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Ogami-san Can't Keep It In

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


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Jan 8, 2019
Cheeo (All reviews)
Pleasantly surprised by the end of the first chapter. It's an interesting concept that made me want to keep reading. I like the art style, too. Kinda reminds me of Naoshi Komi's art style in Nisekoi.

With the nature of this type of comedy I sometimes see artists draw very hectic panels, which is fine but sometimes I get a bit confused at what I'm looking at and loose track a bit. So I'm glad this is still funny without it.

I'd say the overall feel of it is like, 'Love at Fourteen' where there's no bigger story or climax but just a fun little ride
Dec 22, 2020
rti9 (All reviews)
Starts strong, but after the first third, the story gets weaker and weaker. It feels like the author spent all time and energy on this great concept, but later has no idea what to do with it.

The best part of this manga are the main characters. Oogami Meiko is a sexually curious teenager with lots of imagination. This makes her feel extremely awkward and she ends up feeling severe guilt and shame. This alone could have carried this manga. It is hard to find such interesting characters with such depth. Unfortunately, later in the story the focus of the story steers away from her and read more

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