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  • Volumes


May 10, 2017
Pakutto (All reviews)
Keep in mind when you're reading reviews, how many chapters the reviewer has read. This is displayed in the top right corner of their review. You'll notice for THIS manga - that higher reviews are often made by people who have read fewer chapters. This is because they haven't gotten far enough to realize how disappointing this manga really is.

The outcome of a manga can almost be more important than the journey - but in this case, I couldn't even muster through the journey. Everything began quite clever - but ultimately turned into ridiculous plot twists, unanswered questions, and so much fan service that I read more
Feb 2, 2015
KawaiiAeon (All reviews)
If you don't have followers, you die.

At first when I started readin the manga, I thought— ‘What the hell! Is this another versiomln of SAO except that it has nothing to do with swords?’ But 3 chapters into the manga and I was proven wrong. It does not revolve around a single game, it is a social trap. REAL ACCOUNT is a social networking site where having followers is a must.

Just so you all are not confused, I would like to tell you that the manga has 2 volumes right now. Volume 1 has 10 chapters and the protagonist is Kashiwagi Ataru. Volume 2 has read more

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