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Peach Girl

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


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Aug 18, 2007
Auroradreamer (All reviews)
This manga is a must read for all romance lovers! This manga has a fantastic story line and it is very compelling. You'll fall in love with the characters, and hate the others making it an amazing manga. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll want to punch Sae over and over again. The only thing I don't like about this manga is how the mouths are drawn, but that is no reason to not read this manga. So what are you waiting for go read this!
Jan 16, 2013
rodentqween99 (All reviews)
I remember the first time I read this manga, I was about 10 years old. I thought it was brilliant and hilarious, and loved every panel of it. But after reading it now, I can see so many flaws in not only the storyline, but also the characters.

The story itself is a unique idea, but is poorly executed. Most of the chapters consist of Momo complaining about how people view her as a slut and isolate her because of her tan skin. Not only is this highly unrealistic, but brought to the utmost extreme. Let me explain what I mean.

Most people might think of her read more

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