Dec 3, 2017
Well... it was an interesting experience?
As someone who actually plays Heroes of the Storm regularly and knows fair share of Blizzard's multiverse lore I wish heroes would at least resemble their counterparts from games.
I just couldn't stand seeing Valla, or so called Lenneth here, being the way she was, I wouldn't call being flustered all the time suitable for someone who is known for ferocity and hatred after loosing her home village.
I do understand that creators had freedom with what they wanted to show, especially since series wasn't approved by Blizzard, however dampening characters with so much lore is kinda illogical to me, why
would you want to change something that's already liked by many? While so far I've been focusing mostly on Valla, the one that struck me the most was Nova, here called Natasha, probably because they based her character solely on what's been shown in trailer that's also remade to be first episode of the series, which makes her seem so dull, lacking any characteristic other than being seductive.
When it comes to the plot, it doesn't look much better, concept of underdog having some kind of special power was used so many times it's not appealing at all anymore.
What I do appreciate is however overall quality of animation, while many might not like the style I do appreciate the effort, that's been put to animate it all, excluding face animations which compared to the rest are lacking.
To sum it up, Feng Wei Ying Xiong is nothing special, it's interesting to see how other cultures see Blizzard's games but that's about it?
Would I watch it again? Probably not.
Would I recommend watching it? Well, not really. If you are really into Blizzard stuff and have too much time, go ahead watch it, be warned though, you might not like, what you'll see.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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