk (honestly, I really have to ask her how she does it). The light is a little bit fainter, but it’s still far away from sunset; and the temperature has lowered a bit. Yet, it’s not completely cold. The first thing I do once we are moving again is to keep asking Marie about this place.

-Well, Marie, you’ve already talked me about the regions of the island. But what about their inhabitants? Who live here?

-Oh, Rael, there are so many people. Here live uncountable mamono species: it’s possible to find dozens and dozens of different types: I’m a dryad, for example, but there are arachnes, werewolves, giants, sphinxes, slimes… We’re abundant like the leaves of a tree. What we lack are human men like you: you’re so rare to find...

-Wait one second - I was ready to accept something like ‘fantastic races from the “D&D Monster Manual, edition 3.5”’, but there’s something that Marie has said that puzzles me -”Human men”? You mean that the only humans who live here are all men?

-Yes dear. We, the mamono, being all women, have difficulties finding a man because of the high number of girls of the island compared with the human men. But what defines the-



The explanation that my partner was going to offer gets cut off when something whistles crossing the distance between us and the woods faster than the gaze can follow and sticks in the neck of the dryad, who has time just to say ”Ah!”.

I’m as surprised as her, but I can see it now. Spiked in her neck is a little dart of the size of half a finger, feathered in white. Marie takes it off and holds it in front of her.

-A sleeping dart?- she asks to no one in particular as her other hand touches her neck, and her eyelids begin to fall slowly -Who-?- she doesn’t have time to say anything more before falling to the ground completely asleep.

-Marie!! - I shout at her, and give her a pair of slaps, but she doesn’t wake up. Nonononono. This cannot be! Whoever has shot that dart can shoot me too! I must leave!

I don’t have time to think about who or why has attacked her, the only time I have is to take the sleeping girl on my back (man, she’s heavy as a trunk!) and run away from here. I don’t know where to go; I just know that the further, the better. I run as fast as my legs can carry us, fearing what could catch us. I run in zigzag, to increase the chance of avoiding the projectiles, but the main problem when running away from a menace is transporting a person on your back. Even if her body can protect me from more darts towards my own body, this is a disadvantage. Nonetheless I keep running, hoping to get out of sight our trackers.


AGH! I got hit!! I feel the dart nail the skin of my left leg, and the drowsiness beginning to reach my mind as the poison runs through my blood.

-NOOOO!!!- I shout as I try to keep running, channeling all my rage through that scream. I try to combat the sleeping venom of the dart using the adrenaline, letting my emotions take control of me; I run as I frown and clench trying to stay awake using my anger. No matter what happens, I can’t stop being enraged and escaping.


Another dart pierces me in the shoulder. The drowsiness and the sleep are multiplied, and I can’t keep… going… But I try not to fall, no matter what… I must put one leg in front of the other… and walk… run…


I don’t even know where I was hit. I can just feel how I let go the girl in my back before hitting the ground myself. I can hear steps coming toward us. And just before losing my conscience and being swallowed by the dark, I hear a voice. A female voice, very beautiful and melodic, but that speaks in a very perturbing tone, saying:

-Well, well, well. It seems that the spider just caught a couple of flies.
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Dec 23, 2014 3:51 PM

Jan 2013
Cool! I had really a good time reading this.

Teraniel said:
"D’oh! Stupid stomach."

Well, at least you didn't eat a poisoned fruit trying to act cool like I did!

Can't wait to see if the spider is just a metaphor or something more :P

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 23, 2014 5:57 PM
Nov 2013
Now that I can't pick on your grammar I don't know what to say... you aren't going to kill Marie are you? Because only a jerk would kill off the first mg they meet...
Dec 24, 2014 1:15 AM

Jan 2013
I think spider is an actual spider ... since fantasy racism - all arachnes are bad (or suspected being so)!
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 24, 2014 5:25 AM

Sep 2013
Alrighty! Spider time? I'd imagine that'll normally be a wholly different experience than a friendly dryad. Either it's a real spider and you're in for spidery times...or they use the spider as their symbol because its scary (or some sort of 8-themed group).

Guess we'll just have to find out =)
Dec 25, 2014 3:53 AM

Nov 2014
I think we need to find a new breed of villain around here. Can't we all agree to have a morbid fear of mice? Make them the go-to evil welcoming party for a while?

Nice update. =)
Dec 26, 2014 5:22 AM

Sep 2012
how come that 70% of the time I read these stories the spiders are the bad guys(girls)? At least it wasn't the fluffy kind of spider this time. :D
Dec 31, 2014 5:51 PM

May 2013
Yay! The New Year 2015 has arrived, and so, here's my gift for all of you: the next chapter of my story, so you begin this new year loaded with desire, entertainment and reading.

Well, things didn't look very good for me at the end of the last chapter :( Let's see what's awaiting in the deeps of this new one!


Day 1- Part 5

I slowly regain my conscience. The mist that covers my mind is slowly fading, as I begin to wake up. When I do it, memories come back to my mind, one by one.

”Man, tonight I’ve had a strange dream” I think as I gather the energy to move and open my eyes. ”I think that it’s even stranger than that dream I had about Sailor Venus. Or that other one from Changeling the Dreaming. Well, better get up from the bed.”

I try to do it, but I find out that I can’t. Somehow, I can’t even move. So I try to open my eyes, and I succeed. I see a dim light in the ceiling, of a reddish-orange color, like a fire or a torch. My mind begins to change its rhythm of work from two thoughts per hour, and begin thinking straight again.

Wait a moment. All that happened before falling asleep was real! And so, I’m in danger! But I remember one quote from one of my favorite books: “Before doing anything, take a silent look around you. Ten seconds of observation can save your life”. So I do that.

The first thing I notice is that I’m tied up to a table inclined 80 degrees. There are leather straps that hold me to it: on my wrists, ankles, thighs, waist and chest. Also, someone has stripped me from the tunic of leaves that Marie gave me, but it has been replaced by black trousers, and I could swear that the material they’re made of is leather.

Second, it seems that I’m underground, in a well-built stone chamber inside a cave. The only light comes from the torches hanging on the walls. The chamber is quite big however: it could be like the size of my apartment. The table where I’m tied up is near one of the four walls, and I can see just one corridor that leads to an exit of this room.

And finally, I’m not alone here.

-Oh, so you’ve finally woken up? Good, because I’ve almost finished the preparations for the amusement.

A figure comes out of the shadows of this place and steps into the light. It’s a woman, not very tall, but just seeing her figure fills me with fright. She has tanned skin and long, white hair that falls behind her like a cascade. Her face is beautiful, but she wears a devilish grin that combines with her red eyes and sends me chills through my spine.

I know what she is. Hell, of course I know it, after having read all the novels of Drizzt Do’Urden; as not knowing.

-Drow- I spit the word frowning at her.

-Drow?- she looks at me surprised, but then she smiles- Please, dear, who uses such an old fashioned and archaic word nowaday? We prefer to be called “dark elves”

-Whatever- the thought of being in the hands of dark elves makes me shudder. If they are like what I’ve read, then the tortures I may undergo are unimaginable. Even so, I try to gather all the courage I can and talk to her -What have you done with the dryad that accompanied me?

-Oh, the little green-haired?- she asks in a cute tone -She’s not harmed, she’s just in a chamber deep underground, where not even the roots of the eldest trees can reach her. But let’s not talk about her, okay?- she approaches me, so close that I can even smell the perfume that surrounds her: sweet, yet intoxicating -It’s not correct to talk about other girls in the prelude of an intimate moment, you know?- she says, winking at me in an accomplice gesture.

-Listen: if you plan to torture me to death I’ll let you know that-

-Torture you to death?- she raises one eyebrow as she acts surprised. No, wait… she really looks surprised -I think you’re misunderstanding it. Why would I want to break my own sex toy?- has she really said “sex toy”? Then she moves a little away from me, but she puts one of her gloved hands on my chest. It’s a warm and soft touch.

-You can’t imagine how much I rejoiced when I found you in that forest- she says as she slides her hand all over my skin. I feel my heart racing like crazy at her contact, and my breath stirring -Finally, a plaything just for me, waiting to be kidnapped… Oh, dear, I’m going to have so much fun with you… and maybe, if you’re a good plaything, I’ll let you have fun too. I’ve waited for an occasion like this for so long… now I won’t wait anymore; I’ll make you scream both in pleasure and pain.

I admit, the fact that she’s not going to kill me by torturing me has relieved me. But I can also see what her spiel is. And I take the decision of not letting her do whatever she wants with me. I have my free will, and I’m not a damned toy to play with!! What I hate the most is that she thinks she can control me like I was nothing.

-It’s me who’s gonna make you scream in pain, and just in pain when I get out of these straps.- I answer her.

-My, my, it seems that my little plaything has some nerve. How rude, to say that things to his mistress. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll show you how to kneel before me.- she finally takes her hand off of me.

-I kneel before no one, and less before you, worm- I tell her, slowly, dragging the words with all my hatred.

Finally I see her lose her calm, because she frowns and smiles at me, but this time it is an aggressive smile, as she asks me, dragging her words dangerously -What did you say, my dear?

I close my eyes and let out a sight, as I get my calm back and answer her -No. You’re right. I’ve said something wrong, and I shouldn’t have done it. I must apologize for what I’ve said.

She stops frowning and relaxes her gesture, as she loses the rage that was filling her - Well, I’m glad to hear that, my pet. It seems that you begin to accept your plac-

-I must apologize to the worms, for have compared them to you. Those poor animals! They don’t deserve to be lowered to your level. You are a being far more despicable than maggots. You are nothing but scum.

It’s incredibly stupid to say that to the dark elf, but is worth it just to see her finally losing all her calm: she’s sparking through the eyes and grimacing, as fury crosses her face. She takes two steps toward me as she raises her right hand. I know what’s coming.


I could see it coming. I could even prepare me to receive it. But anyways, that hurt me. My left cheek burns, and my first impulse is to raise my hand, but I’m tied up, and I can’t. I just endure the pain.

-You’ll pay for this- she says angered, barely containing herself.

-No. I’ll never pay you enough- I say, grinning at her -Some pleasures just don’t have a price

But that comment triggers something inside her, and immediately, she gives me back her own grin.

-We’ll see about that- it’s that devilish smile again. It frightens me to the bone, but I tell to myself “Keep smiling. You mustn’t let her know you’re afraid. For fuck’s sake, keep smiling”.

And then, without any word, she turns back and walks to the end of the room, going after something. I didn’t notice it from the shadows of the room at my first sight, but now that I observe it more carefully, I can see what’s near the walls of this underground chamber.

Stacked one over the other, hundreds of instruments accumulate near the stones that imprison me, both in shelves or hanging on the walls. And all of them are torture instruments but… not the usual ones. There are no iron maidens, nor Judas cradles, nor racks, nor torture chairs or things like that.
But aligned across the room, I can see many whips, paddles; chains, candles, masks, clamps, rows of elongated objects (I don’t even want to look at those), what looks like some bizarre surgery instrumental, and I can even see one St. Andrew’s cross. All of them different, but all of them reflecting alike the sadistic kind of her owner.

The sight of them makes me feel uneasy, startled…

…nervous, frightened…

… troubled…

…and … a bit excited. I have to admit it. The thought of this woman, dark and dreadful, but exotic and beautiful, using them on me gives me, well, mixed feelings. The lust… Stupid BDSM-loving part of me, shut up!!! I remember that I promised myself not to submit my will to anyone, and I regain my composure.

She has reached one of the tables at the furthest part of the room, and I can’t see what she’s doing. But I could swear she’s picked up something.

Yes, she’s coming back with a bottle decorated with flowers in her hands, and wearing a grin in her face. I don’t know what’s inside that bottle, but it can’t be anything good, that’s for sure.

-This will do nicely

She removes the cap and instantly the smell reaches my nose. I don’t know what is, but it’s incredibly sweet, more than any other perfume I’ve ever smelled in my life. Also, I feel a bit dizzy, like if I was drunk, but just a little. What is she up to? Whatever it is, I close my mouth with all the force of my maws and hold my breath, in case she wants me to drink that potion.

But she realizes what I’m doing and just smiles. Then suddenly, she puts the bottle in her mouth and drinks its contents.

I open my eyes with surprise as I can hear her gulping the liquid down her throat and see the dark elf filling her oral cavity with so much that her cheeks become swollen.

And without previous warning, she kisses me in my mouth while still holding the drink inside hers. I open my lips with surprise, but that only serves to let the liquid to pour from her mouth to me, and instinctively I swallow it. I try to protest, but she’s still kissing me and passing more of this drink, and I can’t do anything but to swallow it at the contact of her soft, warm and full lips. She puts her tongue in my mouth and I answer to her intertwining our tongues as the kiss continues and I drink the sweet nectar from her. My head starts spinning and I want to drink more from her, but she breaks the contact, and at the separation I discover that our lips are connected by one thread of this substance, which looks like liquid amber.

-What…- I say panting, trying to get back my breath -… was that? What have you done to me?

-Oh, that was just alraune’s nectar. Don’t worry; I’ve drunk as much as you. It’s just to get into mood for this: I’m sure you’re feeling its effects right now- she answers me as she caresses my face.

And immediately I just feel the urge.

It’s a desire like I’ve never felt: the lewdness, the need to kiss her, to let her touch my face and all my body, to be free of these bindings not to escape, but for take her hips and stick my manhood inside her, and then fuck her so hard that I can’t bang her pussy any more. I’m still conscious of my actions; and know that this must be the drink, but even so, I don’t give a fuck. I just want sex, and I want it now. I try to reach her, but the straps keep me tied up to the table, frustrating me.

-Now…- she begins to say as she licks her fingers and slips her other hand inside her leather shorts-I wonder what will happen if I do… THIS- and without previous warning she slips the hand inside my clothes and grabs my sex. I squirm, but she doesn’t lose her grip, and begins to strike and jack off my rod, as she slowly passes her tongue across my chest. Damn, it feels so good. It’s like all my senses are expanded just for the purpose of feeling her wet caresses, and her fingers toying with my dick.

-Well, what now, my pet?- she asks me, moving her face toward mine and speaking softly to my ear without stopping working at my dick -Do you want me?

Incredibly, I manage to speak to her in the middle of this entire sex scene.

-I… don’t want to be a slave of your will. You won’t break me just giving me drugs. Even if you make me feel good, you shall not have me

-Mmm. In that case I’ll make you feel bad, you bad boy- says the dark elf. She stops jacking me off; unbuttons the black trousers to pull my rod out of them and let it free. I can see it now, big and erect, claiming action now. But, if my reaction at seeing my cock reacting to the charms of the dark elf is quite emotional, her reaction is anthological: she opens her eyes like she was contemplating one of the wonders of nature, and she even licks her lips, prey of the same lust that makes me want her against my common sense.

But she doesn’t take my penis again. She just walks to the wall at my back, and when she passes by my side I get to see her beautiful white hair moving like a cascade of silver. She’s doing something at the back of the table where I’m tied up, so I can’t see what she does (honestly, I hate the tactic of the uncertainty, because it is horribly effective). She then comes back to my visual field holding a cane in her hands.

-Are you ready for your punishment, slave?- I prepare me to the first strike, but it doesn’t come. Instead, she unfastens her black top letting it fall to the stone floor.

Which gives me a view of her bare, rounded and magnificent breasts.

-Oh! Do you like what you see, huh?- she asks, as she perceives the twitch on my crotch and my eyes looking at her. I immediately look away from her.

-D-don’t be ridiculous! It’s just a physiological reaction after the drug you gave me, don’t think you’re sexy to me or anything like that- … is it just my impression or did that sound incredibly tsundere?

-Well, if you liked that, I suppose you’re going to like this even more- as she says this, without releasing the cane she takes away the straps that hold her shorts in place, letting it fall to the ground and letting me see her almost completely naked; she’s still wearing her gloves and her boots, and for some reason, that makes her more attractive. Now I really can’t take my eyes off of her body and I feel more excited than ever.

She then proceeds to touch some mechanism at the base of the table to drop it, which makes me move from my position to be completely horizontal and lying at the mercy of the dark elf. She positions herself on top of me, letting some of her weight rest on me. I can’t stop staring at her with mixed feelings: lust and hatred, desire and rage, need and pride. We look each other in the eyes and I see her, rejoicing at the sight of her victim submitted at her whim.

-It’s time for it. But be gentle pet,- she says as she takes with her free hand my manhood and leads it to her own sex- it’s my first time- I… can’t swear it, but she has now a more shy expression on her face, contrasting with the dominant attitude of before. And then it happens.

She’s already wet and lubed, I can feel it. When I enter inside her, I feel the walls of her pussy contacting with my own rod, pressing against it and making me feel good. She begins moving, and I try to move with her, but the binds don’t let me, and I can only feel how she’s shaking her body, moving up and down, slowly, enjoying every movement, every single contact of our insides. She’s moaning, and I feel something strange while fucking: then I stop staring at her boobs and face and try to look at our crotches. There’s blood running down from her insides. It was true, she’s virgin! But then the moans begin to increase their intensity. I lose the inhibitions of my previous anger and begin feeling good of our intercourse letting my mind fly away in this universe of sexual pleasure.

Only to be brought back by the sadistic elf.


-UAAAAAAAAGH!!!!- she’s whipped my jewels with the cane!! It hurts, it freaking hurts!!! I try to contain the pain, but it’s horrible!

-I told you I had to make you feel bad for being a naughty boy- she whispers, but I can’t pay attention to that. I just can feel the strikes that the sadistic bitch is giving me at my balls right now, while still fucking me. I set my jaw and try to resist, but the pain is too much, and I can’t help but end up letting some moans of pain out of my mouth. It hurts, the strikes don’t have much strength but they don’t need it, it hurts so badly!

-Stop! Stop it!!- I exclaim

-I can stop if you want. We can come together, and finish with a shared orgasm. Just my cum should matter to me, it doesn’t matter if you cum or not. But I’ll let you. You just have to tell me, “I accept your will, please let me cum, my mistress”

-In your dreams will I call you mistress!- UAAACK!!- another round of strikes with the cane sends me a new wave of pain from my balls across my body -Okay, okay! I accept it, I do it!

-Accept what, slave?- asks me the dark elf. Fucking bitch! She wants me to say it out loud from my mouth. But the pain is too much, and I can’t take it.

-I accept your will, please let me cum, my mistress!- I scream in pain.

-Mmmmm. Good boy.- as she says this, she throws away the cane and begins moving more energetically, more intense. I’m still sore from the strikes and under normal circumstances I would lose all the vigor of my friend, but I think that the nectar has given me the side effect of a constant erection, as even under the strikes my rod has remained hard. I recover myself bit by bit from the torture, and begin to feel the pleasure once again. She moves up and down, and now she’s closer to me as she moves; so much that I can feel her breath and smell her perfume. We both feel our climaxes approaching.

-I… I’m cumming

-Nnnghhhh… me… too… aaaaah!

And then, we reach the top of the pleasure. I release the entire load inside her, as the elf screams when she comes too with her own orgasm when my seed fills her.

After our mutual climax, she stops moving and, without even taking my penis out of her, she falls on me and close her eyes as she lies over my body. We both pant after the intercourse, and we both feel the warmth of our naked bodies in contact, as we rest from our sexual experience.
TeranielJan 1, 2015 1:30 PM
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Jan 1, 2015 4:05 AM

Jan 2013
I was told just yesterday that certain someone wants bdsm stories otherwise he won't read and :D and there you go, one appears just a day after.
beast_regardsJan 1, 2015 4:12 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 1, 2015 5:45 AM

Jan 2013
Teraniel said:
she’s still wearing her gloves and her boots, and for some reason, that makes her more attractive.

*10 minutes of applause*

Still, interesting chapter. The tone changed quite a bit, and well... the setting and all the rest as well XD
I'm worried about that poor dryad... being deep underground won't probably be good for her. à_à

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jan 2, 2015 3:17 AM

Nov 2014
Teraniel said:
Before doing anything, take a silent look around you. Ten seconds of observation can save your life”.

Hooray for Artemis Fowl! (Among others, I'm sure.)

Overall I liked the chapter a lot, I'm a bit tired of the 'first time' and 'simultaneous climax' routines though. Each to his own I suppose. Eager to see how you get out of this one, perhaps cunning as opposed to a daring rescue by a third party? The MC is certainly stubborn and proud enough to try his luck at talking his way out - probably smart enough to pull it off too!
Jan 2, 2015 3:56 AM

May 2013
@beast_regards: Yay! More bdsm people join the party! Our little dark elf is not alone!

@SydoKiller: Probably if she were a matango whe would have more chances in a place without sun :(

@JPAI27: Holy crap, you like Artemis Fowl too?! You even recognized the quote. Yay!!

Yes, I know that men reach the climax before women and it's difficult to reach it simultaneously. I suppose that even if the retardance because of the whips has helped too, it's been a little trope that I included. But about the first time thing, is not so strange, if you consider the high number of monster girls and the little number of men in the island.
Anyway, I'm glad you liked the chapter. About how I'll get out of this...
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Jan 2, 2015 5:38 AM

Sep 2013
Oh dear...that sounded rather painful. To be quite fair, you asked for it. I can't see insulting the torturer when they're being Well it wasn't mean, anyway =P
Jan 2, 2015 6:01 AM

Nov 2014
Artemis Fowl rules! It shouldn't a surprise that I know it back to front, but rather that the rest of these peasants do not! *spits*

Contained within... JP being a jerk. Beware. Do not open if fluffy.
Jan 2, 2015 7:15 AM

Sep 2013
@JP - Well, it's stated in the MGE (not 100% canon for the MSG, true) that consuming a man's magic juice is just about the best experience for mamono. It suggests (at least to me) that it's a convenient mechanism that helps facilitate a shared release. Mamono are also often described as more sensitive in several ways so that might just be a potential benefit for the quick shots. =P
Jan 2, 2015 12:14 PM

Nov 2014
Again - I wasn't complaining from the standpoint of 'not realistic, difficult to achieve yada yada'. I'm not a fan of the recurring motif for reasons of personal preference.

And the fact that I'm defending myself on this point feels like it might make me seem overly critical I'd also like to repeat, for Teraniel's benefit, that it's just a minor scuff that irritated one person reading an overall very good chapter. =)
Jan 2, 2015 12:56 PM
Nov 2013
JPAI27 said:
Teraniel said:
Before doing anything, take a silent look around you. Ten seconds of observation can save your life”.

Hooray for Artemis Fowl! (Among others, I'm sure.)

I knew I recognized that from somewhere...
Jan 2, 2015 12:58 PM

Jan 2013
MSG itself is a matter of personal preference in matter of not only h-scenes, but also it general female character choice, story general's tone, story content, plot and basically whatever you think of. Just remember the rage I triggered by saying that something shouldn't be. :-P
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 8, 2015 6:11 AM

Sep 2012
Never anger the one in charge. I would have taken a diffrent approch but it was awesome and I wounder what the dyrad has to say about it. xD
Feb 22, 2015 4:38 PM

May 2013
Hello everybody! I'm back!! These two months have been filled with works and college's projects, but at last I found some time to write and continue with the story. Don't worry, now I won't let you without chapters for such a long time. Here comes the next one!


Day 1- part 6

I can’t really say how much time has passed, if it has been just a few seconds or many minutes, but we both begin to recover our strength. The dark elf raises her beautiful face and caresses mine slowly and gently, with a softer touch than the one she had before. While… well, having sex with me. She looks into my eyes, and this time, she doesn’t show any aggressive dominance. Instead, she looks…sweet. If that’s possible.

-Mmmm. I liked it. That was a good fuck- she finally lifts her hips and I feel how my manhood is released -Tell me, pet. What is your name?

-Rael- I answer her, not very into the mood. I mean, even with the cane it had been a good experience for me in the end, but she just raped me. I talk with her just because of the fear of more pain.

-Rael… good. My name is Sara- she says while she collects her clothes on the floor. It’s curious. I expected a more… I don’t know, exotic name. It surprises me how an elf can have such a casual name -But you shall not call me by my name unless I give you permission for that. You will call me “mistress”, otherwise I’ll be obliged to punish you- she leans on the table and puts her face about two centimeters from me -Understood?


-“Yes” what?

-*Grumble* Yes, I understand that I have to call you “““mistress”””- I say putting as much tinkle as I can in the word.

-Excelent. But we’ll have to improve your behavior, slave. Before I release you of the table, I will give you the first gift from your mistress

-What are you talking about?- I ask her dreading whatever she might have planned, but she doesn’t listen to me and walks to one of the shelves. Just to return bringing a collar in her hands.

Yes, you read correctly. A collar. It’s made of black leather, has three centimeters of width, and a metal ring hangs from it. She smiles as she stands beside me with the piece in her gloved hand.

-This is my gift to you, my slave Rael. This collar has two purposes. The first one is to represent the bond that you’ll have with me, your mistress: the bond that you accepted when you submitted your will to me. And the second one is to use its power to improve your behaviour

-Its power? What power is that?- is this a magic artifact? If it is, my freedom and chances to escape can be severely reduced

-Well, I inform you that this is no ordinary collar. It used to belong to a catgirl slave, and it has magic properties. This collar forces the wearer to obey orders. Because if you don’t, you’ll receive pain. And the wearer can’t take it off, only the person who’s put the collar can do it. The only way to remove it is either I take it off or I die

Yes. Really severely reduced.

-And now be a good slave and stay still as I put you this-


-Hey, hey, that’s not very kind- she says as she removes her fingers at only some millimeters from my teeth. Dammit, I wanted to bite her hand when she approached it with the collar, but she’s fast -You’re going to get this collar whether you like it or not. But first I suppose I must do something with that bad mouth of yours

Sara proceeds to take off her panties and then makes a ball with them. What- wait, I know what’s coming.

-Don’t you- Mmmmmfffff!!!- she stuffs my mouth with her panties! I try to push them out, but she puts two fingers on them and pushes the gag deeper, so I can’t talk nor bite.

-Shhhh, shhhh, that’s right my slave. Nice and quiet. And now don’t try any more funny things- says the dark elf with a smile.

-Mmmmrrggg…- is the only sound that comes out of my mouth. I’m frowning at her, but she doesn’t mind and continues with her work of putting me the collar. I try to fight, but there isn’t much I can do, and in no time she has buckled the collar firm and tight around my neck. I can feel the touch of a soft material in the inner side of the collar, and is strapped down tight, but not enough to make me uncomfortable.

-Ah, it suits you so well. Now I’ll remove your gag and unfasten those straps. But don’t try to hurt me once you’re free, this is an order. And you know what will happen if you don’t follow my orders, don’t you?

I nod with my head. When I do, Sara takes off the gag from my mouth and undoes the ball to reveal again her underwear. She takes a brief look at them, giggles and puts them on again. Finally, she undoes the straps that hold me to the table and I’m free again! The first thing I do is to stretch my limbs and see if my body responds correctly to my commands. It seems that I’m fine. The leather straps haven’t even left any marks.

-Well, now accompany me. Now that I’m satisfied I can properly show you the rest of this place- she begins walking toward the corridor I saw before, the one that is the only exit door of this chamber. She has her back to me and cannot see what I’m doing. This could be my only chance. I know what I’m being exposed to, but I must at least try to do it.

I silently take one of the bottles from a shelf like the previous that contained that aphrodisiac, and prepare to strike her down. Right at her head. I hope that’s enough to leave her unconscious. Wait aaaand… now!

I strike with all my might!

-AAAAAAAAHH!!!!- I scream, not of emotion, but of pain! I feel like if all my body was struck by an electric current, AND IT HURTS!!! I close my eyes and clench my teeth, make it stop, please, it hurts like hell, make it stop!!!

And suddenly the pain stops and goes as it has come. I open my eyes to see that I’m lying on the floor, curled, and that the dark elf is looking at me with a smile in her face. I also notice that I don’t feel any remaining pain from the strike. It lasted just a second, and then stopped.

-I see that you decided to disregard my advice

I let out a sigh.

-I had to try it. What you said about the collar being magic could have been just a bluff. I couldn’t let my fear being the only thing imprisoning me.

She nods, like saying that she understands it.

-I can see your point of view. But anyway you’ve tried disobey a direct order and attack your mistress. I think a punishment is needed for you

-NO! I mean… I won’t do anything more, I’ll regard whatever you command. I’ll accept your orders without doing anything you don’t want. I promise

“Just until I know more about you and this place to elaborate some escaping plan”

-Hum. Fine. And as an incentive to keep on your good behavior, I’ll let you do something that you’ll probably like- she pauses for a moment and then she continues-I’ll allow you to see your companion

-Marie?!- my heart drops from the impression- How is she? And what are you going to do with her? And…- the questions keep accumulating in my mouth, but I can’t express all of them at the same time. All summarized in one thought. My only hope is that she’s well.

-You can relax; as I said before she’s just isolated but she’s fine. A bit scared, but nothing to worry about her health. Follow me and you’ll see with your eyes- she resumes her walk to the corridor, so I get up and follow her silently. And this time, without any bottle for hitting purposes.

As we walk, I carefully observe everything surrounding us. It looks like my previous observation was correct: we are in a gallery of tunnels made of pure solid rock, deep underground. How deep can we be? Sara said that not even the roots of the eldest trees can reach the cell where is Marie, but that’s not enough information. From what I’ve read in the novels of the Forgotten Realms back at home, the homes of the drows lie really, really deep in the inside of the earth. But I can’t assume that, because I still don’t know how different this island can be from my preconceived notions; and plus, we can’t be that far from the surface if she has dragged me and Marie to her lair… unless she can teleport us with some magic.

Ok, back to the description of what I see. The corridors don’t have any torches hanging from the walls, but they’re illuminated. And what a way to do it. In the stone ceiling and walls of the tunnel there is a luminescent film that allows us to see what lies ahead. It’s incredible, and it’s also really beautiful. I think it’s a film of bioluminescent lichens, or maybe a variety of fungus. I would love to approach a bit more to observe it, but the dark elf continues her walk and I can’t stop.

It seems that the stone has been carved, as the tunnel is quite straight. We continue until we reach an intersection of other three tunnels. Oh, God. If this happens to be a labyrinth of tunnels, I’m completely fucked. Sara doesn’t mind this and (of course) knows perfectly where to go, because she takes the third tunnel without stopping a single second to orientate. I try to memorize the path: one never knows, it could be the first piece of a puzzle to get out of here.

Finally, we reach another chamber that has lighted torches. I can’t see the end of the stone walls that delimit it because just some of the torches are lighted, but I can say this one is even bigger than the one where we come from, like the size of a football camp: one hundred meters of chamber stand before my eyes, maybe even more. Also I can see that is divided in many more little chambers, each of which has bars. And in one of these…

-Marie!!- I could recognize that green hair anywhere. I run to the bars, and when she hears me she turns back. Her eyes are red and I can tell that she’s been crying, but that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that we both merge ourselves in the warmest hug ever through the bars of the cell.

-Rael… *sob* I’ve been so scared… I was alone, and I didn’t know what happened to you… *snif*

-Shhhh, shhhh, it’s okay Marie, I’m here- I say, gently caressing her hair, calming her down, as I feel her warmth -I’m here, and I’m fine. Nothing bad has happened to me. And you? What’s happened to you? Are you alright? Has she harmed you?

-N-no, I’m not harmed. Yes, I’m fine. I just… suddenly I awoke here, with no sunlight, nor any plants around. And then she appeared, and told me that I could see you again, but had to behave. And I waited, but it felt so long… I don’t know how much it was… oh goodness- she hugs me tighter, and I correspond to it. We spend our time together like this, until Marie finally calms down and stops the hug.

-Please…- I ask to Sara -… let her go. Don’t hurt her, I’ll do whatever you want and without any complaint, if you just set her free, please mistress- I even call her “mistress” when I hold my head up to see her face. But I’m surprised by the expression I see in her. I expected having to deal with a harsh and unforgiving gaze looking at us with severity, or a malevolent grin enjoying our suffering and humiliation.

But what I find is nothing of that. Instead, she just gives me a deep and unfathomable look, like if she was studying the reunion and even… considering something?

-I can’t let her go so easily, you know? If I set her free, she could come back for revenge. And it seems that you two already have a bond

I’m not sure how to take that last sentence. The fact is that it’s been less than 24 hours since I met the little dryad. But somehow deep inside me, I feel a hunch telling me that she’s not wrong.

-But I can let her out of her cell, if you want it so much


-Yes. It’s not like you can do much here, without any plant life around- Marie looks aside, but doesn’t answer -Plus, now I’m the owner of Rael. You should know how to behave if you don’t want to suffer consequences

-He’s not yours!- screams the dryad, hugging me again through the bars. I share her indignation and rage, because I feel the same way even more than her. But the collar doesn’t make things any easier for resisting the dark elf. I just promise myself silently that I’ll get this damned thing off.

-Yes, he’s mine. And don’t force me to show you, because you wouldn’t like it

-Do not bother to begin a discussion, Marie- I say, trying to settle things -We shall solve this. It’s a promise. But be calm, okay?


-Great- I turn back to Sara -So, can you open the cell, please?

-I’ll do it, but not now. She’ll have to wait an hour or so

-You s-!- I try to answer her, but she interrupts me immediately.

-Don’t talk back to me!- she shouts, and I have to stop my complaints -Remember that I’m your mistress. And the reason why I’m not letting the little flower here out of her room immediately is because I want you to come with me to another place first. Now follow me, and fast, or I’ll have to whip that precious ass to hurry you

The dark elf waits for me, but I see how her hand is dangerously close of that whip that I saw before hanging from the belt of her shorts. So I give my green-haired dear one last hug, and whisper to her ear, so only she can hear me.

-I’ll get us out of here. I swear it- when I withdraw my face I give her one discreet kiss in her cheek to prove it to her. I see her face looking at me, her expression hopeful and fearful at the same time, one last time before going back with Sara and following her into the corridors.

Deep underground, prisoner, and looking for an escape.
TeranielFeb 23, 2015 11:38 AM
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Feb 23, 2015 3:35 AM

Jan 2013
I wonder if you decided to have that Dark Elf as your permanent companion, I've looked for what you have chose, but found nothing :-(
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
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