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  • Manga Score: 7.63
  • Author: MIZU SAHARA
  • Publisher: Coamix Inc.
  • Volumes: 2
  • DB title: Itsuya-san
  • Rating: 10 and up
  • Genres: SupernaturalSeinen
Manga Database


*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


  • Volumes


Nov 10, 2016
Desquolor (All reviews)

Spanning 9 chapters, it’s no wonder such a beautiful manga such as Itsuya-San could be overlooked. Nonetheless, I can’t believe that no one has written a review for this series yet. Don’t let the series length or deceptively simple summary fool you – what we have here is a deeply introspective piece that will warm your heart and leave you yearning for more.

Yumeka Sumomo is exceedingly talented at creating pungent shorts that quickly cement themselves in your heart. I’m dumbfounded as to how such a short series could be filled to the brim with so many insightful moments. All the characters are read more
Dec 16, 2018
Zaigham_69 (All reviews)
Story 10/10
Getting tired of reading all of the top rated and critically acclaimed manga, I decided to try something underrated My decision was certainly correct as I was captured by this manga's beauty since the first few pages. The main thing I loved about this manga was the gripping story. It had a very interesting take on supernatural abilities and did a marvelous job at describing the pain of losing a loved one and what lengths a parent is able to go through for their child. Familial bonds, emotional instability, and love were all perfectly portrayed in this short, yet beautiful story and left me read more

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