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Jan 4, 2015 10:50 AM

Jan 2013
dcw2021 said:
Nox has had extensive discussions with me, with EM, and with Su before

I knew this is a lore approved. Nox at least knows what he wants and won't give up. I would ask you for some special stuff too, but I honestly don't know what specific thing I should ask for to keep up with the changed world of American Übersoldat popping around. Other people may struggle to get something not even close to noxlevels and fail, or even scrap our ideas even before asking, just become rest of us isn't as arrogant, stubborn and inventive as Nox.
Of course, I am certain it isn't that easy to get anything approved and time between each chapter is time required to get an approval to the new stuff, which is months, but ...
WHY ...
this is taking us back to the square one of think that started this conflict and I am still not any close to understanding WHY this all is happening. What are the motives?
Why this story needs to break a new limit each time new chapter is posted?
Why this all is happening?
One can't just ask for bomb to get it, so there were month of discussion to get thermite to do what?
Why he needs all of it?
This is far beyond "I wish to write a story of powerful characters" - because I would understand that!
It's not "I wish to write a story about Superman." or better "I want write story about Superman from perspective of Lex Luthor. Just with Monster Girls because it would be more awesome."
Someone help me understand WHY this is happening!?
Other reason than show middle finger to anyone who isn't as stubborn and inventive as Nox to nag about the next item for three months that's is, because I feel this story exist for sake of special approvals rather for being a story. It's like "look noobs, thermite. I got it approved and you can't do anything about it? And you can't get one like me. haha, losers."
There is no story that makes me more frustrated than this one.
Extremely frustrated.
And disgusted.
beast_regardsJan 4, 2015 12:07 PM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 4, 2015 12:10 PM

Nov 2013
beast_regards said:
Modified by beast_regards, 47 seconds ago

just thought i should point out, edited message do not show up as new messages so every time you edit what you say in an argument you look like you hiding something as well as not informing the ones you are debating with that you replied or or as you normally do, change your statements entirely
Jan 4, 2015 12:15 PM

Jun 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
beast_regards said:
Modified by beast_regards, 47 seconds ago

just thought i should point out, edited message do not show up as new messages so every time you edit what you say in an argument you look like you hiding something as well as not informing the ones you are debating with that you replied or or as you normally do, change your statements entirely

Yeah, double-posting is so much better, obviously.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Jan 4, 2015 12:27 PM

Nov 2013
when it comes to a discussion yes it fucking does
Jan 4, 2015 12:36 PM

Jan 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
just thought i should point out

I use the edit function because it is unlikely I get the immediate reaction for forum post and it will limit the number of posts I leave behind. I also wants to fit very obvious grammar mistakes which will only trigger everyone laugh and not resolve anything at all as original point is completely ignored. Also not everyone is American and English simply isn't my first language, so I can really say something that have different meaning and then have to edit it because I realize it is just wrong.

Use the quote function if you feel I replaced the comment entirely.
But since you can edit the quote himself you can always claim that I said something I didn't and claim that I just edited it. Regardless the fact I made such change or not.

So it doesn't really change anything as people who wants to turn everything against me will probably do it and fact I edited the post or not won't matter. Internet trolling simply works this way.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 4, 2015 12:40 PM

Jul 2013
The discussion of Nox's canonity will continue in the tech thread.
Any further posts on the matter will be deleted.
Jan 4, 2015 12:44 PM

Nov 2013
beast_regards said:
Clarus_Nox said:
just thought i should point out

I use the edit function because it is unlikely I get the immediate reaction for forum post and it will limit the number of posts I leave behind. I also wants to fit very obvious grammar mistakes which will only trigger everyone laugh and not resolve anything at all as original point is completely ignored.

do you really think everyone you speak to is that immature?

beast_regards said:

Also not everyone is American and English simply isn't my first language, so I can really say something that have different meaning and then have to edit it because I realize it is just wrong.

I've been made aware.

beast_regards said:

Use the quote function if you feel I replaced the comment entirely.

I do and you have more than a few times.

beast_regards said:

But since you can edit the quote himself you can always claim that I said something I didn't and claim that I just edited it. Regardless the fact I made such change or not.

So it doesn't really change anything as people who wants to turn everything against me will probably do it and fact I edited the post or not won't matter. Internet trolling simply works this way.

I wouldn't know that much about since i don't go around trying to cause problems
Jan 4, 2015 5:09 PM

Jan 2013
*reads all the comments*

Welp, the little dart game you had was actually a rather fashinating scene I have to say. It's been a while since I had something like this from you to be honest XD
Am I the only one who had to underline the pink text to be able to read it...? Yes...? K.
(No seriously, try to put more attention on things like that lol)

I can't say much about the rest, and you know what I'm talking about lol
I'll only say that I don't like it at all.

Nox said:
“That's why you should join me. I plan to rule this island. But it is too big for one man. I'd want people like me, people I can trust or rather understand and that understand me enough to give me something close to trust to help me rule. Those lords are powerful, but they are mortal and can be killed.

For me this is just... directly asking for troubles. So unnecessary.
You don't need to build all this massive events all the time. A good story doesn't need any of that, trust me.

Only saying this as feedback because the writer himself asked me to. I don't care about any kind of discussion.

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jan 4, 2015 6:55 PM
Nov 2013
*reads comments, slowly backs out of room* nox, if you want my opinion on your chapter, ask me on skype...
Jan 4, 2015 7:20 PM

Nov 2013
@Sydo: Yeah I had to highlight it as well
Jan 5, 2015 4:08 AM

Nov 2013
testings colors

Jan 7, 2015 7:44 PM

Nov 2013
Chapter 31 - Burn

-Ione's perspective-

I was saved again. That man, Ryan, saved me again. And I saw it again, the look in Ryan's eye when he spoke with the other human when we met. The look of sheer rage and hatred. And the one named Alvis, the one who beguiled Ryan's anger to surface, how he just sat there as we left wearing a thin small smile of satisfaction.

Seeing Ryan enraged and Alvis composed like that, I had a single off-hand thought. They are alike. They are both dangerous. But unlike with Ryan, I saw nothing gentle behind the danger.

After leaving the ruins of Amestrus, we made our way to the forest border to the north and made a small smokeless fire. I ended up just sitting there watching the flames flick about. I do not know when, but at some point Ryan and Silvia had made the decision to go save the mermaid that was having her blood drained. Both of them had scary looks in their eyes, both had the eyes of a predator. I couldn't help but wonder if saving that mermaid was really their main drive. I had an off feeling that something about Ryan was not right. It almost felt like, if he left, he was not going to be coming back.

Standing up, I grabbed his sleeve. My action gave him pause as he looked at me. Naturally, his anger had not subsided yet but I knew it was not directed at me. It was still hard to face him at that moment, but I needed to do this. I firmly believed it, even if I could not explain it.

I buried my face into his chest, and using whatever willpower I had, I forced myself to do it, “Please be careful...”

-Ryan's perspective-

As Silvia and I neared Amestrus again, Ione's words echoed in my mind, the first words I had heard her speak after meeting her. Her voice sounded so fragile yet clear, like a crystal bell.

“This is odd, there doesn't seem to be anyone around.” Silvia said interrupting my thoughts.

Looking around, even without Silvia's greater senses, I got the same impression. The abandoned town of Amestrus looked like that. An abandoned town. There was an eerie fog upon the ground coming up to our knees and there appeared to be no artificial light sources to imply the Hunter's use of the town as a base of operations. The silence of the area seemed so thick that it felt suffocating. Leading the way, Silvia began to guide us to the main building from before. Nothing changed as we progressed, save for the psychological weight of the scenario around us. I even began to get the feeling of being watched. Arriving at the main building, we found it to be empty. It was as if they'd just up and dropped everything and left.

“Any idea where that mermaid is supposed to be, if she is still here?” I asked, my voice seeming to echo around us even though I kept it down.

“I can't say if she is still here or not, but I can certainly track the smell of the blood they took from her. This way.” Silvia replied as she began to lead the way.

Despite the gravity of our surroundings, when I heard 'I can track the smell' I instantly imagined Silvia on all fours sniffing around like a hound dog, prompting a short coughing laugh from me at the mental image and a quick odd confused look from Silvia herself.

The tracking did not take too long as Silvia led us literally to the building next door which, upon entering, was clearly a storage area. All around were various things, phials of blackish red liquids, various armors and weapons, and a multitude of barrels.

Curiosity getting to me, I checked a few of the barrels to find that they were being used to store foods. Some were used to store various liquids, water and other things I assumed to be alcohol. Silvia eventually found a door lead to some underground chambers as I checked a few more barrels to find them loaded with tons of sand.

“Why would they bother putting sand in barrels?” Silvia asked as she came to look at what I had found.

“Is this the thermite?” I asked aloud to myself as I scoop up some of the sand. Even if it was thermite, this mixture was way too unrefined to be called anything close to 'powder', and the color looked more yellowish orange than the color I expected of thermite.

“Well, is it?” Silvia asked for my opinion.

“If it is, it's definitely not the same thermite I could make on Earth... But now that I think about it, gathering such a large amount of powdered metal would be practically impossible without the help of machinery.” It did not make sense to me until Silvia provided a possible explanation.

“Perhaps it's not? Perhaps its something made with magic that is supposed to act the same as whatever this thermite is. I wouldn't doubt Alvis and his wife having a witch working with them.”

“Magic, huh?” Hearing that made the thought of this stuff technically being thermite more likely and reminded me of the 3 phials of the potion I still had from Iva. She had said something about teaching Ione how to make them but I had yet to ask if she ever did.

Moving down to the lower chambers, we found a room with even more of the phials filled with the blackish red liquid and a girl with a fishtail effectively crucified against the wall. Her features were so thin that even though I had never seen a mermaid before, I knew she was only just barely alive.

We spent more than ten minutes meticulously and carefully getting the mermaid down to minimize any further injury to her. Silvia carrying the girl on her back, we made our way back upstairs. As we were about to leave the building I stopped and looked back at the barrels of 'thermite' and told Silvia to go ahead of me.

“What are you planning to do? We talked about this before, stop doing everything yourself!” Silvia responded almost hysterical.

“We can't just leave this stuff here for them to use. So I'm going to destroy it. That girl certainly wouldn't benefit from being anywhere near this place, especially with the heat this stuff will probably give off.” To me it sounded like a sound argument. But really, I just wanted to throw a giant wrench in whatever plan Alvis had after what he did to Ione.

I did not know this mermaid. While that did not make me unwilling to help her, my empathy for her was the minimum accepted by what Earth's society would demand of me at best. That is just how I was, how I am.

Silvia however did not appear to have any retort to my claims and simply replied with, “I'll be back shortly. Don't do anything unnecessary.” And left with the mermaid.

Continuing my search from before, I looked around the place for something I could use as an ignition source. Thermite or not, Alvis had to have a means to light this stuff, but I came up with nothing. I didn't know what I was expecting to find, a magnesium strip or a welding torch? Both were impossibly unlikely. Continuing my search to see if I could find anything, I managed to find some bags of metal that a look inside revealed them to be coins. “Well we can’t exactly continue traveling without some funds.” I said to myself as I set the three bags aside. I eventually found some flint and cloth. Moving over to the weapons I picked out a knife and began preparing for some fireworks.

The building was not that big to begin with, so moving a few things to ensure the vast majority was incinerated was far from difficult as I broke open a few of the barrels of thermite and let the contents spill out. I then took a couple of barrels of the alcohol spilling out their contents around the thermite. The building's floor was surprisingly level as I did not need worry about the alcohol running off. Thoroughly soaking the piece of cloth I found, I went over the makeshift incendiary bomb I built. Turning to look outside for a bit I saw what looked like a person for a moment, but the image was gone just as fast, it almost looked like the person was made of fog. I was about to go and look to see if something had been there when Silvia returned. I had only been alone for roughly eight or nine minutes.

“So how do you plan to destroy it all?” Silvia asked. She didn't even seem out of breath, let alone as if she had just traveled to our camp and back.

Moving the bags of coins far enough outside to not need worry about them getting caught up, I picked up a random small rock and began to tie the cloth to it. “Simple, we set it off.” I said as I began to use the flint to try to light the alcohol soaked rag. After succeeding in lighting it I simply tossed the now flaming rock into where I knew the puddle of resting alcohol was and picked up the bags as we began walking away. I could tell from the change in light in our surrounding that the alcohol was lit, but it seemed it was a slow burner given I had not heard anything similar to thermite burning.

-Ione's perspective-

Silvia had returned without Ryan and left quickly without much of a word, leaving a mermaid in the care of Raheli who was checking the mermaid over and giving rudimentary first aid. That was three minutes ago. As I watched the fire I began to become unsettled as I kept remembering that expression Ryan had in his eyes. I felt as if left alone, something bad might come of it. That was when I remembered something Iva told me when I first met her.

'I like the look in that boy's eyes.'

And Alvis said something similar as well... The more I thought on it the more I became scared. Not for myself, but, for some reason, for Ryan. The path he was on. I could not see it ending well. 'I need to get him away from all of this, before it is too late...'

Upon finishing the thought, off in the distance towards Amestrus, Ione noticed a large light source. A fire had broken out and seemed to threaten to engulf the entire town.
Jan 7, 2015 8:23 PM

Jan 2014
something seems... fishy about those barrels
Now that I am done with that pun, i liked this and I want more... maybe ryan will join the dark side
Jan 8, 2015 8:14 AM

Jan 2013
I wonder what will you get next...
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 8, 2015 9:14 AM

Nov 2013
beast_regards said:
I wonder what will you get next...

not sure i follow
Jan 8, 2015 12:05 PM

Nov 2014
Well, I like the mermaid, there's some intrigue.

But boo x1000 for going through all the trouble of 'thermite'/'firesand'/'enslaved witch boom powder' and then just.... setting it on fire. XD I mean, unless it didn't actually burn.

Also, your actualy writing is improving, which is always nice to see. =)
Jan 8, 2015 12:11 PM

Nov 2013
JPAI27 said:

Also, your actualy writing is improving, which is always nice to see. =)

well i do have DCW, Chime, and Em all proofreading my chapters now :P
Jan 8, 2015 12:12 PM

Nov 2014
... perhaps a bit excessive. But whatever XD
Jan 8, 2015 7:13 PM

Nov 2013
beast_regards said:
I wonder what will you get next...

:| ... Don't keep the argument going beast.. It's not right to argue in someone's story thread. Take it to the rules thread if you don't like it, but this has been thoroughly discussed already and the ruling was definitive so its better to just drop it.
Jan 9, 2015 9:40 AM

Jan 2013
greatgreenman said:
Don't keep the argument going beast.

I simply expressed my interest in further development of this story and encouraged writer to continue
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 10, 2015 2:30 AM

Jan 2013
So, the chapter was good. I mean, I feel dumb saying the same things that Jp said, but hey XD

I do feel like your general writing improved a lot, now it's a lot easier to follow your narration. Don't really know shit about barrels, so whatever. ù_ù

I usually never like much this type of switching perspective. To be more precise, the one where people write down "blablabla's perspective" before doing it.
I know that switching perspective is a really, really difficult thing to do, but being able to place it inside the story without using simple "tricks" like that it's also what would make it impressive.
This way it just loses its charm... and those two words where you advise who's talking also breaks the mood of the narration.

Just my opinion though. :P

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jan 23, 2015 4:51 PM

Nov 2013
Chapter 32 – Adumbration of Sheer Strength

After setting fire to Amestrus and saving the mermaid, we came to the decision that it'd be best to be on our way. I had remembered that while I was looking for a way back to earth in the library of Grey Gardens, I came across an entry referring to the Wise Lord and how the article claimed there was nothing she didn't know. While being skeptical of such a claim, I figured I had no other options. Raheli agreed that taking the mermaid in that direction was ultimately for the best but was fearful for whether or not the mermaid's health would hold up long enough for it.

In the end, Raheli told us to continue to follow the path I had chosen. She would take charge of the mermaid, taking her to Gray Gardens where she'd be nursed back to full health and then escorted to Michiko's realm or the ocean, should she decide to leave the Garden.

Almost two days since Silvia, Ione, and I parted with Raheli, Silvia suggested we sleep in shifts, expecting that The Hunts and Alivis would make some kind of attempt to back at us for Amestrus. Ione volunteered for the first shift and I for second so Silvia turned in first. Though it did not go unnoticed that she chose to do so a small ways away from me and Ione. Despite it being Ione's shift, I was not particularly tired and ended up staying up as well.

The night I set fire to Amestrus, Ione spoke to me. While she has spoken more since then, it had only been in only short answers and responses. For the most part Ione was still silent as usual.

“Do you miss your family?” Ione asked in a soft voice as she moved to sit next to me.

“Huh? Oh, well yeah I guess. I'd be lying if I said I didn't but I guess the biggest part for me is that I just up and suddenly came here. My mother and sisters have no idea where I am nor if I am alright.”

“I understand.” Ione responded as she took a nearby stick and stoked the fire. “It was the same for me as well. All because I followed some stranger that claimed to love me. I never got to see my parents again. It was just some random chance. I went out to play with the other children.... ah right. My hometown, Ethelyn, is on the coast not far from the Sunken City. It was not uncommon for women to go to Michiko for blessings rather than try to hunt down Kioko who could be anywhere at any given time without rhyme or reason. I went out to play with the other children of the town and, while playing a game I ended up by myself and was approached by a man I had never seen before. He confessed his love for me and asked me to follow him. I was just a child, and in this world something like that happening to a girl is like a dream come true.” Taking a pause in her story, Ione took a short breath while I listened, not interrupting the unusual length with which she was speaking. However, when she continued her voice had begun to crack slightly, “All because of that. My mother and father, I, I never got to see them again while being forced to suffer through so much pain....” Ione began to huddle up as she wrapped her wings around her legs and bury her head. Her story had wandered away from the original topic as she began to remember her painful experiences.

Reaching out, I began to gently rub her back, a gesture my mother used to do when consoling someone. Ione then leaned into me as she cried softly. I simply continued to hold her. I had no words that could have helped at the time.

“I am sorry.” Ione said softly as she slowly began to collect herself in my arms. “That song.... the one you hummed when we first met. Could you sing it? I'd like to know the words....” she asked quietly.

“I'm not that great a singer, just to warn you.” I responded softly. After not getting a reply I began singing the song softly for Ione.

After completing the song, I noticed that Ione had apparently fallen asleep in my arms. As I did not want to disturb her, I ended up taking two watch shifts. And was it boring. Nothing appeared to be going on around us save the sounds of a few nocturnal songbirds, insects, and the chittering of mammals. Having laid down Ione, I stood up to stretch my legs with a bit of pacing when suddenly things changed in a flash.

Next thing I knew I was hit from the side, being carried, and then thrown onto the ground. The sudden transition took a while to get acclimated to as I glanced at my surroundings. I was now in a clearing on the coast of some large lake. With the moonlight illuminating the area neatly, I saw my sword hit the ground at my feet.

“Hello boy, remember me?” Said a woman's voice from the darkness. Wearing a simple leather dress as she approached, I was able to make out her ears and tail. At first I thought it was Silvia but the light of the moon revealed her fur to be much darker than Silvia's. “We met in Amestrus, but were never properly introduced. My name is Selene, Silvia's older sister.” As more light enveloped her, I could make out that Selene's ears were perked up and tail was swishing about softly, indicating she was apparently in a playful mood. “Draw your sword and drink that potion of yours. I don't want to hear any anything about it. All I'm interested in is how long you can last before I crush you.” she said as she began to bite her thumb nail whilst waiting for me.

“...” I was about to respond but somewhere in my mind I had the feeling I should not. Pulling one of the remaining potions from my coat I downed it and began to feel its effects take place. Looking to Selene again, I was now able to easily notice more details thanks to the potion's augmentation. I noticed her tail had, without a doubt, begun to pick up its movement in anticipation over something, her eyes like that of a dog told to wait while having something it wanted in front of her, just waiting for the word to allow her to take it.

I drew my blade, holding it to my side, ready to counter what I assumed to be a likely rush. But upon readying my blade, Selene's posture had changed drastically. Her eyes, ears, and tail, had all become unmoving, as if she had become stone as she stared me down. For what felt like minutes, but were counted as ten seconds in the back of my mind, Selene stared me down. Something about her eyes and her biting her thumb nail with a slight smile was unnerving, stifling.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a small click as Selene's nail slipped from her teeth. She then took a single small step forward. Then came a second and third step. Each step was slow and precise as she kept her eyes heavily on me, watching me, hunting me, until she was five feet from me. Almost reflexively, I turned my sword into an upright position to defend myself, unsure what was to come, when Selene simply grabbed the blade with her right hand.

“It's not a bad blade really.” Selene said as she raised her left hand. “Too bad.” It was like lightning. That was all I could think as the events suddenly begun to rush into a frenzy.

Selene had snapped my blade in two at around two feet from the hilt and tossed the upper part away followed with a knee to my stomach and almost simultaneously sweeping my right leg out from under me. She then pulled my hair, snapping my head back and keeping me from falling, as she grabbed me at the throat and held me a foot above the ground with her right hand.

Despite being held by the neck, she hadn't cut off my airways. That was at least until Selene struck me in the stomach and then in the lower chest, effectively clearing out any and all of the air in my lungs before tightening her choke hold and cutting off my means of breathing.

Still holding on to the broken sword, I brought it up and slashed into her arm. But I was not dropped. I was instead leasurely tossed at frightening speed into the tree behind me, the impact causing my respiratory system to lock up momentarily as I fell face-first to the ground. I then felt pressure on my wrist/forearm joint.

“Well a broken blade is still a blade I guess.” Selene says as she increased the pressure crushing my wrist.

Thanks to my augmented senses, the pain caused my body's normal functions and reactions to lock up as I ended up giving out a pitiful, silent rasp. Selene then moved her foot to my right shoulder, easily pinning me. “I heard you know about anatomy. So do I. It's very useful knowledge really. I can continue to crush you and my other opponents without having to worry about killing you too quickly.” Her voice seemed to carry some kind of joy in it as she continued, “I wonder how long you'll last.”

She then increased the pressure again, slowly grinding toes on a single point until the bones, the top of the humerus, shoulder blade, and ball joint were crushed. The only sound escaping from me were rasps and gasps as I struggled to breathe through the pain. Walking around me, Selene took care to step on my left forearm, easily snapping bones. “Seems you're still conscious. Most humans are either dead or unconscious at this point due to shock. Maybe it’s that potion? Or maybe you just got some good endurance.... Let's see, I believe the Fibula was around.... here.” I heard another audible snap as Selene broke yet another of my bones.

I was unable to think clearly. All that was going on in my head was pain, pain, and more pain. I had completely lost track of my timer for the potion as I tried to push myself up to try to escape, my mind thinking maybe Silvia could help. Using my right elbow I tried to pull myself along only to be stopped by Selene applying pressure to my right thigh and crushing the bone there as well. “Does it hurt? Oh I've always wanted to test this but everyone always passes out by this point, even dragons. You'd be surprised at how just like everyone else they are when you take away their pride and ability to use their strength. Now Hold still. Ideally this should make your legs stop hurting.” Selene said as she put her foot to my lower back. Even through all the pain I knew exactly what she planned to do. My respiratory system finally decided to work again, right as Selene applied the pressure to break my lower spine, resulting in a sharp raspy gasp as I felt my spine being crushed under her foot.

“So? Does it not hurt anymore? Or does it hurt more? I need to know for future reference.... Hey you listening? You still conscious?” Holding me by the back of my neck I was once again lifted by Selene as she holds me by the chin to examine my face. Next patting the side of my face she continued, “Hey don't leave yet, now we get to work on the front.”

As she finished saying that, Selene gave me multiple 'light' jabs in the ribs, each sparsely spaced about so not to hit the same rib again once broken. “Hm, only 3 broke... well better that then all of them puncturing your lungs, right?” Tightening her grip on the back of my neck, I felt my consciousness beginning to slip away but just barely managed to hang on, not by my own will to top it off. Breathing became almost impossible. I was coughing up blood and could not focus on anything in front of me.

“Hm? Seems my little sister has caught scent of us. Well I wanted to see if I could break your neck without killing you but seems I don't have the time to try it. So I'll just leave you with a love scratch. Don't squirm.” Selene put her claws to my right eye and then quickly brought it down, ripping through the skin and into the bone.

The next thing I knew, I was dropped to the ground face first. At that point I couldn't feel anything. My surroundings went silent. My vision black. I felt... Cold.....
Clarus_NoxAug 28, 2016 3:01 AM
Jan 23, 2015 5:18 PM

Jan 2014
Wa... is... is this the end?
Jan 23, 2015 10:12 PM

Sep 2013
Brutal...going to take more than a splash of mermaid blood to fix that...

Also, if I read that all correctly, that special tonic might have revealed a side effect that's pretty intense. If it was originally designed for sex though...all the pieces come together =P
Jan 23, 2015 11:28 PM

Jul 2013
yesh, the eye is bad but to me the spine is worse. You aint walking that off any time soon.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 24, 2015 3:38 AM

Jan 2013
MoniStar said:
Wa... is... is this the end?

Clarux Nox cannot die. Death is just afraid to tell him he died.

emeraldtryst said:
Brutal...going to take more than a splash of mermaid blood to fix that...

Clarus Nox's tears cure cancer. Sadly, he never cries.

dcw2021 said:
yesh, the eye is bad but to me the spine is worse. You aint walking that off any time soon.

Once a cobra bit Clarux Nox' leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 24, 2015 11:03 PM

Nov 2013
Hmm I don't know if this was your attempt to end your series abruptly but I doubt that, it would seem extremely rushed.

Here are my critiques:
If Ione hasn't been able to speak (or chose not to? I think it was inability though) I believe she would continue to hold off speaking for a bit longer after only giving such a brief release, or at least only be able to hold the briefest of conversations. Having her jump straight into a lengthy dialogue feels kind of unnatural.

The description from start to finish involving the sister felt very awkward and different from your normal writing style. I didn't quite understand the "strike to the side" and then suddenly being next to a cliff. You should have also spent more time describing your characters reactions to the intense agony of her attacks (even if it was all internal since he couldn't cry out). All in all it seemed rather forced and rushed.
Jan 25, 2015 9:19 PM

May 2013
Yikes. I leave for a couple of months, and look what trouble the other writers get into!

The thing I like best about these last few chapters? The MC is the one with agency, which is what readers want to see from an MC. It's not just Iva pulling his strings.

Seeing some more characterization for Ione is a very good thing. Her suddenly breaking her silence was handled well, though I question if it would be as much as was portrayed.

I have decided that I definitely do not like Selene. If the goal was to make her a completely unsympathetic villain, it worked. I do wonder how the MC is going to get out of this predicament... and that is exactly the sort of thing a writer needs to achieve.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 26, 2015 10:09 PM

Nov 2014
beast_regards said:

Clarus Nox's tears cure cancer. Sadly, he never cries.

Bahaaahaa! XD *dying from laughter*


This was an interesting change, but it really did come out of nowhere. Wait-and-see is the best I can do.
Jan 30, 2015 9:11 AM

Jan 2013
So ehm... quick escalations aside...

Nox said:
funny thing is a recording of me singing this song does exist and a MSG writer has the recording on their youtube, I won't give out their name so if you want it you gonna have find them and ask them for the link..... but please don't :T im low average at best

...Just why? XD
I know it's under a spoiler button but seriously. You could have put that in another comment or at least at the end after the chapter... why do you hate your own atmosphere bad enough to do something like that?

I'll be expecting more lol

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jan 30, 2015 5:10 PM

Nov 2013
im actually glad nobody has asked for it :3 im sure chime is as well seeing as he was singing as well
Feb 21, 2015 9:28 PM

Aug 2014
I love the story I have finally caught up on your story, sudden twists and the change of POV is a genius way of keeping your friends and readers on the edge of their seat and left wanting more - keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next chapter

Really glad I read this too, since it has given me some ideas on how to continue and help further my ideas of what I have planned for the future

On a side note, Actually now that I've gotten to my computer (finally), I want, no need to find the person with that video

Anyone with details on who this is please give me or call or better yet let me know through MAL messaging
Mar 7, 2015 9:43 PM

Nov 2013
Been 7 weeks since last chapter, almost 2 months! And what do I bring you? this puny chapter of 878 words! Enjoy~ :P
Been a long time since I've written a scene like this so feedback is always appreciated.

Chapter 33 – untitled

My ears being filled with various muffled noises, I groggily opened my eyes to a ceiling I was unfamiliar with. My mind and body refusing to catch up to my conscious, lay there in a pseudo sleep paralysis stupor for what felt like a few minutes as I began to wake up mentally. Finally aware enough to have a thought process, I was quick to realize that my body was genuinely plagued with sleep paralysis as my body refused to respond to my commands.

After a handful of unsuccessful attempts to rouse my body, I ended up trying to focus on the noise that had woken me to try to get a handle on where I was while attempting to recall the events of the previous night.

It was no use. I couldn't make anything out from the noise, I wasn't even able to pinpoint the source. It sounded like I was in a highly populated area or something. Recalling the previous night also proved to be fruitless as I failed to recall anything significant from after parting with Raheli.

After having lay there for maybe half an hour, my body began to finally respond as I heard someone speaking. A female voice much clearer than the other noise.

“I am about to check on him, we can do that later.” Her voice reminded me of a crystal bell's chime as she spoke.

Finally managing to push myself upright, I noticed I did not have my shirt, nor even any pants, on under the covers of the bed as the door opened and I saw a harpy with silvery, white feathers in a short shoulderless black dress, with a scar quite noticeable over her right shoulder. She was carrying a tray that held a bowl of what smelled like chicken broth, the irony of which stuck in my mind for a moment before I noticed the girl's expression implying she could begin crying at any moment.

No loss in awareness of what she was carrying, she lithely made her way to the side of the bed and sets it on the table I had failed to notice. Embracing me the moment her arms, wings were free.

“You're finally awake.” Recalling her name as she let go to sit back, she seemed to be holding back tears as she smiled at me warmly.

“Ione, where are we? I can't recall what happened last night nor for last couple days.”

“We're in Bestalion, in the back of Cleena's shop. Ryan... “ pausing to try to steel herself, Ione continued “You almost died after your fight with Selene, Silvia's sister. Ryan, you've been in a coma for three weeks.”

“Multiple fractures through ye body, luck of a devil. That must be what ye have. Still for ye to be awake already, perhaps the blood wasn't was old as I thought.” A dwarf said as she walked into room. “Still needed fourteen flasks of mermaid blood but seems ye were able to pull through.”

“Fourteen?” I asked unsure of the significance of the number.

“Aye, mermaid blood is great, even miraculous medicine. But it isn't some simple cure all fix all thing. The older it is the lesser its effect becomes, and it doesn't magically make ye wounds disappear, it simply accelerates ye body's own feeling factors. For example, if ye arm was cut off, no amount of mermaid blood would make ye grow a new one. The blood doesn't work on old injuries either. Meaning the fledglin ere can't remove her scars just from taking a swig from the nearest fish. Broken bones were just the start of all ye injuries. Quite a few of internal organ injuries were there as well. But due to the sheer amount of injuries and extent of them, combined with the low quality of the blood I had on hand, ye more severe injuries were taken care of first. Leaving minor injuries to heal naturally like those three new scars over your eye. Ye are lucky it was just a slipped disc in ye back and not snapped or crushed. As for ye eye, the scar looks more like a possession claim or something, but shouldn't pose any issue to ye sight as far as I can tell. I ain't confident in the potency of the blood so ye should be careful and take things slow, the chance of an incomplete healing is very possible.”

While explaining, a voice shouts out “Is anyone here?”

To which Cleena responds with a shout, “On the way!” and heads off in the direction of the voice.

Bringing the tray to her lap, Ione removes the cover to reveal it some sort of soup, still smelt like chicken as well. Spooning out some, she carefully brought the soup to feed me.

It felt too awkward. “I think I can manage to feed myself...” I started to say but as I pulled my arm out from under the covers I realized I wasn't able to close my hand well.

Rather than say anything, Ione just offered to feed me again as I resigned myself and accepted it. Ione though seemed to be enjoying it more than one normally would.
Mar 9, 2015 6:14 AM

Jul 2013
nice to see you're not blind or paralyzed.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 10, 2015 9:56 PM

Nov 2013
And the hospital bill is going to be enormous, welcome to the life of servitude while paying it off :P
Mar 11, 2015 7:52 PM

Sep 2013
Since the delegation to Kioko to discuss prostitution reforms was waylaid, it's hard to say whether you'd be eligible to receive the full health benefits offered to any registered whore...but it might be worth a try to find out =P
Mar 14, 2015 9:32 PM

May 2013
Yikes. Fourteen flasks of mermaid blood? That was some beating. Kudos on that bit about the potency dropping off with age; that makes perfect sense.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 28, 2015 7:22 AM

Nov 2013
Chapter 34 – untitled

Later that day Ione helped me to the bathroom to allow me to wash up, but I was quick to realize I was yet able to comfortably stand on my own. The result being Ione lending me her shoulder and guiding me the entire way, unclothed on top of that. Thankfully we did not meet anyone on our short trip.

After an unsuccessful attempt to convince Ione to allow me to bathe myself. Ione pointing out how I helped and cleaned her when we first met among other reasons along the lines of not over exerting myself, I reluctantly resign to the treatment most average men would probably jump at the chance to get.

The bath was very reminiscent of what I had come to understand old Japanese baths to be like through anime, an area for cleaning one's self separate from the actual bath. The room was not very large but was in no way small or a single residence standard, let alone a dwarf like Cleena.

Using a small towel, I covered myself and take a seat, something Ione also needed to help me with as my legs would try to fall out from under me when bent too much. Lathering some soap in a rag, Ione had begun to work on my back. The sensation felt weird to me, but was not unpleasant. After my back Ione moved to my shoulders and arms. Then to my chest, but instead of moving in front of me, she opted to gently press against my back and reach around from behind to do so. Resting her head on my shoulder as she continued. Eventually Ione was satisfied with my cleanliness and helped me into the bath, to which she chose to stay out of sitting on the ledge.

After finishing, Ione helped me out and dressed and led me to what looked like a dining room where Cleena was having some kind of drink that smelled like tea.

“So up an about hm? Ye stuff is in the corner, I took the sword and blood's worth of gold however, the stuff ain't cheap. Though with how much ye have on hand it shouldn't matter.”

“Sword?” I asked as I looked at the indicated corner, along with my basic supplies and the few sacks of gold I stole, there were two sheathes, but only one with a sword in it.

“The pup asked me to forge a new blade like ye old one that was snapped. Still, even after all the costs and a discount out the kindness of my wee heart, ye wallet should still be fifteen thousand or so. However, can't say I'd advise walking around with that sum openly.”

“Where is Silvia by the way?” I asked realizing I had yet to have seen the white werewolf since waking.

Taking a sip of her tea before replying Cleena answered, “Tryin to find ye lot a boat that'll ferry ye to Ethelyn. That's where ye were going before getting all fucked up in an unfortunate way, correct?”

“Ethelyn is my home town, I told you about it before... the night before you were...” Ione chimed in before trailing off, recalling that I had no memory of that night.

“I see.”

“We do need to replenish our supplies though before we head out. Do you want to come shopping with me Ryan?” Ione asked as she quickly tried to change the subject at hand.

Not particularly interested in sitting in bed all day, I agreed and headed out with a sum of gold with Ione. Using my now swordless sheathe as a walking stick to alleviate some of my weight from my legs, I managed to move about somewhat independently from Ione. The fact I was using a sheathe as a walking stick seemed to gather the glances of more than a handful of mamono but as far as I could tell there was no rubbernecking. The city, Bestalion as I recalled it, was adorn with many mamono that reminded me of my limited eastern mythological knowledge. Oni, Raccoon-Dogs, Kitsune, and Kappa being the ones that immediately caught my attention. Then there were the ones I was less familiar with, one was looked like a human woman through and through until I saw her using her hair as though it was a limb, the name of the species escaping me. I would also occasionally see a lamp girl like the one I had met running a hidden inn in Kaori.

Throughout the city all I could see was what I'd expect from an anime set in feudal era; dirt roads, basic one story wood and straw houses, some with a stone fence that looked like more décor than anything considering what most mamono were capable of.

Ione taking the lead we made our way through the various shops gathering basic necessities while, by my suggestion, price checking everything to make the most of our funds. Eventually we happened upon a 'health and fitness' type store, a lot of products for grooming were lined up for sale ranging from brushes to ointments to files. Ione had taken to browsing by herself leaving me feeling somewhat awkward as I was coincidentally left by the more 'sexual health and fitness' section. My curiosity getting to me I looked at the items, but with the lack of descriptive packaging that I was used to from Earth I was literally looking at unmarked bottles and containers with the occasional fancy written name.

Having apparently caught the eye of who I assumed was the shop owner, a fox girl approached me with more than subtle seductive smile. “Are we finding everything well?” The tone she took, definitely seductive. She could at least try not to come off a girl in heat but from what I had come to learn from the encyclopedia, the mamono I normally associated with were the odd ones for not being horny at all times.

“Yeah, I'm with my companion,” motioning towards Ione who was still looking through items “though I'm just window shopping since I have no idea what I'm looking at here.”

“Oh?” the fox girl's smile changed from seductive to slight disappointment to a sudden slightly eerie business smile, “Well I'd be more than happy to help you make an educative choice. No one likes wasting money. What are you looking for in particular?”

“Nothing in particular, mostly just for the girls.”

Taking an analytical expression upon me and then Ione, the fox girl picked up one of the jars with a fancy scribble on it, I assumed a brand name, one I had happened to notice in more than a few shops. “Well going off my intuition, neither of you are very.... experienced in the bedroom,” pausing for what I can only assume to be gauging my reaction the fox girl continued her pitch, “This one here is specially known for it affects as a relaxant. Well it relaxes most muscles but all the 'important' ones will still tense up they way they should, albeit a little more than normal. Also should either of you be interested in S&M this little one is perfect for that as well as the one on bottom will be put in a temporary state of vulnerability. It easy to apply, ingesting it is not dangerous as long as its not the entire jar, but it will have a much faster and greater effects. Normally it is just applied to the skin, especially for men. Your love bird there was eying the products here before making her way to the brushes so I do not believe I am mistaken that at least one of you is interested in it.”

Pausing again to size me up I was not initially interested, but it didn't take long for me to start having ideas for how it could be fun to have such a thing around.

Apparently satisfied with my expression, the fox girl concluded by giving me a price, “It's a pretty new item on the market so pricing by demand is not possible at the moment so how does 300 sound?”

Even with my lack of knowledge about the economy in this world I still payed attention to price tags and this scribbled item was more than the quoted price in the other stores I had noticed it. Not missing my hesitation the fox girl kept her smile as she continued, “Well it is expensive and I am not particularly sure if it is worth that price despite being from a trustworthy producer, so how bought this as a get better bonus and hopes for continued patronage? 200?”

“Sorry but I don't think I will. I thank you for the information but we are mostly comparing prices at the moment and I have seen this product on the self of a raccoon-dog's store for less.”

“That little bitch... She is always doing this. I knew she was up to something when she wanted to 'chat'.”

The sudden exclamation had gotten the attention of Ione who came over quickly as the fox girl attempted to quickly compose herself and began pitching a new deal, “Two for 200 and I'll match anything here with her price. My prices aren't all that different for most of the stuff and I even sell some things cheaper, that I guarantee. If you tell me what else you might need, we could definitely come to an arrangement...” The girl had at some point taken to biting her thumb nail as she began looking over her merchandise.

Part of me felt bad for tricking the girl but the fact she did try to scam me did not stop me from taking her proposed deal. In the end Ione took over and began see what we could get and what we may need with the remaining cash we had on hand.

“My name is Lelia, I do hope you will continue to buy from me.”

As we left the shopping district we had begun to head towards the docks, deciding we should see about maybe buying a ride to Ethelyn. But as it turned out there were no public transport ships currently scheduled to set sail to our destination any time soon. The sun now beginning it's set, Ione and I begin to head back to Cleena's home when I was cut off by a small, as in unnaturally small, timid girl with long hair, small wings, horns, and a tail wearing nothing but a ribbon.

“Uh um... ex-exuse me but would you like to have sex?” She sounded like she was forcing herself as she avoided looking at me directly waiting for my response.

“Um sorry but I'm not interested, thank you for the offer though...” This too awkward for me, her timid disposition made rejecting her pretty difficult as well.

“O-ok s-sorry to bother you!” and with that she flies off, though it couldn't have been far because not three steps later I hear,

“No no! What was that!? You’ve gotten worse!” A second small voice shouted. “You gotta be assertive! You gotta make them want you! Here watch me. It'll be over in seconds. I'll have him begging me for sex!”

In front of me was yet another girl like the last, except this one was much different in many aspect. Clearly the same species, maybe even a twin, except she wore her hair shorter. Her chest, or what counted for it, was slightly bigger. She very clearly held herself as high as possible.

Taking a very... suggestive pose, the girl gave me a similar line, “Hey big guy want to....”

“No thanks.” Being more than prepared this time I cut her off with my reply without breaking stride as I passed her. Ione still remaining silent as we went.

Being cut off a third time by the second girl, this time all pretenses dropped, she yells “Hey what makes you think you can just ignore....”

Once again just walking past the girl I start feel a slight smile as begin to recall days in I helped my mother run a neighborhood daycare.

And once more cut off by the second girl but this time she did not stop in front of me but was charging towards me with the intent to.... crash into me? She definitely did not have the mass to do much to me. Still not wanting to hurt the kid, I sidestep her as she flew past but as she did she made some glancing contact, I start a bit at a sudden unexpected sensation but could not figure out what it was, it was just… odd. Barely catching it out the corner of my eye, I see her circle behind me into my blind spot. Ione had moved out of the way against a building at this point not sure what to do. Turning I was able to put the girl back in my line of sight as she rushed for me again to which I side stepped before and losing sight of her again. She made contact again and the sensation was… a poke?

Looking around I am quick to realize she is not charging me anymore, but rather making an effort to remain in my blind spot occasionally zipping past my line of sight in opposite direction my head is turning to disorient me. The longer it went on the more it was looking like it was not going to end. Deciding to catch her was the only option aside from submitting but I wasn't particularly interested in doing so.

Looking around to try and get her in my line of sight again I catch a glimpse of her but she does not make an effort to move. This confuses me for a moment until I realize what I was looking at was a mirror on display. It did not seem the girl had realize I had located her nor that I was now using a mirror to watch her as she stayed where she assumed I was completely blind.

Now having her in my sights I began trying to think of ways to catch her, but her size and agility made chasing completely out of the question. As I began to give up on it and maybe simply outrun her or something, someone approached her from behind. “Tiki, what are you doing?” The small girl was startled when she was grabbed from behind but didn’t struggle.

“I was just helping Abigail ask for sex.” She answered as she crossed her arms in a huff as the man gently held her.

“Y-you were huh?” The man nervously chuckled, seeming not sure how to respond to that.

“Sorry Big Bro, I couldn't ask properly.” The first girl flew up to the man, seeming far less timid than she did before.

“I don’t think that’s a problem.” The man laughed as he patted the girl’s head with his free hand. He then looked at me, from behind because I was still watching this through the mirror. “Sorry about that ma’am, imps you know.”


Clarus_NoxApr 7, 2015 10:24 PM
Mar 28, 2015 9:08 AM

Jul 2013
Well, your spoiler was certainly more direct than mine was :P
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 28, 2015 10:09 PM

May 2013
This should be interesting. I look forward to Merry going all Yandere on Ione.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 28, 2015 10:24 PM

Nov 2013
tygertyger said:
This should be interesting. I look forward to Merry going all Yandere on Ione.

huh? why? D:
Mar 28, 2015 10:41 PM

Jan 2014

great chapter though, i can't wait to see what imp-y goodness is in store
Mar 29, 2015 2:01 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
This should be interesting. I look forward to Merry going all Yandere on Ione.

I am quite sure this is exactly one things that will not happen, but I am still curious what will.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Apr 7, 2015 4:39 AM

Sep 2013
Co-op time? Woot! Can't go wrong with imps all over the place (or of those) =)
Apr 11, 2015 3:35 PM

Nov 2013
Chapter 35 – Set sail


“Sorry... sir.” He seemed to give off a sigh as he looked back down at the girl he held in his hand.

'The father? No the other one called him brother.' As I gave up on the thought I began to try to figure out why I was mistaken for a woman when it dawned on me, I had yet to cut my hair in last year and a half, I had been growing it out for charity before being brought to this world.

“It's fine. Ione, Silvia should be back at the shop by now right?”

Ione responded as she returned to my side, “Yes, we should hurry back before she begins to worry.”

As we began to head back, I held my hair in front of me to look at it as I thought aloud, “Guess I should cut it since there is no point in growing it out in this world...” when all of sudden after only had made it a few feet, my left leg had completely collapsed under me.

Ione was somewhat quick to catch me, as I was saved from falling flat on the ground. When I heard from behind me the man ask one of the mini girls, “See what you did Tiki?”

“What? I only tickled him. It’s not my fault he fell over.” The small girls seemed annoyed to be accused like that.

“He’s clearly injured. Even you should show some restraint.”

“pft! As if!” The small girl giggled.

“We don’t have time to play around all day.” Another woman said. “Felisha will be expecting us back at the boat before long.”

“Yeah, but I feel bad that Tiki aggravated his injuries.”

“I didn’t aggravate nothin!” The small girl said as she crossed her arms.

“Yeah, yeah.” The man muttered as he handed the small girl to the blond haired girl. “Keep an eye on them for a minute will you?”

The small girl was less than pleased to be in the grasp of the other girl and struggled to get free as the man approached us. “May I have your names first?” The man asked as he pulled out a small note book.

“I’m Ryan, this is Ione.”

“Alright,” he muttered as he wrote in the book, “you said you were going to a shop. Is it far?”

“Not particularly. Why?”

“Well, seeing as my imps came and bothered you, I would feel bad if I just left you here. We don’t have a lot of time but if it isn’t far I could help you get there.”

“No, I thi-”

“Yes thank you.” Ione interrupted me.

He chuckled a bit at Ione’s interjection. “Well, you heard the lady. Believe me, it’s better to listen to them.”

I let out a sigh of resignation as my arm was taken around his shoulder, the man quickly helping me stand after adjusting the spear on his back to a better position. “Lead the way… Ione? Was it?”

As we made our way down the street the small imps would fly around us, one kept giggling as she flew by. “What’s the matter Big Bro? Got something else on your mind? Has the butler said something to sway you?”

“Oh shut up!” The man quickly shouted. “I don’t have much contact with men nowadays!”

“... Could have worded that better.”

“It’s a long story. Just don’t ask.”

“So you’re their ‘brother’?” I asked to change the subject.

The man laughed. “No, not even. That would make our relationship far more… disturbing than it currently is. Though I’m not sure it would stop them.”

“Why would we stop?” The annoying imp giggled.

“We love Big Bro even if he was big bro.” The shy one added.

“....I got nothin. To each their own.”

“To make things simple I guess you could call me their plaything. It’s about as accurate as anything else. Most of the time I’m in town I end up having to mitigate whatever damage they may cause.”

“Kids huh?”

He chuckled for a moment as he thought of how to respond. “Well… our relationship does involve kids but they aren’t them. In other words…”

“He got their sister pregnant.” The blonde girl interjected.


“Try ten… the same as the number of daughters I will have in a few weeks.”

“Again I got nothing.”

“To be honest. I don’t have anything either.”

“Here it is.” Ione spoke up as we approached a metal forge shop. An assortment of weapons and armor were mounted along the walls but further in was Cleena’s preferred work, her jewelry.

As I was escorted into the kitchen and into a chair, Silvia walked in but almost broke into a run when she saw me being helped. “Master Ryan, are you alright?”

“Yes I’m fine, Ione wouldn't allow me to walk back on my own is all.”

“He overexerted himself.” Ione corrected as she attempted to divvy our items for best travel between our bags. Silvia had not taken her eye off of me as her ears folded back, which told me she was beyond worried.

“When I got back you weren’t in bed… You…. you’re always…. Please just be more careful, you can depend on us you know…”

I placed my hand on Silvia’s head as she lowered her head to try to hide her face as I gently petted her, though her tail betrays her with small excited flicks. “So were you able to find us a ship?”

“N-no, no one has any plans to sail to Ethelyn for the next month or two.” she replied with slight deject.

“Ye could try to hitch a ride with a merchant ship, maybe drop a total and add a bit o sweet talk? I say fifteen hundred would be a good opening negotiation price.” Cleena interjected as she entered the room.

While I thought of Cleena's idea, I recalled something the woman had said, “Wait, you said something about a boat earlier didn’t you….. um, sorry I didn’t catch your names?”

“Oh, right. Forgot my manners. I’m Jonathan and these two are…”

“Tits and ass!” The two imps shouted with a laugh.


“*Sigh* I told you I have ten imps right? They are: Tiki, Ina, Tally, Su, Annie, Nip, Doe, Abigail, Sara, and Sis. You do the math.”

“Aww, It’s less fun when you explain it Big Bro.” The annoying one pouted.

As he ignored the complaint, the man continued. “The far too forward one here is Tiki.” He then motioned to the other one shyly who hid behind him. “The more reserved one is Abigail.” Finally, he motioned to the blonde girl. “And this is…”

“Veronica Von Louise Espera.” She stated as she stepped forward. “You said you were looking for a ship to Ethelyn?”

“Yes, Ethelyn is my home town.” Ione replied.

“Well, it does so happen that the Swift Victoria is scheduled for a stop there during this trip. However, it is not our call to allow would be passengers on board. You would have to speak with the captain for that.”

“Who is ye captain?” Cleena inquired.

“Felisha Blackfur.”

“The pup pirate?” Turning toward me Cleena repeated herself, “Aye, just drop a few shiny coin and ye may be able to gain some passage.”

“I would not be so sure. The captain has little patience for newcomers to her ship. Lord knows it was a pain getting on ourselves.” Veronica remarked.

“Couldn't hurt to try.” Silvia replied.

“In any event, we have little time.” Veronica continues. “If we are not back within the next hour or two I would not put it past her to leave without us.”

“Then we might as well try to make a deal now…. actually can we wait a few more minutes? I want to cut my hair before going.” I asked.

“Makes no difference to me.” Veronica coldly remarked. “We are not going to be late, your business is your own.”

“Well, be that as it may, there is some time. Shouldn’t take more than half an hour to walk to the ship from here, we can hang around for a bit.” Jonathan explained as he looked back at Veronica, who responded by looking away with a ‘hmph.’

“In that case follow me!” Cleena said with enthusiasm as she led me to the next room and positioned herself behind me using a chair to level her height with mine, Silvia not far behind to join.

“Cleena, how much do transport ships normally cost?” I asked trying to come up with a plan for the soon to come negotiations with the captain of the ship Johnathan’s group mentioned.

“Hm… Well it can depend really, though if what I've heard is true, it best to give ye starting price a high one, perhaps a few thousand.”

“Are you sure we can trust them? They are a pirate group right?” Silvia asked with a tinge of concern.

“Former, I do not know all the details but they are merchants for a reputable company now, if ye have the pay ye shouldn’t have an issue for the most part. So long as ye don’t prove to be a risk for their overall cargo.”

As I mulled over the thought, a new question had come to mind. We planned to be in Ethelyn for a bit so we would need means to support ourselves as well. “How much gold would we need to get by per month?”

“In Ethelyn? If ye lived modestly and found some form of work ye should be able to get by for a year or so with only 3000 of the gold ye have…. acquired.”

With that, we sat in silence as I thought over the funds we had. Until Silvia chimed in with a new topic, “Oh right, Master, while you were asleep I happened upon one of those anatomy books you were studying at Gray Gardens, I figured you could use it to teach me how to fight.”

Cleena’s hands stopped for a moment at Silvia’s words but continued as though there were nothing. Shortly afterward as I gave my response, “Sure, I don’t see why not.” The night I overheard Iva and Silvia’s discussion came to mind as a result, followed by the question Iva had asked herself.

‘Just how many encounters have you saved him from without him even knowing?’

As I thought back, I could count the number of encounters I had had on my hands. But as I thought of it with the knowledge I now possess of the this world, the odds of having had so few by now was an unlikelihood. With how many desperate mamono there were out there, how had I not encountered more aiming to obtain me? How had I not encountered any mamono of significant strength until Raheli? The only answer I could think of that came to mind, were if they had met opposition before they encountered me.

As I looked over at Silvia while she began to stretch after a long day, the thought replayed itself; how many encounters has Silvia saved me from without my knowledge?

After ten or so minutes Cleena had left me with a fairly satisfactory hair cut, as she took in the sights of her work. As I stood myself up and went back into the other room, despite Ione’s protest about resting, I moved over to our possessions and picked up the new sword Cleena forged for me.

As I drew the blade, I immediately notice a difference from what I was familiar with. The new sheathe was not loose in any way and yet the blade was released from the hold with almost no resistance. The sword was unnaturally light but felt significantly more sturdy than my last. As I gave it a few practice swings, the incoming sunlight to the room would catch the blade and reflect brilliantly, which made the blade look as though it was alight with flames. As I held the blade up, I looked at my reflection, almost perfectly shown in the blade, when I noticed three scars over my eye. After a brief examination, I suddenly began to recall the events of that night, like a flood gate had gave way. My entire body began to ache as it remembered the pain, some of my muscles froze up. It was becoming difficult to breathe as the shock began to weigh down on me mercilessly.

“Ryan?” having placed her hand on my wrist to lower my sword a bit, Silvia had called out to me breaking me from PTSD like effect I had begun to experience.

“Are you ready to go now?” Veronica asked. “We do not have all day.”

As I sheathed the blade I responded, “Yeah…” Even I could hear the complete tone change in my disposition in light of my recollection.

“Alright, the ship is not too far. I assume you can walk on your own this time.” Veronica stated as she began out the door.

I tied my sword to my waist and moved to pick up some of our stuff, only to have Silvia, and even Ione prevent me from carrying any by putting the task solely to themselves. Releasing a sigh, I motioned towards Jonathan to lead the way as I used my hand to steady my long sword to keep it from bouncing on the ground as I walked.

“Alright then…” Jonathan started to head out but quickly turned back inside. “Tiki, Abigail, stop messing around and come on, the captain will be more than happy to leave without you.” He called out to the imps who had already begun to carelessly rummage through the shop.

“Ok, ok, don’t have a stick up your butt.” Tiki said as she dropped the bit of jewelry she was holding where she stood.

“Don’t leave without me Big Bro!” Abigail shouted as she quickly flew after him.

We made our way down the street at a fairly brisk pace, Veronica eventually taking the lead as she felt Jonathan was moving a bit too slow for her. It looked as if we would reach the docks without incident before two new figures appeared before us. Jonathan and Veronica shirked back the moment they saw the lizard girl and orc girl had blocked our path.

“We finally caught up to you!” The lizard girl shouted, short on breath but seemed excited regardless.

“Please just come quietly.” The orc wheezed. “It’s not easy catching up to that boat you are in.”

“Oh not these two again.” Veronica slowly slinked away from the two.

“Well, what should we do now?” Jonathan asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Friends of yours?” Silvia asked.

“Not exactly. Lets just say my mother really wants me home.” Veronica answered.

“So… babysitters?” I asked, half jokingly.

“Do they look like babysitters?” Jonathan answered as the two drew their weapons.

“You’ve clearly never had to chase down a child in a mall before.” I responded.

“I have but never with a large hammer.”

“Home Depot?” I add just to be a jackass.

“I think that’s a reference that will lose our current audience.”

“Would you two quit joking around!” The lizard girl shouted. “We have a job to do!”

This was too good to pass up, “You heard the lady folks, we’ll be here all week! Happy hour 2-4pm!” Ending the gag with an over enthusiastic bow.

“...Can we fight them now?” The lizard girl asked her partner.

“What happened to going quietly?”

“*sigh* Just once I’d like to get something done like a professional.” The orc said as she hung her head. “So? What is your answer?” She asked as she tried to get serious. “You going to walk or will we have to carry you?”

“Forget it!” Veronica shouted back as she drew a sword of her own. “I am not the same as I was last time! You won’t take me so easily!”

“So we are fighting?” Jonathan sighed as he grabbed his spear. “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.”

“Ten Rupees on the one with the sword.” I added as I thought about how long it had been since I fell into smartass mode.

“This looks fun.” Tiki giggled as she wiggled her fingers. “You ready Abigail?”

“I’ll do my best!” Abigail shouted as she flew with her sister.

“So we have to do things the hard way?” The orc asked.

“Fine by me, I prefer it this way!” The lizard girl shouted as she charged.

‘A bit haphazardous.’ I thought as I watched the lizard girl make her move.

The lizard girl had run straight for Veronica and made a quick slash with her sword. Veronica quickly reacted and was easily able to block the straightforward attack. “Oh, seems you have improved.”

“I told you!” Veronica made a quick swing of her own in retaliation.

While the lizard girl was focusing on Veronica, Jonathan tried sneak in an attack but was intercepted by the orc. “I’ll be your partner again, if you don’t mind.” The orc chuckled not at all seeming to take Jonathan’s spear seriously.

“C’mon Big Bro!” Tiki shouted with a giggle. “Show her how much better you are at thrusting!”

“Geez, and while everyone is watching too.” Jonathan said jokingly but without taking his eye off the orc. “Well, can’t disappoint the ladies can I?”

There it was, “You could if your spear loses stiffness.” I chimed in as though on cue.

“Ahahahaha! Nice one!” Tiki laughed hysterically.

“Don’t worry Big Bro.” Abigail added. “Just keep it up till the end.”

“What kind of fight is this anyway?” The orc asked with a sigh.

Taking a chance, Jonathan quickly thrusts towards the orc. She easily sidestepped the attack but seemed surprised that she had to do so. “Well, seems you’re going to make me work this time.” She said as she readied her large hammer.

The orc began to make several swings for Jonathan, but Jonathan kept his distance and stayed on the defensive as he looked for an opening. Veronica’s fight on the other hand was a lot more active as her sword continually clanged against her opponent's. Both Veronica and the lizard girl aggressively pushed the attack, they seem equal in speed but Veronica had the advantage in strength and as she slowly pushed her opponent back. “I’ll admit you’ve got the basics down.” The lizard girl commented as she eagerly met Veronica blow for blow. “But you’re still a novice!” All of a sudden the lizard girl stepped back and let Veronica’s swing fly past. Without having met the resistance she expected, she overextended and left herself open.

Before the Lizard girl could make any definitive moves towards Veronica, I stepped forward with my hand on my hilt, “Mind if I take this dance?”

“Who in Kaori are you?!” The lizard girl shouted. “This is our fight! Beat it!”

“Aw don’t be that way. I’m just a lonely swordsman. I’m an Aries, blood type B, and I enjoy romantic sparring matches on the moonlit beach.” I responded as I effectively ignored her demand, drawing my blade slowly to prevent any sudden reaction from her.

“ know what? Fine. You want to dance? Let’s dance.” She said as she gripped her weapon tighter. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

“Too bad I don’t have any protection.” I said as I rested my blade to my side while I waited to see what move the girl made.

“Oh well, it’s more fun without it!” As she took a slight step forward, the lizard girl lunged with her blade straight out for a jab.

As I dropped the act, I raised my blade to parry and move to sidestep. Once out of the way, I turned to face the girl as she halted her rush to face me again. Full of excitement, she quickly made a swing from her right. The attack was easy enough to see coming as I raised my blade to parry once more. Upon contact however, my arm and legs gave more than they should had, making my evasion more falling past the lizard girl. Quickly I tried to correct myself as I took my stand again.

“What’s the matter?” The lizard girl asks. “Seems like you’re not up for the task.”

“Nah, just give me a few minutes, keeping up with girls ain’t as easy for guys.” I respond as I tried to emulate my earlier facade.

“No need, I’ll just finish you quickly!” Knowing her opponent is injured on top of the assumed weakness of humans, the lizard girl was getting overconfident and pulled back too far for an overly showy attack. But even against an injured opponent that was an obvious mistake.

I quickly tossed out a retort, “Can’t leave you dissatisfied while I get to finish.” I stepped back to allow the swing to catch nothing but air as the inertia pulled the girl and her sword beyond any chance for a swift recovery, or so I assumed. As I quickly moved my wrists, I went for two snap cuts but the girl began to correct her mistake in time to only be grazed my first strike on the side of her forearm and completely avoid my second strike. But I still drew blood, little it may be, from the first.

The lizard girl pulled back a bit as she examined her cut. “Ow, looks like you got me there.”

“If you're bleedin’ it must be your first time.”

As she licked the blood slowly dripping from her wound, she gave me a look of pure elation. “It’s more fun when there is a bit of pain anyway.”

As the lizard girl glared at me with excitement, I was immediately reminded of two others. The first was Raheli after I had effectively immobilized her only for her to become an unmoving fortress. The second being Selene. The moment the black werewolf’s figured crossed my mind, I felt a cold chill run down my back as my limbs began to lock up as if bracing for the bone shattering weight I had been subjected to, just weeks before, as my breathing began to draw short.

As she saw an opening, The lizard girl stepped in and with a quick strike knocked my sword from my hands. By the time I was out of my daze she already had her sword pointed at me. “Too bad, now you’re completely impotent.”

“My turn.” Silvia said as she appeared behind the lizard girl. The lizard girl quickly made to meet the newcomer but Silvia was faster, grabbing both her tail and free arm, she threw the girl into a nearby building and through the less than fortified walls.

“Oh! She came and she went!” Tiki giggled, seems they have taken to listening to the puns rather than join the fight.

“Oww…” The lizard girl groaned as she threw debris off of her. “So many interruptions today.” Having shook off the impact, the Lizard girl quickly jumped back into the street. “And just who are you?!”

Unlike myself, Silvia did not seem willing to continue the word game as she met the lizard girl’s question with silence.

“Aww, no more puns?” Abigail pouted.

“Seems like it.” Tiki sighed. “Well, this is getting boring. Let’s join now!”

Tiki and Abigail began to circle around the orc. The orc tried to ignore them at first but became unable to once they made their first pass at her. “Ah! haha! Quit it you little pests!” As she swatted at the imps Jonathan took the opening and, turning the spear to the side, he used the shaft of the spear to force the head of the hammer high above the orcs head. “Do you think I can’t attack you like this?!”

“Not with them you can’t.” Jonathan retorted with a smirk as Tiki and Abigail rushed in to the orc girls exposed armpits.

“Hey! What are you?!” Without mercy, the imps began to tickle the orc with their tiny little fingers. “Wiii!!! Stop it!! Hahaha *snort* haha. What do you think you’re haha! Accomplishing?!” The orc girl should have been able to figure that out. If she could not keep her arms up through the imps tickle attack the heavy head of the hammer would fall on her head. Continuously they attacked the orc girl with their relentless tickling. Eventually they moved to other parts of her body as the poor orc could barely breathe under their assault.

“Here you go Tiki.” Abigail said as she pulled on the edge of the orc’s shorts.

“Thanks Abigail.” Immediately Tiki flew into the orc’s shorts and began to crawl around in there.

“Hey! What…!!!” The orc immediately froze up. “No… anything but that!” Her face turning red as she tried to shift her knees and hips to thwart the imp’s movements. “No… stop… I beg you…” Her knees began to shake as her breathing got heavier. “No… I… I… can’t… Noooooooo!!!!!” Finally losing her strength the orc dropped the hammer and knocked herself out.

“Aww, that was too easy.” Tiki whined as she crawled out, soaking wet. “So, who’s next?”

The lizard girl was absolutely stunned by what just happened to her partner. It did not take long for the imps to set their sights on her and under their mischievous leers, she buckled. “I… uh… I give up. I’m done for the day.”

“Aww, did you hear that Abigail?” Tiki playfully pouted. “She doesn’t want to play.”

“That’s not fair. I finally want to play.” Abigail says, proving she had a mischievous side as well.

“Umm… this isn’t funny any more.” The lizard girl whined as she backed away. “What do I do.” Without paying attention to her surroundings anymore she backed up into Jonathan. She looked up at him as he said one word: "Run." In a panic, the lizard girl ran off screaming… she did not get very far.

Within a few minutes the two were ‘dealt with’ and left tied up with the words ‘free hole’ scribbled where appropriate. Extremely proud of their work, Tiki and Abigail finally joined the rest of us.

Everything else settled, Ione made her way to my side to check my condition.

“I’m fine, injuries just acted up a little.” I assured her before she could say anything as I moved to pick up my blade and sheathed it.

“Are you alright, Veronica?” Jonathan asked as he walked to Veronica, whom had simply been standing on the sidelines since I stepped in.

“I’m fine.” She grumpily answered. “But I thought I would be able to beat that stupid lizard girl this time.”

With holding my bad habit of lecturing when I see an opportunity to offer advice, I opted to try to give encouragement. “Well no need to feel bad, none of us humans won without mamono help this round. Though from past experience it is possible, you’ll get there.”

“That is fine and all but I am not human, I have no excuse.” She retorted while crossing her arms. “It hurts my vampire pride.”

“Inexperience is hardly your fault.”

“He’s right, you’ve only been training for a week. But how did you know we were inexperienced? Was it that obvious?”

“Not really, your footwork. It was slight but you stepped into your attacks after you began moving your weapons. Small window, but still you telegraphed your attacks. Though I can hardly believe you’ve only been practicing for a week…”

“The captain has a few tricks up her sleeve… and she shows no mercy when she uses them.” Jonathan said with a nervous laugh. “But I can’t argue with the effectiveness.”

“Gauh! We don’t have time for this!” Veronica said with a frustrated shout. “If we do not get moving we are going to be late!”

Having concluded everything, we began to head out for the ship once more. As we followed, a sudden thought occurred to me. Directing my question to Silvia who was closest I inquired, “She said vampire…. do they not need stay out of the sun in this world?”

“I don’t know how much you know, but vampires from this world are different from the more traditional ones from Earth. The sun is not really dangerous to them but it does severely weaken them. Other things vampires would normally be adverse to do still have an effect, although very different from the hissing and backing away you might think of.” Jonathan answered in Silvia’s stead.

Getting the gist of it I reacquired my urge for jokes, “How bout turning into a flock of bats?”

“Why would we turn into a flock of bats?” Veronica interjected, seeing as we were kinda talking about her. “There is transformation magic but I have not heard of anyone becoming a group of animals.”

“It’s just something about vampires from Earth. I’m glad you don’t sparkle.” Jonathan said with a laugh. As I quickly followed suit.

“Hmm, your fairy tales I assume?” Veronica said as she leered at the two of us.

“Interested in the legends of Count Dracula?” I offer partly to resume the topic.

“I’ve heard bits of that story I believe. He was from some place called Transylvania if I recall. Mom heard about it from one of her favorite men back in the day. It is just hard for me to picture a male vampire.”

“So then you know of Vlad the Impaler?”

“Only that he was an incredibly cruel and gruesome man.”

“Well he was the original Vampire, in our world at least. Though to give credit where credit is due, he was a brilliant tactician and conquer, able to strike fear and outsmart many a forces.”

“He was known as an impaler?” Tiki asked with a giggle. ”What did he impale?”

“You don’t want to know, trust me.” Jonathan quickly answered.

“Well the answer isn’t as gruesome in words as it is in reality. Although if we are on the topic of vampires, none beat Takahata’s Alucard.”

“Ha! Yes! A real fuck mothering vampire!”

Letting out a laugh at the common ground, I added to it, “Be sure to follow him @TheCrimsonFucker.”

“I don’t get it.” Abigail mutters.

“Me either, but he sounds fun.” Tiki added.

“He was a lot of fun.” Jonathan commented. “Shame I’ll never get to see the rest of the series.”

“Indeed…. Wait you’re from earth as well?”

“Just figure that out?” Jonathan asked. “I found out you were from Earth while you were getting your hair cut.”

“Well till now I had little reason to assume.”

“I suppose, even if you run into another man there is no guarantee is there? How long have you been here? If you don’t mind me....”

“We are here.” Veronica stated as we arrived at the fairly large ship. Amazing how these things can sneak up on you when you are in conversation.

“Finally made it!” A werewolf in a black coat shouted as she hopped over the railing of the ship to meet up. “Well, say goodbye to your friends. We have a schedule to keep.” She said as she quickly motioned Jonathan and the others on board.

“Well, something interesting has come up.” Jonathan began to state.

Assuming she would not like the news, the werewolf impatiently crossed her arms. “What is it? We won’t delay the trip if you have to stay.”

“Well…” Jonathan began to continue.

“Big Bro wants to bring his new boyfriend along!” Tiki excitedly answered. “Can they come?! Pleeeeaaase?”

“New boyfriend eh?” The werewolf asked with a big grin. “Love to see how Scaly will react to that news.”

“That is not it!” Jonathan shouts.

“But you get along so well.” Abigail added. “Why not?”

“Not you too Abigail.” Jonathan sighed as he hung his head.

At this point I just had my thumb pressed against my temple listening to the conversation.

“Well, regardless, they want to travel on our ship.” Veronica stated, trying to move past the annoying conversation.

“Oh really?” No longer amused, the werewolf began to look us over. “And just why should I let them on MY ship?”

“Well, it is up to you to make your case.” Veronica stated as she stepped aside.

“Well it’s not like we’re asking for free transportation. Though given you’re the only ship heading to our destination, leaves us with little choice.”

“Not my problem.” The werewolf coldly replied. “The ship is full, I’ve already had to give up my room and we don’t need the extra bodies getting in the way.”

“Would have thought such a issue of ‘being full’ would have come up long before arriving at this point… I don’t see an issue with transporting a bit more cargo for a price.”

“Cargo don’t expect to have food and bed.” The werewolf scoffed. “Beat it! From the looks of ya you wouldn’t have enough to change my mind.”

“4000, that enough?” I say, throwing the starting bid out.

The number gave her pause, but she quickly laughed it off. “I must apologize, one must never underestimate the form wealth can take. But the answer is still no. Take your money to a whore house, you won’t be buying services here.”

My grip tighten on my sword, I tried to remain composed. The attitude of the werewolf, while I could not fault her for, ticked me off. But still she faltered at 4k, I definitely have enough to topple her, at least I believed so. Merchants always have a price. “Fifteen thousand.” I said as I placed my final bid before she opted to just walk away.

“Listen you!” The werewolf quickly snapped with a growl. “I’m not some pet that will come begging the moment you pull out some shiny treats! I said no! Now get lost before I lose my temper!”

Running up next to me Ione contributed to the price as well in a way I wasn’t expecting, “We can also offer you free lodging at the Harpy Springs for the duration of your stay in Ethelyn….” Though under the eye of the werewolf she quickly backed off.

The werewolf really seemed like she would lose it for a moment but then a woman put her hand on her shoulder. “Captain, if I may.”

Growling a moment before she folds her arms to calm down, she asks. “What is it?”

Pulling her captain in close, the woman whispers: “Need I remind you that we’ve incurred a number of extra expenses during this trip?”

“I know that. I still have the urge to throw Jonathan over every time I see the statement for the mast.”

“And seeing as it is clear Mistress Victoria would not approve of assisting Veronica in her little venture, don’t you think we should avoid costing her extra gold on top of that?”

“Yeah, I am in for one hell of a lecture, to put it mildly.”

“Then what do you say we give them their few days on the ship, call them cargo or whatever you want, and we use the money to hide the the extra costs. We can come up with a way to doctor the paperwork later. Just play nice and it will be over before you know it.”

“Fine, but I still don’t like the whole situation.”

Finally finished with their conversation, the werewolf raised up with her hand to her head. “Oh! How could I have forgotten such important cargo?!” Putting her fingers to her mouth she gave a loud whistle.

Within a minute we were joined by a short red headed girl. “You whistled captain?”

“Yes, we just got an extra shipment.” She said as she gave us a big grin. “Quickly carry it on board will you?”

Wait what? “Carry?”

Flashing a big smile, the short girl quickly gave a salute. “Aye captain.” She quickly hopped up to me and without any effort lifts me over her head. “Up we go!” And promptly ran on board.

Ione and Silvia however simply walked aboard, but I could swear I could hear them barely holding back snickers at my current 'ride'.
Apr 14, 2015 8:45 AM

Sep 2013
Despite the similarities in the two crossover chapters (it's bound to happen), this particular crossover is cool because we don't often get to see so much interaction between a pair of MCs. I think I'd like to see more of what the MC is thinking in these places...going overboard a bit probably isn't even a bad idea because it'll help keep each side distinct and unique.
Apr 25, 2015 12:24 PM

Mar 2015
I finally caught up on this story and I regret to say, I was disappointed on how it went on. You started out well, you are talented writer, but during the time your story become too obsesses with explaining fighting skills, abilities or item power akin to game manuals rather than in-character. Intimate scenes were entirely ruined by constantly reaffirming how dangerous fighter protagonist is, skipping any other characterization that doesn't benefit combat in any way. In previous chapter you only thought about getting some substance that benefit in fighting since it can double a paralysing poison.
Last chapter was a huge improvement, but it still has this tendencies and too much focus on technical details of fighting.

I can tell you are simply enthusiastic for all the martial arts, I had a friend like you, but it doesn't help much in the storytelling. It become boring and tedious to read something burdened with mechanics. It really needs some life, people and personality.

I apologize if my comment was rash. I mean no offence, but this story stands up so much from all I've read so far I had to comment.
Apr 25, 2015 1:32 PM

Nov 2013
well i hope remedy that with upcoming chapters
May 12, 2015 9:31 PM

Nov 2013
Chapter 36

After being set down, thankfully allowed to stand and not dropped like a crate, I noticed an assortment of mamono line up on deck along with Veronica, Jonathan, and the imps, and what I figured was their sisters.

“Alright everyone! We have some new cargo!” The black werewolf shouted with an authoritative tone despite referring to me as an object. I was beginning to think it was a bad idea to refer to myself as cargo. “It is very special cargo that needs to know who you are and what you do. In turn you are going to introduce yourselves. State your name, your species, your position, and your responsibilities, in that order. Start!”

First up was the woman who talked the captain to accept our request, a human looking woman save for the fairly noticeable pointed ears. Her hair was tied back neatly into a bun while she held herself with a fair amount of dignity not unlike that of a soldier. She wore a simple leather tunic with a cutlass at her waist, further adding to the thought of this one being a well tried soldier. “Michaela Nightingale, Dulahan, First Mate and Quartermaster! I am second in command, in charge of overseeing most of the day to day activities and I divide the rations!”

“Good! Next!” The black werewolf shouted as she stepped in front of the next girl.

The next was the small girl whom carried me aboard the ship. With short, slightly disheveled, red hair, goggles upon her brow, and wearing what could not possibly pass for clothing,(were those suspenders?) responded to the black werewolf with much energy. “Riona Silverforge, Dwarf, Boatswain! I am the one who inspects the condition of the ship and everything on it! I am also in charge of keeping inventory!”

“As spirited as always.” The black werewolf comments with a chuckle. “Next!”

Next was clearly a cyclops, though her demeanor seemed to show some lethargy. Sporting short brown, neatly groomed hair. Wearing a simple leather top and skirt, they might as well have been a bra and mini skirt if it wasn’t for her sheer size. The woman was well over eight feet in height. Due to her size almost literally dwarfing her clothes much of her pale blue skin was open to the world. “Una Farsight, Cyclops, Sailing Master and Carpenter. Not only am I in charge of getting us where we are going, I have to get us there in one piece.”

“Put your mate to work, ok.” Una gives a silent nod and the black werewolf moves on. “Next!”

The next one was also an obvious one with her lower half being that of a brown arachnid. She held white hair like Silvia and Ione, which was kept in a neat ponytail while wearing a corset that looked as though it was just barely too small. I found myself trying to place the species based on her pattern but proved fruitless as she began to introduce herself. “Spindla Greyweave, Arachne, Sailmaker, all cloth items fall under my care and responsibility!” Another energetic response as she seemed to appraise me with an amused smile. “I hope we can get along.” She said as she she ran her finger along her lip. I might want to be careful around that one...

“Nothing’s changed.” The black werewolf shakes her head as she moves on. “Next!”

Wearing a tank top and a pot for pants? I was quickly at a lost as to what she was supposed to be. She was a small girl, looking to be most likely less than ten years of age. “K-Kelsey…” Stammered the small girl with a pot.

“I can’t hear you!” The black werewolf shouts.

“Kelsey Brittlepot!” She shouts with a quivering voice. “Pot Devil! Cook! Please leave all your food preparation needs to me!”

“Still far too timid! Next!”

Next was what looked like a human girl, though the previous discussion about vampires led me to think she may be one as well, but her clothing made me doubtful even if they simply don’t like sunlight I doubt they’d wear a simple gown. The girl gave a swift salute! “Merry Lou! Mermaid! Striker! I hunt fish and gathering other undersea supplies during our voyage!” Mermaid? Where’s her tail?

“You also give us water, good to have you aboard. Next!”

“Jonathan Adams! Human! Shipmate! I am an understudy of Una and assist her in her work!” Jonathan shouted with a salute. I was kinda left wondering how he was not a plaything.

“Plus the occasional ‘service.’” There it was as the black werewolf added with a grin, to Jonathan’s annoyance it seemed. “Next!”

“Veronica Von Louise Espera! Dhampire! Cabin Girl! I am here to learn the trade!” Veronica proudly stated seeming to be in a brighter mood than on our way here. Wait, half vampire?

“Also our night shift navigator. I’m proud of your progress.” Finally came the imps who were flying around an obviously pregnant one.


“That about sums it up doesn’t it? No job and a real annoyance.” The black werewolf shook her head as she walked toward me, Ione, and Silvia. Once she got close she confidently pointed to herself. “And I am Felicia Blackfur, Werewolf, and captain of the ship. What I say goes and don’t you forget it!” Probably should try to keep my habit to question orders under check.

Turning to face the crew once more. “Company, who are you?!”

Giving a swift salute, they all shouted in unison. “We are the proud crew of the Swift Victoria!”

“What is your mission?!”

“To ensure the safe delivery of our cargo and uphold the best interest of our clients!”

“What is our motto?!”

“To plunder by profit!”

Once finished with their ‘ritual’ they began to spread to the rest of the ship. Riona and Kelsey left below deck. Spindla and Una ascended the mast. Michaela took the helm. And Felisha came up to me and the girls. “Alright, you may be cargo but you are free to move about the ship. The room behind us is the captain’s quarters.... currently occupied by Jonathan, Veronica, Merry, and the pests. The second floor is the crew’s quarters where everyone else, yourselves included, will sleep. Spindla will make you a hammock later. Also on the second level is the kitchen and Una’s workshop. Finally is the cargo hold located on the lowest level. You can feel free to stay there if you want but otherwise just stay out of the working people’s way. That’s all I really have to say about that, you can look around for yourselves. Dinner will be served at sundown, Kelsey will prepare something based on what is available.”

“What about helping around?” I asked, even if we payed our way on I never did like the idea of getting free service nor was I the type to stay still for long.

“As far as our records are concerned you are cargo and I would rather you not touch anything if you don’t know what you are doing. We have enough hands, they know their jobs so let them do it. You’ve already earned your keep, just relax and don’t do anything to change that.”

“Alright, but if there is anything I’d like to be of help. I’m a quick study and pretty good at learning from example.” Though I suck at learning from explanation.

Felisha scoffs. “Well, if you’re that determined you can just ask the crew. I have no reason to deny them help when it is offered. But likewise if they refuse don’t push the issue.”

“Fair enough.” Might be best to try to sit still for the rest of the day anyway until I am certain I would not collapse from something.

“Stay out of trouble.” Felisha states as she turns to leave. “We will arrive in the sunken city the day after tomorrow, after a few days there we will make it to Ethelyn in a day.”

With the crew off to attend their duties, Jonathan's imps quickly rush and surround me as they unleash a barrage of questions that put journalists out for blood to shame. “Is it true you are Big Bro’s boyfriend?” “How big is your cock?” “Are you going to be a new Big Bro?” “Wanna have some fun?” “That sword’s so long, is it proportional?” “It might be the opposite.” “Why did you come on board?” “Do you have any sweets?” “Is the bitch the bitch or are you?”

“One at a time everyone!” Sis shouts. “How is he supposed to answer?”

“In order? Um… no, half a foot, why not, sure, I guess, for a ride to my destination, I think so… um what do you mean by bitch?” Was honestly not sure how I kept track of the questions, most likely due to the relatively low number of them. As I looked the imps over, the fact that they were whatever the word for twins but with ten was pretty apparent, but being able to compare them side by side I was able to pinpoint some differences between them. Quickly noting them down mentally so to try not to confuse them in the future.

“By bitch I mean bitch, who is the bitch?! It’s a simple question!” One imp shouts, contrasting them for any differences I could make, I noticed this one had the longest tail of the group, save for the pregnant one.

“Why don’t you all start by introducing yourselves?” Jonathan suggested.

“TITS AND ASS!” An acronym for their names if I recalled correctly.

”I mean individually.” Jonathan clarified with a sigh. Seems he has done this song and dance multiple times.

“That’s too much trouble.” The pregnant imp replied. “Do it for us Big Bro.”

Giving another sigh as he glances over each of the imps, he began. “In order: This is Tiki, you’ve already met her.”

“No one could ever forget me.” Tiki confidently proclaims as she puffs out her chest. She seemed to have the biggest bust of the group, again pregnant one excluded. And had a very clear image of how she viewed herself it seemed.

“Yes, she has a more… pronounced figure than the others and that tends to go to her head.” I noticed.

“I don’t know what that means but I know we are being insulted!” The shortest imp angrily shouted.

“That was Ina, she has a lot of energy but give her a nice treat and she will behave.” Jonathan explained.

“I want sweets! Nothing else!” Ina quickly added.

Standing next to Jonathan with a hint of pride when it was her turn, Jonathan began introducing the pregnant one. “This is Tally, she’s pregnant so be careful around her.”

“There you go dotting again!” Tally shouts. “What I say goes got it! Ignore dog lady if you have to!” Did she mean Silvia?

“Excuse me?” Silvia responded, apparently thinking the same.

“Not you! Well, you too but I was talking about black dog lady!” Tally quickly adds.

“Moving on, next is Su… Su? Su!” It appeared as though Jonathan was unable to locate this one when I noticed one by the ship's railing.

“That her?” I ask as I pointed toward the imp.

Having followed where I had pointed Jonathan yells, “Su! Don’t you dare!”

“Tch! I mean, of course not Big Bro!” Su answered with an unconvincing innocent act as she made her way back over. It appeared Su had the largest wings, again the pregnant Tally excluded.

“That is Su, make sure you pay attention. She likes to play pranks.” Jonathan explained before moving to the next Imp. “Next is…”

“Don’t bother.” The imp interjected, shortest horns it seemed. “I don’t really care if there is a new guy on board.” Bit rude too...

“Quite loyal to Jonathan aren’t you?” I responded as I took a shot in the dark.

“What?!” She shouted as she turns red. “No way! Why would I?!” Then quickly turned away with a ‘hmph’. Oh wow a real live tsundere.

“That is Annie, she is… Annie.” As Jonathan look for the next one of the acronym, an imp quickly flew up to Silvia.

“You look tough but I bet I can take you!” The imp confidently shouted as she flies in Silvia's face.

“Nip, please, they just got here.” Jonathan said as he grabbed her. “Sorry about that, Nip likes to fight.” So it would seem, though it appeared Silvia ignored her completely.

“That’s interesting.” I commented as I noted Nip's smaller wings compared to the others.

“Why don’t you say anything? Doesn’t she bother you? Can you speak? Are you ignoring us?” Began another imp who flew up to Silvia, though not invading nearly as much personal space.

“Noisy one aren’t you?” Silvia responded slightly annoyed.

“That is Doe for you.” Jonathan chuckled as he grabbed Doe in his other hand. Unlike her sisters, this one was as flat as paper, though given her personality I do not believe I'll have trouble picking her out. “She will ask questions all day if you let her.” After a few moments, Jonathan let them go and look for whom I could only assume was Abigail if the acronym proved loyal. “Next is Abigail, the other one you’ve already met. But where did she…”

“I believe that is her behind you.” I answered as I noticed her peek out from behind Jonathan's shoulder.

Looking over his shoulder he located her. “Come on Abigail, no one is going to hurt you.” With some gentle coaxing she flies in front of him. “She has moments where she gets rambunctious, but she is normally quite shy.” Abigail, timid and longest hair.

“Grow a fucking pair Abigail! There ain’t shit no one is going to do!” The imp with the longest tail shouted.

“R-right, this one is…” Jonathan began before being cut off.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m Sara, they get the fucking point. Get on with it!” Sharp tongue Sara it is then.

“As you can guess, she has quite the mouth.” Jonathan tried to explain.

“Fuck you, I say what I want.” Quite.

“R-right.” Jonathan said as he moved on. “Last but not least is Sis.”

“Treat my sisters well, and I’ll return the favor.” Sis says with a playful wink. Once more excluding the pregnant one, Sis appeared to be the tallest of the group.

“Sis is a great help for looking out for TNA’s well being… not so much keeping them out of trouble.” Jonathan began explaining.

“It’s more fun this way, isn’t it Big Bro?” Sis asks as she lands on Jonathan's shoulder.

“‘Fun’ is one word for it.” Jonathan chuckled.

“Well, you know who we are now. How about telling us who you are?” Merry asked as she stood next to Jonathan.

“Come to think of it, I never caught your name.” Jonathan began as he addressed Silvia.

“...Silvia.” That was it, was she always this quiet?

“Silvia, huh?” Jonathan mutter as he quickly pulled out and jotted down something into a notebook.

“My name is Ryan,” I stated, then motioning towards Ione. “and this is Ione.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Merry replied with a smile before she glanced at Jonathan. “Although I’m curious on how you met.”

“Nothing weird happened!” Jonathan quickly shouted. “I simply met him as I was trying to get TNA under control like how I’ve met dozens of other people.”

“So why are you guys heading the Sunken City?” I asked, curious as to why we would be staying so long docked(?) there.

“They are getting married…” Ione replied answering my question.

Turning to Veronica, whom I assumed was the bride to be, and said, “Ah well congrats.”

“Umm…. I’m afraid you have it a little wrong there.” Jonathan began to correct me to my confusion.

“Really? You two apparently got along from what I could see and it’s clear you care about each other….” I said, as far as I could tell they already kinda acted like a married couple.

“I… uh… I… uh…” Jonathan stuttered as Merry began to move step up.

“I am the one who is marrying Darling, please don’t forget that.” She said with a pleasant smile. Wow, the end of that comment seemed to tell me she did not like my mistake but she seemed to be quite a forgiving girl based on that smile.

“Ah I apologize, I apparently jumped to conclusions. So how did you two meet? Given preferred terrain I’m sure it a good tale.” I would guess a beach but it was worth asking.

“My Honey here saved me from drowning, sharks, and other mermaids when I first got here.” Jonathan quickly answered as he gave Merry a loving, and somewhat desperate, embrace. “She is a wonderful woman and I am so lucky to be marrying her.”

“Hehehe, Big Bro is pleading for his life.” Tally remarked with a laugh.

“*whip crack*” Tiki added with a quick motion of her hand. Now that they mentioned it, I was starting to seen the signs.

“Drowning, sharks and other mamono…. damn… When I arrived I was simply in a forest somewhere in Kaori, though I was attacked by a certain white wolf.” I said as I teased Silvia who turned away nonchalantly despite her ears drooping a little. Maybe a bit too far?

“Kaori huh?” Merry asked as she pushed Jonathan away. Haha, did I get him in trouble? “The sea can be a cruel place but it hardly compares to Kaori. Seems you are lucky to be alive as well.”

Lucky? “How so? I mean, yeah I got lucky to find a nice village and what not but the troubles I had there were pretty, lackluster I guess? Really wasn’t anything I could compare to being stranded in the ocean.” Save for a couple things, my experience in Kaori was a paradise compared to the middle of the ocean.

“I’ve never been myself. But the rumors that come out of Kaori are horrific, to put it mildly.” Merry didn't quite seem to know how to respond to my statement. Though I guess as a mermaid, someone who lives in the ocean, it was like a city kid explaining why they think the forest is a death trap to a kid who grew up in said forest.

Turning to Silvia, I asked, “Really? Nothing really happened aside from those 3 guys that attacked us at camp.” Silvia however simply left the response in the air.

“3 guys?! Were they alone? ...I’m not sure what to think of that.” Merry genuinely appeared puzzled.

“Yeah its where I got this scar.” I said as I pointed to the one above my eyebrow.

“It’s not the only one.” Jonathan said as he motioned toward the ones I received from Selene. “Was that from then or are those from the more recent events I heard about from Ione?” From Ione?

Upon being mentioned Ione seemed to shirk back a little as the topic came up as Silvia responded, “Those were from recent made by my elder sister…”

“Trouble with the in-laws?” Tally giggled.

“That’s sad. Sisters should get along.” Sis added.

“Yeah, that way they can share!” Ina happily shouted.

“My sister does not give a damn about familial ties nor for sharing.” Silvia said as her voice hinted at a bit of sourness.

“Selfish bitch!” Sara shouted.

“Yeah, that’s not fair!” Abigail added.

“Well, her loss.” Nip giggled. “You have him now so don’t share back.”

“In fact, do him more just to show her.” Tiki added.

“Who cares about sisters if they are mean.” Annie said as she turned to Su.

“Why are you looking at me?! I ain’t mean!” Su shouted back at Annie. Keeping up with this pattern may prove difficult...

“But I don’t get it.” Doe pondered. “Why would she hurt him and not steal him?”

“If I had to guess, the scar she gave Ryan was directed more at me than him…” Silvia commented. It definitely pales in comparison to everything else she did to me, I thought as I began to get a slight sore feeling over my body.

“What did you do to make her mad?” Doe asked. Silvia didn’t respond this time. “Why are you ignoring me? I want to know!” Doe shouted, quickly getting angry at being ignored.

“That’s enough Doe.” Jonathan quickly interrupted her before she could annoy Silvia any further. “Anyway, I may not look like it but I have also received some rather nasty injuries myself in the short time I have been here. A succubus driving her long nails into my back, being stabbed by a pirate, and some burns from a dragon attack are the major ones.”

“Can we change the subject away from injuries please?” Ione requested as she grabbed onto my sleeve looking down. Right, Ione had suffered far worse than anything I could imagine.

“Well, I suppose everything turned out alright because I always had my honey here to save me from certain death.” Jonathan said as he smiled at Merry.

“Oh Darling, I couldn’t let you die.” Merry smiled back.

“Hey! Stop talking to the cargo and get to work!” Felisha shouted as I gave an internal sigh at my recent designation. “Some of you have jobs to do!”

And with that Jonathan and the girls with him bade us farewell for the time being leaving Ione, Silvia and myself to ourselves. Neither Ione and Silvia appeared to have any plans at the moment as they chose to stay by my side. I decided to save exploring the ship for a time I was less likely to get in the way, as I make my way down to the the sleeping quarters to find a spot to place our belongings.

Once down, we placed our things in a corner where they would most likely be out of the way. Silvia took a seat against the wall, as Ione had taken to trying to organize our bags in a way to keep them from falling over easy from the ship’s natural heave and sway. Curiosity having gotten to me, ironically like a fly to a spider’s web, I took the fabric of a nearby hammock in hand. The material was surprisingly soft and felt almost malleable to the touch.

“Do you like my webs?” Spindla asked as she crept down the stairs. “I could wrap you up in a special web if you want.”

Catching on to the fact she was more interested in play at the moment I decided to go along with it, “No thanks, I like to be able to use my hands.”

“Oh, you’ll be allowed to use them, you just won’t be running anywhere any time soon.” Spindla cooed.

After taking a moment to come up with a retaliation I respond, “Why are we assuming I’d be the one running?”

“It’s not that you will, it’s that you can’t. During or after.” Spindla giggled not missing a beat.

“You’re pretty good at remaining on top aren’t you?” I say as I am cornered verbally ingame.

Spindla smiled and laughed at that response. “Well, I’m a big girl and I’ve had lots of practice.”

“So it would seem.” Changing the topic to something else I said, “About the hammocks, you won’t need make one for me. Just Ione and Silvia is enough.”

“Oh?” Spindla seemed honestly surprised by this. “Why’s that?”

“Well, I’m just really bad with hammocks. In all probability you’ll wake up to find me actually encased in a cocoon.”

“Well, then it will just save me the trouble of wrapping you up myself.” Spindla chuckled, apparently looking for another round.

“Well in any event the floor is enough for me. There doesn’t seem much room left as is anyway. Don’t think your captain would appreciate being woken up by my self-wrapping either.”

“Well, we’ve had to sleep through worse.” Spindla casually remarked as she walked past and began to make the new hammocks. Using a pair of her spider legs she grabbed strands of webbing from her spinneret and passed them to her human hands. She then skillfully weaved and tied the strands into the hammock they would become. “You will all have a hammock available, if you choose not to use it that’s fine.”

Dinner was soon to follow. The menu: preserved food goods and fish. Though I could not help but notice Veronica had bit Jonathan's neck. “Alright, that’s enough!” Merry protested as she pried Veronica off of Jonathan. “I know what that feels like now so you have to cut back! And you Darling! You could at least try a little harder to hide that it feels good!” Merry added in a clear fit of jealous anger.

“You need to lighten up!” Veronica shouted back. “It’s just a bit of blood and it does not feel that good!”

“So it feels good? Like how?” I asked directing my question to Jonathan.

“Well… how to put it?” Jonathan started as he pondered how to word it.

“Yeah Big Bro, on a scale of kiss to fuck your brains out how good is it?” Tiki asked. Interesting scale....

“It’s uhh… about the level of a good massage.” Jonathan answered, but Merry swiftly called the bluff.

“Don’t try to hide it darling.” Merry said before continuing. “It’s better than that.”

“...light kissing along the neck…” Jonathan answered a little more quietly.

“More than that.” Merry stated as she motioned up with her hand.

“Uhh… a hand job…” Jonathan answered even quieter than before.

“A little more.” Merry motioned again.

I had to strain my ears this time as Jonathan responded barely audible, “...blowjob…”

“There you go, that sounds about right.” Merry nodded with a piercing glare.

“Hm…. What about you, Veronica? How does it feel on your end?” I asked curiously.

“Me?!” Veronica yelped.

“Surely it isn’t a one sided deal right?” This will be entertaining, I thought as I pushed the question.

“Well, no…” Veronica quietly answered as she kept looking at Jonathan then looking away. “I mean. It feels nice but it does not feel THAT nice.” She answered as she became flustered. “Know what I mean?”

“Nope, please elaborate.” I said denying Veronica her out.

“Oh shut up! Why do you want to know anyway?!” Veronica shouted, too embarrassed to answer properly.

Noticing others were paying attention , I decided to take a chance to let someone else push the subject as I cleared my throat while I nonchalantly looked away and responded with, “.....No particular reason…”

“Come on Vampire lady.” Not failing to meet my gamble Ina flew around Veronica to keep in front of her as she kept trying to look away. “Tell us how good it feels.”

“Yes.” Merry added. “I’m sure we all would like to hear.”

“Enough already! I don’t have to answer that!” Veronica shouted one last time before crossing her arms and refusing to say more on the subject. Damn, too much push.

“Aww, you’re no fun.” Nip giggled.

“Well, sometimes not answering says more than answering.” Merry answered with a leer, first at Veronica then at Jonathan.

“Go easy on the girl there scaley.” Felisha added as she joined us. “It’s not like the rest of us haven’t had at least one round with him.” Oh?

“You… really get around don’t you Jonathan?” I added with a grin. I must be helping.

“That is not a good thing!” Merry shouted. “Darling is marrying me! Stop trying to use him without my permission!”

“Save yourself a lot of headache if you lighten up, just saying.” Felisha calmly retorted.

“Permission?” I added as an idea quickly took form.

“Yes, permission! As in at least asking first!” Merry quickly answered.

“Hm….” I let out as I began to conclude how I would set this up. “Then may I borrow Dear John for the night?” Quickly followed by Ione and Silvia choking on their food.

“Oh! Can he?! Can he?! Can he?! Big Sis?!” Doe asked, quickly joined by the others, and the rest of the crew began to listen as well. I think I just let this simmer on the fire for a bit before continuing.

“Y-y-y-you mean you really want to be his boyfriend?!” Veronica stammered, barely able to get the words out. I don't recall mentioning anything about a relationship, I think to myself while trying to withhold a mischievous smirk.

“Wooo!” Spindla cheered. “Hey, if they get the go ahead can they do it on the deck? Might be a nice show!” Well this rapidly boiled over...

“I agree!” Riona laughed. “Sounds fun.”

“Be sure to mark the splatter zone!” Su shouted with a giggle.

“Hey, you can do whatever but clean your mess afterward.” Michaela added as Una nodded in agreement.

“Sounds interesting, but can they do it?” Kelsey timidly asked, though for whatever reason I felt like it wasn't genuine. I could not place it but I gave up on the thought as quickly as it came as the current event was too amusing.

“Well, sounds like everyone else would like to see it.” Felisha chuckled. “What do you say?”

“What do I say?” Merry asked, taken aback by everyone’s reactions. Merry looked at Jonathan as though to see what he thinks, to which he could be seen desperately pleading for her to say no. “Hmm, what to do, what to do.” Merry said with a playful smirk. Under the bus he goes! I did not see that coming. Merry looked around at everyone’s anticipation and said. “Sorry girls but Darling is off limits, male and female alike.” To which TNA and the crew all let out a long ‘aww.’ “Sorry, sorry.” Merry giggled. “But should you really be offering yourself so freely?” Merry asked me as she glanced between myself, Ione, and Silvia. “Or do you exclusively swing that way?”

I was more than prepared for this turn around. “Um to what do you refer to? I simply wanted to chat about home with him….”

“What do we refer to?” Sara asked with a mischievous grin. “Why we thought you wanted to…”

“CHANGE TOPIC!!!” Jonathan yelled as he tried to take point on the discussion. “Alright you! What is your relationship with your companions?! Are you doing them? Are they doing each other? Or is nobody doing anybody?”

“Relationship?” Not sure how to answer that..., “Well put simply travel companions, for most part we are just heading in the same direction… No romantic relationships as far as I’m aware.” Now to recast the line, “But why are you so interested in my affairs?”

Not taking the bait, Jonathan calmed himself down a bit. “No real reason, I just find it difficult to believe nothing would develop between you.” I had no response to that, there was nothing between me and the girls. But soon as I thought that I recalled the evening of the Moon Bazaar. “Well, not like all my relationships are simple either. The past couple weeks have taught me that much.”

“Relationships aren’t complicated. If you want to do them, do them. That’s it.” Tiki replied with a cheer.

“Fuck it!” Sara added.

“What good is having more than that anyway?” Annie commented.

“As long as everyone is having fun there is no problem right?” Sis asked.

“I like more…” Abigail muttered. “...but I don’t need it.”

“Well, not all of us will jump someone at the first impulse we get.” Jonathan chuckled.

“Well there is a fine line between overthinking things and being loose.” Felisha commented with a shrug. “You just have to figure out for yourself where that line is drawn.”

The rest of dinner was fairly tame and calm. After finishing, Jonathan, Veronica, Merry, and the Imps all left to turn in the for the night. Seeing Kelsey already working on the dishes I decided to offer a hand as I walked up until a few feet away. “Want some help?”

The small pot devil lets out a high pitched yelp before ducking into her pot. After a minute or so she slowly peers over the rim of her pot. “T-that’s okay, you don’t have to.”

“Ah alright…. sorry for startling you?” I wasn’t that quiet on my approach was I?

“The captain always says I’m too timid.” She replies as she brings her head out. “So don’t feel too bad.”

“Um ok, so you sure you’re alright doing this on your own?” I ask making one final push to try to be helpful.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, “I can’t do much but I can handle all the cooking and dishes… even if I keep having to serve more and more…”

My mouth caught open for a moment as I registered what Kelsey had said. “Was...that a hint of spite?”

Kelsey slowly lowers into her pot again. “…”

“Well if you’re sure you don’t want help… good night.”

“Good night.” Kelsey quietly replied.

Yeah not too sure about that one...
Clarus_NoxMay 12, 2015 9:37 PM
May 14, 2015 8:55 PM

May 2013
Ah, character development for a secondary character! I liked getting that glimpse into Kelsey's pot.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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