Tensoku Social Club

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Displaying 5 of 8 topics | See All
Club Discussion
Kurihabara - Jan 1, 2012
35 repliesby Fraiiz-Wanderer »»
Nov 1, 2014 5:57 AM
Let's Make a Story...! ( 1 2 )
Fraiiz-Wanderer - Feb 15, 2012
97 repliesby Fraiiz-Wanderer »»
Oct 29, 2014 4:55 AM
Kill, Kiss, Hug, or Etc the person above you ( 1 2 3 )
Kurihabara - Jan 1, 2012
113 repliesby Fraiiz-Wanderer »»
Oct 29, 2014 4:53 AM
25 Members Events : "4Koma" Registration
Kurihabara - Feb 27, 2012
6 repliesby Fraiiz-Wanderer »»
Oct 28, 2014 1:52 PM
A B C lets play it under a tree
Kurihabara - Aug 23, 2012
15 repliesby Fraiiz-Wanderer »»
Oct 28, 2014 12:54 PM

Club Comments
Fraiiz-Wanderer | Nov 5, 2014 10:45 AM
just contact me if any of u had something to ask for,, this club is dead, but my prof is almost always alive...

Fraiiz-Wanderer | Oct 28, 2014 12:20 PM

i saw kurihabara in the park, he seem frustated about something but...
...but i sneaked up behind him anyway and...
i passed him but it seems something is wrong, is he going to hang himself ...
with quick steps,, Fraiiz try to stop kurihabara from doing something foolish like hang himself, and then...
but unfortunately it's too late for fraiiz to stop kurihabara from hanging himself, and kurihabara ended up in hell instead of heaven, but..
Fraiiz didn't care at all, Fraiiz said it's your own fault then, and enjoy your new life in hell...^^ huahahhaha
Then Koemii passes by and sees Kurihabara's dead body on the ground and...
try to give CPR to him, unfortunately it didn't work,, and then..
it seems koemi body doesn't feel well after giving a cpr to kurihabara, she's planning to go to the doctor but...
But instead she turns around and throws up on Fraiiz by accident. Koemii faints and...
no one care..! people just pass by as if they didn't see anyone, but Fraiiz gently help koemii and brought her to hospital, but...
a truck was coming at high speed, and the driver was drunk mistaking fraiiz as duck instead of man and hitting fraiiz resulting his brain was spilled into grounds but..
...but since Fraiiz was infront of a hospital, doctors were quickly by his side to try and help. After a few hours they...
figured out that it was really a duck, the real Fraiiz was safe somewhere else, all was because of Kurihabara bastard curse magic, but now...
Haha that was funny!
kurihabara wondered why people chasing him all of a sudden, while running he notice something from a far,it's a duck,no it's a plane, no it's fraiiz, so...
so in the end Kurihabara caught up his own curse, and as the result he always mistaking someone as a duck, a plane or Fraiiz,, Fraiiz himself who use a Barrier to reflect Kurihabara curse is safe in his house. n then..
And then the people who were chasing Kurihabara got tired of looking for him and found a duck instead. So they decided to have duck soup for dinner but...
but the duck has a new disease that can turn human into zombies and the world has gone into a state of emergency because of it, meanwhile fraiiz was...
Meanwhile fraiiz was on a journey to find Master XieJinhua in order to obtain the ultimate power to destroy the zombies, but...
but on his journey he found many zombie attack a village. n then..
'n then he bravely charge the hordes of zombies with only a fork in his left hand. Unfortunately...
unfortunately Fraiiz mistaking XieJinhua as his master, now he's in rage for seaching his true Master, n as the result those zombies were died once more in instant, n then...
then he continued walking to the west to find the Sacred Book, meeting a monk, a monkey, and a water buffalo on the way. Together they...
they fight evil for justice, n then
then one day they found a sleeping beauty in the middle of the forest. She was surrounded by millions of ants trying to eat her. Fraiiz suddenly...
Suddenly shocked but didn't care about her..! because Fraiiz was a Nijikon that only love animegirl^^ but Fraiiz still help her by give those ant a huge fly to eat instead of her body, n then she..
she turned into a short, cute, twin tailed, pettanko, tsundere anime girl with Kugimiya Rie's like voice. Seeing the sudden transformation, Fraiiz...
Fraiiz shocked, the girl mad at him and punch him for waking her beauty sleep, n then..
then he fainted, 'n became the sleeping uglyprince ever since. At that time, Koemi and Kuriha were...
Koemi and kuriha were training to beat the zombie, n then..
Fraiiz come n beat up XieJinhua to the near death, because he's cast a curse on Fraiiz to make Fraiiz mistaking him as Fraiiz Master, but then Fraiiz see Kurihabara n Koemii at lovely doley time, he decide to..
he decided to step forward and challenged Koemi to win Kurihabara's love (OMG!!)
Koemi accepted the challenge, and...
Fraiiz realize that he musnt cross that way, so he challenge Kurihabara to win Koemii Love instead..!! meanwhile Koemii...
Koemii was relieved that she did not have to fight Fraiiz because he is a good friend and she did not want to beat him up. So she watched Kurihabara and Fraiiz yell at eachother for a while, both scared to take the first hit but suddenly...
Kurihabara screamed in a high pitched sounds, turned his back on Fraiiz, started to cry while running away from Fraiiz. Can't stand to see this, Koemii...
At this moment, a mysterious figure cloaked in black comes and snatches Kurihabara away.
The mysterious figure turned out to be a giant bird and it took Kurihabara and flew away. Fraiiz scream and...
and started chasing the giant bird. Suddenly...
suddenly a plane passed by, the giant bird takes a glance and said "is this love at first sight". the giant bird dropped kurihabara and start chasing the plane, kurihabara was...
Was Died because he's fall from that high place, meanwhile because Fraiiz can't keep up with their speed, fraiiz began to think that kurihabara already died n he decide to call an ambulance n undertaker. but...
but actually Kurihabara was still alive. But it's all too late already, he was inside a coffin, buried deep under the ground when he regained consciousness. Then he...
Then he realized that he did die but came back to life as a zombie. So he dug his way out of the coffin. Once he was above ground he...
he crushed by a bulldozer n he died again, he only has a bunch of bones now, but now he become a skeleton, n then...
n then he decided to eat human because he is a skeleton now, but..
but he realized he doesn't have a digestive system since he doesn't have flesh anymore just bones so....
So he started to scream and cry. Suddenly he saw...
He saw an angel coming down from the sky, "I can save you", she said, "but you must tell me your deepest, most darkest secret".
And so he said....
kurihabara nods and the angels cast something out of the sky while chanting, but from a far fraiiz was running and suddenly kicked the angels in the face, while grinning fraiiz said...
Fraiiz Said, u moron Kurihabara..! that angel is impostor she's just a beggar that hanging around here lately, but instead of kill that imposter fraiiz give her...
give her a piece of bread, since Fraiiz knew that she was hungry. Then he and Kurihabara...
realized that something is not right, the imposter suddenly changed into godzilla, fraiiz and kurihabara was in shocked and shouted "GODZILLAAAA..." and then
A helicopter crashed in front of Fraiiz and Kurihabara. Admist the heli-debris out came 58 white kitties
But Fraiiz let Kurihabara take the hekicopter instead, n run toward the godzilla to tame her...! then he.
he suddenly transformed into an ultraman, having enough power to fight against the godzilla. The godzilla then...
then found a power booster to double his strength, but ultraman manages to..
overpower the godzilla using the power of earth. Suddenly Kurihabara was...
surprised when he was attacked by the 58 white kitties. As the kitties were mauling Kurihabara..
they were mauling him to a point to where he was beyond recognizable. he was later taken to a hospital where he
get a diagnosis of rabies, and must get injections, but one of the doctor was a spy from another planets..
And is about to stab him with a sharp object when..
when kurihabara about to get stabbed, Fraiiz already success tamed the godzilla n dont know kurihabara about to die, n then..
something mysterious happens and Kurihabara comes back to life and then...
he felt something strange within his body, when he see his...
stomach, he realizes he is mysteriously pregnant O.O. he then proceeds to...
surgery room taken with a group of doctors, but he realizes one of the doctors was kenshin_sama, and he freaked out because kenshin was an aliens that make him pregnants, and he...
he tried to run away. But suddenly the baby become so active that it could be born any seconds. Then Kurihabara...
cannot hold the pain anymore, so he burst out the baby and the baby was born safely, his name was, Kurihabara Chibi... but..
but Kurihabara Chibi suddently began to talk and...
and said to Kurihabara, "Your role is over. I dont need you anymore." Then Kurihabara Chibi...
Jumped out the window and ran down a dark alleyway...
Kurihabara confused stared at the dark alleyway and saw...

his father(the real Kurihabara) and they fight tremendously, and it become a bloody battle but..
but angels suddently appear out of nowhere to...
try and stop them from fighting, they fly down towards them and...
got killed by kurihabara, because he's so pissed off that time, Fraiiz really suprise n at that time..
Came out of the shadows to meet Kurihabara but...

Smith the Eagle happened to be flying by, and happened to have taken a dump n top of Kurihabara, he then...
Then Fraiiz fell to the ground laughing at Kurihabara. Suddenly Kurihabara...
try to drag everyone to his problem including katedadevil, Xtecoo n Koemii, n when they're in pinch..
they call out to Superman to come in and save the day. Instead the end up with someone who thinks nothing is going on as he pretends to be a mushroom caught on fire, later consumed by Mario and...
Then Mario acts weird because the mushroom was bad and turned into a giagantic ghoul and started rampaging around when suddenly...

Katedadevil get the attention of those around her and ask for a way to take the spotlight from Mario so..
Fraiiz shocked to know that katedadevil is a girl... 0: n dont know what to write on the comment, so..
Fraiiz stood still looking at Katedadevil as Mario was running toward him and then...
But actually fraiiz wasn't looking at Katedevil at all but behind Katedevil there was Kurihabara stealing his motorcycle and then Mario..
Mario Didnt Care at all...!! he just go straight to kurihabara and throw him to the magma pit of kamidori..
but mario tripped over a banana peel and kurihabara used his power to transform into a giant robot but suddenly...
he hurt his back while transforming and pass out immediately then after that...
Fraiiz Pass by and see Kurihabara but didnt care at all, after that..
is visited by a swarm of zombies with Kurihabara in their ranks moments later, they started gaining on Fraiiz before he found a way to...
kill them all and start to...
think is there's still someone alive here beside me...?
After looking around, he realized that...
no one alive, but still fraiiz think even if the club is mostly dead at least the users didnt die with it, n so...
i wouldn’t call this a story...

Fraiiz-Wanderer | Oct 28, 2014 11:48 AM
...that fu*king kurihabara... always claiming to be busy n shit..

Fraiiz-Wanderer | Aug 16, 2013 8:25 AM
just in case if someone still alive here,,
we're busy with college recently..
No Music No Future...

mushichik | Aug 15, 2013 2:12 PM
hey, way bored here anyone on?

Shiroyukihime | Oct 24, 2012 3:53 PM
@ Fraiiz : O_o oh ok then finished it and watch it >_<

absent T_T

Fraiiz-Wanderer | Oct 23, 2012 8:01 PM
@Shiro : my connection become slow again now so i havent finish download magi, i gonna watch it as soon as its finish downloading,

@Aoya : Okaeri,, are u high schooler..? have u watch magi..? what u think of it..?

i need to attend my session so i maybe i'll absent from club again,,

Shiroyukihime | Oct 23, 2012 5:24 PM
hahaha safe zone >_<
i try to watch it just curious about the chinese chara >_<
but for the op song is quiet good enough

Club Stats
Members: 101
Pictures: 24
Category: Other
Created: Dec 31, 2011

Club Staff
Kurihabara (President)
Cupcakes (Secretary)
Fraiiz-Wanderer (Secretary)
1Requiem (Officer)
AkitoSuzume (Officer)
Xtecoo (Officer)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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