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May 22, 2014 1:18 PM

Aug 2012
With the anime's success I've seen a lot of people saying that the show is unpredictable because "it has no plot armor" and "you never know who will die next", even comparing it to Game of Thrones but I just can't see it that way, so far in the manga no main character has died and the only character who meet such faith are created by the author only for shock factor. The closest to a main character death was when Erwin lost his arms, or when the random guy who saved Eren and Mikasa in the beginning died. And to be honest, every time someone important is about to die the author pulls a lame excuse to avoid it (For example, every time Eren gets a power up).
I really think this is a fun manga but I just don't see how anyone cares about the dead character in it.

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VudisMay 25, 2014 1:02 AM
May 22, 2014 2:00 PM

Oct 2013
Its not about if main characters die,its about if they can die,and they can.
Compared to other shows like one piece or bleach etc,you never fee like they "might" die.Since the closest they come to death is by being unconcious.

And i actually minded most characters dying except for Marco,why Marco? Because im not completely convinced he is dead.

I care every time a scouting legion member dies.just when you think you like this character or this guy is gonna stick with the group and help,then he dies most of the time.Especially with Petra,god that was sad.

I think its still too early to call it has plot armor,since in the beginning the artist wanted to kill everyone in the end.
Furthermore a few death flags have been raised in the past 2 chapters for important people,keep in mind that if one of the main characters trio dies right now aot is as good as over,all 3 of them are needed to progress the story and also some times their positioning in missions is the safest,thats why they have the highest chance of survival.

Comparing it to game of thrones is silly,it might be similar in some aspects but its not comparable because of the nature of superpowers.
Taimanin_IreliaMay 22, 2014 2:06 PM
May 22, 2014 6:22 PM

Oct 2013
Your right OP, I hate how everyone talks about this show like 'anyone can die' when it's only been side-characters who Isayama even admitted he created only with the intention of killing them off so he didn't feel any connection to those characters in the first place. At least in Game of Thrones the characters are built up and developed to be more than just death for the sake of making everything seem grim.

Some people might have gotten attached to the side-characters and it blinded them to the fact they were waving death flags since the beginning making them think no one is safe, but the fact Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha have survived shit that would have killed elite soldiers off is proof of plot armor. That doesn't mean they can't die, but their deaths will have more meaning than just shock effect and they probably won't die for nothing like majority of deaths are in this series.

At least know Isayama has more attachment to the 104th characters than the ones he created to kill off. Eren, Mikasa, Armin have plot armor, and so do the rest of the trainees including the titan shifters because they have plot relevance and they are our protagonist since the beginning. Everyone else is fair game.

I'll gladly take back my words if someone like Eren/Mikasa/Armin or fan-favorite Levi gets killed off ruthlessly next chapter.
May 23, 2014 9:33 AM

Aug 2012
FrozenRemains said:
Its not about if main characters die,its about if they can die,and they can.
Compared to other shows like one piece or bleach etc,you never fee like they "might" die.Since the closest they come to death is by being unconcious.

And i actually minded most characters dying except for Marco,why Marco? Because im not completely convinced he is dead.

I care every time a scouting legion member dies.just when you think you like this character or this guy is gonna stick with the group and help,then he dies most of the time.Especially with Petra,god that was sad.

I think its still too early to call it has plot armor,since in the beginning the artist wanted to kill everyone in the end.
Furthermore a few death flags have been raised in the past 2 chapters for important people,keep in mind that if one of the main characters trio dies right now aot is as good as over,all 3 of them are needed to progress the story and also some times their positioning in missions is the safest,thats why they have the highest chance of survival.

Comparing it to game of thrones is silly,it might be similar in some aspects but its not comparable because of the nature of superpowers.

I don't think you can say the main characters can die, it's the kind of thing you can only say when one of them die...

The deaths are more entertaining than sad, besides some quirks, the characters were mostly token. Petra looked like a cool character but she died before I could start caring for her. Hmmm, what is your theory for Marco being alive?

Killing the character in the end is different then doing it while there's still plot to cover. It clearly has plot armor, for example, the latest Eren power up was complete bullshit which was throw there mainly to save him, just like every time he gained some new power. And I just can't see how Erwin escaped that Titan with only an lost arm, so I call plot armor on that too. The manga really tries to show you that the main character can die but it contradicts itself in every plot armor and just do The Sacrificial Lion trope every chapter to keep reader's illusion, that's why not killing the main character become a problem.

I didn't read the last 2 chapters yet, I need to catch up with some other mangas too.

"Comparing it to game of thrones is silly,it might be similar in some aspects but its not comparable because of the nature of superpowers."
I just don't see how it can be be compared with GoT in any way but "there's violence and stuff".

Also, what's the point of comparing it to Bleach or Naruto? Though popular, they're far from being a example to follow...
May 23, 2014 10:35 AM

Oct 2013
So plot armor is when 3 of our mains and 1 support cast doesnt die until the end?

Because if feels like all the others will die.

If thats the definition of plot armor,fine who cares.

How is Erwins escape plot armor? The dude has been fighting for years,his survival insticts and tactics are top notch,cutting your own arm to escape is not plot armor,its basic titan survival guide by humanities most experienced and smart soldier.

Erens condition is the main character of a shounen series powerup.
Plot armor sure buddy,who minds that kind of plot armor,its shounen.

The series is not about being upredictable about who dies next,its about unpredictability about its plot.
So in that aspect,yes its pretty unpredictable,about who dies next you can say the chances of the mains dying are low close to 0 in fact,for now.

Taimanin_IreliaMay 23, 2014 10:46 AM
May 23, 2014 1:39 PM

Oct 2013
I don't know why people want the main characters to die, Not even berserk has killed off any of its main character and it's a seinen manga.

I think a lot of people forget that this series is a shounen series. Also this series isn't about who dies next, the series is about the plot and mysteries in the story.

Not saying any of the main wont die, but people calm down, this is not game of thrones.
May 23, 2014 7:26 PM

Aug 2012
FrozenRemains said:
So plot armor is when 3 of our mains and 1 support cast doesnt die until the end?

Because if feels like all the others will die.

If thats the definition of plot armor,fine who cares.

How is Erwins escape plot armor? The dude has been fighting for years,his survival insticts and tactics are top notch,cutting your own arm to escape is not plot armor,its basic titan survival guide by humanities most experienced and smart soldier.

Erens condition is the main character of a shounen series powerup.
Plot armor sure buddy,who minds that kind of plot armor,its shounen.

The series is not about being upredictable about who dies next,its about unpredictability about its plot.
So in that aspect,yes its pretty unpredictable,about who dies next you can say the chances of the mains dying are low close to 0 in fact,for now.

Plot armor is when a character's life is saved by an nonsensical and implausible plot device, with is actually pretty common in AoT.
Here's my list characters who will definitely not die anytime soon:
Hange Zoë
Pretty much anyone relevant. The author creates characters with the solo intention of killing then, the only exception I can remember was Hannes and even he only appeared in about 3 chapters.

It's not about cutting his arm, it's about killing/escaping the Titan alone and with no surface where he could effectively use the 3D maneuver.

The show tries to be more gritty and realistic than the average shonen, therefore, convenient power ups are a major flaw, actually, even for average shonens but more to AoT.

My problem is with the fans who argues that there's no plot armor in it and "no one is safe", which is the impression the manga tries to give, the fact that those affirmations ain't true is the problem.

keragamming said:
I think a lot of people forget that this series is a shounen series.


And yes, AoT is overrated but that doesn't mean it's bad.

The major problem with AoT is that it tries to look like a seinen but still plays out like a shounen. And there are more mature shounens like Hunter X Hunter and FMA.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:05 AM
May 23, 2014 7:32 PM

Dec 2012
FrancWyvern said:
Hunter X Hunter and FMA.

Both of them don't kill main characters if you want go by that. Most of the death in HxH is fodder.

I agree with the point you are trying to make. SnK gets praise for death, and not having plot armor like other ''generic'' battle animanga, despite not killing a significant character, and having tons of plot armor.
May 23, 2014 11:12 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:
The major problem with AoT is that it tries to look like a seinen but still plays out like a shounen. And there are more mature shounens like Hunter X Hunter and FMA.

Um... It's a post apocalyptic anime. -_- It's not trying to look like a seinen, it's trying to show us why it's post apocalyptic series.

Hxh and fma aren't that mature or dark. Jeez go away. No one has disagree with you about attack on titan being compare to game of thrones, we all agree with you that attack on titan is no game of thrones. But it seems your objective is to annoy fans of this series.
May 24, 2014 12:47 AM

Jul 2013
I hear Isayama supposedly wants to kill an important character off, finally. Notably Levi, I think, since he's supposedly so annoyed by fans asking for more and more Levi.

And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
May 24, 2014 6:57 AM

Jun 2008
FrancWyvern said:
With the anime's success I've seen a lot of people saying that the show is unpredictable because "it has no plot armor" and "you never know who will die next", even comparing it to Game of Thrones but I just can't see it that way, so far in the manga no main character has died and the only character who meet such faith are created by the author only for shock factor. The closest to a main character death was when Erwin lost his arms, or when the random guy who saved Eren and Mikasa in the beginning died. And to be honest, every time someone important is about to die the author pulls a lame excuse to avoid it (For example, every time Eren gets a power up).
I really think this is a fun manga but I just don't see how anyone cares about the dead character in it.

Wall of essay incoming-----------------------> It'd be nice if you read it :)

While i agree with you about the plot armors and all with regard to the main cast, however there are some things i disagree with. People kept calling Snk 'unpredictable' is not because of "Omg, we don't know who's going to die next" (I meant come on guys, this is an apocalypse series so why is it a surprise that anyone or whoever dies for all that matters); it is mainly unpredictable due to its nature of the settings and plot. So far, we barely know anything about its universe, while Snk seemed to resemble our world the most but it could have actually been set far off in the future after the destruction of our civilizations or maybe even an alternate universe. We don't know the potential or limit of the story (like how much boundary is considered 'bullshit' or how much is plausible). For example, in the case of fairy tail, it has already been established that the world is a super-fantasy, so no matter how weird the magic is or how many unusual things happen in their universe, the audience is not surprised because they already know it's ''plausible'. On the other hand, if it is a slice-of-life, romantic and realistic series such as 'Lovely Complex' and there are magical creatures involved, then we called it 'bullshit and simply out of the context of their world'. However, we can't be sure about that for Snk so whenever things happened, it surprises the viewers because it's unexpected. The endless realm of possibility has allowed the author to incorporate anything he wants ( as long as it makes sense) and he loves to do it in a way that made it seem 'surprising' to the viewers although not totally unexpected [example - the identity of all the titan shifters, eren being alive, sudden appearance of beast titan, etc'] since some have managed to picked up all the hints and clues.

I also think you are missing the point of the series about the deaths of the characters. At the beginning, most characters that died in the trost arc was not there to shock the viewers (while it may have been done that way on purpose) but rather it was acting as a necessary component to showcase the grim reality of the setting to portray that idea of "the world is dark and cruel". It's like watching a war movie and you would expect violence and death to happen everywhere. I don't see why it should be a surprise that random death occurs in an apocalypse series (in fact, series of this categories has the most random death counts). One of the reasons why it was done this way was to embed the idea into the viewer's mind that people can DIE in the series, which breaks away from the usual convention that everyone is going to live/make it through somehow because it's 'anime' after all. So when eren was eaten in episode 5, people actually did thought that he was dead for sure (of course for long-time anime watchers, they wouldn't think it was possible). It's actually one of the main reason why non-anime viewers are drawn to AOT since it broke their belief that "anime can't be mature (talking about the contents here)" since anime is known for its typical and unrealistic troupe (characters with weird hair colour and personality [tsundere, dandere, kuudere, yandere?], overpowered protagonist, superficial philosophy, justice and friendship, showing sexual contents through panty shots, accidental groping, etc).

Of course, that belief of 'no one is safe' was overthrown once 'titan shifter' was introduced as a plot element, which then gave that idea to the viewers that 'meh, eren can transform now so he's going to save everyone and no one's going to die now just like any other anime and now humanity is no doubt going to win. So typical'. So what happened to that? Well, that didn't happen at all, in fact Eren is probably one of the useless/ if not the most useless out of all the characters unlike other protagonists in other anime where they would constantly win (he has only killed one titan so far in human form and he has absolutely no control over his power). Not to mention, the addition of eren's power contribute little to the overall goodness of mankind or victory. The main problem is still there, TITANS, there's only so much he could do even with his power and the same thing could be said with Levi despite being the strongest soldier in their world. Personally, it's one of the main reasons why i am interested in this series because i ponder about the overall objective of the series - "Is it to kill all the titans in this world and free humanity? Or Was it to get rid of the main mastermind? But will that solve the problems with the titan even if though the truth is learnt?" To some viewers, this element set it apart from other shounen series even though Eren did receive what you'd called an 'convenient power-up' but even then he didn't know how to make the best use of it (perhaps the author wanted a more realistic protagonist that differ from others [talk big but hardly achieve anything, no control over the events that happen, having power=/= victory, etc].

The death of Levi's squad also show a subtle example of defying basic shounen conventions of "believe in the power of friendship", the series spent abut a chapter/an episode of having Petra and the others trying to convince Eren to believe in them and everything will be fine but of course it turns out it didn't work at all because there's too much they didn't know about the titans which make sense given their given circumstances. It's like slapping everyone in the face that "believing doesn't mean it will work." It's not as though snk never used "the power of friendship" but it's more to do with the extent of how they actually used it which is very subtle. But i believe the main reason why the author made them die is to show that "No matter how much training or experience one have in the battlefield, there is no guarantee that everything will be alright." " Even worst, "No soldier is going to die in a heroic way, or even acknowledged for their work." I meant look at how civilians treat them, they don't appreciate them but it's understandable. Mass casualty for a meager accomplishment that barely even amounts to the loss of lives and effort of the soldiers. Doesn't these things sound very familiar?

I always found it interesting how these points are recurring themes throughout the series. No matter how much of an expert those soldier were, they can still die and this trait is a very realistic portrayal of what a real battlefield is like but it's more surprising because it's a shounen 'anime/manga'. Particularly in regard to episode 22 of SNK, as if it wasn't enough that soldiers were already dead but they have to throw off the body to escape in the same sense that dead bodies were used as a shield to fence off enemy's attack in war. There's also the thing about "why are the soldiers so weak??!! all they do is cry and shiver in fear". Personally, i think it actually make sense because the soldiers are merely teenagers and the people within the walls have live their lives out within the walls for 100 years in ignorance. Those soldiers are all people who are so accustomed to peace can never hope to survive in a battlefield all of a sudden or even overcome their fear because training =/= real life experience, let alone their enemies are gigantic creatures with regenerative power. Many of them didn't even want to join the military in the first place but they all did so for the sake of gaining honour and rewards (Connie, Sasha and Jean, for example). Unfortunately, not too many series delve into these types of matter and it seems that "mental stress" never exist in their world or somehow mysteriously all the characters have such unbelievable mental strength despite being raised in a completely normal environment where moral codes are heavily enforced.

Adding the 'trauma' in there actually add in that touch of realism in terms of psychological elements in there. Look at Reiner for example, he seemed to have develop some form of mental issues as a defense mechanism to overcome his guilt otherwise he won't be able to continue his mission. There's also "Christa/Historia" who isn't as much as a good/innocent girl as she seemed to be and it turns out that she have a "martyr complex". In the latest chapter where the main cast learnt the fact that titans might actually be human and might have to kill humans in order to achieve their objective, they become conflicted about whether their actions are 'wrong' or 'right'. There's also no 'good or bad' or 'black and white' in their universe, everyone have their own convictions for what they have done. Too much series is guilty of superficial justice crap where good people are good people and bad people are bad people (I meant why does so many story always use the same troupe - some psycho bonkers as villains ). Normally, these sort of things are too subtle to be spotted or even to be taken so seriously but because of how much emphasis the series have repeated those themes throughout the series, it becomes hard to disregard these points. If snk was a seinen series, i suppose things wouldn't be as surprising or even be that big of a deal.

FrancWyvern said:
The major problem with AoT is that it tries to look like a seinen but still plays out like a shounen. And there are more mature shounens like Hunter X Hunter and FMA.

Snk has never tried to be a seinen, who did you hear that from? From the beginning until the end, it has been a shounen, just check the magazine, it's from "Bessastsu Shounen'. I have absolutely no idea how you define "mature" but people confused snk with being a seinen is due to its seinen-esque themes (the political game, government, religion, conspiracy, freedom and humanity) and those are elements that rarely appears in shounen story or at least they were too subtle to play any significance in the overall plot in most series . There's a reason why scholars for whatever reason take their time and analysed the series then spurt out all this military message bullshit (I meant what the f? it'a just a fiction :S) and it only happens because of these themes. These points are only one of the very few reasons that some people might confuse it with it being seinen. If anything, I think Snk is very reminiscent of a 'war' story than just simply a 'zombie apocalypse'. It's like the series is saying that 'the greatest enemy of humanity is none but mankind itself'. Anyone read "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Remarque? :X? It's a war novel written after the first world war.

Though, shounen and seinen are merely the demographics and so it doesn't necessary define the quality of the story. Look at Gantz for example, while it may have been classified as a seinen series, many of its story, characters and plot devices are very shounen-esque. Then you have other shounen series like FMA and Flower of Evil that have some seinen-esque moments but it's not a seinen. I've seen plenty of series where their targeted demographics does not match the quality of the series. Overall, my point is that people do have some good reasons as to why some people thought "snk" is a mature shounen show and it is not because of blood and gore. I also think snk's immerse popularity is partly due to the lack of dark fantasy series like claymore and berserk in today's anime world where it's full of high school settings and slice-of-life series. I don't even recall when was the last time i even seen a dark fantansy series since claymore. ;( Out of all the apocalypse series that i've read, i love snk the most because it places great emphasis on things that normal anime/manga rarely care about and in the same sense how 'The flower of evil' enlighten me with how the author tell an interesting tale about breaking away from social norms through the use of symbolism and poetic themes/device. It's not the best series ever made since it differs from one to another), but it did lot of things that are different from anything that i've seen in anime/manga (gender equality, lack of sexual fan-service, diverse range of characters with distinctive personality, etc.). That is not to say that Snk doesn't have flaws because it does have flaws that is clearly visible in Isayama's amateur art and writing in regard to fleshing out the characters. I read somewhere that he even admitted to himself that he always have trouble with writing characters.

The word 'Overrated' itself have such subjective viewpoint that it's almost pointless to proof who's right or who's wrong. Not to mention, it doesn't do any good that people's taste changes over time and what was "considered the best anime of the decade" will eventually turns out to be a joke in the new era. I don't even recalled how many times i've seen people calling "EVA" overrated or whatever "Y" is overrated. I actually miss the good old times when someone said something is good, it's actually a good thing, not as something to be taken as "omg everyone said it's good and so I'm going to watch it to proof it's shit". Now whenever something is hype, everything is automatically bad. -sigh- Ewwwie, i just hate how there are so many hipsters nowadays that's not even funny. When the big 3 were out, it was the best thing out in my time and now a decade later, you'd be told for being such a douche for liking these shows. Same thing could be said for sailor moon, I don't even see why it is bad to love classic anime but that generally happens with newer generations. It's like the newer generation watching old Sci-fi movies and they would say "omg, the plot is predictable and I could see it from miles away and wow such shitty graphics.

tsudecimo said:
FrancWyvern said:
Hunter X Hunter and FMA.

Both of them don't kill main characters if you want go by that. Most of the death in HxH is fodder.

I agree with the point you are trying to make. SnK gets praise for death, and not having plot armor like other ''generic'' battle animanga, despite not killing a significant character, and having tons of plot armor.

Don't know about you guys but from what i've seen, all the people who make such comments are generally new anime-viewers (by that anything less than 3 years are newbie and only watch recent anime from 2010 onward and not beyond or those that know nothing beside the big 3, Pokemon and FMA) and some of them are probably never exposed to horror/apocalypse anime for all that matters. You can't really blame these people either and plus does it even matter if people have a different opinion anyway and i think you guys are old enough to understand something as basic as this. I've been watching anime for many years now and from what i can see so far horror genre is not very popular in terms of mainstream material and in fact most of them think that horror anime are dumbshit for people with vore fetish which of course it isn't' actually the case. It also doesn't help that most anime viewers are predominantly teenagers or young adults while people in their late 30s or 40s of the sailor moon era and dragon ball era probably quit watching anime so the studio can no longer make mature anime nowadays. The old anime viewers will say the old anime are better and new anime is crap. The pointless debate of "old anime vs new anime" is as shit as it can gets with "old song vs new songs" with all the nostalgic factor involved. No more cyberpunk show and no more dark ambient shows unfortunately.

I also think you are misinterpreting what people meant by snk is praised for its 'death', most people are generally referring to how gruesome it was to the point of emotionally disturbed not as in "the significance" of the character. Episode 1 is a perfect example of this and I could not believe how many people cried/sad when the mother was eaten alive and she only had less than 10 minutes of screen time! I don't ever think I have seen that happen before but the fact that it did means the show have done something that no other show have done it before. Just look at the first episode reaction on YouTube and teens react, you'd be surprised how lot of people found it sad. I suppose a lot of it is do with the way the show was executed and the music definitely play a large part in getting people emotionally invested. It's from that moment on, the popularity exploded. In addition, the show is not afraid of showing gruesome death as in not overly censored (it's not as gruesome as higurashi or hellsing where it's literally gore fest) but to the majority of the viewers it was probably the most gruesome thing they seen. It also didn't change the fact that most gore fest happens for the sake of being a horror to make the viewers feel disgusted (looking at you blood c and pupa) whereas snk seems to do it to evoke some form of emotional response (best example, episode 14, the aftermath of the trost arc where macro died and ep 21 and 22 emphasises the family of the deceased and the emotional impact it have on the soldiers when they returned to the city without accomplish anything).

Of course, there are plenty of viewers who didn't feel any emotional response but it's not to say that the opinions of the masses are wrong just like how I didn't agree that clannad is sad at all. The plot armour I agree if you meant as in characters getting out of certain situation alive.

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Also removed a deleted quote and part of the response to it.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:08 AM
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May 24, 2014 10:23 AM

Aug 2012
Um... It's a post apocalyptic anime. -_- It's not trying to look like a seinen, it's trying to show us why it's post apocalyptic series.

Hxh and fma aren't that mature or dark. Jeez go away. No one has disagree with you about attack on titan being compare to game of thrones, we all agree with you that attack on titan is no game of thrones. But it seems your objective is to annoy fans of this series.

AoT tries to look hopeless and gritty by killing random character in a gory way, but that only works on the surface, in reality it behaves like a commum battle shounen with interesting mysteries. That's why I said that it tries to behave like a seinen.

They are more mature because of the way they handle with the themes they have, none of then are dark but neither tries to look dark.

You haven't disagreed with me but FrozenRemains said it didn't had plot armor, which I strongly disagree. I don't plan on annoying the fans, I opened this topic because I've seen too many people praising it for more than it really is.

I'll answer you, Estherella, but I probably will only be able to do it at night.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:09 AM
May 24, 2014 1:04 PM

Jul 2013
I bet Estherella's essay is more thought out than my school essays, considering how long it is.
And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
May 24, 2014 4:54 PM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
While i agree with you about the plot armors and all with regard to the main cast, however there are some things i disagree with. People kept calling Snk 'unpredictable' is not because of "Omg, we don't know who's going to die next" (I meant come on guys, this is an apocalypse series so why is it a surprise that anyone or whoever dies for all that matters); it is mainly unpredictable due to its nature of the settings and plot. So far, we barely know anything about its universe, while Snk seemed to resemble our world the most but it could have actually been set far off in the future after the destruction of our civilizations or maybe even an alternate universe. We don't know the potential or limit of the story (like how much boundary is considered 'bullshit' or how much is plausible). For example, in the case of fairy tail, it has already been established that the world is a super-fantasy, so no matter how weird the magic is or how many unusual things happen in their universe, the audience is not surprised because they already know it's ''plausible'. On the other hand, if it is a slice-of-life, romantic and realistic series such as 'Lovely Complex' and there are magical creatures involved, then we called it 'bullshit and simply out of the context of their world'. However, we can't be sure about that for Snk so whenever things happened, it surprises the viewers because it's unexpected. The endless realm of possibility has allowed the author to incorporate anything he wants ( as long as it makes sense) and he loves to do it in a way that made it seem 'surprising' to the viewers although not totally unexpected [example - the identity of all the titan shifters, eren being alive, sudden appearance of beast titan, etc'] since some have managed to picked up all the hints and clues.

I know the mysteries are probably the most common reason for this manga being called unpredictable(Which are really interesting, besides some problems) but the argument that you should avoid getting attached to the characters because anyone can die at any moment has been brought up too many times, which kind of started to annoy me.

Estherella said:
I also think you are missing the point of the series about the deaths of the characters. At the beginning, most characters that died in the trost arc was not there to shock the viewers (while it may have been done that way on purpose) but rather it was acting as a necessary component to showcase the grim reality of the setting to portray that idea of "the world is dark and cruel". It's like watching a war movie and you would expect violence and death to happen everywhere. I don't see why it should be a surprise that random death occurs in an apocalypse series (in fact, series of this categories has the most random death counts). One of the reasons why it was done this way was to embed the idea into the viewer's mind that people can DIE in the series, which breaks away from the usual convention that everyone is going to live/make it through somehow because it's 'anime' after all. So when eren was eaten in episode 5, people actually did thought that he was dead for sure (of course for long-time anime watchers, they wouldn't think it was possible). It's actually one of the main reason why non-anime viewers are drawn to AOT since it broke their belief that "anime can't be mature (talking about the contents here)" since anime is known for its typical and unrealistic troupe (characters with weird hair colour and personality [tsundere, dandere, kuudere, yandere?], overpowered protagonist, superficial philosophy, justice and friendship, showing sexual contents through panty shots, accidental groping, etc).

I know that the random deaths are necessary for the genre but I think it starts becoming a cheap writing trick when the author tries to make it look like the characters will be important just so we will be surprised when they die, it's like it's using the Sacrificial Lion trope every chapter, which soon gets tiresome an lost it's effect. Terra Formars is another manga who tries doing this but the way it overuse it made me drop it after only 4 chapters, the pattern of: New character is introduced, character design stands out, sounds cool for the few pages they are alive, there's a description specifying how awesome he is, "surprisingly" get cut in half. Was just annoying, not shocking, or deep or whatever.
But the Terra Formars case is way more extreme than AoT.

I also don't think a shounen would be the best way to tackle those themes. It's shounen status limits the way it can deal with this kind of themes because some tropes of the "genre" breaks the mood that they are trying to create.
I think AoT would be better as an serious War Drama.

But I do think it's a good show for starters, but there are others I would recommend that completely brakes the image people have of anime and manga.

Estherella said:
Of course, that belief of 'no one is safe' was overthrown once 'titan shifter' was introduced as a plot element, which then gave that idea to the viewers that 'meh, eren can transform now so he's going to save everyone and no one's going to die now just like any other anime and now humanity is no doubt going to win. So typical'. So what happened to that? Well, that didn't happen at all, in fact Eren is probably one of the useless/ if not the most useless out of all the characters unlike other protagonists in other anime where they would constantly win (he has only killed one titan so far in human form and he has absolutely no control over his power). Not to mention, the addition of eren's power contribute little to the overall goodness of mankind or victory. The main problem is still there, TITANS, there's only so much he could do even with his power and the same thing could be said with Levi despite being the strongest soldier in their world. Personally, it's one of the main reasons why i am interested in this series because i ponder about the overall objective of the series - "Is it to kill all the titans in this world and free humanity? Or Was it to get rid of the main mastermind? But will that solve the problems with the titan even if though the truth is learnt?" To some viewers, this element set it apart from other shounen series even though Eren did receive what you'd called an 'convenient power-up' but even then he didn't know how to make the best use of it (perhaps the author wanted a more realistic protagonist that differ from others [talk big but hardly achieve anything, no control over the events that happen, having power=/= victory, etc].The death of Levi's squad also show a subtle example of defying basic shounen conventions of "believe in the power of friendship", the series spent abut a chapter/an episode of having Petra and the others trying to convince Eren to believe in them and everything will be fine but of course it turns out it didn't work at all because there's too much they didn't know about the titans which make sense given their given circumstances. It's like slapping everyone in the face that "believing doesn't mean it will work." It's not as though snk never used "the power of friendship" but it's more to do with the extent of how they actually used it which is very subtle. But i believe the main reason why the author made them die is to show that "No matter how much training or experience one have in the battlefield, there is no guarantee that everything will be alright." " Even worst, "No soldier is going to die in a heroic way, or even acknowledged for their work." I meant look at how civilians treat them, they don't appreciate them but it's understandable. Mass casualty for a meager accomplishment that barely even amounts to the loss of lives and effort of the soldiers. Doesn't these things sound very familiar?

I always found it interesting how these points are recurring themes throughout the series. No matter how much of an expert those soldier were, they can still die and this trait is a very realistic portrayal of what a real battlefield is like but it's more surprising because it's a shounen 'anime/manga'. Particularly in regard to episode 22 of SNK, as if it wasn't enough that soldiers were already dead but they have to throw off the body to escape in the same sense that dead bodies were used as a shield to fence off enemy's attack in war. There's also the thing about "why are the soldiers so weak??!! all they do is cry and shiver in fear". Personally, i think it actually make sense because the soldiers are merely teenagers and the people within the walls have live their lives out within the walls for 100 years in ignorance. Those soldiers are all people who are so accustomed to peace can never hope to survive in a battlefield all of a sudden or even overcome their fear because training =/= real life experience, let alone their enemies are gigantic creatures with regenerative power. Many of them didn't even want to join the military in the first place but they all did so for the sake of gaining honour and rewards (Connie, Sasha and Jean, for example). Unfortunately, not too many series delve into these types of matter and it seems that "mental stress" never exist in their world or somehow mysteriously all the characters have such unbelievable mental strength despite being raised in a completely normal environment where moral codes are heavily enforced.

Adding the 'trauma' in there actually add in that touch of realism in terms of psychological elements in there. Look at Reiner for example, he seemed to have develop some form of mental issues as a defense mechanism to overcome his guilt otherwise he won't be able to continue his mission. There's also "Christa/Historia" who isn't as much as a good/innocent girl as she seemed to be and it turns out that she have a "martyr complex". In the latest chapter where the main cast learnt the fact that titans might actually be human and might have to kill humans in order to achieve their objective, they become conflicted about whether their actions are 'wrong' or 'right'. There's also no 'good or bad' or 'black and white' in their universe, everyone have their own convictions for what they have done. Too much series is guilty of superficial justice crap where good people are good people and bad people are bad people (I meant why does so many story always use the same troupe - some psycho bonkers as villains ). Normally, these sort of things are too subtle to be spotted or even to be taken so seriously but because of how much emphasis the series have repeated those themes throughout the series, it becomes hard to disregard these points. If snk was a seinen series, i suppose things wouldn't be as surprising or even be that big of a deal.

These is the reason I liked AoT at first. You can truly see the effects that this "war" have on people, with is a brave thing for a shounen to do. But, the fact that the manga IS indeed a Shounen turns that into a problem. I even though about calling it an Battle Shounen Deconstruction, but it embraces too much of some Shonen tropes, which downplays it's view on an real battlefield. That's why I think it would be better as a Seinen.

I fell ashamed for answering that giant wall of text with only 4 lines ):

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
Also added quote tags, please use those instead of quoting a text just by making it bold, that's confusing to read.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:31 AM
May 24, 2014 5:30 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:
Um... It's a post apocalyptic anime. -_- It's not trying to look like a seinen, it's trying to show us why it's post apocalyptic series.

Hxh and fma aren't that mature or dark. Jeez go away. No one has disagree with you about attack on titan being compare to game of thrones, we all agree with you that attack on titan is no game of thrones. But it seems your objective is to annoy fans of this series.

AoT tries to look hopeless and gritty by killing random character in a gory way, but that only works on the surface, in reality it behaves like a commum battle shounen with interesting mysteries. That's why I said that it tries to behave like a seinen.

They are more mature because of the way they handle with the themes they have, none of then are dark but neither tries to look dark.

You haven't disagreed with me but FrozenRemains said it didn't had plot armor, which I strongly disagree. I don't plan on annoying the fans, I opened this topic because I've seen too many people praising it for more than it really is.

Millions of people are enjoying the series, hence why they buy it. We understand you don't think the series is that good, or think it deserve so much praise than the series you like, that's fine.

But your opinion wont change the fact that we clearly like the series. I wouldn't give it a 10 if I thought it wasn't good.

Now please go a way your opinion wont change our mind nor the mass that watch it, so us arguing wont stop people from saying what they think of the series. Simple ignore them, if it bothers you that much.
May 24, 2014 5:33 PM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
Snk has never tried to be a seinen, who did you hear that from? From the beginning until the end, it has been a shounen, just check the magazine, it's from "Bessastsu Shounen'. I have absolutely no idea how you define "mature" but people confused snk with being a seinen is due to its seinen-esque themes (the political game, government, religion, conspiracy, freedom and humanity) and those are elements that rarely appears in shounen story or at least they were too subtle to play any significance in the overall plot in most series . There's a reason why scholars for whatever reason take their time and analysed the series then spurt out all this military message bullshit (I meant what the f? it'a just a fiction :S) and it only happens because of these themes. These points are only one of the very few reasons that some people might confuse it with it being seinen. If anything, I think Snk is very reminiscent of a 'war' story than just simply a 'zombie apocalypse'. It's like the series is saying that 'the greatest enemy of humanity is none but mankind itself'. Anyone read "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Remarque? :X? It's a war novel written after the first world war.

My definition of mature is about how the series treats it's themes, no theme is mature per se, you can make a show about pólitics and do it in the stupidest way possible, but you could make a show about the importance of friendship and be really mature. I think AoT could've done a better job in it's themes but I think it's alright. "All Quiet on the Western Front" looks interesting, I plan on reading it. I would recommend to you Devilman and The Music of Marie, two great mangas with similar themes.

Mod Edit: Please use quote tags when quoting something.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:31 AM
May 24, 2014 5:41 PM

Oct 2013
People praise shingeki for what it is,there is nothing such as "more than it is praiseworthy of".
Finding the smallest flaw(which most of the time is actually because of personal taste) and calling it bad writing is a jokers errand.

I've given it a 10 out of 10 because thats how much i've enjoyed it,in the end its not about your plot armors,its about what its offered me.

Its like saying one piece is bad because it has plot armor,its not,thats why its the biggest manga.No matter how many shennanigans and cliches you pull out of your ass,if what you're writing is epic,people will like it for what it is.

So what if he designs some characters to kill them off 1 chapter later?
In this wolrd people will die,its a law.Eventually our mains will die too.

How do you praise something for MORE than what it is when its given you the most enjoyment you ever had in any anime you've watched or manga youve read.Dont say i havent watched/read a lot of anime/manga or good anime/manga.

Mod Edit: Removed insults
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:15 AM
May 24, 2014 6:11 PM

Oct 2013
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P
May 24, 2014 6:14 PM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
Though, shounen and seinen are merely the demographics and so it doesn't necessary define the quality of the story. Look at Gantz for example, while it may have been classified as a seinen series, many of its story, characters and plot devices are very shounen-esque. Then you have other shounen series like FMA and Flower of Evil that have some seinen-esque moments but it's not a seinen. I've seen plenty of series where their targeted demographics does not match the quality of the series. Overall, my point is that people do have some good reasons as to why some people thought "snk" is a mature shounen show and it is not because of blood and gore. I also think snk's immerse popularity is partly due to the lack of dark fantasy series like claymore and berserk in today's anime world where it's full of high school settings and slice-of-life series. I don't even recall when was the last time i even seen a dark fantansy series since claymore. ;( Out of all the apocalypse series that i've read, i love snk the most because it places great emphasis on things that normal anime/manga rarely care about and in the same sense how 'The flower of evil' enlighten me with how the author tell an interesting tale about breaking away from social norms through the use of symbolism and poetic themes/device. It's not the best series ever made since it differs from one to another), but it did lot of things that are different from anything that i've seen in anime/manga (gender equality, lack of sexual fan-service, diverse range of characters with distinctive personality, etc.). That is not to say that Snk doesn't have flaws because it does have flaws that is clearly visible in Isayama's amateur art and writing in regard to fleshing out the characters. I read somewhere that he even admitted to himself that he always have trouble with writing characters.

I'm using "Shounen" and "Seinen" in the most generical way possible, because, just as you said, those terms don't mean much by themselves. I agree with you on that, though I don't like The Flowers of Evil that much...
Have you read Oyasumi Punpun?

keragamming said:
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P

I'm not trying to change other people's taste, I just wanna have a discussion. If you don't have anything to ad to it, it's you who should "go away".

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:17 AM
May 24, 2014 6:47 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P

I'm not trying to change other people's taste, I just wanna have a discussion. If you don't have anything to ad to it, it's you who should "go away".

No you're the one who needs to go. You're clearly no a fan of snk. So you should leave snk discussion thread.

Go around the jojo or berserk thread and have some discussion there. I'm pretty sure we agree with you that snk is not like game of thrones, but no... You can't have that you wont to annoy the fans.
keragammingMay 24, 2014 6:50 PM
May 24, 2014 6:50 PM

Dec 2012
keragamming said:
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P

I'm not trying to change other people's taste, I just wanna have a discussion. If you don't have anything to ad to it, it's you who should "go away".

No you're the one who needs to go. You're clearly no a fan of snk. So you should leave snk discussion thread.

The forums and series sub forum are meant for discussion, not for fans, that's what's clubs are for.

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:19 AM
May 24, 2014 6:53 PM

Aug 2012
keragamming said:
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P

I'm not trying to change other people's taste, I just wanna have a discussion. If you don't have anything to ad to it, it's you who should "go away".

No you're the one who needs to go. You're clearly no a fan of snk. So you should leave snk discussion thread.

Go around the jojo or berserk thread and have some discussion there. I'm pretty sure we agree with you that snk is not like game of thrones, but no... You can't have that you wont to annoy the fans.

I like AoT and think this specific topic is interesting, if you're annoyed that's your problem because that's not what I'm trying to do.
May 24, 2014 6:58 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:
Fun fact. I've read berserk and it's one of my favourite manga. But I still like snk more than it. That's just how it's, I've read a lot of manga but snk is still the best. You just have to deal with people like me. :P

I'm not trying to change other people's taste, I just wanna have a discussion. If you don't have anything to ad to it, it's you who should "go away".

No you're the one who needs to go. You're clearly no a fan of snk. So you should leave snk discussion thread.

Go around the jojo or berserk thread and have some discussion there. I'm pretty sure we agree with you that snk is not like game of thrones, but no... You can't have that you wont to annoy the fans.

I like AoT and think this specific topic is interesting, if you're annoyed that's your problem because that's not what I'm trying to do.

So what's your point in all of this then?

Do you want us to agree with your opinion?

Do you want us to agree that snk overrated?

What's the purpose of making this topic then?

I think Jo Jo is mediocre at best, but do you see me going around the discussion area talking about what I don't like about it and why I think it's overrated? No because people are different we all have different taste. Snk so happens to have all the formula in attracting a lot of viewers that's it.

Not everyone will like the series as much as me.

To make you feel better. There are plenty of people that think SNK is garbage, so don't worry about it. Not everyone is a snk fan. :)
keragammingMay 24, 2014 7:02 PM
May 24, 2014 7:07 PM

Aug 2012
keragamming said:

So what's your point in all of this then?

Do you want us to agree with your opinion?

Do you want us to agree that snk overrated?

What's the purpose of making this topic then?

I think Jo Jo is mediocre at best, but do you see me going around the discussion area talking about what I don't like about it and why I think it's overrated? No because people are different we all have different taste. Snk so happens to have all the formula in attracting a lot of viewers that's it.

Not everyone will like the series as much as me.

To make you feel better. There are plenty of people that think SNK is garbage, so don't worry about it. Not everyone is a snk fan. :)

I was having a health discussion with Estherella until you guys interfered. So I think there's a point, discussion are what turn us into better people.

Mod Edit: Modified quote tower; please spoiler or remove old quotes.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:26 AM
May 24, 2014 7:11 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:

I was having a health discussion with Estherella until you guys interfered. So I think there's a point, discussion are what turn us into better people.

But we agree with you on your point that snk is not game of thrones.

Mod Edit: Modified quote tower; please spoiler or remove old quotes.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:27 AM
May 24, 2014 7:13 PM

Aug 2012
keragamming said:
FrancWyvern said:

I was having a health discussion with Estherella until you guys interfered. So I think there's a point, discussion are what turn us into better people.

But we agree with you on your point that snk is not game of thrones.

Ok, no need for the hate then. Can I continue discussing with Estherella?

Mod Edit: Modified quote tower; please spoiler or remove old quotes.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:27 AM
May 24, 2014 7:19 PM

Oct 2013
FrancWyvern said:
keragamming said:

But we agree with you on your point that snk is not game of thrones.

Ok, no need for the hate then. Can I continue discussing with Estherella?

No, go message Estherella and talk in private. If you discuss here, I and many other people will reply if we don't agree with your point. You can always ignore us though.

Mod Edit: Modified quote tower; please spoiler or remove old quotes.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:28 AM
May 24, 2014 7:24 PM

Aug 2012
keragamming said:

No, go message Estherella and talk in private. If you discuss here, I and many other people will reply if we don't agree with your point. You can always ignore us though.

They can feel free to disagree with me and I will be polite and consider their points of view IF they do it in a polite tone too. You just want to throw me out of here because you don't like what I'm saying. You're just an asshole.

Mod Edit: Modified quote tower; please spoiler or remove old quotes.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:29 AM
May 24, 2014 7:27 PM

Oct 2013
And what we expect from snk is the epic battle of humas vs titans/humans,and thats what we get.

You make it sound like you're reading snk for the death of the characters.
You're not getting that so youre disappointed.
Are you sad the mains havent died yet?
Having like 90% of earths population turned into titans is not dark at all.
And that is justified because you feel like the mains wont die for a while.

The only person powered up throughout the series is Eren.
Basically the ability for Eren to transform gets in the way of your enjoyment,even though its directly connected to the plot.
You however cant stand it.

You know what,im gonna do you a favor and leave this thread.
Mains dont die here boys,i cant enjoy this.

Lets forget about the epic setting where millions of people have died,where mankind is enslaved by titans and false rulers,lets forget the lives taken on the battlefield and wills passed on.
Lets forget about Erens and Mikasas past.
Lets forget about the drama between former trainees,lets forget about all the crazy shit happening,and lets focus on the main characters having super powers,and being less likely to die.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:29 AM
May 24, 2014 7:35 PM

Jun 2008
FrancWyvern said:

I know the mysteries are probably the most common reason for this manga being called unpredictable(Which are really interesting, besides some problems) but the argument that you should avoid getting attached to the characters because anyone can die at any moment has been brought up too many times, which kind of started to annoy me.

I don't think you should mind that much mainly because opinions differ from one to another and it's not something that is debatable about. That comment is generally made by viewers who are new to the genre (dark fantasy, horror, etc). In fact, i found that lot of anime viewers these days don't watch any anime over 6 years old (aside from the big 3) and my brother is one of those people. Many people aren't exposed to old classic and avoid them mainly due to lower animation quality and unsuitable OST and train-wreck ending to story with great concept or incomplete ending. I think part of it is mainly due to how people tends to think new things are always better than old things which is a shame because there are many good shows back in the early 2000s.

I dunno about you but like i said before in one of my posts, Snk is largely popular due to the male and female fanbase, in which case, this is something that is very hard to achieve for any shounen anime to date. In the case of the male fanbase, there's generally people like you who like dark fantasy or shounen in general while the female fanbase are mostly consist of anime fans that generally like light hearted series (by that i meant they don't really watch anything that is gorey [Berserk/Claymore/Hellsing/Higurashi]). I've met lot of anime fans that don't appreciate the idea of gore and horror and only tamed horror shows like "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" but anything beside that, they don't generally like them. It's actually the main reason why series like Berserk and Claymore wouldn't work as a mainstream material because: 1) The gore turn mainstream viewers away 2) In berserk, there's too much unnecessary raping involved and it's just simply disturbing [Female in General absolutely loathe the idea of using rape as a plot device, it's just degrading but inevitable since it's set in the middle ages. 3) In berserk, heavily give off the sense that the guy > female all the time. Lot of seinen and shounen series is guilty of having female characters that can not fend for themselves and requires protection (whether it'd be mentally or physically but it's more to do with the fact that too series repeatedly does that)

Snk seemed to be a special case, it's a very recent anime with gore that is not too extreme to the likes of other anime (the gore is tamed enough to attract females but not too lacking to dissuade male viewers), the lack of sexual fan service, gender equality and diverse range of characters with distinctive personality (no tsundere, kuudere, etc - snk have realistic characters in general albeit still lacking in characterizations). I think you can search that up on google if you have a look around a bit, i read plenty of blogs about why people like certain series and lot of them have very good points. One more thing, people who generally claim not to "don't get attached to characters" are generally female viewers or emotional viewers. I don't even think it's necessary to state anything obvious at this point. Everyone have different degree of what's good or bad, not to say they are wrong.

FrancWyvern said:

I know that the random deaths are necessary for the genre but I think it starts becoming a cheap writing trick when the author tries to make it look like the characters will be important just so we will be surprised when they die, it's like it's using the Sacrificial Lion trope every chapter, which soon gets tiresome an lost it's effect. Terra Formars is another manga who tries doing this but the way it overuse it made me drop it after only 4 chapters, the pattern of: New character is introduced, character design stands out, sounds cool for the few pages they are alive, there's a description specifying how awesome he is, "surprisingly" get cut in half. Was just annoying, not shocking, or deep or whatever.
But the Terra Formars case is way more extreme than AoT.

I can understand what you are coming from but i wouldn't go a far as calling it a cheap trick since most of them who died were never important (at least not important to continue the plot anyway) after fulfilling some sort of purposes (whether it'd be to consolidate further characterizations or plot devices). It's no longer a titan vs human and it's becoming of a human vs human vs titan and death is hard to avoid considering the given circumstances. I think this point is very difficult to discuss anything further because apocalypse series in general are like that, it's like a part of their convention that makes them what they are (I'm a big fan of apocalypse series and dark fantasy). From the sound of it, i think you are definitely the kind of person who favour characterization a lot so in the case of snk who lacks in that department, i can see why you would find that an issue. Truth to be told, i started the snk series without liking any of its character at all, there was just something about the series that really charms me. I didn't actually really care for them until the anime came out because the anime does a better job at developing them. I'm more of a "story" >"character" person so that's probably why it didn't bothered me as much. Whereas Gantz is the polar opposite of snk and have better characterizations but the plot itself is a clusterfuck. I also do strongly agree with you about Terra Formars and it is extremely guilty of using cannon folder and kill them off within the same chapter (i treated it as a mindless entertainment since that's what it is).

FrancWyvern said:

I also don't think a shounen would be the best way to tackle those themes. It's shounen status limits the way it can deal with this kind of themes because some tropes of the "genre" breaks the mood that they are trying to create.
I think AoT would be better as an serious War Drama.

But I do think it's a good show for starters, but there are others I would recommend that completely brakes the image people have of anime and manga.

I strongly agree that SNK would be probably even better as a seinen type story. But at the same time, I think the author probably was fully aware of what's he doing so when he wrote Snk, he probably knew it's more of a shounen material (Especially if you consider the titan shifter thing) because the series in overall does use shounen troupe but he does them in a different way that most people would which leads people into thinking that it's a seinen series along with the gritty art style that's very reminiscent of Kentaro Miura (which isayama notes as one of his influence). It also didn't help that while Snk is a commercial success throughout the world, Isayama is only an amateur in his field so his art and writing is definitely lacking because it's his first series. For Isayama to write a seinen series would probably too much because i don't think up to that level yet and in fact, it would probably misleading to some people (just like how many people though SNK is a seinen). In essence, I think isayama also wanted to create a shounen story that can be dark (i find that he have a lot of liking for series with depth) and not just simply stick with the basic shounen conventions.

FrancWyvern said:

My definition of mature is about how the series treats it's themes, no theme is mature per se, you can make a show about pólitics and do it in the stupidest way possible, but you could make a show about the importance of friendship and be really mature. I think AoT could've done a better job in it's themes but I think it's alright. "All Quiet on the Western Front" looks interesting, I plan on reading it. I would recommend to you Devilman and The Music of Marie, two great mangas with similar themes.

Indeed, that's exactly right. It's about how the story utilize these themes and at the moment, Snk hasn't done anything that contradict its themes so that's why i pointed these things out. Particularly in regard to politics, i realized ever since the beginning of the story, the author has subtlely incorporated hints of the government playing a huge role in the appearance of titans throughout the series. I think we will have to see how the author decides to progress the story and only then we can properly discuss about how true the series actually sticks with its themes.

P.S - I think you should read The flower of evil :) it's a very interesting tale that tells the story in a very unique perspective especially for people who are a sucker for classic french poems. At first, i thought it was some just weird manga that tells a story about a pervert but got caught by a manipulative girl but it turns out the series was very different from what i thought it was. I strongly recommend you to read it because i haven't seen any artist done it this way before ~ ^-^ I haven't read Oyasumi Punpun but i hear great things about it so it's my plan to read list ><

There's no need for all these flaming and insults. Opinions are opinions. I've seen tons of hate on lot on SNK and some even went as far as calling it "the worst series ever made" but i still kept my mouth shut and said nothing simply because opinions are opinions. Like i said, it's not like he said the series was bad, just that he didn't find it as good but even then i don't even think there should be a problem. It's only a problem when trolls decided to come in for the sake of trolling [cough cough, like one person that just appears just then]. The reason why i decided to discuss in here for very simple reasons: 1) to get people to understand people did not like snk because of its gore and violence [I can't express how much this comment irritates me because these people are acting as though he was speaking for the whole population that likes the series. 2) Have a real constructive criticism that is not bias or just for the sake of disliking it 3) Enlighten viewers who did not like snk as much about why I am such a big fan of it for good reasons. Basically, i don't want this to be just a personal message, i want it to get these messages out as much as possible. I believe people who have legit reasons for disliking a certain series should have no problem countering my argument, which unfortunately didn't happen in most of the cases.

Mod Edit: Removed self modding. Please report rule violations instead of trying to correct them yourself.
Also merged duplicate posts, use the edit button.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:34 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 24, 2014 7:54 PM

Aug 2012
FrozenRemains said:
And what we expect from snk is the epic battle of humas vs titans/humans,and thats what we get.

You make it sound like you're reading snk for the death of the characters.
You're not getting that so youre disappointed.
Are you sad the mains havent died yet?
Having like 90% of earths population turned into titans is not dark at all.
And that is justified because you feel like the mains wont die for a while.

The only person powered up throughout the series is Eren.
Basically the ability for Eren to transform gets in the way of your enjoyment,even though its directly connected to the plot.
You however cant stand it.

You know what,im gonna do you a favor and leave this thread.
Mains dont die here boys,i cant enjoy this.

If that's what you want I'm cool with that, but I've seen a lot of people claiming otherwise. But anyway, this trend wasn't directed to you them.

I have fun with some deaths, yes, but the main reason is the mystery. I still think the whole killing characters who were created only to look important and then die before anyone can care is a cheap way to create the "no one is safe" mood, the fact that it isn't truth is what I'm counting as problem in the manga, because it tries to fool the reader.
This is not what I was referring too, the Titan being humans, suicides and torture are dark elements but the shounen elements it have contradicts it.

I'm only talking about Eren because it's one example of plot armor, I don't question the fact that it's important to the plot but at some points, like when he discovered he could control other Titans, it's just an asspull.


Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
VudisMay 25, 2014 1:35 AM
May 24, 2014 9:16 PM

Jan 2014
People will whine if nobody important gets killed. (you sadistic bastards)

People will cry if somebody important gets killed.

Either ways, you can't win. This fandom is weird as f*ck.

(To clarify this isn't pointed towards any1 here, it's just a careful observation from my many voyages from various fansites)

How impacting or important a death is depends how it's handled.

If Levi dies before we get something more out of him it will be just for the shocks and lulz. Ok maybe not lulz but you get my point. My money is on Erwin.

Jeez, I'm almost frightened to read the next chapter when it comes out .
pwnagekittenMay 24, 2014 9:44 PM
May 24, 2014 9:48 PM

Aug 2013
FrancWyvern said:
With the anime's success I've seen a lot of people saying that the show is unpredictable because "it has no plot armor" and "you never know who will die next", even comparing it to Game of Thrones but I just can't see it that way, so far in the manga no main character has died and the only character who meet such faith are created by the author only for shock factor. The closest to a main character death was when Erwin lost his arms, or when the random guy who saved Eren and Mikasa in the beginning died. And to be honest, every time someone important is about to die the author pulls a lame excuse to avoid it (For example, every time Eren gets a power up).
I really think this is a fun manga but I just don't see how anyone cares about the dead character in it.

Isayama is attached to those characters, what exactly is shocking he wouldn't kill them. Remember Sasha was suppose to die, and he SNK was suppose to go down the route of where most characters would die. If anything blame fans, ut even i'd be a little sad if anyone but eren died.
May 25, 2014 1:36 AM

Mar 2009
Thread cleaned.
Removed insults and spam. Keep a healthy discussion going by reporting rule violations to a forum moderator. Do not give in to baiting or insults or try to correct the situation yourself.
VudisMay 29, 2014 8:15 AM
May 26, 2014 9:34 AM

Mar 2014
To OP: If you're referring to HxH as "dark and gritty", I hope you're referring to the 1999 version. The 2011 version isn't meant for kids either but the atmosphere has "brightened" up. Not that that's a bad thing, there is still definitely a dark vibe to the show and it carries it rather well. FMA (2003) flopped hard for me, though. I thought they were just trying way too hard.

I cared about Eren's mom dying not only because she's a mother but because of the atmosphere. The way they zoomed in on the smiling Titan as it pierced Hannes with fear. The words, "don't go" slipping out of her tongue as she tried to be brave. That was a display of what it meant for a human to fear death, that no one ever wants to die. The helpless look in Eren's face as he watched the Titan pick up his mother. That's why I cared.

Same thing for Levi's squad -- I found them to be likable characters, mainly Oluo & Petra. They had enough lines that you start caring for them, they spent episodes telling Eren not to worry, that they've got this, that Eren has to learn to trust in his comrades. And then we see them kicking the Female Titan's ass. And then right after that we see them getting their shit pushed in. The way it was carried was so heavy, the way Levi held a blank and empty stare as he looked at his dead comrades. You could see what he was feeling. And that filler episode of them throwing away the bodies didn't help, either. The part where it shows each member's family was just sad.

There's also Mike (the dude that always sniffed people). They established him to be a very strong soldier (second to Levi in skill) and you see him in a tough situation with a bunch of titans. You get the idea that he was about to live and then the damn Ape Titan comes in. The guy starts crying and gets eaten by a bunch of titans. Despair.

I do agree that there is some sort of plot armor in the show but I don't like how you keep saying that SnK "tries to be a seinen". If darkness and despair was the show's objective, I think they did a very good job at delivering that. I never minded the other random deaths either, it just added to the concept that humans are helpless against titans. I think what really engraved that in my head was Episode 5 where Eren was eaten. I was honestly confused about how I felt towards the main character dying. And I kept thinking, how the hell are these guys going to beat these gigantic things? Eren turning into a Titan was one of the coolest shit I've ever seen. Granted, AoT was my first anime in a long time. But boy am I glad that it was AoT.

Also, never watched GoT but people who compare it to that are just silly.

I'm only talking about Eren because it's one example of plot armor, I don't question the fact that it's important to the plot but at some points, like when he discovered he could control other Titans, it's just an asspull.

Okay, if you're gonna call Eren's being "The Coordinate" an asspull then we might as well call every twist in this show an asspull. Eren turning into a Titan? Asspull! Besides, the ability to manipulate the Titans was shown before, by Annie & Reiner. Can't call asspull when something similar had been shown beforehand. It's also to be expected since the guy is so wanted by Reiner & Bertholdt.

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
VudisMay 29, 2014 8:19 AM
May 27, 2014 11:48 AM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
I don't think you should mind that much mainly because opinions differ from one to another and it's not something that is debatable about. That comment is generally made by viewers who are new to the genre (dark fantasy, horror, etc). In fact, i found that lot of anime viewers these days don't watch any anime over 6 years old (aside from the big 3) and my brother is one of those people. Many people aren't exposed to old classic and avoid them mainly due to lower animation quality and unsuitable OST and train-wreck ending to story with great concept or incomplete ending. I think part of it is mainly due to how people tends to think new things are always better than old things which is a shame because there are many good shows back in the early 2000s.

Yeah, I know it's kind of pointless :/
And it's is indeed a shame that old anime suffer from this prejudice.

Estherella said:
I dunno about you but like i said before in one of my posts, Snk is largely popular due to the male and female fanbase, in which case, this is something that is very hard to achieve for any shounen anime to date. In the case of the male fanbase, there's generally people like you who like dark fantasy or shounen in general while the female fanbase are mostly consist of anime fans that generally like light hearted series (by that i meant they don't really watch anything that is gorey [Berserk/Claymore/Hellsing/Higurashi]). I've met lot of anime fans that don't appreciate the idea of gore and horror and only tamed horror shows like "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" but anything beside that, they don't generally like them. It's actually the main reason why series like Berserk and Claymore wouldn't work as a mainstream material because: 1) The gore turn mainstream viewers away 2) In berserk, there's too much unnecessary raping involved and it's just simply disturbing [Female in General absolutely loathe the idea of using rape as a plot device, it's just degrading but inevitable since it's set in the middle ages. 3) In berserk, heavily give off the sense that the guy > female all the time. Lot of seinen and shounen series is guilty of having female characters that can not fend for themselves and requires protection (whether it'd be mentally or physically but it's more to do with the fact that too series repeatedly does that)

I never noticed a problem with this gender thing, maybe that's because it never affected me personally, I never had any problem with reading a Shoujo/Josei or some manga that was considered girly.
I alway though that violent and disturbing material couldn't get mainstream but the success of Game of Thrones makes me reconsider that just a bit.

Estherella said:
I can understand what you are coming from but i wouldn't go a far as calling it a cheap trick since most of them who died were never important (at least not important to continue the plot anyway) after fulfilling some sort of purposes (whether it'd be to consolidate further characterizations or plot devices). It's no longer a titan vs human and it's becoming of a human vs human vs titan and death is hard to avoid considering the given circumstances. I think this point is very difficult to discuss anything further because apocalypse series in general are like that, it's like a part of their convention that makes them what they are (I'm a big fan of apocalypse series and dark fantasy). From the sound of it, i think you are definitely the kind of person who favour characterization a lot so in the case of snk who lacks in that department, i can see why you would find that an issue. Truth to be told, i started the snk series without liking any of its character at all, there was just something about the series that really charms me. I didn't actually really care for them until the anime came out because the anime does a better job at developing them. I'm more of a "story" >"character" person so that's probably why it didn't bothered me as much. Whereas Gantz is the polar opposite of snk and have better characterizations but the plot itself is a clusterfuck. I also do strongly agree with you about Terra Formars and it is extremely guilty of using cannon folder and kill them off within the same chapter (i treated it as a mindless entertainment since that's what it is).

I agree that the anime did a better job with characterization, I haven't watched the whole thing but the fact it showed the training and character before the battle was an great change in my opinion.
I used to think Gantz was brilliant in the beginning, it had an cynical aurea to it but it never really looked pretentious, and it actually managed to create the "no one is safe" atmosphere pretty well. But as you said, it does become a clusterfuck, even ruining it's positive points. I'm sure most people see Terra Formars that way but I just couldn't get into it (Different from Hellsing or some Gantz's arch, but that has more to do with taste).

Estherella said:
I strongly agree that SNK would be probably even better as a seinen type story. But at the same time, I think the author probably was fully aware of what's he doing so when he wrote Snk, he probably knew it's more of a shounen material (Especially if you consider the titan shifter thing) because the series in overall does use shounen troupe but he does them in a different way that most people would which leads people into thinking that it's a seinen series along with the gritty art style that's very reminiscent of Kentaro Miura (which isayama notes as one of his influence). It also didn't help that while Snk is a commercial success throughout the world, Isayama is only an amateur in his field so his art and writing is definitely lacking because it's his first series. For Isayama to write a seinen series would probably too much because i don't think up to that level yet and in fact, it would probably misleading to some people (just like how many people though SNK is a seinen). In essence, I think isayama also wanted to create a shounen story that can be dark (i find that he have a lot of liking for series with depth) and not just simply stick with the basic shounen conventions.

I agree with what you're saying here, but I'm not sure I would say that "writing a seinen is beyond his capabilities".
I like his art, with was weird at first but now I think I like it more than the anime.

Estherella said:
Indeed, that's exactly right. It's about how the story utilize these themes and at the moment, Snk hasn't done anything that contradict its themes so that's why i pointed these things out. Particularly in regard to politics, i realized ever since the beginning of the story, the author has subtlely incorporated hints of the government playing a huge role in the appearance of titans throughout the series. I think we will have to see how the author decides to progress the story and only then we can properly discuss about how true the series actually sticks with its themes.

P.S - I think you should read The flower of evil :) it's a very interesting tale that tells the story in a very unique perspective especially for people who are a sucker for classic french poems. At first, i thought it was some just weird manga that tells a story about a pervert but got caught by a manipulative girl but it turns out the series was very different from what i thought it was. I strongly recommend you to read it because i haven't seen any artist done it this way before ~ ^-^ I haven't read Oyasumi Punpun but i hear great things about it so it's my plan to read list ><

There's no need for all these flaming and insults. Opinions are opinions. I've seen tons of hate on lot on SNK and some even went as far as calling it "the worst series ever made" but i still kept my mouth shut and said nothing simply because opinions are opinions. Like i said, it's not like he said the series was bad, just that he didn't find it as good but even then i don't even think there should be a problem. It's only a problem when trolls decided to come in for the sake of trolling [cough cough, like one person that just appears just then]. The reason why i decided to discuss in here for very simple reasons: 1) to get people to understand people did not like snk because of its gore and violence [I can't express how much this comment irritates me because these people are acting as though he was speaking for the whole population that likes the series. 2) Have a real constructive criticism that is not bias or just for the sake of disliking it 3) Enlighten viewers who did not like snk as much about why I am such a big fan of it for good reasons. Basically, i don't want this to be just a personal message, i want it to get these messages out as much as possible. I believe people who have legit reasons for disliking a certain series should have no problem countering my argument, which unfortunately didn't happen in most of the cases.

I was probably reacting to the overblown 'this is the most serious, deep and intelligent series ever" the usually happens when an anime of this kind gets popular(Exemple: Death Note)
i'm reading The Flowers of Evil, I had my problems with the first arch but I think it's getting better now. I really see a lot of similarities with Punpun :)
I agree with your remark about the flame war that happened, and I admit I had some guilty on it.

pwnagekitten said:
People will whine if nobody important gets killed. (you sadistic bastards)

People will cry if somebody important gets killed.

Either ways, you can't win. This fandom is weird as f*ck.

(To clarify this isn't pointed towards any1 here, it's just a careful observation from my many voyages from various fansites)

How impacting or important a death is depends how it's handled.

If Levi dies before we get something more out of him it will be just for the shocks and lulz. Ok maybe not lulz but you get my point. My money is on Erwin.

Jeez, I'm almost frightened to read the next chapter when it comes out .

All fandoms are weird, different people= completely opposite contradicting opinions ;)

jreginald said:
To OP: If you're referring to HxH as "dark and gritty", I hope you're referring to the 1999 version. The 2011 version isn't meant for kids either but the atmosphere has "brightened" up. Not that that's a bad thing, there is still definitely a dark vibe to the show and it carries it rather well. FMA (2003) flopped hard for me, though. I thought they were just trying way too hard.

I wasn't referring to it as "dark and gritty", just more mature.
I would recommend watching Full Metal Brotherhood who is more faithful to the manga.

jreginald said:
I cared about Eren's mom dying not only because she's a mother but because of the atmosphere. The way they zoomed in on the smiling Titan as it pierced Hannes with fear. The words, "don't go" slipping out of her tongue as she tried to be brave. That was a display of what it meant for a human to fear death, that no one ever wants to die. The helpless look in Eren's face as he watched the Titan pick up his mother. That's why I cared.

Same thing for Levi's squad -- I found them to be likable characters, mainly Oluo & Petra. They had enough lines that you start caring for them, they spent episodes telling Eren not to worry, that they've got this, that Eren has to learn to trust in his comrades. And then we see them kicking the Female Titan's ass. And then right after that we see them getting their shit pushed in. The way it was carried was so heavy, the way Levi held a blank and empty stare as he looked at his dead comrades. You could see what he was feeling. And that filler episode of them throwing away the bodies didn't help, either. The part where it shows each member's family was just sad.

There's also Mike (the dude that always sniffed people). They established him to be a very strong soldier (second to Levi in skill) and you see him in a tough situation with a bunch of titans. You get the idea that he was about to live and then the damn Ape Titan comes in. The guy starts crying and gets eaten by a bunch of titans. Despair.

I cared for Eren' mom, even though I didn't knew much about her or Eren, it was handled pretty well even if you don't really care about it because of the character but because of the circumstances of the death. Petra's death didn't got me much of an reaction besides just being surprised, I couldn't see much of the drama on it, I think I needed to learn more about each character so they would feel less of an device(But then, it could be a problem if he developed then to much just to remind us that the power of friendship doesn't always works).

jreginald said:
I do agree that there is some sort of plot armor in the show but I don't like how you keep saying that SnK "tries to be a seinen". If darkness and despair was the show's objective, I think they did a very good job at delivering that. I never minded the other random deaths either, it just added to the concept that humans are helpless against titans. I think what really engraved that in my head was Episode 5 where Eren was eaten. I was honestly confused about how I felt towards the main character dying. And I kept thinking, how the hell are these guys going to beat these gigantic things? Eren turning into a Titan was one of the coolest shit I've ever seen. Granted, AoT was my first anime in a long time. But boy am I glad that it was AoT.

My main problem with the random deaths is that they first tries to act like this characters will be important before killing then. I said it was "trying to look like a Seinen" because of how, despite all death and horror, it behaved like an battle shounen from time to time.

jreginald said:
Okay, if you're gonna call Eren's being "The Coordinate" an asspull then we might as well call every twist in this show an asspull. Eren turning into a Titan? Asspull! Besides, the ability to manipulate the Titans was shown before, by Annie & Reiner. Can't call asspull when something similar had been shown beforehand. It's also to be expected since the guy is so wanted by Reiner & Bertholdt.

This annoyed more because it looked really convenient and, well, out of nowhere, even though it was connected to the plot. As Estherella said, you can't really tell what are the limits of the AoT setting but I think it can cut both ways, as some of the revelations made me cringe a little.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post and responses to it.
VudisMay 29, 2014 8:26 AM
May 28, 2014 3:02 AM

Jun 2008
FrancWyvern said:
I never noticed a problem with this gender thing, maybe that's because it never affected me personally, I never had any problem with reading a Shoujo/Josei or some manga that was considered girly.
I alway though that violent and disturbing material couldn't get mainstream but the success of Game of Thrones makes me reconsider that just a bit.

As far i am concern, things doesn't always work that way unfortunately. Though there are exceptions with some people who never cared much about these things (haha like me :P). It's less to do with violent and disturbing things and more to do with how people's views and attitudes change over time. Take a look for example, if you compare people of the older generation to the new generation, you'd realized that they react differently about gore and violent things. The newer generation are much more adapted to this type of exposure and much open minded about it so many people don't actually have problems with watching series like those anymore. But it depends a lot on how the series takes itself and to what extent. For instance, Gore and violence things in a black comedy/satirical series will not have any issues with the general public because the main point of it is comedy whereas a series that takes it too seriously or the focus tends to shift towards glorification of violence/gore might do less favourably.

There's also fine line between the type of stuff that boys/girls can read-watch/can't read-watch. Most josei and shoujo genre is more real life based (just look at the amount of romance comedy series omg e.e ) because that's the only kind of thing that actually sells from the shoujo demographics since anyone of any gender can actually relates to the settings without any problems (romance is pretty much part of everyone's life at some point/somehow so it's relatable). It's sort of similar to the reason why romance movies are always more popular than horror movies in general. It's not as though people hates it or anything but it's simply not their cup of tea for majority of the populations. Not to mention, horror and violence is a whole different issue and it's something that a lot of people aren't generally comfortable with especially if the series takes itself very seriously. Particular in asian countries, female demographics generally prefer romcom/slice-of-life series anytime of the days. I know a lot of my female friends doesn't really like to read/watch them unless the premise of the series interest them.

I can't really speak for much for Game of Throne's success since i haven't seen much of the series myself but from as far as i know, game of throne focus isn't really about glorification of violence and gore but more towards the plot and characters so that's probably why many female viewers doesn't mind it as much. Not to mention, a lot of them seem to love it so much because it evoke some form of emotional response from them (like how some people dreaded over the fact their favourite characters get kill all the time). Berserk on the hand, well, there's sort of like gores and gores everywhere and i don't think it's a stretch that gore makes up part of berserk's appeal with its dark fantasy settings since there's a lot of killing monsters more than anything :S Not to mention, berserk isn't the kind of series that can get people emotional in the sense that they would cry, it's more like it makes people feel mentally disturbed instead (i like being mentally disturbed too :3 ). This is just purely based on my observations, but series that tends to succeed in evoking emotional response from the female demographics tend to do more favourably and i can't see berserk being those kind since the shock/gore overwhelm the emotional state (like the last episode of berserk). There's just lot of mentally disturbing imagery in berserk that actually left a deep impression on me and i can't say that's actually a good thing for many people XD

FrancWyvern said:

I agree with what you're saying here, but I'm not sure I would say that "writing a seinen is beyond his capabilities".
I like his art, with was weird at first but now I think I like it more than the anime.

The reason why i said "writing a seinen is beyond is abilities" is because Hajime Isayama is still an amateur in his field despite having such a huge success with SNK. It's not that i think he can't do it but i just think he isn't up to there just yet and needs more experience and training. Part of the reason why i stated that was because unlike many other manga artists and author who receive professional training, Hajime Isayama didn't attend any art school or receive any proper training or lectures because all he wants is simply to becoming a manga artist (which he decided on a whim) and write his own story in his own way. In fact, lot of manga author actually start out as a manga author assistant (Eiichiro Oda for example, etc). So, it was actually very impressive for Isayama Hajime whom despite having no experience still managed to have a big success like this because not a lot of people have such luck or even talent.

In addition, I read many of his interviews where he have expressed his huge concerns with other manga author about his own work sometime since he wasn't exactly sure how to write a cohesive story that is provocative and challenging for the reader. He actually seek advice from more professional and experienced authors quite often :) since he's actually quite overwhelmed with the rising success. x.X He's sort of have a problem similar to how "most people have a great idea for the story but they are not exactly sure how to "do/execute" it properly. Like in film and movies, great story and great music =/= good execution which is why the reason why you'd need lot of people to do the storyboard, write the script, editor to check spelling/grammar, director make sure everything flows nicely, cinematographer to make sure the lighting and camera shots are in place, etc. People who don't study these things in depth doesn't do quite well because all these elements works together to effectively to create the mood :X In the case of manga series, it's the art style, storyboard, writing, characters, panel (how each scene transition into the next), etc. I'v actually seen cases where the manga series have a great art, great story, great character but for some reason it turned out to be very bland and boring (it wasn't just my opinion and it seems like lot of people found it the same as well and you know there's a lot of problem if many people think this way) because the author didn't execute the mood of the scenes well or done it in the most effective way so it failed to capture the audience. It's much easier to judge a manga/novel based on its story and character because there's no music or animation to build up the mood (to evoke an emotional response through a book is harder to do it in visual mediums particularly horror) or show you how it's done so it is entirely up to the artist/author's job to establish the scenes properly through their writing/art to guide the audience/reader to the right way. :)
EstherellaMay 28, 2014 3:33 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 29, 2014 8:43 AM

Mar 2009
Thread cleaned.
Don't insult/bait the OP for the topic he made. If you're against it try to reason your thoughts in a non offensive or trolling way.
May 29, 2014 12:04 PM

Mar 2014
FrancWyvern said:
With the anime's success I've seen a lot of people saying that the show is unpredictable because "it has no plot armor" and "you never know who will die next", even comparing it to Game of Thrones but I just can't see it that way, so far in the manga no main character has died and the only character who meet such faith are created by the author only for shock factor. The closest to a main character death was when Erwin lost his arms, or when the random guy who saved Eren and Mikasa in the beginning died. And to be honest, every time someone important is about to die the author pulls a lame excuse to avoid it (For example, every time Eren gets a power up).
I really think this is a fun manga but I just don't see how anyone cares about the dead character in it.

Mod Edit: Edited thread title, do not post spoilers without spoiler tags. You should warn users that there will be spoilers in a thread if you're not posting with spoiler tags.

I understand what you are saying and I agree that Eren is the biggest offender for plot armor in the series, but I have to agree and disagree on certain things.
The only time that I think eren could have died was when he was first eaten, but they made him a titan shifter and since there are theories that eren could have been a shifter since the beginning I don't have a problem with it.

I haven't watched game of thrones yet so I can't comment on it.

Personally I didn't care much for every character that died. Sure I was surprised when all those characters died in Episode 5 and when Levi's squad died but for me if a character isn't going to be important and they end up dieing then I don't care as much.

I think SNK is good as a shonen right now because both Black Bullet and Terra Formars are like SNK and they're both Seinen and aren't as good as SNK.
May 31, 2014 3:36 PM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
As far i am concern, things doesn't always work that way unfortunately. Though there are exceptions with some people who never cared much about these things (haha like me :P). It's less to do with violent and disturbing things and more to do with how people's views and attitudes change over time. Take a look for example, if you compare people of the older generation to the new generation, you'd realized that they react differently about gore and violent things. The newer generation are much more adapted to this type of exposure and much open minded about it so many people don't actually have problems with watching series like those anymore. But it depends a lot on how the series takes itself and to what extent. For instance, Gore and violence things in a black comedy/satirical series will not have any issues with the general public because the main point of it is comedy whereas a series that takes it too seriously or the focus tends to shift towards glorification of violence/gore might do less favourably.

There's also fine line between the type of stuff that boys/girls can read-watch/can't read-watch. Most josei and shoujo genre is more real life based (just look at the amount of romance comedy series omg e.e ) because that's the only kind of thing that actually sells from the shoujo demographics since anyone of any gender can actually relates to the settings without any problems (romance is pretty much part of everyone's life at some point/somehow so it's relatable). It's sort of similar to the reason why romance movies are always more popular than horror movies in general. It's not as though people hates it or anything but it's simply not their cup of tea for majority of the populations. Not to mention, horror and violence is a whole different issue and it's something that a lot of people aren't generally comfortable with especially if the series takes itself very seriously. Particular in asian countries, female demographics generally prefer romcom/slice-of-life series anytime of the days. I know a lot of my female friends doesn't really like to read/watch them unless the premise of the series interest them.

I agree it can be a problem. I see a lot of people having problem with Shoujo/Josei romances and other things that are "fuzzy" and "cute" like western romances, but never seen a lot of people complaining about horror films (At least not an specific demographic)
I alway thought that the Seinen demographic was the one with the biggest mass appeal because of he variety of themes, there isn't really an 'typical seinen'.

Estherella said:
I can't really speak for much for Game of Throne's success since i haven't seen much of the series myself but from as far as i know, game of throne focus isn't really about glorification of violence and gore but more towards the plot and characters so that's probably why many female viewers doesn't mind it as much. Not to mention, a lot of them seem to love it so much because it evoke some form of emotional response from them (like how some people dreaded over the fact their favourite characters get kill all the time). Berserk on the hand, well, there's sort of like gores and gores everywhere and i don't think it's a stretch that gore makes up part of berserk's appeal with its dark fantasy settings since there's a lot of killing monsters more than anything :S Not to mention, berserk isn't the kind of series that can get people emotional in the sense that they would cry, it's more like it makes people feel mentally disturbed instead (i like being mentally disturbed too :3 ). This is just purely based on my observations, but series that tends to succeed in evoking emotional response from the female demographics tend to do more favourably and i can't see berserk being those kind since the shock/gore overwhelm the emotional state (like the last episode of berserk). There's just lot of mentally disturbing imagery in berserk that actually left a deep impression on me and i can't say that's actually a good thing for many people XD

But berserk is about the characters too. I was going to say that people can get emotional reading Berserk, but after thinking about it, according to the fans, the Red Wedding was the most shocking part of Game of Thrones (Go watch the reaction videos if you want to see how much), and while they do stab a pregnant woman in the belly, who WAS married with one of the main characters AND was in front of that character, it's not like she was rapped (While pregnant too) by the main character's best friend while he was forced to watch in the middle of what is one the most disturbing massacre ever thought of. You do get an emotional response but it doesn't give you enough space to cry, you just stare at the pages with fear and desperation.

Estherella said:
The reason why i said "writing a seinen is beyond is abilities" is because Hajime Isayama is still an amateur in his field despite having such a huge success with SNK. It's not that i think he can't do it but i just think he isn't up to there just yet and needs more experience and training. Part of the reason why i stated that was because unlike many other manga artists and author who receive professional training, Hajime Isayama didn't attend any art school or receive any proper training or lectures because all he wants is simply to becoming a manga artist (which he decided on a whim) and write his own story in his own way. In fact, lot of manga author actually start out as a manga author assistant (Eiichiro Oda for example, etc). So, it was actually very impressive for Isayama Hajime whom despite having no experience still managed to have a big success like this because not a lot of people have such luck or even talent.

In addition, I read many of his interviews where he have expressed his huge concerns with other manga author about his own work sometime since he wasn't exactly sure how to write a cohesive story that is provocative and challenging for the reader. He actually seek advice from more professional and experienced authors quite often :) since he's actually quite overwhelmed with the rising success. x.X He's sort of have a problem similar to how "most people have a great idea for the story but they are not exactly sure how to "do/execute" it properly. Like in film and movies, great story and great music =/= good execution which is why the reason why you'd need lot of people to do the storyboard, write the script, editor to check spelling/grammar, director make sure everything flows nicely, cinematographer to make sure the lighting and camera shots are in place, etc. People who don't study these things in depth doesn't do quite well because all these elements works together to effectively to create the mood :X In the case of manga series, it's the art style, storyboard, writing, characters, panel (how each scene transition into the next), etc. I'v actually seen cases where the manga series have a great art, great story, great character but for some reason it turned out to be very bland and boring (it wasn't just my opinion and it seems like lot of people found it the same as well and you know there's a lot of problem if many people think this way) because the author didn't execute the mood of the scenes well or done it in the most effective way so it failed to capture the audience. It's much easier to judge a manga/novel based on its story and character because there's no music or animation to build up the mood (to evoke an emotional response through a book is harder to do it in visual mediums particularly horror) or show you how it's done so it is entirely up to the artist/author's job to establish the scenes properly through their writing/art to guide the audience/reader to the right way.

I don't remember running across a manga with great history and art but an "not so great" execution, but Shin Sekai Yori would be an example of that in a anime, it could've been way better with a more solid directing (Which is excused because it was the director's first anime). I haven't watched any of his interviews but now it really seems interesting.
Western comics usually have an giant production staff while some people write mangas all by themselves, which is what makes me understand the 6 month wait to read a chapter of Berserk.

sullynathan said:
I understand what you are saying and I agree that Eren is the biggest offender for plot armor in the series, but I have to agree and disagree on certain things.
The only time that I think eren could have died was when he was first eaten, but they made him a titan shifter and since there are theories that eren could have been a shifter since the beginning I don't have a problem with it.

I haven't watched game of thrones yet so I can't comment on it.

Personally I didn't care much for every character that died. Sure I was surprised when all those characters died in Episode 5 and when Levi's squad died but for me if a character isn't going to be important and they end up dieing then I don't care as much.

I think SNK is good as a shonen right now because both Black Bullet and Terra Formars are like SNK and they're both Seinen and aren't as good as SNK.

I agree with you for the most part but I don't remember seeing any theory of Eren being a Titan Shifter before it actually happened.
FrancWyvernMay 31, 2014 3:42 PM
May 31, 2014 5:51 PM

Jun 2008
Lol, then you did get a lot of things wrong because much of what you said are based on your perception not facts. The demographic with the most mass appeal isn't seinen but shounen series in the manga/anime industry. This is particularly noticeable especially if you check out what types of manga and anime that actually sells and you would realised huge majority of them are aimed towards the shounen demographic (I track anime and manga sales all the time because I wanted to know my fav series is doing). Even EVA is shounen as well. In fact, all the best selling manga of all time are shounen - one piece, dragon ball, hunter x hunter, rurouni kenshin, etc. See what I meant? The ones I mentioned are only portion of it too. Seinen/Josei series usually never sell as much as the shoujo/shounen partly because most people enjoy light hearted series as their source of entertainment. If you actually interact with other anime fans regularly particularly the female fans in general, then you'd realised many of them don't really watch much horror genre to the likes of berserk type but ghost hunt and another was fine.

And yeah that's what I meant for berserk, the series is not so much about making you getting attach to the characters since it's main gripping point is its dark fantasy universe coupled with many interesting casts. Interesting, great cast of characters =/= making you emotionally invested in them. Big difference. I think there was only a couple of moments here and there but that's about it. The series doesn't really focus on its emotional element hence not many people actually felt sympathetic towards the character since all the tragedy that ever happens only works to create that sense of fear, terror and shock. It's exactly like the one you just mentioned. It's just disturbing, it doesn't make you feel depress and go "omg......I feel so bad for the wife, why did it have to happen to her?". I was left with shock when Griffith did THAT to Casca, there was no time for sympathy, just left me with excitement and questions like "omg what's going to happen now and what in the world is happening, how are they going to get out of this alive". Also about the 6 month for a new berserk chapter isn't a typical thing, it just that the author didn't wanted to work/have issues with working and stress that he ended up focusing on his personal life to get out of that. I kept hearing rumours about him being obsess with idolmaster and gaming. That's very understandable but professionally that's just poor work ethic and inexcusable especially when you have someone like Eiichiro Oda who's working so hard to release a new chapter every week until his health deteriorate ;(.
EstherellaJun 7, 2014 3:08 AM
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Jun 6, 2014 4:31 PM

Aug 2013
Eren and Mikasa almost died and I think that's what hooked people, having the main characters be killed off so fast was honestly as bad as it sounds so entertaining I wanted to see how many plot twists i'd experience with the series and got hooked.
You're not used tot that, that type of plot is what put SNK in the forefront.

Blame fans more main characters would be killed off but fans would loose their shit.
My bets are everyone will die but Armin and Eren/
Jun 7, 2014 4:50 PM

Aug 2012
Esthrella said:
Lol, then you did get a lot of things wrong because much of what you said are based on your perception not facts. The demographic with the most mass appeal isn't seinen but shounen series in the manga/anime industry. This is particularly noticeable especially if you check out what types of manga and anime that actually sells and you would realised huge majority of them are aimed towards the shounen demographic (I track anime and manga sales all the time because I wanted to know my fav series is doing). Even EVA is shounen as well. In fact, all the best selling manga of all time are shounen - one piece, dragon ball, hunter x hunter, rurouni kenshin, etc. See what I meant? The ones I mentioned are only portion of it too. Seinen/Josei series usually never sell as much as the shoujo/shounen partly because most people enjoy light hearted series as their source of entertainment. If you actually interact with other anime fans regularly particularly the female fans in general, then you'd realised many of them don't really watch much horror genre to the likes of berserk type but ghost hunt and another was fine.

I know that Shounens are the highest seller, I just thought that Seinens would have more appeal(Especially between people who are not used to the medium) because it have no "rules". But in practice I can't get any example except "I showed my mom Monster and she loved it".

Estherella said:
And yeah that's what I meant for berserk, the series is not so much about making you getting attach to the characters since it's main gripping point is its dark fantasy universe coupled with many interesting casts. Interesting, great cast of characters =/= making you emotionally invested in them. Big difference. I think there was only a couple of moments here and there but that's about it. The series doesn't really focus on its emotional element hence not many people actually felt sympathetic towards the character since all the tragedy that ever happens only works to create that sense of fear, terror and shock. It's exactly like the one you just mentioned. It's just disturbing, it doesn't make you feel depress and go "omg......I feel so bad for the wife, why did it have to happen to her?". I was left with shock when Griffith did THAT to Casca, there was no time for sympathy, just left me with excitement and questions like "omg what's going to happen now and what in the world is happening, how are they going to get out of this alive". Also about the 6 month for a new berserk chapter isn't a typical thing, it just that the author didn't wanted to work/have issues with working and stress that he ended up focusing on his personal life to get out of that. I kept hearing rumours about him being obsess with idolmaster and gaming. That's very understandable but professionally that's just poor work ethic and inexcusable especially when you have someone like Eiichiro Oda who's working so hard to release a new chapter every week until his health deteriorate ;(.

I don't think I can agree with "not being invested in the characters", I don't really think that the Eclipse would have such an affect on me if I wasn't invested in the characters who suffered it.
Miura actually wrote a complete manga in those 6 months, lol, but I haven't read it yet (It's really short, 6/7 chapters I think).I used to think that the whole Miura playing idolmaster was a joke before I found out that he designed an Vocaloid, maybe he really have a place for moe in his heart :)
I don't think he takes so much time to make a new chapter because he's lazy, I just can't call someone who draw like that a lazy person.
Jun 7, 2014 8:48 PM

Jun 2008
FrancWyvern said:

I know that Shounens are the highest seller, I just thought that Seinens would have more appeal(Especially between people who are not used to the medium) because it have no "rules". But in practice I can't get any example except "I showed my mom Monster and she loved it".

Not really. I can see what you meant but like I have stated before, seinen and shounen means nothing at all, it's just merely demographics. There's no less or more broader appeal, seinen is aimed towards the mature audience thus the reason why adults can take a liking to it but even then that alone doesn't mean much. As much as there are lot of seinen series that are very mature and in depth, there are also as much shit ones as well and one that does not even fit the definition of "mature". Many of those series whether it'd be anime/manga still utilize some troupes and conventions that throw ordinary people off so unless they can get passed that, there's nothing that could change their mindset. For example, there's the thing about characters's monologue all the time, characters reiterating their goals / ambition /decisions, talking during action scenes, characters with usual/whacky personality, naive protagonist, etc. It's not a bad thing to use troupe and convention but it all depends on they're going to use it but in some cases people can't get pass that because of cultural differences (particularly comedy series, what people in japan find as humorous may not translate the same for the western demographic). It's actually one of the very few reasons that anime fans in their late 30s and 40s are dropping out of anime and find them not as appealing anymore (outside of japan). Some people are experiencing that phase of "falling out of anime" rather than the problems with the show itself and that's not really surprising, it just happens.

In addition, there is always that mindset of "if I am going to watch something intelligent and serious, I would watch live actions series instead, why bother with anime?" Let's face it, as much as we would like to admit that anime can be intelligent and mature, it's not really like that because all these shows uses typical anime conventions and troupes that's holding them back from reaching that state of what people can terminally refer to "deep, mature and intelligent." At the same time, it is exactly because of those troupes and conventions that anime fans love about anime. That's also the same reason why i begin loving anime anyway, i didn't go for anime because it is mature, it was just the aesthetics and the conventions that really intrigues me. But otherwise can you honestly say that there are anime shows that are on the same equivalent level as shows like the breaking bad, boardwalk empire and the game of thrones? I personally can't...and my parents cant get into anime for the very same reason. ;/ I think non-anime viewers who came into the show expecting entertainment can easily get into the medium as opposed to the non-anime viewers who came into the show expecting maturity, intelligence and depth then they might end up finding disappointment.

Also that example of "Monster" that you gave me isn't really a good one mainly because the series itself have a westernised settings and realistic conventions that really give off that feel of it being an American series/HBO series. Not many seinen series are like that at all unfortunately and it's one of the very rare one that actually mobilise western settings (names,place,culture,etc) very effectively (Wonder if Naoki Urasawa watches lot of american shows? :3). I think Monster is a great anime series in its genre but i have my fair share of problems due to the fact that the series potential is being held back because of what it is (anime) and I could see it being much better. I've even heard Monster is going to get a live action adaption in America and the fact that they are doing that means they are recognizing the potential of the series. Though whether they could explore the full potential of the story is a whole issue together. Also, did you ever notice that most anime series that do very well in the west in general (reception, popularity) tends to be very westernised? Example, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gundam Wing, Robotech (It was a pretty big thing back in the late 80s to early 90s), Pokemon (as funny as it sounds but yeah everyone knows them) and recently Shingeki no Kyojin. Whereas Japanese settings tend to never do as well as those kind and it's quite a massive feat for them to accomplish that. The closest I could think of is Evangelion and Rurouni Kenshin but even then i don't even know if it's as highly acclaimed with the general public as Cowboy Bebop.

FrancWyvern said:

I don't think I can agree with "not being invested in the characters", I don't really think that the Eclipse would have such an affect on me if I wasn't invested in the characters who suffered it.

I think we can leave it here at this point mainly because of subjective opinions, I personally believe the nature of the series's universe is dark, cruel, savage, and gritty thus the focus on gore, violence and horror more than anything which is why i think I found it to be such a difficult task to be invested in the characters aside from the main cast. I found the supporting cast's development to be 'fine', but nothing too glaring in that respect. The same thing could be said for the romance development, it's quite icky but acceptable. IT's very understandable given the fact that if the series attempts to focus too much on the emotional aspects then the series will run the risk of losing its dark and gritty effects along the way. There's no author/artist in this world that could just throw in anything he wants without considering how it'll affect the series thus the reason why it is so important to develop the plot elements, plot devices and character's personality properly to ensure that it can effectively convey that mood. Imagine what happens if Miura add comedic elements into the series? It'll take away all the serious moments wouldn't it? At this point isn't too much of a big issue since we can all agree that Berserk is a great series. :) ><;

FrancWyvern said:

Miura actually wrote a complete manga in those 6 months, lol, but I haven't read it yet (It's really short, 6/7 chapters I think).I used to think that the whole Miura playing idolmaster was a joke before I found out that he designed an Vocaloid, maybe he really have a place for moe in his heart :) I don't think he takes so much time to make a new chapter because he's lazy, I just can't call someone who draw like that a lazy person.

Lol, i think you are misunderstanding what i said. I said he have bad work ethics but that does not meant he is lazy. There's a fine line between them. By bad ethics, I am referring to how after 20+ years of berserk serialisation, the series just keep on going on hiatus and the author doesn't seem to be ending it anytime soon. That's my main issue with it. It's like what happened to D.N angel, the series went on infinite hiatus because the author wants to start a new project and she is infamous for dropping her project all the time midway through and never got around finishing them. Kentaro Miura isn't as bad as her and there's no doubt that he is a fine artist and great author himself but in terms of work ethic, that's pretty piss poor. But it's his work, so he can do whatever he wants but keeping fans hanging like that for so long I don't think that's a good thing. I also know that he did a six-chapter series last year and it's definitely a sign that he feels like working again but I hope this time there ain't going to be anymore hiatus. I think it's about time for the author to wrap things up for Berserk, as good as the series is, everything has to end and nothing good will come out of it if the author doesn't know what he's going to do with it the longer he tries to prolong it. I'm also getting the feeling that he's itching to start a new series. For any creative person whether it'd be an artist/creator/inventor, it really sucks when you have to stick with an idea/project for so damn long and it's not even close to completion, you'll eventually lead to that stage where any sense of motivation and dedications to the work gets throw out of the window along the way and what normally happens is you ended up wasting lot of your time and not accomplishing much and that really SUCKS A LOT.

EstherellaJun 7, 2014 9:50 PM
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Jun 23, 2014 10:03 AM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
Not really. I can see what you meant but like I have stated before, seinen and shounen means nothing at all, it's just merely demographics. There's no less or more broader appeal, seinen is aimed towards the mature audience thus the reason why adults can take a liking to it but even then that alone doesn't mean much. As much as there are lot of seinen series that are very mature and in depth, there are also as much shit ones as well and one that does not even fit the definition of "mature". Many of those series whether it'd be anime/manga still utilize some troupes and conventions that throw ordinary people off so unless they can get passed that, there's nothing that could change their mindset. For example, there's the thing about characters's monologue all the time, characters reiterating their goals / ambition /decisions, talking during action scenes, characters with usual/whacky personality, naive protagonist, etc. It's not a bad thing to use troupe and convention but it all depends on they're going to use it but in some cases people can't get pass that because of cultural differences (particularly comedy series, what people in japan find as humorous may not translate the same for the western demographic). It's actually one of the very few reasons that anime fans in their late 30s and 40s are dropping out of anime and find them not as appealing anymore (outside of japan). Some people are experiencing that phase of "falling out of anime" rather than the problems with the show itself and that's not really surprising, it just happens.

In addition, there is always that mindset of "if I am going to watch something intelligent and serious, I would watch live actions series instead, why bother with anime?" Let's face it, as much as we would like to admit that anime can be intelligent and mature, it's not really like that because all these shows uses typical anime conventions and troupes that's holding them back from reaching that state of what people can terminally refer to "deep, mature and intelligent." At the same time, it is exactly because of those troupes and conventions that anime fans love about anime. That's also the same reason why i begin loving anime anyway, i didn't go for anime because it is mature, it was just the aesthetics and the conventions that really intrigues me. But otherwise can you honestly say that there are anime shows that are on the same equivalent level as shows like the breaking bad, boardwalk empire and the game of thrones? I personally can't...and my parents cant get into anime for the very same reason. ;/ I think non-anime viewers who came into the show expecting entertainment can easily get into the medium as opposed to the non-anime viewers who came into the show expecting maturity, intelligence and depth then they might end up finding disappointment.

Also that example of "Monster" that you gave me isn't really a good one mainly because the series itself have a westernised settings and realistic conventions that really give off that feel of it being an American series/HBO series. Not many seinen series are like that at all unfortunately and it's one of the very rare one that actually mobilise western settings (names,place,culture,etc) very effectively (Wonder if Naoki Urasawa watches lot of american shows? :3). I think Monster is a great anime series in its genre but i have my fair share of problems due to the fact that the series potential is being held back because of what it is (anime) and I could see it being much better. I've even heard Monster is going to get a live action adaption in America and the fact that they are doing that means they are recognizing the potential of the series. Though whether they could explore the full potential of the story is a whole issue together. Also, did you ever notice that most anime series that do very well in the west in general (reception, popularity) tends to be very westernised? Example, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gundam Wing, Robotech (It was a pretty big thing back in the late 80s to early 90s), Pokemon (as funny as it sounds but yeah everyone knows them) and recently Shingeki no Kyojin. Whereas Japanese settings tend to never do as well as those kind and it's quite a massive feat for them to accomplish that. The closest I could think of is Evangelion and Rurouni Kenshin but even then i don't even know if it's as highly acclaimed with the general public as Cowboy Bebop.

Ok, I really have to disagree with you here. Legend of the Galactic Heroes makes GoT looks like Twilight, The Tatami Galaxy and NHK are also great but there are troops that can make it look a bit "weird" to some people, but I don't really think they are holding them back. I don't watch that many anime but I can easily make an extensive list of mangas that are serious and deeps and can really beat a lot of western shows and movies, here are some examples: Berserk, Sanctuary, Homunculus, Vagabond, Vinland Saga, anything Urasawa does, etc...
All with an serious mood, deep characters and story lines and little to none of the "annoying troops".

Estherella said:
I think we can leave it here at this point mainly because of subjective opinions, I personally believe the nature of the series's universe is dark, cruel, savage, and gritty thus the focus on gore, violence and horror more than anything which is why i think I found it to be such a difficult task to be invested in the characters aside from the main cast. I found the supporting cast's development to be 'fine', but nothing too glaring in that respect. The same thing could be said for the romance development, it's quite icky but acceptable. IT's very understandable given the fact that if the series attempts to focus too much on the emotional aspects then the series will run the risk of losing its dark and gritty effects along the way. There's no author/artist in this world that could just throw in anything he wants without considering how it'll affect the series thus the reason why it is so important to develop the plot elements, plot devices and character's personality properly to ensure that it can effectively convey that mood. Imagine what happens if Miura add comedic elements into the series? It'll take away all the serious moments wouldn't it? At this point isn't too much of a big issue since we can all agree that Berserk is a great series. :) ><;

Yeah, I think this is kind of subjective to discuss.

Estherella said:
Lol, i think you are misunderstanding what i said. I said he have bad work ethics but that does not meant he is lazy. There's a fine line between them. By bad ethics, I am referring to how after 20+ years of berserk serialisation, the series just keep on going on hiatus and the author doesn't seem to be ending it anytime soon. That's my main issue with it. It's like what happened to D.N angel, the series went on infinite hiatus because the author wants to start a new project and she is infamous for dropping her project all the time midway through and never got around finishing them. Kentaro Miura isn't as bad as her and there's no doubt that he is a fine artist and great author himself but in terms of work ethic, that's pretty piss poor. But it's his work, so he can do whatever he wants but keeping fans hanging like that for so long I don't think that's a good thing. I also know that he did a six-chapter series last year and it's definitely a sign that he feels like working again but I hope this time there ain't going to be anymore hiatus. I think it's about time for the author to wrap things up for Berserk, as good as the series is, everything has to end and nothing good will come out of it if the author doesn't know what he's going to do with it the longer he tries to prolong it. I'm also getting the feeling that he's itching to start a new series. For any creative person whether it'd be an artist/creator/inventor, it really sucks when you have to stick with an idea/project for so damn long and it's not even close to completion, you'll eventually lead to that stage where any sense of motivation and dedications to the work gets throw out of the window along the way and what normally happens is you ended up wasting lot of your time and not accomplishing much and that really SUCKS A LOT.

I misunderstood you there, sorry. I too hope we can have at least monthly chapters, oh, and that he actually manages to finish the manga.
Jun 24, 2014 1:52 AM

Jun 2008
FrancWyvern said:

Ok, I really have to disagree with you here. Legend of the Galactic Heroes makes GoT looks like Twilight, The Tatami Galaxy and NHK are also great but there are troops that can make it look a bit "weird" to some people, but I don't really think they are holding them back. I don't watch that many anime but I can easily make an extensive list of mangas that are serious and deeps and can really beat a lot of western shows and movies, here are some examples: Berserk, Sanctuary, Homunculus, Vagabond, Vinland Saga, anything Urasawa does, etc...
All with an serious mood, deep characters and story lines and little to none of the "annoying troops".

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll be sure to check them out. I'm not going to comment on those series that you've just listed because i haven't seen them even though I've heard great things about them. :) I should probably apologize for saying that anime/manga can't be mature because they can actually be very good and mature IF THEY TRIED TO BE. It's just that whenever i think of anime as a whole and in general; 'mature' and 'intelligent' was probably the furthest thing i could use to describe anime. Not that anime have to be intelligent and mature all the time to be good, but i would assume that if there were more series like those, maybe the general public can change their perceptions about the whole medium. Especially in the case of anime, because many and MANY of them never ever get a conclusive ending (berserk); either that or they completely deviate from the main story and fucked up the ending (claymore). To have a good story, no ending and bad ending is a big no no. From what I've seen, roughly 80% of anime series that i've seen are like that :C....Needless to say that there are abundant of non-mature ones which sometimes can be very misleading to non-anime people. (P.S manga>anime :D )

Unfortunately, not much studios nowadays are willing to experiment with original story and thus the reason why there's a lack of originality while huge amount of light novel and manga series made into anime adaption because it's less risky. :( :( :( Also.......I think we are deviating from the topic too much....XD)
EstherellaJun 24, 2014 1:58 AM
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Jul 1, 2014 11:22 AM

Aug 2012
Estherella said:
FrancWyvern said:

Ok, I really have to disagree with you here. Legend of the Galactic Heroes makes GoT looks like Twilight, The Tatami Galaxy and NHK are also great but there are troops that can make it look a bit "weird" to some people, but I don't really think they are holding them back. I don't watch that many anime but I can easily make an extensive list of mangas that are serious and deeps and can really beat a lot of western shows and movies, here are some examples: Berserk, Sanctuary, Homunculus, Vagabond, Vinland Saga, anything Urasawa does, etc...
All with an serious mood, deep characters and story lines and little to none of the "annoying troops".

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll be sure to check them out. I'm not going to comment on those series that you've just listed because i haven't seen them even though I've heard great things about them. :) I should probably apologize for saying that anime/manga can't be mature because they can actually be very good and mature IF THEY TRIED TO BE. It's just that whenever i think of anime as a whole and in general; 'mature' and 'intelligent' was probably the furthest thing i could use to describe anime. Not that anime have to be intelligent and mature all the time to be good, but i would assume that if there were more series like those, maybe the general public can change their perceptions about the whole medium. Especially in the case of anime, because many and MANY of them never ever get a conclusive ending (berserk); either that or they completely deviate from the main story and fucked up the ending (claymore). To have a good story, no ending and bad ending is a big no no. From what I've seen, roughly 80% of anime series that i've seen are like that :C....Needless to say that there are abundant of non-mature ones which sometimes can be very misleading to non-anime people. (P.S manga>anime :D )

Unfortunately, not much studios nowadays are willing to experiment with original story and thus the reason why there's a lack of originality while huge amount of light novel and manga series made into anime adaption because it's less risky. :( :( :( Also.......I think we are deviating from the topic too much....XD)

It's true that there's an lack of serious anime this days, and that many (I would say most) mangas that get adapted get no ending or end with a filler, with generally sucks :/ No that an anime have to be mature to be good, as you said.
I too prefer manga :P

It's difficult to find something new that has no school, moe or harem. Yeah, i guess we deviated from the subject a little, haha :)
Jul 22, 2014 10:27 PM

Jan 2014
Yeah, really. None of the cast that matters has died. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it does confuse me as to why people give AoT the "all your favorite characters will die!" reputation when it really doesn't fit said reputation at all. At least, not yet.

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