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Jun 1, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
Forgettable action and nothing else. How this got 12 volumes is beyond me. This is one of those series that's so generic it doesn't even need dialogue. All the characters are boring and lifeless making it impossible to get attached to anyone. Artwork is bad with most panels not even having backgrounds drawn. There's zero hook to the story. No need to worry about cliff hangers when there's no story to begin with. This type of generic fantasy is just an excuse to get monsters on every page so the MC can slash them in half. No build up at all for the fight scenes. ...
May 28, 2024
Rescue System (Manga) add
Preliminary (1/73 chp)
MC firefighter uses his cheat returner skills to become more powerful than Superman. This is about as absurd as actual Superman walking through a burning building and then receiving an award for most skilled firefighter. MC comes across as a complete scumbag since he's pretending to be a normal person while also using cheat skills making him better than firefighters who have trained their entire lives. The whole "risking your life" thing becomes meaningless in a story like this. Maybe if they had stuck with just a few skills then this story could have worked, but the idea of an all powerful superbeing competing against ...
May 25, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
Made it around 20 chapters before calling it quits. The story is just directionless. It's another boring school drama/returner/cheat story. MC literally explains the next scene before the scene happens which makes the whole thing repetitive and boring. MC can make any skill he wants with some convoluted point system that no one cares about. It's established in the first chapter that everyone in this story is an NPC so why should we care if any of these people die or get angry? Even though this is a very self aware manhwa, it still suffers from all the problems people complain about in this genre.
May 25, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
Obnoxious overpowered MC shows off his incredible powers. Typical power fantasy with zero stakes. MC literally has every power in the universe which is fun for about 10 seconds and then gets old. MC can destroy the entire planet and yet we are supposed to care about petty kingdom politics? Typical generic MC is smiling and laughing in every scene which ruins any type of suspense. The world-building is nonexistent since 100% of the story is focused on a single character. The manhwa is generic enough you could swap out entire chapters and not even notice. Definitely stay away from this one.
May 24, 2024
If you ever wanted a martial arts anime to fall asleep to then this is it. I would describe it as the opposite of Grappler Baki. Characters are emotionless cardboard cutouts. These dudes have one facial expression and literally look like boulders being pushed around. It's like they went through the characters and set their personality sliders to zero. The biggest sin of this show is that the fights have zero buildup. The tournament arc starts out of nowhere with a full roster of forgettable generic fighters. If you are looking for anime with hype moments then sadly you won't have any of that here.
May 23, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
The comedy here is extremely weak. So many missed opportunities for reverse isekai jokes and yet they do nothing with it. Is eating food that tastes good supposed to be comedy now? I have no idea what they were thinking with this manga. It's like they couldn't decide between boring isekai adventure and boring isekai romance. There's a lot of action but it's completely forgettable. The characters are silly but there are no jokes. If they actually developed the romance seriously this could have been interesting, but apparently fighting random monsters is where the entertainment is at. It's obvious they took zero risk with this ...
May 22, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
This might be the most unlikable MC I've ever seen. MC pretends to be weak and feeble while secretly being the most powerful warrior in the school. MC lets himself be bullied for apparently no reason at all. Why would the MC even need to attend school when he's so powerful? All the students and teachers hate his guts because he's too nice? This type of forced drama is completely ridiculous and ruins the character. This could have been an entertaining underdog story where he rises up after getting bullied, but nope, he is already a god from the first chapter without explanation.
May 21, 2024
Preliminary (1/? chp)
Page-for-page copy of every isekai released in the past decade. It's so derivative you would think there is a copy-and-paste factory pumping these things out. Overpowered MC pretends to be weak while starting his new life as an adventurer. This is bottom of the barrel power fantasy. The story has no hook whatsoever. At least with farming isekai you get to see what crops they grow, but here there is nothing. We are forced to follow around the generic MC as he punches monsters and meets girls. Where is the mystery? Where is the world-building? I won't say it's the worst isekai, but it's definitely ...
May 21, 2024
This is actually incredible. It's an adult seinen fantasy about setting traps! Artwork is great. It's fast paced with zero filler. All the characters are likeable. MC is smart but not overpowered. There's tons of fanservice but without any boring "harem drama" dragging the story down. It's refreshing getting a manga that's absolutely brutal but remains fun throughout the entire series. It's too bad it's only 4 volumes but they do tell a complete story which is great. Really don't have a single negative thing to say about it. Highly recommended to anyone who is tired of boring kid friendly isekai.
May 21, 2024
Only 3 volumes and yet incredibly painful to get through. Random people download an app and then beat up a giant chicken... I have no clue what the author was thinking with this. The mix of Bleach style action and weird coming-of-age story doesn't mix well at all here. The plot is just random science fiction nonsense that never gets developed. The emotionless, depressing teen characters come across as completely unlikable. These characters needed a ton more personality and expression in order to pull off this type of drama. The action scenes aren't terrible, but you could say that about 10,000 other manga as well.

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